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April 28, 1945 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-28

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Track Squad Cops Sprint,DistanceRe ay s
*0 Wolverines Outrun Best
Michigan Nine Downs Notre Dame Teams From The East
Marne and Blue GanisjSeventh QIIJohison, Thomason, Parsons, the Humiies,
Maize and BlueLGaii._SeventhI_. (""t_.______i


Straight Victory with 64. Win1
Louthen NotcIhes flhird Triu ph, Fans Ten,;
Rosenia Leads Attack with Triple and Single
Michigan's high-riding b seball team trampled the Irish of Notrej
Dame yesterday at South Bend in the first tilt of a two-game series, 6-1,
behind the steady pitching of Ray Louthen.{
Louthen bested two Notre Dame hurlers while striking out ten opposing
batters and giving up seven scattered hits.;
Michigan was never headed during - - ----
the contest, scoring two runs in the Weisenburger, who fumbled a hard-
fourth and sewed up the gaime with ht grounder from the bat of Neill
four markers in the ninth inning. IKelly.
Itosema Triples Stewarit Blows Up
Bill Gregor, veteran left fielder, Notre Dame's relief pitcher, Jack
opened the scoring in the fourth Stewart, who came to the aid of Jack
frame with a single that was followed Barnett in the fifth inning, blew up
by first sacker Tom Rosema's long in the final frame when he served up
triple. Then rookie second baseman ,ingles to Gregor, Rosema, Louthen,I
Dom Tomasi singled to bring Ros- Bob Stevenson, and Walt Kell. Hes
ema across for the second run of the also aided the Wolverine cause by
inning. walking Tomasi' and committing a
These two runs proved to be the balk, all of which accounted for four
winning margin as the Irish could runs.
muster only one tally on Captain Lefty Bo Bowman, veteran hurler
Frank Gilhooley's triple and an er- from last year's squad, will see action
ror by Michigan's short stop Jack in the second game of the series to-
day. He has been suffering from a
bad shoulder and if it should fail
Lucky even to hold up, Coach Ray Fisher will:
._end Jack Peddy into the game. F

Witherspoon, anihepard Are te 1.laiis
By The AssociatedAPressr e
PHILADELPHIA, April 27-Two Parsons and Bob Hume won the dis-
University of Michigan relay teams tance college medley relay champion-
grabbed victories today as the Penn ship of America, covering the dis-
Relays got under way here. tance in 10 minutes, 35 2/10 seconds.
Michigan Takes U.S. Crown N ,ew York University took second,
The Wolverine quartet of Orval Villanova third and Columbia fourth.
Johnson, Robert Thomason, Archie The Michigan team of George
______Shepard, Orval Johnson, James
Witherspoon and Ross Hume captur-
W olver its, N et ed the sprint medley college relay
championship of America in 3 min-
t:utes 30 8/10 seconds. The U. S.
Military Academy took second and
New York University third.
"O Lidman Wins
Illinois TOd lY Haakan Lidman, the speedy Swed-
ish hurler, breezed to an easy victory
Michigan Favored To Iin the first outdoor race of his Amer-
ican tour. Lidman wasn't extended
Repeat '44 Illini Rout as he won the invitation 120-yard
Michigan's tennis squad will face high hurdles by a ten yard margin
aover Leland Christensen of Army in
the University of Illinois this after- 14.4 seconds, one tenth of a second
rioon at Champaign, in its second slower than the relay carnival record.
meet of the season against Big Ten Off to a slow start, Lidman took
competition. the lead at the third barrier and :in-
The Wolverine netters are out to creased it with every stride. Christen-
repeat last year's performance against sen barely beat out Morris Wilson of
the Illini which took the form of a Delaware State with two other West
9-0 shellacing in a dual meet with
Northwestern. The possibility of a adets, ndg Lamar ar
victory over the Orange and Blue is Hartwig bringing up the rear.
great, since Coach Le Roy Weir's
team is composed mainly of return- League-Leadino
ing lettermen.
The only alteration in the line-up Gia ts O ne
will be the addition of Roy Boucher' I ils 1 1 n-
as number six singles player. Bou-;/
Cher (lid not compete in singles coin- W in
petition against Purdue because the CS Also v
Boilermakers were represented by
only five singles men and two doubles
teams. Voiselle Blanks Dodgers
Coach Weir's opposition to the Il-

CHIEF SPECIALIST Bob Feller, former Cleveland fireball Pitcher now
coaching the Great Lakes naval baseball team, shouts instruction to his
charges at Dyche Field, Evanston, Il., as they met Northwestern Uni-
versity in a -practice game. Great Lakes won, 12 to 2.

M[CHIGAN . .004 200 004-6 9 1
Notre Dame ... .000 100 000-1 7 3}
LOST: Red Waterman pen April 20
between Kellogg Auditorium and
Daily. Call Lynn Shapiro, 8598.
LOST: Red and black Shaeffer pen.
Owner's name indented on surface.
Call Faith Simpson, 2-3225. !
LOST: Near Engineering Arch.
Child's wrist purse containing un-
finished hand made ring. Call
6079 or leave at 205 W. Eng. Bldg.
LOST: April 25, 2:30 p. in. between
library and Parrot. Black and white4
Parker pen with name stamped on'
it. Call Anne Hackett 6082.
LOST: Boy's Macomber high school7
ring. Initials K. A. K. on inside of
ring. Lost in State Theatre. Sen-;
timental value. Reward. Call M.
M. Weeks. 2-2565.
FOUND: Schaeffer Lifetime pen
near Rackham. Contact D. Goris,
LOST: The chance of your life if
you don't see the Junior Girls' Pro-
Get your tickets now for fifty cents
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
box office for this musical comedy.
Friday, April 27th, and Saturday,
April 28th, 'Take It from There!'
WANTED: Boy to help another boy
in small league house. Easy work
and good pay. Telephone 4701.

Michigan Scores Six
The Wolverines scored six runs off
of nine hits and three errors while
Notre Dame made one tally on their
seven hits.
Coach Fisher will prime his squad
after returning to Ann Arbor for
tilts with the University of Detroit
and the all important games with
Minnesota, which might decide the
Big Ten championship.
I-M Softball
League Hits
Second Round
'Eligibility Rules Must
Be Observed,' Liebee
Twelve of the twenty teams enter-
ed in the Intra-Mural softball league
saw action last Saturday as the pro-
gram opened its season at Palmer
First Round Scores
The results of the first games are
as follows: Western League-Orioles
7, Bartel's Nine 1; Ramblers 11,
Robert Owen Co-op 7; Eastern
League-Lawyer's Club 14, Phi Alpha
Kappa 1; Phi Rho Sigma and Naval
Supply, postponed; American League,
--Phi Sigma Delta 9, Sigma Alpha Mu
8; National League-Zeta Beta Tau
13, Delta Tau Delta 3; Phi Delta
Theta 6, Sigma Phi Epsilon 1.
Howard Liebee, director of the In-
tra-Mural program emphasized that
eligibility rules must be enforced.
He stated that two of last week's
games are being held in question for
infraction of these rules. Liebee also
said that it is not necessary for a
player to be a member of the or-
ganization for which he plays.

Lead Field Ur
Under the expert tutelage of coach
Matthew Mann, Michigan swimming
teams have walked away with 15 Big
Ten championships and 12 NCAA
crowns in the past 21 years.
Mann, who is an institution at
Michigan, and is recognized as one
of the best swimming men in the
country, has coached Maize and Blue
squads which have compiled a total
of 151 victories in dual meets, while
dropping only 16 of these clashes.
Won English Title
Born in Leeds, England, on Dec. 21
1884, the smiling gent was a stellar
swimmer in his youth and, at 16
years of age, won the English free-
style championship for boys, a feat
outstanding in the European sporting
In 1906 Matt came to America and
took his first coaching job at Syra-
cuse, where he served until 1910
Ma jor Leaue

& CcM
ider Coach Mann

TEAMS .w 1
New York ..8............ 2
Chicago ................6 2
St. Louis.............3 3
Boston is...............1 4
Cincinnati............4 4
Brooklyn........... 5
Pittsburgh............2 6
Philadelphia . .2 6

After this he became director of the ini in today's match will be Roger
BLewis in the number one position,
Brookline, Mass. Municipal Pool and followed by Jinx Johnson in the
was part-time coach at Harvard I number two berth. Holding down'
through 1915. From 1916 to 1918 the number three slot will be Jack
Matt was the New York Athletic Hersh, and in the fourth position,
Club's coach and part-time mentor Gordon Nauggle is slated to play.
at Yale. Completing the roster are Dave Post
in the fifth berth and Boucher in the
Came West in 1919 . sixth. The number one doubles team
neying to the Middle West as coach son and Nauggle playing number two
of the Duluth Boat Club's aggrega- 6oubles, and Boucher and Post in
tion and, the following year, served the third doubles slot.
in that capacity at the Detroit Ath- -_
letic Club.
Coach Mann's first season with the i
Wolverines. was in 1924-25. His debut
at Michigan was featured by a dual
meet record of 5 wins and no losses W ithu
and a third place in the Big Ten
SChampionshipcompetition. The year
after he pulled the swimming squad'
up to the second spot in the Con-
ference title event and, in 1927, his Barclay Brings Six
third year here, his boys registered ao T
perfect record of 5 dual meet victo- Man Squad for Tilt
ries as against no defeats, and copped
both the Big Ten crown and the Michigan's golf team, aiming for
NCAA title. its fourth consecutive Big Ten crown,
CaA e.Manytarwill face the Ohio State team today
Coached Many Stars at Columbus in the Wolverines' first
In his 21 years at Michigan the 60 Conference match of the 1945 sched-
year old youngster has developed ule.
such stars as Waldemar Tomski, and Bill Barclay, in his initial season
Charles Barker, Big Ten 50-yard free- as coach of the Maize and Blue
) tyle record holder; Jack Kasley, links squad, has chosen six men to
Conference breaststroke record set- tee off against the Buckeye club in
l ter and Gus Sharemet, holder of the this afternoon's tilt. The Wolver-
Big Ten 100-yard freestyle mark. ine's force includes the five players
Matt's successful coaching formula who participated in last week's
p is based on a single principal; -Ath- contest with the University of De-
0 letics are to be enjoyed and, when troit, when the Detroiters were de-
they are enjoyed best, the most suc- cisively defeated 15i-2 . These
cessful competitive results are ob- j veterans are Capt. Paul O'Hara,
tained. In the application of this Phil Marcellus, John Jenswold,
postulate Coach Mann, as is quite holder of the 1944 individual title,
;evident, has obtained sterling re- John Tews, and Bob Ernst. The
sults. sixth member of the club is Ken
Gets Best From Boys Merrey.
Barclay said that both teams are
With his Winning personality and Bacaadtatbt em i
j. ithhiswiningperonaityandespecially characterized by good bal-I
. soft-spoken advice the Wolverine anceciand hi so y idicat
tutor draws the greatest amount of ante, and this ght atch. e a
0 work from his boys. He treats every- Last year Michigan linksmen en-j
one as he would his own son-who, countered Coach Bob Kepler's char-
5 by the way. is a mainstay of the Uni- ges twice, with each squad being vic-
5 versity High School's swimming crew torious on its home course. The Wol-
S-and coaxes their best abilities from verines dropped the first contest 12-
7 them. 6, but avenged the earlier loss with
0 ,The Wolverines' outlook in next a 16-2 triumph later in the season.
year's swimming competition is any- Ohio State is reported to have a
thing but dismal, and a successful much stronger club this year, hav-
season is predicted with Coach Matt ing recorded three victories in as
Mann leading the Maize and Blue j many starts, and all by large mar-
stalwarts to victory. gins.

BROOKLYN, April 27--tP)-Bill
'Voiselle, ace righthander of the New
York Giants, registered his third
straight victory of the season, his
second over the Dodgers, as Mel
Ott's first placers defeated Brooklyn
today, 5-0.
Ott hit his third home run of the
campaign in the sixth inning, but it
was Steve Filipowicz, who followed
the manager with another circuit
clout in the same inning and who
starred at bat for the victors rwith
four hits. Besides his homer, the
former Fordham football hero bashed
two doubles and a single, and drove
in three runs.
Curt Davis started for the Dodgers
and lasted seven innings, giving up
four runs and 10 hits.
New York ...000 102 101- 5 12 0
Brooklyn ... .000 000 000- 0 8 3
Voiselle and Lombardi; Davis,
Pfund, and Owen.
* *
Pirate Errors Aid Cubs .,..
CHICAGO, April 27-(P)-The Chi-
cago Cubs made the most of loose
Pittsburgh play to spank the Pirates,
7-3, today for their fifth straight vic-
tory and Big Paul Derringer's third
successive mound triumph.
Victim of all four Pirates miscues
was Truett "Rip" Sewell, who al-
lowed four hits in four innings and
was charged with the loss.
! Pittsburgh . .000 030 000- 3 8 4
Chicago .....400 210 00x- 7 7 1
Cuccurullo, Rescigno, Sewell and
Lopez; Derringer and Livingston.
Continuous from i P.M
ANBA .ffN~ftT TiS ATRt
Lost Times Today



LOST: Black, shell-rimmed glasses Awards To Be Given,
Thursday morning. Reward. Call At the termination of the eight New York 5, Brooklyn 0.
Michigan Daily. week schedule the softball champion Cincinnati 2, St. Louis 1.
-- - - -- -will be crowned. Also, there will be Chicago 7, Pittsburgh 3.
WANTED ; a prize for the top batter of the Philadelphia at Boston, col
- - - -- - league. -I
WJNTED: Everyone to come to the Copies of the softball rules are AMERICAN LEAGUE
Junior Girls' Play Friday, April available at Waterman Gym, and all TEAMS W L
Lydia audaysh Thea 2tre, 'nTke participants in the league are re- Chicago .... . ...5 0
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 'Take quested to become familiar with them. Philadelphia ............6 2
on sale at the Theatre box office The restrictions are as lenient as Detroit.......... .....4 2
1 iossible to allow the program to I Washington...........5 3
now function properly. New York..............5 3
FOR SALE Today's Games St. Les.............2 5
--The schedule for this week is as Cleveland ........ . . 8.1 5
FOR SALE : Size 35 complete single follows: Boston ........ . .........0 8
breasted tuxedo. Call 25201 after Western League-Ramblers vs. Al- FRIDAY'S RESULTS
4 p. m. pha Tau Omega, Bartel's Nine vs.; Detroit at Cleveland, cold,
ARMY OFFICER'S UNIFORM fo Robert Owen Co-op. Washington 6, New York 4
tale. Complete set including green National League-Zeta Beta Tau Philadelphia 5, Boston 3.
blouse size 36 and tropical wor- vs. 3rd Williams, Sigia Phi Epsilon Only games scheduled
sted summer blouse size 35. Call vs. Delta Tau Delta.
at 217 N. State St. any evening. American League--Phi Gamma
ME PebWANJTED IDelta vs. Sigma Chi, Phi Sigma Delta
E Evs. Delta Kappa Epsilon.





Starts Sunday

fgo!r Ott% A pl,
0410* im. & A 26- -mr-





HELP WANTED: Waiter to work 10 Eastern League-Lawyer's Club
hours a week for 2 meals. Phone Xi Psi Phi,.Phi Alpha Kappa
4489. 604 E. Madison. 'Naval Supply.

1 i vvI

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O0 the Week...



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The Toast of Death That

DINN1LKS at the AlleelI will be regular events on yout
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