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March 27, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-27

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Partly Cloudy with Little
Change in Teepecratjure
























Three-Pronged Red Drive Races

cross Hungary

.} ,

Russians Only 69,
eliesfrom Vienna
Other Forces Are Battering Through
Caripal ianus of Czechoslovakia
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 26-Russian tank spearheads, pursuing mauled enemy
forces across western Hungary, raced within 31 miles of Austria and 69
miles southeast of Vienna tonight as Moscow disclosed that a great three-
pronged push toward that backdoor to Germany now was underway.
While elements of the Second and Third Ukraine armies swept toward
Vienna along the south bank of the Danube River, Marshal Stalin announc-
ed that the drive had been extended beyond the river's north bank where
Soviet forces were battering across Czechoslovakia's Carpathian mountains.
- As the triple offensive swept toward

200 B-29s Hit
Kyushu Bases
From Marianas
GUAM, Tuesday, March 27-(P)-
A "very large" force of Marinas-bas-
ed B-29s-presumably more than 200
-battered the southern Japanese
island of Kyshu shortly before noon
today, attacking airfields and bases
all the way to the coast fronting on
the east China Sea.
The targets attacked included a big
aircraft plant at Omura on the west
side of Kyushu between Sasebo and
Nagasaki. This area once was hit by
Superfortresses from the China-Bur-
ma-India theater. Thus for the first
time, the 21st Bomber Command hit
a target with the 20th Bomber Com-
mand had attacked from another di-
lIt was the first Superfortress at-
tack from the Marianaseon any other
Japanese island except the mainone
of Honshu, where the targets have
included Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and
Yanks Land on
yCebu Ibland,
Tokyo Reports
By The Associated Press
Radio Tokyo reported Tuesday that
American troops began landing on
Cebu island between Leyte and Ne-
gros in the central Philippines at 7
a. m. Monday, Japanese time, (5. p. m.
Sunday, Eastern War Time). The
enemy announcement was not con-
The report by invasion-jittery Tok-
yo followed by about 24 hours still
unconfirmed enemy broadcasts that
American troops had "attempted"
landings on two little islands off Ok-
inawa in the central Ryukyus, 400
miles' south of Japan. Fleet Adm.
Chester W. Nimitz did announce
however that big guns of fast Ameri-
can battleships and carrier based air-
craft renewed their attacks on stra-
tegic Okinawa Monday.
Tokyo said six cruisers and a num-
ber of destroyers shelled Cebu to pro-!
tect the reported landings. Cebu and
Negros are the only two Philippine
islands of importance not recaptured
by Gen. Douglas MacArthur's for-

the Bratislava Gap, key to Vienna,
Russian forces in northern Europe
took 21,000 trapped enemy prisoners
along the East Prussian beaches and
lunged to little more than a mile
from the big Baltic port of Danzig,
Moscow announced.
Supported by American bombers
from Italy which blasted cities in the
path of the onrushing Soviets, Mar-
shal Feodor I. Tolbukhin's Third
Ukraine Army plunged into the key
Hungarian town of Papa, 31 miles
from the Austrian border, and moved
within 69 miles of Vienna's city lim-
its by taking Lovaszpatona.
The capture of Lovaszpatona, an-
nounced in Moscow's nightly war bul-
letin, carried the Russians to a'point
16 miles south of the rail city of
Gyor, greatest transport center in
northwestern Hungary and a major
point in Vienna's defense system.
Simultaneously, Marshal Stalin dis-
closed in an order of the day that
Tolbukhin's troops, who swept up
more than 100 towns and villages, had
stormed and captured Devecser, 38
miles east of American-bombed
Szombathely, another vital strong-
hold in Vienna's southeastern defense
In a second order of the day,
Stalin announced that Marshal Ro-
dion Y. Malinovsky's Second Uk-
raine Army was plunging toward Vi-
enna across Czechoslovakia. Malin-
ovsky's troops won the city of Ban-
ska-Bystrica and more than 50 other
Banska-Bystrica lies 125 miles east
of Vienna. Its capture was made in a
crossing of the Hron River. Farther
west, the Germans said that Malinov-
sky's troops were in a full-scale offen-
sive and had established three bridge-
heads across the Hron near Leva
(Levice), 92 miles east of the Austrian
The Germans said Malinovsky was
pouring powerful forces across the
Hron, on the north bank of the Dan-
ube River, into a battle aimed at
breaking across the Bratislava plain
leading 68 miles westward to that
capital of Slovakia.
Tolbukhin's army broke into Papa
and Devecser, which Stalin described
as "large road junctions and power-
ful strongpoints of German defenses
covering the approaches to the fron-
tiers of Austria," in advances of four
and seven miles.

By The Associated Press
crosses Rhine; Third moves 40 miles
from Mainz-Worms bridgehead; first
drives to Heckholzhausen and Lim-
EASTERN FRONT-Reds race a-
cross Hungary within 31 miles of
Fiianeial AIdI
Provided for
War Veterans
Bomber Scholarship
Funds Now Avalable
Discharged veterans who satisfac-
torily completed at least two semes-
ters at the University before entering
the armed forces are now eligible to
apply to the Bomber Scholarship
Committee for financial aid which
is intended to supplement the G..
Bill of Rights.
Fund Begun by 'U' Students
The Bomber Scholarship Fund was
initiated by University students in
the spring of 1941 and has since been
sustained and augmented by under-
graduate and alumni contributions.
The project was named the Bomber
Scholarship Fund as all money was
to be invested in Uiited States War
Bonds which would be liquidated as
the return of veterans necessitated.
The goal of the originators was $100,-
000 in war bonds which would be
comparable to the price of a bomber.
Veterans may obtain information
concerning Bomber Scholarships at
the Veterans' Bureau in the Rack-
ham Building or in Rm. 2, University
Hall. Application blanks are also
obtainable in University Hall. Pri-
vate interviews will be held to deter-
mine the need of the applicants. The
previous record made at the Univer-
sity, the mlitary record and charac-
ter of the applicant as well as his
need will be among the most impor-
tant considerations.
$29,000 Netted for Fund
Various projects such as the Mich-
ibomber Carnival, Victory Varieties,
numerous Bomber Scholarship spon-
sored dances, and contributions from
dormitories, fraternities, sororities
and other campus organizations have
netted approximately $29,000 for the
Plans are now under way for fur-
ther Bomber Scholarship projects
including an all-campus show fea-
turing student and professorial tal-
ent. The central committee has been
newly organized with Nancy Pottin-
ger as chairman.
Former Dean of Dental
School Will Speak Today
Dr. Marcus L. Ward, Dean Emer-
itus of the University of Michigan
School of Dentistry, will speak on
"The Educational Program of Xi Psi
Phi" at 6:30 p. m. today at 1805
Washtenaw Avenue.

statesman is dead
Lloyd George,
British Leader,
Is Dead at 82
NORTH WALES, Mar. 26-()-
David Lloyd George, who as Prime
Minister guided Britain to victory in
the first World War and as a vocal
elder statesman awakened her to im-
pending disaster in this war by damn-
ing military measures as "too late
or too little," died tonight.
Death came peacefully in his farm
home near here. He was 82 years
old on Jan. 17.
Became Earl, January 1
King George VI named him Earl
Lloyd George of Dwyfor last New
Year's Day, but this fierce champion
of the common man never sat in the
House of Lords.
His second wife, the former Miss
Frances Stevenson whom he married
Oct. 23, 1943, was at his bedside when
he died. She was his secretary for
30 years and the "Glamour Girl" of
the Versailles Peace Conference. She
was 25 years his junior.
His first wife, Dame Margaret Lloyd
George, whom he married in 1888
when he was an unknown solicitor
of 25, died in 1941.
Was Ill Previously
Lloyd George, a small, but robust,
man, had shaken off serious illnesses
many times before, but he suffered an
attack of influenza in January from
which he never rallied. Since Jan.
20 he had been in grave condition
and under the care of a heart special-
. His death leaves Vittorio Orlando of
Italy as the only survivor of the
famous Big Four of Wilson, Clemen-
ceau, Lloyd George and Orlando at
the Versailles Conference where the
peace treaty was written after Ger-
many's defeat in 1918.
Family at Bedside
As the British elder statesman
gradually grew weaker, the Countess
remained with him as much as pos-
sible. So did his daughters, Lads
Olwen Carey Evans, and Lady Me
gan Lloyd George, and his son Maj
Gwilym Lloyd George, Minister o
fuel and power inthe Churchill cab-
inet. A second son Maj. Richard
Lloyd George, is in a sanatorium in
Both of Lloyd George's sons served
in the first World War and emerged
as majors.
Lloyd George has held a seat i
the House of Commons from Car-
narvon for 54 years, alternatel
cheered and jeered by Britons as his
unshakable beliefs found him thei
champion or their whipping boy.
Harvard Irofesor Will
Give Lecture at Rackhain
A Consideration of Oceanographi
Methods for Great Lakes Problem
will be the topic of an address by Dr
George Leonard Clarke, associate

F.D.R. Asks
For Power To
Slash Tariffs
Republicans Predict
Hot Fight gin Congress
By{ The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 26.-Presi-
dent Roosevelt asked Congress today
for new power to slash tariffs to help
"build an economically healthy wor-
Stormy objections from Republi-
cans who, said the move would be an
economic blow to the tUnited States,
indicated that Capitol Hill was head-
ing into the hottest tariff fight since
the Smoot-Hawley Bill was written
in 1930.
Specifically the President, in a
surprise special message to Congress,
endorsed a bill by Chairman Dough-
ton (Dem., N.C.) of the Ways and
Means Committee. This would ex-
tend the Reciprocal Trade Agree-
ments Act for three more years and
add authority to cut levies on imports
50 per cent below the levels of Jan. 1,
1945 in return for concessions from
other countries.
The original trade agreements act
of 1934 permitted cuts to 50 per cent
of the Smoot-Hawley rates, so that
on items which already have had the
full permitted cut, the overall reduc-
ticn might run 75 per cent.
Mr. Roosevelt declared that under
the act as it now stands, the United
States does not have enough to offer
foreign countries "to serve as a basis
for the further concessions we want
from them."
Dog Quarantine
To Be Enforced'
Dog owners violating the recently,
imposed Washtenaw County dog
quarantine order will be fined or im-
prisoned or both, county sheriff's of-
ficials said yesterday.
Following numerous reports that
rabid dogs were running loose in the
county, health director Dr. Otto En-
gelke announced the necessity for the
quarantine stating its purpose was to
avoid a reocurrence of 1944's wide-
spread rabies epidemic.
Under the quarantine, each dog
must be penned or tied and under
control of its master at all times.

U.S. Seventh Crosses Rhine
AsFirst Smses3ies
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Tuesday, March 27-The American Seventh Army hurdled the Rhine early yesterday, joining
six other Allied armies in the drive on Berlin. The Germans reeled back from a series of breakthroughs, in
one of which the U. S. First Army drove 35 miles.
A bulletin from the First Army front said power ful tank forces of Lt. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges had
penetrated to the highway town of Heckholzhausen in a 35-mile thrust out of the Remagen-Erpel bridgehead,
while other armored units smashed into the junction city of Limburg in a 22-mile thrust.
Heckholzhausen is eight miles northeast of Limburg.
0i_(German advices to Madrid said,

the big push was the greatest in size
and intensity ever mounted by the
Allies in Europe and declared the
British and American armies were
using new arms and tactics.)
Seventh Amry veterans struck
without artillery or air preparation in
a surprise assault at an undisclosed
point. Earlier the Germans had said
the Americans were hammering at
the gates of the big traffic ,enter
of Karlsruhe, on the south part of the
Power-laden U. S. First Army tankt
teams raced unchecked into the city
of Limburg. Other armored forces
smashed 15 miles eastward, trying tot
crush the Germans before they couldE
escape a pincers being formed by the 1
First and U. S. Ninth Armies.,
Rip To Reich Center
The U. S. Third Army's originalr
breakthrough forces of the Fourth
Armored Division were ripping into
the middle of Germany under a secur-
ity blackout, probably well beyondi
positions reported yesterday, when1
they were 40 miles east of the Rhine.-
Mop-up forces swung north intot
Frankfurt-on-Main, 32 miles from
the First Army tanks in Limburg.
As these twin drives threatened to1
split all German armies in the west,t
the British Second and U. S. NinthI
Armies struck with such force in the
Ruhr and on the North German Plain
that a high officer of the first Allied
Airborne Army said "there is noth-
ing to halt a breakthrough."
That was the same sort of word
which came from the U. S. First
Army front, where a field dispatch
said "There is no solid line in front
of the First Army now."
17 Miles Beyond Rhine
The U. S. Ninth Army drove 17
miles beyond the Rhine against be-
wildered resistance, fought into the
northern suburbs of the Ruhr Port of
Duisburg, and was by-passing Es-
sen, biggest arsenal city in the Ruhr.
The British Second Army had
spilled out 15 miles onto the North
German plain, and was driving east
/of Wesel.
(The BBC heard by NBC said the'
American-British bridgehead had
been doubled in size in 24 hours, and
another BBC report said the Ninth
Army was only about three miles from
Limburg, 255 miles southwest of
Berlin, was being cleared swiftly.
s The U. S. Third Army entered the
south section of Frankfurt, Ger-
many's ninth largest city, with a
peacetime population of 546,000, and
the U. S. Ninth Army was battling in
the northern suburbs of the great
Ruhr port of Duisburg.

Georges' Music
Will Be Given
Tomorrow Eve
Faculty, Students,
Guests To Perform
Students and faculty members of
the School of Music, Hugh Norton of
the speech department and a Detroit
guest soloist will sing the lead roles
in "The Way of the Cross" (Chemin
de Croix), an oratorio, to be present-
ed by the Senior Choir of the First
Methodist Church at 8 p.m. tomor-
row in the church sanctuary.
Preseited in connection with Holy
Week, the work is scored for nar-
rator, quartet of soloists, chorus, vio-
lin, cello, piano and organ. Hugh
Norton, narrator in the Choral Un-
ion's "Messiah" performance last
December, will read the translations
from the original French by Alexan-
dre Georges.
Bonnie Ruth Van Deursen, soprano
soloist and Youth Choir director at
the church, Harriet Porter, '448M,
contralto, Prof. Hardin Van Deursen,
baritone, and Avery Crew, tenor solo-
ist at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral
in Detroit, will sing the solo parts
with the Senior Choir. Bernard M-
son, graduatesviolin student in the
School of Music; Mary Oyer, cellist;
Ruby Kuhlman, senior piano student
and Choral Union accompanist, and
Frieda Vogan, instructor in organ
and theory here, will assist in the
Solon Alberti, New York composer,
accompanist and coach, organist and
director of music in the Central
Christian Church of New York City,
who edited, arranged and produced
the oratorio for the first time in
America two years ago, is now. visit-
ing in Ann Arbor. He will be guest
director of this performance of "The
Way of the Cross."
The presentation is open to the
general public
'M' Men Give
Less than $200
To Red Cross
Less than $200 has been contribut-
ed by Michigan men in the current
Red Cross Drive, according to the
report yesterday of the Executive
Council of the Michigan Union.
Nearly all men's residences have
been contacted in the drive. In view
of the many needs of the Red Cross
and the splendid service that organ-
ization has rendered to fighting men
all over the world, the returns from
the men in this contribution cam-
paign have been astonishingly small,"
Tom Donnelly, drive director, af-
firmed yesterday.
Returns from two men's residences
show that Fletcher Hall has con-
tributed $71.35, nearly 100 per cent
of its quota and Allen Rumsey slight-
ly over 55 per cent with $62.50.
Navy personnel in the West Quad
will have a chance to contribute to
the Red Cross between 11:30 a.m. and
1 p.m. on Thursday when members of
the Union staff will be on hand to
collect contributions.
'U Servicemen Tell
Of Redl Cross W ork.
Activities of the Red Cross overseas


Observers Predict Franco
May Re-Establish Monarchy

Description Is Given of First
Army Advance into Limburg.


Today Study group to discuss
"Workshop on Anti-
Semitism: Its Causes and
Cures" at 7:30 p. m. at
B'nai Brith Hillel Foun-
March 28 Deutschter Verein re-
sumes activities at 8 p.m.
in League.
March 28 Prof. Antoine Jobin
speaks to Le Cercle Fran-
cais at 4:10 p. m. Tues-
day in Rm. D. Alumni
Memorial Hall.
March 28 George Leonard Clark,
assistant professor of
zoology at Harvard will
speak on "Consideration
of Methods for Great
Lakes Problems" at 4:15

By The Associated Press
Observers of Spanish affairs long
have expected that Generalissimo
Franco, beset at home and abroad,
eventually would cut away from his
largely-discredited Falange party and
re-establish a monarchial govern-
ment. Periodically, for five years,
he has been deported on the verge of
recalling Prince Juan.
Now,, even while the dictator is
faced with the necessity of switch-
ing to some semblance of co-opera-
tion with the United Nations, Juan
has placed the shoe on the other
foot by demanding the throne. For
Franco, a king restored by Franco
is one thing, a king returning on
his own an entirely different mat-
By going to war with Japan, with

opposition of Franco's police and the
Communists, have united on a na-
tional scale for the first time since
the bloody days of 1939-40, when
Franco's execution squads were busi-
This has been confirmed by a
number of travelers from Spain,
some of whom have copies of the
organization's first manifesto. They
say that, contrary to reports from
Republican exiles and Spanish
'Communists, there was, until last
october, no unified Republican
Coimunists, shunned by most Re-
publicans in Spain, created the "Ju-
nta Suprema de la Union Nacional"

March 26.-(AP)-Unleashing the most
powerful tank force ever assembled
on the western front, Lt.-Gen. Court-
ney Hodges drove an armored spear-
head of the First Army 22 miles east-
ward today into historic Limburg,
and tonight this city on the Lahr
River was being cleared of enemy
The armored column burst into
Limburg at 3:45 p.m. to climax a
whirlwind attack that started at
dawn five miles northeast of Co -
Tanks iolled forward in the gray

the First Army were in their surprise
dash to the east.
The only thing that slowed the
tanks were demolished bridges and
debris piled on roads. Vngineers
quickly cleared paths with bulldozers
and the armor kept driving on.
South of Limburg, vehicles were
racing to get away from the advan-
cing Shermans. The towns of Open-
rod and Nentershousen, which strad-
dle the road to Limburg, were left in
flames. And in Obererbach north rf
Nentershousen, civilians were in the
streets waving white flags.
This was a day much like the Nor -
mandy break-through, With tanks
plowing forward hell-for-leather and

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