ZNESDA ,Y, 71~ciROH21, 194-D
Naval ircraft
Daring Attack DestroysN
By The Associated Press
21-Vice Adm. Marc A. Mitscher's powerful carrier aircraft, seeking out
the Japanese fleet in the empire's inland waters, damaged 15 to 17 enemy
warships and destroyed 475 Nipponese planes Monday in one of the
most daring exploits of the war.
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz today announced preliminary results of the
brilliant attack as "crippling damage" on the Japanese fleet, which the
-<U. S. Pacific Fleet decisively defeated
LIEB A -in the second battle of the Philippines
LF A sea last October.
World's Largest Task Force
Two W ounded The mighty task force, the world's
* largest, steamed northeast to send
M arn S aveits hundreds of planes against the
enemy fleet after raiding southern
By Rubber Raft Japan Sunday and Monday.
Aircraft bases and installations on
(JEOdtr's Note: The following was writ- Kyushu were pounded Sunday and
ten by Tech. Sgt. Keyes Beech, a Marine
Corps combat correspondent, and distrib- the following day the planes extended
uted by the Associated Press), their attack to Kobe, the Kure naval
IWO JIMA-Death hung over the base and other objectives in and
life raft and rode every wave which around the inland sea.
splashed against the little craft, man- It was possible units of the enemy
ned by four Marines, three of them fleet were spotted at that time, and
from Michigan.
Under the poncho (rain cape) the planes immediately gave chase.
lad a wounded Marine, his life de- At Kyushu more than 100 Japanese
pending upon the slender glass planes were destroyed.
tube in his neck through which he U. S. Losses Light
breathed. Water entering the tube Nimitz announced the Yank fliers
would mean death for him.
The only route to safety for him picked out principal units of the
and another badly-wounded Marine e fletforteir attack Amen-
was by rubber raft through the surf can losses were "extremely light."
which battered a little beach below A large number of installations,
Mount Suribachi. They were too including hangars, shops, arsenals
badly hurt to be evacuated by land. and oil storage facilities were de-
The Higgins boat could come only stroyed on the Japanese homeland.
within 200 yards of shore. Japanese planes attacking the big
For 24 hours, the wounded men had task force seriously damaged one
lain on the beach. It was a battle American ship and caused minor
between the four Marine rescuers damage to "a few others" but "all
and the waves. are fully operational," the communi-
"More than once I though all of que said.
40th Division
Drives East
Near Iloilo
Capture Airdrome
Outside Island City
, '. r i. Ass Citd Pe
MANILA, ed., March 21-Maj.
Gen. Rapp Brush's 40th Division in-
fantrymen captured the important
Iloilo airdrome on Panay Island Mon-
day in a swift eastward drive into
the outskirts of the capital city.
Another column spearing north-
ward 25 miles from the beachhead
overran the broad coastal plain, cap-
tured the towns of Janiuay, Pototan
and Barotac Nuevo and established
contact with a strong guerrilla band
which had done much to clear the
southeast section of the big central
Philippines island.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur said in
his communique today that the
Yanks were "taking full advantage of
the enemy's confusion" as they swept
rapidly north and east from the
beachhead established at dawn Sun-
day with naval and air support.
Heavy fires were observed in Iloilo,
indicating the enemy was ptting the
torch to the city of 90,000 inhabit-
ants. Iloilo, one of the best ports in
the central Philippines, was badly
damaged by Japanese naval gunsnand
American denmolition squads when the
enemy captured the city early in
The 40th Division Yankstcaptured
Carpenter's Bridge over the Iloilo
river on the eastern approaches.
Brooklyn Ferry
Stranded Three
Hours; Moider!
NEW YORK, March 20-(AP)-Some
picturesqueBrooklynese echoed over
fog-shrouded New York Bay today
when a Brooklyn-bound ferry strand-
ed in mid-channel for almost three
There were only 200 passengers
aboard but it sounded for a while
like a capacity crowd at Ebbets
Field with the Dodgers trailing in
the last of the ninth.
"It's moider!" they said. "It's
enough to make your blood berl!"
The ferry, which normally runs
between Staten Island and Brook-
lyn's Bay Ridge section in 18 minutes,
had run afoul of a Harbor buoy, the
propeller becoming snarled in a buoy
"Buoy chain, girl chain, what's
the difference? Get us out of here!"
was the passenger lament.
Down went the anchor, meanwhile,
and the ferry drifted slowly in the
direction of the Azores, its whistle
Some of the commuters, most of
whom work in war plants, started
card games. Others tried briefly to
outshout the whistle, then relapsed
into moody silence.
The fog was thicker than chow-
der and smelled just as strongly of
'Little Flower' Is Chided
NEW YORK, Mar. 20.-()-May-
or F. H. La Guardia was called a dis-
tator, a law violator and a man who
"has put the city of New York to
shame and ridicule" by members of
the city council today during discus-
sion of his defiance of the midnight
curfew on entertainment.
CURFEW CURTAILER-After setting the New York curfew back to
1 a. m., Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia (left) of New York had his enter-
tainment early as a guest at the Lambs Club show at 7 p. m. in New
York. At right is John Golden, theatrical producer and Shepherd of
the Lambs, a theatrical club.
Student Forum Will Discuss
Molitary Training Tomorrow
Terror Holds People in Check
Despite Conditions in Reich
(Editor's Note: Christer Jaederlund, for
17 years Berlin correspondent of the aid the misery which has befallen the
Swedish newspaper Stockholms-Tidnin- Poles and Russians during the Ger-
gen, has just returned to Stockholm with
the latest first hand account of codi- an offensives left th Germans who
tions in Germany. Jaederlund left Ber- witnessed them unmoved.
in because "e found it no longer possible But now, when the same misery is
to work there.) threatening them, they are beginning
Copyright, 1945, by 're Assocated Press to remeber-and they feel that
STOCKHOLM, Mar ch 20-In all what Germany must undergo will be
Berlin, once the fifth city of the ten times as hard.
world, there' are today habitable ac- Today the Germans are fight-
commodations for no more than the ing on because they feel they are
population of New Orleans, (494,537 postponing a situation which ap-
in 1940). pears to them even more terrifying
Millions of Germans would heave than war itself.
a sigh of relief on being liberated
from Nazi rule, not to mention the
joy they would experience when the' estern 1F ront
mass killing comes to an end.
But terror of the Gestapo and I (Continued from Page 1)
concentration camps holds these
elements in check just as stern dis-
cipline holds a great part of the Rhine-Moselle area. Its lss meant
German army that otherwise would the end of organized enemy resistance
lang ago have been scattered. vwest of the Rhine, and the entire
longedgo he ben satyered sSaar basin upon which the Germans
1Hatred of the Nazi party already is depended for much of their coal sup-
so open and so widespread that one 'ply is lost.
can expect the final settlement to be Dughboys of the 80th Division
bloody and terrible. Even in top drove into Kaiserslautern, and Allied
circles people are not asking today pilots flying over the city reported
what will happen to Hitler, but "What its streets were lined with people way-
will happen to us?" ing white flags as the Americans sped
The German people know they through. The plunge to the three
must pay for a lost war and much German cities in a single day eclips-
besides. ed anything accomplished by the
The sufferings under German oc- Third Army in its rampage across
cupation of countries such as Nor- France.
way and Greece, of the thousands Attack Siegfried Line
of Greeks who have starved to death, Troops of the Seventh Army's 70t
~- --- -- ----- Division struck across the Saar Rive
into Siegfried Line defenses just west
Dr. locklerof Malstatt, going on to capture Saar-
brueckenand Zweibruecken. The
crossing was made in assault boats
SoO last night and met only light Ger-
man resistance.
Dr. George Glockler will speak on To the north Lt. Gen. Courtney H
1 "Modern Concepts of the Molecule" Hodges' U. S. First Army overran
at the monthly meeting of the Uni- more than 20 villages inside the
versity section of the American Rhine bridgehead and fought intc
Chemical Society at 4:30 p. m. today a suburb of Bonn, clamping an iron
in Rm. 303 of the Chemistry Build- grip on approximately 24 miles o
ing. the east bank of the Rhine.
Dr. Glockler, who has been head Germans Counterattack
of the Department of Chemistry The Germans launched a strong
and Chemical Engineering at the tank-led counterattack in an effori
State University of Iowa since 1940, to recapture one of two landing strip
has also held faculty positions at held by Hodges' troops inside the
the California Institute of Technolo- bridgehead, but were beaten off afte
gy and the University of Minnesota. a stiff three-hour fight.
He practiced as ar analytical and
consultingcchemist in Tokyo, Japan,
from 1916 to 1921.
The public is cordially invited to
Cattend meetings of the American
Chemical Society. Chemistry stu-
dents are especially welcome. '
Seminar To Meet i
The Wednesday Seminar on Stu- RE C
dent Christian Movements will meet
at 4 p. m. today in the Fireplace
Room of Lane Hall. As topic of dis-
cussion, Protestant student organiza-
tions at the University will be con-
sidered, it was announced by -Phyllis AT THE
Egleton, who is secretary of the group. D fA 4 0D~fflDI cumb
Journalism Fraternity I
To Hold Coffee Hour
After a year of inactivity because
of the absence of elected officials,
the University's chapter of. Theta
Sigma Phi, national honorary jour-
nalism fraternity for women, has
been revived, Jrof. J. L. Brumm, the
head of the Journalism department,
Election to membership is based on
scholarship recommendations of the
faculty and the program is designed
to promote the professional journal-
ism interests of women.
New members will be initiated by
alumnae members from Detroit and
local graduates this Sunday..
The first activity sponsored by the
revised chapter will be a Coffee Hour
Monday in the Department of Jour-
nalism. The members will act as
hostesses to all the students in the
Established as a professional
women's fraternity in the University
of Washington in the Spring of
1909, Theta Sigma Phi now has
chapters in practically all grade "A"
journalism schools in the United
States and a number, of alumnae
The official publication of the
women's fraternity is the Matrix
which is published bi-monthly by
the national council of the organ-
Every student will have a chance
to present his own opinion on com-
pulsory post-war military training at
7:45 p.m. tomorrow during the first
of Student Town Hall's discussion
meetings, according to John Condy-
lis and Martin Shapero, co-chairmen
of the series of forums to be held at
Lane Hall lecture hall.
The informal discussion will be
directed by a student moderator,
Richard Scatterday, '48L, former
varsity debater, and will follow a
debate of the basic issues, presented
by the Stump Speakers of Sigma
Rho Tau, engineering speech society.
Members of the society who will
participate are Marvin Shafer, Rob-
ert Patrick, James Stelt, George N.
Spaulding, and Horace Campbell.
Student participation in the Town
Release Defend ants
In Veteran Slaying
Charles Miracle and Boyd Green,
residents of Willow Village, who have
been on trial charged with the Jan.
13 slaying of Eugene Wilson, 34-year
old World War II veteran, were pro-
nounced not guilty yesterday after
jury deliberation of three days.
Green and Miracle, on trial since
Mar. 13, insisted throughout court
proceedings that Wilson had stabbed
himself when he attempted to slash
one of the defendants.
new organization.
The second meeting, set for
5, will have as its discussion
the eighteen-year-old vote.
Court Martial
Convicts Four
Neoro WACs
By The Associated Press
FORT DEVENS, Mass., Mar. 20.-
Four Negro WACs today were con-
victed by an Army general court mar-
tial of violating the 64th article of
war-refusal to obey orders of super-
ior officers. They were immediately,
sentenced to serve one year at hard
labor and to be dishonorably dis-
The verdict was announced by the
court after an hour and ten minutes
The four 'had contended that they
were ordered to do menial work in
Lovell General Hospital "because of
their color."
The sentence also ordered the four
deprived of all pay allowances due
and to become due.
Hall meetings has been urged by
Dr. Kenneth G. Hance of the speech
department, faculty adviser to the
In State theatre, brown bill-
Finder may keep money. Call
ext. 2147.
LOST: Saturday night, silver ident.
bracelet engraved Bess and Betty
Ann. Call Bess Bisson, 4007 Stock-
LOST: Saturday between 12 and 3
p. m at Music School, brown leath-
er purse containing billfold, glasses.
Call Nancy Marsh, 2-32256.
LOST: Green wallet containing val-
uable papers in women's cloak room
in League. Reward. Call 5059
LOST: One amber earring Saturday
night on Geddes between Observa-
tory and Oxford. Phone 4089, Ann
WANTED: Girls for dinners at 1513
S. University. Call 4701.
WANTED: Name of sailor picked up
at Livernois and Grand River
March 17. Accident at 15700 block
on Dexter. Car hit in rear. Call
E. C. Schroeder, Cherry 6700 col-
lect, immediately.
CLERK WANTED mornings and aft-
ernoons. Some knowledge of typ-
ing and music. Call in person.
Lyon and Healy.
VOL. LV, No. 100
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
hers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. nm. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
To the Members of the University
Council: It is planned to hold the
April meeting of the University Coun-
cil on Monday, April 16, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. j
To the Members of the University
Senate: A special meeting of the
University Senate is called for Mon-
day, April 9th, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheater for the pur-I
pose of receiving and discussing the
report of the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee, "The Economic Status of
the Faculty".
Identification Cards which have
been validated for the Spring Term
are now available in the booth out-
side Rm. 2, University Hall.
New identification cards will NOT
be ready for several days. Notice will
be given as soon as they may be
picked up.
State of Michigan Civil Service
announcements for School Research
Supervisor IV, $360 to $420 per
month, Motor Vehicle License Branch
Manager A, $150 to $170, Motor Ve-
hicle License Branch Manager I, $180
to $220 per month, Graphic Presen-
tation Designer II, $230 to $270 per
month, have been received in our
office. For further information stop
in at 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of
State of Connecticut Civil Service
announcement for Psychiatric Social
Worker, salary $1800 to $2340 per
annum less maintenance, has been
received in our office. For further
information stop in at 201 Mason
Hall. Bureau of Appointments.
New Students wanting to register
with the Bureau, both teaching and
business divisions, should come to
the office, 201 Mason Hall, for their
registration material Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday of this week.
This applies to those graduating in
June, August and October.
Dr. Edgar J. Fisher of the Institute
of International Education will be
holding conferences with foreign stu-
dents from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Inter-
national Center on Thursday, March
22. All interested students should
contact the Center for appointment.
A.A.U.P. Postponement: It has be-
come necessary to postpone the meet-
ing scheduled for Thursday, March
22, to Thursday, April 5. All. other
arrangements remain unchanged.
University Lecture: Dr. Feliks
Gross, Managing Editor of "New
Europe," will lecture on the subject,
"The Small States in Post-war
Europe," Friday, March 23, at 8:00
p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheatre,
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Political Science. The public
is cordially invited.
(Continued on Page 4)
VCt o0R0
Cast of 300 GA.s
leather wallet. ATA
it. Please return to
/1 rnqt Time Tonmiht --- .at:3
"Shooting of DOan McGoo"
Color Cartoon
LOST: Black Shaeffer jr. fountain