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November 16, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-16

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Editorial- Staff
A$Orlon Fird .' . .
Sane Farrant. ..
Cyaje 9berhian .
MWrJorie Borradaile.
IdZslenski. .
8 ty rv~p 1
bjusiness Steaf
; 4ply, Ann Winokur . $u E
E1iibeth Carpenter . Asr
Avartbfr; Opioh Ass
Teiephone 23.24.1

Manaiging Editor
rditorla1 Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
w61feh'e 'Editor
usthess Manager
st Eus. Manager
s't Btis. Manager'

ACALM, MAJESTIC Marian Anderson pre-
sided over a a i ty audience in 'Hill Audi-
torium last night, presenting a program that
won for her the admiration and respect of ev-
eryone present.
What it is in Miss Anderson's make-up
that is so unusual and places her among the
leading contraltos .of her day was obvious
frin the start. She is an artist anu nothing
else. Not one during the entire performance,
did she do anything but sing. Like so many
others she might have employed all the tricks
of the trade and by dress and mannerismss
c'ompletely won Ver her audience, but she
did not chose to do this.She merely stood
quietly and sang as only she can sing.
MISS ANDERSON opened her program with
a gri'oup of Handel, Scarlatti and Haydn,
which she did exquisitely. She sang these and
the 19rahms group too with calmness and poise,
showing absolute control of her voice, even in
the most difficult of the low hushed tones.
IW the aria from Massenet's "Le Cid," she
let loose her power though not even here did
she lose her sense of proportion in enthusiasm
for the music. The audience was thrilled and
she returned to do "Coming Through the Rye"
for an encore, graciously turning and singing
to the portion of the audience that was seated
behind her on the stage.
An English group, including selections by
Vaughn Williams, Sadero and Griffes followed
intermission and in closing Miss Anderson pre-
sented her in'evitabfe group of Negro Spirituals.
These are very close to her and even in her
appearance at the last it seemed that she felt
more relaxed and completely at home. Another
spiritual, "There Is No Hiding Place Down
there" was included in her encores, along with
two English songs, "Will O' the Wisp," and
Miss Anderson did all in her power to make
the program a perfect one, for her artistic
sense will not allow her to do otherwise, yet
there was something m'ore to the concert. Mr.
Franz Rupp, the accompanist, is a. fine sympa-
thetic musician and knows his soloist's voice.
He provided for her an excellent background
and a feeling of assurance that allowed her to
give the most of her art and religion, music.
-Jean Athay
t L~ap it

l orials published in The Michigan Daily
$ vritten by members of The Daily staff
x +' represent the views of the wrifers on ly
SGetnerals Shorrld End
~ 944 Elect ion Rumors
*Oeorge Marshall for the presidency of the
Inited States. What a contest tlhat would make!
Potinenit Thepublican forces (Senator Vanden-
burg, the Chicago Tribune and . various Mac-
Arthur-for-President Clubs) who want an Old
Deal substitutdd for a New Deal are cux'rently
stlirg the bhI1 rolling for MacArthur. Demo-
cits who doti't like the liberal tendency of the
pjyeseht admhinistration and the ROosevelt that
goes with it are quietly rallying support for
Of- course, neither of the gentlemen have -
iandicated they would care to run, but tbMt
doesn't seeny~ to doter the boys in thefr aieI,
They pi'oce .under the theory that no nki
i*ould turn dewn the greatest honor his
country can bestow upon him.
However, if' it should happen that both gen-
erals won their party's nomination it would be a
difficult choice ftr the voters to make. Pne-
snunably we would be expected to make the
choice dli the basis of whether more supplies
should be sent to the Pacific area or the Ehr-
opean~ fronts and that's one of the few probenms
the puiblic is not competent to solve. We simPly
do nOt have enough information or military
know-h'nw to malce the decision. But a. presi-
dentlal campaign involving Marshall and Mace
Arthiur would ask us to do just that.
LET US ASSUME for a moment~ thnt it is just
befbre election time in 1-944 and that we have
been given the choice of Marshall or MacArthur.
Can't you hear Col. Robert McCormick telling
his Chicago Tribune readers that, "We must vote
for the great MacArthur. We must marshal (no,
n'o that's the wrong word, Bertie) or rather we
must urge our people to swing back to Replibli-
canism We must make them MacArthu' con-
scious. We must throw out all vestiges of that
vicious Insult to the people, the New Deal. George
(Stoogie) Marshall has WOrked i caho'ts with
the Roisevelt administration for years and thns
And then the Marshallites, under the leadcr-
ship of Cokorado Senator Ewin C. Johnson,
ould blast back at the Republicans saying Mac-
Arthur's campaign is nothing' but that of a little
boy who feels he has been neglected when the
supplies were passed around. They would say
. arshall has been working the adminisbration
all through the war-time period and hav a much
bettor kowledge of Washington and its policies
-he- sied how to get things done-he is a g ,
kind, honest, upright American. They wold
sy a change in administrative officials 'would
be catastrophic at this time and (to appease
the anti-New Deal Dlemocrats) that Marshall
h ws never been closely identified withe New
Deal, that he will bring the war to a swift and
speedy completion as soon as possible, saving
thousands of AMERICAN lives.
"As for the economic and social problems
that wil confront the next president," Marsh-
e1l's supporters will say, "wel, what does Mac-
Arthur know about them?"
Of course, Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg will
get in the thick of things. He will say we must


Filibuster Must Not Halt
Vale onSuffrage Issue
THE ANTI-POLL TAX BILL, reported favora-
bly by the Senate Judiciary CoMittee last
Friday, will come up for debate once again this
The necessity of passing this vital bill has
been long impressed on the American public.
The intolerable situation in which an average
of only 3 percent of the population of the poll-
tax states participated in the 1942 elections
against an average of 25 percent in non-poll-
tax states can no longer be continued. The
National Committee to Abolish the Poll Tax
cites figures to prove that "fewer citizens voted
to elect 32 representatives from South Caro-
lina, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi than
voted to elect two representatives in Rhode
Island." The American people have become
Aroused at such injustice and support whole-
heartedly the bill to enfranchise the 10,000,00
white and Negro citizens now kept from voting
by the poll tax.
Yet, one southern Senator has threatened to
filibuster for 18 months, if necessary, to kill the
bill. Other Senators, whose positions in Congress'
depend on the limited franchise invoked in their
states, will join him in preventing the poll tax
from being voted upon.
The essential feature, therefore, necessary
to the passing of the anti-poll-tax bill, is that
debate in the Senate be limited. A two-thirds
vote by the Senate to "invoke cloture" will
accomplish this.
In the interests of democracy the anti-poll-tax
bill must be brought to the vote which will
kill it.
-Kathie Sharfman
I'd Rather
NEW YORK, Nov. 16-The November Fortune
Survey shows that a majority of the people, as
of today, think they would vote for Mr. Roosevelt
next election, if the war were still on. The
sampling gives the President 51.5 percent of the
total, as against 33.5 percent for Messrs. Dewey,
Willkie, MacArthur and Bri4ker combined. The
polls have shown a 'perhaps aggravating tend-
itey o.produce sd results, and this is very
For, by all the ru in the book, Mr. Roosevelt
is an impossible cancilda. IHei, o begin, thor-
odghly l Zmitted o eiv y isue. ite cannot
+od e 1 he. Now, eve ybod knows, that the
way to get into th>'i ,Vbite ouWe o t avoid
comit t; to listn t}!ll cmers with a tear
in ne r but nev say the fatal Wrd "yes,"
o°the lly deadl word "no."
Mr. Roosevelt is, by all odds, the most deeply
comtitted man in the country. It does not seem
to hurt him; in fact, it seems to give him an edge.
He is committed on the "hot" issues, especially,
ro food subsidies, on behalf of the O. W. I.; he
is for higher taxes; he signed a bill which yanks
20 percent from every worker's paycheck. Can
a candidate have all this on his record, and a
majority, too?
'T'he Republicans have lost three times hand
running, but most of them are still playing the
ancient politics of trying to slip into the White
House silently, on, little cat feet. The ecstatic
discovery that the Governor of California has six
children, and is therefore a good prospect, is
exactly what I mean. The notion that General
MacArthur would make a fine run, because of
his military record, is more of the same. The
thought that Governor Bricker of Ohio would
do handsomely because he is neither an inter-
ventionist nor an isolationist, and has carried

Ohio three times, also belongs in this category.
What on earth difference does it make to the
average man how many times Governor Bricker
has carried Ohio? He can carry it 50 times,
for all the average man cares in New York or
California. The Republicans have been sluggel
thrice, and one might suppose that by this time
they would give up their search for a mystic
formula to unlock the gate to the White House;
but they continue, as in a game with numbers,
six children, four stars, and three times in Ohio.
This is a mere nervous trying of the door,
with something that is almost cultist and mysti-
cal in it. The thought is that there must be some
simple and irrelevant way to win, if one could
only think of it, or strike, by chance, upon: the
right combination. Is it fathers the voters want
this year, or generals? The effort is not really
to win the voter, but to outguess him, outsmart
him, and out-fox him.
In the world as it is today, all this is desper-
ately old-fashioned politics, dear to the hearts
of certain political writers who believe they know
every step of the four-year polka, in spite, of
accumulated evidence which shows that none of
the rules has mear anything for half a genera-
Only Mr. Willkie (the new Mr. Willkie) on the
Republican side has taken the road of deep and
positive commitment, at least on world affairs;
he is the only one who has tried, by taking

WASHINGTON, Nov. 16. - There
may be a lot more than meets the
eye behind the $30,000 fee paid to
Frank J. Comfort, ex-democratic Na-
tional Committeeman from Iowa and
close political associate, of ex-Senator
Clyde Herring, in return for getting
tax legislation introduced which ben-
efited the airplane manufacturing
companies. The big unanswered
question is: Did Comfort pass part
of the money on to someone else?
It has been ascertained that
Comfort cashed a check for $1a,000
shortly after he received his first
payment from the airplane com-
panies. He got this $10,000 in
eash. What did he do with it?
When asked about it, he said he
didn't remember.
Then, after a second installment
was paid by the airplane companies,
Comfort and his brother drew' out
$11,400, also in cash. Again, they
don't remember what happened to
this money.
Here is the story of this unusual
The Brewster Aevonautical Cor-
poration, now being investigated
by the hard-hitting House Naval
SAffairs Committee, discovered that
the tax bill of 1940 would not per-
mit advance payients hy foreigt
governments to be classified as
borrowed invested capital. This
made a difference of thosanids,'
perhaps millions in taxes to cer-!
tain airplane companies. Hence,
Brewster lobbyists attempted to get
Senator Wagner of New York to
introduce an amendment favoring
their tax situation. He would have
none of it
Then they tried Senator Herring of
Iowa. He also refused. Then the
airplane lobbyists contacted Her-
ring's close friend and political men-
tor, Frank Comlfort, in Des Moines.
He came to Washington, registered at
the Mayflower Hotel, where Herring
lived, and shortly thereafter Herring
introduced the proposed tax amend-
ment. It became law and saved the
airplane companies a tremendous tax
Wher Did Money Go?.*.
Meanwhile, Brewtser, Lockheed.
Consolidated and Curtiss-Wright
had raised a pool of $65,000 to pay
for lobbying for this amendment. Of,
this, $30,000 went to Comfort.
He received his first $15,000 in
mid-October, 1940. On Oct. 2T, 1940,
approximately one week later, Com-
fort drew a check' fbr $10,00 on 'the
1owa-Des Moines National Bank and


9 -

By Lichty

,~.. r,
ug im ,ic i
f-"1r~,t 91,C i

'Remember how we used to complain because tliey ere all clock
watchers! NOW they come and go as they please!'
Letters to the Editor

Soldier Okays 'Lights-Out'
THE STORM of comments that
arose shortly after the Pan-Hel-
lenic and Assemblyrannouncement of
an 11:30 policy for Miss Michigan's
bedtime' is indeed revealing to a sold-
ier who acknowledges the value of
Evidently the proposition was
broached for several good reasons.
Perhaps coeds on this campus have
been "murdering sleep" in the good
old tradition of MacBeth, or perhaps
those in authority wished to prevent
such a tragedy. Whether either or
both possible reasons hold true is of
Trust Company, payable to. himself,
and' cashed the check.
So far as can be ascertained, he
did not deposit the. cash in any
savings acount. 'Examination of
his. checkng account shows that
checks. of this size were distinctly
unusual. '- Yet, when questioned,
Comfort 4as not able to remember
whit he did with the cash.
In-December, 1940, Comfort re-
ceived a second $15,000 from the air-
plane companies, and on Dec. 28, he
sined a check ,.qr, hlm~' for 3.900
an4 a check to.his.brother,.George P.
Corhfdrt, for $7,500.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)

little consequence. The salient fact
remains that Pan-Hellenic and As-
sembly believe that the coeds in par-
ticular are in need of more hQiodys of
refreshing slumber.
One young' lady was qwuted as
saying that the plan was "wfiolly
unfeasible." Another event c-
mitted herself to the extent of re-
marking that the plan was "Atrely
undemocratic." Let us hope that
these persons are not hiding ,her
true emotions behind a bold front
of language. I have no diffleouty
in- imagining such words to be the
frothy essence of a d'eep feeling
shared by some coeds that nobody
is going to tell then whet to go t6
May I say that the Army's regular
eating, sleeping and studying rou-
tine is not of any detriment or har=
to us. We are the ASTP men and
we aren't missing anything after



A COLUMN, they keep telling us, is like Ai
things reasonable and proper, it must have
a beginning.. There must be at the beginning,
they keep saying, an indelible statement of'
p6licy, a key to th author's immediate 'and.
rnfraculotis insight 'and a pre'face to the things
he is to SAY'.
We are fightened, in general, by prefaces
and we have no policy beyond an indifferent
dedication of omtselves to trivia.
We are the older generation of Ann Arbor-
itet, we are the last of the "college boys"-
frstatnd in primatVlsmn and steeled in the
petfectonit degeneracy of Ann Arbor pro-
We have become only a parcel of pigeons. We
havejoined the cultivating, the dabblers. Es-
captist reminiscen-ces in the nicotine mist and
with the bOwn odor of half -fogdtten, reboiled
Our lives are regular in. their gaiety and de-
noucement. Regular, in the hopeless irregularity
of abstraction.
Very much known by the book tores and
recognized by the Dean of Won en, there's
an English Professor who calls us by our first
Looked for at ten. o'clock by a soda fountain
clerk, much appreciated as the hundred and '
fifth consecutive consumer of chocolate do-nuts
and black coffee.
-TlW THE CAMPUS "Artist" in the
delta-minus humility of oukind. We pamp-
er our lent gifts and yet our own dead children-
typewriter on yellow paper-are beginning decay
in a brown University room-peaked ceiling.
Thteyare amole testimony to the decadent dis-
sipation of dur expression.'
A senior now, in Ann Arbor, with one more
semester to go, we have learned to rather enjoy
our enforced defermity.
We wear blue satin underwear and drink su-
matra perfume. We are the last of the college
boys. Our column head is taken from Elliot's
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," from a
rather obscure reference to;
"Sleepless nights in one-night cheap hotels
Sawdust Restaurants with oyster shells."
We are the last of the lost souls, the last of
the college boys, and it's all "Sawdust and
Oystershells," "Hock and Sodawater," and we're
just a "parcel of Pigeons."
ately not impossible situatio. Both generals
are great men in their field. It is possible that

-Pvt. Johy C. Gustafsou
(Editor's Note: whether or not the
ASTP is "missing anything" after
11:0, the fact remains that University
coeds, who did not believe themselves
.to be, living under Army discipline;,
have every right to object to an arbi-
trary plan in the formation of which
they had no voice.)

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TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 1943
VOL LIV No. 13
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to- the-Office of the
President in typeWritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its- publiec-
tion, except on Saturday when. the Ao-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, Fo6-
estry, Music, and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by Dec. 1. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate' official in their school with
Room 4 U.H., where it will be trans-
Rlobert L 6,W iiams,.
Assistant Registrar
Job Registration- will be held in
Room 205 Mason Hall today at 4:15
p.m. This applies to February, June
! and August graduates, also to grad-
uate students or staff members who
wish to register and who. will be
available for positions within the
next year. The Bureau has two place-
ment divisions: Teacher Placement
and General Placement. The Gen-
eral Division includes service to peo-
ple seeking positions in business, in-
dustry, and professions other than
.It is important to register NOW
because employers are already ask-
ing for February and June graduates.
-There is no fee for registration.
University Bureau of Apwoltments
and Occupational Information

18, at 8:30 p.m. Will Rogers, Jr., will'
speak on "The United States in For-
eign Affairs." Single admission tick-
ets will be on sale on Wednesday and
Thursday at the Hill Auditorium box
Men requiring special permission to
attend are advised to consult their
company commanders or battalion
Academic Notices
History 11, Group I, Section 5 will
meet in Room 229 A.H.
Preston W. Slosson

Psychology 31 make-up
tion will be held tonight,'
in Room 1121 N.S.


Physical Education for Women:
Upperclass women wishing instruc-
tion in fencing and badminton should
report on Tuesday, Nov. 16, at 8:30
p.m. at Barbour Gymnasium.
Badminton Class will meet tonight
at 8:30 in Barbour Gym. Players
must come dressed for active play
and provide their own birds. Rac-
quets may be rented at the Gym.
Faculty Recital: Wassily Besekir-
sky, violinist, and Joseph Brinkman,
pianist, will be heard in the second
program of a series of three recitals
by members of the School of Music
faculty, at 4:15 Sunday afternoon,
Nov. 21, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. Professors Besekirsky and Brink-
man have arranged a program com-
prising the three sonatas for violin
and piano by Brahms. It will be open
to the general public without charge.
MA~ -- - - - A-1

lent are eligible for membership. All
servicemen are welcome.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraiteMnl y
will have a chapter meeting tonigt
at 8:00 in room 306 of the Union.-
Members from other chanters are
Members of JGP Booths Comnmik-
tee: Meeting today at 4:30 ~.i
the League. Everyone who wishesto
work on stamp and bond booths this
semester should be present.
Worhen Students: The Nursks'Aide
Class will begin tonight iri Couzen's
Hall at 7:00.
Interviewing for Central Posits
on Child Care, Girl Scout am dGirl
Reserve Committee today, 3:30:30
p.m., in the undergraduate office of
the League. The positions to be
filled are Chairman of Foster Pr-
ents, Chairman of Girl Suts,
Chairman of Girl Reserves, Chair-
man of Playgrounds, Chalinnn of
Publicity, , and Chairman of Ideas
and Organization.
Christian Selence Organf tkif
meets tonight at 8:15 in the Mich -
gan League Chapel.
The Bihliophile section of the la-
ulty Women's Club will meet today
at 2:30 p.m. at the home of. Mr's.
Ralph H. Curtiss, 1106 S. Forest Ave,
Coming Events
The Sociedad HIspanica will miteet
on Wednesday, Nov. 17, at &A:D0O.M.l
in the League. There will be s ,
games, an exhibition of photographs,
and refreshments. Everybody We-

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