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March 29, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-29

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Fair and Cooler-



U.S. First,Third


ils in Reich

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FDR Asks
Action on
Positive Betterment'
Reported by McNutt
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 28-A re-
newed plea today by President Roose-
velt for manpower control legislation
coincided with a report by Manpower
Commissioner McNutt of a "positive
betterment" in the employment situa-
Mr. Roosevelt's appeal for favor-
able Senate action on the manpower
control bill, with jail and fine en-
forcement teeth, was made in a letter
to chairman Thomas (D.-Utah) of
the Senate Military Committee. The
letter failed to quell a critical attack
by the bill's opponents. The meas-
ure, a compromise reached by Senate
and House conferees, passed the
House yesterday by a seven-vote mar-
'Extra Push'
McNutt's report said "an extra
push" still is needed in getting more
workers to leave non-essential indu-
stries for jobs in war production
plants if production schedules for
the six month period of February 15-
August 15 are to be met.
His statement, issued to the press
through the Office of War Informa-
tion, did not figure in the Senate dis-
The Manpower Commissioner's
conclusion of "positive betterment"
was reached through reports that
levels of munitions plant employment
achieved in December were maintain-
ed in January and February.
Defeat Predicted
The impact of the President's ap-
peal did not deter Senator O'Maho-
ney (D.-Wyo.) from predicting de-
feat of the legislation.
A Republican, Senator Hart of
Connecticut, asked the Senate to
adopt the report as its way of dem-
onstrating that it is backing Amer-
ica's fighting men "to the limit."
Addresses Senate
In his first formal address to the
Senate the former Admiral declared:
"We not only owe it to the future
of the country, but in the present-
right now-we owe it to the fighting
"Maimed men are appearing among
us, and women in black," he con-
tinued. "The numbers are increas-
ing. I wish to be able to look them
in the eye. We all do."
Backfires Halt
Forest Blaze
MUSKEGON-()-A forest fire,
which swept over an area four miles
long and a mile wide, was halted by
backfires as it reached the outskirts
of the village of Oscoda in Iosco
County tonight.
Several small buildings , on the
northwest corner of the village were
reported destroyed, but efforts of
forest rangers, State Conservation
Department firefighters and soldiers
from the Oscoda Airbase saved the
business district.
State police at Lansing reported the
airbase had been evacuated as the
flames swept toward it, after missing
the center of the municipality, and
the firefighters were concentrating
their efforts to save the hangars and
other equipment.
Elman To Address

Alpha Omega Alpha
Dr. Robert Elman, professor of
surgery at the Washington Univer-
sity School of Medicine in St. Louis,
will speak before Alpha Omega Al-,
pha, national honorary medical so-
ciety, at 8 p. m. today in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
All medical students and faculty
members are invited to this annual
initiation lecture of the society.
Today (Through March 31) "Gra-
nd Illusion", French prize
winning film with English
sub - titles presented at

Reds Hit
Raba River'CU
n Pines, b!
e Cracked Michiga
copy sol
sma, a j
Gdynia, Lebus Taken N. Y.
for subs
In All-Out Offensive sin, whi
and pho
LONDON, March 28.-(A)- Two activity o
rampaging Russian armies captured
four main German strongholds in
northwestern Hungary today,crack-
ing the Raba River defense line
guarding Vienna and driving within
ten miles of the Austrian border and
47 miles of the Austrian capital.
The I disintegration of the Ger-
mans' defenses in Hungary guarding
the road to Vienna and Austrian wy
production centers was announced by
Premier-Maihal Stalin shortly. after
he had proclaimed she capture by
other Russian units of the Germa s
major Baltic naval base of Gdyn ?
120-Mile Front:
Attacking on a 120-mile front, t he
combined second and 'bird Ukraine;
Armies under Marshals Rodion Y. "
Malinovsky and Feodor 1. Tolbukhin
advanced up to 14 miles.:
Malinovsky's troops, striking along .
the south bank of the Danube brea-
ched the Danube valley's defenses
northwest of Budapest with the cap-
ture of Gyor and Konarom, while
Tolbukhin's men crossed the Raba
River and seized Csorna and Sarvar.
Zhukov ContinuesP
Simultaneously the Germans de-
clared that Marshal Gregory K. Zhu-m
kov's First White Russian Army, stri- f
king out in Berlin's defensive fore-
fLeld, had seized the fortress town of
Lehus, on the Oder River's west bank petitio
five miles north of besieged Frank- Boardion
hurt and 38 miles from the threat- B are
ened Reich capital. othe are
A Moscow dispatch said the Rus- oe
sian supply system was "working all- announce
out to prepare a spring offensive" on Judiciary
this front efsest to Berlin. Any pe
___________versity eli
tion. Pet
Registration for atleastt
tues, nE
v before Ap
ASTRPrExamn All tho
Ends Saturday aeekiof
Men whose seventeenth birthday to studen
falls between Oct. 1, 1944 and Aug. will be an
31, 1945 must register with Captain The Pu
Erik L. L. Swyler, Army headquar- of six fa
ters, 512 S. State, by :'tnrday if three st
they wish to take the Army Special- group w
ized Training Reserve Program qual-
ifying test. tinal pn
The test will be given at 9 a.m., Universit
April 12, in the Rackham Lecture tween th
Hall to eligible men. Eligibility re tions and
ouirements state that the applicant ments to
to the ASTI-tP will a, e graduate are made
from lhigh ;'hool by July 1, 1945 or The st
will have (c npleted oc:e semester oT
ecliege by that time. E tudents wh.
will have ccmpleted owe semester or
term of co,ege work d-i ing July ana
August, 1945, are also eligible pro-
vide that they will not be older than Call
17 years, 9 months, on the first day
of the following month.
Depending upon his age when he ' Chapu
begins training, a qualified applicant Councilp
will be enrolled in the ASTRP for Conferenc
two, three or four twelve-week terms. Con.eyen
During this time he will study Eng- pi yest
lish, geography, history, mathemat- "Chapn
ics and pnysics, the amount of aca- but serve
demic 'credit, received for this train- sre
ing being determined by the institu- the Brazi
tion to which he is assigned. Al- ued. "Th
though the ASTRP student receives strengthe
no pay, all expenses are met by the improving
government. xiera com
tariffs pr

which is
Petitionsthe Latin
e l ns 01 of the cor
ouni DueBackgrou
Petitions for League Executive Conferenc
Council and Women's Judiciary egation a
Council positions are due by noon at the m
Saturday, March 31, according to March 8.
Natalie Mattern, president of the Pact pfC
Judicial Council. recommen
Positions on the Executive Council were subs
include those of president- vice-pres- come out
ident, who will also serve as orienta- ference.
tion chairman, and treasurer. The History S
chairmanships of the tuorial-merit Blanca
committee and child care-personnel history as

Viennese Defenses


-Photo by John Horeth

titions for Board in
rtrol Due by April



ns to fill the vacancy on the
Control of Student Publica-
due in the Stfdent Offices.
anion before April 7, it was
d yesterday by the Men's
rson who satisfies the-Uni-
igibility standards may peti-
itions, which should contain
twenty-five student signa-
ay be picked up any day
ril 7, in the Student Offices.
se who petition will be in-
by the Council during the
April 9, concerning their
ions, their extra curricular
and their policy in regards
t publications. Candidates
nounced later that week.
iblication Board, consisting
culty men, two alumni and
udents, is the supervisory
hch dcetermines the func-
licy of the Daily and the
ensian. Set up through the
y Regents, it is liaison be-
e student-managed publica-
the Regents. All appoint-
the junior and senior staffs
by the Board.
udent representative to the
riltepee Is
ed Not Final
itepec is not final," said
Teixiera, in a Post-War
panel on the Mexico City
ce of March 5, held at 7:30
erday, at the Michigan Un-
ltepec will not cure war,
s as an apparatus for war,"
lian representative contin-
he solution to war lies in
ing the cultural bonds and
economic difficulties." Tei-
amented on the abolition of
oposed by the United States
not greeted with favor by
American nations because
)mparative youth of its in-
id Given
ound of the Inter-American
ce was given by Harry Daum
ribed the United States del-
nd what was Accomplished
eetings between Feb. 20 and*
He brought out that the
Chapultepec and the other
ndations of the conference
sidiary to those which may
of the San Francisco Con-
Alvarez gave Venezuela's
, a country which has been

Board will be chosen in a general
campus election on April 20, for a
term of three semesters. The elec-
tion has been called because the term
of Bob Hume expires this semester.
The person who is elected will take
office immediately.
A statement of the qualification of
each of the candidates will be pub-
lished in the Daily before the elec-
JAG School
To Parade for
Vistors Today
The entire JAG School will be re-
viewved on parade in the Law Club
parade grounds at 5:15 p. m. today
by 22 Latin American military legal
officers and Maj.-Gen. Myron C.
Cramer, Judge Advocate General of
Army, who has made a special trip
from Washington to greet the visit-
The visiting officers, representing
13 South and Central American re-
publics, will be officially greeted at
10:15 a. m. in Hutchins Hall by Lt.-
Col. Reginald C. Miller, Commandant
of the JAG School, E. Blythe Stason,
Dean of the Law School, President
Alexander G. Ruthven and Gen. Cra-
A moot court trial, interpolated
from English to Spanish by Maj.
Jose G. Vivas, will be held at 1:15
p. m., followed by a campus tour.
In the evening, the Latin Ameri-
can officers, six of whom are generals,
will be guests at the Judge Advocate
Generals Dinner, held in their honor
by the JAG School staff, faculty and
their wives at the Allenel Hotel.

Yanks Take
City of Cebu
Americans Land in
Ryukyus, Japs Claim
By The Associated Press
PACIFIC-Capture of Japanese-
ravaged Cebu, second city of the
Philippines, by Yank doughboys of
the Americal Division and continua-
tion of the relentless hammering of
the strategic Ryukyu Islands by U. S.
naval guns and carrier planes were
reported in Communiques late Wed-
Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz did
not confirm Japanese claims that
American forces have already landed
in the Ryukyus. He said the naval
gun and aerial bombardmentseof
those islands continued without letup
Wednesday, Japanese time.
Cebu City Taken
Gen. Douglas MacArthur said
troops of the Americal Division took
Cebu City with light losses after they
invaded Cebu Island. The Yanks hit
the elaborate Japanese defense sys-
tem on the flank and rear. The city
was badly damaged by the retreating
Japanese but the port area was al-
most intact. In their advance on
Cebu the Americans liberated 11
towns. The Japanese were being
pursued northward.
The general said Nippon resistance
in south and central Luzon Island
had decreased due to irreplacable
heavy losses. Resistance was strong
on northern Luzon.
Raid Jap Shipping
Yank planes from the Philippines
again blasted points in those islands
and on Formosa and maintained the
China Sea blockade with widespread
raids on shipping.
Admiral Nimitz, reporting on Ryu-
kyus operations from March 25 to
March 27 said preliminary checks
showed three destroyers or destroyer
escorts and five cargo ships damaged;
many small craft wrecked; 25 planes
shot down and 13 destroyed aground.
Submarine pens, gun positions,
landing craft, airfields and other
prime military targets were heavily
hit. Some American units were dam-
Bomb Kuriles, Bonins
The Admiral also reported Yank
air raids in the Kuriles and at Chichi
Jima and Haha Jima in the Bonins.
Japan's Kyushu Island, according
to Radio Tokyo, was attacked by 90
carrier-based planes following two
Superfortress raids there within 12
Spanish Talk To
Be Given Today
"Desportes en Costa Rica" will be
the subject of Francisco Villegas
talk in the sixth of La Sociedad His-
panica current lecture series to be
given at 8 p.m. today at the Union.
A native of Costa Rica, Villegas is
a teaching fellow in the University
Spanish department and was recent-
ly elected secretary of the Latin
American Club.
Prof. Irving Leonar I will give the
seventh and inal lecture on Wednes-
Tickets for individual lectures will
he on sale t the dior. Everyone i
cordially irited to attend.

Allied Whirlwind
Gleans Up Gities
Link-tip Near Deep Inside Germany;
Armored Spearheads Pursue Nazis
By The Asociated Press
PARIS, Thursday, March 29-Gen. Eisenhower's Allied Armies made
whirlwind advances up to 27 miles through collapsing German resistance
yesterday as British tanks broke through north of the Ruhr and the U. S.
First and Third Armies neared a link-up deep inside the Reich.
-Cities and towns fell in wholesale lots to infantrymen following closely
behind the armored spearheads which had broken completely through
the German defensive crust and were overrunning the Reich under a
veil of secrecy that prevented ninpointing their latest advances.
The Fourth Armored Division of Lt. Gen. George S. Patton's Third
Army raced 27 miles northward from Hanau to q point only six mles
southeast of Giessen, through whichs * * *

Lt. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges' First
Army had passed earlier in the day.
There was a possibility that these -two
armies already had made a junction
in that area, approximately 225 miles
from Berlin, closing a trap around
Nazi forces still fighting in Frankfurt,
half of which had been cleared.
North of the Ruhr the Germans
were reported in wild retreat ahead
of British tanks which broke out of
Field Marshal Sir Montgomery's
bridgehead, now exploding in all di-
rections. Montgomery's armor,
with British and American troops
riding on the backs of the tanks,
broke loose on. an 11-mile front
and raced down broad highways
toward Muenster and Berlin. Ca-
nadian troops stormed into Em-
merich, on the Rhine near the
Dutch border.
The American Ninth Army, still en-
countering the fiercest opposition fac-
ed by any of the seven Allied armies
east of the Rhine, wheeled south into
the industrial Ruhr and smashed
through .the northern suburbs of
Duisburg to the wharves along the
Ruhr River.
The U. S. Seventh Army cleared the
northern part of the industrial city
of Mannheim to the Neckar River
while other units drove as much as
32 miles east of the Rhine, making
contact with the 'Third Army along
the Main River.
The Fourth armored column did
the last 25 miles of its spectacular
dash in about 10 hours, meeting
virtually no opposition and run-
ning with open throttles much of
the time. Another column of the
Fourth drove into Altenstadt, 10
miles north of Hanau, and there
pushed on- to the vicinity of Nieder
Florstadt, 19 miles south of Giesseli.
Army Aids eied
Cross Campaign
Averaging two dollar donations
from each man, Army groups on cam-
pus have contributed, to date, a total
of $2,124.19 to the Red Cross Drive.
Leading the seven Army units in
the drive is the Civil Affairs Train-
ing School with a contribution of
$1,066, the Judge Advocate General
following with a total of $448. Idi-
Funds for the Red Cross will be
solicited from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to-
day at a booth on the diagonal to
give all students an opportunity to
contribute to the drive.
vidual contributions of $100 have
been reported from officers in these
two schools.
Company 'A' leads East Quadran-
gle units with a total of $367.30, and
is followed in order by Company
'G', $85.89; Army headquarters, $82-
.50; Company 'B', $54; and Company
'C', $20.50. Men of Company 'C', an
ASTRP unit, receive no pay.

German Radio
Admits Hitler's
Cause Is Lost
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 2 GerR
broadcasters virtually admitted today
that Hitler's cause was lost, then
shifted the propaganda line abruptly
tonight and contended, "German r -
sistance all along the Western Front
is stiffening."
Allied frontline dispatches report
ed the drives from the west continF
ing generally deeper into Geriny
although much of the front was under
a security blackout.
The Germans, possibly fishing for
information, claimed their defense
was growing more successful,
Claims Made
The German broadcasters asserted
that an American tank force had ee
"encircled and completely an1Wl
ed" at Gemuenden, dwelt upzt
bitter house-to-house fightigig
Frankfurt on the Main, and said tke
British forces on the lower Rbinin
had been held on both sides' ofthe
Wesel Forest.
Appeal For Sympathy
In sharp contrast, an earlier, Gir
man broadcast appealed directly t0
the Allied soldiers for sympathy, d
claring "The German people can *e
reproached for many things, but the
would be as glad as you if the wva
were to end soon."
Students Asked
To Enroll for
Grad Exams
Students who plan to take thll
GraduatesRecord Examination Apl
16 and 17 must sign up at the Infor=
mation Desk in the Rackham Build-
ing by Friday, Chief Examiner "r.
P. S. Dwyer announced yesterday.
The examination, which is coi
pulsbry for all candidates for degrees
in the graduate schools, is also re-
ommended for entrance to the Medt
cal and Law Schools. It is offered tO
seniors in the undergraduate sch
on a voluntary basis. More than: 2
people have signed up for the exall-
nation so far.
Exam Required
Airred at a standarchzed eval9
tion of the student's knowledge l6
comprwison v\ith that of others in all
parts of the country the examina
tion is icuired by many institutions
and recommended by still more. O.
ficials of the Horace E. Rackhuk
Graduate School believe that in thi
near future practically all recogn'zad
instituhons will requi±': it.
Basis for Fellowships
The examination furnishes the stii-
dent a clear view of his own schoIad
tic achievements. It is expected to bG
particularly valuable to veteranuas i
others whose college careers iae
been interrupted as a. means .,
actermining their educational level
It is also used by many institutions
as a partial basis for awarding fel-
UMW Ready Th
Follow Lewis
WASHINGTON,, March 29, (Thurs
day)-(AP)-- Soft coal miners ha"k
given John L. Lewis a resounding v}4
of confidence-and the authority ,to
call a strike if he so desires.
With two-thirds of yesterday's bal.

Local Railroad Has Colorful history

The Ann Arbor Railroad, variously
called the local Toonerville Trolley
and the "slowest train in the coun-
try," has a colorful history which
includes high-pressure self sales-
manship, forerunners of the stream-
liner, use of steamers and, at present,
transportation of a considerable a-
mount of war material and supplies.
Interest in the railroad was arous-
ed when Edward J. Eggl commented

litionist was hanged for his raid on
Harper's Ferry, Va., in 1859, secured
passage of the Fifteenth Amendment
creating universal manhood suffrage,
and brought forward the charges of
impeachment against President An-
drew Johnson, thereby aligning him-
self with the radical Republicans, in
power until the 1880's.
Ashley lived in Ann Arbor while'
his three sons and a daughter at-
tended the University. At that time
the Michigan Central was the only

Scott, head of the Pennsylvania sys-
tem, had been Secretary of War
when Ashley was in Congress, and
within ten minutes Ashley talked
him into selling him the bonds and
stocks of the rival company.
"His bloody shirt-waving in the
Reconstruction days may not direct-
ly have helped him get the shares
for the Ann Arbor Railroad, but it
didn't , hinder him," Mr. Eggl said.
Lake Michigan Freight
The railroad was soon built to

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