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April 14, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-14

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Cloudy and Cooler
Possible Showers




Takes Helm, Meets with Cabinet


Daily I
Find City
Note 'Reverence,
- - Uncertainty'
Special to The Daily
W4SHINGTON, D. C., 7:30 p. m.
Friday, April 13-Arriving in Wash-
ington, D. C., at 7 p. m. we found
quiet, somber Washington awaiting
tonight the funeral services of Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt, Thirty-Second Pres-
ident of the United States, to be held
at four p. m. today in the East Room
of the White House.
In the last twenty-three hours, by
means of the thumb, we have travel-
led from Packard and Washtenaw to
Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington,
D. C. to witness the final honors that
the nation's capital will pay to what
a truck driver from Canton, a foot-
ball coach from Belleview, Ohio, and
a doctor from Wheeling, West Vir-
ginia all described as "the greatest
President since Abraham Lincoln."
In all the 21 people who were re-
sponsible for our transportation from
Ann Arbor to Washington, we found
the same basic fears and emotions; a
deep expression of reverence for the
departed President and a distinct
feeling of uncertainty as to the fu-
What was this reverence based on?
A Steubenville, Ohio, business man
told us. "I never voted for Roosevelt
in all the four times he ran for of-
fice but now that his firm guidance of
the reigns of government is gone, I
am frankly worried if there is any
man at present capable of stepping
into his shoes." .
"The best friend that the Ameri-
can workingman ever had," was how
a coal miner who picked us up at
5:30 a. m. yesterday morning on his
way to work at the collery at Waynes-
burg, Ohio, put it and these senti-
ments were strongly re-echoed by
an organizer for the United Steel
Workers Union of the C.I.O. who
gave us a lift just outside of Wash-
ington, Pa.
"The President was sure working
hard to see that we wouldn't ever
again have to get involved in the
mess we're mixed up in at present.
What's going to become of those
plans for a lasting peace is what I'm
worried about," said a G.. sergeant
on the way to his camp just outside
of Wheeling, West Virginia.
Washington is at present enjoying
the momentary lull before the storm.
As yet the great crowds which are
expected to form along Pennsylvania
Ave., the route which the funeral
procession will take on its way to the
White House from Union station,
have not yet arrived. The city has
apparently recovered from its first
shock on hearing the news. As the
cab driver, whom we hailed upon
reaching the outskirts of the city
expressed it. "By four o'clock this
afternoon, (Friday) I felt it would
be alright if I took out my cab again
and started to do a little business."
Sociology 54, 165 Will
Not Meet for Class Today
Students in Sociology 54, section
three, and Sociology 165 will not
meet for class today, W. S. Land-

ecker announced last night.
Today Pan-American Ball defi-
nitely postponed.
Today Baseball-2 p. m. EWT at
Ferry Field against West-
ern Michigan.
Today Preliminaries in River
Rouge Track Meet held
at 1 p. m.
April 15 Special memorial services
commemorating the death
of President Franklin De-
lano Roosevelt will be
held at 4 p. m. EWT (3
p. m. CWT) in Hill Audi-
April 16 Dr. Franklin H. Littell,
Director of the Student







* * *

* * *

(AP Wirephoto)
TRUMAN IS SWORN IN AS PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES-Harry S. Truman (left) is sworn in by
Chief Justice Harlan Stone as President of the United States in the cabinet room of the executive offices
of the White House April 12 following the death of President Roose pelt. Mrs. Truman is in center. Be-
hind Mrs. Truman is Secretary of State Edward R. S tettinius Jr. Beind Mr. Truman is Attorney General
Francis Biddle.

.University To Hold Memorial
Service To Honor Roosevelt

The University will hold memorial
services in honor of President Roose-
velt at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT)
tomorrow at Hill Auditorium, Dr.
Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to Pres-
ident Ruthven, announced today.
A special delegation of about 600
Army and Navy personnel will oc-
cupy a section of the floor of Hill
Auditorium, while the rest of the
Auditorium will be open to other ser-
vicemen, students, faculty members
and the general, public.
Program Planned
The result of a conference held by
President Alexander G. Ruthven with
various deans and Army and Navy
representatives yesterday in Dr. Rob-
bins' office, the program will include
the reading of the Opening Sentences
of the Burial Service, the reading of
passages from the Scriptures and
prayers by the Reverend Henry Lewis
of the Ann Arbor Episcopal Church.
The conference decided, according'
to Dr. Robbins, that "this is not the,
right time for an elaborate program
with eulogies," but that a simple,
dignified service would be more ap-
Organ Introduction
An Organ Prelude rendered by
Prof. Palmer Christian, University
organist, will open the program, fol-
lowing which the audience will rise
to sing the National Anthem.
Selections from the writings of
President Roosevelt will be delivered
by Prof., John Henry Muyskens of
the Department of Speech.
"Oh God, Our Help in Ages Past"
and "Onward, Christian Soldiers" are
the two hymns which will be sung.
The offering of benediction and
taps will conclude the ceremony.
The color guard will carry the col-
Support of Labor
WASHINGTON. April l3-.(/P) -
Many labor unions swung quickly be-
hind President Harry S. Truman to-
day with official and unofficial state-
ments pledging support to Franklin
D. Roosevelt's successor.
AFL president William Green said
Mr. Roosevelt was a president of all
the people, and that Mr. Truman
would be, also.
The CIO, which supported Henry
A. Wallace as its first choice for
vie nrpesident at the Democratic na-

ors down the center aisle of Hill
Auditorium and stack them along the
Special Army Ceremony
All army units on campus, Dr.
Robbins reported, will pay their trib-
ute to President Roosevelt at 3 p. m.
EWT (2 p. m. CWT) by a ceremony
including the reading of a proclama-
tion of the death of President Roose-
velt, a fire volley and taps.
The Naval units on campus, in ac-
cordance with a statement issued by
Secretary of Navy James Forrestal,
will recognize the death of President
Roosevelt by carrying on with their
regular tasks in true Navy tradition,
Capt. W. V. Michaux, commandant
of all Naval units here, said.
Slosson Lauds
Roosevelt; Says
Faith Needed
Roosevelt's work is not shipwreck-
ed; his creed was democracy and he
believed that the people will always'
produce capable leaders, Prof. Pres-
ton Slosson, speaking at memorial
services for the late President, told
the audience who assembled yester-
day at the Congregational church to
pay tribute to the memory of their
At the informal services arrang-
ed by the Post-War Council, Prof.
Slosson said, "We would be false to
his memory were we to assume
that his work would not be carried
out. Just as no general would want
to believe that his death meant re-
treat, neither would any statesman

$1,300000 I
Denied TU' for
New Building
The State Finance Committee to-
day eliminated $1,300,000 from the
University budget, which was to be
used to construct an Administrative
and Service Building proposed as a
replacement to University Hall and
as a centralization of the University's
administrative, business and public
service offices, the Associated Press
Permanent rejection of the ap-
propriation is doubted by Senator
Don Vanderwerp, chairman of the
committee, who said the appropria-
tion will probabv be restored next
week when the committee hears Dr.
The proposed Administration and
Service Building was to be construct-
ed after the war on a site stretching
along State street, from the Union
to Newberry Hall. Officially known
as a General Service Building the
structure was also contemplated to
house the Broadcasting Service, over
which the University would conduct
educational radio broadcasts on a
frequency modulation (FM) outlet.
* The University has already applied
to the Federal Communications Com-
mission for an FM outlet.
Russian Army
Takes Vtennra
LONDON, Saturday, April 14-(0P)
-The Red Army captured Vienna
yesterday after a week's siege, clear-
ing the way for Russian drives to
Prague and the Nazis' "mountain
redoubt" in Southern Germany after
taking more than 130,000 Nazi pris-
oners in the battle for the second
city of Adolf Hitler's greater Reich.

Third Army
Dash Almost
Splits Reich
Patton's Men Cut
Off All Direct Roads
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Saturday, April 14-The U.
S. Third Army severed all direct roads
and railways between Berlin and
southern Germany yesterday with a
dazzling 32-mile eastward drive that
all but split the Reich in half.
Lt. Gen. George S. Patton Jr.,
struck with all his wonted fury, cut-
ting the Munich-Berin superhighway
and two railways and driving a wedge
of steel within 90 miles of the Rus-
sian lines and 38 miles of the Saxonf
capital of Dresden.
The Third Army was outflanking
both Berlin and the Czechoslovakian
munitions city of Pilsen, and driving
hard against the last lines of retreat
over which the Germans were report-
ed streaming southward for Bavaria
and the final big battle of the war.
Patton's columns, their exact posi-
tions masked in secrecy, were believ-
ed already 30 miles east of the west-
ern tip of Czechoslovakia and racing
unopposed across the waist of Ger-
many about 32 miles north of that
Balkan democracy's northern fron-
Division Outflanks Berlin
Farther north, his Sixth Armored
Division was outflanking Berlin itself,
reaching the Mulde River southeast of
embattled Leipzig and about 85 miles
due south of Berlin.
German positions in the west were
disintegrating fast.
T'he U. S. Ninth Army rolled up
to the Elbe River on a 100-mile front
-thrust within 45 miles of Berlin-
and fought a roaring battle on the
east bank.
The U. S. First Army opened the
battle of Leipzig, now by-passed by
the Third Army, and charged eight
miles through its stiff defenses to
within seven miles of the city, where
an estimated 1,000,000 persons, many
of them bombed out refugees from
Berlin, cowered in air raid shelters'
and basements.
The U. S. Ninth Army was about
95 miles from the Russians, and the
First Army was 115 miles away.
Ninitz Reports
Over 256 Jap
Planes Downed
GUAM, April 14, Saturday-(P)-
More than 256 Japanese planes-
many of them piloted by the enemy's
vaunted Kami-Kaze (suicide) corps
-were destroyed April 11-13 by Al-
lied forces in the Ryukyus, Fleet-
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz announced
Simultaneously Nimitz reported a
strong Japanese counterattack- in
battalion strength-on the southern
Okinawa front was defeated early
Friday mornng by the 24th Army
Corps commanded by Maj. - Gen.
John R. Hodge. Naval rifles joined
heavy Marine and Army artillery in
hurling back the fanatical Japanese.
Summarizing the brilliant work of
Vice-Adm. Marc A. Mitscher's fast
carrier task force, Nimitz said that
from March 18 to April 12, inclusive,
1,277 Japanese planes were destroy-
ed. Of these, 841 were shot down by
U.S. planes in combat; 73 by naval
gunfire, and 366 were destroyed on
the ground.

Congress To Be
Addressed Monday
New President Pleas 'Pray For Me!';
Proclaims A National Day of Mourning
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 13-With a tearful plea-"Pray for me!" Harry
S. Truman gathered up the presidential reins of a nation at war today as
millions the world over mourned the passing of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
The new president went quickly to work, conferring with the heads of
the State and Military Departments of government.
He arranged to outline his foreign policies to a joint session of Congress
at 1 p. m., EWT, Monday and address the armed forces by radio Tuesday
But the emotional weight of hii,

new responsibilities came down upon
him at noon as he returned to his old
haunts at the Capitol to confer with
Congressional leaders.
Tears welled in his eyes when he
saw the familiar faces of Capitol
newsmen. He reverted to the langu-
age of his Missouri farm youth to de-
scribe the crushing weight of his new
Feels Responsibility
"I don't know if any of you fel-
lows ever had a load of hay or a bull

fall on him," he said.
the whole weight of
stars fell on me. I
dous responsibility.
"Please pray for
Mr. Truman's first

"But last night
the moon and
feel a tremen-
me! I mean
executive proc-

lamation was a paper setting aside
tomorrow as a day of national mourn-
ing for Mr. Roosevelt, stricken yes-
terday at "The Little White House"
in Warm Springs, Ga.
Day of Mourning.
The proclamation called upon the
"To pay out of full hearts their
homage of love and reverence to the
The text of President Roosevelt's
Jefferson Day address, released
yesterday by Stephen Early, may
be found on Page two, column one.
memory of the great and good man
whose death they mourn."
Grief and mourning were world-
Messages of condolences streamer
in from every quarter of the globe.
The battle flags flew at half-mast
over Okinawa.
In Washington, Congressional lead-
ers, stunned and distraught, aban-
doned routine business and conferrer
instead. on arranging a memorial ser-
vice to the dead president. It prob-
ably will be next week.,
All major Congressional committe(
meetings were chalked off. The Houst
stood in recess. The Senate, previ-
ously committed to a session, tran-
sacted no business.
* * *
TU' Graduate
May Replace
Harry Hopkins
WASHINGTON, April 13.-( )-A
shift in presidential advisers seemed
in the making today as President
Truman completed his first busy day
at the White House and Capitol.
Gone permanently from the scene
is Harry Hopkins, who began with
President Roosevelt in 1932. and
climbed the ladder from WPA ad-
ministrator to the point where he
became the late President's closest
Friends said the ailing Hopkins,
flying here tomorrow for his chief's
funeral services in the White House
has no inclination to continue under
President Truman the role he filled
under his predecessor.
In his stead, a 36-year-old New
York and Washington attorney,
Hugh Fulton, appeared at this
point most likely to be in the in-
nermost circle of presidential ad-
Fulton was an honor student at
the University of Michigan where
he received a bachelor of arts de-
gree in 1930 and a doctor of juris-
prudence in 1931. He belonged to
Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi,
and Coif Honor Societies and was
a member of the editorial board of
the Michigan Law Review.

Harry Truman
May Not Attend
Peace Parley
Many New Duties
Given as Reason
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 13.-Presi-
dent Truman decided today that he
probably cannot attend the San
Francisco Conference, but he empha-
sized anew that he Will follow the
Roosevelt foreign policies.
The late' President Roosevelt had
planned to address the Golden Gate
Conference, called to draft a plan
'for a world organization., It became
known that Mr. Truman does not
expect to attend.
This decision was attributed to
the tremendous new duties so sud-
denly thrust upon him, rather than
to any lack of enthusiasm for the
work of the conference.
Stettinius Issues Statement
A statement reflecting the Presi-
dent's foreign policy views was issued
by Secretary of State Stettinius upon
authority of Mr. Truman. It empha-
sized the Chief Executive's support
for the plan to organize a world sys-
tem aimed at keeping the peace as
well as his determination to maintain
in force the other basic foreign poli-
cies of his predecessor.
"There will be no change of pur-
pose or break of continuity in the
foreign policy of the United States
Government," the statement said. It
evidently was intended to end uncer-
tainty among foreign diplomats and
leaders who knew little about Mr.
Victory Is Goal
Stettinius said there would be no
faltering in the accomplishment of
victory and peace ends "for which
Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his life."
"We shall press forward with the
other United Nations toward a vic-
tory whose terms will deprive Ger-
many and Japan of the means with
which to commit aggression ever
again, and toward the establishment
of a world organization endowed
with strength to keep the peace for
generations and to give security and
wider opportunity to all men."
State Arranges
Tributes Today
Governor Kelly Asks
For Minute of Silence
MP-Michigan prepared today to
pay tribute to President Roosevelt
with a minute of silence asked by
Governor Harry F. Kelly for 4 p. m.
(EWT) Saturday, when funeral ser-
vices will start in Washington, and
other observances throughout the
Asking that all traffic stop and all
business suspend for a minute, the
state's Chief Executive also suggested
that all those who could, spend the
hour between 4 and 5 in reflection,
and requested that the occasion be
marked in church services of all
.aiths Sunday.
A three-minute period of silence
at 4 p. m. Saturday in Michigan war
plants was suggested as "a very ap-
propriate tribute" by Carston Tiede-
man, Regional War Production -Board
Director, who stated that he did not
think the late president would wish
suspension of war production activi-
ties for several hours. At Adrian,
however, the Bohn Aluminum Plant

Eden To Attend Roosevelt's


LONDON, Saturday, April 14-(P)-
Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden was
en route to the United States by
plane this morning to attend Presi-
dent Roosevelt's funeral as Prime
Minister Churchill reluctantly stayed
on the job in anticipation of a pos-
sible end of organized German resist-
a-n n

House of Commons, was reported to
have decided against flying to Wash-
ington only after becoming convinced
that the military situation required
his hour by hour presence here.
There was speculation that it would
be necessary for Churchill and Pre-
mier Stalin of Russia to meet soon

"The House will have learned with
deepest sorrow the grievous news
which has come to us from across
the Atlantic and which conveys to us
the loss of a famous President of
the United States, whose friendship
for the cause of freedom and for the
causes of the weak and poor have

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