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April 12, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-12

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Fiftiatt aily
Fi fty-Fi f taYear

Little Otl CompaniesLose Out

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon.
Paul Sislin
Hank (antho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Ann Schutz
Dick Strckland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

Editorial Staff
. . . Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
. . . -. . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
. . Associate Women's Editor
Busincss Staff


Business Manager
. Associate Business Mgr.
. Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 3-24.1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.,
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
1ier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.-
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944.45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
War Prisoners
THE PEOPLE of the United Nations have fin-
ally come to realize the nature of our ene-
mies across the Rhine. The treatment of Amer-
ican prisoners has indeed been such as to
arouse wrath and righteous indignation and
has. brought up the old "eye for an eye and
tooth for a tooth" philosophy.
In accordance with the Geneva Treaty, our
treatment of war prisoners interned in this
country has been more than adequate. In ad-
dition to receiving ample food and clothing,
the prisoners have been granted permission to
drill under their own officers and also have
time for recreational projects.
There is good reason for indignation, but
war hysteria has a, way of rocking people's
emotions to the point where they are ready
to ignore standards and ideals and use the
same tactics towards these men as our ene-
mies have followed.
The American people have long been known
fro keeping their word in obligations and treat-
ies. Furthermore, the treaty is between several
powers and it cannot be effectively broken with
one power without weakening it with all. A
breach on our part could justify similar activity
on the part of others. Lastly, German officials
would retaliate by subjecting prisoners to more
inhuman treatment than at present.
This is no time for emotionalism and hy-
steria. Granted, there may be need of re-
form in our treatment of prisoners, but reason
must be our guide. We must preserve stand-
ards of decency and fairness in our own activi-
ties before we can successfully replace Nazi
fanaticism with a peace loving philosophy.
-Alice Jorgensen

WASHINGTON-The brass hats, both British
and American, have found there is more
than one way to support Spanish Dictator
Franco. . . . For some time the Spanish Fas-
cists have been trying to peddle 2,000,000
blankets to UNRRA. But strong-willed Governor
Lehman turned the deal down. He also issued
an order that no relief goods were to be bought
from Spain. . . . So now the British Army is
buying the 2,000,000 blankets from Franco and
giving them to UNRRA as its contribution.
,Furthermore, the U. S. Army is purchasing an
additional million blankets for its own use. . .
Final payoff is that the State Department has
okld the deal. . . . The diplomatic grapevine
for weeks has warned that one of Moscow's
chief gripes about the State Department was not
so rnuch Poland, but close U. S. collaboration
with Franco.
Small -,OiloCompanies S ffer..
IKE A BREATH of fresh air was the way
government officials described Judge Vin-
son's brief tour of duty as Federal Loan Ad-
ministrator. However, some of them are won-
dering why he permitted his Defense Supplies
Corporation to get away with a squeeze play
against small, independent oil companies. . .
All oil shipped east gets the benefit of a U. S.
government subsidy called a "compensatory
rate." This amounts to 1.52 cents ($0.0152) per
gallon and compensates for the rail haul, which
is more expensive than the water route. . . .
Sut Vinson's defense supplies corporation re-
moved the compensatory rate from small oil
companies shipping natural gasoline to the
east coast. These companies had shipped it
east, where dealers blended the natural gasoline
with naphtha and made A-1 gasoline. . .
Removal of the compensatory subsidy auto-
matically puts these small companies out of
business when it comes to natural gasoline.
Only thing they can do is sell it to the big
companies in Oklahoma and Texas, who mix
it themselves with naphtha and then ship it
to the east coast. But the big companies are
paid the shipping subsidy-provided they mix
it before they ship. It's all a matter of having
the mixing facilities in the southwest, not the
east. Looks like a put-up ame for the big
boys who have those facilities.
'Torch Singer' Setinius . ..
ANDSOME Secretary of State Ed Stettinius
spent several days in New York rehearsing
for the State Department movie on Dumbarton
Oaks. But despite relearsals, movie-goers get a
chuckle out of the way Ed rolls his eyes. Reason
is he didn't learn all his lines, had to look at a
'Aackboard just over the movie-camera in order
to read them. This makes his eyes roll away
from the lens as if he were a torch-singer.
Otherwise it's an A-1 picture. . . . Philippine
President Osmena underwent a successful opera-
tion in Jacksonville, Fla., recently, is now resting
at Ponte Vedra. . . . The State and Interior
Departments both have their eyes on the Philip-
pines. State's budget carries a salary allow-
ance for a U. S. Ambassador to the Philippines.
Interior's budget carries a salary for a high
If there is immediate independengp, there
will be an Ambassador; if not there will be a
commissioner.. S....irGerald Campbell,
British Minister under Lord Halifax, is leav-
ing the British Embassy soon. . . . Walter
Lippman, storming out of the movie "Tomor-
row.the World," remarked: "It's an outrage to
make says of the American people as this'pic-
ture does". . . . Best speaker at the Hugo
Black testimonial dinner was Mrs. Roosevelt.
Next best was toastmaster Alben Barkley.
Bemoaning the fact that fighting liberal Sen-
ators were elevated to the courts, Majority
Leader Barkley said: "I have lost so many
Senators to the courts that you can see by
any recent roll call that I myself feel lost."
Jesse Jones' Old Job.. .
BACKSTAGE jockeying has been terrific to fill
Jesse Jones' old job as Federal Loan Ad-

ministrator. Controlling the purse-strings, it
has become the key position in the post-war
setup. . . . For a time, crusading Justice Bill
Douglas let his name be put forward. Chief
sponsor was FDR's one-time favorite, Tom Cor-
coran. However, Douglas' close court friends,
Hugo Black and Wiley Rutledge, came to him at
a dinner, urged that it was his duty to remain
on the Supreme Court. If he left, the court con-
servatives would have a majority-especially if
the Corcoran trade went through and Jimmy
Byrnes was appointed to Douglas' place. . . .
So Douglas withdrew his name. . . . Alabama's
Senator Bankhead at first seemed strong for
Alabama's Cliff Durr as Federal Loan Admini-
strator. Later the southern utilities appeared
to be making hay with Bankhead. Durr is
too liberal for them. . . . FDR's first choice
for the loan job was incorruptible, efficient bud-
get director Harold Smith, against whom the
Senate could not object.
(Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Nazi Separation
NEW YORK-The Allied Military Government
does not propose to appoint any more Nazis
to municipal positions in conquered Germany
It will show every active Nazi party member the
door, regardless of how much he knows about
waterworks or garbage collection. It will, in-
stead, find meek little Germans who were not
active party members.
But it is a small recommendation, indeed, for
a man to have, that he was merely not an active
Nazi; that comes to very little, in the way of
credentials, for any human being, if it is all
we know about him.
Let us suppose (for the sake of a horrid com-
parison) that some other nation had conquered
the United States, and that the foreign ad-
ministrators, in picking officials, used, as their
test of rejection, active membership in the
Democratic party, or active support of Roose-
velt. It would be a ridiculous test. They could
staff the country with Americans who had
never worked conspicuously for Mr. Roosevelt,
and yet these Americans would be Americans,
different in a thousand ways from their con-
querors, and not in love with them, either.
The new Allied Military Government order
doesn't really mean very much. It still remains
necessary to approach the occupation problem
with profound pessimism, and to place little
hope in this, or any other formula for separat-
ing one kind of German from another. One
admits that the AMG must adopt some formula,
but let us face the fact that none of the for-
mulas is any good. Try to imagine Germans
separating Americans into classifications in an
Iowa town, and you will glimpse some of the
difficulties involved.
will come from within. It will come because
of the war, because some Germans will draw
proper conclusions from the war. They will see
how fascism has failed them; they will caste its
failure on their own tongues. They will cast
about for alternatives, good ones and bad ones,
and then the cleavage will take place. For a
time, many German men and women will be
political nullities, Nazis and demi-Nezis and
semi-defni-Nazis of cracked faith. The differen-
ces among them do not now exist, in effective
form; the differences will appear in time to come.
Our job is to wait for that grand proces to
take place; sparing the Germans nothing,
meanwhile, of the rigors of defeat, for that is
part of the process.
BUT WE ARE NOT waiting for that process.
Hardly had the Americans taken Frankfurt,
before the Blue Network was in there, last Friday,
putting three English-speaking Germans on the
American air. These enemies were allowed to
tell us, with nauseating winsomeness, all about
how simple and "human" they are. One was al-
lowed to attack the Versailles treaty. American
soldiers in the field in Germany are not permitted
to fraternize with the enemy, but these voices
were carried into the American home, and no
Army officer objected.
F - a

HE INCIDENT didn't hurt us; but it certainlt
hurt the Germans, by making it a little less
necessary for them to face the realities of their
defeat and probation. One would not have
objected if "Trudi," the now-famous German
girl, who helped the wounded soldiers of our
First Division, and who was mauled by the
Nazis for doing so, had been allowed to talk.
Trudi has separated herself from the other Ger-
mans, in the only way that counts. Somehow
we must communicate to Germany that this
is the kind of separation we are waiting for.
We must find somewhere in ourselves the tough-
ness needed to keep all Germans under a cloud,
until- they learn what it means to have been
fascists. We must trust no formula completely:
we must assign only the mildest importance to
the fact that a man didn't carry a party card;
we must make no concessions. The Germans
won't face reality unless they have to, and so far
on the basis of the easy, almost casual Americai
approach, they don't have to.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

ARGENTINA. "black sheep" in the
Pan-American family of nations
was welcomed back to this group last
Monday, 13 months after her exclu-
sion on the basis that her govern-
ment cooperated with the Axis. "Nor-
mal diplomatic relations" were re-
established with her by the United
States and 19 other American repub-
lics, following the South American
country's recent declaration of war
on Germany and Japan.
This means recognition of General
Edelmiro Farrell's military regime
which came to power in March, 1944;
Cordell Hull, then Secretary of State,
declined to recognize the Farrell gov-
ernment on the charge that it was
working against the interests of the
Allied cause.
Now Argentina has adhered to
the Inter-American agreements for
security and cooperation in this
hemisphere, adopted last month by
the Chapultepec Conference in
Mexico City, and we are all glad to
welcome her back into that big,
happy "family of nations". Does
this, however, mean that the beef-
exporting Latin American dicta-
torship will be allowed representa-
tion at the San Francisco Confer-
ence on April 25? '
If so, then certainly still another
Spanish dictatorship deserves a seat
at the conference table. Spain, the
home of Fascistic intrigue, under the
Franco government is veering toward
war with Japan, and again, as the
pendulum swings-back to either
monarchy or republic status. Span-
ish indignation over the "premedi-
tated, murders" of 172 Spanish men,
women and children, bayoneted to
death by Japanese troops in the Phil-
ippines, was formalized in a note of
protestation to the Tokyo govern-
ment several weeks ago. As yet, there
has been no definite word of settle-
ment or a declaration of war. The
Franco government, however, seemed
willing to carry the issue to the con-
clusion of war, despite a note to the
Madrid government, saying any
Spanish action against Japan would
be considered an unfriendly act by
the Reich.
Those who would protest that
Franco is merely trying to make
"common cause" with the United
States and Britain (whom he once
called "victim to their own er-
rors"), should first question the
recent move toward economic and
political friendship with.Argentina,
as well as our long friendship with
the Brazilian dictator-republic un-
der Vargas.
Spain, like Argentina and Brazil,
plays a dominant role in the Conti-
nental picture, though she has long
since surrendered her position of a
world power backed by "armadas and
galleons". She has been left out of
the picture too long, and the San
Francisco conference for world se-
curity should include a representa-
tive of this European hotbed of civil
war, spies 'and political intrigue
whom weehave ignored too long. Two
years ago Argentina was left out of
an important Pan-American confer-
ence-we must not make that same
error again-with Spain. The views
of neutrals are as important as those
of active belligerents.
-Charlotte Bobrecker
VOL. LV, No. 119
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten

form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-

VALENTINE WINDT sailed his cdst
through the Scyila of Ham and
the Charybdis of Corn last night at
the Lydia Mendelssohn. But, the trip
was a hazardous one, and when "Un-
cle Harry" landed, he was on'shaky
melodramatic ground. The audience
felt empathetic about it all, however,
and some real tears were even shed
towards the end.
Picture a poor fellow so tyrannized
by two spinster sisters that when
apparently in middle aged he wants
to marry,'-they intercede-and ruin
his chances with the curvacious
Lucy. This is Harry's plight. A hint
Book Banming
JUST as the Nazis are remembered
' for the outrageous "burning of
the books" episode, so several Ameri-
can communities have become known
for their "banning of books". Rich-
ard Wright's recently published auto-
biography, "Black Boy", which in
itself is a plea for tolerance, under-
standing and justice among races
was recently refused advertisement
in the Natchez Democrat.
Born in Natchez, Miss., Wright has
undoubtedly distinguished that sou-
thern community more than any
other individual. Yet when Harper
and Brothers sought. to advertise
this book in the local paper, they
received a curt refusal, stating, "We
are unable to use this copy as it is
against our policy."
As students whose interests of-
ten lie within the pages of old and
new books, we should act to pre-
vent the abuse of right of publica-
tian and distribution. "Black Boy",
reviewed by Prof. Williams in last
Sunday's Daily will do .little good
in the South if its advertisement is
curtailed by those very people at
whom its accusations are pointed.
-Pat Cameron
April 16, at 3:15 p.m., in the Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Students, College of Literature,
Science & the Arts: Applications for
scholarships should be made before
April 14. Application forms may be
obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and
should be filed at that office.
Attention Pre-Medical Students:
The Medical Aptitude Test of the
Association r of American Medical
Colleges will be given here on Friday,
April 13, in 25 Angell Hall, at 2 p.m.
(C.W.T.). Anyone planning to enter
a medical school in the fall of 1945
or in the spring of 1946 should take
the examination at this time. This
is the only time the test will be given
before next spring. Further informa-
tion may be obtained in Rm. 4 Uni-
versity Hall and tickets are still
available at the Cashier's Office.
Applicants for Combined Curric-
ula: Application for admission to a
combined curriculum must be mad
before April 20 of the final pre-
professional year. Application form
may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hal]
and' should be filed with the Secre-
tary of the Committees at that office.
Group Hospitalization and Surgi-
cal Service: During the period from
April 5 through April 16, the Uni-
versity Business Office (Rm. 9. Uni-
versity Hall) Will accept new appli-
cations as well as requests for chan-
ges in contracts now in effect. These
new applications and changes will
become effective May 5, with the first
payroll deduction on May 31. After
April 16 no new applications or
changes can be accepted until Octo-
ber, 1945.
Use of Lane Hall: Due to increased
activities at Lane Hall, it has become
necessary to reconsider all non-
S.R.A. groups making use of our fa-
cilities. The principles on which
groups are to be judged are as fol-

1. Student membership and opera-
2. Religious concern.
3. Approval from Dean Bursley's
Groups wishing regular hospitality
may apply on a prepared form to the
House Committee constituted by the
Board of Governors and approved by
the Student Council.
To all male students of the Uni-
versity: There will be no refunds or
renewals on lockers purchased for
the Fall Term 1944-1945 at Water-
man Gymn'asium or the Sports Buil-
ding after April 14, 1945.
Senior Electricl and Mechanical
Engineering Students: Mr. W. B.
Wines, of Western Electric Company,
Chicago, Ill., will interview for pros-
pective positions with that company,
Friday, April 13, in Rm. 218 West
Engineering Building, and in Rm.
271 West Engineering on Saturday
morning, April 14. See the Bulletin
Boards of Electrical and Mechanical
Engineering Departments for inter-
view schedules.


from his loved one that if the sibling
encumbrances disappeared, she
might accept him, and off he goes to
liquidate Hester and Lettie. That
done cunningly. Harry turns to Lu-
cy-but she spurns him now-and
he is left to brood alone over his
crime. Lettie hangs for the murder
of Hester, and no one will believe
Harry's eleventh hour confession.
Betty Blomquist as Lettie did far
and away the best piece of acting
in this production (whose weakest
link was not weak enough to break
the chain of suspense such a play
needs.) Her self-assurance in a
difficult role which called at once
for protectiveness and vindictive-
ness was obvious from first to last.
Babette lum's Hester was convin-
cing-and the exchange of sisterly
venom effective.
As for Byron Mitchell-he came
into his own last night with a nice,
mild-manneredly homicidal inter-
pretation of Harry who is himself-
under-delineated by the playwright,
Thomas Job. One wants to know
more about this far from simple
character: the thwarted artist, the
timid brother, the convivial drinker,
the passionate lover, the shrewd
murderer. How did he come to be
all these things? A Schildkraut could
insinuate motivation. Mitchell is as
yet no Schildkraut. But, with proper
handling and better casting he could
almost become one. His major weak-
ness lies in a tendency first to under-
act, and then by way of conpensa-
tion, to pver-act a bit. This is not
too great a hindrance.
William Cooke's performances-
he took two parts-were interest-
ing in that one was good and the
other was bad. As the very Scotch
Mr. Jenkins, he contributed an ex-
cellent bit; as the governor, he left
something to be desired. Dorothy
Murzek looked well in her part.
obtain their five-week progress re-
ports in the Academic Counselors'
Office, 108 Mason Hall, according to
the following schedule: Surnames
beginning P through Z, Wednesday,
April 11. Surnames beginning I
through O, Thursday, April 12. Sur-
names begining A through H, Fri-
day, April 13.
Organ Recital: Fried Op't Holt
Vogan of the School of Music facul-
ty, and director of music at the Pres-
byterian Church, will be heard in
recital at 3:15 CWT, Sunday after-
noon, April 15, in Hill Auditorium.
Her program will include composi-
tions by Reubke, Handel and Bach,
and will be open to the public.
Events Today
French Films: 3 French films "Men
of theMaquis" "The Liberation of
Paris" and "Next Time I See Paris"
will be shown today at 3:10 in the
Kellogg Auditorium, under the aus-
pices of the Cercle Francais. Those
holding tickets for the series of
French lectures will be admitted free
of charge. Others may pay admis-
sion at the door.
Post-War Council Meeting will be
held today at 3:30 p.m. CWT in the
Union, Rm. 308.
Tea at the International Center,
every Thursday, 3-4:30 p.m. Faculty,
foreign students, and their American
friends are cordially invited.
Inter-Guild Inventory: Reverend
A. T. Scheips will speak and lead a
discussion on "Missouri Synod Luth-
erans and Protestant Cooperation"
in Lane Hall at . this afternoon.
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action: There will be an important
business meeting at 3:15 p.m. CWT,

Rm. 304 Michigan Union. All mem-
bers are urged to attend. Election of
officers will take place.
Varsity Glee Club: Special rehear-
sal at 6:30 -p.m. in preparation for
appearance at the Saturday night
Glee Club dance. Full attendance is
A.I.E.E. Meeting: Today at 6:30
p.m., 302 Michigan Union. All elec-
tricians invited. Mr. R. L. Rayner of
Michigan Bell Telephone Company,
speaker, on "Telephone Carrier Sys-
tems", illustrated with movies.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be held at 6:45
in the Ladies Lounge of the Rack-
ham Building. The following selec-
tions will be played: The Swan Lake
Ballet, by Tschaikowsky; Rhapsody
on a Theme by Paganini, by Rach-
maninoff; and Symphony No. 3, by
Tschaikowsky. All Graduate Stu-
dents are cordially invited to attend.



Experiment at Nebraska Works

STUDENTS of the University of Nebraska, at
the school's expense, held an Experimental
Peace Conference. At the end of two plenary
sessions, one presided over by the speaker of
the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature, the other
by the Chief Justice of the Nebraska Supreme
Court, a peace treaty was adopted.
In an effort to familiarize themselves with
the problems involved,- the 1,800 participants
divided themselves into groups representing
either one of the United Nations or a particu-
lar pressure group. A room was set aside in
the library for Peace Conference reading, and
it. was soon filled with students studying
pamphlets and books dealing with their par-
ticular nation or group.
Professors giving classroom lectures on post-
war problems found that they had an attend-
ince far exceeding the class enrollment.
Prominent speakers such as John P. Young
of the State Department, Mrs. Ruth Bryan
Owen Rohde, former member of Congress and
noted author, and Herbert Brownell, Jr., chair-
iian of the Republican National Committee
,Were brought to campus.
For the plenary sessions twelve committees
were organized. Five dealt with territorial
questions, and the remainder were concerned
with problems of a world security organization.
war criminals, the treatment of Japan and Ger-
mauy, economics, ethnics, and colonies.

play, you must stay beside her. You want to
dig in the sand too, you know how you would
build if you were in the sand pile, but you're not
there. And you can't do anything about the
way the other kids are building the castle. You
can't make them do it as you would.
Conferences at which world decisions are made
arouse our interest, yet, because we can't "dig
in," we often assume an apathy toward the oc-
currences leading up to the conference. This is
dangerous. An informal public is vital to a
peaceful and secure world. '
But, a group of students studying the inter-
national situation, and participating in a Peace
Conference, even though it is not "the real
thing," would find a feeling of belonging, of
"digging" their fingers and minds into tle prob-
We here at the University could certainly
profit. from a project similar to that of the
University of Nebraska. A more acute aware-
ness of world events would come about, and
we would be doing something toward making
ourselves the citizens we aspire to be-citi-
zens in a peaceful world of equal opportunity,
--Anita Franz



School of Music Assembly: Rack-
ham Lecture Hall, Friday, April 13,
3 o'clock CWT for the public instal-
lation of Chi chapter of Pi Kappa
Lambda, national music honor soci-
ety. Professor Walter Allen Stults of
Northwestern University, President-,
General of the society will officiate.
Dr. James P. Adams, Provost of the
University, will accept the charter.
Twenty-five members of the faculty,
fourteen members of the graduating
class of 1945, and several graduates
of past years will be initiated. Dr.
Otto Kinkeldey, professor of music
and librarian at Cornell University,
will be given honorary membership.
The ceremonies are open to the pub-
To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
By Crockett Jolnso

Yes, Joke. ,carp oryouIthe same advice I give

I worked with Lionel's brother, John,

The critics raved about my parapet s



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