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March 24, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-24

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4~FiStyIfthau ail
Fifty-Fifth Year

Lehman Gets Food to Poland

T he P e ndulum



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon. ,
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

Editorial Stafff
. . . . Managing Editor
. . . ' Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
Business Stafff
S . . Business Manager
. . . Associate Business Mgr.
. . . Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
AN ELECTION was held yesterday to fill the
position of Union vice-president represent-
ing the combined schools of Business Admini-
stration, Education, Public Health, Forestry, Mu-
sic and Pharmacy. The election has been pub-
licized all last week. The polls were open for six
-Ray Dixon
PUBLICISTS, many servicemen overseas and
civilians at home, are wont to categorically
condemn organized laborers for work stoppages
caused by a few men. These self-styled experts
on production often neglect the very signfi-
cant fact that a few men in key departments
can by themselves halt production by refusing
to work, in a war plant where many thousands
of hard working men and women are employed.
Take for example the situation in the U. S.
Rubber Company strike in Detroit. Two men
were fired in the trucking deprtment and were
joined by others in that key department. Pro-
duction in all parts of the plants had to cease
when transportation of materials within and out
of the plant became unavailable. Even if the
other employes had not subsequently walked out
on strike, they could not have done any work.
The high degree of coordination germane to
mechanized production with its assembly lines
and conveyor belts, once broken, will halt pro-
duction in the entire plant.
The same situation would prevail in the vast
organization and operation of government if,
let us say by way of illustration, the Bureau
of Internal Revenue was to resign en masse.
While such a gesture would undoubtedly be
applauded by some cynics, its effect on gov-
ernment would be no less than that of the
truck drivers at U. S. Rubber Company.
We could not justifiably categorically con-
demn everyone else connected with govern-
ment any more than we should condemn the
great majority of industrial workers whose
production is stopped when a key department
of a vast industry walks out on strike.
The patriotism of American laborers, with
few exceptions, cannot be doubted. Their sons,
husbands, brothers and friends are fighting over-
seas and knowing this, many work strenuously to
supply them with munitions., Army and Navy
E have been deservedly bestowed upon many
workers. The organized laborers of this country
are steady war bond buyers. Strikers, even
those caused by a few erreconcilables, have been
lower in this country than in Great Britain dur-
ing the war. All these things are something to
think about before lashing out in bitterness at
labor unions and their members.
-Arthur J. Kraft
By Ray Dixon
UNION MIXER will be held this afternoon,
'1 not to be confused with Dick Mixer of the
hockey team or sorority rushing.

Navy medics on campus are all sporting

WASHINGTON-Between British operations
in Greece, and Russian operations in Poland,
patient, idealistic ex-governor Lehman, head of
UNRRA, is having serious difficulties. Though
Poland probably has suffered more than any oth-
er country, UNRRA has onl.y just been able to
start workers and relief toward that war-torn
It was last summer that the Lublin govern-
ment asked that UNRRA send a mission to help
Poland. Governor Lehman's office immediately
drafted a reply. But the U. S. Office of Censor-
ship stepped in and said that the reply could
not be sent to the Lublin government by uncoded
radio because it involved information regarding
the movement of supply ships and personnel.
Whereupon Governor Lehman's office asked
the State Department to send the message in
code to the American embassy in Moscow, which
in turn was to ask the Russian foreign office to
deliver the message to the Lublin Poles.
The State Department and the embassy in
Moscow were glad to comply and the message
was passed on to the Soviet foreign office. Sev-
eral weeks passed, and Governor Lehman as-
sumed that the message had been delivered.
Then, suddenly, the Soviet foreign office, in
rather an aggrieved manner, returned the mes-
sage saying that it could not deliver it to the
Lublin government. The Lublin Poles, it was
explained, were a separate government and no
part of Moscow. Therefore, the Soviets said,
Governor Lehman should communicate with
them direct.
Moscow Says No...
THIS, of course, was exactly what Governor*
Lehman had tried to do, but had been barred
by the U. S. censor.
In the interim, Lehman had troubles with
Moscow regarding the question of sending
UNRRA workers into Poland to distribute sup-
plies. To try to iron out these differences,
Lehman proposed going personally to Moscow
to confer with Stalin. For a time he thought
this was all set.
Then, suddenly, at the Montreal UNRRA con-
ference last fall, Soviet delegate Vasili Sergeev
got up and announced bluntly and publicly that
Lehman couldn't go to Moscow.
Under UNRRA rules, its own international
workers must distribute relief in each country
and nationals of that country are not to be in
charge. However, the Russians have been sus-
picious that UNRRA workers were disguised
intelligence agents, and their suspicions were
heightened by the way Col. L. F. R. Shepherd
operated for British intelligence in Greece under
the guise of an UNRRA worker.
Despite rebuffs, Governor Lehman kept on
patiently pushing aid for Poland and now his
efforts have succeeded. Since the Yalta con
ference ironed out the status of .the Lublin
Poles, Russia has consented to have UNRRA
workers go to Poland, and supply ships have
already departed.
Who's a Liar?
publican, recently rose on the Senate floor
and called this columnist various brands of
liar because he reported that the Duponts, the
Mellons, and the Pews of Pennsylvania had con-
tributed heavily to the Senator's 1940 election
If the senator wanted to indulge in name-
calling (incidentally he wasn't very original
in his epithets) he might also have included
GOP treasurer W. H. Burke of Pierre, S. D.,
who filed a sworn statement on campaign con-
tributions with the secretary of state of South
They included: Lammott DuPont, $4,000;
Irenee DuPont, $2,500; Alfred Sloan, $2,500;
Donald Brown (DuPont), $2,000; Ailsa Mellon,
$5,000; Sarah Mellon Ccaife, $4,000; Colonel
McCormick of the Chicago Tribune, $5,000;
Mary Ethel Pew, $1,000; Earle Halliburton
(Pew), $5,000; Joseph Pew, $1,000; Mabel Pew
Myrin, $1,000.
Commenting on these generous gifts from
folks who lived a long way from South Dakota,
Senator Bushfield gracefully said (Congressional
Record, page 5849, June 12, 1943):
"We are tremendously inspired that we have
a government in this country which permits indi-
vidual Americans to accumulate and make

enough money so they can give this sort of
contribution to their friends throughout the
Wonder what is Senator Bushfield's definition
of a liar?
ParFatrooQIei r oteclion . ..
IT HAS NOW BEEN exactly one year since this
column revealed that American and British
airborne paratroopers had been shot down by
Allied naval gunners on the second night of
the Sicily invasion. In making this disclosure
it was also revealed that transport planes car-
rying U. S. paratroopers were not equipped with
self-sealing gasoline tanks.
This meant that a bullet entering the gaso-
line tank could easily cause the plane to catcl.
fire and the paratroopers inside would find them-
selves in a blazing cage without the remotest
chance of jumping to safety. As a matter of
fact this was the way many of the paratroop-
ers over Sicily were killed.
Immediately after the Sicilian disaster, a
board of inquiry was appointed, and one recom-

mendation was that self-sealing gas tanks be
used on all troop-carrying transports in the fu-
ture. Simultaneously, Maj. Gen. P. L. Williams
recommended self-sealing tanks, also Col. Ralph
Bagby, chief of staff for airborne infantry,
and Brig. Gen. Mike Dunn, who participated
in the Sicilian campaign.
However, nine months passed after the Sicil-
ian disaster and nothing happened. The War
Department in Washington stood still. Finally
Lieut. Col. Felix DuPont, a member of the Du-
Pont family, and Lieut. Col. David Laux went
over the heads of their superiors diret to Gen.
Hap Arnold, who wrote an order that self-
sealing tanks be installed in troop-carrying
But before more than about 75 tanks could
be installed in planes, Gen. Barney Giles, chief
of staff to Arnold, blocked the order.
Senator Kilgore Kicks ...
A T ABOUT THIS TIME, hard-hitting Senator
Kilgore of West Virginia, who has done
more to protect the G. I. Joe than almost anyone
else in Congress, wrote a letter to Secretary of
War Stimson demanding that paratroopers get
every possible protection, including self-seal-
ing tanks.
Stimson, after some delay, replied that this
protection was not needed. He turned down
Kilgore's demand cold, As a result, paratroop-
ers landing in Normandy did so at great risk.
(Copyright, 1945, Bell Synicate)
Free do-m
think, from reading the foreign press, that
the rest of the world is becoming a little'
bit afraid of America's postwar plans. It has
a feeling that all we want is a kind of a spree.
When Bretton Woods is proposed, a number of
our bankers turn away in revulsion and disgust.
Bretton Woods stands for stability in foreign
exchange; it stands for order; it represents
management and planning. Some of us don't
want those things, "Freedom!" we say, instead,
rubbing our hands.
By "Freedom!" we mean a kind of wild
party; glorious, if temporary; all bets off; no
We sang the same song at the recent Chicago
Air Conference. The British asked us how they
could be expected to make a living after the
war, if they didn't get at least a quota of the
world air trade. "Freedom!" we answered, by
which we meant free competition, freedom to
win and freedom to lose, freedom to live, and
freedom to die. Freedom for us to live, and
for themselves to .die, the British think solemn-
ly; and a portion of the British press makes
little jokes about our refusal to give the rest
of the world anything more solid than the
word "Freedom!"
We warble the same ditty on the home front.
The greatest inflationary pressures ever seen on
earth are building up here. The public has saved
$100,000,000,000 since Pearl Harbor; there is
$60,000,000,000 more in checking accounts, and
$25,000000,000 floating around in the form of
currency. If the lid is lifted, if price controls
are abandoned too soon, these truly volcanic
pressures will spill over into a terrifying boom, a
chromium-plated disaster. "Freedom!" we say
brightly, in the face of this peril; let us get
rid of these burdensome wartime controls. Let
us, in other words, have our party and our fun.
It is un-American to worry about the morrow;
for that is planning, and planning is a dirty
But freedom is a sweet word, a fine word;
and it makes a special appeal to an America
which has wangled its way out of previous
troubles by means of a railroad spree, or a
new-land-in-the-west spree, or a gold rush
spree. We pine for one more party.
We realize that some form of world organiza-
tion is probably necessary, but we like Dumbar-
ton Oaks better than Bretton Woods. We want
the world organization to be an impartial um-
pire; but we would like it to have nothing to do
with money. We want it to keep the peace;
not peace on the airways, oh, no; not peace
in the field of foreign exchange, not that; just

a special abstract kind of peace, peace-peace,
the peace that has nothing to do with anything.
For the rest, it is a case of California, here I
come, with a banjo on my knee.
We exort freedoms vigorously; we are not
selfish about them; we have a committee of
three distinguished American journalists tour-
ing the world this minute, to promote freedom
of the press. And that is good. But we show
no comparable interest when the rest of the
world murmurs that it needs stable curren-
cies, and stable trade, to support a free press.
We are split as we approach the end of the
war, between those who want a spree, and those
who want stability; and the rest of the world
watches us, a little aghast, wondering what the
outcome will be. The old American conflict
between love of order and hatred of govern-
ment has burst out on the world stage, and this
time it is the future of mankind which is in-
volved, as we pit out platitudes against each
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

T IS some time now since we had
that two and a half hour chat,
but I cannot get Carey McWilliams
out of my mind. A member of The
Daily staff went with me to his room
in the Union last week. We both left
in a daze neither of us has entirely
shaken off.
McWilliams, the best-informed
man in the U.S.A. on this subject,
asserted categorically that post-
war unemployment would guaran-
tee race friction. Nor was he will-
ing to admit that the converse of
that statement is necessarily true.
Full employment did not solve the
vexatious problem after Pearl Har-
bor. In fact, it grew more vexa-
tious at many points.
The west coast particularly may be
viewed as a powder keg. When the
lag comes after shipbuilding ceases-
as it soon must-Los Angeles, San
Diego, Tacoma, and Seattle will be
ungodly sights. Consider the num-
ber of migrants who intend to stay
there but cannot under any circum-
stances expect to find work in that
area. Apropos, McWilliams told us
how he had seen a miiority manu-
factured out of whole cloth. The
Okies and the Arkies-Anglo-Saxon
sons of Anglo-Saxon fathers, many
of pioneer stock-were treated, after
draught and erosion had impover-
ished them, as if they constituted an
identifiably dirty and sexually im-
moral pack. They were snibbed,
segregated, and finally excluded from
admission to the state of California.
John Steinbeck apparently did not
exaggerate this situation when he
described it in "The Grapes of
Now, contrast it with California's
attitude toward the Chinese. These
people first migrated from Asia in
the 1840's and were not only unmo-
les ed but honored American citi-
zens for thirty years. Yet, the con-
figuration of their habits and traits
is such as to suggest inevitable prej-
udice against them. They dressed
oddly, spoke a strange language, ate
peculiar foods, and represented an
altogether alien civilization. The
magic word, "Xenophobia!" will dem-
onstrate nothing here. No persecu-
tion was meted out to Chinese-Amer-
icans until 1870. That year there
was a depression, the railroads crash-
ed, and a discriminatory tax was
imposed upon every person of Chi-
nese descent. This tax netted the
state of California a sum that some-
times Exceeded half it3 total income.
Bigotry paid handsome dividends.
From 1870 on our eardrums have been
assailed with cries of Yellow Peril.
What accounts for "race" preju-
dice then, is not skin color or per-
sonality, but a set of factors tight-
ly socketed into history.
McWilliams is especially interested
in housing. He has said that the
federal policy in this field is a crazy-
auilt of bi-racialism and segregation.
One thing students of the Detroit
race riot learned two summers ago
is that where Negroes and whites
were living together no violence oc-
curred, where they lived apart irri -
tabiities reached their boiling point.
This is exactly the state of affa is
nationally. McWilian. 3favors a firm
stand on the matter of federal hous-
ing riot only because such a step
would make our professions of dem-
ocracy ring true as they do not now,,
but because it would be a practical
preventive of future bloodshed.
He looked with a troubled eye
upon the successful exertions of a
newlx revived Ku Klux Klan in
Detroit where the latest proposal
for a Negro housing project has
just been defeated. One could
scarcely expect more from a Com-
mon Council whose members find
it increasingly difficult to get elec-
ted unless they can prove their ath-
letic prowess. The vote against this
bill was five to four. Shortstop
Billy Rogell and Coach Gus Dorais
(who may some day learn 'parlia-
mentary procedureaif they are ever
taught their political ABC's) were,

as usual, on the wrong side. This
vote is a stark illustration of offi-
cial stupidity and resurgent racism.I
We ranged over other related sub-
jects. McWilliams said he had never
Coal Saving
ACTUAL RESULTS of the brownout
in Southeastern Michigan show a
coal saving of 4,000 tons a month
during the winter months, according
to Angus D. McLay, Detroit Edison
official, who based his statement on
results of a detailed study of the
first month's brownout.
The amount of coal saved by a
few counties in this area multiplied
-by the amount saved in thousands
of other counties .throughout the
states affected more than justified
the inconveniences caused by the'
--Margaret Farmer

before seen such anti-Semitism as
is now rampant in the land. He fears
it more than Jim Crowism. 13,000,-
000 people cannot be wiped out-but
5,000,000 is a convenient number.
Moreover, hatred against the Jews is
of a subtle nature, invidious, soc aay
smart (to use Veblen's term), and
universal. Wisconsin--its state uni-
versity not excluded, or are those
swastikas gone?-is infected with this
ctisease. Ill-will, more or less overt,


(Continued from Page 2)
in Personnel, sales, art, photography,
and promotional fields. Students who
would be interested in applying,
should call at the office, 201 Mason
Hall, from 9 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Academic Notices
Students, School of Education: No
course may be elected for credit after
today. Students ' must' report all
changes of elections at the Regis-
trar's Office, Rm. 4, University Hall.
Membership in a class does not cease
nor begin until all changes have been
thus officially registered. Arrange-
ments made with the instructor are
not official changes.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end of
the third week of the Spring Term.
Today is therefore the last date on
which new elections may be approv-
ed. The willingness of an individual
instructor to admit a student later
does not affect the operation of this
E. A. Walter
To all male students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students of this College, ex-
cept veterans of World War II, must
elect Physical Education for Men.
This action has been effective since
Tune, 1943, and will continue for the
duration of the war.
Students may be excused from tak-
ing the course by (1) The University
Health Service, (2) The Dean of the
College or by his representative, (3)
The Director of Physical Education
and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor Ar-
thur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counselors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Asso-
ciate Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Except under very extrordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the third
week of the Spring Term.
The Administrative Board of
the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts.
Make-Up Examination for Psychol-
ogy 31: Tuesday, March 27 at 4:30,
Rm. 2121 N.S. Any students who
took X or Incomplete please come at
this time prepared to take an exam-
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for June: A list of candidates'
has been posted on the bulletin board
of the School of Education, Rm. 1431
University Elementary School. Any
prospective candidate whose name
does not appear on this list should
call at the offic'e of the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
Summer Session, 1945: Students
who are interested in electing courses
in Surveying to be given at Camp
Davis during the summer session are
requested to notify Prof. Harry Bou-
chard at 209 W. Engineering Bldg.
Events Today
Luncheon - Discussion Meeting:
Continuing a series of timely book
reviews, Mrs. John Muehl will dis-
cuss Nehru's "Toward Freedom." In-
terested and hungry students are
cordially invited to meet with this
group in Lane Hall at 12:15 today.
Lane Hall Open House: At 7:30
this evening, the doors of Lane Hall
will be open to all students seeking a
good time in the way of folk and
square dancing, games, songs, and
other recreation.
Society of Women Engineers: There

I will be a meeting at 1:15 p.m. in the
Wesley Foundation: Members of
the recreation group will attend the
Open House at Lane Hall tonight.
The program begins at 7:15 o'clock.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet tomorrow at 5 p.m. in Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall. The Rev.
Fredrik A. Schiotz, Executive Secre-

on March 25 at 7:30 p.m in Rm. 320
of the Union.
First Presbyterian Church: Wash-
tenaw: Friday: 8 p.m., Dr. Lemon
will give readings from John Mase-
field's "Good Friday" and other po-
ems at a Lenten meeting in the Lewis
Parlor. Open to the public. Sunday:
10:45 a.m., Morning worship-Palm
Sunday sermon by Dr. Lemon "The
Greatest Paradox"; 4 p.m., Senior
Class in Religion by Dr. Lemon.
Topic: "Dialogues with God About
an Important Choice"; 5 p.m., West-
minster Guild address by the Rev-
erend Claude Williams of Detroit.
Supper will follow.
First Baptist Church: 512 E. Hur-
on. Rev. C. H. Loucks, Pastor and
Student Counselor. Miss Ruth Mc-
Master, Associate Student Counselor.
Roger Williams Guild House, 502 E.
Huron. Saturday, March 24: Work
Party at the Guild House with Picnic
Supper at 6; 7:10, Choir rehearsal in
the church. Sunday, March 25: 10,
Study Class in the Guild House.
'Psychology of Christain Personal-
ity"; 11, Morning worship in the
church. "The Kingly Christ"; 5,
Candlelight Dedication Service in the
Guild House. Miss Frances Lee, lead-
er; 6, Cost supper.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn-
ing -service at 10:30 a.m. Subject
"Matter." Sunday school at 11:45
a.m. A special reading room is main-
tained by this church at 706 Wolver-
ine Bldg., Washington at Fourth,
where the Bible, also the Christian
Science Textbook, "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures"
and other writings by Mary Baker
Eddy may be read, borrowed or pur-
chased. Open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5
First Congregational Church: Min-
ister; Rev. Leonard A. Parr. Director
of Student Work, Rev. H. L. Picker-
ill. Assistant Director, Miss Bobbie
Simonton. Director of Music, Leon-
ard V. Nreretta. Organist, Howard R.
Chase. 10:45 a.m., Public worship.
Dr. Parr will preach on "The Univer-
sal King." 5 p.m., Congregational-
Disciple Student Guild.
Grace Bible Fellowship: Masonic
Temple, 327 S. Fourth Ave. Harold
J. DeVries, Pastor. 10 a.m., University
Bible Class, Ted Groesbeck, leader.
11 a.m., Morning worship. Message
by the pastor: "God's Work for God's
Workers." 7:30 p.m., "The Doom of
Satan." Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Com-
munion service.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw: The Sunday service be-
gins at 11 a.m. This Sunday the Rev.
Alfred Scheips will" preach on the
subject, "Faith-Life's Cornerstone."
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have its regular supper
meeting Sunday at 5:15 at the Cen-
Memorial Christian Church (Disei-
ples): 10:45 a.m., Morning worship.
The Rev. Eugene Zendt will speak
on "The Triumphal Entry." The
I Congregational-Disciples Guild will
meet at 5 p.m. at the Congregational
Church. Following supper Dr. Parr
will give one of his memorable read-
ings "The Other One' written by
Arthur Ketcham. The evening will
be closed by a worship service led by
Dick Heaton.
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Student Class at'
9:30 a.m. with Prof. George E. Car-
rothers, leader. Subject for discus-
sion: "Living Positively in a Democ-
racy." Morning worship service at
10:40 o'clock. The sermon will be by
Bishop Bruce R. Baxter of the Port-

land, Ore. Area. Wesleyan Guild
meeting at 5 p.m. Dr. Franklin Lit-
tell, director of SRA, will speak on
"Strengthening the Religious Com-
munity." Supper and fellowship hour
following the meeting.
Unity: Sunday service at Michigan
League Chapel at 11 o'clock. Subject,
"New Age Dividends: Sound Joy,"
Marie Munro, speaker. A new Class
in "Lessons in Truth" will begin this
week on Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock in the Unity Reading Rooms,


can be observed on almost any cam-
pu. this one like others - shot
through as it is with men whose little
minds can never grasp the concept
of brotherhood.
Corruption has reached its final
stage when it creeps or leaps into
the academic stratum. McWilliams,
as though we did not know anyhow,
testified to the fact that this stage
has been reached in mid-Western






By Crockett Johnson

Mr. O'Malley, you to your earmuffs of?


And with it, m'boy, new hope!. . . I am entirely
confident that soon I shall be able to gain

Spring is here ... With the



- 7'

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