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November 02, 1943 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-02

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TUESDAY, NOV. 2, 1943


Than 1,100 Soldiers Are Enrolled in ASTP Program Her(


Army Best
InCluded in
Progra ms
Engineering, European
Languages Included
In Soldier Program
More than 1,100 men are studying
engineering and languages at the
University at the present time under
the Army Specialized Training Pro-
The first group of Army engineers,
now numbering more than 900, ar-
rived on campus early in April to
take the 12-week course. These men
are studying civil, mechanical, elec-
trical and chemical engineering. Spe-
cial emphasis is placed on the prac-
tical aspects of the subjects.
ASTP Courses Are Tough
Courses in the engineering college
studied by ASTP students are con-
sidered on a par with, or as more
advanced than, the regular Univer-
sity engineering courses, according to
a statement recently issued by the
Army Advisory Committee.?
Under the ASTP academic pro- si
gram, the engineering trainees put
in 25 hours per week of classroom
and laboratory work plus an equal
number of periods of supervised
study, Each week'sroutine includes
six hours of physical and five hours'
of military training. These men are
quartered in the East Quad and in
various fraternities on campus.
Languages Are Studied
The remainder of the men in the
ASTP are studying virtually every
modemnEuropean language under the
Language Area Program. All menj
selected for these courses already
have a speaking knowledge of the
language they are studying, and have
an advanced classification in the
ASTP. A large number of the men
have lived abroad in the countries
whose languages they are studying.E
The language studenrs arc quar-
tered in Fletcher Hall and in various
fraternities on campus. Their sched-
ule of study and drill is similar to
that of the engineering trainees.
Although aptitude was the main
consideration in choosing the men for
the ASTP, attention was also paid to
such qualities as leadership, intelli-
gence, knowledge of a specific and
demonstrated skill and cooperation
and ability to work with others.
Although graduation from ASTP
does not carry with it a commission,
the graduates of ASTP are usually
excellent candidates for OCS. Con-
tinuation in ASTP courses depends
on the student's ability to pass a se-
ries of progressive tests coming at,
various phases of the training period. pat

Army Engineers

Take Time

Out for a


JAG School
Is Veteran of
Campus Units
Grandsire of the Army units on
campus is the Judge Advocate Gen-
; ral's School, which came to the Uni-
versity a year ago and was stationed
;n the Law Quad.
More than 70 officer candidates
and 23 officers began trainig Sept.
5 as members of the 3rd Officer Can-
didate and 13th Officer Training
Classes respectively. In addition to
the new classes, the 2nd OC Class
ind the 12th Officer's Class are al-
most completed with the four month
The JAG School is the only one
)f its kind in the country. With cer-
tain minor exceptions, the course of
the candidates and officers are simi-
?ar. Emphasis is on military training
and discipline as well as on military
justice, military affairs, claims and
An additional month was recently
added to the candidate program to
permit addition of a course in mili-
tary government. The course has
also been expanded in study of staff
functions, and more time is devoted
to subjects that were minimized pre-
viously because of the pressure of
For the candidates, as Col. Robert
Young, Commandant of the School
aatea in his orientation talks, the
:eward of successful accomplishment
is a commission as second lieutenant,
!with possible recommendation for
immediate promotion to the rank of
First lieutenant. Efficiency ratings
end choice assignments await com-
pletion of the officer's course, Colonel

Four WACs1
Invade Campus.
Women To Answer
Enlistment Questions
The WACs are no longer rumors
or recruiting posters on campus.
A captain and three lieutenants
have recently been assigned to duty
at the University. Capt. Mary C.
Martin and 2nd Lt. Billie L. Murray
reported recently and have been as-
signed for duty to the Military Jus-
tice and Military Affairs Depart-
ments for training purposes in the
Judge Advocate General's School.
They will take' part of the academic
course and act as liaison officers on
WAC questions.
Lt. Katherine B. James has been
named assistant adjutant and Lt.'
Marjorie S. Sturges has been ap-
pointed assistant personnel officer.
Both Lt. Sturges and Lt. James have
been on campus since Sept. 7.
A graduate of Lincoln College,
Springfield, Ill., and an assistant at-
torney general of the State of Illinois
for Sangamon County, Capt. Martin
is a graduate of the OS at Des
Moines, Iowa, in October 1942, where
she also was instructor at the firstL
WAC Training Center.
Prior to coming here Capt. Martin
was staff judge advocate in the Of-
fice of the Director of the WAC in
Washington, D.C. In 1936 she held
the title of world's champion stenog-
rapher, with a record of taking dic-
tation at 300 wofds per minute and
typing 96 words per minute.

Are Good
Officer Candidates
Lose Their Sleep over
Extra Bed in Room
If anyone believes that student
Officers ,of the Day at the Judge
Advocate General's School are not
faithful in their after midnight in-
spections, this story should put him
"Lieut. Collins," queried Cand.
Funk of the 2nd OC recently, "Is it
possible to have the extra bed re-
moved from my room?"
"What extra bed?"
"Well, Cand. Rosentreter and I
room in N-21 and some tine ago a
third bed was put into our room.
But no one has moved in and the
bed continues without an occupant.
We wouldn't have minded so much,
although we thought it a funny
place to store a bed, if it wasn't for
the Officer of the Day."
"What has he got to do with it?"
"We can't sleep, that's all, sir. We
study hard until taps and then we
can't sleep."~
"That's a good one," Lt. Collins
laughed, "You have an extra bed and
you can't sleep."
"Yes sir, that's right," interjected
Cand. Rosentreter, who no longer
could keep quiet. "Those d OD's
have been so conscientious that every
night for the last two weeks they
have awakened us to ask where is
the guy who sleeps in the third bed!"


Students studying engineering at the University under the Army Specialized Training Program are
[hown here at a demonstration-lecture. The men in this program are studying all types of engineering.
they are -quartered in the East Quad and in vario us fraternities on campus.
P*n* l*r
Potto eelng s ireamhi~e o ar Too

Young said.

Have a Coca-Cola =Welcome, Short-Snorter
, cl'i_ _ _ _ _

Pictured above is one of 70 Japanese men who h ave been sent to Ann Arbor from relocation centers
in Arkansas and Utah to alleviate the help shortage here. He is being assisted at the age-old task of
ato peeling by a University student.


.. from family fireside to far-lungfronts
When short-snorters (trans-ocean flyers) meet and compare
t heir autographed dollar bills, the invitation Have a "Coke" is
fairly sure to follow. At home and abroad Coca-Cola has become
a symbol of those who' se things in a friendly light.
331 South Ashley

194 Navy Men, Marines To Leave for Active Duty

In a mass exodus, 24 graduating who will receive further training are
NROTC cadets, approximately 130! Bill Daley, former Minnesota grid
bluejackets, and 40 marines are star and potential All-American, and
scheduled to leave at various times strvndpreglAl,Amesichan
during the next week for active duty Mervin Pregulman, famous Michigan
and further training, while about 260 grid center. The group of marines
naval recruits are to arrive Nov. 1 leaving for officer candidate's school
The 24 cadets were graduated Oct. at Parris Island, S.C. includes other,
23 with a formal review at South star Michigan football players: Cap-
Ferry Field which was a part of the tain Paul White, winner of three let-
regular Saturday morning drill. ters in football; Robert Stenberg;
Eleven of these graduates received Jim Holgate; and Leonard Naab.
commissions as ensigns, and all will Remaining at their studies here are
go on, some kind of active duty, sub- approximately 225 NROTC cadets
ject to their choice. When asked to who have not reached the senior
state their preference, most of the level. The Reserve Corps will be in-
cadets requested small ship duty al- creased in number next March when
though several wanted submarine all V-12 men are eligible for transfer
duty. These men, students enlisted to this group.
in the Naval Reserve Training Pro- About 260 "raw boots", the Navy's
gram, have been here at the Univer- term for new recruits, are slated to
sity for several years, as distin- arrive Nov. 1 to begin the routine of
guished from the bluejackets who calisthenics, muster, mess, and in-
arrived July 1. spection. Some of these recruits
Among the departing bluejackets were regular enlisted personnel, oth-
Men of 1944
When downtown drop in and give us a visit -
always a pleasure to show you our merchandise.

ers are

transfers with advanced from high schools, having passed the
while a number are coming Navy tests given April 20.

1943 The C-C Co,


Your Daiy Paper
You light up a cigarette, unfold your newspaper
and the news of the world unfolds before your
eyes. You depend on the printed word to keep
you up to the minute on everything that counts.
And smokers depend on Chesterfield
for everything that counts in a ciga-
rette. Their Right Combination of the

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