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March 07, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-07

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Sir igm


Clear and Cold






Third Arm y

















Reds Advance 25

Miles to Mouth of Oder

Nazis Lose

Last Chance
To Stop Drive
OVer 500 Towns
Seized in One Day
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 6-By the first
White Russian army in a 25-mile ad-
vance that captured more than 500
German towns in a single day reach-
ed the northeastern mouth of the
Oder River today and destroyed the
reeling Nazis' last chance for an ef-
fective flanking thrust against the
central Soviet salient aimed at Ber-
Premier Stalin announced the tre-
mendous northward drive through
Pomerania in an order of the day,
disclosing the capture of Kammin on
the Oder Delta outlet stream of
Drievenow, 37 miles north of Stet-
tin; Treptow, 21 miles northeast of
Kammin; and in the same region the
big German strongpoints of Greifen-
berg, Guelzow and Plathe.
Within 15 Miles of Stettin
The Soviet communique announced
that the same Army shoved westward
within 15 miles of Stettin, Berlin's
Oder River gateway to the Baltic, and
the Germans themselves said Stettin's
suburbs were under Red Army artil-
lery fire.
The Second White Russian Army,
operating northeast of the First
White Russian group, toppled the
holdout fortress of Grudziadz, 25
miles behind the lines and 55 miles
south of Danzig.
It cleared the way for a drive on
Danzig itself, and the communique
disclosed that this already was in pro-
gress, the Second White Russian Ar-
my reaching within 30 miles of that
once-free city with the capture of
Belgrad Taken
The First White Russian Army in
its drive took a by-passed enemy
fortress, the town of Belgard, and
the two great armies together were
ripping to ribbins the unnumbered,
isolated thousands of German troops
still within Pomerania.
In a pattern that was growing typi-
cal, the Moscow communique related
also that a large enemy force cut off
south of Schivelbein in central Pom-
erania was being liquidated
Cinema League
T o Present
French Movie
Presentation Marks
Group Reorganization
The reorganization of the Art Cin-
ema League, which has been inactive
for the past two years because of
the war, will be marked by the pres-
entation of the film "Le Jour Se
Leve" (Daybreak) starring Jean Ga-
bin at 8:30 p. m. tomorrow through
Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
According to Prof. Hereward T.
Price of the Department of English
and member of the Committee of
the Art Cinema League, "when the
war came, people wanted popular
films, so the organization folded up.
Now, the League is being reorganiz-
ed with a large and important pro-
gram in mind."
To Present Films
The purpose of the League is to
present films of artistic value, espe-
cially those which commercial thea-
tres do not show. This means for-
eign films as well, Dr. Price stated.
"Foreign language films," he said,
"in Russian, Spanish, French, and
German, are shown for the benefit of

the University departments concern-
ed, and are invaluable to students in
acquainting them with an active use
of the language."
Film Is Art
"It is now clear," Dr. Price stated,
"that the art of the film is one of
the great arts, and it is important
that students become acquainted with

/Jarines Resume Attack
On Northern Iwo Jima

* :- e

GENERAL--Maj.-Gen. Clifton B.
Cates (above) is commander of the
Fourth Marine division which took
part in the first landings on the
Japanese-held outpost of Iwo Jima.
Union Banquet
To Be Held for
Interested Men
New Students Wanted
For Tryout Staff
So that new men on campus and
those eligible for extracurricular work
for the first time may become ac-
quainted with the activities of the
Michigan Union, the Union Execu-
tive Council has planned an intro-
ductory banquet for Saturday, March
17, in the Anderson room.
The move is designed to attract
new students to the Union tryout
staff, whose members act as com-
mitteemen to assist the co-chair-
men of the various Union committees.
The Union'sserviceto the campus
is directed by six committees, Ad-
ministration, War Activities, Social,
House, Orientation and Public Rela-
"The Union is generally regarded
as one of the three large units that
co-ordinate and direct campus acti-
vities," Jim Plate, '45, president,
pointed out. "The banquet will give
new students a first hand knowledge
of the Union and what it does, and
will give students who are interested
in extracurricular activities a chance
to join the Union staff as soon as pos-
sible," he said.
All men, transfer students included,
who are second semester freshmen or
higher and who satisfy University
eligibility rules are eligible for mem-
bership with the tryout staff. Mem-
bers to the Union Executive Council,
the governing organization of Union
activities, are chosen from the tryout
staff each semester.
Eligible men, interested in their
Union, who would like to attend this
introductory banquet may do so by
registering, personally or by tele-
phone, in the Student Offices of the
Union before Wednesday, March 14.
Office hours are from 3 to 5 p. m.
Blanca Alvarez
Will Lecture
Blanca Alvarez will address La
Sociedad Hispanica on "La Familia
Venezolana" at 8 p. m. today in Rm.
316, the Union.
Miss Alvarez, at the University on

By The Associated Press
QUARTERS, Guam, Wednesday, Mar.
7-Preceded by the most intense ar-
tillery bombardment of the Iwo cam-
paign, three Marine divisions resum-
ed the offensive on the north end
of the tiny island Tuesday and en-
gaged the Japanese in "heavy fight-
ing." By 5:30 p. m. the Leather-
necks had scored small local gains.
The Marines were supported for
the first time by land-based army
fighter planes flying from the cap-
tured Motoyama airfield No. 1 on the
south end of the island. These fight-
er planes thus began operating from
a base which puts them within fly-
ing range of Tokyo, 750 miles to the
Gains on West
The gains were scored on the west
side by Ma.. Gen. Keller E. Rockey's
Fifth Marine Division and near the
center by May. Gen. Clifto B. Cates
Fourth Marine Division which is on
the right flank of Maj. Gen. Graves
B. Erskline's Third.
By nightfall, the Leathernecks still
were approximately 600 yards from
the northeast shoreline at the bulge
which, if reached, would cut the thin-
ning enemy garrison in two. The
Fourth has about 250 yards to go to
reach volcanic cliffs from where the
heavily defended beach extends for
350 yards. The developments were
announced in today's communique of
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz.
Breaks Stalemate
The Marine offensive was aimed at
winning the less than one third rocky
north end of the island still in enemy
hands. It broke a stalemate which
had existed for two days.
Although the campaign is 17 days
old and the Nipponese garrison, or-
iginally 20,000 strong, has been blast-
ed constantly in a gradually con-
stricting area, the foe's ability to
fight back remains strong.
Senate Okays
Fred Vinson
WASHINGTON, March 6 -(-
The Senate confirmed today Presi-
dent Roosevelt's nomination of Fred
M. Vinson to be Federal Loan Admin-
Acting with unusual speed, the
Chamber approved the appointment
of the 55-year old Kentuckian to head
the $40,000,000,000 Reconstruction Fi-
nance Corporation and allied agen-
cies. The action was taken on a
voice vote without a word of debate.
Vinson thus steps out as Economic
Stabilization Director to assume au-
thority which Congress stripped from
the Commerce Department before the
Senate confirmed the cabinet nomi-
nation of Henry A. Wallace.
Deadlock Continues
In Briggs Strike
DETROIT, March 6-(A)-As a
deadlock continued in the strike of
nearly 13,000 employes in seven Briggs
Manufacturing Co. plants here to-
night, quick settlement was foreseen
in another dispute which closed units
of the Gar Wood Industries, Inc.,
here today.
Approximately 2,000 Gar Wood
workers were idle in the dispute over
a change in shift hours from six
eight-hour days weekly to five 10-
hour days.

First Meeting
Of Veterans'
Group Is Today
Former Servicemen
On Campus Invited
First organizational meeting of the
semester for all former servicemen
interested in joining the Veteran's
Organization will be held at 7 p. m.
today in the basement of Lane Hall,
according to Les Hetenyi, president.
This meeting will be open to all
veterans, whether a member or not,
according to Hetenyi, and all former
servicemen are invited who have serv-
ed at least 60 days in the armed ser-
vices since the passage of the Select-
ive Service Act in 1940, excluding
training received under a college nmili-
tary program.
To Plan Program
At this meeting the program for
the coming year will be discussed.
Proposed topics for discussion include
an all-veteran rally, a co-operative
eating plan and admission of Mer-
chant Marine and Allied nation vet-
erans to the Veteran's Organization.
Organization Approved
Approved by the University, the
Veteran's Organization was begun in
the summer of 1944. During the fall
term approximately 70 veterans of
this war were active in the organ-
ization last semester according to
Hetenyi. The Veteran's havera spe-
cial desk in Lane Hall where any
veteran may obtain information re-
garding the GI Bill of Rights and
the opportunities open to veterans on
this campus.
Among the accomplishments listed
by the Veteran's Organization last
semester include the new ruling ex-
empting former servicemen from the
PEM requirement. According to Het-
enyi, the Veteran's Organization "pro-
vides an effective way of making the
views of veterans on campus known
and their problems appreciated."
Churchill Tours
Western Front
MANY, Mar. 4-(Delayed by censor)
--(A)-Prime Minister Churchill,
touring the Western Front in Ger-
many, told Scottish troops in the
northern Rhine sector today that
"soon the enemy will be driven across
the Rhine and anyone can see one
strong heave will win the war."
Puffing a cigar, the uniformed
Prime Minister made no effort to
disguise his personal satisfaction in
stepping on German soil won by the
victorious Allied armies.
During his trip through the Cana-
dian Army sector, Churchill stood on
one of the highest points and gazed
long and silently toward the mist-
covered Rhine.
Perhaps he was recalling that four
years ago, when Hitler was trium-
phantly planning a visit to London,
he could promise the people of Brit-
ain only "blood, sweat and tears" be-
fore final victory. And there-across
the Rhine-was victory,
A tryout meeting for The Daily
business staff will be held at 4
p. m. tomorrow and for The Daily
news, women's and sports staffs
at 5 p. m. tomorrow in the Stu-
dent Publications Building. Stu-
dents must conform to the eligibil-
ity rules as printed in today's
DOB. Anyone interested in try-
ing out for a position as Daily
columnist should leave three sam-
ple columns with the editorial di-
rector by noon Monday.

American Forces Prepare for
Final Phases of Luzon Battle
Yank Bombers Sink Japanese Transport,
Destroyer Escort; Hit Mindanao Airfield

By The Associated Press
MANILA, Wednesday, Mar. 7-Am-
erican forces in all sectors "are re-
grouping for the final phases of the
Luzon campaign," Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur said today in announcing only
limited activity against the estimated
four Japanese divisions still on the
In the air war, however, American
bombers were busy.
They sank a 6,000-ton freighter-
transport off Formosa and left a de-
stroyer escort in flames. They sank a
small freighter and damaged another
southeast of Shanghai, and sent four
small vessels to the bottom east of
Hong Kong.
Airdromes on Mindanao, southern-
most of the Philippines, were heavily
Coastal Vessel Sunk
Naval patrol torpedo boats sank a
coastal vessel loaded with "escaping"
enemy troops off the west coast of
Luzon. The critical and seemingly
hopeless position of the Japanese on
Luzon, main island of the Philip-
pines and hub of Nippon's crumbling
Greater East Asia co-prosperity
sphere, was heavily emphasized by
Gen. Douglas MacArthur in his Tues-
day communique.
What remains of the formidable
army Japan had on the island when
American forces hit it through Lin-
gayen Gulf last Jan. 9, has been
split into eight different segments.
These are being forced into ever nar-
rowing sectors by persistent Yank
Six Divisions Destroyed
MacArthur's disclosure that six di-
visions of Japanese-probably be-
tween 90,000 and 100,000 men-have
been destroyed together with their
supporting elements and main supply
depots, heavily underscores the great
disaster the Rising Sun army has
suffered on Luzon. Originally the
Novelist Lewis
Will Lecture
Here Today
"Tolstoy, Hemingway, and War"
is the subject of a lecture to be pres-
ented at 4:15 p. m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre by Wyndham Lewis,
under the sponsorship of the Depart-
ment of English.
A satirical novelist and commentat-
or on the modern world, Mr. Lewis
was born in this country in 1884, but
was educated at Rugby and Slade
School in England where he has
spent most of his life. An artist as
well as an author his work is repre-
sented in the Victoria and Albert Mu-
"America, I Presume", a novel of an
English traveler in this country pub-
lished in 1939, was described by Time
Magazine as follows: "Visiting Eng-
lishmen almost invariably have a lot
to say about the United States. Al-
most invariably it is pretty stale
stuff . . . his "America, I Presume"
is a bracing exception to the general
rule." Time described Mr. Lewis as
"one of the toughest, most provoca-
tive satirists alive."
Wyndham Lewis was formerly lead-
er of the Vorticist Group and has
been editor of two British magazines
Blast and The Enemy. He is not to
be confused with D. B. Wyndham
Lewis, another British author, who
has written on Francois Villon and
others of that period.

invaders were estimated to have had
10 divisions on the island.
The main Japanese forces still on
northern Luzon have been backed into
the Benguet Mountains on the west
and the Cagayan Valley and Sierra
Madre Mountains on the east.
Other Japanese segments are in the
Sierras of east central Luzon, in
southern Tayabas Province, on the
Bicol Peninsula, in the rough volcanic
areas of southern Laguna and Batan-
gas Provinces, and in the Zambles
American forces are driving into
most of these regions. They have
greatly threatened the Japanese posi-
tion in the Bicol country by invading
two islands just off the west coast.
V-Ballers Give
Coed Rushing
Bum's Rush
Oh for the life of a V-Ball com-
mitteem an!
He takes a beating from all sides.
It seems a nu ber of servicemen and
civilians made big plans to take their
dates out to dinner before Friday's
Victory Ball only to find their plans
thwarted by Panhellenic rushing
rules requiring rushees and Sorority
actives to engage in the age-old prac-
tice of rushing from 6 to 8 p.m. on
the same Friday night as V-Ball is
Servicemen Riled
Some of the servicemen stationed
on campus are especially riled be-
cause this is one of the first times
that late permission has been granted
for a big campus dance. They threa-
ten to 1) break their dates with
sorority girls who have to rush
(which the sorority girls heartily
disapprove of), 2) turn in their V-
Ball tickets and not go at all (which
the V-Ball Committee heartily dis-
approves) and 3) write letters to
The Daily (which would fill all the
columns of a four-page paper and
ooze over on page five.)
But wait a minute! Pan-hel has
its side of the story too.
Pan-Hel Answers
They say that 1) they can't drag
rushing out any longer or it will in-
terfere with five-week exams, 2) that
they've been planning this ever since
last summer and can't change now,
3) that they compromised and moved
the originally scheduled rushing.time
back from 7 to 9 p.m. to 6 to 8 p.m.
and can't make it any earlier be-
cause the rushees would miss their
dinners at the dorms and might have
to cut a late class to go a-rushin',
and that 4) it's a comparatively small
percentage of the 1,200 girls signed
up for rushing who plan to go to
V-Ball anyway.
Sorority Girls Speak
When contacted last night, the
sorority girls claimed they didn't like
to miss the dinners, but they owe it
to their houses to rush, the rushees
claimed they didn't like the idea of
rushing on V-Ball night, but they
did want to pledge a sorority; and
Pan-hel said, they sympathized with
the fellows, but they have everything
set up and can't change things now.
They suggested that we plan a bet-
ter way of doing things where no one
gets left out. We thought awhile and
couldn't figure a solution. All we
know is that our shoulder is all wet
from people crying on it.

Win Territory
West of Ruhr
Eisenhower Lifts
News Censorship
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Mar. 7, Wednesday--Co-
logne fell swiftly to the U.S. First
Army in the climax of its great east
ward drive yesterday as General Eis-
enhower lifted the news blackout on
operations of the American Third
Army and revealed that its armor was
racing toward the Rhine in a break-
through that covered 32 miles in two
These dramatic developments, com-
ing when the Ninth Army and its
British and Canadian allies had vir-
tually completed occupation of all
German territory west of the Ruhr,
shifted the big punches to the middle
Rhine farther south and opened the
way for the Allies to push the enemy
out of the area west of the Rhine and
north of the Moselle.
Sporadic Fighting
The Supreme Allied Headquarters
announcement of the capture of the
bomb-blackened Rhineland capital
said that only sporadic fighting con-
tinued last night in Cologne's south-
ern outskirts.
Last night its beaten Nazi garri-
son was being driven southward to,
ward Bonn through a narrowing cor-
ridor along the Rhine's west bank,
Since the start of the slashing at-
tack from east of captured Bitburg
at dawn yesterday, Patton's armored
forces had captured more than 1,00
Germans, including a corps com-
mander, and had reached a point
only 20 miles from the Rhine.
Weather Slows Advance
A field dispatch declared that "for
the rampant Americans it was a
surge which outdid anything wit-
nessed in France." Weather, not the
Germans, was said to be impeding
the advance. A news blackout still
prevented disclosure of the exact
whereabouts of American spearheads.
The German garrison of Cologne
put up surprisingly weak resistance
as the U.S. Third Armored Division
and 104th Infantry smashed through
to the Rhine near the cathedral, at
the western end of the Hohenzollern
lied Cross War
Fund To Open
Campus Drive
Opening the 1945 Red Cross War
Fund drive on campus, the League
and the Union will begin soliciting
student contributions today and to-
morrow, continuing through March
The Union drive, headed by Tom
Donnelly, V-12, has again set as its
goal $1,500, which was topped in
last year's drive by $50. All civilian
men's dorms and rooming houses will
be covered by representatives of the
Union or the house president begin-
nling tomorrow.
Deborah Parry, '45, chairman of
the League Red Cross campaign, an-
nounced that the goal set for women
on campus is. $4,000, which means an
approximate contribution of $1.25
from each coed. Through the com-
bined efforts of Assembly and Pan-
hellenic, membership cards and pins
will be distributed beginning today.
Washtenaw county has been asked
to give as its quota $134,000, of which
$79,100 must come from Ann Ar-
The Red Cross War Fund supports
all Red Cross activities, which in

dlude services not only to men over-
seas, but to their families and civil-
ian needs.

Allied Armies


Released Prisoner Lauds Red Cross Packages

"If it had not been for Red Cross
packages received once a week at the
internment camp, we never would
have survived," Stanley Krajewski,

the camps in Bavaria and from Lie-
benau, Gieberch and Spittal who
were also aboard the ship along with
badly wounded American soldiers who
were being exchanged. They arrived

men alive because they received such
poor food in the camps.
The diet of the internee consisted
of hot water with bread for break-
fast, soup that was merely hot water

ica also through the Red Cross.
Krajewski was in Poland when war
was declared by Germany but was
not interned until October 1942 when
he was sent to camps Tittmoning and



Today "There Is No Superior
Race," lecture to be given
by Dr. Amos Hawley at


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