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March 08, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-08

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Congressional Payroll Padded"


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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Editorial Staff

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

. . -Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
* Associate Sports Editor
}q..Women's Editor
9 Sitff
Business Manager
Associate Business Mgr.
Associate Business Mgr.


Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All] rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscrptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4,50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194.344

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.-

W ASHINGTON-On March 4, 1943, this col-
umn exposed the fact that Representative
Alvin E. O'Konski, Wisconsin Republican,
had placed his wife, Veronica H. O'Konski,
on the payroll as Iis secretarv a .$3,000
a year. O'Konski ilmuediately t;ore hi
hair, called this columnist a lar, and told
his constituents that his wife had been placed
on the payroll only temporarily because he was
We now wish to aiologse to Cngressman
O'Konski. This columnist's 1943 report failed
to do him justice. however, fightng William
T. Evjue, pinblisier of the Madison, Wise.,
Capital Times, has done the congressman real
justice. He has exposed the fact that not only
did his wife receive $1,955 in 1944, plus $1,024
in :I43, but O'Konski even pe on the payroll
four employees of the newspaper which he pub-
Afte O'Konski boughiit the Montreal Miner, a
local newspaper, from Martin Vickers, he placed
Vickers on the Congressional payroll for two
years at a total of $2,749. Another employee
of the newspaper, francis A. Secor, received
$3,509 during 1943 and 1944; a third employee,
Virginia Reifenstuhl, received $1,754 in 1943;
and a fourth employee on O'Konski's news-
paper, Frieda Morichetti, received $500 at the
taxpayers' expense.
This adds up to a grand totid of S 1,492
of the taxpayers' money which Congressman
O'Konski doled out to his wife and four o'
his newspaper employem during his first
two years in Congress. Yet, when O'Konski
first ran for Congress he was elected partly o
the charge that his opponent, Jarney Gber-
mann, had placed Mrs. Ghe-ma n on the con-
gressional payroll. Yet the congressman had
the nerve to call this columnist a liar when on
March. 4, 1943, the column exposed O'Konski's
first act of nepotism.
Note-Congessman O'Konski is the gentleman
whom the German radio has quoted so effect-
ively because of O'Konski's attacks on the Yalta
Conference and its Polish settlement
G-, Joe a ece Table- --
The State of South Carolina has been the
first to come out with a forthright 100 per
cent demand that members of the armed forces
be represented at the peace table. The S. C.
House of Representatives adopted a unannous
resolution that goes even further than this
columnist's proposal to have one representative
of the armed forces at; the peace table, by
proposing three.
South Carolina, which at one time had more
men per capita in the Army and Navy than any
other state in the union and has led the nation
in a lot of things, proposes that:
"Whereas the American soldiers have fought
with unequaled courae, valor and bravery,
moving always forward from victory to victory,
spilling their very lifeblood that our cherish-
ed American ideals might not perish. . .
"Therefore be it resolved that the 12,000,000
men of the armed forces be represented at the
peace conference, that there le selected one
member from tfie personnel of the enlisted men
of the Army, one from the Navy, and one
from the Air Force, to have their part in
the deliberation for the peace of the world."
Hard-working Senator Olin D. Johns on, twice
governor of South Carolina and himself a ser-
geant in the 42nd Division overseas in the last
war, placed the- resolution before the United
States Senate last week.
Note -Several senators have come out for
the idea of a G. 1. Joe at the peace table, in-
cluding Pepper of Florida, Chandler of Ken-
tucky, and Magnuson of Washington. Senator


H g,
Textbook Library
"THE TEXTBOOK Lending Library," Erich A.
Walter, Assistant Dean of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts, stated yester-
day, "was aided generously by the Goodfellow
Drive, but is still lacking many titles which are
called for daily. Used texts bring only a small
sum at the store. A used text given to the Text-
book Lending Library, hwever, pays a rich divi-
dend to the donor, who knows that his gift is
a necessary tool for the fellow student in need."
In operation since the spring of 1937, the
Textbook Lending Library plays an essential
role on campus. Students unable to buy books
may borrow for one semester needed texts from
the library, which is located in the Angell
Hall study hall.
Already thousands of books have been donated
or purchased for the use of needy students.
Many of these, however, 'are outdated, and an
urgent need exists for textbooks in all sub-
Books contributed to the Textbook Lending
Library have been an inestimable aid to many
students in the past. If purchased tektbooks
cost, on an average, more than one hundred
dollars for eight semesters, a sum which many
students cannot afford to pay. The wary stu-
dent may rest assured that his book will ful-
fill an urgent need, for -only students receiving
a recommendation from the dean of his college
or his academic counselor are permitted to use
the Library.
Used texts, as Dean Walter said, bring only
a small sum when returned to the bookstore.
The student who contributes his textbooks to
the Lending Library, making but a negligible
cash sacrifice, gains a great deal of satisfaction
in helping out a fellow student.
-Arthur J. Kraft
Internationa L Bank
P UBLIC HEARINGS on the bill to establish
the international bank and the international
monetary fund which were agreed upon at
the Bretton Woods conference last July have
been called by the House Banking Committee.
How the United States cooperates with other
world powers in carrying out these and other
plans made at the Conference will be a good
index, of how they can be expected to partici-
pate in a world political organization. Econo-
mic security among nations must be the basis
of political security. A nation which is econo-
mically insecure will never be satisfied with its
political status in the world.
The plans call for an international bank
to make loans for reconstruction and develop-
ment purposes when the risk involved limits
the use of private capital. At the end of this
war, private investment in peacetime products
will be at a standstill. Funds will be needed
for both reconversion in this country and re-
construction work abroad. Loans from au
international bank will provide the necessary
funds to start the ball rolling for investment
and expansion of peacetime production.
An international monetary fund will stimulate
international lending and increase trade by pro-
viding stable exchange rates. By buying and
selling securities, the fund will be able to pre-
vent foreign exchange rates from fluctuating
very far. This will encourage lending and trade
between nations.
Shirley Frank

Magnuson says: "We must have a people's
peace and no portion of the population is more
entitled to be heard in the drafting of this
peace than the men who have made war their
lives in order to win the peace."
(Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate)
£te tothe &dtor
CauIses of War..
THE INTERESTING editorial by Mr. Kraft on
February 11 roused some questions in my
mind. No one doubts that hope of economic
gain is one cause of military aggression. But
does it not overstate the case to say "every
nation is a potential threat to peace," "if every
nation on earth were guaranteed freedom from
want for all its inhabitants, then, and then
only, will war disappear," or "education toward
liberality of mind . . . unless occurring in an
economically stable world, is of doubtful and
certainly negligible value toward securing peace?"
These generalizations go only a little dis-
tance in explaining recent history. Neither
absolutely nor relatively were Germany and
Japan the most distressed of nations. In ab-
solute poverty half Europe was poorer than
Germany and nearly all other Asian countries
poorer than Japan; in relative decrease of
wealth, the United States -and Great Britain
lost more than either Germany or Japan in
the great depression of 1929 and after. Yet
not the slightest symptom of militarist expan-
sion deveLoped in any of the western demnoc-
racies during those years. Moreover, while
Germany was certainly in deep economic dis-.
tress in the 193Os, she was at the all-time
height of her prosperity when the First World
War began in 1914.
We must admit real differences between one
nation and another. True, this is not a matter
of race (the Germans are of much the same
mixture of racial stocks as the other north
Europeans and the Americans). But the fol-
lowing factors appear to me relevant: (1) Ger
many, in the humiliation of her defeat in
1914-18, was easy to convince that her econo-
mic troubles came mainly from this defeat and
could be turned into prosperity by victory and
conquest; (2) Germany had less of a lib-
eral tradition than any other nation of the West,
and had enjoyed popular self-government only
for the very short and troubled period from
1918 to 1933; (3) owing to a variety of historic
causes, the professional army officers formed
a special caste of almost unlimited influence
and prestige in Germany (especially in Prus-
sia) and civilian politicians were viewed with
indifference or contempt; (4) the power of the
great landlords (Junkers) had never really been
broken by revolution in Germany, not even in
1918, and this class was notoriously arrogant,
reactionary and militaristic; (5) after 1933,
there was no real opportunity for the German
people to think or choose, discuss or decide,
anything whatever-it was death with torture
to question the propaganda of the fanatics
who had seized the government. Points 1 and
5,of course, had no bearing on the situation in
1914; but points 2, 3 and 4 had even more
Similar remarks may be made of Japan: (1)
the old Samurai tradition exalted war and blind
obedience to rulers till habit had become second
nature; (2) the rapid rise of Japan by means
of successful war in recent years had given still
greater prestige to the army; (3) the opportunity
created in 1940-42 by the apparent triumph of
the Axis Powers in Europe and the helplessness
of British, French and Dutch colonies (together
with American anxieties in the Atlantic) present-
ed the ruling militarists with an opportunity
for conquest that would not come once in a
thousand years.
Finally, "want" is a relative term. Man's de-
sires rarely become satiated; they grow with
opportunity. Millionaires have committed
crimes to gain another million, just as beggars
have committed crimes to get a crust of bread.
The ambition of an Alexander or Napoleon was
not primarily a desire for three square meals
a day. They could have had "freedom from
want" on easy terms and with little trouble.
Man desires not only food and shelter, but.

also glory, power, authority, prestige and other
non-economic ego-values. Fortunately, he also
sometimes desires freedom, justice, wisdom and
peace. How far the relative strength of these
desires can be affected by any formal educa-
tional process is open to debate. But no de-
bate is realistic that omits them from consider-
-Preston Slosson

VOL LV, No. 9
Publication in he Daily Official Bid-
lei ais consttiive notice to all mein-
tersofthe universiy. Notices for the
I3" lletii.ien iol hle Sent in typewritten
fornn1to1theAUsistnt to the president,
021 Angell hal, by 3:30 p. tn. of the day
preceding publication -(11:30 a in Sa-
i ida ys)
, N otic es
Autominobile Regulations: All stu-
denits who poIssess automoibile per-3
mits are requested to report the 1945
license numbers of their cars to the
Dean of Students Office at their
earliest convenience. Students who
have received exemption cards or
who are entitled to exemption priv-
ileges should likewise report their
new license nmnbers to the Dean of
Students Office.
To All Faculty Members and Oth-
ers Interested: 1. Old Age Annuities.
Since 1918 it has been a condition of
employment as a Faculty member of
the University of Michigan, except
for instructors of less than three
years standing for whom the provi-
sion is optional that such Faculty
member shall purchase an old-age
ainnity from the Teachers Insurance
and Annuity Association. The object
of this annuity is provision for the
teacher after he shall have passed
the retirement age. The annuity
premniumi payment required from each
Faculty member is 5% of any annual
.alary not exceeding $5,000, or thus
a maximum premium of $250. Fac-
ulty members may devote as much
more of their salaries to annuity
premiums as they desire. The Uni-
versity matches the annuity prem-
ium up to an annual sum not in ex-
cess of $250, thus within the 5%
limit doubling the amount of the
annuity purchased.
2. Life Insurance. Any person in
the employ of the University, either
as a Faculty member or otherwise,
unless debarred by his medical exam-
ination, may, at his own option and
expense, purchase life insurance from
the Teachers Insurance and Annuity
Association at its published rates.
All life insurance premiums are
borne by the individual himself. The
University makes no contribution to-
ward life insurance and has nothing
to do with the life insurance feature
except that it will if desired by the
insured, deduct premiums monthly
and remit the same to the Associa-
3. Monthly Premium Payments.
The University accounting offices
will as a matter of accommodation
to faculty members or employees of
the University, who desire to pay
either annuity premiums or insur-
ance premiums monthly, deduct such
premiums from the payroll in month-
ly installments. In the case of the
so-called "academic rolls" premiums
for the months of July, August, Sep-
tember, and October will be accum-
ulated by the Payroll Department by
deductions from the salary of the
preceding eight months of 50% more
each month than the premium due
for each of those months.
4. The University has no arrange-
ments with any life insurance or
annuity organization except the- Tea-
chers Insurance and Annuity Asso-
ciation of America and contributions
will not be made by the University
nor can premium payments be de-
ducted except in the case of annuity
or insurance policies of this Associa-
5.The general administration of
he annuity and insurance business
has been placed in the hands of the
Secretary of the University by the
Please communicate with the un-
dersigned if you have not arranged
for subscription to the annuity con-
tract required under your appoint-
Herbert G. Watkins

E'ligibility Certificates: for the
Spring Term may be secured imme-
diately if the report of Fall grades is
brought to the Office of the Dean of
Identification Cards: All Identi-
fication Cards which were given out.
during the Summer or Fall Terms
must be validated by the Dean of
' Students for the Spring Term. Cards
ly Crockett Johnson

which were not turned in at regis-
tration in Waterman Gymnasium
should be left at Rm. 2, University
Hall, at once. Cards which are not
validated will not be honored for the
Spring Term by University officials.
Rules governing participation in
Purblib Activities:7
Participation in. Public Activities:
Participation in a public activity is
defined as service of any kind on a1
committee or a publication, in a pub- 1
li performance or a rehearsal, or ini
holding office in a class or other,
student organization. This list is not
intended to be exhaustive, but merely
is indicative of the character and
scope of the activities meluded,
Certificate of Eligibility: At the
beginning of each semester and sum-
mer session every student shall be
conclusively presumed to be ineligi-
ble for any public activity until his
eligibility is affirmatively established
by obtaining from the Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs,
in the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents, a Certificate of Eligibility.
Participation before the opening of
the first semester must be approved
as at any other time.
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity (see
definition of Participation above),
the chairman or manager of such
activity shall (a) require each appli-
cant to present a certificate of eli-
gibility (b) sign his initials on the
back of such certificate and (c) file
with the Chairman of the Committee
on Student Affairs the names of all
those who have presented certificates
of eligibility and a signed statement
to exclude all other from participa-
tion. Blanks for the chairnan's lists
may be obtained in the Office of the
Dean of Students.
Certificates of Eligibility for the
first semester shall be effective until
March 1.
Probation and Warning: Students
on probation or the warned list are
forbidden to participate in any pub-
lic activity.
Eligibility, First Year: No fresh-
man in his first semester of residence
may be granted a Certificate of Eli-
A freshman, during his second sem-
ester of residence, may be granted
a Certificate of Eligibility provided
he has completed 15 hours or more
of work with (1) at least one mark
of A or B and with no mark of less
than C, or (2) at least 2 ztimes as
manynonor points as hours and
with no mark of E. (A-4 points, S-3,
C-2, D-1, E-0).
Any student in his first semester
of residence holding rank above that
of freshman may be granted a Cer-
tificate of Eligibility if he was admit-
ted to the University in good stand-
Eligibility General: In order to
receive a Certificate of Eligibility a
student must have earned at least 11
hours of academic credit in the pre-
ceding semester, or Q hours of aca-
demic credit in the preceding sum-
mer session, with an average of at
least C, and have at least a C average
for his entire academic career.
Unreported grades and grades of X
and I are to be interpreted as E until
removed in accordance with Univer-
sity regulations. If in the opinion of
the Committee on Student Affairs
the X or I cannot be removed promp-
tly, the parenthetically reported
grade may be used in place of the X
or I in computing the average.
Students who are ineligible under
Rule V- may participate only after
having received special permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
Summer Registration: A meeting
will be held on Tuesday, March 15,
at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. 205 Mason Hall,
for all students who want to register
for suimmer employment. This in-
cludes applicants for work in sum-

mer camps, camp counseling, hotels,
resorts, etc.
University Bureau of Appointments
M. Comberg Scholarship and Paul
F. Bagley Scholarship in Chemistry:
These scholarships of $150 each are
open to juniors and seniors majoring
in- chemistry. Preference will be giv-
en to those needing financial assis-
tance. Application blanks may be
obtained in Rm. 212 Chemistry Buil-
ding and must be filed not later than
March 20:
State of Michigan Civil Service
Announcement for Building and
Grounds Maintenance Superinten-
dent I, salary $230 to $276 per
month, has been received in our of-
fice. For further information, stop
in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
The Ls Angeles County Civil Ser-
vice Announcetments for the follow-
ing have been received in our office.
For further information stop in at
201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint-
salary $233 to $288, MUSEUM PRE-
PARATOR I, salary $173 to $211,

The United States Civil Servke
Announcement for Junior Profes-
sional Assistant has been received in
our office. Salary $2,433 a year. Only
requirement is a Bachelor's degree
Examination is open to SEN OR
STUDENTS. For further informa-
tion and applications, stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau Of Appoint-
California State Civil Service an-
nouncements for Senior Bacter ol=-
gist, $200 basic salary plus $25 war-
time emergency increase and Super-
vising Food and Drug Chemist, $260
basic salary plus $25 wartime emer-
gency increase, have been received in
our office. For further informati n,
stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
Federal Civil Service announce-
ments for Industrial Occupations and
Skilled Trades, $2,190 to $2,798 a
year, Engineering and Allied Fields,
$2,433 to $3,828 a year, and Scien-
tific Fields, $2,433 to $3,828 per year,
have been received in our office, For
further information, stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint-
Choral Union Memberships: There
are a few vacancies in the men's
sections of the University Choral Un-
ion which will be filled in the order
of application by competent singers.
Those interested should communi-
cate with Professor Hardirn, Van
Deursen, home phone 6621.
There will be no meeting of the
International Center Camera Club
this week. The next meeting will
take place at 5:10 p.m. on Thursday,
March 15 in the International Center.
French Lecture: Professor Charles
E. Koella, of the Department of Ro-
mance Languages, will give the fifith
of the French Lectures sponsored by
Le Cercle Francais on Tuesday, Mar.
13, at 4:10 p.m. in Rm.- D, Alumni
Memorial Hall. The title of his lec-
ture is: "Georges Courteline, ce
grand humoriste francais." This lec-
ture replaces the one that was to be
offered by Dr. Walter Naumann, who
is on leave of absence this semester.
Academic Notices
Freshman Health Lectures for Men,
Spring Term 1944-45: It is a Urniver-
sity requirement that all entering
freshmen are required to take six
lectures -in personal and community
health and to pass an examination on
the content of these lectures. Trans-
fer students with freshman standing
are required to take the course
unless they have had a similar course
These lectures for men 'will be
given in Room 231, Angell Hall at
5:00 p- m. and repeated at 7:30 p. m.
as per the following schedule.
Lecture Day Date
I Monday March' 5
2 Tuesday March 6
3 Wednesday March 7
4 Thursday March 8
5 Monday March 12
6 Tuesday March 13
Please note that attendance is re-
quired and roll will be taken.
Upper-classmen who have not ful-
filled the requirements are requested
to do so during this series.
This lecture requirement does not
apply to Veterans.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and ts Arts-: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Associate Dean
The examination for students who
wish to begin thei concentration in

mathematics this term will be held
in Rm. 3016 Angell Hall on Tuesday,
March 13, from 2 to 4. In case of
conflicts, see Professor Fischer be-
fore this date.
Extension Division: Opening dates
of courses in Ann Arbor are sched-
uled to coincide with the campus cal-
endar of classes. Persons who would
like to have other courses added to the
program are asked to list their speci-
fic interests with the Extension office.
The following classes will be of-
fered by the Extension.Service begin-
ning this week.
Spanish .1b: This course i5 a con-
tinuation of Spanish lI a. Two hours
credit. $12.
Spanish 2b: Trhis course is a con-
tinuation of Spanish 2a. Two hours
credit. $12.
Del Toro. 106 Romance Language
Building. Thursday, March 8, 7
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and German
for the doctorate will be held on Fri-
day, March 9, from 4 to G p. m. in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. Dictionaries may be used.
Latin AmericaFl Sttdies 194: There




By MRaytixon


Sorority rushing and pre-V-Ball dates have
collided head on, with the result that a nunber
of men on the campus givin iPan-hell.
V-Ball. That's where lal Me and his Intyre
band are going to play.
Suggested name for the next ig campus
dance: "The One Meat Ball."
4 * *
- Don't store those galoshes, Mother, this is Ann
Arbor you're living in.
* * *
Midwestern rivers are over-flowing their banks,
giving people living in tile Ohio Valley flood for


T'hank you, H oward . .. A nd
will you ask Mr. Brooks and
Mr. Otis to step in here?.
Thanks for the fin,
Mr. Herringbone.
V--.3 Coyih,14,teN.ppePi





...that inside story of O'Malley
and HJunos-Wattal, Ltd., cost me
plenty. However. Now our next
Newsletter can predict the effect
of all this on investment in war
industries, rails, utilities, and-

Who is J. J. O'Malley? Who iS he?
Otis! Herringbone's Confidential
Newsletter PAYS you to know all
about financiers like O'Malley-
"Old J.J."!
tl L °

Barnaby, I must negotiate
another short-term loan-
Well, okay;
Mr. O'Malley.
8 0


Cushlamochree! Borrowing
a nickel from your bank has
suggested a way to obtain


s and Grace phoned me today.
it"s been years since I saw her.
.. fAnd she's got a fine job as a

Yes, They float bonds and
things; Well, anyway, ' Vi
meeting her at her office

So I'll borrow a hundred
million or so on a bond


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