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April 21, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-21

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11L Mii-,H t;IN Dlinu

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Brass Ring Goes to Hannegan

Edited and managed by students of the Tniversity of

Utichtgan under the authority of the
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Board in Control

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon.
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Wavis Kennedy
Ann Schutz

S . . . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . Ed .oCity E ditor
.Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor


Business Sta
Dick Strickland . . . Business Manager
Martha Schmitt . Associate Business Mgr.
Kay McFee . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otierwise credited in thisnew per. All rights of re-
publication of all other mfatters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mal matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views' of the writers only.
Apathy Explained
APPROXIMATELY ten per cent of eligible
voters cast ballots yesterday to choose a
student member of the Board in Control of
Student Publications. That is, 652 students out
of approximately 6,000 who were eligible voted.
We are not concerned here with who won
the election. The important point is how
malny voted and why those who did not
bother. to vote faied to do so. For the most
part, the election was efficiently handled.
There were six separate pollig places and
they were adequately manned. A large ma-
jority of students on campus must hav1
passed one of the ballot boxes at least once
during the day. Students could have voted
if they had wanted to or chose to take the
There were complaints that the polls closed
one half-hour earlier than had been announced
in The Daily. This was due to an unfortunate
misunderstanding by those in charge of manning
the boxes and is not attributable to malice
aforethought. Judging by the number of com-
plaints lodged, the extra half hour would not
have made any difference in the results of the
Total number of votes cast this time is not
too bad in comparison with the year's previous
campus elections. And yet almost 2,000 votes
were cast in the V-Ball election held in Jan-
uary. The question is: Why wasn't there the
interest in this particular election?
It seems plain that an answer lies in the
rather picayune nature of the post to be
filled. While it is true that student members
play an important role in the functioning of
the Board in Control, they are far out-num-
bered by the faculty and alumni interests.
This is the case on almost every administrat-
ive board dealing with student functions in
the University and students have understand-
ably adopted a "what's the use" attitude.
They feel that it is a waste of time for them
to vote to fill a post that inherently has very
little power.
This is a situation that is appreciated by
members of the faculty as well as students.
However, student participation in campus gov-
ernment has depreciated through the years as a
result of the changing complexion of the stu-
dent body. In other words, new campus leaders
come into the spotlight every year who vary
in ability, efficiency and willingness to assme
responsibility. It has been found more conve-
nient to lodge the administration of student
affairs in men who carry over from year to year
and have a wider knowledge, if not a greater
understanding, of student problems.
As a result of this situation, the only election
drawing a representatively large proportion of
tha student vote was the V-Ball election which
had a great many more candidates and which
was held to fill positions that carried almost the

entire responsibility of handling the function for
which it was created.

WASHINGTON-There are a lot of "If's" in the
life of a president, and two big "If's" which
swayed the destiny of Harry Truman were:
1. If Democratic Chairman Bob Hannegan
hadn't come back from a political swing
around the country last spring and reported to
FOR that no one he met was for Henry Wal-
lace, Truman today might not be president.
2. And if, on thai evenful July night in
Chicago when the galleries were roaring for
Wallace and the delegates were shouting for
Wallace, Bob Hannegan hadn't insisted on ad-
journing the convention, again Truman today
might not be president. That adjournment
gave the bosses time to organize, and next
day they put across Truman.
Naturally, the man who turned these "If's"
from defeat to victory is bound to sit at the
right hand of the man whom he makes presi-
dent. That is a long way to come for an
Irish boy who was a 21st ward, St. Louis com-
mitteeman at the time FDR was first elected
president. But Bob Hannegan is sitting there
Son of Policeman .*.
}{ANNEGAN was born in St. Louis 42 years
ago, son of a St. Louis policeman. He went
to school in St. Louis, coached the swimming
team at St. Louis University, practiced law in
St. Louis and eventually became city boss of
St. Louis. To Bob Hannegan there is nothing
about St. Louis or Missouri that can be wrong,
which perhaps explains why he left no stone
unturned, including strong-arm tactics at Chi-
cago, to nominate his fellow Missourian, Harry
However, it was not until lannegan was 29
years old and the same year Franklin Roose-
velt was elected president, that he actually
got into politics. That was through fate, as
it usually has been with Hanegan.
There was a five-way split in his ward, and
Democratic leaders wanted one man who could
weld all factions together. Popular Bob Han-
negan, son of an Irish policeman, was the man
they chose as city committeeman to do it.
It was in 1932, the fateful year FDR was
elected president, that Hannegan first met Har-
ry Truman, then a city judge at the other end
of the state. He helped Truman with his sen-
atorial campaign a year later. After that he
became city boss at St. Louis and got his
first big break in 1942 when Truman and Sen-
ator Bennett Clark were engaged in a battle
over Missouri patronage.
Unknown to each other, both Truman and
Clark had selected Hannegan to be collector
of internal revenue for St. Louis. Finally
Clark called up Truman and said he wanted to
get together to discuss the appointment.
"Before we meet," said Truman, "I want you
to know that I am for Hannegan."
Tax Czar Iannegan .. .
SO it was unanimous and Hannegan got
the job. He turned out to be a cracker-
jack collector of internal revenue. One reason
he worked so hard was because of the way the
newspapers attacked his appointment. He was
Student Town Hall
THE ATTENDANCE of some 200 students at
Thursday night's Town Hall meeting has
warranted several generalizations about the stu-
dent body. First, that a discussion of the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of the fraternity-
sorority system strikes a response among stu-
dents that is greater than any discussion of cur-
rent national and international problems.
It is lamentable, of course, that the discus-
sions of compulsory military training and the
eighteen-year-old vote question were not as
well attended. Perhaps the last meeting is a
hint to Town Hall organizers that to have
opened the series with such a highly contro-
versial campus subject 'as the Greek letter
societies would have drawn more partici-
pants to later meetings.
But the second and more important conclu-
sion to be drawn from Thursday's meeting is
that Michigan students have shown what they
can do in a student forum. The discussion was

full of "fireworks," but these fireworks were of
a 'brand that is most stimulating to students
and should be set off in similar open meetings,
more often than they are.
Nothing definite was decided upon; that was
not the purpose of the meeting. Yet everyone
who attended, even those who came out of
mere curiosity to see the battle of Boucher and
Rosenberg or to hear what Mavis Kennedy as a
sorority member would suggest as improvements
for sorority life, must have been impressed by
the essentially sane thoughtfulness with which
each speaker expressed his beliefs and interpre-
tations. The tone of the forum was exciting,
the speaking was frank, but there was no
hysterical mudslinging.
The meeting was, in one sense, an experi-
ment which proved a success. It showed that
we are capable of rising above general indif-
ference. The discussion of the topic that
questions the status quo shocks us into think-
ing seriously. We could do with a continua-
tion of the series.
-Binna Rullman

first on the job in the morning and last to leave
at night.
All this time he was telling gracious, graying
Mrs. Hannegan that he would get out of poli-
tics soon. But in 1943, when Guy Halvering
wanted to step out as commissioner of internal
revenue, Secretary Morgenthau asked Helver-
ing, together with tax sleuth 'Elmer Irey and
assistant commissioner George Schoeneman, to
recommend a man to take his place. Hanne-
gan's name headed all three lists. By that time
Hannegan had pulled his St. Louis revenue
office up from last on the efficiency list to
near the front.
When word of his aomniment leaked out,
there was a sour political reaction. Roosevelt
was accused of putting a ward-heeler in as
tax commissioner. However, Henry Morgen-
than, though extremely sensitive about criti-
cism, stood by him like a rock. Morgentha
bad had ;his Treasury sleuths investigating
Iamnnegan from ton to bottom, couldn't find a
thing wrong.
(Copyright, 1945, ell Syndicate. >nc.)
T HAS BEEN SAID before, but it must be said
again, that we Americans do not think about
food in the same terms as does the rest of the
world. The "Times" of London lets drop a
snicker about us. In the American mind, says
the "Times," "shortage beins as soon as peace-
time quantities are slightly reduced." The
"Times" is amused at a country in which each
citizen consumes an average of 300 calories a
day, debating about the danger of "famine."
"Such famine conditions," it says, "would be wel-
comed in Europe, and in Britain, too."
A hollow laugh is an unaccustomed sound to
hear from the august "Times." We Americans
don't as yet realize that we are a fat country
in a starving world: we don't grasp the implica-
tions of being in so conspicuous and isolated a
In Paris, meat ration coupons for February
have not yet been honored; and "meat" means
horse-lesh, and it is April. "France aux Com-
bat" says bitterly that a German prisoner of
war in American hands gets four times as'
much meat as a British miner. The Editor
of "France aux Combat" pictures our con-
quest of Germany as a process of transform-
ing German soldiers into meat-eaters, while
the British and French look on with their
tongues out. lie sees hordes of German sol-
diers being pulled out of the battlefield by
us, and set down firmly at table. That is his
picture of our march on Berlin; and such
visions come only to a man who dines badly.
The world feels that we show a certain bland
incomprehension of the food problem. It snick-
ers as it thinks of the exquisite legality and
gentlemanly cleverness which led us to decide
that if we fed up our German prisoners, good,
the German fascists would treat our men well,
too. To the rest of the world it seems as if
we understood neither food nor fascism.
Fascism doesn't care what we do with our
prisoners. Once its soldiers are out of com-
bat, it has no further use for them, or concern
in them; it doesn't care if we feed them or not.
But we fed up the Germans splendidly, as a
long way around of getting food to our own
men, and it didn't work. The 1500 liberated
American prisoners of war who have just landed
at Boston have told us how they lived on soup,
and one loaf of bread for five men every two
days. A threat that we would starve Hitler in
a cage on Broadway if he mistreated our men
would perhaps, on the whole, have been more
effective; for that, to fascism, is fine sensible
talk, and it understands it.
But we took the soft, sidelong way; and we
have left a hungry world gaping at our feed-
ing of the Germans. For if one is hungry
enough, one gets down to the deep, universal
meaning of food; if you feed somebody, it
means you like him; if you don't it means
you don't. We are not hungry enough to

understand that.
We just can't understand. The Netherlanders
are so hungry that when we liberate them we
often find it necessary to put them in bed
for two days, and feed them with chemical
concentrates, by injection, before they are ready
to take food by mouth; they have been so far
from food, so long, that their way back to it
must be surgically bridged. But on the whole
the Netherlanders do somewhat less complain-
ing about their food situation than Senator;
Wheeler does about ours.
The rest of the world doesn't think we're
crazy, so it can only assume we don't like it
very much, or we would make an emergency
effort to get some food to it. It feels it is
witnessing a new form of isolation, something
like the isolation of the plate-glass window,
which divides the tempting display from the
big round eyes outside. Sometimes Senator
Vandenberg steps into the window and delivers
a short speech on the need for justice, but it
is awfully hard to hear him through the glass.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

/ K
Navy War Bond Cartoon Servc
"He's already broken all of
his resolutions except the one
about buyin' more War Bonds!"
It '
moo ~~~---- tm
Penduil ur
Humbly, I offer the observation
that all that really happened was that
the momentum of the pendulum car-
ried it just a little bit farther than
the pendulum had thought it would
if pendulums think) and the hur-
ried return swing of justification also
went a little wild. This generally may
be observed to occur when the con-
sequences of hasty and ill-considered
statements or actions are not prop-
erly weighed beforehand.
My little world stopped momen-
tarily, too, when I heard of 'Presi-
dent Roosevelt's death. I think all
the world stopped in shocked awe-
for a moment-and then it began
immediately to repair the damage
to the dyke. What would you have
us do, Mr. Rosenberg? Shall we
let the nearly-vanquished floodwat-
ers gain even one inch of precious
ground while we prostrate ourselves
in futile (albeit impressive) hom-
age? I am sure no one need tell
you, Sir, that the most sincere
eulogies are those silently express-
ed in the hearts of fellow-country-

VOL. LV, No. 127
Publication In the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hal, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
School of Education Faculty: The
April meeting of the faculty will be
held on Monday, April 23, in the Uni-
versity Elementary School Library.
The meeting will convene at 3:15
. p.m.
Mail is being held at the University
Business Office for the following
people: Brubacher, Dr. John S.;
Cockrell, Dr. Robert A.; Edwards,
Tommie; Emmerson, Waldo; Hensel,
Paul E.; Kern, Marlys; Monaweck,,
Dr. Jay; Russell, Mrs. Enid; Ryan,
Grace; Sweeney, Dr. P. O.; Ware,
Professor L. A.
A cadentic Notices
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING
be Saturday, April 28. A course may
be dropped only with the permission
of the classifier after conference with
the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL OF IN-
COMPLETES will be Saturday, April
28. Petitions for extension of time
must be on file in the Secretary's
Office on or before Wednesday. Ap-
ril 25.
Playwriting (English 85 and 150):
The laboratory production of the
bill of one-act plays will be at 8
Monday evening, April 23, University
High School Auditorium. The dis-
cussion on the plays will be at 7:30
Monday evening, April 30, 3217
Angell Hall.

You are not speaking for me, Mr. ~
Rosenberg. You are not speaking oa tce1
for anyone but yourself. The reason
is as simple as it is obvious: Only the Corrections: The following prev-
Almighty can look into the heart of iously announced School of Music
a man and see what is really written recitals have been re-schedtled be-
there. Almost all of,, the trouble in cause of the memorial service for the
the world is occasioned by man's mor- late President Roosevelt which was
tal limitations in this one respect. held Sunday, April 15: Frieda Vogan,
May I presume-to give you a word organist, 'originally scheduled for
of advice? In your columns you in- April 15, will be heard at 3:15 CWT,
dicate a desire for national and in- Sunday, April 22, in Hill Auditorium.
ternational harmony and unity. I Dorothy Ornest Feldman, soprano,
suggest, without malice, that you I and Kathleen Rinck, pianist, orig-
practice what you preach. The tone inally scheduled for 7:30 p.m. CWT,
of your entire Wednesday column Sunday, April 22, in Lydia Mendels-
of justification does not present too sohn Theater, have postponed their
good evidence that you are daily do- recital until some time in May, the
ing more than render lip-service to exact date to be announced later.
the sound tenets in which you profess Mary Stubbins, organist, scheduled
to believe, to play in Hill Auditorium Sunday,
--John Jadwin April 22, will be heard at 3:15 CWT
__on the following Sunday, April 29.

Center at 6:30 p.m. CWT, Sunday,
April 22. The lecture will be pre-
ceded by the March of Time film,
"New England". Open to the public.
Prescott Club: There will be a
meeting at 6:15 on Tuesday, April
24, in Rm. 300 Chemistry Building.
Anna Maloney will give a talk on
"William Konrad Roentgen"-dis-
coverer of X-Rays. Business meeting
follows the talk. Public is cordially
invited. Refreshments.
Botanical Journal Chb will meet
in Rm. 1139 Natural Science Build-
ing on Wednesday, April 25 at 3 p.m.
(CWT). The following will be re-
viewed: Muenscher, "Aquatic Plants
of the United States" by Norrine
Mathews; Papers on the physiology
of water molds, by Betty Linthecum;
Karling, "Brazilian Chytrids", by
Helen Simpson. All interested are
invited. F. K. Sparrow, Chairman.
The Annual French Play: Le Cer-
cle Francais will pre'sent "Ces Dames
aux Chapeaux Verts", a comedy in
one prologue and three acts by Albert
Acremant, on Wednesday, May 2 at
7:30 p.m. (CWT) in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 ,pm .Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject
"Doctrine of Atonement". Sunday
school at 11:45 a.m. A special read-
ing room is maintained by this
church at 706 Wolverine Bldg.,
Washington at Fourth, where the
Bible, also the Christian Science
Textbook, "Science and Health with
Key to the Scriptures" and other
writings by Mary Baker Eddy may
be read, borrowed or purchased.
Open daily except Sundays and holi-
days from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church: 9:45
a.m., Mr. Roy S. Lautenshlager will
be the guest preacher. His topic will
be. "The Verities in China". 4 p.m.,
Westminster Guild speaker will be
Mr. Frank Littell, whose subject will
be "Growth Through Cooperation".
Supper follows.
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Student Class at
8:30 a.m. Mrs. James Brett Kenna
will lead the discussion on the sub-
ject of Ligon's "Eight Traits of Per-
sonality". Morning worship service
at 9:40 o'clock. Dr. James Brett
Kenna will preach on "Religaon at
San Francisco". Wesleyan Guild
meeting at 4 p.m. Program of favor-
ite scriptures and hymns. Supper
and fellowship hour following the
Grace Bible Fellowship: Masonic
Temple, 327 S. Fourth Avenue; Har-
old J. DeVries, Pastor. 9 a.m., Uni-
versity Bible Class, Ted Groesbeck,
leader. 10 am., Morning wrship.
The pastor will speak on the subject:
"Fat and Kicking". 6:30 p.m. 'Eve-
ning service. "Expository Messages
from John's Gospel".
First Unitarian Church: State and
Huron St. Edward H. Redman, Min-
ister; Miss Janet Wilson, Organist;
Mrs. Harriet Winder, Church School
Superintendent. United Nations Sun-
day: 9 CWT, Unitarian - Friends'
church school; Adult Study Group,
Clyde Vroman speaker: "Music Ap-
preciation and Ability". 10 CWT,
Service of worship, Rev. Edward H.
Redman preaching on: "Far Eastern
Ally" a summary of recent books on
China by Harrison Forman, Nym
Wales, with a special order of service
for United Nations Sunday obser-
vance. 1:30 CWT, Unitary Aux.
Group meets at home of Dr. Ross
Allen, 1403 Iroquois Drive.
University Lutheran Chapel: 1511
Washtenaw. Service Sunday at 10.
Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips,
"Counsel for Youth's Way".

Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have a bike hike Sunday,
meeting at the Campus Bike Shop at
1:30. This will be followed by the
regular supper meeting at the Center
at 4:15.
First Baptist Church: 512 E. Hur-
on; Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister and
Student Counselor; Miss Ruth Mc-
Master, Associate Student Counsel-
or; Roger Williams Guild House, 502
E. Huron. Saturday, April 21: 6:10,
Choir rehearsal in the church; 7:30,
Roger Williams Guild Starlight Hike.
Meet at the Guild House. Sunday,
April 22: 9, Study class, "Christian
Personality"; 10, Morning worship,
"The Church's Opportunity Tomor-
row", Rev. Marlin Farnum; 4, Roger
Williams Guild; Mr.. Farnum will
speak to the group on "Vocational
Satisfactions"; 5, Cost supper.
First Congregational Church: 9:45,
Service of public worship. Dr. Parr
will speak on the subject "Tired of
Doing Right?" 4, Student Guild in
the Congregational assembly room.
Rev. Eugene Zendt will speak on
"Marriage and Home Building".





UNMENTIONED in the Dumbarton
Oaks Charter for peace, the ques-
tion of international trusteeship of
colonies, island bases and liberated
areas will undoubtedly be discussed
at the San Francisco Conference. And
it will be the subject of divided opin-
Already Fleet Admiral Ernest J.
King has taken a definite stand.
He said last week that the "bases
which wererwon inWorld War 11
by U. S. arms xnust be kept by
U. S. arms." But the purpose of
any grab for territorial influence
is not clear. Admiral King asserts
that "the United States can't af-
ford to continue a cycle of fight-
ing and building and giving away
to fight and build and give away
The Charter professes to maintain+
international peace and security. On
this basis, we may assume that colo-
nies and liberated areas are a part
of the international scene. Moreover,
they also have a right to security.
Dumbarton Oaks professes to
achieve cooperation on international
humanitarian problems. Colonies
and liberated areas are bound to have
humanitarian problems.
Cooperation requires that every
nation enter into the job of direct-
ing economic and social welfare of
the world. Therefore all nations,
in accordance with Dumbarton
Oaks, should have the final word on
the welfare of the small patches
of land, scattered throughout the
world. One nation can administer
and protect but, in the name of
universal justice, only combined
nations can govern.
-Carol Zack

Everts Today
Wesley Foundation: The group will
join with other groups in Open
House at Lane Hall beginning at
8 p.m.
Open House: The Baptist Guild
will take charge of the recreation
programat Lane Hall at 8 this eve-
Polonia Club members going to the
picnic will meet today at 4:30 at the
fountain by the Michigan League,
Should weather conditions make the
holding of the picnic questionable.
members are asked to call 4121,
extension 2147.
Coming Events
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet at Zion Parish Hall on
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock for
a picnic if the weather permits. The
regular Association meeting will be
held on Sunday at 5 o'clock in Zion
Parish Hall. The Chinese Christian
Group will be guests and have ar-
ranged the program. Zion and Trin-
ity Lutheran Churches both have
regular Sunday morning worship
services at 10:30.
Prof. Arthur E. Wood will speak on
New England at the Inte'rnational
Veterans' Loans
Veterans are having a tough time
getting loans to buy homes, farms
or to go into business. Banks, lend-
ing agencies and the Veterans Ad-
ministration turn down applications
right and left. Of 1,700,000 veterans
discharged, only 2,400 have managed
to get home loan, 50 got business
leans and 18,got farm loans.
The home loan regulaijons is the
biggest dud. Inflated prices is the
main drawback. If a veteran can't
find a house at a "reasonable"




Therefore, it seems that more powerful stu-
dent elective positions must be created before
the campus will show a great deal of interest.

By Crockett Johnson
Coy ght 145,Te Nesppe PM, I . CROC.KEI 't

Factories, utilities, mines, oilfields, railroads,

Yes, it is a responsibility, Gus. .. I'm

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