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April 14, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-14

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1PIRIT. IA 1444

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Special Train En Route
From eorgia to Capital
With Body of Roosevelt
By The Associated Press
ABOARD ROOSEVELT FUNERAL TRAIN en route to Washington, April 13-Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who
gave his life to help restore the world to sanity and lasting peace, was en route home today to receive the final
tributes of a grateful nation.
His body was put aboard the train at Warm Springs, Ga., shortly after 11 a. m., Eastern War Time, for a
23-hour run to Washington after an impressive military procession from his Pine Mountain cottage. The train
was due in Washington at 10 a. m. tomorrow morning.
With Mrs. Roosevelt and other relatives, friends and associates near him, the body of the fourth term



chief executive who died suddenlyc
Content of Last
Speech Given
Text Paid Tribute to
Memory of Jefferson
By The Associated Press
ATLANTA, April 13-The lat
President Aoosevelt in a speech writ
ten the night before he died declare
Americans were determined ther
should not be a third world war.
The text of the speech, which the"
president was to have delivered by
radio tonight in observance of 350'
Jefferson Day dinnersthroughout
the nation, was handed to news-
men by presidential secretary Steve
Early as the funeral train paused in
Atlanta. The dinners have been
Early said Mr. Roosevelt would hav
delivered the speech without dis
closing that he was in Warm Springs
The text follows:
"Americans are gathered together
this evening in communities all over
the country to pay tribute to the liv-
ing memory of Thomas Jefferson-
one of the greatest of all democrats;
nd I want to make it clear that I am
spelling that word 'democrats' with a
sm~all 'D.,
"I wish I had the power, just for
this evening, to be present at all of
these gatherings.
"In this historic year, more than
ever before, we do well to consider
the character of Thomas Jefferson as
an American citizen of the world.
"As ronister to France, then as
our first Secretary of State and as
our third President, Jefferson was
instrumental in the establishment
of the United States as a vital fac-
tor in international affairs.
"It was he who first sent our navy
into far distant waters to defend our
rights. And the promulgation of the
Monroe doctrine was the logical de-
velopment of Jefferson's far-seeing
foreign policy.
"Today this nation which Jeffer-
son helped so greatly to build is play-
ing a tremendous part in the battle
for the rights of man all over the
"Today we are part of the vast Al-
lied force-a force composed of flesh
and blood and steel and spirit-which
is today destroying the makers of war
the breeders of hate, in Europe and in

of a cerebral hemorrhage yesterday afternoon in his cottage bedroom, was
under constant military guard in t
last car of a ten-car special train.
Guard Casket !News Reaches
f Standing at the four corners of
the flag-draped casket, groups of Pres dent sSon
four enlisted men from the Army,
Navy and Marines took turns at their f
solemn posts for the entire trip home. Off Oki awa
Mrs. Roosevelt was described by
Secretary Stephen T. Early as bear- By The Associated Press
ing up wonderfully. Dressed in a GUAM, Friday, April 13-Word of
e black two-piece suit, with hat, stock- President Roosevelt's death reached
- ings and shoes to match, and silver his son, Lt. Comdr. Franklin Roose-
fox furs around her shoulders, she velt, Jr., off Okinawa this morning
d walked to the train ahead of the after a suicidal Japanese air attack
e casket and on the arm of Early and on American invasion forces.
Vice Admiral RossT.dMcIntire, Navy Young Roosevelt commands a de-
physician Gstroyer escort on a screening assign-
hsa. ment with the Okinawa force and
"She was wonderful," Early said. was on the bridge directing his ship's
"I have never met a braver woman. antiaircraft fire in a hot battle in
I have never seen a woman under which 118 Japanese planes were de-
similar circumstances so heroic, so stroyed.
calm:, so courageous." Another Roosevelt son, Lt. John
Sorrowfil Villagers Roosevelt, is supply officer on an air-
Villagers crowded the little Warm craft carrier with the Pacific fleet.
e Springs depot to witness the sorrow- His exact whereabouts was not known
ful departure. Other crowds watch- here.
ed th 'train go slowly by depots en-
rou~te; There was no hand-wavingEl' R
r this time, only silent and motionless Elliot ooseve
r groups, Negroes and whites. ~A lb
Two thousand troops from the To Attend Rites
Fort Benning, Ga., infantry and
parachute schools were rushed to WASHINGTON, April 13--UP)-The
Warm Springs after midnight to do family group at the Roosevelt funeral
final honors in the state Mr. Roose- probably will include only the Presi-
velt called his second home. I r



COTTAGE WHERE PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DIED-This is the cottage at Warm Springs, Ga., known
as the Little White House, where President Roosevelt died.

Hillel Dance To Take Place
April 21 int League Ballroorn
Patriotism combined with a good
time is the purpose of the annual Reuben Kahn and Mr. and1
campus-wide spring dance of the Osias Zwerdling. The patrons
Hillel Foundation to be held from 9 be Rabbi and Mrs. Jehudah M.+
to 12 p.m. EWT (8 to 11 p.m. CWT) hen, Miss Charlotte Kaufman,
April 21 in the ballroom of the and Mrs. Samuel Bothman, and


Sponsoring the dance as a grand
opening of campus participation in
the Seventh War Loan Drive, the
Foundation will meet all expenses of
the dance, and require as admission
the purchase of war stamps at the

andi Mrs. H. J Glass

Oahu I .Jr1. . .- . .
A further list of the patrons in-
clude Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fishow,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaufman, Mr.
and Mrs. Phillip Lansky, Mr. and
Mrs. Franklin H. Littell, Dr. and Mrs.
Edward W. Blakeman, and Prof. and
Mrs. Theodore M. Newcomb.

Students Build
Mystery Play's
Elaborate Sets
"There are more individual set
dressings in "Uncle Harry" than
there have been in the past plays
presented by Play Production," ac-
cording to Herbert Philippi, of the
speech department under whose dir-
ection the sets were constructed.
Mr. Philippi, who also designed the
sets, ascribes the elaborateness of the
scenes to the fact that the period in
which the story takes place, the
early 1900's, was one of ornate tastes.
Consequently the Quincey living
room, home of Uncle tarry and his
two sisters, has been painstakingly
erected and is complete with knick-
knacks, numerous paintings, and
treasured articles of the two old
There are three different sets of
"Uncle Harry",each scene requiring
a change of sets. The stage crews
must make an entire change in one
and a half minutes between the twoI
scenes comprising each act of the
three-act play. This is done with the
aid of two flying units and one per-
manent set. The sets were built by
the Stagecraft and Play Production
students under the guidance of Mr.
The murder thriller will be per-
formed for the last time tonight at
8:30 p. in. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT)



'i[n eff erso's tin , or navy
consisted of only ahadful of fri-
gates-but that tiny navy taught
natpns across the Atlantic that pi-
racy in thie Mediterranean-acts of
aggression against peaceful corn-
merce and the enslavement of their
crews was one of those things
which, among neighbors, simply
'was not clone.
"We as Americans, do not choose to
deny our responsibility.
"Nor, do we intend to abandon our
determination that, within the lives of
our children and our children's chil-
dren, there will not be a third world

Two battalions stood at attenti
on the highway leading fromt
Warm Spring Infantile Paraly
Foundation to the village static
Fifty picket military police keptt
crowds orderly at the depot. ']
others- made up a close-ranked
that headed the cortege downt
winding dirt road from the Roosev
cottage, past scores of crippled cl
dren, and on to the train.
Soldiers Carry Casket
Preceded by the 99th Army Grot
]Forces Band from Benning, the pi
cession got under way from the "I
tle White House" at 10:25 a.z
EWT. The casket was placed in
motor hearse. Eight body-bearer
four soldiers, and two each fromt
Navy and Marines-carried the ce
ket from the bungalow through
portico framed with climbingr
Mrs. Roosevielt rode with 1
Grace . Tully,. confidential secrets
to her late husband; and two of1
cousins from Hyde Park, Miss Lai
Delano and Miss Margaret Suck]
School Bond
Quotas Given
LANSING, April 13-( P)-Dr. I
gene B. Elliott, state superintende
of public instruction, reported toc
that the Michigan schools' quotaf
the seventh war bond drive is $51
Elliott said school drives shol
start immediately because mai
schools will close before the dri
e. All sales between April 1 ai
June 30 will be counted.
The drives will be conducted und
the supervision of county school co:
mittees, including the county sch
commissioner, the superintendent
the largest city school, the cour
war finance chairman and two oth
persons, one of them a representat:
of parochial schools.
Enjoy th

UenL S Wiow, augn er, one son anadj
the four sons' wives.
Jonathan Daniels, Presidential
Press Secretary, said today he ex-
pects Brig. Gen. Elliott Roosevelt, the
second son, to arrive from his air
force post in London in time. He
said he does not believe Marine Col.
James Roosevelt, eldest son, could
get hereby the set hour, 4 p. m. EWT
The other two sons, John 'and
Franklin, Jr., are on naval duty too
far away.
Anna Boettiger, the daughter, has
been living at the White House since
her husband, Lieut. Col. John Boet-,
tiger, went on army duty here.
Attep t oKil
FDR Recalled
'President Was Almost
Assassinated in 1933.
MIAMI, Fla., April 13.- ()-
When news of President Roosevelt's
death reached police headquarters
here Thursday, veteran officers re-
called the night of Feb. 15, 1933-17
days before the first Roosevelt inaug-
uration-when an assassin's bullets
nearly cost the then President-elect
his life.
Mr. Roosevelt had addressed a
crowd of 25,000 from his car in Bay-
front Park, when Giuseppe Zangara,
a naturalized Italian bricklayer, fired
a pistol at the car.
Mayor Anton J. Cermak of Chi-
cago was wounded fatally and four
other persons received less seriousl
wounds, but the President was not
Crying that he had tried to kill
Roosevelt "because my stomachE
hurts," and because he hated "capi-
talists", Zangara was convicted of
first degree murder and electrocuted.1
When Roosevelt visited Cermak in
the hospital here, the Chicago mayor
said: "I'm glad it was me and not

Bement Is Vocalist~-
Dance music will be supplied by
Bob Cooch and his orchestra, featur-Eleven Students
ing Helen Bement as vocalist.
War bonds will be sold throughout Practice Roles
the evening, and members of Avu-
kah, student Zionist organization,
will sell corsages for the benefit of Fl r nenh viav
the Jewish National Fund.
Planning the dance are social com- Eleven students compose the cast
mittee chairmen Barbara Levin and of Albert Acremant's French comedy,
Muriel Kleinwaks. Other committee " aes a Feux Vey,
membrs re CarltteShapro nd Ces Dames aux Chapeaux Verts", to
Emembers are Charlotte Shapiro and be staged at 8:30 p.m. EWT (7:30
Renee Lichenstein. p.m. CWT) at the Lydia Mendels-
Rabbi To Be Patron . sohn Theater, Prof. Charles E. Koella
The chaperones are Dr. and Mrs. of the Romance Language depart-
---- -- ment, who is director of the play,
F rhas announced.
,_ L L SHeroine an Orphan
The leading role of Arlette, an'
- I E C T (RY orphaned Parisian girl, will be por-
trayed by Evangeline Shempp, '45.
Playing opposite her as Jacques is
FOR RENT Rostislav Goluzevski, a graduate stu-
___ -_______dent. Cast in other leads are Pamela
ROOMS FOR RENT at 1208 Oakland, Wrinch. '48, as the sentimental Ma-
one single, one double on insulated rie, the youngest of the four spinsters
third floor. Shower. Students pre- around whom the story is centered.
ferred. Phone 3197. The latter's lover is Ulysse Hya-
______AD-FUNDcinthe, a teacher at a lycee, and will
LOST AND FOUND be played by Richard Koppitch, '45.
k t Shirley Schwartz, '47, will portray
LOST: Black and white striped Telcide, the eldest of the old maids.
Schaeffer pen lost Friday on cam-
pus. Call 394 Jordan. Other Members of Cast
----- ----Making up the supporting cast are
LOST: One blue barreled gold topped Martha Sanders, '46, as Rosalie, the
Eversharp fountain pen on Wash- health-conscious old maid; Helen
tenaw or State street. Reward! Call Dickinson, '45, as the bitter, frus-
24551. trated Jeanne; David Brodman, '47,
- I as M. de Fleurville, Jacques' father;
LOST: Brown zipper wallet between Barbara Swain, '45, as the maid, Er-
Union and Washtenaw. Finder keep nestine; George Petrossian, '47, as M.
money, please return papers. Vir- le Doyen, an amiable priest; and
ginia Kowalski. Phone 1421. Ex- Victor Shukur, '45, as Augustin, al
tension 2147. servant in the school.
N d This charming comedy has been a
TAILORING and PRESSING great success in France, Prof. Koella
CAMELET BROTHERS, tailars, 1119 said, having played an uninterrupted
S. University. Remodel clothes for run of one year at the Sarah Bern-
men and women. Relining, reweav- hardt Theater in Paris.
ing. Also make hand-made button

W'e aim to
please .
. ..through friendly service and
considerate prices. Dinner at
LEO PING'S is the best for
real enjoyment.
How is YOUR
Practice is essential for improv-
ing your game. Get a gang to-
gether today and drop in at
CENTER today.
Talkin *
... about the wonderful home
cured smoked ham sandwich at
Order it for lunch today -
Only 20c.
Dinner flit!
For real satisfaction from a
mighty good meal drop in at
We maintain high food stan-
dards and the best service.




4ANNAlPfA'fjv"sf t//IaJ

Last Times






e Friendly
phere at

___- i
1 F'


FOR SALE: Farms and lands, Ann
Arbor, 5 miles west, 50 acres,
$6,000.00. Good for post war
building. Restricted, good road
Call evenings and Sundays, Ann
Arbor 6196.
FOR SALE: Tails purchased las
year, never worn, size 38-40. Cal
WANTED: Sewing, refitting, repair
ing, restyling of ready made gar-
ments or the making of new ones
for women, girls, and small chil-
dren. Miss Livingston, front room
2nd floor, 315 So. Division St. Wall
summer session. Chi Omega, 1503
Washtenaw. Phone 24808.
WANTED TO BUY: Girls bicycle
cheap. Call Anne McGrew, Jordan
- -Y-


Ford Comments
Onr FDR's Death
HENRY FORD, President of the
Ford Motor Co.-"In common with
the whole nation, I was deeply shock-
ed by the news of the President's
sudden death." Ford said his last
communication from the President,
dated Feb. 22, was written while
Roosevelt was returning from the
Yalta conference. Ford had wired
the President on his birthday.


Starts Sunday


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