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April 04, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-04

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Discharge Credits Now Fixed

T he Pendulum

Fifty-Fifth Year

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon .
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

Editorial Staff
* . .Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
Business Staff
. . . Business Manager
. . . Associate Business Mgr.
. . . Associate Business Mgr.

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Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
China s Choice
CHINA is faced with a choice and her decision
is all-important to the Allies. Will she
continue to follow her determination to go "all-
out" in the fight against Japan, as she did
from 1938 to 1942, and try to become an inde-
pendent power at the peace conference? Or
will she watch the Allies fight the war, contrib-
uting bases and some soldiers, and accept mere-
ly the status of a beneficiary at the conference?
According to Owen Lattimore, who spent 20
years in China and was Chiang's adviser in
1941-42, if China decides to do her full share,
the peasants will have to be organized, and
that involves concessions to them. This ac-
tion naturally runs counter to the landlord
interests 'of the Kuomintang group, which
dominates part of China.
Opposed to this party is the Communist-Unit-
ed Front group. The Communist party- con-
trols or dominates 80 million people and is
supported by them. Newspaper men 'have in-
vestigated both areas and discovered that basic
economic conditions are better in Communist
China; that conscription and taxation are more
equally distributed there; that many progres-
sive, educated Chinese have moved into the
Communist-contro ed region, but few have fled
from it; and tha it is more nearly democratic
than Kuomintang China. Governing and rep-
resentative committees are selected, and the
Communists limit themselves to one-third of the
representation while in the Kuomintang terri-
tory it is almost impossible for a non-Kuomin-
tang tohold office.
The two forces are at a deadlock. The Com-
munists threaten civil war if their terms are not
met. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek is in
the middle. Negotiations have failed so far,
The conflict is evidenced by the ousting of Ho
Ying-Chin as War Minister and his retention
as Chief of Staff and commander of the ground
forces. He is a proponent of the theory' that
China has done her share and can now let
the Allies win the war.
Writing in the February Atlantic Monthly,
Lattimore favors political compromise, with a
government elected by the people and headed
by Chiang (the choice of the Chinese) and
unity of military command.
In the March United China Relief publication
Dr. Chian Mon-Lin, president of National Pek-
ing University, expressed views which indicate
that the essence of Lattimore's suggestions may
be followed. He predicted that the Kuomin-
tang Party Congress convening in May will
legalize other parties, making possible a coali-
tion government. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-
Shek has taken a stand in the controversy, hav-.
ing called the People's Congress to inaugurate
a constitutional government.
Above all, self-determination should be en-
couraged by the Allies. But a more immediate,
material consideration is the effect that the
Kuomintang government would have on the
duration of the war should it become guided by

such men as Ho Ying-Chin and his "let's sit this
war out" policy. Authorities agree that the
decisive battle will be fought in China, and the

WASHINGTON-Here is how the Army will de-
termine what men are to be discharged after
the war in Europe is over. Special forms have
been quietly sent to commanding officers in all
theatres. They are to be distributed to the G.I.'s
who will fill them out, try to figure out the
number of credits they have earned to give them
a quick return home.
The one thing still undecided by the Army is
the number of credits necessary for immediate
release. This columnist is able to reveal, how-
ever, that:
1.All credits will be determined as of the
date the war in Europe is over.
2. Special credits will be given for overseas
service, and overseas service will mean any
service outside the continental limits of the
U. S., including Alaska. Thousands of men
who served in Alaska will receive overseas
credit. Overseas service will be determined
from the day a man leaves a port of embar-
3. Combat credit will be given only for those
receiving the Medal of Honor, Distinguished
Service Cross, Legion of Merit, Silver Star,
Distinguished Flying Cross, Soldiers' Medal,
Bronze Star, Air Medal, Purple Heart or
bronze service stars for battle participation.
No other awards or ribbons will be included.
4. Credit will be given for children who are
under 18 years of age on the day the war in
Europe ends, but for some mysterious reason
the Army will not allow credit for more than
three children.
Note-One mystifying thing about the forms
which have been secretly sent commanders over-
seas is that they make no provision for a ser-
viceman's age, thus men over 38, many of
whom have not been declared physically fit to
go overseas, will have to sweat it out longer
in uniform than younger men.
Kaiser Conciliates .. .
FEW PEOPLE realize it, and shipbuilder Inry
Kaiser is too modest to admit it, but he was
the guiding genius behind the recently signed
pledge for post-war industrial peace just pro-
mulgated by Eric Johnson, president of the U. S.
Chamber of Commerce, CIO President Phil Mur-
ray and A. F. of L. President Bill Green.
Kaiser figured out the scheme last fall after
seeing the terrific bitterness of the election
campaign. He first approached Bill Green.
told him that if Green was sincere about be-
lieving in a 60,000,000-job program, manage-
ment needed assurances of labor peace. Green
was agreeable.
Next Kaiser visited CIO President Phil Mur-
ray, found he was also in hearty agreement.
Murray even pointed out that certain CIO unions
were already trying to sign post-war compacts
with employers, guaranteeing no strikes and full
labor-management cooperation. Finally, Kaiser
went to Eric Johnson, sold him on the idea that
a joint pledge by business and the two big labor
groups would be a great help to the nation.
Johnson agreed to call the first meeting, invited
Kaiser, Murray and Green to a hush-hush din-
ner in his Mayflower hotel suite, debated the
entire proposal up, down and sideways.
Not content with a bare statement of unity
and pledge of labor-management peace, Kaiser
has now quietly proposed that the U. S. Cham-
ber of Commerce, the A. F. of L. and the '10
set up a new, well-financed organization which
can actively go about the business of contact-
ing local labor leaders and local business men,
preaching the gospel of cooperation on that
Petriill oCrackdown...
CONGRESS is so steamed up about the ram-
bunctious practices of horn-tooter James Cae-
sar Petrillo, head of the American Federation of
Musicians, and bushy-browed John L. Lewis,
Mine Workers' chief, that responsible labor lead-
ers are greatly worried that it may pass the
Bailey bill.
Authored by Senator Bailey, North Carolina
conservative Democrat, the bill provides that em-
ployer payments to a union for any purpose other
than a check-off of union dues be outlawed.
This would invalidate the agreement Petrillo
won after defying the record manufacturers
and the government for two years, and which
provides that the manufacturers pay his union
a royalty on every record made. It would also
rule out the ten-cent-per-ton coal royalty
Lewis asked after he saw Petrillo get his.

Even though many of them have little sym-
pathy for the Petrillo-Lewis methods, labor lead-
ers see in the Bailey bill far more danger than
4 1' ~THOUGH'T...4
g Rag Dixon
BYRNES resigns, Vinson takes over and the
post of Federal Loan Administrator is as
loanly as ever.
When Br. Lewis discussed the topic of
"Pharmacy in Michigan, 100 Years Ago and
Today," we thought we noticed an agrarian
in the audience looking for information on
his pharm.
The Nazis are now faced by an underground
terrorist organization called the "Werewolf." We
know a lot of married men who were wolves.

appears on the surface. For if the bill becomes
law, it will knock out not only Petrillo royalty
set-ups, but also numerous negotiated agree-
ments whereby employers agree to pay a small
portion of their payroll into health funds jointly
administered by the union and the employer.
These are used to pay sickness and accident
benefits, medical costs and death benefits for
employes, and more and more employers are
agreeing to include contributions to these
funds in their contracts with the unions. There
have been no complaints about these funds,
but they will be illegal if the Bailey bill be-
comes law.
Capital Chaf.. ..
THE RFC has named the New York firm of
Fuller, Smith and Ross to handle advertising
of surplus property to be sold through RFC.
This firm is also the advertising representative
for the Aluminum Company of America, which
has a major interest in plant facilities to be sold
through RFC. . . espite the wide publicity
ridiculing him a few months ago, representative
William Gallagher, former Minneapolis street
cleaner, has won the respect of his colleagues
in the house. He still occasionally mistakes a
young congressman for a messenger, but he is
listened to with interest when he has something
to say about legislation.
(Copyright, 1945. Bell Syndicate. Inc.)
World Fund
SOME OF THE BANKERS who testified before
Congress last week propose that we tear the
Bretton Woods agreement neatly down the mid-
dle, and throw half of it away.
They like the World Bank, but they don't
like the World Fund. They say the purposes of
Bretton Woods can be served by the Bank, with-
out the Fund. Let us see if this is so. What fol-
lows may not make exciting reading, but there
is a kind of duty in a democracy to discuss the
dull points, too. Sometimes an awfully dull
point makes the difference between whether a
generation has peace, or war and it has hap-
pened in history that children have bled bcause
their fathers were bored.
The World Fund is a pool of money, to which
all the nations of the world contribute. Each
contributes its own kind of money, of course;
we put in dollars; the British, pounds the
French, francs, etc. When a country discov-
ers that it needs some other nation's money,
and finds it hard to obtain it in the normal
course of business, it goes to the Fund, and
borrows from it the kind of money it requires
to pay what it owes in foreign trade. The
Fund is a place to which any country can go,
and obtain a certain (limited) amount of any
other country's currency, putting up its own
as security. It is not intended that the Fund
will finance the bulk of world trade; or any-
thing like it. Most transactions in foreign ex-
change will take place outside the Fund, as
they always have.
The Fund is only a kind of final recourse; and
it is always good for men or nations to have one
last place to which to go for help. The thought
is that the mere existence of the Fund will help
to preserve confidence in all currencies. It will
also help to keep countries from jiggling their
currencies, or dumping their goods, because they
will know they can get assistance from the Fund,
instead. A seller in world trade will know that
the foreign nation to which he sells has the
Fund behind it, and he will sleep better of nights.
So will the world.
Some of our bankers say this is all too compli-
cated; throw it out. If a nation is up against it,
let's make it a special loan, instead, they urge;
through the World Bank. or something.
But that is like advising a friend not to buy
an insurance policy, on the ground that you'll
lend him some money if his ouse burns down.
Instead of having the Fund to whi to go, as
a matter of right, a distressed nation would
have to negotiate for a loan, on the merits of
the case, just at the time when its credit was
Loans are not a substitute for the Fund; the
Fund is a general device for making all loans
better loans.
Those who do not see this, miss the whole

point of the Fund. The Fund is intended to
change the moral and economic climate of the
world. Its purpose is not to help out nations in
distress, but to prevent distress from occurring.
The root idea is to generate enough confidence in
currency stability so as to raise the, total level
of world trade. The thought is not to help the
weaker brother. but to make him a stronger
Without the World Fund, therefore, this be-
comes a different kind of world. Since that is
what we are discussing, the question of what
kind of world we want, we laymen dare not
leave the matter to technical banking opinion
alone. We are compelled to barge into the
issue, and take part, for in the end the final
decision has to be made by a convention of
laymen, called Congress. I seem to remember
that if we had been guided wholly by bank-
ing advice in this country we would never have
had bank deposit insurance. Each of us
knows what a difference that has made in our
moral and financial climate here at home.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

"OPTIMISM and Conservatism, the
first and second of the main ob-
stacles lying on America's road to
full freedom, were interrelated." So
writes Professor G. A. Borgese in his
excellent political treatise, "Common
Cause". I think the diagnosis is bas-
ically sound except that it must be
extended toinclude the left as well
as the right. Both have too often
succumbed to a nineteenth century
determinism that bespeaks irresist-
ible triumph for their side.
The flaw in the ointment of left
wing political prognostication is one
silly word: inevitability. Thus, to
Karl Marx, surveying the world in
1848 when he and Engels shook Eur-
ope with the Communist Manifesto,
it seemed that no combination of
forces could deflect the imminent
dictatorship of the proletariat. The
dictatorship of the proletariat, nearly
A OSE is a rose is a rose is a
roseaccordingto Gertrude Stein,
and the same can be said of grass,
except when it's trodden into the
ground. Michigan boasts one of the
most beautiful campuses in the na-
tion. This beauty is deliberately
maintained by the Building and
rounds department. In ordinary
years, a large staff maintained cam-
pus greenery; this staff has been
depleted by the war. Therefore, if
the University campus is to continue
to be beautiful, everyone must co-
Those carefree individuals who
have foresaken the sidewalks for
the turf will have to restrain them-
selves. The cobblestones and con-
crete of city "campuses" are the
alternative. So don't keep off the
,grass; just stay on the sidewalk!
i -Milton Freudenheim

one hundred years later,'Is still im-
minent. The ostensibly bloodless
communist revolutions never came
off, till one actually did ignite where
Marx himself least foresaw it-Im-
perial Russia.
The Marxist analysis insisted
that communism would inevitably
stem from decomposed capitalism
(rust as capitalism had stemmed
from decomposed feudalism where
heavy industry developed to such
a high degree that an intensified
class conflict between worker and
employer sundered the old order.
Had Marx been correct England or
Germany or France would long
since have been communized. Not
only did communism fail to devel-
op in the most highly industrial
countries of Europe; it did develop
in the one country where industry
was least exploited. Whatever caus-
ed the Russian upheaval it cannot
be ascribed to exacerbated factory
Lenin, of course, abandoned this
mechanistic Marxism and activated
it into a dynamic philosophy. Sidney
Hook, in "Toward an Understanding
of Karl Marx" claims Lenin properly
interpreted Marx, but the orthodox
still shake their heads in doubt. One
feels the time has come for a cessa-
tion of haggling about what this man
really meant and the assumption of
responsibility for evolving a new set
of precepts.
It is one thing to argue that social-
ism should prevail; it is something
else again to prophesy that socialism
must ineluctably prevail. Socialism
no more hides coquettishly around
the corner than prosperity did in
1929. History zig-zags, careens craz-
ily, stands almost stock still. Move-
ments may be afoot for centuries and
never materialize.
If I had to labrl myself it would
be as a New Deal Democrat who
believes that social democracy and
the abundant life have to be fought

for' in a long uphill battle-by
knocking out one citadel after an-
other of entrenched plutocracy. I
do not think that the whole of it
can be swept away over night, or
that Russia will in our times reach
political and economic freedom
sooner by strong arm strategems
than we in gentler fashion.
I do think that such a Utopia as
Edward Bellamy imagined is realiz-
able -that and more. But. Bellamy,
too, fell into the pitfall of inevita-
bility. By now we should have reach-
ed the state he so beautifully blue-
printed in "Looking Backward". That
we have not is manifest. that we
were, with excrutiating pains, on the
road to such a state in the brief hey-
day of the New Deal is equally mani-
At present the biggest menace to
the birth of full-blown democracy is
the international cartel. New Deal-
ers wish to fight this piratically mon-
opolistic set-up. But such tactics
would be tragically wrong if history
concatenated in the way Bellamy
thought. Among other things, he
forecast that corporate pyramiding
would rapidly produce a single gov-
ernment-owned consolidation of in-
dustry-or socialism. Maybe so-the
extremes may meet. After God knows
how long, socialism could germinate
from the seed of capitalism.
But what of us--caught in this
interminably intermediary process?
We are fools if we sit supinely back
to see whether history will vindi-
cate some self-appointed Jeremiah.
The thing to do with trusts is
smash them sky high, and by such
tactics pave the way to the good
life for which so many of us yearn.
We cannot control, but we can cat-
alyse or abort, the progress of our
world. That progress will be inev-
itable in the exact proportion to
which progressives holding office
push their constituencies toward
the light and vice versa.









VOL. LV, No. 112
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University.tNotices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon, April 4, from 4 to 6
To the Members of the University
Senate: A special meeting of the
University Senate is called for Mon-
day, April 9th, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheater for the pur-
pose of receiving and discussing the
report of the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee, "The Economic Status of
the Faculty".
State of Michigan Civil Service An-
nouncements for Radio Engineer I,
and II, $180 to $270 per month, and
Grounds Superintendent I, $180 to
$234 per month, have been received
in our office. For further'informa-
tion, stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bur-
eau of Appointments.
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncements for Assistant Public
Service Attendant, $.55 to .75 per
hour, Life Guard, $.80 to $1 per hour,
Playleader, $6.50 to $8, per day,
Swimming Instructor, $6.50 to $8 per
day, have been received in our of-
fice. For further information stop
in at 201 Mason Hall, University
Bureau of Appointments.
We have received in our office a
request for Engineers from The Mas-
ter Electric Company, Dayton, 0.
They have district offices in 31 dif-
ferent cities. Further information
can be obtained at 201 Mason Hall,
Bureau of Appointments.
Michiganensian: Deadline for sub-
scribing to the 1945 Michiganensian
has been set for today.
Spanish Lecture: La Sociedad His-
panica will present the last lecture
in the annual series this evening at
8 in the Michigan Union. Professor
Irving Leonard will speak on "El
Viaje de Sarmiento por los Estados
Unidos." Tickets for the individual

lecture will be on sale at the door for
those who do not hold tickets for the
Academic Notices
The Five-Weeks' Grades for Navy
and Marine Trainees (other than
Engineers and Supply Corps) will be
due April 7. Department offices will
be provided with special cards and
the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive
these reports and transmit them to
the proper officers.
Applicants for Combined Curric-
ula: Application for admission to a
combined curriculum must be made
before April 10 of the final pre-
professional year. Application forms
may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall
and should be filed with the Secre-
tary of the Committees at that office.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E. in the course
or courses unless this work is made
up by April 5. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4, U. H. where it will be trans-
Events Today I
Seminar: Inter-Guild's seminar on
Student Christian Movements will
continue at 4 this afternoon with a
discussion on "Effective Guild Pro-
gram and Membership Standards".
This meeting will be held in Lane
Music Seminar: Mozart's "The Ma-
gic Flute" will be introduced for
study under Mr. Hetenyi at 7:30 this
evening in Lane Hall. Anyone inter-
ested will be welcomed.
Attention Veterans! If the Veter-
ans' Organization is to continue as
a strong campus group, it is essential
that you attend a meeting in Lane
Hall at 7 this evening to nominate
and elect officers for the current
semester. Don't fail to be there!
Botanical Journal Club: Rm.. N.S.
1139. Today, at 4 p.m., Barbara Bow-
en, "The fungous gardens of leaf
cutting ants." Fern Reissig, "Compar-
isons of the morphology of Bacillus
megatherium with light and electron
microscopy", and Hazen Price, "Var-
iation and physiologic specialization
in'the common scab fungus, Actino-
myces scabies". Anyone interested is
cordially invited to attend.
Wesley Foundation: Open House
nnarrl Tn n n tn dict+ . mect>> inc

Rm. 316, Michigan Union. Mr. T. E.
Winkler, Dept. of Public Works, De-
troit, will speak on modern methods
of waste disposal. All engineers are
The Philippine-Michigan Club will
present Mrs. Pilar Lim speaking on
"Asia Sees America's Vision", fol-
lowed by songs andfolk-dancing by
members of the club at 8:30, Hill
Coming Events
Tea at the International Center,
every Thursday, 4-5:30 p.m. Faculty,
foreign students, and their American
friends are cordially invited.
Phi Beta Kappa: Annual meeting
on Thursday, April 5, at 4:15 p.m. in
Rm. 1035 Angell Hall. Members are
urged to attend.
The International Center Camera
Club: There will be a regular meet-
ing on Thursday, April 5, at 5:10"at
the Center. The program will include
a talk by Mr. Augosto Munos. Mem-
bers are urged to come.
Michigan Chapter A.A.U.P. open
meeting Thursday evening, April 5,
at the Michigan Union. Join cafe-
terialine atb6:15 and take trays to
Faculty Club lunchroom. Informal
discussion of report on the economic
status of the faculty.
Student Town Hall: All interested
in the question on the 18-year old
vote are invited to attend a debate
and discussion led by Martin Shapero
and John Condylis at 7:30 Thursday
night in Lane Hall.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be held in the
Ladies Lounge of the Rackham Buil-
ding at 7:45 p.m. The program will
feature Symphony No. 1, by Sibelius;
Rhapsody in Blue, by Gershwin;
Schelomo, by Bloch; and De Moldau,
by Smetana. All graduate students
are cordially invited to attend.
The Cercle Francais will meet to-
morrow at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
Union. A nice program of social
games and group singing. Come all.
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 4065, Nat. Sci. Bldg. at
12:15 p.m. on Friday, April 6. Pro-
gram: Professor W. H. Hobbs will
speak on "Reminiscences of Ameri-
can and Foreign Geologists." All in-
terested are cordially invited to at-
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Friday, April 6, at 4:30 p.m.,
in Rm. 319 West Medical Building.
"The Porphyrins and the Porphyrias"
,will be discussed. All interested are
Th-P. i P1 r.,.,hA.-. C n irnA ''e.






t I



By Crockett Johnson'

~II -

That dumb-phone girl!... O'Malley, HIMSELF,
just called up! And she got his message all
, t., , .,..4 :, .4... r. rn .:- f ...

Say! He considers the interest on those
bonds petty cash!... He wants O'MalleyW
F frc.- .: a nf s nni,-~- s uir,<c eea

It's still possible, Barnaby, that
something may be salvaged from
+he rain of O'Moelv rierearises




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