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April 29, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-29

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SUN~DAY, APRIL 29, 1945


Surrender Reports Speed
Work at Peace Conference

Efforts of Delegates Are.
Afampered by Oratory, Routine
By The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO, April 28.-The Foreign Commissar Molotov to the
United Nations Conference, plodding end that Russia agreed to side-
through more words than work, seiz- tracking a Polish issue?
ed on world-wide rumors of a Ger- The decks were cleared for quick
man surrender bid, today as an in- action next week on more organiza-
centive for speed in hammering to- tional matters. And the Big Four
gether a plan for permanent peace. sponsoring nations-Russia, Britain,
Delegates split their time between China and the United States-evi-
listening to two sessions of. formal dently will have to wrestle at an
speech-making and clustering in early moment with the insistence of
groups to go over the unconfirmed lesser powers on a heavier voice in
reports that the Nazis had offered moulding peace.
to yield unconditionally to the United The small nations' pressure al-
States and Britain and were turned ready has been felt. It brought a-
down because Russia was omitted. bout expansion of the conference's
Many suggested the time was executive committee from 11, to 14
ripe for sarrefder, now that Allied members. Now they appear bent on
armies from the east and west have getting the same increase in the
joined in Germany. And the~y took . etn h ae nraei h
Joiedin eran. Ad hest O~ Imembership of a proposed World
heed of urgent pleas of some of Security Council-the instrumental-
their leaders that "we must not ity which would be empowered to use
delay." armed force to prevent war.
Secretary of State Stettinius de- The conference has:
ine to conrm or deny te surren- Split up its chairmanship among
der rumors. the sponsoring nations and given
"Ask President Truman, or Secre- the chairmanship of the key steer-
tary of War Stimson," he told re- ing and executive committees to
parters' Secretary of State Stettinius.
Thus far the major accomplish- Sceayo tt ttini otes
ment of the conference, which op- Agreed to give Russia three votes-
ened last Wednesday, has been thein the General Assembly of a pro-
attainment of harmony on the sur- jected international organization and
face. Looking ahead, representatives shelved a Russian request that the
of 4.6 nations are focusing on an old Polish government at Warsaw be
issue now assuming greater promi- given representation here.
nence-a demand of smaller coun- Polished off most of its formal
tries for a bigger break in shaping oratory.
peace. I As for those two questions about
And still on the lips of delegates the Soviets, Molotov himself has
are two puzzling questions about given the only available explanation
Russia for which they have found for greater Russian pliancy. He
no definite answer: withdrew a demand that Stettinius
1. What calmed the Russians have only minor powers over the
down, what worked the overnight steering and executive committees,
change that brought harmony out he said, in the interests of inter-
of discord? national accord and the common
2 What did Premier Stalin tell good.

Dewey Speaks
On Jie ruational
Court ofJustice
Terms It 'Heart and
Soul' of Peace Efforts
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 28. - Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey declared tonight
the proposed Court of International
Justice to be discussed at the San
Francisco World Security Conference
was "the heart and soul of all our
efforts" for peace.
"If we do not lift our eyes and our
hopes to the higher level of settle-
ment of disputes by legal process, we
have made little progress away from
international rule by force alone,"
the 1944 Republican presidential
ncminee said in an address prepared
for delivery at the 48th annual ban-
quet of the American-Irish Historical
Four Main Steps
The work of the conference, Dewey.
said, will be divided into four main
steps. "The first will deal with the
preamble and statement of princi-
ples, the second with the assembly
and its powers, the third with the
council and the fourth with the per-
manent Court of International Jus-
Dewey said the first three had been
discussed widely. "I believe," he add-
ed, "that the fourth major part of
the San Francisco Conference, of
which we have heard so little, is the
part which will finally determine
whether we have succeeded in start-
ing down th true road to the final
abolition of war.
Conscience of Mankind
"For the world court is the con-
science of mankind determining, un-l
der principles of justice, the disputes.
which otherwise wculd bring down
on us another holocaust."

Frost Destroys Orchards
In Western Michigan
Sweet Cherries Completely Wiped Out;
Peach, Apple Crops Damaged by Late Freeze
{By The Associated Press "t-ees was far advanced by unseason-
LANSING--Frost described by ob- able warm weather in March.
rservers as perhaps the worst -ver o The weather bureau Saturday af-
isit western Michigan in April spread ternoon forecast another killing frost
devastation through many early- for lower Michigan Sunday morning,
'udding orchards early yesterday. but said temperatures would be
Officials of the federal state crop slightly higher near Lake Michigan.
reporting service at Lansing said it ----_--
vculd be Monday or Tuesday before 1 *
:he full damage to the fruit crop Ed in!of
could be estimated.
R1ports from the growing areas,
icwever, indicated a complete loss
If the sweet cherry crop, and partial
damage to peaches and apples.4 W illow 1u
Temperatures as low as 22 degrees
were recorded in the Berrien-Van By The Associated Press
Buren County fruit belt, while far-
ther north, near Muskegon, the low WASHINGTON, April 28.-No war
zmark was 26 degrees. production now is in sight for the
I Widespread Damage giant Willow Run bomber plant when
Van Buren vineyard owners re- lroduction of B-24s is discontinued.
ported grape damage as high as 90 This was disclosed today by the
j: ar cent, and strawberry growers in Army Air Forces during a meeting
the South Haven area, as well as in ArmyladrsForedUingdA me g
Berrien County, reported a total loss with leaders of the United Automo-
of that crop. bile Workers (CIO), who came to
Growers in the Muskegon-Neway- Washington in an effort to determine
go-Oceana County areas reported the the plant's possible tueure use.
frost almost completely destroyed the Brig.-Gen. Frederick Hopkins, Jr.,
buds of Delicious apple trees while
loss among other varieties ranged of the AAF, it was learned, told the
from 25 to 50,per cent. . laboir leaders that nothing now is in
The sweet cherry crop in this area sight for the plant, and that there is
was regarded as a total loss, as it only a "remote possibility" that
was in the Traverse City region, but something will turn up.
part of the sour cherry crop survived Production of B-24 Liberators in
the low temperatures. the Ford-operated Willow Run plant
Early strawberries were virtually is scheduled to be halted by Aug. 1.
destroyed in Oceana County, but pea- In the meantime, the plant will op-
ches and apples there were reported orate on a reduced production sched-
not damaged severely. In Newaygo ule.
County some damage to apple buds Those who attended the meeting
was indicated. included William McAulay, regional
Early Spring Blamed UAW-CIO director, and Brendan
Orchards were especially vulner- Sexton, president of the Willow Run
able to the frost since budding of the Local, No. 50.



{AP wirepnoto by radio from Moscow)
Captain of Guards Fedor Lipatkin, commander of a tank, element of
the Russian Army, hoists a Red banner on a balcany of a house in a2
captured block of Berlin. Caption on this Russian photo says Lipatkin's
tanks have traversed whole road from Stalingrad to capital of Hitlerite
Germans Parade Across Elbe
River Surrenderin to Yanks




LOST: Red and black Shaeffer pen.
Owner's name indented on surface.
Call Faith Simpson, 2-3225.
LOST: April 25, 2:30 p. m. between
library and Parrot. Black and white
Parker pen with name stamped on
it. Call Anne Hackett 6082.
LOST: Maroon eversharp pen, gold
clip-top between Angell a n d
League, Saturday morning. Jean
Mitchell, 2-2591. Reward.
LOST: Black, shell-rimmed glasses
Thursday morning. Reward. Call
Michigan Daily.
FOR SALE: Size 35 complete single
breasted tuxedo. Call 25201 after
4 p.m.
sale. Complete set including green
blouse size 36 and tropical wor-
sted summer blouse size 35. Call
at 217 N. State St. any evening.
HELP WANTED: Waiter to work 10
hours a week for 12 meals per
week. Phone 4489. 604 E. Madison.
WANTED: Boy to help another boy
in small league house. Easy work
and good pay. Telephone 4701.

Associated Press Correspondent
IN GERMANY-The Germans
started a parade and now it's only a
matter of time untilsthat Lieutenant
shows up on this side of the Elbe
The General was German. He came
across the river in a rowboat under
a white flag and insisted he wanted
only to arrange the surrender of some
wounded soldiers and to transport
some civilians to this side.
Loath to Return
But when the American officers re-
fused to deal unless all enemy soldiers
in the vicinity surrendered, the
Wehrmacht officer seemed loath to
return. Under the rules of land war-
fare, he had a perfect right to re-
turn since he had come under a
flag of truce.
Slowly he walked to the river bank.
On the other side he had only angry
Gestapo and Storm Troopers, or else
the approaching Russians to face
and neither prospect seemed likelyI
to lead to a ripe old age.
Finally he made his decision-to
remain on this side of the river as a
prisoner of war.
Colonel Decides
Time passed and another boat bear-
ing a white flag appeared. It was a
Wehrmacht Colonel sent to see what
had happened to the General. They
told him. Thoughtfully he considered
the situation. Then he too decided it
would be healthier to stay on this side
and asked permission to surrender.
It was accepted.
A short time later a third boat was
rowed across. A Major had been sent
to see what had happened to the
Colonel. After talking to his super-
ior officers he also decided to cash
in the return half of his roundtrip,
Captain Appears
By the time the tired looking Wehr-
macht Captain showed up, grinning
GI's were laying odds as to how far
"surrender through channels" would
go. Naturally the Captain was look-
ing for the Major and naturally he
too voted in favor of staying on the
"safe side of the river."
"It's only a matter of time now un-
til that Lieutenant gets here," laughed
a Sergeant on the river bank.
One- general reached Allied hands
without surreindering. He was a
highranking Gestapo official who had
been given general officer status in

the Wehrmacht in order to help keep
army men in line. When things got
too hot he doffed his uniform, sneak-
ed through the lines and posed as a
civilian police officer in a German
town U. S. troops had occupied.
Identified by Papers
He had burned most of his papers
before he was picked up but enough
were left to identify him definitely.
He remained cocky during the first


Strikers Win at
DETROIT, April 28-(IP)-The Kel-
sey-Hayes Wheel Company, scene of
two strikes within less than three
weeks, agreed today to abide by a gov-
ernment agency's order to rehire 13
discharged men but "only in the in-
terest of war production."
Management asked the War Labor
Board in Washington to review its
regional board's order, claiming the
directive was "interfering with man-
agement obligations to maintain dis-

. ,

part of the questioning, even when
certain atrocities in which he was OP N IN G MAY FI S
believed implicated were .mentioned. 0 E I G M A F I R T
When asked if he had any idea how
many thousands of human beings he to serve
had been responsible for killing, he
shrugged his shoulders and replied:
"I merely did my duty as a Gestapo
officer.:ec'pf ee
Nazi Pales
A little later, however, he under-
took to justify and even minimize
Gestapo tactics. Despite his careful
control he paled slightly when rem-
nants of the uniforms of some tortur-
ed and slain political prisoners were COME AND GET 'EM!
displayed before him.
But it was not until mention was The DONUT BOW L
made of his family still in GermanyB v L
that he completely lost his poker- 1319 South University Avenue
faced calm. He begged questioning
officers not to reveal that he had
talked or else not to connect him with, ___--
his family back in the Reach. They
asked him what difference it would
"The Gestapo," literally stuttered
the erstwhile Gestapo chief, "you
can't conceive what they would do
to them."


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