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April 05, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-05

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t an


Freezing with
Winds and Cloudy








Yank Invasion

Army-Navy Revue Will
Sta rFieldingNavyBand
Servicemen To Prnsent All-Campus
Show at Hill Auditorium Wednesday










The 80-piece Navy band and Doc
Fielding as master of ceremonies will
be featred in the first all-campus
Army-Navy Revue to be held at 8
p.m. Wednesday in Hill Auditorium,
it was announced yesterday.
Containing approximately 140 ser-
vicemen, the huge show is being pre-
sented under the sanction of campus
Army and Navy units and the spon-
sorship of the Union, the League
and The Daily. All proceeds will be
offered to Army and Navy Relief
Navy Orchestra
In addition to the Navy band, mu-
sic will be furnished by the 15-piece
Lots of Cigs
It could happen only in the
Army! One recently graduated
judge advocate left a package of
cigarettes in his discarded enlist-
ed man's blouse when he changed
to brand new officer pinks, The
Advocate, JAG School weekly, re-
Another shavetail, anxious to
leave all ties behind, left an ear-
ring in the pocket of his discarded
trousers. "If there had been two,"
the oldier checking clothing
grumbled, "they would have made
a nice Easter present"
Student Forum
Will Discuss
Teen-Age Vote
The eighteen-year-old vote ques-
tion will be the subject of the Stuent
Town Hall's informal discussion, open
to all students, to be held at 7:45 p.m.
today in Lane Hall lecture hall.
The open meeting will follow a de-
bate that has been planned to present
arguments for and against the basic
issues involved in lowering the age
requirement for voting to eighteen
years. Speaking on the affirmative
side will be Sheldon Selesnick and
Joyce Siegan. Betty Lou Bidwell and
Howard Cole will present the negative
This forum is the second in a ser-
ies of three meetings designed for
discussion of student affairs. Its co-
chairmen are Martin Shapero and
John Condylis, who will announce the
subject of the third meeting, to be
held April 19, later.
* *
U Debaters Tie
Wayne Squad
Compulsory Labor
Arbitration Discusse
Five debates on "Compulsory Ar-
bitration of Labor Disputes" ended in
a draw yesterday between the Uni-
versity team and representatives of
Wayne University.
Michigan won the first and the sec-
ond debates, tied in the third and lost
the fourth and fifth contests to
Wayne. Michigan's winning debat-
ors, who upheld the affirmative side
of the question, were Martin Scha-
pero, John Condylis, Mary Battle and
Betty, Lou Biswell. The winning de-
bators for Wayne were Patricia Carey,
Rosemary Wallace, John Stuart and
Barney Solomon. Joyce Siegan and
Mary Ellen represented the Univer-
sity in the third contest which ended
in a tie.
The basis for ,judging the debates
was the degree to which the previ-
ously held opinion of the audience
were changed. Ballots were handed
out both before and after each con-
test. Dr. Hance, Mr. Land, Miss
Wishnevsky and Miss Wood acted as

Today Student Town Hall fea-
tures debate of 18 year-
old vote question at 7:45
p. m., Lane Hall.
April 6 Prof. W. H. Maurer speaks
on "Dare We Educate fors

Navy orchestra under the direction
of Frank Worden and Foo-Foo Fen-
ner's Fascinating Five will provide
jive music. Also contributing to the
Navy's half of the Revue will be the
Navy glee club and Pete Farago on
the accordion. Farago is a Navy
medical student and played the ac-
cordion over a Chicago radio station
for a number of years before joining
the service.
The Army will be represented in
this benefit show by five different
acts. Sgt. Vernon Anderson, of the
headquarters staff will do imitations
similar to the ones he used to do
professionally before joining the ser-
vice. A quartet from Co. A will har-
monize for the audience of students,
faculty and townspeople. Pfc. Bill
Corkery will sing a few solo numbers
and Cpl. Bill Borges will perform
feats of magic. Pfc. Dick Thomas
will be featured on the piano.
Doc Fielding To MC
. According to Doe Fielding, who is
producing the show as well as being
master of ceremonies, the Revue will
also spotlight a surprise star from
the "home front"
Wednesday night will be a holiday
for University students as women
have been granted 11 o'clock per-
mission by the dean's office and both
Army and Navy servicemen stationed
on campus will be permitted to re-
main out until 11 p.m. if they attend
the show.
Tickets may be obtained at the
Union, Leage, USO, local bookstores,
restarants and drug stores downtown
and near the campus, the American
Legion post and at the VFW.
Petitions Are
Due Saturday
Petitions for five administrative po-
sitions on the 1945-46 Pan Hellenic
Council are due at 12:30 p. m. Sat-
urday in the petition box in the
Undergrad Office or the Pan-Hel
Office at the League.
Interviewing will take place from
3 p. m. to 5 p. m. Monday, Tuesday,
and Wednesday at the League. A
sign-up sheet for interviews will be
posted Saturday outside the Pan-Hel
Office, and all petitioners should sign
for their interview as'soon as possible.
Duties of President
The president of Pan-Hel is in
charge of the weekly dinners for
Percy Jones veterans as well as her
general presidential duties.
The important function of the
rushing secretary is an all year job
and is not confined to merely the
rushing period. She is in charge of
formulating rules and supervising
War Activities,
In addition to regular vice-presi-
dential duties, the vice-president of
Pan-Hel supervises war activities. She
is in charge of all speial drives spon-
sored by Pan-Hel, and checks the
activity sheets turned in by each
The secretary performs the duties
of correspondence and minute re-
cording as well as planning exchange
dinners between houses. The position
of treasurer entails arranging the
weekly USO coffee hours on Sunday
nights, and also financial supervi-
sion of Pan-Hel affairs.

Capture Suhl __
Kassel, Gotha;
Close on r urt D
Third Army Breaks HOLL
Into Thuringian PlainR
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Thursday, April 5-U. S.
Third Army tank forces, breaking
into the open Thuringian plain, cap- Gene
tured Kassel, Gotha and Suhl yester- RUS
day and closed in on Erfurt, 130 miles
southwest of Berlin, in their swift
race to split the dying Reich.
In the north, British armored for-
ces hurdled two major river barriers,
the lower Weser and Ems Rivers, and
plunged on toward the great German
north sea ports of Bremen and Em-
Drive to Lingen
One force pushing into Lingen, 55;*
miles south of Emden, and sweeping
onward, was only 45 miles from cut-
ting the last Nazi escape route out
of all Holland, and Canadian troops
on the western flank were overrun-
ning V-bomb sites.
Karlsruhe, capital of Baden on the WHER
upper Rhine, fell to the French First and di
Army at the extreme southern end of of Kas
the front, a French communique an- Russia
nounced. The adjoining U. S. 7th -
Army pushed to Uffenheim, 34 miles
northwest of Nuernberg, Nazi con- Law
vention city and key road city con-
trolling the Berlin-Brenner pass
routes into Italy. The Americans and
French also were threatening Stutt-
gart, big South German city. Revis
Hit Nazi Factories
All Allied armies were pounding
ahead in a swelling tide that overran State
underground Nazi factories, vital air- To S
fields, and other war plants. The
Nazis were losing more than two divi- A refresh
sions daily in prisoners alone. veterans w
Field Marshal Montgomery's Brit- or law stu
ish 11th Armored Division swept .
around Osnabrueck, where the last ment, will
bitter German resisters were being Universityc
slain, and crossed the Weser river, one and other
of the last two water barriers before The prog
Berlin, in an apparent double strike because no
aimed at Hannover and Bremen. b
men will b
1 1 3 *Stasson sai
Soldiers Give Detroit Pro
For form
To Red Cross a ten week
be given i
Funds from U Units Here fields whic
tlo r0ing the wa
T verJ t$Y,99P'9F practical p
A total of $2,258.21 was contributed teiest to p
to the American Red Cross by Army course will
units in Ann Arbor during the drive the four st
which closed Saturday, Lt. Col. Reg- versity ofD
inald C. Miller, Commandant of the sity, the t
3651 Service Command Unit, . an- the Detroit
nounced yesterday. with the S
Although no solicitation for con- There wi
tributions was made to enlisted men, time cours
in accordance to War Department lawyers tha
regulations, a substantial portion of legal fields
the total contributions were made by directed i
them, Capt. Charles P. Atkinson, wok in th
Commanding Officer of Company Review Fu
'G' and head of the drive, pointed ,A series
out. will be giv
"The response of all officers, en- have not i
listed men and civilian personnel to order to re
the Red Cross appeal," Col. Miller or during
said, "was very gratifying and it study.
maintains the record of whole-heart- Any vete
ed cooperation established by the these prog
unit in War Bond Drives, March of the G. I. B:
Dimes and Community Chest ap- five year a
peals." refresher c

* * *



* * = *

* * *

East Indies

" NC Strasbour g n e'
FRANC Um dht b ra I~
Fr bur M NIC
Muhouse. \ $albur r A\ \\\\ ~ nrNU$tRAd
4ej erAresae -\\ HUNGARY
E ALLIES CONTINUE PUSH INTO MID-GERMANY-Arrows on western front show location
irection of Allied offensives into northwest Germany and Holland, into mid-Germany in the area
sel, Gotha, and Fulda, and into Wuerzburg sector in the push toward Nuernberg. Meantime
n forces continte drive on Vienna from the southeast. Shaded area is German-held territory.


Advances Cut
Lines to Dutch

Resistance Slight
To Okinawa Forces
By The Associated Press
A. new American invasion in the
Philippines and fresh advances for
Yank soldiers and Marines of the
10th Army on strategic Okinawa were
officially reported by Army and Navy
Pacific commanders late Wednesday.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur announc-
ed invasion of Masbate Island, in the
Central Philippines against little re-
sistance, while fleet Admiral Chester
W. Nimitz disclosed that Marines and
doughboys on Okinawa were meeting
only scattered opposition as they
pushed their lines forward in all sec-
40th Division Lands
Elements of the 40th Division land-
ed on Masbate, astride the main water
shipping lane through the Philip-
pines. Aided by guerrillas, they were
rapidly securing the entire island.
On Okinawa the Yanks, pushing
toward what may mean a real scrap
in the south, have met little fight in
taking 80 square miles or one-sixth
of the island which lies only 325
miles southwest ;of the Japanese
Control Coast Sections
The 10th Army was in control of a
large slice of the coastlines of two
eastern Okinawa bays-Kimmu and
Nakagusuku. The eastern coast from
Yaka, on the north, to Kuba, on the
south, was in Yank hands.
To the northeast of Okinawa Amer-
ican carrier planes struck heavily
against the Japanese airforce and
shipping in the Amami Islands, also
in the Ryukyus.
Radio Tokyo acknowledged that
the Yank 10th Army has cut Oki-
nawa in two by driving from the
west to the east coast. It made the
unconfirmed claim that 11 additional
American ships-a battleship, four
cruisers and six transports -- were
sunk off Okinawa.

* * *

* * *

e OfferedW
eW Course
Law Schools
ponsor Program
per program for returning
ho were practicing lawyers
dents before their enlist-
be offered shortly by the
of Michigan Law School
legal groups.
ram is tentative but only
one knows just when the
be back, Dean E. Blythe
ner lawyers there will be
part time evening course
n Detroit. It will cover
h have changed most dur-
ir, as well as some of the
rocedural subjects of in-
practicing lawyers. This
1be jointly sponsored by
ate law schools: the Uni-
Michigan, Wayne Univer-
rniversity of Detroit, and
College of Law, together
tate Bar Association.
ll also be a one-term, full-
e in Ann Arbor for former
at will emphasize changing
.dIt will leave time for
,ading and self-refresher
e Law Library,
of special review lectures
ven for law students who
finished their training in
view fundamentals before
the continuance of law
ran studying under any of
rams will be financed by
ill of Rights. The twenty-
ge limit does not apply to

Russians Capture Bratislava,
DestroyGermn n ugary
Fight Into Southern Suburbs of Vienna;
Ukranianjs Repulse Nazis in Yugoslavia

By The Associated Press
LONDON, Thursday, April 5-The
Russians captured Bratislava, cleared
the last Germans out of Hungary
and fought into Vienna's southern
suburbs yesterday in a day of sen-
sational successes all along the south-
eastern front.
The combined blows of the second,
third and fourth Ukrainian Army
groups also hurled the Nazis back in
northwest Yugoslavia in the Mura
Lecturer Says
America Gives
Filpinos H1o)pe
"There can be an understanding
between all peoples, because in my
country you and I worked out the
principles of friendship and peace,"
Mrs. Pilar Hidalgo Lim, of Marin-
duque, the Philippines, said last
night in an address sponsored by the
Philippine-Michigan Club as part
of. a program commemorating the re-
turn of American and Filipino forces
to thp islands.
Faith in America
In her speech, "The Orient Sees
America's Vision," Mrs. Lim stressed I
the faith that the Filipinos have in
America as the defender of their lib-
erty and has given them the means
for that liberty.
She expressed the gratitude and
faith that her country has in the
American armies now fightinghin the
Philippines by saying that she wan-
ted the United States to feel her
people as "a strength, a force, a sup-
port for peace".
Vision of Philippines
Whatever should be decided at the
international peace tables, Mrs. Lim,
said, "the vision must never be shat-
tered." That vision, she explained, is
the one which the Americans built
up when they brought education,
commerce, better methods of sani-
tation and agriculture, and demo-
cratic government to the Philippines.
Following Mrs. Lim's address a
program of music and dancing was
presented against a festive native
background by members of the Phil-
ippine-Michigan Club.
VtaersElect John
Crispin As President
1--s, r1i* r 1no ro1 InZr1

river valley and overcame the enemy
foothold in the little Carpathian
mountains north of Bratislava, pres-
aging the early clearance of all Slo-
Bratislava Stormed
Premier Stalin announced the
storming of Bratislava, capital of the
Nazi puppet state of Slovakia and a
key Danubian stronghold of 160,000
population, less than 24 hours after
Marshal Rodion Y. Malinovsky's Sec-
ond Ukrainian group had laid siege to
the city.
The subsequent Moscow broadcast
communique announced that Marshal
Feodor I. Tolbukhin's Third Ukrain-
ian forces seized more than 30 com-
munities south and southwest of
Vienna, one of them-Zwoelfazing-
only a mile and a half from the south-
ern city limits and seven and a half
from the very center of the Austrian
Aided by Bulgarians
Almost due south of Vienna the
Russians announced they had hurled
the last of the Germans off Hungar-
ian territory and were pressing their
liberating invasion of Yugoslavia.
This drive, which took ten Yugo-
slav towns during the day, was aided
by Bulgarian troops.
Similarly, Czechoslovak army for-
ces aided in the southwestward thrust
of the Fourth Ukrainian Army in
northwest Slovakia.


Nurse Trainees
Must Register
By Ari23
Girls wishing to register for next
semester ip the nursing program now
being offered by the University of
Michigan School of Nursing must do
so by April 23, Prof. Rhoda F. Red-
dig, Director of the School of Nurs-
ing and of the Nursing Service, an-
Those wishing to enter the pro-
gram in the fall, she said, may reg-
ister in October on the first day of
general registration. All girls who
register in this degree program, Prof.
Reddig explained, are eligible for en-
trance into the United States Cadet
Nurse Corps. Under this plan the
government will pay the nurse's ex-
penses in the professional part of her
The degree program being offered
leads to a Bachelor of Science de-
gree and a diploma in nursing, Prof.
Reddig stated.

IBaruch Predicts Many Jobs
For Servicemen After ,War

Jfungle Colleges Attract Servicemen

Such "institutions of higher learning" as "Jungle College" and "GI
College" are attracting thousands of service men in the South-West Paci-
fic Area, Lieut. Charles H. Peake, former instructor in the English Depart-
ment and Chief Resident Adviser of the West Quad, said in an interview
Lieut. Peake has been home on sick leave after almost a year in
New Guinea, where he was chief of the Information-Education Section of a.
base. Through the Southwest Paci-
fic Branch of the Armed Forces In- tinued. "The Army, through the I
stitute, servicemen are enabled to & E Division, supplies the texts. The
continue their education in prepara- men meet at any time which suits
tion for return to civilian life. them, and can continue the class
Service Men Teach when their unit is moved. There are

The South-West Pacific Branch of
the API had expected a maximum en-
rollment of 10,000 but 35,00 had en-
rolled by last September. "Bookkeep-
ing and accounting is the most popu-
lar course, but all kinds of courses
are being taken by men who plan to
continue their education under the
GI Bill of Rights."
Postwar Plans
Asked about post-war education
plans, he replied, "It is generally
known that the Army plans to estab-

LONDON, Thursday, April 5-(P)--
Looking confidently into the future,
Bernard Baruch, adviser to President
Roosevelt, asserted in an interview
published today that American ser-
vicemen would not have anything to
worry about when they got home,
that "there will be more work in the
United States than there will be
hands with which to do it."
This wave of pr'osperity, he told a
reporter for the Army newspaper
Stars and Stripes, would carry over
for five to seven years after the war
''no matter what is done or not done."
Confers With Churchill
The 75-year-old financier, who has
held several conferences with Prime
Minister Churchill, was reluctant to
talk about the exact nature of his

"And one reason I am over here is
to hold the big stick over the big boys
to make damn sure they're not go-
ing to foul up the peace.
"We've got to so de-industrialize
Germany and Japan-at least for a
generation-so they won't go to war
again. Also we've got to see that
those subsidized slave labor countries
do not again flood the world with
theircheap products, lowering the
standards of living of the United
Publication Withheld
After Lasky's version of the story
had been put into type and an ab-
stract had been transmitted by the
Associated Press to the United States,
where it was widely published, Ba-
ruch's secretary asked that it be with-

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