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March 25, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-25

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Former Senators
Face Bribe Charge
Logie, Diggs Are Reindicted on Racing
Count; Howell Named State's Witness

Optimistic GI's Swarm Across Rhine

Fy The Associated Press
LANSING, March 24. -- Former
State Senators Jerry T. Logie of Bay
City and Charles C. Diggs of Detroit
today were reindicted by Circuit
Judge Leland W. Carr's one-man
grand jury, charged with accepting
bribes on the 1941 horse racing bill.
Reversing his usual procedure of
keeping secret until the preliminary
examination the names of important
witnesses and the amounts of money
allegedly involved, special prosecutor
Chapultepec To
Be Discussed at
Post-War Panel
"The Pact of Cihapultepec, Wise or
Otherwise," is the title of the first
panel of the semester to be present-
ed by the Post-War Council at 7:30
p. m. Wednesday at the Union.
The Pact of Chapultepec was for-
mulated at the Mexico City Confer-
ence for promoting hemispherical
solidarity. Discussing the issues of
the conference, three points of view
will be presented. Harry Daum will
represent the United States, Blanca
Alvarez, Venezuela and Egberto Teix-
ira, Brazil. Elizabeth Hawley will act
as moderator, and an open discus-
sion will follow the panel.

Kim Sigler announced that former
State Senator Chester M. Howell of
Saginaw would be a principal prose-
cution witness at the examination.
Early Examination
Sigler said the examination would
be held "at the earliest possible mo-
ment" after the arraignment on the
warrant of Logie and Diggs, which
Judge Carr set for next Wednesday.
The examination is a procedure to
determine whether defendants should
be held for circuit court trial.
Sigler said Howell is alleged to
have received $3,00 from "a certain
lobbyist," now dead, interested in
having the bill, which would have
regulated horse racing and pari-
mutuel betting, killed in the Senate
state affairs committee of which
Howell was a member. Sigler said
Howell is alleged to have paid Logie
and Diggs, also members of the com-
mittee, unspecified sums to vote a-
gainst the bill while it was in com-
Howell Not a Defendant
Although Howell was not listed in
the warrant as a defendant, he was
mentioned by name. The warrant
said that "Jerry T. Logie and Charles
C. Diggs did unlawfully and wickedly
agree, combine acid conspire to and
with Chester M. Howell and to and
with diverse other persons to me
unknown, wilfully and corruptly to
affect and influence the action of
the legislature."

Associated Press Correspondent
ON THE RHINE, Mar. 24-For the
first time the always-pessimistic Am-
erican foot soldier feels tonight that
this is the beginning of the last great
battle which will bring the war to a
quick end.
Everything the Allies have, in-
eluding some weapons still on the
secret list, has been thrown into
this battle to crush the most pow-
erful German fighting force left in
the west, and amazing progress is
being made by a combination of
British and American skill and
Despite the enormity of the stake,
German resistance at first was spotty
and prisoners were taken in abnormal
numbers in the opening hours of the
I followed the Doughboys and Tom-
mies from their secret assembly areas
to the Rhine over moonlit roads and
watched the attack develop from a
front line regimental command post.
Then I crossed the Rhine, and finally
flew in a Cub spotter plane to watch
thousands of parachutists and glider
troops drop into Germany.
The most impressive sight of all, as
always, was that of long lines of
silent infantry walking across the
field sand along the roads. The sight
always brings a tightness to one's

the impact of thousands of Ameri- They had the biggest short-term
can and British bombs. The rest engineering job of the war, the
came from chemicals set off to building of enough bridges across
screen Allied troop dispositions. one of the largest rivers in Europe
Men and machines lay silent until to move three full armies.
dusk. But with the darkness the Al- The task is comparable to build-
lied front stirred to life. ing enough bridges across the flud-
In the forests there came a rumble son to move the entire Bronx pop-
of tanks and trucks, and on the roads ulation and its household equip-
long convoys sprang forth loaded ment in a few days.
with every conceivable piece of equip- As the morning advanced -there
ment, including thousands of tons of came a new crisis in the battle rag-
bridging material and huge landing ing along the entire front under a
craft on giant trailers, canopy of Allied planes. That was
It seemed impossible that this vast the task of dropping air-borne troops.
assortment could be untangled and To watch it one of the best seats
moved to the right place at the right was in a Sub plane piloted by Capt.
time. But most of it got there. Odell Williamson of Charlotte, N. C.
At the river thousands of engi- The Cub had to fly high to keep out
neers forced their way to the slop- of the way of some 1,500 transport
ping bank with hundreds of pieces | craft dropping airborne troops from
of gear. 10 a. m. to 1p. m.


: \ \

SGT. THEODORE R. RICHARDSON, of Dallas, who shot the padlock
off Sabanatuan Prison camp gate in the Philippines during the Ranger
raid and gave internees what they called their greatest thrill since
capture, is greeted by his wife, and sees his 22-month-old daughter,
Teddy Lee Richardson, for the first time.
Last Ditch Defense of Berln

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Have you heard?
gift section. With Spring comes the urge to buy, and
we have a varied selection from which to choose--
stuffed animals for your room, china knick knacks,
jewelry. Come in and look around.
1225 South University Phone 3743

LONDON, March 24-(P)-The Nazis'
last ditch defense of Berlin may in-
clude gas but, whatever their tactics,
the Germans will be facing an at-
tack at which the Russians excel-as-
sault, encirclement and gradual de-
The hint of gas came from a cor-
respondent of the Zurich Servir who
reports that gas containers and eject-
ors have been installed in a ring
completely encircling Berlin.
Biggest Job of War
Crushing Berlin may be Russian
Field Marshal Gregory K. Zhukov's
and Ivan S. Konev's biggest and
bloodiest job of the war.
German military commentators,
adept at recognizing assault prepara-
tions, repeatedly have predicted that
a frontal assault on Berlin will be
withheld until Konev is in a position
to strike a flanking blow from the
southeast, and Zhukov's forces have
neutralized Stettin's defenses for a
similar blow from the north.
There already has been fighting
west of the Oder River in the fore-
front of Berlin's defenses but the
Germans have declared it to be a
bridgehead expansion only, a neces-
LOST: Brown wallet, DTD insignia.
If found, please return to Jan Far-
ley, 448.
LOST: Brown billfold Friday on cam-
pus or in Chem. building. Return
cards and billfold to Frances Paine,
502 E. Madison. Phone 7017.
LOST: Man's yellow gold wedding
ring Wednesday. Engraved DJC-
REW 7-10-43. Reward. Call 2-
2653. Robert Wright.
LOST: Silver bracelet made of for-
eign coins. Sentimental value.
Reward. Call 2-3225. Rm. 304.
WANTED: Young lady to share an
apartment. Very reasonable and
near campus. Call 2-6287.
several young men and women part
time or full time. Help is especial-
ly needed during lunch hour from
1 to 2. Also other hours are avail-
able. If you have extra time, make
it profitable to yourself. See Mr.
Proud, office downtown store, or
manager of State Street Snack
WANTED: Part-time millinery sales-
ladies for Saturday and week day
afternoons. Hours can be arrang-
ed. Apply Schillers Millinery, 219
So. Main.
WANTED: In private boys camp,
counsellors to teach sailing, swim-
ming, handicraft, riflery. June 23,
Aug. 24. Camp Charlevaux, 2504
Brockman, Ann Arbor.
FOR SALE: Electric shaver, Reming-
ton Foursome, like new. Merritt,
206 Allen Rumsey, 24401.

nary preliminary before Zhukov is setj
to strike his big blow.
Outer Defenses Probed
This probing of Berlin's outer bat-
tlements has given Zhukov defi-
nite indications of what he must
overcome. Although Moscow never
has confirmed operations beyond the
Oder, Russian military writers have
reported in detail the type of forti-
fied zone which exists there. Major
I. Anufriev, said strongpoints cover
the whole vast area.
The Battle for Berlin probably will
be fought at last over mountains of
rubble, amid chaos of brick and stone,
to the accompaniment of tommyguns
and thundering cannon.
First All-Grad
Party Draws200
, More than 200 people attended the
All-Graduate Party, an informal mix-
er held in the Rackham Building Fri-
day, March 23.
The guests, who represented all de-
partments of the Graduate Schools,
were entertained with dancing, a
variety of games, and a floor show.
Dick Thomas as pianist, Elsa Good-
man as vocalist, and Bev Wittan, of
JGP, as a tap and acrobatic dancer,
took part in the program.
Prizes were awarded the winners of
the games. An address book was the
prize offered to the "biggest wolf of
the evening"-the man who received
the greatest number of ribbons from
the name-tags of the girls he danced
The party, sponsored by the Grad-
uate Council, was the first step in a
program to enable graduates to be-
come well acquainted with each oth-
er. Similar parties will be held later
in the spring.
Deutscher Verein
To Meet Tuesday
Inactive since January, 1943, the
Deutscher Verein will resume its ac-
tivities at 8 p. m. Tuesday in. the
Under the sponsorship of Dr. Wer-
ner F. Striedieck of the German de-
partment, students initiated this first
meeting with a petition to resume the
former club.
The Deutscher Verein originated
for the purpose of providing for stu-
dents of German the opportunity to
hear and speak the language in-


Yesterday afternoon a curtain of
smoke blanketed the entire Ruhr
and the Rhine from Duesseldorf to
Arnhem. Most of it rose from the
flaming buildings of the Ruhr and
Study Group To
Hold eeting
"Workshop on Anti-Semitism; Its
Causes and Cures" is the title of a
study group, the first meeting .of
which will be held at 7:30 p. m. to-
morrow at the B'Nai Brith Hillel
Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, director
of the Foundation, will lead thefirst
discussion on an "Introduction and
Historical Background."
Chairman of the planning com-
mittee is Sonya Heller, and Katha-
rine Sharfman is the Student Di-
rector in charge.
The study group will meet every
Monday night throughout the semes-










Forget Your Troubles!
FOR R EAL FUN 12:45 P.M.

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