Cloudy with
Rising Temperatures
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Russian-U.S. Ninth juncture Is Indic
Paris Radio
Claims Yanks,
Soviets Meet
Leipzig Said To Be
Scene of Meeting
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Sunday, April 22-Formal
announcement that the Americans
and Russians have joined in central
Germany was expected today in a
matter of hours, and there were indi-
cations that the U. S. Ninth Army
might be the chosen force for the
historic meeting with the Red Army
at or near Berlin.
Associated Press Correspondent
Wes Gallagher, with the Ninth Army
at Magdeburg, reported that the great
Russian breakthrough-which now
has entered Berlin-explained why
the Ninth Army had been sitting on
the Elbe River west of the German
capital since April 11.
Power To March To Berlin
The Ninth Army had, and still has,
the power to have marched to Berlin
within ten days of its reaching the
Elbe, Gallagher noted, and referring
to the expected junction of the Ninth
and the usians in the Berlin area.
Simutaneousy, with Gallagher's
dispatch, U. S. 12th AryGroup
Headquarters announced cryptically
that a reconnaissance plane "in con-
tact with the 83rd Division (which is
a Ninth Army Division) reported hav-.
ing sighted what is believed to be
Russian armor somewhere east of the
Elbe River this (Sat.) afternoon."
Paris Radio Reports Junction
The very fact that, Army Group
Headquarters saw fit to make such an
announcement lent it added signifi-
cance. Reconnaissance planes in con-
tact with frontline divisions do not
operate at extreme range ahead of
the line.
Paris radio reported the dramatic
junction already had been made, and
there were reports here that patrols
had made preliminary contacts. Su-
preme headquarters did not confirm
these reports, and it was regarded
here as certain that the actual formal
meeting was still to come-but that
it would come within hours, not days.
Last Reported 32 Miles Apart
The two allies last were reported
32 miles apart east of Leipzig in an
area about 75 miles south of Berlin,
and it was in that sector around
Dresden that the French said they
had come together.
However, the Germans said the
Russian forces already were three to
four miles inside the Berlin city
limits on the northeast and had cut
around the city to Beelitz, on the
southwest, while field reports from
the American front put those Rus-
sians within 35 miles of the U. S.
Ninth Army drawn up on the Elbe
The severed Reich was under slash-
ing attack in the north and south.
French First Army tanks in an 18-
mile dash reached the upper Danube
at a point 10 miles from the Swiss
Today: Prof. Arthur E. Wood will
speak on New England at
the International Center,
7:30 p.m. EWT. The lec-
ture will be preceded by
the March of Time film,
"New England".
Tuesday: Dr. John Gaus, Profes-
sor of Political Science at
the University of Wiscon-
in, will speak on the
subject, "Social Science
Divisions as General Sta-
ffs" at 3:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheater.
April 26, 27, 28: Junior Girls Play,
"Take It from There"
BERLIN 0K W Heinersdorf
BLIV 1 Reinickendorf PNO
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SCH OE NE- Hasen Heide.
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Tempel hof
MU Cana!
NAZI'S CAPITAL, BIGGEST PRIZE OF TWO WARS, ENTERED BY RUSSIANS-Russians penetrated into the capital from the northeast,
swarming through the streets of the working class districts of WEISSENSEE and PANKOW (upper right hand corner), according to the
German radio. UNTER DEN LINDEN, (the heart of the city), the Leipzigerstrasse and around the Brandenburg Gate, are reported
by Stockholm to be under heavy bombardment from Russian shells. Berlin is left without any escape routes to the south.
3-4 Miles of Ciy
Afire, Nazis Say
Troops 'Engaged in Fighting at Berlin's
Outskirts' Red High Command Reports
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Sunday, April 22.-The Germans announced
last night that Red Army tanks had burst three to four miles
inside the flaming rubble-strewn streets of barricaded Berlin in
an overwhelming 16-army assault on the three-quarters encircled
Nazi capital-biggest prize of two world wars.
Moscow, whose official reports were running 24 hours behind Ger-
man announcements, did not immediately confirm the dramatic flash from
doomed Berlin. But a Moscow dispatch filed hours before said a Red
Army entry into the Nazi citadel was "imminent".
The Soviet high command said that veteran Russian forces, who have
marched 1,000 miles from the gates of Moscow in one of the greatest
military comebacks in history, were "engaged in fighting at Berlin's out-
skirts" and had captured Erkner on the city's eastern limits and seven
other fortress suburbs three to 16 miles from the capital.
Raining war-ending blows on a beaten foe, the Russians by
Berlin's account also irreparably split Adolf Hitler's greater Reich
into two completely-isolated areas in a development as momentous a's
the Red Army's entry into the capital.
Berlin, caught in a swirling battle which the Germans said "never has
been surpassed in ferocity," as well as all the Baltic ports and the hold-
out areas of Denmark and Norway, was completely cut off from the Nazis'
STOCKHOLM, April 22, Sunday-(P)--The German-controlled
Scandinavian Telegraph Bureau said today that Berlin residents were
fleeing westward "By tens of thousands" in an effort to escape the
Heavy Russian artillery barrage sweeping the city from the east.
Transport means are limited and the elevated railway stations are
jammed, the agency said.
"When a train arrived there was panic," it related. "Berliners
fought with one another in order to board the ears headed west.
"national redoubt" in southern Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and
nothern Italy.
German reports indicated that perhaps 4,000,000 Russian troops and
German soldiers and home guards were locked in the death struggle for
Berlin, which German broadcasts swore tp defend to "its last ruin."
The broadcasts said big Soviet siege guns were "hailing" shells
into Potzdamer Platz in the heart of Berlin. Life had moved under-
ground for the siege, Berlin said, and the Nazis admitted that the
"death battle" which promised to leave their capital a wasteland of
rubble and ashes "is on." Berlin's Volksturm had been thrown into
the struggle and the wounded were pouring into the city from the
wrecked suburbs.
From the shell-cratered heart of the city the word came just before
midnight that the Russians had penetrated into the capital from the
northeast, swarming through the streets of the left-wing populous work-
ing class districts of Weissensee and Pankow.
A mass of Russian tanks, artillery and infantry was about three to
four miles from the heart of the city around Berlin's famed cathedral.
The Russians apparently swung across the powerful German defense
line based on the circular autobahn around the capital on an 11-mile front
from the captured suburbs of Bernau and Alt-Landsberg, both three miles
from the city limits and 13 miles from its core.
In a 28-mile arc from Bernau, Soviet tanks battled through the
suburbs of Werneuchen, Strausberg, Buckow Muencheberg and Fuer-
stenwalde and reached the city limits at Erkner, astride the super-
highway around Berlin. Erkner was taken in a 27-mile Russian
surge from Seelow, whose capture was announced Friday.
Meanwhile, the Germans, whose reports have been borne out by
Moscow's conservative announcements, admitted that the sprawling city
(See NAZI, Page 2)
Berliners ie in Cellars
Students' Plays
Will Be Given
By Lab Theater
Four student-written one-act plays
will be presented by the Laboratory
Theatre ,at 8 p. m. EWT . (7 p. m.
CWT) tomorrow in the auditorium
of University High School.
A committee composed of members
of the English Department and head-
ed by Prof. Roy W. Cowden selected
the four plays from those written in
Prof. K. T. Rowe's course in the
writing of the one-act play.
Student Authors Listed
The four plays finally selected are
Joan Lochner's "Pale Blond Boy";
Lois Barker's "Let the Great Gods
Command," Eleanor Goodrich's
"Voice of the Mountain" and Mary
Lou Andrews "As You Were."
"Pale Blond Boy" is the story of a
man as told by the women who know
him. "As You Were" concerns a
man who deserted from the army and
returns to his home town only to
find problems he had not expected.
Ballet To Be Featured
"Voice of the Mountain" a symbol-
istic play, features a ballet arrange-
ment and a prologue. "Let the Great
Gods Command" concerns the con-
flict in the minds of several people
who consider committing a mercy-
William Cooke, special student in
the English Department and former
Director of the Port Huron Little
Theater, was chosen as Production
Manager for this series of plays.
Cooke selected his casts from a group
of students, some of whom had had
no previous dramatic experience, but
who were anxious to work in these
original productions.
l~pen, Fated,
Mock Student Conference To
Parallel Sin Francisco Parley
Paralleling -the San Francisco par-
ley on world peace, a mock United
Nations Conference, with student
delegates, will be held by the Post-
War Council next Saturday after-
noon and evening.
Two panels, one at.3p. in. EWT
(2 p. m. CWT) on "What To Do
With Occupied Enemy Territories"
Reds Announce
Friendship Pact
Treaty Throws Stalin's
Support Behind Lublin
LONDON, Sunday, April 22.-(/P)
-The Moscow radio formally an-
nounced early today signature of "a
treaty of friendship,smutual assis-
tance and post-war collaboration"
by Soviet Russia and the Soviet-
sponsored Polish government of
The Polish regime's radio at Lub-
lin had announced the pact earlier.
Neither announcement gave details.
and the other at 8 p. M. EWT
(7 p. m. CWT) on "World Organ-
ization," along with a keynotej
speech at 2 p. m., will be includedI
on the program.
Eleven University of Michigan
students and eleven students from
Wayne University will participate in
the panels. Each representative,
wearing an armband to designate his
country, will present his views on the
problems and policies which will be
under debate in San Francisco.
Charles Draghi will moderate at
the panels and will draw up a min-
iature United Nations Charter on
the basis of agreements reached in
the discussions.
Bitter Fighting
Marks Gains
On Okinawa, le
By The Associated Press
Some of the bitterest fighting of
the Pacific war marked small Ameri-
can gains through heavily defended
Japanese positions on southern Oki-
nawa, Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nim-
itz reported late Saturday.
Meanwhile the American flag was
i aised over Ie Island, 4,000 yards off
Okinawa's west coast. Doughboys
planted the Stars and Stripes atop
Mt. Eigusugu after overcoming furi-
ous resistance. The tiny island, now
under Yank control, is being mopped
Sector Changes Hands
On southern Okinawa, high ground
in the hill 178 sector changed hands
several times as the fortunes of bat-
tle swung from side to side. The
hard-hitting Yank ground forces were
heavily supported by Naval guns,
Army and Marine artillery and car-
rier-based planes.
Japanese night air raiders hit two
central American-held airfields on
central Okinawa but damage was
Sports Results
BASEBALL-Michigan 1, Illinois 0
TENNIS-Michigan 5, Purdue 2
GOLF-Michigan 151, U. of De-
troit 2%
For details see stories on Page 3
LONDON, April 21-(/P)-Three
million terror-stricken Berliners,
fearful of hunger as besieging Rus-
sian armies cut them off from the
rest of the world, huddled in cellars
tonight after being exhorted by Reich
Post-War Engine School Plans Discussed
Defense Commiissioner Goebbels to
defend the capital to the death.
A late German broadcast declar-
ed forlornly: "The hour is too ser-
ious to hide anything now."
As shells from Russian artillery
smashed into the bomb-battered city
Goebbels in his second speech in three
days to Berliners declared: "What you
have earned with blood and tears you
must defend with all the means at
your disposal. What you have earned
with sweat and work you must de-
fend as only you can defend it."
Later Nazi propagandist Hans
Fritsche said that "during the years
of bitter battle for national social-
ism we have learned to love Berlin
and we will under no circumstances
let the enemy take possession of
our town."
Fritsche, vaguely suggesting that
An immediate host-war enrollment of some 3,000 graduate and
undergraduate students, surpassing the previous high of 2413 in 1940,
is anticipated by the College of Engineering, Dean Ivan C. Crawford
said in an interview this week.
The Department of Engineering Research has grown 500 per cent
in volume during the war years, Dean Crawford announced. Con-
Pointing out that space in the Engineering college is a critical
situation, Dean Crawford compared the total enrollment in 1923 when
East Engineering Building, the last space addition, was made, 1764
students, with the college enrollment in 1940 of 2413. "Unless addi-
tional space can be secured, the college will be greatly handicapped in
attempting to handle increases after the war," he said.
"Complete plans have been prepared for additions to East Engi-
neering Building, but unfortunately, it does not seem that there will be