fnnual Installation Night
Will Be Held
at Rackhtam May
Newly Named
Activity Heads
To Be Honored
Installation of All Officers
In Suits Reveal
Mannish Styles
WAA Bowling
Contest Closes
Covitt, Ketcham Turn in High
Scores To Win Tournament
To Include Members of WAA,
War Council, Junior Project This Spring the smart, young Hab-
erdasher look in the latest style for
those who like to be the first to
Designed to announce the appoint- t t hthb th t t-
ment of those women who will occupy try a new thing. The smooth town-
key positions in campus activities for suit, tailored rather formally, of stiff,
the season 1945-46, Installation Night hard-surfaced men's-wear fabric (in
will be held at 8 p. m. (EWT) Mon- monotones, hound's-tooth checks, or
day, May 7, in Rackham Auditorium.
Installation of all officers will take1 ,tripes) is just about tops for a
place at that time. Positions which base.
the newly appointed officers will hold Then to dress it up are gay, smart
include executives and members of accessories-a springtime white car-
Women's War Council, Judiciary nation; a gold safety pin, greatly
Council, junior positions on Women's exaggerated, pinned to a pure silk
War Council, Judiciary Council aides square of India print; a man's slick,
and members of Women's Athletic black Malacca-handled umbrella, an
Board. exhibition-version of a man's little
Others To Be Installed
Also to be announced and installed
will be officers of Assembly Associa-
tion and Panhellenic Council,
Women's Glee Club, USO and mem-
bers of Soph Project and Junior Pro-
ject central committees.
Speaker for the annual event will
be Mary Hayden, '42, who has re-
cently returned from 28 months of
overseas service with the American
Red Cross. Miss Hayden will relate
some of her interesting and varied
experiences to the Installation Night
Scholarships Awarded
Dean Alice C. Lloyd will present
three Ethel McCormick scholarships
to be awarded to outstanding women
on campus. These have been estab-
lished by the ever-busy League So-
cial Director who is affectionately
known as "Miss Mac" to the entire
student body.
Tapping wvill be carried out by the
senior honor societies, Mortarboard.
Senior Society and Scroll. In keep-
ing with a time-honored campus
tradition, new members of these
groups will join the ranks of their
older fellow members at Installation
Pledges To Hold Tea
Pledges of Delta Gamma sorority
will hold a tea from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
EWT (2 p.m. to 4 p.m. CWT) today
for the pledges of all other sororities.
Joan Read is in charge of the
arrangements and to assist her is a
committee composed of Jean Flood,
Jerry Gaffney, Delight Scoville, and
Sally Stimpson.
shirt collar-clasp; brisk and natty
button gloves; and to make the out-
fit complete, a flat-top sailor hat.
Maybe each element may seem
mannish, but actually you will look
extremely feminine, because the suit
is cut with a girlish figure well in
mind. The jacket is a dream with
its smooth, broad shoulders and its
nipped-in waist, and the full, easy
shirt is flared just enough.
So if you want to be a crackling-
crisp, smart and pretty, fine, young
dandy, it's the Haberdasher look for
you this Spring!
Mr. and Mrs. Orville N. Stone of
Cleveland Hts., O. have announced
the engagement of their daughter,
lucy Isabelle to Lt. George A. Leon-
ard, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Todd
Leonard, also of Cleveland Hts.
Miss Stone is a member of Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority.
Lt. Leonard attended Western Re-
serve University before entering the
Army Air Forces. While there he was
affiliated with Delta Kappa Epsilon
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Johnston of
Detroit have announced the engage-
nent of their daughter, Gloria, to
Corporal William R. Winn, U. S. A.
A. F.
Miss Johnston is a freshman and a
member of Alpha Gamma Delta sor-
ority. The engagement was revealed
at a tea at the chapter house.
The WAA individual elimination
bowling tournament was won by
Frances Covitt, with Mary Ketchain
as runner-up.
Miss Ketcham turned in high score
for the entire tournament, in which
72 people participated, with 176 in
the semi-final round.
At the close of the tournament
Friday, the alleys in the WAB were
closed for the season. The alleys
were re-opened this year after being
reconditioned by the Physical Edu-
cation department of the University,
and were manned by a group of
fifty volunteer pin-setters recruited
by the WAA bowling club.
"We were very glad to be able to
open the alleys this year, and I would
like to compliment and thank the
pin-setters whose work made it pos-
sible," Dorothy Flint, bowling man-
ager, said.
WAA Notices
Badminton: 8:15 p. m. Wednesday,
1:30 p. m. Saturday at Barbour Gym.
Tennis Club: Instruction Period at
5 p. m. Friday. Meeting at 9 a. m.
Saturday on the courts.
Lacrosse: 4:30 p. m. Wednesday at
the WAB.
Archery Club: 4:30 p. m. Thursday
at the WAB.
Crop and Saddle: 6 p. m. Thursday
n front of Barbour Gym.
Camp Counselors Club: 7:15 p. m.
Wednesday at the WAB.
Swim Club: Members will hold a
Splash Party Saturday at 10:15 a. m.
ADPi Wins Contest
Collecting an average of 39 empty
cigarette packages per girl, Alpha
Delta Pi sorority won the drive
sponsored by Panhel-Assembly Ball
in conjunction with the paper sal-
vage drive.
The award was presented after
intermission at the Ball, and it was
announced that over 5,000 packages
were collected.
Winners of the Badminton Tour-
nament are Evelyn Shurrer and Mary
Driver, according to Badminton Man-
ager May Allen.
Houses To Meet
In Convention
On Panhel Night
Dean Lloyd To Address Group;
Registrar To Present Awards
For War Work, Scholarship
Large convention signs bearing
either the name of the house or a
picture of their pin or seal will iden-
tify sorority delegations as they en-
ter Panhellenic Convention at 7:301
p. m. EWT tomorrow in Rackham
Each group will sing their own sor-
ority songs as they enter the hall,'
and singing, will continue until the
convention is called to order. The
convention theme will be carried out
in every part of the program of this
year's Panhel Night.
Activities Recognized
Presentation of the Scholarship
Cup, an award for academic achieve-
ment, will be made by Registrar Ira
Smith. Three individuals, a senior,
junior, and sophomore will receive
war activities participation awards.
An award will also be presented to
the sorority which had the best over-
all wgr activities record during the
1944-45 year.
Dean Alice C. Lloyd will address
sorority women on the subject of "The
New Challenge to Sorority Leader-
ship." The results of formal rush-
ing will be announced by Peggy
Laubengayer, '45 B. AD., president of
Panhellenic Association, and Jo Liv-
ermire, '45, rushing chairman.
Kappas To Sing
As winners of the 1944 Lantern
Night Ceremony, Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma sorority will sing 'Drink to Those
Kappa Memories" at the Convention.
A traditional function, Panhel
Night is held annually to honor affil-
iated women and replaces the Pan-
hellenic Banquet which was held
annually at the League before the
war. Sororities will hold special din-
ners at their respective houses this
year, preceding the Panhellenic Con-
Committee chairmen for this sec-
ond annual Panhel Night include
Jean Gaffney, general chairman; Jo
Simpson, patrons; Jean Morgan,
finance; Beverly Wittan, program ar-
rangements; Rita Auer, publicity; and
Dorothy Wantz, programs.
USO Director
To Leave Post
Mrs. Robert A. Burton, director cf
the USO Club since its establishment
at Barris Hall in December, 1943,
will leave May 1 to take the position
of social director at Vievienne Farms
on the Huron River.
Before taking over her duties as
director of the USO, Mrs. Burton
served as chaperon at Alpha Omicron
Phi and Allen-Rumsey House. As
director she has had charge of the
running of the club, planning recre-
ational activities, and supervising the
selection of Junior Hostesses and
the work of other volunteers. She
will be replaced by Mrs. Dorothy
Continuing as assistant director
will be Mrs. Samuel A. Schrecken-
gaust (Barbara Starr), who has just
returned from a leave of absence
which began in August, 1944. During
Mrs. Schreckengaust's absence, Miss
Jessie Hogue acted as assistant direc-
Tryouts for the Soph Cabaret floor
show have been completed and the
cast was announced yesterday by
Ruth McMorris, floor show chairman.
Speaking parts have been assigned
to Ann Lippencott, Glenna Baratta,
Marilyn Holtom, Barbara Dewey,
Charlotte Bobrecker and Rosalie
Spence. These coeds will comprise
the main cast of the show.
Members of the supporting oast
will be Fay Lorden, Marion Wil-
lard, Jane Schoff, Shirley Hyman,
Ann Partney, Vera, Zinkievich,
Janet Barber, Lois Kelso, Sue
Sedgwich, Rosalie Yantz and Cora
The following women have been
given dancing parts in the Cabaret
show: Joan Schlee, Joan Kennedy,
Patricia Heustis, Lennis Britton,
Nancy Hubbard, Dottie Wait, Marion
Sharkey, Lucy Stone, Collie Ide, Ann
Hanselman, Audrey Ann Lowe, Pris-
cilla Hicks, Lynn Kirk, Jean Louise
Hole, Kay Johnson, Helen Morely,
Margo Brietmeyer, Jean Kerr, Marge
Stone, Jean Moore, Beverly Ritchey,
Dorothy Baker and Sue Genthe.
Singing roles will be taken by
Patricia Heustis, Rose Derderian,
Barbara Sisson, Shirley Hansen,
Bobbie Burns, Peggy Matthews,
Janet Morgan, Jean Craig, Joy
Fries, Jean Louise Hole and Janet
The singing chorus list continues
with Harriet Atwood, Lois Cothran,
Jessie May Ahrens, Phyllis Knight,
Dorothy Cooper, Jean Morris, Ferne
L episto, Marion Sharkey, Lennis
Britton, Robin Scherer and Dotti6
Floor show cigarette girls will be
Martha McCray, Dorothy Edgar,
Grace Lathrop, Ann Hanselman,
Joan Kennedy and Helen Gillett.
'Cheer leader' parts have been given
Margie Robinson, Patricia Hayes ard
Shirley Helman.
The mock band will be made up
cf the following coeds: Jean David-
son, Jean Evans, Joan Lamberg,
Jean Morris, Lois Cothran, Kath-
erine Truesdell, Elaine Yokum and
Scottie Hoffman.
Betty Leavitt has been appointed
make-up chairman for the floor
show. Any sophomore women inter-
ested in working on the make-up~
committee are asked to call Miss
Leavitt, 21347.
All of the above floor show cast
and all floor show committee mem-
bers are asked to attend a meeting
at 3 p.m. EWT (2 p.m. CWT) Tues-
day in the League. There will be a
mass meeting at 5 p.m. EWT (4 p.m.
CWT) tomorrow in the League for
the dancing and singing groups only.
Rooms for both meetings will be
posted on the League bulletin board.
Soph Cabaret Floor Show Cast,
Chorus Members Are Announced
New Officers
From Sigma Delta Tau comes the
announcement of its newly elected
officers. The new president is Jane
Hoffberg, while Janet Rubin is the
vice-president. Serving as secretary
is Betty Kamens, and Jane Strauss
as treasurer.
Other officers are social chairman,
Jean Pines, and rushing chairman,
Beverly Wittan, while Shirley Sauter
takes over the house manager's re-
sponsibilities. Gertrude Chertoff is
the new historian.
Alpha, Gamma Delta sorority re-
cently installed officers for 1945-46.
Martha Lovett is the new presi-
dent, while Gloria Kishpaugh is first
vice-president, and Del Moniuszko
holds the combined offices of second
vice-president and scholarship chair-
man. Elizabeth Quinn and Eleanor
Gordon are recording and corre-
sponding secretaries, respectively.
Other officers are Dorothy J. Con-
go, who fills the post of treasurer,
Nancy Tressel, rushing chairma,
and Mary Haggerstrom, house man-
ager. Naomi Buehler will handle
activities, Elaine Andrews will be
social chairman, and Lois Kelso will
handle publicity in the capacity of
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