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November 02, 1943 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-02

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VOL. LIV, No. 1


Acute Housing

ssumes War
by Colleges,







Faces Many Coeds

Women Will
Have Rooms,
But Crowded
Temporary Quarters
Are Set Up in WAB
Jordan Council Room
Although the housing facilities for
women at the University are greater
',han they were last year, Dean Alice
Lloyd states that there is a serious
bousin shortage because, "It looks
as if more girls are staying in college.
And more are coming."
The figures are not available now,
but it is estimated that the class of
freshman women will be the largest
the University has ever had. In re-
cent years the number of freshman
women entering the from high school
has been about 700, but it is thought
there will be over 800 women this
In an effort to find rooms for wo-
men the University has conducted a
house-to-house canvas in Ann Arbor.
With the dormitories completely
filled or overflowing, Betsey Barbour
and Helen Newberry Houses have
bee forced to convert at least fif-
teen single rooms into double rooms,
while Stockwell has made 26 single
rooms into doubles. Although Stock-
6ell Hall is filled to capacity, Mrs.
°'House Directof -sates thast
ser, there ls no housinig shortag7"
However, osher-Jordan and Stock-
well are understaffed and have com-
bined forces with all three dormitor-
ies taking meals at Stockwell.
As a temporary arrangement a
nxinber of freshman women have
been living in the Women's Athletic
Building Amtil their rooms can be
made ready in the former fraternity
houses where they are to live. Also
temporary is the quartering of five
girls in the council room of Jordan
In addition to the dormitories and
league houses used last year, six
firernity houses have been apro-
pjaed for women. These houses are:
aamda Chi Alpha, Delta Tau Delta,
igina Phi, Phi Sigma Delta, Kappa
tind Phi Gamma Delta. The hous-
~have been renamed as, respective-
W, Day House, Geddes House, Ingalls
House, Washtenaw House, Zimmer-
man House and Hill House. Sigma
Ielt, the new sorority which was es-
tablished on campus last year, has
tiken over the former Alpha Tau
Omega fraternity house.
Dean Lloyd condemned as "un-
grounded" the assertion by Detroit
newspapers that 400 girls have been
rejected after meeting University re-
quirements because of a lack of ac-
commodations. On the contrary the
1Fean of Women says, "We have had
i, difficult time in placing the girls,
lut so far we have been able to take
care of the ones who wrote ahead for
places to stay."
U se 'A' Cards
,All students at the University of
Michigan, including campus service-
men, may not own, operate, or ride
In an 'automobile while school is in
session without first gaining special
permission from the Dean of Stu-
One exception is allowed in that a
student may ride in an automobile
when it is being driven by a member
of his immediate family and the rul-
ing is non-effective only during such
vacation periods as are so announced
in the' "Daily Official Bulletin.".,

Students are qualified to apply for
special driving privileges if they are
over twenty-six years of age, part-
time students receiving credit for
not more than eight hours a term, or
tiints with the faculty rating of

University Plays Host
To 2,500 Enlisted Men
Army Khaki, Navy Blue, and Marine Green
Blend To Give Campus Military Atmosphere

The O' Place Will Never Be the Same

The Army and Navy men stationed
on campus, numbering more than
2,500, have by now become as much a
part of the University as the housing
The military units are as varied as
they are interesting. Virtually every
department in the University has
been utilized by the Army and Navy
for military training.
JAGS Are Veterans
Veteran service unit on the cam-
pus is, the Judge Advocate General's
School, which has been quartered in
the spacious Law Quadrangle since
September, 1942.. Consisting at first
solely of training for officers, the
school was augmented June 1 with
the establishment of the first offic-
er's candidate class in the history of
the Judge Advocate General's De-
Observes War Abroad

For the first time in the his-
tory of his presidency, President
Alexander G. Ruthven is not on
hand to greet the freshman class.
President Ruthven is now in Eng-
land studying educational trends
in wartime there. He is expected
back on campus sometime in the
next month or two.
Students May,
Obtain Awards,
The opportunity for full or partial
financial aid is available to every de-
serving Michigan student in the
form of scholarships and awards
sponsored by the various schools and
organizations at the University.
Alumnae chapters throughout the
state recommend .entering students
for Michigan Alumni Undergraduate
Scholarships; these may be renewed
each year upon satisfactory cqmple-
tion of the term's work.
Rackham Scholarships Available
All men entering the University
may apply to the Horace H. Rack-
ham Fund for an undergraduate
scholarship amounting to $500 a
Four women's dormitories offer
scholarships to deserving coeds. Ap-
plications are made for the Martha
Cook, Betsy Barbour, Helen New-
berry and Adelia Cheever scholar-
ships at the Dean of Women's office,
Barbour Gym.
Women Only May Apply
To junior and senior women who
have been prominent in extra-cur-
ricular activities, two Ethel A. Mc-
Cormick scholarships are granted.

partment, with 85 accredited lawyers
drawn from the enlisted ranks. Stu-
dents in the Law Quad now total a
new high of almost 200 men.
Company A of the 3651st Service
Unit arrived at the University in
January and began marching to
classes from their quarters in the
Union. In February, the East Quad-
rangel,. University men's dormitory,
was evacuated by its erstwhile occu-
pants and turned into barracks for
theunit, which moved over from the
Sing As They March
Another group quartered in the
East Quad is that of the Army Air
Forces Technical Training Command
meteorology school. These men, who
arrived in March, created unexpect-
ed diversion for the remaining civil-
ian students on campus by singing
on their marches to and from class.
The meteorology school will be leav-
ing the University at the end of this
month. A third of the group left last
Last contingent to add to the kha-
ki complexion of the East Quad was
a group of more than 100 men in the
A1rnjy pBei alzed Tainiug Program
in engineering. These men arrived
in April.
Meds, Dents Don Uniforms
At the close of the spring semester,
medical and dental students at the
University were also placed in uni-
form. The men in these schools re-
signed their commissions in the Ar-
my Medical Corps, were enrolled in
the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps
and were inducted at Fort Custer.
The freshmen students in these
schools were also recently inducted
into the Corps. The men are living
in Victor Vaughan House, former
Medical men's dormitory.
The Navy program, which is now
beginning its second semester at the
University, is composed of former
students of the Navy College Training
Program, selected high school grad-
uates and marine reservists. More
than 1,500 men were brought to the
University under this program and
are quartered in the West Quad-
Taste Campus Life3
Classes began last July 12 for the1
1,100 men in the ASTP Language
Area and Engineering groups. The'
Language Area men, numbering more
than 250, are housed in Fletcher Hall
and various fraternity houses on
campus. The remaining men in the'
ASTP are studying various engineer-
ing courses, both basic and advanced,'
and are also quartered in fraternity
houses. A group of ASTP reservists
recently arrived at the University.;
These seventeen-year-old ROTC stu-;
dents aretaking practically the same.
course of study as the other ASTP
Hopwoods Open
Road to Fame
Hopwood awards - a familiar
phrase on campus-have through
the years contributed greatly to the
literary fame of the University and
the encouragement of creative writ-
ing at Michigan.
Under the terms of the will of
Avery Hopwood, prominent Amen-
ran dramatist and member of the
class of '05, one-fifth of the Hop-,
wood estate was set aside and given
to the Board of Regents for the en-
courangement of creative work in
The bequest states, "It is espec-

-Daily Photo by Cpl, R. L. Lewin, 3651st S.U.. Co. A
Five Sigma Delt's are caught in the act of converting the once
"manly" Alpha Tau Omega house into a domicile befitting for 26
pretty coeds. Standing are Molly Winokur, '44, vice-president; Sally
Ragir, '44, wielding the, paint brush; and Beverly Wittan, '46, holding
the paint. In the foreground Jean Pines, '46 and Fay Bronstein, 45,
treasurer, settle down for a little scrub duty.

Civilians Can End
Dental, Medical, Education Schools
Train Servicemen in War Programs
After almost two years of war, a
H ealth Service difficult period of transition accom-
panied by an influx of servicemen,
Cures Students changed living conditions,'and a re-
vamped curriculum, the University
has assuied a definite wartime
Aches to Toes complexion.
Hardly a school remains un
Institution Strives changed under the impetus of War
n uttime acceleration.
First To Keep Campus The College of Education is train.
Community Healthy ing servicemen who are planning to
teach physical education at various
Got a stomach ache? Stub a toe? schools and Army camps throughout
Then the University Health Service is the contry. The College of Dentis-
the place for which you are loking. try, like the School of Medicine, has
the placenforhitu n you maren ing. 'speeded up its courses for both civil
This institution is maintained to ians and men in uniform so' that the
treat those students afflicted with students are now completing a hoi
anything from a cut finger to appen- dyear academic course in less than
dicitis and to see that a healthy stu- three calendar years The lSOO t
dent remains that way. Business Administration is oc9tin-
New students make their first con- ing its courses in secretarial training
tact with the work of the Health initiated last year for men in the
Service when they-undergo the com- Army, Navy and Marines.
plete physical examination which is The architecture schol is made
compulsory before they may be finally up almost entirely of Uncle Bam's
accepted by the University. The men. The enrollment in the College
Health Service proper is first en- of Law is decimated, so far .as civJl
countered and all of its services ex- ians are concerned. The College of
plained when the student reports at Literature, Science and the Arts Is
the building to be X-rayed. to all purposes a woman's institution
Infirmary Gives General Services now.
The Health Service maintains an Army Takes Over
infirmary which is equipped to give Students are no .longer surprised
general and special services. Within by the sight of uniformed men
certain limits, complete-free-medical marching to 'classes.
care is available to all students. This The Judge Advocate General's
care includes 30 lays of bed care and School, quartered in the Law Quad-
special emergency surgical opera- rangle, was the first service unit to
tions. All treatment and services are invade the campus on. June 1, 194.
in the hands of thoroughly trained In January of 1943 the 3651st ISer-
persons only and student patients vice Unit arrived and was followed
are not used as clinical subjects for by the Army Air Forces meteorology
medical instruction or experiments, training program and the Army-Spe~
Appointments Given cialized Training Program in Engi-
Although regular office hours cor- neering. Last to arrive (but not
respond to those of classes, appoint- least) was the Navy, when sortie
ments are given for special services, 1,150 bluejackets and maines moved
and physicians are always on call in to add to the 250 NROTC cadets
for service in student rooms. Spe- already here.
cial part-time nurses reside in the The University men's living quar-
women's dormitories. Charges are ters were appropriated piece by piece
made for special nursing, some Uni- for the servicemen. The spacious
versity Hospital service, glasses, some Law Quadrangle was taken imme
drugs, physicians' room calls, non- diately by the JAGD. Last February
emergency operations, 'and other the East Quadrangle was evacuated
elective services. by its erstwhile occupants and turned
Freshmen again come in contact into barracks for servicemen. Still
with the Health Service when they more civilian students had to make
attend a series of six lectures and way when the West Quadrangle was
take a written examination upon partly occupied by the Army and
completion of the lectures later entirely taken over by the
Excuses for absence from classes Navy. Final casualties were the fra-
are always of interest to freshmen ternity houses, seven of which have
or otherwise and consequently con- been taken over by women. .Seven
stitute a "problem" for the Health more are being used as men's res-
Service which has been solved by the dence halls, and three others are
practice of issuing only statements of being used for different purposes.
fact relative to confining illnesses Social Activities Suffer
of which there is a record. Student University social life is strictly
statements are not transmitted. curtailed. Gone are the fraternity
Students should not hesitate to house parties (along with most of
make full use of Health Service the fraternities), the big dances with
facilities. Skillfully trained physic- name bands, many Union functions
ians, and technicians are available and the privilege of having guests in
at all times. the dormitories. It's "all work and
Not only treatment, but advice no play" for students now.
and consultations may be obtained Michigan sports have not as' yet
at the Health Service itstlf. Many become a war casualty. The Wol.
students have been able to remain verines were, unexpectedly streng-
in school and at the same time ob- thened by the addition of seven for-
tain the medical attention they re- mer Wisconsin grid players includ
quire. Continued on Page 3, Col. 5

II * * E

* * *

Paackrn' Coeds
Take Over. Fraternity House

For the first time in the history of
the University of Michigan, -sorority
girls are legitimately living in a fra-
ternity house.
"An Ann Arbor taxi driver was
quite perturbed last week when we
told himrwe were living in the Alpha
Tau Omega fraternity house," Bar-
bara Gray, '45, said yesterday.
Alumni Are Perturbed
Alpha Tau Omega alumni were
even more perturbed when they drop-
ped in at their house before the Min-
nesota game and were greeted by
shrieks as several scantily-clad coeds
scurried to the relative privacy of the
second floor.
Even the postman wondered at the
quantity of ,mail addressed to such
seemingly feminine Barbaras, Jeans
and Bettys.
ATOs Join Acacia
"The reason is simple," Bev Wittan,
46, explained. "The ATOs remain-
ing on campus have moved to the
Acacia house and have rented their
own house for the duration to Sigma
Delta, our local sorority, formed last
"Butch," the ATO dog, could not
get used to the change either. For i
few days he insisted on entering t he
house and sleeping in the library.
When the girls told him to go to
Acacia, he looked at them forlornly
because he didn't know where Acacia
Coeds Fuel Fire
The first problem confronting the
girls was the furnace. With no
strong-armed fraternity men to
shovel the coal, the duty fell on two
of the more able bodied coeds.,

rarily unoccupied, five of the girls,
attired in blue jeans, went to work
with a bang and several scrub
brushes and washed the walls, sinks,
mirrors, showers, floors, etc., of the
bathroom. As one girl put it, "We
didn't mind cleaning anything but
the 'etc'."
New Paint Hastens Conversion
Converting the masculine upstairs
of the fraternity into a sorority house
had them stumped for a while until
one girl discovered a new easy-to-
apply cover-all paint which was as
simple to use as leg makeup.
When asked how she liked living
in a fraternity house, Marge Salz-
man, '45, president of the sorority,
speaking for the girls, replied:
"I should have done this years


Greeks Change Modes for Duration


The Greeks are moving together.
Remaining members of the cam-
pus's 36 social fraternities have had
to revamp their style of living in face
of the war situation.
At the present time the few houses
still operating are curtailing their
social' activities and cooperating with
each other to meet the room scar-
city. "Any rivalry between existing
houses has rapidly diminished," one
fr'nani c'nA "Oifanlfl VV-flf. faf

Theta, which is filled to capacity,
and Theta Delta Chi.
Eight members of Theta Chi are
living together in a rooming house
and plan to rush this fall although
they do not have a house.
Due to dwindling membership 11
of the fraternities have relinquished
their houses to members of the Army
Specialized Training Program and
14 have leased their houses to the
University 'for the duration as dor-,

houses of Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha
Rho Chi, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Psi,
Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Upsilon,
Kappa Sigma, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi end Sigma
Phi Epsilon fraternities. Alpha Tau
Omega has leased their house to Sig-
ma Delta, local sorority.
Sigma Alpha Mu, Delta Tau Delta
and Sigma Phi who had originally
planned to reopen this fall have
changed their plans. Other houses

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