Cabinet ChangesPredicted
W ASHINGTON-President Truman is being
advised by friends to make a few long-delay-
ed changes in the Roosevelt cabinet which would
strengthen his administration, electrify the
country, and make the nation realize that his is
definitely a firm hand at the helm. Here is
how the cabinet line-up looks at the moment.
Secretary of Commerce Wallace-The man
most likely to remain. Truman will never
budge him. The two became good friends
during the presidential campaign, when Wal-
lace rolled up his sleeves and fought hard for
both Roosevelt and Truman, even though he
had been ditched at Chicago.
Secretary of War Stimson-Born two years
after Lincoln was assassinated, Stimson has
lived through three wars, fought in one of
them, and served as Secretary of War twice.
He also served as Secretary of State under
Hoover. He also will never be removed, by
Truman. But Stimson will want to retire
himself, after victory over Japan is sewed up.
Secretary of the Navy Forrestal-Franklin
Roosevelt was his own Secretary of the Navy.
Between him and the admirals, Forrestal was
chiefly figurehead. Under the circumstances,
he did a good job, particularly in his relations
with Cpngress. He will be continued for the
time being, but is by no means a fixture. Sen-
ator Truman was critical of the admirals,
and if he thinks Forrestal does too much
kowtowing to gold braid, President Truman
may lock for a new Naval secretary.
Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau-Mor-
genthau was the closest member of the cabinet
to Roosevelt. The relationship was intimate
and personal. He has done an A-1 job on
war bonds and has been a good administrator,
but his relations with Congress are zero.
Democratic Chairman Hannegan, who once
served under Morgenthau, is a strong rooter
for him and if Truman follows Hannegan's ad-
vice, Morgenthau will stay. However, Mrs. Mor-
genthau has been seriously ill, and the Secretary
of the Treasury may insist on retiring.
Secretary of the Interior Ickes-The old
curmudgeon is the only member of the cabi-
net who has consistently submitted his resigna-
tion every time Roosevelt was re-elected. It
was never accepted. Ie is also submitting -his
resignation to Truman, but again it will not be
accepted. Truman wants to keep the strongest
men of the Roosevelt cabinet, and Ickes,
whether you like him or not, is strong. The
possibility of Ickes remaining for the dura-
tion depends pretty much on whether Truman
stays liberal or goes conservative.
Attorney General Biddle-Big interests have
already started gunning for Biddle's scalp. They
want to block further crack-downs under the
AntiTrust Act. Also, the big city bosses would
like to have more protection on their tax prob-
lems. Biddle is too honest. He has also been
America's staunchest defender of the civil liber-
ties. Therefore, Truman will think twice before
replacing him. His young friend, Hugh Fulton,
counsel for the Truman committee, is too inex-
perienced to jump into the job yet.
Postmaster General Walker-Frank Walk-
er was second to Morgenthau as personal
friend of F. D. R. His appointment was largely
a matter of friendship. However, Frank has
done a good job as postmaster and likes to
carry the mail. He will be the first to step
aside though, if he thinks Truman wants to
reward Bob Hannegan by making him Post-
master General.
Secretary of Labor Perkins-She has resign-
ed twice before and will resign again. This time
it will be accepted. Miss Perkins has definitely
wanted to step out and Truman will take advan-
tage of this opportunity to make his first cabi-
net replacement. First on the list as Secretary
of Labor is his old senatorial friend and col-
league on the Truman committee, hard-hitting
Harley Kilgore of West Virginia. Another possi-
bility is Goveror Ellis Arnall of Georgia. Some
of Truman's friends think he should appoint a
liberal Southerner to the labor post and thus
ceLdkri to 11e 65L1Q,4
The topic for the Town Hall Meeting this
Thursday will be "Fraternities and Sororities-
Are they a benefit or detriment to the Michi-
gan Campus?" This topic has always been a
vital one on the campus and is particularly sig-
nificant now in view of the controversy that was
stirred up during the recent rushing season.
Regarding this issue two separate contentions
have been made. On one hand, it has beeir
argued that fraternities and sororities can be
improved, particularly by improving the rush-.
ing system. On the other hand the contention
is made that the fraternities and sororities are
inherently bad and no specific improvements
can make them a positive asset to the campus.
This much is clear. Particular points which
have been discussed during recent weeks are
related to the over all question of fraternities
and sororities. At the Town Hall specific is-
sues will be discussed but this time in proper
relationship to the broader question.
-M. John Condylis
Martin Mu. Shapero
influence conservative Southern leaders. Friends
of Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black have even
let it be known that he would be willing to leave
the Supreme Court to help out in the emergency.
Secretary of Agriculture Wickard-One of
the kindest hearted men in the cabinet, Wick-
ard was a political accident, due to the retire-
ment of Henry Wallace. For a time he was
in conflict with War Food Administrator Jones,
and his Agricultural Department was partial-
ly stripped in favor of the War Food Admini-
stration. Now plans are under way to con-
solidate the two again and bring in a new,
strong face as Secretary of Agriculture.
Secretary of State Stettinius-Whereas Roose-
velt was his own Secretary of State, Truman
frankly admits knowing little about foreign af-
fairs. Stettinius was put in the State Depart-
ment by Harry Hopkins, who argued that Roose-
velt would run things anyway. Now the situa-
tion is reversed. As a result, many of Truman's
old Congressional friends are urging that ex-
Justice Jimmy Byrnes take over the State De-
partment. Truman will send him to San Fran-
cisco as a starter, and probably ease him into
the State Department later.
You can write it down, therefore, that three
cabinet mebers most likely to be changed are
Stettinius, Miss Perkins, and Secretary of Agri-
cultue Wickard.
Note-If Byrnes becomes Secretary of State,
Stettinius might become U. S. representative of
the United Nations Council.
(Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Nazis Can't Stopl
WHY DON'T the Nazis stop fighting? Why
don't they show some sense, and surrender?
Don't they understand that the war is lost?
The fact that we can ask these questions -of
each other, so vehemently, and with so much
honest bewilderment, shows, I think, how little
we appreciate the nature and meaning of fas-
The Nazis don't stop fighting because they
can't. They can't because what is going on in
Europe is not a war. It is a social convulsion.
Fascism cannot surrender any more than feu-
dalism could surrender, after it had outlived
its time. There was no one day on which feudal-
ism "gave up," and there will be no one day
on which fascism will give up. It will never
really give up. It will be worn out, outlived,
outfought, and destroyed, in a lengthy process
which started long before this war, and will
continue long after it; a process in which the
war itself is but a chapter.
There is something quaint about our ef-
forts to select an official day, on which it
will be an official fact that the war in Europe
is over. We have about decided that we shall
"have to pick a day, almost at random, and call
that day the day of peace. That we have
such difficulties in locating and defining the
end of this war ought of itself to tell us that
this is not the kind of war we are used to.
The fact that fascism refuses to end this war
is a sign and token that it doesn't intend to
quit even after this war is over. It is offering
a continuity of resistance; and it will still fight,
with political means, the day after it fires its
last bullet. There will be no break in this battle
at all. It does little good to apostrophize the
Nazi leaders as military madmen; the resistance
they are offering is as the resistance of oil to
water. It is a resistance dictated by difference
in kind, and it can't end.
We are surprised - that the Germans con-
tinue to fight, after 'so many bizarre signs of
disintegration have appeared in the Reich.
But disintegration is the only means by which
a social order ever comes to the end of its
time. A social order never stops with a period.
It crumbles, falls away in sections, splinters,
pulverizes. The fact that the Nazi system is
falling apart, rather than surrendering intact,
is an even surer sign of our victory; it means
we are crushing it, not merely 'beating it.
It means we are not only administering a de
feat to it; it means that our side is superseding
it in history.
In the light of these conceptions, what shall we
say about such gestures as Senator Taft's recent
amendment proposing that lend-lease shall stop
the minute "'the war ends?" What war? The war
against fascism? There will be no "minute" when
that war ends. And if we stop our aid to the
wounded countries too soon, the thing that has
been disintegrating in Europe may begin toq rein-
tegrate itself. The victory against fascism will
not be complete until every country in Europe
can stand on its own feet without fascism. That
is what historical victory means; that is our
Those who want us to end aid to Europe at
"the end of the war" are mistaking the cam-
paign against the remnants of the Reichswehr
for the war against fascism; but it is only a
chapter in it, the war is larger and longer than
that. The fascists know it, and that is why
they are retreating so desperately to the Bava-
rian mountains, and it remains to be seen
whether we can be as grimly dogged in the
pursuit of our ends as they for theirs.
(Copyright. 1945, New York Post Syndicate)
MISS ROBIN and some of her
friends seem greatly exercised
over our recent observations concern-
ing this campus. Perhaps if one
paragraph had not been inadvertent-
ly deleted, these people might have
understood us a little better-thougl
that is highly doubtful. It went as
follows, "Crestfallen over the catas-
trophe, that had stricken this nation
but a few hours before, we decided
to assess Ann Arbor's reaction. There
was but one criteria in mind-
thoughtfulness-on which basis ver
little of a favorable nature can be
said." Bob and I had no pre-concep-
tions on this subject. Reportorial
honesty demanded that article and
both of us felt considerably relieved
after it was written.
Havelock Ellis once put forth a
thesis whose validity I have until
now questioned. It was to the ef-
fet that of all arts, thehdance is
most instinctive. Ellis held that
the birds and the bees and num-
erous other species danced almost
before they breathed. Homo An-
narborius does it before he thinks.
Thursday night last there was a
successful dance and much jubila-
tion at Masonic Temple; Friday
night'Louis Prima had the rug-cut-
ters agog. True, the Pan-American
Ball was postponed. This news
could be read in a column opposite
from the one about gay week-end
parties where everyone presumably
could indulge in the terpsichorean
art to his heart's content. If Nero
had attended a civic-spirited uni-
versity like this one, he would prob-
ably have danced while Rome burn-
Harry Truman is being called a
Puritan in Babylon. Despite ques-
tionable affiliations, no one doubt
his personal honesty. He has re-
mained an upright man through the
thick and thin of political turpitude
But, so was Ulysses S. Grant an hon-
est man. Yet his administration was
about as corrupt as any in U. S. histo-
ry. Or consider Warren G. Harding-
he was not dishonest himself. But
corruption flourished under him an
Tea Pot Dome was his baby.
Franklin Roosevelt used the ma-
chines; Harry Truman has been an
instrument of them. The person
who does not see the vastness of
this difference is blind. We must
be ever vigilant from now on that
our president is not used. James
Wechsler reports from Washing-
ton that President Truman, in ad-
dition to his big Three of Bob Han-
negan, Jimmy Byrnes, and Hugh
Fulton, will continue to maintain
close ties with Jim Pendergast. Jim
Pendergast is, a nephew of the late
Tom Pendergast and has inherited
his uncle's notorious machine. I
do not know just how much politi-
cal pitch a man can touch without
having it blacken him.
IT REMAINS to be seen whether
, the new president can become an
initiator of things. What will be his
stand on the Negro question, for in-
stance? Does he favor a permanent
FEPC? Byrnes is well known for
his Jim Crowism, and Missouri is
hardly the seat of racial equality.
Hannegan is a politician and noth-
ing more. He engineered Senator
Truman's nomination at Chicago last
July-not alone, but 'in large part.
Hannegan fought against Wallace.
Politics, in the most unwholesome
sense, and expediency are all such
men know. One can only hope of
Fulton that he does not resemble
those other U. of M. graduates now
in the public eye: Sewell Avery and
Burton K. Wheeler.
Another Michigan man figures in
current speculation. He is our
dashing senator, Homer Ferguson
who may be slated for the Attorney-
General's spot. I would not call
such an occurrence fortunate, espe-
cially in view of the anti-Semitic
campaign Mr. Ferguson conducted
when he ran against Senator
Brown. But, coalition appears to
be the password of this new gov-
ernment. They even call Mr. Tru-
man in some quarters, "The Walk-
ing Missouri Compromise." Thisf
appellation comtes immediately from
the column of Jay G. Hayden who,
it is rumored, sometimes "helps"
Senator Vandenberg write his
speeches. Liberalism was rapidly
disintegrating even under President
Roosevelt. But we always felt hej
was there for the show down. Any
such confidence in Mr. Truman isf
premature and must be tempered
with watchful waiting.j
S MISS HAWLEY stated in her
presentation of arguments for
the Dumbarton Oaks Proposals, they
are far from perfect. There are many
people who feel the proposals deviate
so far from "the ideal arrangement"
(which has a variety of interpreta-
tions) that in accepting them. we
have signed a blank check for a
Third World War. Others are a bit
more moderate in their considera-
tion of the proposals, merely point-
ing out "holes" which should be fill-
ed to strengthen them. Let us con-
sider reactions to acceptance of the
proposals ranging from a vehement
"no" to "yes-with modifications."
The isolationists say no. "How
is it possible for peoples of the
several nations to tackle and solve
international problems when many
domestic problems still remain un-
solved?" they question. Interna-
tional cooperation snould be limited
to cultural and humanitarian bases.
Treaties should be limited to single
alliances according to "past, pres-
ent, and potential relations to the
United States," to quote Gerald
L. K. Smith, and should be enforc-
ed by our force.
The perfectionists say no. TheJ
Dumbarton Oaks Proposals provide
only for a confederation of nations.
Each nation would retain its full
sovereignty so that the, proposals
would only be a League resting on the
goodwill of all member nations. The
perfectionists say that we should
not stop short of a world federation
in which each nation would cede its
sovereignty to this higher supreme
power. Only then could the coop-
eration of all the member nations be
more nearly assurred.
By far the majority of the people
however, feel that the proposals set
up at Dumbarton Oaks are a step
in the right direction. But, there .
are weaknesses admitted by even
its strongest advocates that should
be pointed out. They include:
1. The goal of such a world or-
ganization would be to maintain in
ternational peace and security. There-
fore, when aggression is threatened,
there must be' enough power within
the organization to provide for imme-
diate, certain action. For the "sup-
ression of acts of aggression or other
breaches of the peace," the Security-
Council is "empowered" to take "dip-
lomatic, economic, or other measures
not involving the use of armed force,"'
and if these are inaaequate, such ac-
'Weak Spots' Pointed Out
tion by air, naval. or land force as
may be necessary to maintain or re-
store international peace and secur-
ity." Even the League of Nations
Covenant called more specifically on
its members to take action against
an aggressor nation. Under present
plans, it would seem that even at the
outset prospective member nations
are unwilling to commit themselves
on how far they wish to participate
in peace enforcement.
2. The proposals contain NO
to the peace, breach of peace, or
act of aggression" which, if obscure,
is a situation in which the Security
Council is empowered to act. These
words are capable of many irer-
3. The personnel of the Security
Council itself, as it now stands, would
be a constantly changing one which
would lack the stability of a judiciary
body. Instead, it would tend to re-
flect current politics. This would re-
sult in the represented gove'mrnmts
concerning themselves primarily with
the protection and promotion of sel-
fish interests. Such a body would
not act impartially to enforce peace.
4. A more striking weakness is
found in the required unanimity
vote of the Big Five in the Secur-
ity Council, to recommend action
against an aggressor nation. Obvi-
ously, no nation will vote against
itself. Therefore, real action to
stop, such a nation would have to
be taken outside the organization.
5. At present, there is no way of
making certain that the military for-
ces at the disposal of the interna-
tional organization would be strong
enough to have the desired effect of
discouraging any nation considering
aggression. To remedy this, a quota
system should be devised designating
the proportion of each nation's coh.-
tribution to the maintenance of in-
ter'national force.
There is a vital need for an in-
terna-tional organization to pre-
vent future hostilities. The Dum-
barton Oaks Proposals are most.
likely to find acceptance among
the nations concerned. However in
order to insure its success the weak
points discussed-should undergo a
revision. It is up to The San
Francisco Conference to take it
from here.
-Mary Ellen Wood
Post-War Council
,( I
VOL. .LV, No. 124
Publication in the Daily Oficial Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Nbtices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
if2l An-gell Hall, by 2:30 of. the day.
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
Faculty College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts:
Midsemester reports are due not
later than Saturday, April 28.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for freshmen
reports and white cards for reporting
sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Re-
ports of freshmen and sophomores
should be sent to 108 Mason Hall;
those of juniors and seniors to 1220
Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
classmen, whose standing at mid-
semester is D or E, not merely those
who receive D or E in so-called mid-
semester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or colleges
of the University should be reported
to the school or college in which they
are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
E. A. Walter.
' onors Convocation: The 22nd an-
nual Honors Convocation will be held
on Friday morning, April 20. at 10
o'clock, CWT, at Rackham Lecture
Hall. Provost James P. Adams will
deliver the address, "Standards of
Thinking." The only seats reserved
will be those for honor students and
their parents. There will be no aca-
demic procession, and academic cos-
tume will not be worn. To permit
attendance at the Convocation,
classes, with the exception of clinics,
will be dismissed at 9:45. Doors of
the Lecture Hall will open at 9:30.
The public is invited.
Applicants for Combined Curric-
ula: Application for admission to a
combined curriculum must be mnade
before April 20 of the final pre-
professional year. Application forms
inations which will be given this
term in Professor John F. Shepard's
course, Psychology 83, may be grant-
ed to women students taking the
course by their house directors.
Attention, Assembly Speakers' Bur-
eau: There is an assigninent with in-
structions *in the Assembly-Panhel-
lenic Office. Please pick this up by
University Lecture: Miss Helen M.
Martin of the Department of Conser-
vation will speak on the life of "Doug-
lass Houghton," on Thursday, April
19 at 3:15, in the Rackham Amphi-
theater, under the auspices of the
Department of Geology. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. John Gaus,
Professor of Political Science at the
University of Wisconsin, will speak
on the subject, "Social Science Divi-
sions as General Staffs" at 3:15 p.m.,
Tuesday, April 25, in the Rackham
Amphitheater, under the auspices of
the Division of Social Sciences. The
public is cordially invited.
Exhibit of items relating to the
career of Douglass Houghton, first
State Geologist of Michigan and pio-
neer in the development of Michigan
copper, in Rm. 160, Rackham Build-
ing by the Michigan Historical Col-
lections, from April 16-April 20.
Events Today
Seminar: The Inter-Guild seminar
in Student Christian Movements will
meet in Lane Hall at 4 this after-
Varsity Glee Club: Sing tonight for
the University Faculty Club at the
Presbyterian Church. Meet at the
side entrance at 7 p.m. sharp!
The A.S.M.E. has been invited to
attend an I.Ae.S. meeting, at 6:30 in
the Michigan Union. A talk and a
motion picture will be presented on
helicopters. Arrangements have been
made (for the A.S.M.E.) to make an
inspection trip to the Willow Run
Bomber Plant on Sunday, April 22.
All members who wish to sign up for
this trip ai'e urged to attend this
meeting, since only a imited number
can be accommodated.
-__-. - -1
The rate and extent of our expansion
almost confuses me at times . . . Let's
see. O'Malley Amalgamated controls
And "Consolidated" is an offshoot1HrkL C
of O'Malley Industries. I think
3y Crockett Jolison
Suppose we find out just what stands
between us and those books, Gus-.,
Let's visit O'Malley's office. Tonight.