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April 07, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-07

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Svl'iTIY ? AR1, tti:f '; i:

C,.4 £irc4jau Bally
Fifty-Fifth Year

Open Letter t Josef Stalin

'The Pendulum


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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon ,
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Ann Schutz
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

. . . . Managing Editor
. . Editori1 Director
* . . . . .City Editor
Associate Editor
. Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
Business Stafff
AsBusiness Manager
. . . Associate Business Mgr,
* . . Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Nation,, Advertising Service, Inc.
College P4bisers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Open Meetings
TiE PROPOSAL of the State Department to
the San Francisco security conference that
as much as possible of its proceedings be open
to press, radio and motion pictures is an attempt
to give to the people of the United Nations an
opportunity to obtain what they have been
fighting for.
In the peace conference following the last war,
secret negotiations deprived the people of the
nations involved of any effective jurisdiction over
the results. In place of a voice in the discus-
sions of the Treaty of Versailles and the forma-
tidn of the League of Nations, the various gov-
ernments were given one alternative: yes or no.
Mere denial or endorsement of a policy cannot
be called participation in the formation of that
policy. If we are really fighting for freedom and
democracy, the nations attending the San Fran-
cisco conference will be as willing as is the
United States to publish as much- of the pro-
ceedings as can possibly be made public.
We do not ask for the publication of military
secrets. Admittedly, not all the events of the
conference can be set forth at this time. But
the blind approval or refusal of a finished- pro-
duct, without knowing the factors which produc-
ed it, cannot be a fair or intelligent judgment of
the work of this conference.
This country's system iof government is
founded on trust in the interest and compe-
tence of the common people. Certainly we
should not be called upon to back any deci-
sion which has not accorded us that trust.
Nor should the nations we have fought beside
show themselves to be less democratic than
we, if their aims are really as close to ours
as they seemed to be in their hour of peril.
-Marjorie Mills
COLLEGE MEN who are eligible to take the
Army Specialized Training Reserve Program
qualifying test next Thursday have a rare op-
portunity that few prospective draftees face.
Men inducted into the Army nowadays, as any-
one in the Army will tell you, are in almost all
cases assigned to the infantry and hold little
prospect of immediate advancement beyond the
rank of private.
For their specialized outfits, the engineers, the
foreign language and area units, the Army wants
intelligent men with some college, background.
For these coveted outfits the Army, in coopera-
tion with some of the nation's greatest univer-
sities, provides this costly, specialized training.
As the next ASTRP qualifying examination
will probably not come till next year, men who
are now in the eligible age group are likely
to miss their only opportunity to enter the re-
serve program if they fail to register promptly
for the examination being held Thursday at
the Rackham Lecture Jiall. It is an opportu-
nity which no college man facing induction
into the Ariy should pass up.
-Arthur J. Kraft
Manpower Bill

THE SENATE in a 46 to 29 vote killed the
Mannower Bill. Today. 6,000 Timken em-

The Kremlin,
Dear Marshal Stalin:
I am taking the unusual step of writing you in
this way because I am not sure that you realize
what is happening in the United States. I am
sure you must have reports from ,your embassy.
But almost no embassy, sitting aloof in Washing-
ton, can accurately gauge the American people.
Perhaps your embassy has reported that in
the last two years, much of the old Anti-Soviet
suspicion has vanished and that the great bulk
of the American people are anxious to cooperate
with Russia for future peace as they have for
winning the war.
In the last two weeks, however, this friendly
feeling has received a jolt. I don't know whether
your embassy has reported it, but it is-true.
It has received a jolt because of the general
impression that the Yalta promises are not
being kept and that the rights of little na-
tions are being trampled on. To put it bluntly
the American people are beginning to wonder
whether Russia is really sincere about keep-
ing the peace after the war, unless that peace
is one which she dominates.
Never having visited. the United States-and
we hope you will some day--you probably have
no conception of the overwhelming hope of the
American people that the ideals of this war
shall be achieved and that their sons will not
have to go out and fight another war. This is
not merely a hope, it is a passion. It is the
American people's one great goal.
The other day I attended a small dinner where
a coal mine operator from West Virginia awarded
prizes to the high school children or his city
for the best essays on how to erect a permanent
peace machinery. R. M. Davis, the man who
gave the prizes, has even written a Constitution
for the United Nations-and a prettyggood one
at that, with one vote for every nation-and he
has circulated thousands of copies throughout
the country.
Davis is a former street-car conductor and
nine-mle driver. He is just one of millions
of Americans who are thinking about this
problem of permanent peace. He represents
America. And the kids who received the prizes
were sons of Hungarian immigrants, and
daughters of German, Dutch, French parents.
They represent America too-all thinking
about.the same thing.
The R. M. Davises and the school children of
the country and the mothers of the sons who
have fought in this war and the sons who are
coming back from the war will never permit
another letdown-unless they figure that the
major powers of Europe are letting them down
This time, it is not us but Russia which is
suspicious and has its isolationists. This is
only natural and partly our fault. For the State
Department and the Chanceries of Europe kept
Russia isolated for years. Naturally that kind
of atmosphere breeds isolationists. But this
time you can't afford to make the same mistake
we did before.
Since Yalta we have learned that the Soviet
is concerned over the votes of small nations
in the United Nations meetings; is worried
that they may gang up on her; and believes
that the 20 Pan-American Republics will
all follow the United States as a bloc.
But I remember the day after we landed Ma-
rines in Nicaragua and sent troops to the border
of Mexico when no Latin American nation would
have voted with us. And if they now follow
us as a bloc it is only because we have-reversed
our previous high-handed policy and treated
them as neighbors. As long as we are fair and
honest and don't trample on their rights, the
chances are they'll do right by us. And I for
one have found this usually works with most
things, from small nations and people to a
team of horses plowing in the field.
I've been to your country, Ntr. Stalin, and
I like the people. I was up with the Red Army
in Siberia when they eased out the last rem-
nants of the Japs in 1922. And I have seen
a lot of them in other places. They are good
people and not hard to get along with.
And if you ever come over here, you will find
that our people are the same. They are very
easy to get along with.

Now there is only one thing the American
people want out of this war. They want no
By Bay Dixon
DR. RUTHVEN, in his excellent speech before
the Lansing alumni Thursday night, said
the University was in the "Valley of Decision."
In effect he expressed the hope that it wasn't
Death Valley.
* * ~
He also said, "Of this we may be sure, the
clock will not be turned back . . . " evidently
forgetting that we go on central war time at
midnight tomorrow and every clock on cam-
pus will be set back an hour.
German burgomasters are having their trou-
bles. Seems they're losing their burgs.

territory, no reparations, no pomp or fol-de-
rol. They want only one thing-a fair deal
for all nations, big and small, and the perma-
nent peace that goes with it.
The alternative is the biggest army the world
has ever seen, the biggest navy, and rockets
that will pulverize cities, 5,000 miles away.
That would mean the eventual end of civiliza-
I am sure your country will not make the
same mistake we did after the last war. You
cannot let us down.
Yours truly,
-Drew Pearson
(Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Feeding Europe
TIS PERHAPS HARD for us to realize that to
the rest of the world we Americans look
awfully fat. As a matter of fact, we're not
thin. We are eating more than before the war
began. We are packing away 3,367 calories per
person per day, as compared with a prewar aver-
age of'3,236. We alone, among all the belligerent
peoples, have not lost weight in a lean time.
That is a sensational fact, a most ostentatious
fact; and it makes for whispers and comment,
like a silk hat in the subway.
There are times when it is not good public
relations to appear too plump. The feast during
a famine has always been an unpopular institu-
tion; it gives rise to distressing thoughts among
those whose noses are flattened against the glass.
Every food ministry in the world knows, for ex-
ample, that we Americans are eating more meat
than before the war. We used to put away 136
pounds of meat per person per year; we are now
downing 147 pounds.
This does not mean that every American is
eating more meat, but it means that more
Americans are eating more meat. The man who
used to ingest 200 pounds annually may be do-
ing with 50 pounds less, but millions of others,
who were once content with a bit of sowbelly
now and then, today occasionally feel the un-
familiar taste of beef upon their tongues.
Our civilians, as a group, are eating almost
three billions of pounds more meat than they
used to eat. They can afford it at last. If
our meat supply is still short, that is not be-
cause foreigners are eating it up, but because
Americans are competing with Americans for
it. The war, which has destroyed so much, has
improved the average American home diet,
and, again, that is a fact which is sort of con-
spicuous; it is like living in the only house with
curtains,, on the whole street.
The world is bound to think about these mat-
ters, especially in those countries in which chil-
dren say, "Whatis it?" when they see an orange.
The feeling the hungry countries are building
up about us may have a bering on how we get
along with them after the war. We ought to
make an effort, hard though that is, to wonder
how we look to them. We are forever talking
about how they look to us. How do we look to
Thoughts which start in the belly are likely
to be hard thoughts. The Greeks are receiving
900 calories a day; the French city dweller,
1900. When calories run that low, you don't
have to count them to know that they are
not enough. And Belgians, they say, are dress-
ing as German soldiers, and letting themselves
be "captured" by us, to qualify for the rations
we give prisoners of war. The French send their
children to pick through our military garbage.
We're the richest man in town, in other
words. That is how the world thinks of us.
It is perhaps like the way you used to think
of the town banker when you were a child.
It is hard for us to think in that way about
ourselves. No one ever thinks of hinself as
having a portly gait: That belongs to the
catagory of thoughts which occur only to
Yet we should try to think it through. The
President made it clear that he wants to help
the hungry countries. He can't do it if we, the
people, don't understand the need. It is time
we helped. We gave the French reason to be-

lieve we would get 2,000,000 tons of supplies to
them last year. We sent 262,000 tons. Now
we have set up a special Committee through
which to limit and clear all promises of aid.
Since we are not sending enough aid, this can
only be considered a committee to ration prom-
ises. We say shipping is the shortage, and yet
we are cutting back our ship program. Why?
And Londoners are talking in a new way
of France's desperate urgency. They are talk-
ing of Dunkerque, surprisingly enough; they
say if shipping is the shortage, why not mobilize
small boats, barges, anything, as was done at
Dunkerque, and get the food over. For the
people of France are in peril of their lives, as
Britain's soldiers once were.
Some splendid action, in the emergency
mood, something to show that we can leap and
run when we hear a cry, might make a change
in the somber meditations neighbors have
about each other, and in the future of the
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

very far nowadays without some-
body expressing a wish for the ex-
termination of the "Japs" or the
Germans. Public sentiment on this=
subject has soared to a high pitch of I
emotional irresponsibility.
Jimmy Young, INS correspondent.
and Hearstling, back some years ago
from a Tokyo prison, started his hul-
labaloo campaign based on our popu-
lar motto, "The only good Jap is a
dead ,ne." The federal government,
working with West Coast reaction,
embarked on a disgraceful program
of segregation euphemistically called
relocation. Hysteria got the best of
us virulently, against the Nisei be-
cause theyare so conspicuous andI
only a might less so against the
Germans because we must satisfy
our desire to hate.
The very .same people who be-
lieve the Germans are intrinsically
bad supported Wendell Willkie by
the millions-though his immedi-
ate ancestry was German. They
also have the utmost faith at pres-
ent in General Eisenhower and
Admiral Nimitz who as yet have
not been accused of high treason-
unlike that, Carolina gentleman
whose candidacy for the presiden-
tial office was announced over
Radio Berlin last year. If a people4
were intrinsically bad, transplan-
tation to another continent should
make no difference in their make-
- Such bogus* intellectuals as Lord
Vansittart tell us that the Germans
have always been marauding war-
like people. This is, of course, dem-
onstrably false, but they were just
that at the time Tacitus wrote his
Germania nearly two thousand years
ago. Barbarians in the literal sensej
4 j
J0 .34 c. .o
7~ Z( 6k0

of the word, these people still had
many fine qualities. We find the
German tribes, rough and coarse as
they were, practicing virtues their
more civilized neighbors studiedly
Tacitus does not say so, but
many prominent historians do
maintain that the Germans were
being plundered, taxed, and pro-
voked into war. That they could
not have been entirely to blame is
indisputable. Rome would have
ratted and fallen without the as-
Mistance of invading hordes. Ed-
ward Gibbon, the great chronicler
of that event, wonders not why
Rame fell, but how it was she could
have stood so long.
The Germans of Tacitus' day trea-
ted strangers in the manner en-
joined by the Bible. "In social feasts
and hospitality no nation on earth
was more hospitable and abounding.
To refuse admitting under your roof
any man whatsoever is held wicked
and inhuman." German women were
treated as equals-whereas they were
debased in sophisticated Rome. Ac-
customed to use of the javelin, the
shield, and the sword they were not
xauch concerned with feminine pomp
and delicacy. Women shared in the
fortitude and fighting of their men;
promiscuity was exceedingly rare,
chastity the rule. As much cannot be
said of our civilization.
"To the practice of usury," writes

Tacitus, "and of increasing money by
interest, they are strangers; and
hence is found a better guard against
it than if it were forbidden." Even
today in America, war bonds will not
sell unless an interest can be derived
by the people who buy them. Tacitus
is, on the other hand, full well aware
of German weaknesses--but they are
by no means peculiarly German
weaknesses. "To wealth also, am-
ongst them, great veneration is paid,
and thence a single ruler governs
them without all restriction of power,
and exacting unlimited obedience."
The German people, quite sim-
ply, were never altogether good
nor irremediably bad. There is in
their character the same set of
etiological factors that rules every
people's existence. No sane person
wants to pamper the Nazis. But,
why in the name 'of-"sanity, ought
German Nazis to suffer when Span-
ish Nazis enjoy our good favor?
Germany should be de-militarized
forever-but so should the whole
world for its pacification-and our
Tacitus could see the many-sided-
ness of the people he was describing.
It will take at least this much wis-
dom for us to deal with the nation
whose complex character is a mys-
tery only to those people who do not
see in it a slightly distorted but es-
sentially accurate reflection of them-




VOL. LV, No. 115
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell hail, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. in. Sat-
Change of.Tine: Effective at mid-

'O THE EDITOR night Sunday, April 8, Central War
Mr. Elkus' editorial on Military Time, one hour slower than Ann
Training in the Thursday issue of Ai bor city time (Eastern War Time),
The Daily creates the impression of will be officially adopted by the Uni-
a high degree of idealism. Apparent-. versity, and at the same time all
ly he would like to base our future officially fixed time schedules will be
international policies on faith, good moved back one hour. Thus classes
will, and general education. This which have been stated as beginning
viewpoint strikes some of us as being at 8, 9, and 10 a.m., Eastern War
somewhat unrealistic, if not naive. Time, will henceforth meet at 7, 8,
In the first place, he claims that and 9 a.m., respectively, Central War
"it would be to our disadvantage to Time, and corresponding changes
have a large militia prepared to will be made for other class hours,
swing the sword if the Dumbarton office hours, etc., throughout the
Oaks proposals are carried into ef- day. Announcements in the Daily
feet." We will certainly need to have Official Bulletin, Weekly Calendar,
some military force behind us in and other official publications after}
order to participate in any league April 8 will be made in terms of
of nations. Without this, member- Central War Time.
ship in a world organization would- __
be meaningless. It is not clear from Instructors are invited to attend
the writer's statements whether or the special meeting of the University'
not h° would sanction even a stand- Senate on Monday, April 9, at 4:15
ing force to back up DumbartonI p in. in the Rackham Lecture Hall
Oaks.rButteventhis preparation for the purpose of receiving and dis-
might be inadequate, for if the new. cussing the report of the Senate Ad-
league fails as the old one did, there visory Committee, "The Economic
would be nothing for pus to fall back Status of the Faculty".
on in case of a threat to our security.
It is true that a well-informed School of Education Faculty: The
public is essential to national se- April meeting of the faculty will be
curity, but-it still does not afford held on Monday, April 23, instead of
physical protection against aggres- April 16 as originally scheduled.
lion. W ithout an arm ed force be- Ai l 6 a r g n l y s h d l d i d i h u l c i e p e s o- -
hind it the public is helpless, no
matter how well it understands the Group Hospitalization and Surgi-
rest of the world. cal Service: During the period from
"A rising enemy will give years of April 5 through April 16, the Uni-
advance notice before it would be versity Business Office (Rm. 9, Uni-
able to attack." This is exactly what versity Hall) will accept new appli-
Germany and Japan did from 1931 cations as well as requests for chan-
to 1941.. Again and again we were' ges in contracts now in effect. These
warned, and what did we do about new applications and changes will
it? The public had access to enough become effective May 5, with the first
facts to show them what was coming, payroll deduction on May 31. After
t shreowrhem byhurownsexpmmg'April 16 no new applications or
they were warneds by our oxpes changes can be accepted until Octo-
as well; yet we sat 'back compla-be195
cently and assumed that we were , 1945_
somehow immune.
As to the preventive steps that an To all male students of the Uni-
informed public could easily take,l versity: There will be no refunds or
just what preventive steps could the renewals on lockers purchased for
American public take against Japa- the Fall Term 1944-1945 at Water-
nese aggression in Manchuria and man Gymnasium or the Sports Buil-
Chna? Public. opinion in the United ding after April 14, 1945.

the announcements in our office.
Bureau of Appointments.
Academic Notices
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: The civilian
freshman five-week progress reports
are due today in the Office of the
Academic Counselors, 108 - Mason
The Five-Weeks' Grades for Navy
ard Marine Trainees (other than
Engineers and Supply Corps) are due
today. Department offices will be
provided with special cards and the
Office of the Academic Counselors,
108 M'ason Hall, will receive these
reports and transmit them to the
proper officers.
5th Annual Michigan Massed Or-
chestra Concert, 190 players, Guy
Fraser Harrison conducting, (Sunday
April 8) Hill Auditorium, 4:15 p.m.
Events Today
There will be an important meet-
ing of all the members of the Michi-
gan Union Staff at l30 in the Stu-
dent Offices. If you can't attend call
any day this week between 3 and 5
Wesley Foundation: Box Social to-
night at 5:30 o'clock in the Social
Hall of the church. For reservation,
call 6881 this afternoon.
"Target for Today", a full-length
film which records the bombing of
Germany by the Eighth Bomber
Command will be shown at Rackham
Amphitheater this evening at 7:30,
under the auspices of the Inter-
Racial Association, the Post-War
Council, the University of Michigan
Bureau of Visual Education, and
Michigan Youth for Democratic Ac-
tion. There will be no admission
charge and all those interested in
seeing the film are invited to attend.
Luncheon-Discussion: The Satur-
day Luncheon-Discussion meeting at
Lane Hall will review "The History of
Bigotry in the United States" under
the leadership of David Ellis. This
will serve to put the books already
studied into more distinct focus. Any-
one interested will be welcomed this
Open House: Games, songs, and
Folk dancing will beon theprogram
for Lane Hall's second Open House
with Buff Wright in charge. The
first party was a great success, but a
bigger and better time for everyone
is planned for this evening.
Coming Events
Workshop on Anti-Semitism: The
Workshop will meet in the Hillel
Foundation lounge at 2:30 p.m. Mon-
day, April 9. Professor Theodore
Newcomb of the Sociology Dept. will
speak and lead the discussion on
"Some Psychological Aspects of Anti-
Semitism." Anyone interested is in-
vited to attend.
Council Meeting: There will be a
meeting of the Inter-Guild Council
in Lane Hall at 3:30 Sunday after-
The Internat~,inal Cen teill i1 1






States was all in favor of China, but1
still we could not stop our business-
men from selling scrap iron and oil
to Japan. The same thing happened
to the British public in regard to
Italian aggressin in Ethiopia.
Let us not assume that in case of
a threat of aggression we would still
have many years to raise an army.
This attitude is complacent, which
in turn is dangerous.
To have a well-informed popu-
lace with at least a rudimentary
knowledge of practical warfare is
the best insurance against in-
fringements on our national lib-
erty. -Joan Shively

Applicants for Combined Curric-
ula: Application for admission to a
combined curriculum must be made
before April 20 of the final pre-
professional year. Application forms
may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall
and should be filed with the Secre-
tary of the Committees at that office.
Alpha Kappa Delta initiates of last
December may call at the Sociology
Office, 115 Haven Hall, for member-
ship certificates this week.
City of Detroit Civil Service: An-






r-;;L- m

Why can't O'Malley Enterprises conduct its financial
business here, m'boy? As I once told Elbert Hubbard,
who by the wav was alwnv mistnlina nfor Rloh

Mmm. Perhaps they would get
underfoot ... But I must start
my retrenchment program by

nouncement for Marine Operating
Engineer (Fire Boat), $3,381 to $3,-
Iy Crockett Johnson 864, has been received in our office.
For further information, stop in at
- 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint-
- .'t-N 7 ments.
That beautiful mansion E University Bureau of Appointments
down the road! And it's and Occupational Information





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