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March 10, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-10

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Sir igan


Partly Cloudy and Warmer,
Moderate Winds









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Campus Naval Unit Will Not Be Decreased Japanese


_______ ___________

V-12 Students To Be
Merged with NROTC
Naval Reserve Program To Include
8-Termn Curriculum; Quota is 2100

The new nationwide setup, calling
for the gradual merging of the V-12
into the NROTC and for a wartime
quota of 24,000 and a peacetime quota
of 14,000 men to fill 50 NROTC units
announced this week by the Navy
Department, will cause no decrease
in the total V-12 complement at the
University, it was revealed yesterday.
The new set-up "will effect no sub-
stantial change in the University
curriculum," Prof. Marvin Niehuss,
Co-ordinator of Emergency Training,
Wider Curriculum
At present most students who are
assigned in the V-12 program to a
specialized curriculum and who will
have completed four terms by July
1, will not be transferred to the
NROTC but will be allowed to con-
tinue as members of V-12 to comple-
tion of their curriculum. Most of
the V-12 men at Michigan, who were
to have transferred to NROTC by
July 1, 'made the change when en-
rolling for the current semesters.
Prof. Clarence F. Kessler pointed
out that under the new program men
will have a wider choice of electives
than they have had under the V-12
program, in which all courses were
prescribed. Either an engineering or
ageneral curriculum may be selec-
ted, and, according to Prof. Kessler,
"There is no reason'why a man may
not select journalism or architecture
or any other field of study if he
wishes to do so."
Will Continme Causes
Those students, who will have com-
pleted four semesters in the V-12 by
July 1, will continue to take a vary-
ing number of terms up to a total of
eight, and will be transferred to
Naval Reserve Midshipman School
for an additional term of intensive
training prior to being commissioned.
Under the newly announced pro-
gram, the NROTC curriculum will
Ohio Floods
Serious, Termed
Not Disastrous
CINCINNATI, March 9-()-The
Ohio valley began to write off the
Ohio- river's 1945 flood tonight as
one of major caliber but far from a
The 981-mile river had crested at
its one danger point-Portsmouth-
was falling at many upriver points,
and was expected to crest tonight or
tomorrow at most places below Louis-
ville except at the mouth.
At Cairo, Ill., a rise in the Missis-
sippi was expected to push the Ohio
up to perhaps a 54-foot stage, a foot
or so higher than today's mark and 14
feet above flood stage. Cairo is pro-
tected to 60 feet by a floodwall.
Volunteers and state guardsmen
working under Army engineers held
out the Ohio and tributary Scioto
rivers at Portsmouth with a hastily
built 2,800-foot levee of sandbags,
keeping just inches ahead of the wat-
ers before they crested there at 64.94
early today.
Officers warned the pressure
against the levee now was greatest
and it still could break.
Today Former University of
Texas President Homer
P. Rainey will speak at
2:30 p. m. at Rackham
Today Hockey game: Michigan
vs. Huron and Middlesex
Regiment at 8 p. m. at
the ice rink.
March 11 Ava Comin Case will
present first in a series
of School of Music fac-
ulty recitals at 8:30 p. m.
in Lydia Mendelssohn
March 12-14 Copies of the second

permit the student eight terms of
college training, including any spent
in the V-12 program prior to trans-
fer in the NROTC. The curriculum,
of two types, general and engineer-
ing, will lead to a commission as En-
sign in the Naval Reserve. One year
after commissioning, NROTC grad-
uates will be authorized to request
transfer from the reserve to the reg-
ular Navy.
Reds Seize
Oder Town,
N ear Berlin
LONDON, Mar. 9-(P)-The Ger-
mans said tonight that Red Army
shock troops had crashed into the
heart of Kuestrin and captured part
of that Oder River fortress town 38
miles east of Berlin in a roaring pre-
lude to'the battle for the Nazi capital.
In the north spearheads of three
Soviet armies were reported battling
in the suburbs of Stettin, Pomeranian
capital. The Germans announced the
loss of Greifenhagen, east bank Oder
crossing town 11 miles south of Stet-
tin, main port for Berlin.
Armies Closing on Danzig
Far to the northeast five or six
Soviet armies were closing swiftly on
surrounded Danzig, having pierced
the outer defenses of that former
free city. Albert Forster, Nazi Gaul-
eiter, again called on civilians and
soldiers to fight to the death.
None of these enemy reports was
confirmed by Moscow, but Premier
Stalin announced in an order of the
day the fall of Stolp, nine-way Pom-
eranian junction and stronghold 63
miles west of Danzig. Stolp was one
of the last few enemy strongholds
left in Pomerania east of the Oder.
Other Soviet forces were reported
only 10 miles outside Danzig on the
Hitler Visits Oder Front
Heavy fighting raged from Kienitz,
west bank village 10 miles northwest
of Kuestrin, down to the area west
of Lebus, 11 miles south of Kuestrin,
enemy broadcasts said.
Dr. Raiey Will
Speak Today,
'Educational Problems
l the South Is Topic
Dr. Homer P. Rainey, nationally-
known educator and former presi-
dent of the University of Texas, will
discuss "Educational Problems in the
South" before an open meeting at
2:30 p.m. today in the Rackham
Dismissed from the presidency at
Texas last year because of his con-
troversy concerning fundamental
freedoms at that university with the
Board of Regents, Dr. Rainey at that
time detailed numerous cases where-
in he affirmed that the Board had
over-stepped its legal bounds in try-
ing to interfere with the due admin-
istrational powers of the president
during the five years he held that
Dr. Rainey, who will be introduced
by President Alexander G. Ruthven,
is brought here through the com-
bined efforts of MYDA, Inter-Racial
Association, Hillel Foundation, Post-
War Council, Student Religious As-
sociation, The Daily, Dr. I. L. Sharf-
man, Franklin H. Littell, Profs. How-
ard McClusky, Norman Maier, Pres-
ton Slosson, Mentor Williams and
Nationally recognized as an educa-
tional leader, Dr. Rainey has been
professor at the University of Ore-

gon, president of Bucknell and Ober-I

SEES CANCER CELLS-Dr. E. V. Cowdry (right), professor of anatomy
at Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., shows living cancer cells
used in research into the malady to Senator Claude Pepper, chairman of
the Senate subcommittee on wartime health and education, seeking to
maintain wartime speedup in research.
To Retain N14o-,Strike' Pledge

DETROIT, March 9-(AP)-Mem-
bers of the United Automobile Work-
ers (CIO) have voted to retain the
Union's no-strike pledge, Ben Garri-
son, chairman of a referendum com-
mittee of the international union,
said tonight.
Garrison said rough estimates of
some 300,000 ballots, which have been
sorted into "yes" and "no" piles,
Announced by
Engine Schtool
Winners of the Frank Sheehan and.
Cornelius Donovan scholarships for
the spring term have been announced
by Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the
College of Engineering.
Warren H. Curry, Jackson, and
John William Peterson, Allegon, re-
ceived the Sheehan Scholarship for
the spring and summer terms, while
James 'S. Barry, Roscommon, and
William S. Wunch, Charlottesville,
Va., won the Cornelius Donovan
Curry and Barry have general
scholastic averages of 3.2; Peter'-;
son's average is 3.4; Wunch's 3.7,
The Frank Sheehan Scholarship in
Aeronautics was founded in 1929 by
a gift from Mildred Sheehan of New
York as a memorial to her brother,
F. P. Sheehan. The scholarship is
granted to students who intend to
follow an aeronautics career. They
must have completed at least two
years' work in thc College of Engi-
neering with a scholastic average
"distinctly above the average."
The Cornelius Donovan Scholar-
ship is an award to "meritorious"
senior students who are working
their way through college. These
students must have completed a min-
imum of 45 units of work at the Uni-
versity with a minimum general aver-
age of 2.5.
juike Boxes Must
Be Off by -Midnight
Local police and sheriff's officers
yesterday warned Ann Arbor and'
county restaurant owners that juke
boxes must be turned off by mid-
Juke boxes have been interpreted,
under the recently adopted curfew
order, as entertainment, it was dis-
Since the Byrnes order to close
places of entertainment was made ef-
fective almost two weeks ago, there
have been violations in Ann Arbor or
the county.
'Dating Tinle' at Illinois
WT,11 Pn..v,...c T.vnlve-', "

indicated a possible two-to-one sup-
port for the pledge.
After the referendum was author-
ized last fall at the union's inter-
national convention at Grand Rapids,
Mich., the committee mailed out some
1,200,000 ballots to members of the
union in war plants throughout the
United States and Canada, and to
members on leave in the armed ser-
Garrison said the committee had
expected close to 500,000 ballots would
be returned, but the actual number
fell short of this figure.
The referendum was authorized
after the UAW-CIO convention had
heard demands from some factions
for revocation of the no-strike pledge.
All international officers of the union,
however, urged retention of the pledge
in war plants.
Prod ii tioiWill
Be resumedl
DETROIT, March 9-(I')-Resump-
tion of war production Monday in
seven plants of the Briggs Manufac-
turing Co., closed for eight days by
a strike of 13,000 employes, was voted
tonight at a meeting of the strikers.
The workers, who twice previously
rejected back-to-work proposals,
agreed by a 10 to 1 margin to termi-
nate the work stoppage, which had
tied up output of plane assemblies
and other war materiel, after hear-
ing pleas that they return to their
benches from officers of the local
and international union.
More than 2,500 unionists attended
the meeting.
Elsewhere on the Detroit labor
front, a one-day strike of 3,000 work-
ers at Graham-Paige Motors Inc.,
ended today as Local 142 UAW-CIO
agreed to negotiate the differences
with the company. The walkout cen--
tered about the time allowed for
washing-up by employes, the union
claiming 15 minutes and the company
asserting five was the maximum.
The international UAW-CIO execu-
tive board announced at New York
that officers of Dodge Local 3 had
been "severely condemned" for their
part in a recent work stoppage at
the Dodge main plant

First Army
Joins Third,
Traps NZis
Yank Drive Probably
5 Miles East of Rhine
By The Associated Press
PARIS, March 9--The U. S. First
Army drove probably more .than five
miles east of the Rhine today after
smashing the first tank-led counter-
attack at its Remagen bridgehead,
and to the south trapped an estimat-
ed 50,000 Germans by linking up with
the Third Army.
Men, guns, tanks and supplies pour-
ed into the expanding bridgehead 28
miles south of Cologne across the
great Iludendorff bridge, officially dis-
closed to have been taken intact.
German planes in ones, twos and
threes tried repeatedly to knock out
the bridge during the day, but were
shot down or driven off by alert anti-
aircraft gunners guarding what for
the moment is the key to the whole
battle against Germany on the west.
No News on Scope
Supreme Headquarters blacked out
the scope of the advance, but it was
possible that a breakout on the road
to Berlin might be disclosed at any
(A Blue Network correspondent
broadcast from the front that the
bridgehead had been doubled in size
and width since yesterday and that "a
number of towns and villages" had
been captured.)
Bonn, Rhineland city of 101,000 fell
to the First Army north of the middle
Rhine bridgehead, and the Third
Army to the south battled within four
miles of the traffic center of Coblenz
after sweeping the enemy from the
Coblenz plain west of the Rhine.
U. S. 15th Army Disclosed on Front
On one of the blackest days for
Germany since Hitler plunged Europe
into the second World War within a
generation, the Allies handed the ene-
my more bad news by disclosing that
the U. S. 15th Army now was on the
Western Front at an undisclosed sec-
Under Lt. Gen. Leonard T. Gerow,
a corps commander on D-Day, the
new 15th gave Gen. Eisenhower nine
armies-five of them American-for
the showdown battles of Germany.
The Germans counter-attacked Lt.
Gen. Courtney H. Hodges' First Army
bridgehead in force for the first time
today with elements of an armored
division, but were hurled back.
Red Cross War
Drive Covers
entire Cwnmpus
Every house and each man and
woman on campus will be contacted
through the efforts of either the
League or the Union in the Red Cross
War Fund drive which will continue
throughout the month of March,
The quota set for student dona-
tions is $5,000, $500 more than last
year's all-campus quota. Faculty and
other University personnel have been
solicited separately, and to date they
have contributed $1,500, which in-
cludes reports from 30 per cent of the
departments. Their goal has been
set at $4,500.
The annual membership drive,
which will raise the funds necessary
to the continuation of the many ser-
vices the Red Cross render to the
serviceman, went over the top last
year in the campus drive-
In the local drive, latest reports
show that the city workers have in-
creased totals past the half-way
mark to Ann Arbor's quota of $79,100.

is Left in Flames
Heaviest Raid of War Is Executed in
Clear Weather by Saipan-Based Forts
By The Associated Press
force of more than 300 American B-29s bombed Tokyo in a surprise raid
before daylight today, leaving the capital in "conflagration."
Bombing was visual, in clear weather.
The raid, the heaviest yet made by the Superforts, caught the enemy
capital by surprise.
The B-29s, flying from their bases on Tinian, Saipan and Guam in
the Marianas, attacked soon after midnight (Tokyo time) in their second
night appearance over the city.
All Incendiary
It was the first announced all-incendiary raid by the sky giants. The
bombing force exceeded by more than 100 planes the number participating
in last Sunday's record strike at the enemy capital.
The bomb load also was the heavi* *

est ever dropped on Tokyo, exceed-
ing a thousand tons. There was some
speculation that the total may have
reached 1,500 tons.
Targets of this heavy thrust at
Tokyo, the 12th attack by the B-29s
since their Saipan base was inaugu-
rated last November, were industrial
Tokyo Admits It
The Tokyo radio acknowledged ear-
tier that the city had been attacked,
saying there were "some fires" in
"residential sections" caused by "in-
discriminate bombing."
These were being fought, the broad-
cast added, "by our government and
civilians in order to limit the dam-
ages to the smallest possible degree."
"There is a conflagration in Tokyo}
tonight," said Maj. Gen. Curtis Le-
May- after checking the raid's pro-
gress and first reports. He had stay-.
ed up all night at headquarters.
Center of Tokyo
The target assigned and hit by the
massive force was an area of 10
square miles in the center of Tokyo.
It contains scores of small industries,
factories and other military targets-
and a population of about 1,000,000.
It is considered the most congested
area in the capital. In character it
varies from sections comparable to a
downtown business section in an Am-
erican city, with administration build-
ings and many important business
houses, to tightly packed residences.
Fire breaks, cut through the sec-
tion in anticipation of incendiary
raids, apparently failed to stop the
spread of the flames.
Clear Weather
The weather over the city during
the 90-minute attack was a complete
contrast to the heavy overcast and
obscuring fog which forced B-29s to
rely on precision instruments in the
last two raids, March 4 and Feb. 25.
At headquarters, General Le May
followed intently the reports of -the
earliest fliers leaving the target.
"Small fires," said the first to re-
"Large fires," carne later reports.
"Conflagration," was the thrilling
word received when only half the
planes had reported.
Caught flat-footed as the first raid-
ers swooped in, the Japanese sent
up meager fighter opposition. Pilots
reported heavy anti-aircraft fire, how-
Not a single plane had been lost
as of LeMay's latest word.

OK o Reports
Yank Landing,
On Mindanao
VacArthlur GiVes No
Confirmation of Attack
By The Associated Press
LUZON, March 10-American lib-
eration troops were reported by the
Tokyo radio to be ashore on -Min-
danao Island, second largest and sec-
ond in importance of the Philippines.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur's Friday
communique made no mention of an
invasion but told of heavy American
air attacks on Zamboanga, ancient
fortress city.
It was here that the unconfirmed
Tokyo broadcast said the Yanks had
Heavy Raid Reported
The raid reported by MacArthur
was unusually heavy-with bombers
of all sizes dropping 129 tons of bombs
on Japanese barracks and supply
Mindanao would be the twenty-first
Philippine island invaded by :Mac-
Arthur's troopls since the initial land-
ings on Leyte and near-by small
islands in October, 1944.
The Tokyo report said the land-
ing at Zamboanga was preceded by
heavy naval bombardment, started
March 8 by battleships, cruisers and
other American warships.
Shimbu Defenses Hit
Gen. MacArthur reported today
that the Yanks have broken into the
Shimbu defense line east of-Manila.
He said the First (dismounted) Cav-
alry Division and the Sixth Infantry
Division have made substantial gains
on the south flank of the defense-
studded line in the vicinity of Bayan-
The enemy line "consists almost en-
tirely of caves in the hillsides closely
spaced for interlocking fire."
"A cave normally consists of a 10-
foot shaft large enough for a man to
climb up or down a rope ladder,"
MacArthur said in emphasizing the
difficulty of the operation.
The method of attack has been to
confine the enemy with air and ar-
tillery saturation bombardments, then
to send forward small demolition
groups with flame throwers, white
phosphorous and demolition grenades.

Brig.Ge i. Trudea Cancels
Visit to JAG Commencement

Brigadier General Arthur G. Tru-
deau, Deputy Director of the Military
Training Division, Army Service For-
ces, has cancelled his proposed visit
to Ann Arbor to view JAG School
commencement exercises Friday and

Army Curbs iarseille Black Market

Saturday, it was announced yester-
Guest officers attending the grad-
uation of the 10th Officer Candi-
date Class and 21st Officer Class will
be Major General Myron C. Cram-
er, Judge Advocate General, U. S.
Army; Major General Russel B. Rey-
nolds, Commanding General, Sixth
Service Command; Colonel William
H. McCarthy, Commanding Officer,
District One, Sixth Service Command,
Detroit; and Colonel Oscar Rand,
Staff Judge Advocate, Sixth Service
Recently appointed to head the
Sixth Service Command, Gen. Rey-

MARSEILLE-( P)-The iron hand
of the military, applied swiftly, has
shut off any chance to black market
U. S. goods in this big French port
through which flow tremendous sup-

ed when he was commander in Cor-
sica and covered up all loopholes.
"No American supplies are being
sold on the open market here," he
said. "And further, anyone wishing
to send a money order home from

marketing military supplies now are
given five and six year prison terms
and fines of 50,000 francs, Ratay
Ratay acknowledged that some
supplies landed on the beaches when

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