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March 07, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-07

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Heroism ofAnnArborMenRecounted


Tales of real heroism are revealed,
ultimately, despite the rigid censor-
ship of World War II.
Three months after it happened,
the story of how the battered, but1
courageous 106th Infantry Division
held back the Nazi onslaught in De-I
cember was revealed in a letter from
Karl N. Toney, Division signal corps-
man to his brother, Sgt. Al Toney of
the Ann Arbor police department.
At least two other former Ann Ar-
bor residents, Bill Bentner, Van Bo-
ven employe before entering the ser-
vice, and Sam Sekaros, are serving
with the 106th.
The 106th, or Golden Lion Divi-;
sion was an entirely new Army group,
when it was activated in 1943.
Mvajor General Alan W. Jones, com-
mander of the group said, "You have
no past history to live up to-but
you have no sins to live down." ,
After the routine training program
the 106th was shipped overseas and
Dec. 11 of last year found the group
on the Luxembourg frontier in a sec-
tor designated as "quiet."
On the 16th of December, the green,
untried division was hit by the full
impact of Von Runstedt's steamroller
Army reports revealed that the
106th suffered 8,663 casualties during
the first days of fighting.
The surprised and battered 106th
,was assigned to defend a 27-mile I
front in the Eifel Forest Sector near
St. Vith.
Battling against superior odds for
three days, two regiments of the
106th held off two Nazi divisions
with little more than six mobile
guns. The courage of the men in
the 106th compensated for the lack
of tanks and guns.
A relief force was sent to replace
the 106th after it had been reported
completely knocked out of the -fight.
Remnants of the original force re-
County Follows
curfew Order
Since the midnight amusement
curfew became effective 9 days ago,
there have been no violations of the
ruling., in Washtenaw County, sher-
iff's officers and local police report-
ed yesterday.
Details of the ruling are still vague
to many restaurant and tavern own-
ers but there has been no indication
from the OPA or the ODT that Ann
Arbor and county amusement places
are operating after hours, sheriff's;
officers added.

turned to the battle, "still very much
in the thick of it," on Dec. 24.
SHAEF officers said of the 106th,
"They fought magnificently in the
greatest American battle of the war-
their first battle against the foe. The
record they wrote is a shining ex-
ample for all the armed forces of the
United States.

Contrary to the previous report,
the 106th is still in existence and
will again be molded into' a formid-
able fighting unit.
Today, Karl Toney, and the men
of the 106th are preparing to en-
gage the enemy once more-this time
on German territory instead of Bel-

Slain in Rme
Gen. Roatla's Escape
D uring Trial Causes
Government Crisis
By The Associated Press
ROME, Mar. 6-A Communist dem-
onstrator was slain in a riot before
the royal palace today and premier
Ivanoe Bonomi's resignation was de-
manded by a coalition of left-wing
parties as the escape of Gen. Mario
Roatta during his trial for war crimes
threw liberated Italy into its gravest
political crisis since the Allied inva-


France Declines Invitation to
San Francisco Conference,

MEVICO CITY, Mar. 5-P)-Issu-
ance of invitations today to the Unit-t
ed Nations Conference by four ma-°
jor powers without France followed
almost a month of diplomatic maneu-
vering. s
Here is an authoritative accounte
of what happened:t
France and China were asked at1
Yalta to join with the United States,t
Britain and Russia in sponsoring the
San Francisco meeting.
Acceptance was expected within 48s
hours. China came through in 24
After consultations which produced f
a direct answer almost two weeks
later, France agreed providing her
own suggestions on a world organ-
ization would be given an equal place
with the Dumbarton Oaks plan at
San Francisco.
France Silent
It was learned reliably that France1
has not told the other nations at any
time the substance of her suggestions
and reservations to Dumbarton Oaks.,
Britain, the United States, China
and Russia refused this French con-
dition. France was told that all coun-
tries have a right to suggest changes
in Dumbarton Oaks and to put for-
ward their ideas.
After several more trying days of,
hasty consultations around the world,;
France said that she would join as a
sponsor with a new condition.
Amendment of the invitation to go
to all the other United Nations soj
that it wold describe the Dumbarton,
Oaks plan as a mere discussion point,1
rather than as a basis for forming
a world organization.
Big Three Refuses,
The Big Three, who spent consid-
erable time phrasing the exact word-
ing of the invitation at Yalta, re-
fused to change it.
The April 25 date set for the Unit-
ed Nations Conference was pressing,
and the Inter-American Conference
here is, drawing to a close, so the
other four decided to go ahead with-
out France.
France received an invitation to

he meeting today just as did the The demand for the premier s res-
ther United Nations. ignationdwas presented by a group
The Dumbarton Oaks plan pro- composed of communists, socialists,
ides that France shall have an equal actionists, republicans, partisans and
eat with Russia, Britain, the United war veterans...
States and China on the World Se- Bonomi announced in a communi-
urity Council. However, because of the question of his resignation to the
he failure to agree on invitations, cabinet which he has called to meet
Prance will not be in an equal posi- tomorrow and let it decide whether
ion as a sponsor at San Francisco. tmro n e tdcd hte
he should remain at the head of the,
It is understood that today was con- government.
idered the latest possible deadline for "As a member of a coalition gov-
ssuing the San Francisco invitations. ernment, I could never abandon myj
One of the main reasons for the post," he said.
ceadline is the Inter-American con- The communique claimed that the
erence here, called in part to discuss Carabinieri who dispersed the demon-
world security arrangements. strators did not fire at the crowd but
The conference will probably end into the air.
on Thursday, a day longer than anti- The slain demonstrator was iden-
cipated yesterday, and discussions of tified as Guiseppe Lastagna Man-
Dumbarton Oaks are only beginning, cini, a member of the Communist
now that the voting formula has been party, by the membership card in his
revealed. pocket.
Two other persons, an Italian dem-
onstrator and a bystanding British
D)eanti( '/utrsoldier, were wounded when police fir-
ed on the crowd attempting to burst
into the royal palace and shouting
Auto Pe r tt"death to the king."
Bombs, apparently thrown by those
University automobile regulations in the crowd, burst in the square. I
which prohibit students from driving Crown Prince Umberto, lieutenant
with a permit are now in effect, ac- general of the realm since his father,
cording to Dean Walter B. Rhea, King Vittorio Emanuele, relinquished
assistant dean of students. his rights, was in the palace during
Urging students who require driv- the riot, but he did not appear while
ing permits to apply promptly at the carabinieri drove off the crowd,
Rm. 2, U. Hall, Dean Rea also asks estimated at 1,000 persons.
those who now have permits to report
their new 1945 license numbers and
to transfer their student tags to the on erence o
new State license plate. Students ..
who are 26 or over or are taking re- State Pos}tion
duced programs should also apply
for exemption as soon as possible. O.r e i
It a student's home is located 150 1jL1
miles or more from Ann Arbor, he
will be allowed to store his car for MEXICO CITY, March 6-*)-
vacation use provided the make, type, Delegates to the Inter-American Con-
license number and location of stor- ference today reached informal agree-
age are reported, Dean Rea said. ment on what to say to Argentina, it
-- was learned on high authority.
BUY WAR BONDS The main points will be:
1. Expression of regret at Argen-
tina's absence from the Inter-Amer-
_-_-.-_- ican Conference.
2. Hope that Argentina will be
able to put herself in a position to
sign the Mexico City resolutions and
rejoin the American system.
3. Hope that Argentina will be
able to put herself in a position to
join the United Nations, which means
a declaration of war.
4. Provision for consultation among
the 20 other republics to decide
whether Argentine acts actually con-
stitute a sincere change in position.
Meanwhile, delegqtes were sched-
uled to meet in a plenar y session this
afternoon to give formal approval to
15 resolutions, including the reor-
ganization of the Pan American Un-
ion and the Act of Chapultepec.
daily BOB!
Service --Ade -
PETE SMITH'S "Movie Pests"
"Unwelcome Guest"

Matinees Night
30c 43c
=Coming Sat., March 17-

British Thr
Position in
By The Associated Press
CALCUTTA, Mar. 5-British ar-
mored units, cutting across the Irra-
waddy River valley in an 85-mile
dash, have severed the main Japa-
nese land, air and water links be-
tween Mandalay and Rangoon and
New Radio
Station Nears
Co mpletioni
Equipment To Serve
Waslitenaw County
Ann Arbor's new radio station,
new being formed by the Washtenaw
Broadcasting Co. to serve Ann Arbor
and Ypsilanti, will be completed
within two weeks, it was learned
Transmitter equipment, except for
the 230-foot tower is completed and
work on the studios in Ypsilanti and
one in Ann Arbor is nearing com-
pletion. A direct wire will be set up
between the two studios, Edward
Baughn, manager of the station said
yesterday. ,
The station, housed in the Hutzel
Building, is licensed to serve Wash-
tenaw County.
Baughn said that the station would
feature hourly news broadcasts in
addition to the regular shows.
Broadcasts from the University
campus will also be featured, with
University radio classes, faculty
members participating.
Until the 230-foot tower arrives
Baughn stated, there is no definit
date set for the station's opening
although operation could begin with
in a week after the tower's arrival.
Th'oas Asks
Resignation of
WLI3 Members
NEW YORK, Mar. 5-OP)-R.J
Thomas, President of the Unites
Automobile Workers of America an
Vice President of the CIQ, toda
called for the resignation of all pub
lic members of the War Labor Board
stating they do not take a "realistic
view of national conditions.
In his first interview since return
ing Saturday from the World Labo
Conference in London, Thomas als
declared the Board was too encum
bered with red tape to permit it t
hand down prompt decisions.

Ri uiiufl:!l" i utju I 61A ul u 111 o,)I116 .





eaten Japs' Ava Comin Case To
Give Recital Sunday
Burma Area Mrs. Ava Comin Case, pianist, of
the School of Music, will present the
.> ___first in a series of faculty recitals at
8:30 p. m. Sunday in the Lydia Men-
have seriously threatened the entire delssohn Theatre.
enemy position in Burma, Allied Highlighting her program with two
Headquarters said today. Bach selections, "Chorale-Preludes"
With the aid of British airborne and "Toccata in D major," Mrs. Case
infantry, flown in at the climax of will also play Chopin's "Sonata, Op.
the operation, the armored column 58," two preludes by Rachmaninoff,
seized eight airdromes intact, killed "Italiana" and "Siciliana" by Res-
more than 1,600 Japanese, captured pighi and a Debussy number.
40 guns and destroyed enough enemy Other School of Music faculty
supplies to feed a Japanese division members who will appear in this
for 10 days. The important commu- recital series are Mabel Ross Rhead,
nications center of Meiktila, 70 miles Kathleen Rinck and Helen Titus.
south of Mandalay, was captured.
Supplies Received Free Texts Asked
In a long sweep through Central LANSING, March 6-0P)--A bill to
Burma American fighter pilots gave require school boards to provide free
the ground units support from the air text books to pupils, and permit them
and the column,-which was partially to provide free instructional supplies
self-sustaining, received some sup- as passed by the House of Repre-
plies from cargo planes. sentatives today and sent to the
The main Japanese forces defend- Senate, 66 to 25.
e ing Burma now are virtually cut off-- _--
1 from the south. Their only clear es- A
cape roads run generally southeast WAR BONDS ISSUED WERE
through mountainous country into
Thailand (Siam). It is believed. Continuous from 1 P.M
however, that the Japanese will put
up a desperate fight for Mandalay
a before beginning a retreat.
Drive Began Feb. 23
1' The drive across the valley began
Feb. 23 when the powerful British Last Times Today -
l armored column broke out of the
Pakokku bridgehead, on the east bankoh r ye m i
of the Irrawaddy near the Burma oil
I fields, and drove directly east on a
fairly good road. Pakokku is 70 miles
southwest of Mandalay.
Y I On Feb. 27 the British column took"o
two Japanese airstrips near Meiktila,
on which hand-picked airborne in-
fantry units later were landed. Six s#ZN"
other airdromes and nearby strategic WAY
e positions then were seized. 1 E
, American pilots of the 10th Air !'pR 1 "h
- Force helped the British 36th Divi-Y A
sion chase Japanese south from their kPDS
positions near Mogok, 68 miles north- .AR1EL
east of Mandalay. Five waves of Am- .,.'+
erican P-47's pressed home the at-
tack as the Japanese evacuated - Starts Thursday
troops, gasoline supplies and ammuni-
tion toward Mandalay. At's tuney! It's teay!
Freigyhter BlastI
d Kills Five Menh
VANCOUVER, B.C., Mar. 6.--() -
y A series of blasts aboard a 10,000-ton
- freighter in Vancouver harbor today wih
, was believed to have killed at least ANN M L
five persons, sent 18 men to hospitals
I and caused heavy damage in the har- 1.OE BESSE
Ibar area.;
- It was impossible immediately to~r
r obtain definite information as to the and HAL McINTYRE & His Orchostra
o number of probable victims. The
- Vancouver Daily Province said at Also
o least five were believed dead and "it LATEST WORLD NEWS
is 1innry________sixaremissing."






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