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March 31, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-31

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SATURDAY. MARCH -31. 1045,

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Arnall Receives Brass Ring




Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon .
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

.* . . . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . . .City Editor
.Associate Editor
S . . Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
Business Staff
. . . Business Manager
. . . Associate Business Mgr.
. . . Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $525.
National Advertsi9 S er e, I nc
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Industrial Peae

THE NEW POST-WAR labor-management
charter signed this week focuses attention
on an important question-that of maintaining
peace and efficiency on the industrial front.
The charter, guaranteeing the rights of both the
men on top and their subordinates, was signed
by Phillip Murray and William Green, presidents
of the CIO and AF of L, respectively, and Eric
Johnston, head of the United States Chamber
of Commerce.
Admittedly intended to arouse public opinion
and comments, the agreement shows little
promise beyond this. If signed by those groups
which Green, Murray and Johnston represent,
the charter will pledge labor to support the'
so-called free enterprise system and "reason-
able profit" as well as prohibiting management
encrpachment on collective bargaining (al-
ready safely established behind the NLRA).
Even at this, the agreement will lack backing
from the important National Association of
Manufacturers, which dropped out of dis-
cussions of the plan after one meeting.
According to the Associated Press correspond-
ent who wrote the story, the charter will "lay
the ghosts" in the minds of the public, labor
and management regarding either a post-war
shift in labor to the radical left, or a manage-
ment-inspired campaign to "bust labor" during
the peacetime conversion period. Both of these
"ghosts" are more likely to be found in certain
sensationalized right-wing newspaper editorials
than in the minds of either of the so-called con-
spirators. And the proposed industry-worker
arbitration board could only serve to undermine
what has been a little-publicized but satisfac-
tory record of successful mediation by the
As the European war nears an end, and the
San Francisco Conference approaches, there will
undoubtedly be a great many oth'er grandiose
"post-war" plans pouring from Washington type-
writers. The discerning reader will have plenty
of chance to discriminate between sincerity and
-Milt Freudenheim
Mimitary Traiting
portunities for vocational training are both
vitally needed today, neither of these problems
is closely related to the question of compulsory
military training. The problems would be more
successfully solved by civilian health and edu-
cational institutions than by military training,
Pre-induction examinations have shown
that many young men of this country are in
need of medical care, better food and other
essentials of good health. Unfortunately, how-
ever, the men who need niedical care and
01roper food the most would be classified as
unfit for such a program of rigorous training
as is advocated. A plan of nation-wide medi-
cal care for everyone, and an increase in
production together with more equal dis-
tribution of food products would be a more

WASHINGTON-Exciting war news largely
obscured its significance, but this week the
highest court of the land handed down one of its
most important decisions in recent years-per-
haps ranking alongside the Schechter sick chick-
en case invalidating the NRA.
This week's case, that of Georgia v. the
Railroads, was largely a tribute to one man,
Governor Ellis Arnall of Georgia, who is fast
becoming the South's greatest leader since the
Civil War. Arnall conceived the case and came
to Washington to argue it personally before the
Supreme Court.
His victory this week means several things.
From now on, when one of the 48 states suf-
fees because of monopoly, it can come to the
U. S. Supreme Court direct, without waiting
to climb up through the district and appeals
courts. Perhaps even more important, it
means that neither the Army nor the Navy
nor the President can stop enforcement of
the Sherman Anti-Trust Act if one of the
48 states wants to appeal over their heads
to the Sunreme Court.
For years the South has been beefing about
freight rates fixed by Wall Street bankers and
the railroads they control, which discriminated
against the South. For years the South has
been claiming it could not industrialize so long
as it had to pay rates on what it manufactured
higher than the East and Midwest. For years,
the conference of Southeast governors and var-
ious U. S. Senators have made this their chief
campaign slogan.
But finally an unassuming little man from
Georgia cut right to the heart of the whole
matter, and without any palaver or politicking
took the case to the Supreme Court-and won it.
Poll Tax Abolished .,.
N ALL the foregoing years of beefing, no one
had ever thought of doing this. But, also,
no one had ever thought of doing a lot of other
things with which Ellis Arnall has given Georgia
the most progressive clean-cut government in
No one, for instance, ever thought of abolish-
ing the poll tax Northern members of Congress
have been shouting about it for years. Southern
senators, in turn, had been filibustering against
Arnall accomplished this miracle by a vote of
151 to 41 in the Georgia House and a vote of
41 to 3 in the Senate. Sentiment against the
poll tax was overwhelming. Of course, the
legislators knew that Arnall had unearthed a
hundred-year-old law giving the governor the
right to remove certain measures from the
statute books. But he never really used this
threat. Perhaps one secret of his success is
that Arnall spent a large slice of his young
life in the legislature or in state government.
He knows its members and they know him.
Ile uses friendship rather than threats.
Reduces Georgia Debt..*.
BORN 37 YEARS AGO at Newnan, Ga., Arnall
was the son of well-to-do parents. "My
granddaddy." he says, "got rich by working
Lihts-Out Edict
-'FSPITE the heaps of abuse poured upon
Mayor LaGuardia for his stubborn stand
against the government-imposed curfew, one
cannot help admiring the pugnacious little guy
for his attitude in the light of some circum-
stances surrounding the issuance of the lights-
out edict.
Perhaps a curfew is necessary as a supple-
mentary measure for all-out war production,
but no sane citizen can believe for one minute
that Jimmy Byrnes really meant what he said
about fuel conservation.
Not that there is no fuel shortage, for we
all recognize that there is one; but we do not
recognize the curfew as a fuel conservation
scheme, just as we do not recognize the horse
racing ban as a step taken primarily for pur-
poses of manpower conservation.
Just as the horse racing ban will add scarce-
ly a drop to the bucketful of the nation's
manpower reserve, the curfew will provide
no measurable saving of fuel, particularly
since it was decreed after the colder winter
months had passed. Very few places of en-

tertainment require heat in the summertime.
Apparently, the men in charge in Washington
just didn't like the idea of 'their subjects spend-
ing snare time in saloons and night clubs.
Perhaps they thought such amusements con-
tributed to absenteeism, which may very well
be the case. Or perhaps they have embarked on
a program to protect the nation's morals. In
any event, the motive was undoubtedly some-
thing other than fuel conservation.
It is this kind of double talk which has
irked LaGuardia and a lot of other people.
And as long as Olie government insists upon
supporting the curfew as a fuel conservation
policy, oppotients of the idea will have a con-
vincing argument against its enforcement. For
they, too, can see the absurdity of the notion.
Only when the government breaks down
and decides to let the nation in on its real
motives and reasons for its policies, some-
thing it has been very loath to do in the past,
will governmental edicts be given wholeheart-
ed support.
-Bill Mullendore

Negroes for 25 cents a day." Since then, his
grandson has maintained that "the Negro prob-
lem is mostly economic; the balance political.
It is not a social problem at all."
After leaving college, Arnall entered the legis-
lature at the age of 25, became attorney general
of the'state at 30 and governor at 35.
One of the first things Arnall did when he
entered the governor's mansion was to run
across an old silver tea set which the state
had presented to President Teddy Roosevelt
in 1907 for the U. S. S. Georgia. However, the
state never paid the jeweler for the silver.
And when the crew of the U. S. S. Georgia
heard that the jeweler was unpaid, they said
they wanted nothing to do with the tea set
and returned it. For about thirty years there-
after it has sat around the governor's mansion,
a reminder of Georgia's unkept obligations.
Upon taking office, Governor Arnall told the
legislature that the tea set was a reflection on
the good name of Georgia and he proposed
that it either be given back to the jewelers, or
else be paid for. The legislature appropriated
the money.
That first act set the standard for most
things Arnall has done since, He reduced the
state debt from $36,000,000 to $6,900,000, and
by the end of his term it will be retired com-
pletely. He did this, moreover, despite heavy
increases in expenditures for schools and
without increasing taxes.
(Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
'Apathy' Stories
A LOT of "apathy" stories are coming out of
France and Italy. We are told that the
French masses are losing interest in politics,
that the Italian masses are also becoming indif-
ferent, The Italians are beginning again to
refer to the streets of Rome by their old fascist
names. forgetting that many of these thorough-
fares have been outfitted with nice new demo-
cratic names. The French are described as
uneasy, weary, tired. Some of our correspondents
wonder why there is not a more passionate inter-
est in liberation and democracy in both coun-
tries; they expected a spirit more gala, more last-
But it is hard to show a democratic spirit
while sitting in a chair with nothing to do.
How is a'man to prove that he is a democrat,
when he has no task, and little food? He
might run around town for an hour a day,
uttering little democratic outcries, but that
becomes wearisome after a bit, and, anyway,
it doesn't go with a low-calorie diet. Those of
our correspondents who are forever poking
hungry men to see whether they are sufficient-
ly democratic ought to realize that democracy
is not a mood; it is a manner; it is a way of
doing a task.
But a terrible tasklessness, a blight of noth-
ing to do, seems to follow our liberating armies.
The French are receiving only 10 per cent as
much goods under us, as under the Germans,
in many categories of supply. They cannot run
their railroads, they cannot run their mines, they
cannot run their shops. They have been shown
into an antechamber of the war, and told to
So long as the French are in this situation,
it is futile to hold a political stethoscope to
their hears, to record the degree of their pas-
sion for democracy.
The Italians of the South are in an even
worse situation. Their national task, for
some years to come, is undoubtedly outlined
in the armistice terms; but these are still
unpublished. The Italians don't know what
their task is. It is hard to show enthusiastic
support for a secret. The Italians, moreover,
are denied participation in the life of the
United Nations; they have not been invited
to the San Francisco conference. Can we ex-
pect them to show a vast delight over a party
to which they have not been invited; to be
red-hot spectators, flushed with joy, while
they stand outside the gates, a kind of fan
club of democracy?
In all the discussions of Italian "apathy"
I miss the one vital fact, which is that the
Italians have been given almost nothing to do
for democracy; and it is a little too much to

ask them to do nothing impressively, and with
spirit. \ ,
The way to sort out democrats from fascists
is on the basis of a task; a great task. It could
be a miiltary task, like asking the Italians to
mobilize a great army against the Nazis. It
could be an economic task, like the organization
of production, with enough materials to get go-
ing. It could be a political task, like giving
the Italians a free hand in disposing of native
fascists. But in all these fields we have checked
the Italians, and bid them go slowly; we have
said: "Nhh! Nhh!" and told them to take it
easy. Then, having reduced th-m to a row
of men sitting quietly on a cafe terrace, we
try to sort out the democrats from the fascists
among them, to tell them apart by the way in
which they sit in their chairs. No wonder we
have difficulty.
It doesn't clear up the confusion when the
Allied official who bids the Italians to sit still
is followed by a newspaper correspondent who
reports they aren't moving.
rCopyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

- 1


Navy War Bond Cartoon Service
Veterans Bureau Rapped


\ .

Correction .
In The Michigan Daily for March
29 an article headed "Chapultepec Is
Called Not Final" on the March 28
meeting of the Post-War Council ap-
pears and quotes a statement by me
in the second paragraph. This state-
ment is grossly misquoted and I
would greatly appreciate a public
rectification and correction.
My concern over this matter is
based on the following points: 1)' I
was misquoted, causing a misleading
conception to be credited to me, and
2) I have been asked by many people
if that was what I said and if I
really meant it. In making my state-
ment I was representing the Latin
American students on the Michigan
campus and we do not want to have
our attitude misinterpreted.
I think that Chapultepec repre-
sents a serious, valuable endeavor
to prevent war in this hemisphere,
but that a pact and agreement by
itself does not reach its ultimate
objective if we do not try to attack
the sources of evil, that- is, the
economic conflicts which lie be-
hind practically all the world, wars.
Ihen I emphasized the value of
strengthening the cultural bonds
and the ironing out of the con-
flicting economic interests. To say
that a pact such as the Chapulte-
pee one should be implemen'ted by
a better understanding of our peo-
pIes and economic interests is very
different from saying that (quot-
ing The Daily):
"Chapultepec will not cure war,
but serves as an apparatus for wa."
Your attention to this matter will
be most gratifying.
-Egberto Lacerda Teixeira
S * * *
ILibera~s . ..
In his recent letter published in
this column, Mr. Harry Daum ad-
monished what he called the "half-
baked" liberal writers for endanger-
ing democracy with teaching and
writing. Writers whom he claimed
reverted to "infantile" remarks which
are repellent to anyone who attempts
to be fair in the consideration of our
economic and social problems. He
was ieeply grieved that some of our
liberal writers did not note the "hu-
mility" of the earlier liberal cham-
pions: Jefferson, Lincoln and Jack-
son. He said their attitude was for-
cing the conservative element even
further into their niche.
That editorial opinion sometimes
slips into the intellectual gutter of
poor reasoning and emotionalism,
all of us will freely admit. But that
the liberal writers reside there in
a majority, unaccompanied by their
pink-bespectacled political oppo-
sites in equal numbers is indeed
debatable. No, Mr. Daum, the shoe
fits you and yours too ...
Your gentle nature, Mr. Daum,
placed you among the race of men
who by nature abhor rapid change,
who often must be pushed along the
road in a wheel-chair towards the
achievement of democracy by the
pounding relentless forces of virulent
liberalism, persistent and confident.
-Otis Sherburne Hardy, L.S.A.





WHEN the American Medical Asso-
ciation agrees with PM and the
E Nation that something is wrong,
something is almost bound to be
Our suspicions are also aroused
when Representative John Rankin
(Dem., Miss.) says the critics are
making a lot of noise about nothing
and then insists upon investigating
the situation himself.
.What situation? The situation
in the Veterans Administration
which results in inadequate medi-
cal care for wounded war veterans.
The Journal of the American Med-
ical Association reported that the
charge has been made that Brig.-
Gen. Frank T. Hines, VA Administra-
tor, has "little sympathy with a high
quality of medical service," and com-
"Although the administrator has
full authority and adequate funds to
avail himself of the very highest
quality of consultation and part time
services of leading physicians, the
utilization has been minimal."
Criticism by Albert Deutsch, PM's
medical expert, and Dr. Edward M.
Maisel (March 10, Nation) are lev-
eled specifically at the artificial limb
division of VA.
The prosthetic appliance industry
in this country, they agree, is ex-
tremely backward-both in making
improvements on artificial limbs sur-
prisingly like those used after the
last war and in its ability to produce

these antiquated appliances fast en-
ough to meet demand.
"The factories are so far behind
in their orders that it often takes
months for a legless veteran to get
his order filled," Deutsch reported.
The major blame, however, lies not
with the private manufacturers, who,
quite naturally, look upon their bus-
inesses as just businesses and not as
philanthropic enterprises. The fault
lies with the government organiza-
tion charged with the care of veter-
VA has been unwilling to take
over the prosthetic industry, with
which it is impossible for private
enterprise to do an adequate job.
Nor has VA been willing to set up
its own research bureau. A feeble
move in the latter direction was
made in 1942, when the National
Research Council was about to
crganize a division for improve-
ment of prosthetic appliances. But
the limb manufacturers were right
there with an offer to set up their
own Research Foundation instead.
The Research Foundation in the
three years of its existence has
accomplished nothing, according to
both Deutsch and Maisel, Never-
theless, VA has made no further
move toward setting up its own
In the light of such evidence, it
seems that an investigation of VA
should be undertaken by an execu-
tive committee.
-Myra Sacks







VOL. LV, No. 109
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. in. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
To the Members of the University
Senate: A special meeting of the
University Senate is called for Mon-
day, April 9th, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheater for tie pur-
pose of receiving and discussing the
r'eport of the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee, "The Economic Status of
the Faculty".
To the Members of the University
Council: It is planned to hold the
April meeting of the University Coun-
cil on Monday. April 16, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre,
All meni who ha 've not gonle to
Dean of Men's office for eligibility
for Men's Glee Club-Report at once.
Attention Pri--Medical Students:
The Medical Aptitude Test of the
Association of American Medical Col-
leges will be given at the University
of Michigan on April 13. The test

is a normal requirement for admis-
sion to practically all medical schools
and will not be repeated until next
spring. Anyone planning to enter a
medical school in the fall of 1945 or
in the spring of 1946 and who has
not previously taken the test must
write the examination at this time.
Further information may be obtain-
ed in Room 4 University Hall.
Victory Gardens: Members of the
faculty and other University em-
ployees who desire space for a vic-
tory garden at the Botanical Gar-
dens should apply for it at once to
Mr. Roszel. Applications must be in
within a week.
Identification Pictures are now
available in the booth outside of Rm.
2, University Hall for students who
had pictures taken at Waterman
Qymnasium during registration for
the Spring Term.
Acatdemic ces
Physical Education for Women:
All classes will meet at the Women's
Athletic Building at the designated
hours beginning the week on Mon-
day, April 2. Outdoor activities will
begin on Wednesday, April 4, or
Thursday, April 5 according to the
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: The civilian
freshman five-week progress reports
will be due April 7 in the Office of
the, Academic Counselors, 108 Mason

these reports and transmit them to
the pi'oper officers.
Playwriting (Eng. 85 and- 150):
Laboratory production of students'
one-act plays. Rqhearsal schedule
week of April 2, fourth floor, Angell
Hall: Monday 3 to 5, Wednesday 2
to 5, Thursday 3 to 5. Schedule by
plays posted on English Department
Bulletin Board, Angell Hall. Further
schedules will be posted there.
iVathematics refreshier section for
veterans only will be held Monday
through Friday at 5 p.m. in Rm. 18
Angell Hall beginning Monday, April
2 and continuing indefinitely. Ad-
mission to the section can be obtain-
ed from Professor C. M. Davis, veter-
an's advisor, Rm. 19 Angell Hall.
Faculty Recital: 'T ie final program
in the group of piano recitals by
members of' tie School of Music fac-
ulty will be head at 8:30 p.m. Sun-
day, April 1, when Helen Titus will
present c(Anp'usitions by Beethoven,
Brahms, Patti and Shepherd. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Toda
Luncheon-Discussion: Mrs. John
Muehl will give a review and discus-
sion of Nehru's autobiography, "To-
ward Freedom." This will be one of
a series of studies of timely books to
be undertaken at the weekly luich-
eon meetings at Lane Hall. Anyone
interested will be welcomed at noon







By Crockett Johnson
Tell Dormant and Comoany

f- I I "


E Say, White ... Dormant I

I i - f

I I never MET

t0'McI 0 y! And : JOfINS4



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