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April 11, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-11

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L i llflA3Y, AI' Th 1 , 1945

. .. . . .........

Veteran Eighth Pushes
Ahead on Wide Front.
By The Associated Press
ROME, April 10-The veteran British Eighth Army, opening what
probably will be the last major battle in Italy, crossed the Senio river
today on a wide front in a campaign to annihilate the German 10th and
14th armies before they can retreat Into the mountain fortress of southern
The Eighth, with a brilliant record reaching back to El Alamein, moved
into action last night after a six months' lull behind a murderous artillery
barrage and the greatest coordinated' -____
aerial assault ever carried out in
Italy. Dr. Moore To E
The barrage, which opened at 7:30
o'clock last night, was preceded by an t
aerial assault by U. S. 12th and 15th Ae aAless
Airforce and RAP warplanes. All
three air forces resumed the asault
today with a great force of heavy CAaIter o A
bombers from the 15th blasting a
path through German defenses for .
the attacking Eighth Army. PublicandStudents
Shortly before noon 3,400 100- Welcome To Attend
pound high explosive bombs and
180,000 fragment4tion bombs had The University chapter of the Am-
been dropped in front of the Brit- erican Chemical Society will hear
ish. Dr. Maurice L. Moore lecture on "The
Initial objectives . were gained Chemistry of the Heterocyclic Deri-
against relatively light opposition and
the Tommies continued to press for- vatives of Sulfanilamide" at its meet-
ward over the swampy terrain, inter- ing at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT)
laced with numerous drainage today in Rm. 303, Chemistry Build-
ditches. ing.
There was no immediate indica- The public is cordially invited to
tion what proportion of the enemy attend all meetings of the American
strength in NortherndItaly-esti- Chemical Society, and chemistry stu-
mated at 25 German divisions and dents are especially welcome.
six Italian-Fascist divisions-has Dir. Moore, who is at present the
been massed in the path of the Director of Organic Research for
Eighth Army. Frederick Stearns and Co., Detroit,
However the cream of the Nazi is the secretary of the Division of
fightingvunits-notably thehveteran Medical Chemistry oftthe American
First and Fourth Parachute Troop Chemical Society. His field of study
Divisions and the 26th and 19th Pan- has been organic and pharmaceutical
zer drenadiers-have been concen- chemistry, and he has done work in
trated mostly in front of the Eighth organic molecular rearrangements
Army foothold across the southeast- and in chemotherapy.
ern corner of the Po Valley. Dr. Moore graduated from the Uni-
versity of Florida in 1931, and receiv-
ed his doctor's degree from North-
- " + t G 1i ' C31 _ . .._ - -m- -

Dr. Kiang To
Discuss China
Talk To Be Given at
Lane Hall Tomorrow
"China," from political, social and
cultural points of view, will be dis-
cussed by Dr. Kiang Wen-Han, ad-
ministrator of World Student Service
Fund relief in China, at 8 p. m. EWT
(7 p. m. CWT) tomorrow at Lane
"Dr. Kiang has no political en-
tanglement in China to gag his ex-
pression of opinion," Franklin H.
Littell, director of the Student Reli-
gious Association and a personal
friend of Dr. Kiang's, declared. "He
has friendly contact with many diver-
gent groups and understands thor-
oughly their influence among stu-
dents in China, but has maintained
his independent neutrality."
About $400,000 goes through Dr.
Kiang's hands each year in connec-
tion with his student relief work on
the WSSF. When Japan invadedC
China, Dr. Kiang organized a chain
of student relief stations that suc-
cessfully got students out of occu-
pied territory into the interior where
they could again pursue their stu-
dies. During the ust few years he
has been the Executive Director of
the National Student Relief Com-
mittee in China in which position he
directs student activities and digests
'and distributes writings of world
thinkers on wvar, peace, reconstruc-
tion, religion and Chinese problems.
Vice-president of the World's Stu-
dent Christian Federation, Dr. Kiang
was born a Buddhist in Changsha,
China. Dr. Kiang attended the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania after some
years at Nanking University.I
Dr. Kiang will be guest of honor of
the campus WSSF committee at a
supper tomorrow at Lane Hall, fol-
lowing which he will give an address
which is open to the public.
Tokyo Claims New
Landing on Okinawa
NEW YORK, Apr. 10-0P)-The Lon-
don radio broadcast tonight a Tokyo
Radio claim that American forces
had made a new landing on Okinawa
just north of the present battle cen-
ter. The London broadcast was mon-
itored by NBC.
NBC said London also repeated an
earlier Tokyo claim that Americans
had landed on Tsukata Island, east7
of Okinawa in the Ryukyus.'





Scholarships Won by 25
In Engineering College

Scholarships for the spring and
summer term have been awarded to
25 students in the College of Engi-
neering, Dean Ivan C. Crawford has
Approximately $5,000 will be dis-
tributed in the form of three Simon
Mandlebaum Scholarships, 13 Cor-
nelius Donovan Scholarships, five
Harriet Eveleen Hunt Scholarships,
and four Robert Cambell Gemmell
Memorial Scholarships.
Winners of the Mandlebaum Schol-
arships are Howard Martin Berger,
Maxwell K. Gruetzner, and George
N. Spaulding. The 13 winners of
Donovan awards are Walter B. Berg-
ner, Donald L. Cosner, Robert B. Dil-
laway (for te spring term only),
Harold K. Fletcher, Richard W. Har-
vey, Lawrence Lutzker (spring term
only), Marvin M. Okun, Morris
Rochlin, Jess Paul Santo (spring
term only), Arthur L. Shef, Harold
W. Stelzle, Larry Talbot, and Donald
11. Vance (spring term only).
Hunt Scholarships were awarded
to Frank D. Amon, Evan A. Fraden-
burgh, James Robert Stelt, Robert
E. Tenhoor, and ]Franklyn L. Thom-
as. Receivers of the Gemmell Schol-
afships are Milton D. David, George
Hogg Jr., Robert H1. Smith, and Ber-
nard W. Wilterdink.
All of the scholarships are awarded

men of the Tenth Army work on the toe of a small Japanese boy who
was in.jured during the American invasion of the Japanese Ryukyu
Island of Okinawa. American forces invaded the island April 1.
Edmonson Warns Veterans
About Low Grade Education

western University in 1934. He has
held faculty positions at both these
schools, and also was an A. Homer
Smith research fellow in organic
clhemistry at Yale. He was a re-
search chemist for Sharp and Dohme,
Inc., from 1936 to 1943.
Uninvited To Be
Denied Look-In'
San Francisco Parley
To Have No Observers
WASHINGTON, April 10-U )-
There will be no look-in for neutrals
and other uninvited nations at the
San Francisco Conference, Secretary
of State Stettinius indicated today.
Stettinius disclosed at his news
conference that some countries had
inquired about sending informal ob-
servers to the Golden Gate Confer-
ence on world organization, but they
were told it was impossible to ar-
Meanwhile, the United States dele-
gation to the conference, having
agreed upon making unit decisions
by a majority vote, worked toward
a meeting of minds on matters of
policy likely to arise. The members
are meeting at the state department
all this week.
Two of the eight delegates have
been absent from the sessions which
began yesterday. They are Com-
mander Harold L. Stassen, on active
duty with the Navy, and dormer Sec-
retary of State Cordell Hull, who is
recovering from a long illness and
Hull still hopes to go to San Fran-
cisco. The time for a decision by his
physicians is drawing near. There is
some thought that while he may not
be able to attend the opening session
he will almost certainly be able to go
out sometime during the meeting
which is expected to last at least a
Continuous from 1 P.M.
Last Times Today-
Starts Thursday

"Veterans planning to take advan-
tage of training provided for them
under the G.I. Bill of Rights must
not be gypped' into receiving a low-
grade education," Dean James B.
Edmonson of the School of Educa-
tion said in an interview.
While Michigan has developed a
good plan and is exercising care in
granting credit, many states have
failed to make adequate provisions
for the protection of the veteran who
is planning to continue his educa-
tion, according to Dean Edmonson.
Every veteran should make certain
that the credits, certificates, or de-
grees granted by the college he se-
lects are recognized by the better
colleges and universities or by state
boards of education, the Dean urged.
Under the G.I. Bill of Rights the.
authority for veteran training and
education is vested in a state agency
designated by the governor of the
According to the February bulle-
tin of the American Council on Edu-
cation, many states have failed toi

realize how serious a responsibility
this is and have approved almost all
institutions indiscriminately. Twen-
ty-fivve per cent of the colleges on
approved lists of 39 states are not
accredited, the bulletin states.
Dean Edmonson pointed out that
the poorest college in a border state
has employed field agents to contact
returning veterans, and -he urged
that the veteran protect himself from
such practices by checking the col-
lege with the registrar of his state
At a recent Washington meeting
of the Executive Committee of the
American Council on Education Dean
Edmonson conferred with Kermit
Eby, who formerly taught in the Ann
Arbor high schools and who is now
the Education Director of the CIO's
education division, and with officials
of the Association of American Col-
leges, who are taking an active inter-
est in the protection of the veteran.
Yanks Capture
Nazi Officials
MUEHLHAUSEN, Germany, April
8-(AP)-Two hundred eighty-five
members of the German Foreign Min-
istry were captured last Thursday
when the Sixth Armored Division
rolled into this city 19 miles north-
west of Weimar.
Officials captured handled matters
such as salaries, exchange of na-
tionals with other countries, person-
nel and press communications, and
among them were several who had
spent many years in Washington.
However, Foreign Minister Joachim
Von Ribbentrop and other top figures
in his department were not among the
prisoners taken.
This section of the Foreign Mini-
stry, whose work was generally ad-
ministrative, was moved to Muehl-
hausen from Berlin about a month

Hillel Sponsors
W7ar Loan Drive
eat Leage
A "Cost Supper," an informal get-
together around meal-time, will be
held at 5:30 p. m. Sunday on the
lawn of the Hillel Foundation.
Servicemen are invited to attend
free of charge, and following the
supper there will be a "Spring Sym-
phony on Records" in the music
Supper committee chairman is
Ruth Kowalsky, and Sybil Kahn is
student director in charge.
Reservations for the supper must
be made by Friday and those who
wish to attend should 'phone the
Lambda Chi 'Alpha
olds Two Parties
Two parties were held last week-
end by the Lambda Chi Alpha fra-
ternity at their chapter apartments.
On Friday night there was a stag
rushing party, and Saturday was the
Spring Record dance.
Mrs. Vibert and Ross McNaughton
acted as chaperons. Carnations were
given to the girls as favors.
A stag picnic will be held this Sat-
urday afternoon.

to students who are partially or en-
tirely self-supporting. The Donovan
awards are for seniors, the Gemmell
Scholarships for freshmen and soph-
omores, the Hunt Scholarships for 15
semester hours of work, and the
Mandlebaum awards for 45 hours of
Strike Settled.
At Packard
Motor Company
4,000 Employees To
Return Imnediately
DETROIT, April 10-(P)-A strike,
affecting nearly 4,000 Packard Motor
Company employes was settled at a
War Labor Board hearing late today,
while an additional 13,000 workers
were idle in industrial disputes in
other Detroit defense plnts.
RWLB Chairman Louis C. Mirian
said pfficers of Local 100, United
Automobile Workers (CIO) had
agreed to order all their workers to
return immediately, pending arbitra-
tion of the layoffs of some Packard
Inspectors Walk Out
The inspectors walked~ out Monday
charging the company expected the
reduced force of inspectors to handle
the same amount of work. A com-
pany spokesman said production cut-
bndacks- had caused some layoffs but
contended that improved test equip-
ment reduced the period of time re-
quired for each job.
A dispute over the number of em-
ployes permitted to work overtime on
Sunday, which occasioned a strike of
500 employes in the Chip andk Cool-
ant Maintenance Division of the Con-
tinental Motors Corp.,. resulted in
nearly 7,000 employes being sent
home today.
,000 in Sympathy Strike
Meanwhile, 2,000 employes of the
Kelsey-Hayes Wheel Company's Mc-
Graw Ave., plant and 1,000 at its
Plymouth Gun Plant joined in a
sympathy strike with 2,000 at the
company's Military Avenue plant who
walked out Monday in protest against
dismissal of several minor officials of
Local 174, UAW-CIO,
The company said the discharges
were for refusal to do work assigned,
for forcibly ejecting a foreman- from
the plant, and for refusing to work
with supervision assigned during
transfers within the plant. Harry
Southwell, Local 174 vice-president,
said the foreman was ejected because
workers believed him responsible for
demotion of another foreman who
was well-liked.








-- ,-_. . ., A AKA.,,-b, In r_;4?+ of I

ELP WANTED payground Marcn 1 7 Gil t o
HEL brother in Navy. Mary Lea Bird.
BOYS WANTED: In a small league 920 Monroe St. Phone 2-1241.
house. Dinners and good pay. Call LOST: Schaeffer fountain pen, greenf
4701. striped, Monday. Call Anne, 7919.
lady trained in selling cosmetics
must be familiar with selling treat- CAMELET BROTHERS, tailors, 1119
ment lines. Will pay $40-$50 per S. University. Remodel clothes for
week. Permanent position with a men and women. Relining, reweav-
postwar future. Also opening for ing. Also make hand-made button
an assistant for part-time now and holes.
full-time this summer. Write box -
No. 3, Michigan Daily. FOR SALE

j 4 t) o t) ;;;, : t;;;;;;;t) t;;;;;;;>o e c t tc, t)n
UeceNt 1I3i rR
Recent Broadway Success by Thomas Job
TICKETS: 96c - 72c - 60c (inc .ax)
Special Rote for Students Tonight and Tomorrow - 35c
Performances Tonight through Saturday


NICELY FURNISHED two or three!
room apt. and room in suburban
Ann Arbor. Phone 9308.
ROOMS FOR RENT at 1208 Oakland,
one single, one double on insulated
third floor. Shower. Students pre-
ferred. Phone 3197.
LOST: One blue barreled gold topped
Eversharp fountain pen on Wash-
tenaw or State street. Reward! Call
LOST: Brown wallet containing
necessary papers and money. Re-
ward. Call Glenn Tomsu, 2-3169.1
LOST: Sat. Blue wallet containing
bills. Call Marj. Littlefield 2-2539.
LOST: Billfold with valuable papers.
Reward. Write Box No. 5, Michi-
gan Daily.
$5 REWARD: For a silver filagree
bracelet, lost on campus or U. high

TUXEDO FOR RENT or sale. For
further information call Frankie
or Johnie. Tel. 2-3872.


FOR SALE: Farms and lands, Ann-
Arbor, 5 miles west, 50 acres,
$6,000.00. Good for post war
building. Restricted, good road.
Call evenings and Sundays, Ann
Arbor 6196.
desires further info about "viva-
cious brunette with twinkling
brown eyes," age, height, entertain-
ment preferences. Will look for
prompt answer
ONE TICKET to Slide Rule Ball. Call
5940 between 6 and 8 p. m.
WANTED: Sewing, refitting, repair-
ing, restyling of ready made gar-
ments or the making of new ones
for women, girls, and small chil-
dren. Miss Livingston, front room,
2nd floor, 315 So. Division St. Walk


r A


Save it!


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