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April 27, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-27

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14w Ni4w kaI
Fifty-Fifth Year

Allied Banks Aided Nazis


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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon .
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Ann Schutz
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

. . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
* .. Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
. . Associate .Women's Editor
Business aff
. . . Business Manager
. * . Associate Business Mgr.
. . . Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mali matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mal, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and -represent the views of the writers only.
Duibarton Oaks
THE DUMBARTON 'Oaks conference is no
doubt an important event in Ame.rican histo-
ry. So, too, was the Washington Naval Con-
ference of 1921, and in my opinion, about equally
worthy of note. Any querulous suggestion of
tenative "hopes" in world organization (Dum-
barton is admittedly no more) which proceeds
on the basis of national rather than popular
sovereignty can be of little value.
I see no reason to believe that a twentieth
century Big Three; Four, or Five will be any
more effective in maintaining world peace than
were the "ententes" and "alliances" of the eight-
eenth and nineteenth centuries. The principle
which would make the citizen of one nation
inferior to that of another ON ANY GROUNDS
is absolutely false. And the proposals of Dum-
barton Oaks are based on nations rather than
on world united by equality.
What value can there be in an organiza-
tion to uphold peace and the rights of men
if that organization is composed of appointed
representatives from fifty odd sovereign na-
tions? Appointees of dictators, armies, chur-
ches, business concerns, as well as of democrat-
ically-elected leaders. Such an organization
would be rotten from the roots. For how
ean peace be maintained unless the people
of the world take an active part in that
The assumption that the nation with the
most natural resources, the largest section o
the world's surface, the strongest fighters, the
largest armies is thereby a "greater," "bett(\'
nation is precisely the assumption which we
have been fighting since 1941. It is the type
of statement underlying the conquests of Ethi-
opia, of China. I do not see logic in applying
such a statement to our own world order.
When Woodrow Wilson visited Europe in
1919, he was met with acclaim amounting to
admiration. Somehow, the peoples who had
been fighting in or hiding from that First War
got the idea that Wilson could give them a
world which would belong to its inhabitants. In
spite of the disillusionment still lingering from
that pathetically false hope, there are still
idealists in the world. There are men and
women who believe the precepts of democracy
can be expanded to world size. To them,
it is difficult to distinguish intrinsic differ-
ences in the worth of Czechs, Swedes, Negroes,
or in any of the other names men have invented
to hide Brotherhood of Man.

SAN FRANCISCO-When the American Army
swept into Germany it was fortunate enough
to capture an interesting figure in Dr.. H. J.
Caesar, the counterpart of our Alien Property
Custodian who had charge of all American banks
and alien property seized in France.
Dr. Caesar was cross-examined at length.
From him came highly enlightening and hith-
erto secret information about the manner in
which certain British and American~ branch
banks in Paris collaborated with the Germans
after the fall of France. His testimony high-
lights the main issue underlying the problem of
future peace-namely whether, despite all the
plans worked out at San Francisco, certain
Alliedbusiness firms together with their friends
in the State Department, the Army and the
British Foreign Office are going to maneuver
behind the scenes to strengthen Germany once
again as a bulwark against Russia.
This largely lies at the root of the ticklish
Polish question. Russia wants a Poland which
will cooperate with her and be a buffer against
another German invasion. If there were no
fear of future Germany, there might be less
insistence on a puppet Poland.
Ex-Justice Jimmy Byrnes described this graph-
ically to senators upon his return from Yalta.
Telling how Stalin got excited on the question
of Poland, Byrnes quoted Stalin as saying:
"You speak of English honor, Mr. Prime Minister,
and your desire to protect the safety of Russia.
But twice in 25 years German armies have
marched across Poland to attack Russia. If
that happens again will the English armies come
,to our defense?"
Before Poland was invaded last time it will
be remembered that British business interests
were quite willing, even apparently anxious, to
have the Sudetenland taken away from Czecho-
slovakia. President Benes complained bitterly
regarding Lord Runciman's attitude on this but
the British appeasers' policy was to strengthen
Germany at the expense of Russia's friend and
buffer ally, Czechoslovakia.
Finally, it was American;,and British banks
which poured money into Germany for years
before the war and then maneuvered to have
reparations and war debts cancelled in order
to protect their own loans. The Chase N-
tional Bank was one of the worst offenders.
That is why a lot of people in Washington,
Moscow and the world at large are watching
to see whether history will repeat. That is
why the evidence unearthed from the secret
files of German Alien Property Custodian
Caesar is so significant. It indicates that even
during the present war, the Paris branches of
Chase and J. P. Morgan were quite willing and
anxious to do business with the Germans-
though British banks were more so.
Dr. Caesar Testifies ...
Dr. Caesar testified that "the protection af-
forded to Chase was justified on the ground
that it had been active on behalf of Germany
before the war in such matters as the German
'stand-still' credit negotiations.
"The British banks," he said, "were even more
preferred by the Germans than the branches of
Chase and Morgans. The German occupying
authorities decreed that British and Canadian
banks in the occupied zone of France 'shall no
longer be considered as enemy banks.' These
branches provided long-term credits to assist
UPON LEAVING for JGP's production, "Take
It from There" last night, I was instructed,
at the point of all sorts of improvised weapons
flourished by enthusiastic juniors, to be kind
in my criticism. Even without the incentive of
such coercion this would be the case, for the
junior class on, the whole did itself credit with
the effort and talent displayed in their play.
In the tradition of class plays it pokes good-
natured fun at customs not necessarily near and
dear to Michigan students's hearts, but which are
at least very conscious parts of their campus
lives. It is a highly unsubtle, unmissable take-
off on a sufficiently wide disarray of the phases
of college existence to make the whole some-

what disorganized. The spectator is torn among
the objects of friendly ridicule: the Accelerated
Program, Modern Science, standardization, class-
room methods, the United States Congress, any
college faculty, and even the Army of the
United States. Structurally and thematically
the play is somewhat lacking in unity, but it
is cleverly written (with occasional reference to
Max Schulman) and the "Little Touches" that
strike familiar joy into the heart of every spec-
tator come with enough frequency to hold the
play together.
Generally speaking the choruses handled
their assignments with greater competency
than did the individual players, though there
were some outstanding exceptions. Jean Ath-
ay, for instance, all but threw the audience
into Sinatra-like swoons with her rendition
of the male lead. Virginia Petrouleas was a
properly fluttering, women's clubbish member
of the Spies Committee, and Martha Bradshaw,
Carleen Gormsen, and Shirley Sickles also
did unusually well.
-Paula Brower

the German war machine. They supplied the
Germans with general economic information ob-
tained through their offices in unoccupied
France, and they were particularly useful as
depositories to the German authorities."
But especially significant were some of the
letters found in Dr. Caesar's files. One indicat-
ed that the J. P. Morgan Company had gone
out of its way to curry favor with the Nazis by
showing that the Morgans had nothing to do
with Jews. One memo sent to German-bank-
ing-czar Caesar by Mr. Lecestre, a high offi-
cial of the Morgan firm, read: "On the attach-
ed sheet there is represented some information
relative to the predecessors of Mr. J. P. Mor-
gan, actual head of J. P. Morgan and Co. Inc.,
New York. Following the tradition of his
father, Mr. Morgan never admitted Jews as
associates or fellow workers.
Morgan House Mentioned.. .
"THE MORGAN HOUSE has been frequently
found in its business in opposition to the
great Jewish banking houses in the United
States, such as Kuhn, Loeb and Co. As to
Morgan and Co., Paris, the personnel, since
the foundation of the bank in 1868, has never
included a Jew."
The memo is dated Jan. 15, 1943, more than
a year after Germany declared war on the
United States. Another memo found in the
files of the German Alien Property Custodian,
dated May 6, 1941, is signed by Berenberg-Gos-
ler, Paris representative of the Reichskredit-
Gesselschaft. It reads in part: "Subject: Mor-
gan & Cie.
"During a dinner to which I was invited by
the rench partner of this firm, Mr. Pesson-
Didion, Mr. P.. D. again spoke indignantly
about the clique in America which continually
attempts to draw the United States into an
unjustifiable as well as ridiculous war. He told
me that I would know from my stay in New
York and Boston, the views of the partners of
his firm and also how they hate Roosevelt.
"He expressed the hope that the inter-Euro-
pean and particularly the inter-continental busi-
ness will, after settlement of the present Ger-
man-British conflict, take such an upswing that
his firm will be in a position to take an active
part in the developments through the granting
of reparation credits.
"With respect to England, Mr. P. D. hopes that
the conservative party under Sir Samuel Hoare
and Lord Londonderry will get the upper hand
over the Churchill clique one of these days, and
that the worse may still be avoided for England.
The principal culprit of this war is Roosevelt,
who, by vague promises instigated by the crimi-
nal clique surrounding him, had driven England
as -well as France into this war, against their will.
This is one sample of the big business
maneuvering which went on behind the scenes
during and before this war, and which can
lay the seeds for World War III. Unless
stamped out it may undo all the peace ma-
chinery to be erected at San Francisco.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Current Movies
A t the Michigan ..
"THE HOUSE of Fear," now at the Michigan,
is another in the series of Sherlock Holmes
pictures, and as such you can take it or- leave
it with equal ease. If you're not in a thinking
mood, it should stack up as agreeable fare
which you will blissfully forget about within an
hour of leaving the theatre.
This current chapter in the series has a vague
basis in one of Doyle's lesser known stories,
but vague is the word for it. Laboring in the
Universal vineyards once again are Basil Rath-
bone and Nigel Bruce as Holmes and Dr. Wat-
son. The Baker Street duo are this time
involved in a complicated insurance scheme.
Those Doyle devotees who look upon Holmes
in a manner akin to worship, will probably
turn over in the Michigan's plush seats when
they see the considerable liberties Universal
has taken in presenting their hero, but it's
such a minor film that I can't believe any last-

ing damage has been done to the Victorian
glamour of the redoubtable detective.
At the State . .
WHEN UNIVERSAL sets out to make a poor
film, there's really no one who can beat
them. I speak of the State's "Frisco Sal,"
which comes to us on top of such entertainment
negatives as "The Merry Monahans," "Bowery
to Broadway" and "Sudan."
Compounded of the talents of Susanna Foster
and Turhan Bey, " 'Frisco Sal" is one of the
more exhausting films you're likely to sit through
this year. It has to do with Miss 'Foster's
search for a long lost brother on the Barbary
Coast. Suffice it to say I found it impos-
sible to get interested in either Miss Foster
or her long lost brother, or, for that matter,
the Barbary Coast.
Miss Foster sings a couple of dull ballads
in her screechy soprano which never fails to
remind me of chalk squeaking across a black-
board. Turhan Bey chiefly serves to remind
you. that Boyer has a lot on the ball after all.

LAST NIGHT Ann Arbor audiences
J witnessed another case of musi-
cal insula added to artistic injury.
The members of the San Carlo Op-
era were the perpetrators of this op-
eratic crime. This time I1 Trova-
tore endured the result of poor cast-
ing and, what is more intolerable,
unsatisfactory direction.
Perhaps the orchestra was most
guilty of unpardonable negligence,
not to mention the so-called chorus.
If we could have ignored the obscure
tonalities of the instrumental play-
ers, we would still have the refusal
to cooperate with the singers' tempi
with which to contend.
That unhappy lady Leonora; en-
acted by Willa Stewart, had the
misfortune of possessing a very
weak voice in addition to her bur-
den of woe. The difficult role calls
for a dramatic soprano which is
hardly how one would define Miss
Stewart's voice.
That even more unfortunate char-
acter Azucena, demands a singer with
an infinite amount of control and
nuance. Instead, Miss Marie Powers
obviously overacted to such a point
that vocally she broke at several
Of the male performers, William
Wilderman and Carlo Morelli were
the possessors of the richest qual-
ity, musically speaking. The tenor,
Sidney Rayner, compensated in
style what he lacked in vocal tech-
On the whole, Verdi's beautiful
music was enjoyable when one couldI
forget the performance. -Kay Engle{

FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 132
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p..m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
Biological Station: Applications are
now being considered for the 1945
session of the University of Michigan'
Biological Station, held from June
23 to August 18, near Cheboygan,
Michigan, 285 miles north of Ann
Arbor. A full enrollmentis indicat-
ed. Persons with college credit in
Botany or Zoology are permitted to
apply. If you wish to apply, you
should do so before May 1 to insure
full consideration in choice of cour-
ses and cottage. Information may
be secured at the Summer Session
Office, 1213 A. H., or at the Biologi-
cal Station Office, 1073 N. S. Appli-
cations are available at the latter
A. 'E. Stockard
11orIwood Contestants: Students
entering the Hopwood contests must


deposit their manuscripts in the
English office by 4:30 Tuesday after-
noon, May 1. No manuscripts will
be accepted after that time.
Senior Engineers, Business Admin-
istration and Chemistry: Mr. G. D.
Close of Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Company is interested in interview-
ing Seniors for positions. He will be
in Rm. 218 West Engineering Build-
ing on Monday, April 30, 1945, from
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Interview schedule is posted on the
Bulletin Board at Rm. 221 W. Eng.
State of Connecticut Civil Service
Announcement for Local Health
Consultant, salary $5,100 to $5,700
per year, has been received in our
office. For further information stop
in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
Interviewing for junior positions
and for the central committee of
Junior Girls project will be extended
to next week. Interviewing will be
held from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 Tuesday
in the Council Room. Those sopho-
I mores who were unable to arrange
for an interview this week should
sign up for one on Tuesday. The
sign-up sheet will be posted today in
the Undergraduate office in the
Academic Notices
Faculty College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Satur-
day, April 28.
Report cards -are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-
men reports and white cards for re-
porting sophomores, juniors, and
seniors. Reports of freshmen and
sophomores should be sent to 108
Mason Hall; those of juniors and
seniors to 1220 Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name'
those students, freshmen and upper-
classmen, whose standing at mid-
semester is D or E, not merely those
who receive D or E in so-called mid-
semester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or col-
leges of the University should be
reported to the school or college in
which they are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
Hall. E. A. Walter
College of Architecture and Design,
Schools of Education, Forestry and
Conservation, Music and Public
Midsemester reports indicating
students enrolled in these units doing
unsatisfactory work in any unit of
the University are due in the office
)f the school or college by April 28th
at noon. Report blanks for this pur-
pose may be secured from the office
of the school or college.

Letters to the EditorI

1JISS Carol Zack has written for
colonies-the forgotten nations of the
world. She has suggested some sort
of internationalization of the colo-
nies so that "all nations can gov-
emn." May I, however, point out to
Miss Zack that attempts have been
made and are now being made in
different quarters to coin new names
for old practices in order to hypno-
tize not only the colonials but the
whole world in general.
In the British Empire, for in-
stance, due mainly to challenge
luridly revealed by the war Lord
Hailey, an apologist of the Brit-
ish empire, has unloaded a new-
fangled theory upon the already
bewildered colonial world. He has
given to Colonial Office an invented
word "Partnership" and this is now
being substituted for "trusteeship."
However, partnership can be no
better substitute for discredited
trusteeship. A trust, by its nature
can legally and sincerely be declar-
ed and exercised by unilateral ac-
tion or power; but partnership is
only legal and sincere between
people or men who are come of
age and able to enter equally and
bilaterally into contracts by way
of an agreement with give and take,
what legally we call a considera-
tion moving from both sides.
A trustee's duty has to come to an
end someday, at age, say 21. Part-
nership has no legal end. It con-
tinues for ever until one of the part-
ners dies or is annihilated. A colo-
nial policy of partnership cancels out
the hope for self-government. To be
logical, if the colonies are deemed ripe
or fit for partnership, then it must
mean one thing, that they are come
of age. If they are come of age,
then what they need is not partner-
ship but independence-self govern-
ment. After that, and not before,-
after they attain the status of legal
persons, can they enter into a logi-
cal and sincere agreement of part-
Since we now fully recognize that
the national ownership of colonial
territories is incompatible with per-
manent peace, another quarter is ad-
vocating complete internationaliza-
tion. They admit that international-
ization of colonies only means that
other states will share not only in
economic advantage to be derived
from colonial domination but in the
political responsibilities and prestige
attached to colonial administration.
Danzig was an international colony-
a hybrid case at that, but not an
encouraging one. Even the two
nodal points of Tangier and Shang-
hai were not encouraging either, or
else there would have been no need
for our revocation of our extra terri-
torial rights in China. Like man-
dates, an experiment in colonialism,
the result of World War I, interna-
tionalization would paralyze all ini-
tiative and progress by the dead
hands of superbureaucracy devoid of
national sentiments and stifling to
all patriotism.
Let it be known that coloniza-
By Crockett Johnson

Lion, notwithstanding all that its
defenders may say is a socially
backward system, retarding the
economic development of colonial
territories and their cultural pro-
gress. The colonies, to my own
estimation, will always remain
backward, so long as they are look-
ed upon as estates of foreign pow-
ers to be exploited for the benefit
of world market. .People who say
that the slave status of the colo-
nies has been abolished either do
not know the facts and the real
conditions under which the colo-
nial people live or are hypocrites.
Quite true, the colonial powers no
longer capture Africans for instance
and ship them to America and
the West Indies, as the institutioi
of chattel slavery no longer suits
their economic needs. The modern
exploiters have found that wage-
slavers are cheaper.
The real truth, therefore, about the
problem of colonies is merely a ques-
tion of a struggle of a persistent de-
mand of political and social free-
com and economic security. It is an
unrelenting battle against such no-
menclatures as "protected peoples,"
"subject peoples," "international set-
tlements," ad infinitum. It is a strug-
gle to bridge the gap created by dif-
ferences and in short is a race for an
unqualified citizenship of the world.
The deepest meaning of this colo-
nial struggle lies in man's needs
for social and economic progress.
In the end, it is only historically
a truism that this struggle will be
won or lost everywhere in terms
of the political and socio-economic
1 strategies which best express these
jneeds now in our twentieth-century,
civihizational capacity. History is
dynamic and will never permit
static objects, Dumbarton Oaks
Charter notwithstanding, to ob-
struct its movements. Regimes
which have long exhausted the pos-
sibilities of their political and socio-
economic slogans will eventually be
obliterated. Conferences and char-
tem, therefore, which already are
ideologically disarmed is a desider-
Dynamic democracy could win bat-
tles here and there but could not out-
flank its enemies in Europe and Asia
by merely winning battles. True
these victories are necessary. Never-
theless, a moral armor with regard
to colonies and other minority group
is a sine qua non to permanent peace
Empire and peace are incompatible.
Horrible and wasteful as total war
is, the objective truth is that we have
apparently given history no alter-
native method of awakening us to
the imperative need for better ways
of releasing the creative energy and
the technological knowledge which
now belong to man. It is inescap-
able when all these processes are
analyzed that the nucleus, the quin-
tessence, or the aetiological factor of
the persist'ent failure in respect to
these various imperial makeshifts is
the consistent refusal of all great
powers to accept as an axiom, color
differences notwithstanding, the dig-
nity of man or THE EQUALITY OF
The restoration to peace, there-
fore, seems the earliest acceptance
in the "civilized" ,countries of an
organic conception of society, socio-
economflic' a~nd noflitical1 flInnir agn'


Organ Recital: Mary McCall Stub-
bins, guest organist, will appear at
3:15 CWT, Sunday afternoon, April
29, in Hill Auditorium. Her program
will include compositions by Pachel-
bel, Frescobaldi, Bach, Liszt and
Sowerby, and will be open to the
general public without cha'rge.
Student Recital: Betty Jean Huser,
a student in piano under Joseph
Brinkman, will present a recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
:nents for the degree of Bachelor of
Music, at 7:30 p.m., CWT, Sunday,
gpril 29.
Miss Huser's program will consist
>f compositions by Bach, Beethoven
md Ravel. The public is cordially
Events Today
Mortar Board will meet at noon
oday for a luncheon meeting in the
jeague Ballroom. Bring your trays
o the Kalamazoo Room. All mem-
>ers must be present. There will be
to excused absences.
District No. 2 of the Michigan Li-
rary Association will meet at 10
.m. and 2:30 p.m. in the Kellogg
\ditorium today. Addresses will be
riven by Mr. Alfredo T. Morales, Mr.
Samuel McAllister, and Prof. Lewis
3x. Vander Velde.
It's Your Lucky Strike: Cigarette
>ackages collected by women's resi-
lences for the Pan-Hellenic Assem-
>ly paper drive should be taken to
Vliss Ethel McCormick's office in the
League this afternoon between 1 and
>. They should be in some sort of
2ontainer, without cellophane wrap-
ers, with the following information:
.Tame of residence, number of girls
n the residence, number of packages,
-nd name of a girl who will represent
the house at the dance. The win-
ning house will receive an award at
the ball tonight.
The Romance Language Journal
Club will meet this afternoon, at
3:15 in the West Conference Room


Dumbarton Oaks is
And this is its saving
admitted or not, there
peace established until
rather than nations.

admittedly tentative.
grace. Whether it is
can be no permanent
the voting is by men

-Milt Freudenheim

Danse Macabre

SAINT-SAENS wrote the music; we wrote the
words. The President is dead, so let's talk
about the Slide-Rule Ball. I think the Yanks
and Russians are going to meet sometime,
somewhere, but what are YOU wearing to the
Union formal?
The casualty rate is mounting, I hear, and the


I'l have to scrap this report to the board of
directors. They won't want to listen to these
after-dinner jokes now. They'll expect to


" !s

I - .. . .-.- -1 .. -.. . F

j ell them to have faith in O'Malley
After all, we know that the boss isn't


Copyright, 1945, The Newspaper PM, Inc.1

I'll try one more place, Barnaby.
Dapper Dan's Outlet Emporium,



i j

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