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April 19, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-19

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Yanks Mourn Dead Captain


Bretton Woods



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editoriql Staff

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
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Martha Schmitt
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The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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cHiio *"BostonII " Los ANGELES - SA FRANcIsco
Member, Associated Collegiate ,Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Erxnie Pyle
AMERICA lost a "brave man" when a Jap
sniper's machine gun got Ernie Pyle on Ok-
inawa. This "little man in the soiled and creased
brown uniform" who wrote the human story of
'the war so well will be missed by both the GI's
at the front and the people back home.
He was no mere reporter; he was one of the
men at the front and was able to bring the
soldier's war to all the world. His daily col-
umn was a human history of the war from
the assault on Sicily and Italy through the in-
vasion days of Britain and France and on into
the Pacific, to Okinawa.
Perhaps it was because he hated war so much,
and because he was admittedly afraid, that the
fighting men and brass hats alike loved him.
The hone front loved him because, as Edward
Streeter of the New York Times once said, "He
writes only of what he sees, and he sees the
things that those at home want most to know:
What their boys eat, where they sleep, what
they talk about, and how they react to the fa-
tigue, dirt and danger of a fighting front."
Ernie Pyle will long be remembered as the
human historian of this war. His great desire
was, as he said in Brave Men, that "All of us
together will have to learn how to reassemble
our broken world into a pattern so firm and
so fair that another great war cannot soon be
-Jean Mac Main
Art Cin ema
THAT A SMALL GROUP can do the entire
campus valuable service is well demonstrated
in the recent revival of the Art Cinema League
which had closed in 1942 because of difficulties
caused by the war. The League, composed of
faculty and student members, brings outstanding
foreign and domestic films to the campus and
promotes interest in good cinema art. .-
Prof. Hereward T. Price expressed the most
important reason for the League's existence
when he said: "It is now clear that the art of
the film is one of the great arts and it is
important that students become acquainted
with the best that is being done."
A second service is performed by the League
in bringing foreign language films to the cam-
pus, as such films are invaluable to students in
the language departments in acquainting them
with the. idiomatic forms and giving them an
opportunity to make active use of their know-
ledge while still studying.
-Leona Landy
San Francisco
Molotov as Russia's repiesentative to the
San Francisco Conference indicates Stalin's

opinion toward the conference and our country.
Ostensibly, it is a respectful concession to
Pr-sident Roosevelt's wishes and a gesture of

(EDITOW' NOTE: This column first apeared January
11, 1944. It, is reprinted by courtesy of the Ann
Arbor News.)
AT THE FRONT LINES in Italy-In this war
I have known a lot of officers who were loved
and respected by the soldiers under them. But
never have I crossed the trail of any man as
beloved as Capt. Henry T. Waskow, of Belton,
Capt. Waskow was a company commander in
the 36th division. He had been in this com-
pany since long before he left the States. He
was very young, only in his middle 20's, but he
carried in him a sincerity and gentleness that
made people want to be guided by him.
"After my own father, he comes next," a
sergeant told me..
"Ile always looked after us," a soldier said.
"He'd go to bat for us every time."
"I've never known him to do anything un-
kind," another one said.
Bodies Brought Down .-.
WAS AT THE FOOT of a mule trail the night
they brought Capt. Waskow down. The moon
was nearly full, and you could see far up the
trail, and even part way across the valley.
Soldiers made shadows as they walked.
Dead men had been coming down the moun-
tain all evening, lashed onto the backs of
mules. They came lying belly down across the
wooden pack-saddle, their heads hanging down
on the left side of the mule, their stiffened legs
sticking awkwardly from the other side, bob-
bing up and down as the mule walked.
The Italian mule skinners were afraid to
walk teside deat men, so Americans had to
lead the mules down that night. Even the
Americans were reluctant to unlash and lift
off the bodies, when they got to the bottom,
so an officer had to do it himself and ask
others to help.
The first one came early in the morning.
They slid him down from the mule, and stood
him on his feet for a moment. In the half
light he might have been merely a sick man
standing there leaning on the other. Then they
laid him on the ground in the shadow of the
stone wall alongside the road.
I don't know who that first one was. You
feel small in the presence of dead men, and
you don't ask silly questions.
We left him there beside the road, that first
one, and we all went back into the cowshed
and sat on watercans or lay on the straw, wait-
ing for the next batch of mules.
Somebody said the dead soldier had been
dead for four days, and then nobody said
anything more about him. We talked for an
hour or more; the dead man lay all alone,
outside in the shadow of the wall.
More Bodies Outside ...
r[HEN A SOLDIER came into the cowshed and
said there were some more bodies outside.
We went out into the road. Four mules stood
there in the moonlight, in the road where the
trail came down off the mountain. The soldiers
who led them stood there waiting.
"This one is Capt. Waskow," one of them said
Two men unlashed his body from the mule
and lifted off and laid it in the shadow beside
the stone wall. Other men took the other
bodies off. Finally, there were five lying end
to end in a long row. You don't cover up
dead men in the combat zones. They just 1i4
there in the shadows until somebody else
comes after them.
The uncertain mules moved off to their olive
groves. The men in the road seemed reluctant
to leave. They stood around, and gradually I
could sense them moving, one by one, close to
Capt. Waskow's body. Not so much to look, I
think, as to say something in finality to him
and to themselves. I stood close by and I could
One soldier came and looked down, and he
aid out loud:
"God dain it'
That's all he said, and then he walked away.
Another one came, and he said, "God damn
it to hell anyway!" He looked down for a last
few moments and then turned and left.

As if Hle Were Alive, .
ANOTHER MAN CAME. I think he was an
officer. It was hard to tell officers from
men in the dim light, for everybody was grimy
~ By Bay ixopn
IF YOU NOTICE a dearth of men on campus
this week and next it'll be because they're
all sitting at home by the telephone waiting to
be asked to Panhel-Assembly Ball.
FTYhUis is a. new ex deriele for most of us guys
and we're currently wondering where the
devil to put a corsage if we get one.
Meanwhile, the Yanks and Reds are closing
in on old lady Berlin without waiting to be

and dirty. The man looked down into the dead
captain's face and then spoke directly to him,
as though he were alive:
"I'm sorry, old man."
Then a soldier came and stood beside the of-
ficer and bent over, and he too spoke to his dead
captain, not in a whisper but awfully tenderly,
and he said:
"I sure am sorry, sir."
Then the first man squatted down, and he
reached down and took the captain's hand,
and he sat there for a full five minutes holding
the dead hand ill hs own and looking intently
into the dead face. And he never uttered a
sound all the time he sat there.
Finally he put the hand down. He reached up
and gently straightened the points of the cap-
tain's shirt collar, and then he sort of rear-
ranged the tattered edges of his uniform around
the wound, and then he got up and walked away
down the road in the moonlight, all alone.
The rest of us went back into the cowshed,
leaving the five dead men lying in a line end
to end in the shadow of the low stone wall.
We lay down on the straw in the cowshed, and
pretty soon we were all asleep
President Truman
PRESIDENT TRUMAN continues to handle
himself impressively. There were obvious
temptations before him when he rose to address
Congress. He could have mumbled something
about a "return to constitutional government."
and he would have evoked a great swelling
chorus of praise for himself in the conserva-
tive press. He could have used any one of a
number of code words, to show that he was
going to be a little 'different from Roosevelt,
get what I mean, and the response among the
sworn opponents of the late President would
have been enormous.
But Mr. Truman has not chosen to curry
favor, to give these little signals, which are so
eagerly awaited in some quarters. lie has it
in his power to pick up applause, cheaply and
easily, but he has not used that power. He
coud have made the kind of speech which
could have got him off the hot spot, so to
speak, dissociated himself gently, on the level
of mood and tone and atmosphere, from the
late President. But he has not done it. He
needs support, he needs prestige; his need of
these is bitter, but so far, lie is working for
them like a President and like a man.
In time to come, there will be moments when
he will have to be conciliatory. President Roose-
velt knew how to conciliate opposition, too; con-
ciliation is a part qf democratic process. But, in
President Truman's case, as in Mr. Roosevelt's.
there is hope that this will be conciliation on
behalf of great and stated ideals; not the kind
of empty, corny conciliation of everybody-in-
sight that oneo often hears from the election
The net impression, so far, is that Mr. Truman
is asking for support, with dignity,'on the ground
that he happens to be President; he is not agi-
tatedly begging people to like him, by slobbering
over them, or by adopting their pet verbalisms.
The slightest effort to do so, in the Congressional
speech, would have introduced a note, not only
of corn, but of cant, and that note was totally
He is thinking like a President. Some of
those who are so liberally offering him ad-
vice, especially in the more partisan sections
of the press, are thinking of him as if he
were a candidate for President. But he is
President. As President of all the people, he
does not have to turn double handsprings to
entertain us, or run amok among the bureaus,
chopping off heads and uttering shrill little
cries, to please some special interest. He
need not woo; he can ask to be wooed; that
is 'part of his job.
This is the hard road to favor, but he seems to
be followiIg it; and in the end there is no better
way to convince the American people that he
really is President than by being President. The
greatest praise that can be uttered for Mr. Tru-
man's speech to Congress is that it was not the

speech of a candidate for office; . it was the
speech of a man holding office.
Humble men have been able to become great
Presidents of the United States because of the
fact that there really is a humble road to great-
ness in a democracy. Men make ideas, but ideas
also make men; and it is the humble idea that
he represents all the people which makes a great
President. Let those with bright hot eyes who
will come storming into the White House to sell
their political knick-knacks realize that the hu-
man being on the other side of the desk feels
that he represents all the people; and they may
hate him, but they will know he is President.
It seems to me that Harry Truman has be-
gun to feel his way along this road. It is a
road which closes when the chief executive be-
gins to buy the little knick-knacks, for no
purpose but to please. But the simplest of
men may hope to travel unendingly along this
path, if he but holds to the great idea.
(Copyright, 1945. New York Post Syndicate)

A FUZZY little koala peeped anx-
iously out from behind the
branch of a eucalyptus tree. "Oh, it's
you," he said to a seemingly identical
animal which was sitting on another
branch and whistling.
"When I heard your whistle I
thought it was one of those flying
squirrels whistling some abominable
tune from the Hit Parade. And I
certainly didn't want to be bothered
with a conversation with one of those
creatures, or I shouldn't have been so
long in answering," he apologized.
"Oh, that's all right," the second
koala had started to say when the
first interrupted him. "That WAS
Tschaikowsky, wasn't it? The fourth?
or was it the fifth?" "Handel," said
the second, "the D-minor-"
"Oh. Well do come in," the first
koala interrupted again. "I have
something to show you. Just look at
what I have found!" He picked up
a volume conspicuously placed in a
crotch of the tree. "Just listen to
this: "Wartetf... das schmeckt
Schon ists auf der Flucht . .. Wenig
Muck nur, ein Stampfen. ein Sum-
mer- :- he read on eloquently.
"Tremendous! Wonderful! Such
thought! Such meaning! Where DID
you find it?" gasped the second koa-
la, his nose quivering ecstatically as
he surreptitiously looked across the
page for the translation, which wa
mostly obscured by the first koala's
Just then there was a knock at the
door. "Come in!" shouted the first
koala. The door flew wide open and
in bounced a flying squirrel. "Oh.
hello," he said. "I didn't know you
had company. ijust thought I'd
drop in for a friendly little chat."
"I was just reading a bit of Rilke_-
you MUST hear it." and the koala
began again: "Wartet .....das
schmeckt ..-" "What does it
mean?" asked the squirrel. "I don't
'know any German." The second koa-
la sighed discouragedly. "It loses all
its beauty in English," he said severe-
ly, and began a lengthy dissertation
upon the Untranslatability of Art.
"On the way up here I passed a
jackrabbit," said the squirrel meek-
ly when he had finished the ser-
mon, "and he says they're having
a town meeting over on the island
tonight. Sounds like it might be a
good thing." "Oh, but those jack-
rabbits!" the first koala grimaced,
"and the ones that live on the is-
land especially! They're just a lit-
tle reactionary clan-won't let any-
body even set foot on the island
except jackrabbits!" "They've got
quite a good man in the presidency
this year," ventured the squirrel
timidly. "The meeting's open to
anyone who wants to come."
"Intolerance! Prejudice.If
there's anything I can't stand it's
that!" snorted the first koala. This
struck the squirrel as being a little
contradictory, but he didn't like to
say anything, so he nodded sympa-
thetically instead. "Such intoler-
ance has no place in our modern
society!" went on the first koala.
"It must be stamped out! Some-
times I just don't think.there's any
hope for those islanders. The only
way we can get any equality or fair
representation for everybody is to
arrange to do things so that they
can't be in on it." The squirrel
nodded wisely, though a litle con-
There was deep silence for some
minutes, broken only by the rustling
of the eucalyptus leaves.
"Think we ought to be going?"
asked the first koala, suddenly, clear-
ing his throat. "What?" asked the
second koala, his ears standing up
startledly. "We were just going out
to do a bit of shopping when you
came," the first koala explained to
the squirrel. "Oh, well, in that case
I won't keep you," said the squirrel,
"come over to my house some time
won't you?" and he scampered out.

"Dull fellow," commented the
second koala.
The first shrugged his shoulders.
"Perfectly impossible," he agreed.
"Makes no effort to improve him-
self at all."
"Between flying squirrels and
jackrabbits-" exclaimed the first,
what are we to do? Iiow are we
ever to take any steps toward the
Better World?"
"Suppress them," announced the
second. "Disfranchise them. We've
got to eliminate the intolerance
they stand for."
"Sometimes I think it's a losing
struggle," sighed the first koala. Af-
ter a short friendly silence he spoke
again. "Thank goodness that intol-
erable fellow has gone. Now we can
settle down and enjoy ourselves."
The second koala patted his friend's
furry shoulder. "What a blessing
there are two of us," he said.

"WE HAVE learned that we cannot
live alone, at peace; that our
own well-being is dependent upon
the well-being of other nations, far
away. We have learned that we must
live as men, and not as ostriches, not
as dogs in the manger'," President
Roosevelt said in his Fourth Inaug-
ural Address.
Men with heads lifted from the
sand have formulated the.Dumbar-
ton Oaks and Bretton Woods pro-
posals and planned the San Fran-
cisco Conference to consider these
proposals. There is general agree-
ment that we must have a world
organization of some sort-there has
been no split along isolationist, inter-
nationalist lines.
A new test must be applied to
sort out the isolationists. War has
blurred the old and obvious signs.
The new type of isolationist is the
man who lauds the idea of a world
political organization at the same
time that he denounces interna-
tional economic cooperation. His
head is still in the sand.
Americans as a whole have become
quite familiar with the Dumbarton
Oaks proposals. They have a mental
picture of the organizational frame-
work that has been worked out.
They can visualize rather easily the
Security Council, the Assembly and
the Court of Justice.
The danger lies in assuming that
a neat political structure alone is
going to keep the peace. The phra-
ses 'peace-loving nations' and 'ag-
gressor nations' have been used
and we are forced to ask: "Is there
anything inherent in a people
which makes them either 'peace-
loving' or 'aggressive'?"
THIS WAR has taught us that a
. people with empty stomachs can
of hunger on lands beyond their bor-
ders. (Remember 'lebensraum'?)
This war has taught us that unless
we have a prosperous world we can-
not have a peaceful world.
Foremost among the means of
achieving economic stability are the
Bretton'Woods proposals. 1) the In-
ternational Bank for Reconstruction
and Development and 2) the Inter-
national Monetary Fund. The noted
economist, Alvin Hansen, briefly de-
scribes these proposals in two articles
in the New Republic, "Isolationism or
Bretton Woods", Feb. 26, 1945, and
"Bretton Woods or Economic War-
fare", March 5, 1945.
The Bank, a $9.1 billion pool of
funds, will permit reconstruction in
war-devastated areas and will foster
the industrialization of backward
The International Monetary
Fund seeks to establish internal
and international economic stabil-

chinery on a longiterm basis for
orderly changes in exchange rates,
when such changes are necessary to
promote iternational equilibrium.
3) To provide a system of inter-
national short-term credit designed
to help countries over short-term
balance-of-payment difficulties.
4) To provide machinery for con-
tinuous international consultation,
We cannot afford economic iso-
lationism any more than we can
afford political isolationism. A
world political organization with-
out effective international econom-
ic agreements just will not work.
The United States will be in a
particularly advantageous position
economically. We have suffered
less from this war than any other
people. On the surface withdrawal
into ourselves looks attractive.
We know now how impracticable
it would be because we have learned
'that our own well-being is depen-
dent upon the well-being of other
nations, far away.'
-Betty Roth
VOL. LV, No. 125
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. in. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
honors Convocation: The 22nd an-
nual Honors Convocation will be held
on Friday morning, April 20, at 10
o'clock, CWT, at Rackham Lecture
Hall. Provost James P. Adams will
deliver the address, "Standards of
Thinking." The only seats reserved
will be those for honor students and
their parents. There will be no aca-
demic procession, and academic cos-
tume will not be worn. To permit
attendance at the Convocation,
Mlasses, with the exception of clinics,
will be dismissed at 9:45. Doors of
the Lecture Hall will open at 9:30.
The public is invited.
Applicants for Combined Curric-
ala: Application for admission to a
ombined curriculum must be made
before April 20 of the final pre-
professional year. Application forms
may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall
and should be filed with the Secre-
tary of the Committees at that office.
University' Lecture: Miss Helen M.
Martin of the Department of Conser-
vation will speak on the life of "Dou-
glass Houghton", at 3:15 in the
Rackham Amphitheater, under the
auspices of the Department of Ge-
ology. The public is cordially invited.
Dr. Howard Kershner: Vice-Presi-
dent of "Save the Children Federa-
tion", will be sponsored by Post-War
Council in his lecture today on "Sav-
ing the Future". He will speak at
3:15 p.m. in the Hussy Room of
League. The public is cordially in-
vited to attend.
Organ Recital: Frieda Op't Holt
Vogan, whose organ recital was post-
poned last Sunday because of the
memorial Services for the late Presi-
dent Roosevelt, will be heard at 3:15
p.m., CWT, Sunday, April 22. Mrs.

Mary Stubbins, originally scheduled
to play April 22, will give her pro-
gram on April 29 at the same hour.
Both recitals are open to the public.
Exhibit of items relating to the
career of Douglass Houghton, first
State Geologist of Michigan and pio-
neer in the development of Michigan
copper, in Rm. 160, Rackham Build-
ing by the Michigan Historical Col-
lections, from April 16-April 20.
Events Today
Tea at the International Center,
every Thursday, 3-4:30 p.m. Faculty,
foreign students, and their American
friends are cordially invited,
Inter-Guild Inventory: Rev. H. 0.
Yoder will discuss "Lutherans and
Protestant Action" at the Inter-
Guild Inventory this afternoon at
1 4 in Lane Hall.
Town Hall: This evening at 7:30,
the Student Town Hall will debate
the subject, "Resolved, That the Fra-
ternity and Sorority System Is Basi-
eno Undemocratic". Studnts in-







ity by substituting international
cooperation in the monetary field
for the extremely nationalistic pol-
icies followed so drastically during
the last war under the old gold


Fund is designed to achieve or-
derly flexibility combined with opti-
mum stability, Hansen explains, list-
ing specifically these functions:
1) To provide machinery to estab-
lish by international consultation
(and not by destructive unilateral
action) the appropriate exchange
rate for each member country.
2) To provide international ma-
e t
Peggy Goodin, '45, has made such
an important statement and has hit
the nail so squarely on the head that
I hereby break my rule of action not
to write letters to the editor, in order
to support the point of view pres-
ented. Entem'ing freshman, both men
and women, should have at least one
year during which to "get their bear-
ings, academically and socially, .with-
out the complications of sorority (and
fraternity) obligations." During the
year there should be no "silence,"
'no artificial barriers" between en-
tering freshman and other students.
There will be adequate time and op-
portunity to "rush students" after
they have at least one year's record
on the. registrar's books. This is the
only fair plan both for the student
and the sorority or fratemnity.
During a good many years of
teaching in college, I have had op-
portunity to observe the working
out of the fraternity-sorority sys-
temn in several different institutions
of higher education. I have ob-
served the situation both from
Swithinand without the fraternity
Ihouse, As Director of the Bureau
of Cooperation which carries on
work with secondary schools I have
many opportunities to study the
attitude toward the fraternity sit-
uation held by students both be-
fore they leave high school class-
rooms and after asyear or two col-
lege. During these years I have




Gus and I got up to O'Ma ley Enterprises last
night. The watchman let us have the elevator-

Unfortunately, they presented
no challenge. Jhey were open.
You see, the cleanina oeoole-

By Crockett Johnson
That takes time, O'Malley. And Gus feared
LI if we were working there when the staffI
came in. it might unset their routine. Sn- I

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