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November 13, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-13

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U.S. Establishes Geological
Office on U. of M. Campus

Reds Find Devastation in Streets of War-Torn Orel

Improved Health Instruction
Discussed in State Conference

As a part of its nationwide pro-
gram to augment diminishing petro-
leum reserves in the United States,
the Geological Survey, U. S. Depart-
ment of Interior, has established an
office in the Department of Geology,
*t the University of Michigan.
The local office will conduct geo-
lQgic research for possible additional
oil-producing areas in Michigan. It
is one of several projects being und-
erttken by the Survey in states where
new supplies of petroleum may -be
obtained. State Geological Surveys,
the oil and gas industry, and univer-
sities are collaborating in furthering
the national program.
"The possibilities of discovering
npW oil supplies in Michigan are
promising. Our aim is to discover
football Ticket
Resale Is Today
Travel Desk in Union
To Exchange Tickets
4 ticket resale desk for today's
fotbatpll gam~e will be open today
S om 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at: the Travel
besk in the lobby of the Union.
All regular tickets can be ex-
6anged except faculty, student and
"*" Club tickets. Persons unable to
atten4 the game or in possession of a
W extra tickets may bring them to
e desk where the Resale ervIce
wil attempt to dispose of them at
the price for which they 'sell.'
Persons who make use of the serv-
ice will be given a receipt for the
tickets they turn in and these should
be returned to the Union Student
.Offices before Nov. 27, and the money
or tickets will be sent to the owner.
The Union conducts this service
free of charge to facilitate the ex-
changing of tickets.



areas, through the study of geologic
formations, that are favorable for the
occurance of oil in commercial quan-
tities," George V. Cohee, from the
Geological Survey in Washington,
stated. "The need for new fields is
great, as our present oil reserves are
being depleted faster than reserves
in new fields are being found. Our
primary concern is to make all pos-
sible Igeologic studies that will aid
in the discovery of new supplies of
oil needed for the present emerg-
These petroleum studies in Michi-
gan, whichtre just getting underway,
are being carried on in collaboration
with the State Geological Survey and
the University Department of Ge-
ology. Prof. K. K. Landes, chair-
man of the department, is associated
with Mr. Cohee in the Michigan
study. The University provided of-
fice and laboratory space for this
Michigan project.
The studies will consist of an ac-
cumulation of data to be used in the
preparation of maps showing strati-
graphic sections, thickness of oil
producing formations, and margins
of possible producing zones. Their
objectve is the delimiting of broad
areas'fvorable for ol production.
Results of the studies are to be re-
leased a soon as possible through
feal and state geological surveys.
The j rbgran supplements other ge-
olb c work by the Michigan Geologi-
c, 0,rvey and t ie oil and gas in-
dtstry of the 'State.
Chu rch Groups
W il Feature
Student Parties
A hay ride, parties, an open house,
worship services, and regular Sun-
day meetings will be included in the
week end activities of student church
Main social attraction at the Wes-
le Fondation will be the hay ride
to be held at 9 p. m. today. Students
W,ia, retumnto te k'oundation for an
dfnima'party,:adat 5 P m. tomor-
0r thl'a'r;; gielar' fellowship, dinner
wilLabetadi a;
The Congregational-Disciples group
°13 v ~p.9sler at 7 . m.
n1is esOhi eaa' R der Paul'-
wo. 1i ~i r 4 yers'
"rintf"r fd by th Jap-
anese for a short tiie, Dr. Paul re-
Iturfed to th1 United States about a
year agox on. the 'Grispholm. The
meeting will be held at the Congre-
g' 4Qpallburh, corner of IS State
and E. William Inaddition to his
taII tgmorr6w evening, Dr. Paul will
alo is a at'te iMeinorial Christian
'lircnh in the morning, and will re-
main here for four days.
Presbyterian students will hold
their regular Saturday night party at
9 p. m. today with games and danc-
ing planned for the affair. At 6 p. m.
tomorrow students will meet for a
fellowship dinner and a service.
Activities for the Baptist students
this week end include an open house
at 8:30 p. m. today at the Guild
House, a Bible Study at 10 a. m.
tomorrow, led by Mrs. Guy Orcutt
and a discussioiof the race problem
to be led by Mr. Williams of the Dun-
bar Center at 7 p. m. tomorrow. Prof.
Le,*oy Waterman of the Department
of Oien'tal Languages will speak at
the church services at 11 a. m. to-
morrow in celebration of the "Men in
Missions Sunday."
Members of Gamma Delta, Mis-
souri Lutheran, will meet for their
regular morning service at 11 a. m.
tomorrow in. their new chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, and at x:30 p. m. for
their regular fellowship dinner and


That many teachers in Michigan
favor the establishment of 'an In-
ternational Office of Education, was
revealed in a poll taken'by Dean
James B. Edmonson, of the School
of Education.
Dr. Edmonson asked ten questions
of 200 experienced teachers convened
here for an Educational Conference
this summer and obtained their opin-
ions on permanent world peace and
the role of education in maintaining
These Michigan teachers strongly
favored an international office of ed-
ucation, such as proposed by the Ed-
ucational Policies Commission. This
office would serve as a "great center
and clearinghouse for studies and
data on education subjects" and plan
for educational reconstruction.
On the whole, the teachers col-'
sulted showed optimism in the iiflu-
ence of education on peace plans,'
the poll indicated. Dr. Edmonson's
question relating to this issue was:
"How much confidence do you have
in world-wide education as a major
means of insuring permanent
peace? The replies were:,;'None, 2
percent; some, 32 percent; much,
34 percent; very much, 22 percent.
However, 59 percent were doubt-
ful that "binding agreements regard-

ing major educational objectives
fering greatly in religion, political
theory, social structure, economic
well-being, and national ambition."
Replying affirmatively was a 21 per-
centage. Dr. Edmonson commented,
"Some of the replies to later ques-
tions would suggest that teachers be-
lieve that the importance of these
differences could be minimized
through appropriate education."
A 90 percent majority decided that
"the organized teaching profession be
aggressively active in the .promotion
plans for permanent world peace
through education."
Of immediate significance, Dr.
Edmonson felt, was the fact that
57 percent of the teachers thought
that Axis schools should be under
the direction of education repre-
sentatives of the Allied Nations
until peace programs of education
are established.
That the teachers feel that they
Vould face a v'e'ry hostile public if
they'attempted to teach the equality
of nations was shown by the replies
to and another question. Twenty-
one percent of the teachers wrote
that there would probably be strong
oppositio 'i0 their communities .if
.themre' l l t thlie United
States Want ohe 'o the very su-
perior nations." A percentage of 56
could be secured among nations dif-

thought that there would be some
opposition; 6 percent approval; 17
percent no objection.
An emphatic majority, 94 percent,
desired the United States to join a
union of nations, if one be formed
after the war. Eighty-three percent
were favorable to including Germany,
Italy, and Japan in this union within.
a few years after the war.
The majority of those questioned
had little confidence in any measure
for maintaining peace exceptrthose
that were backed by the force of
arms. Thirty-nine percent were not
skeptical of that means of securing
War in China
To Bie Discussed
The regular series of Sunday eve-
ning programs will begin at 7:30 p. m.
tomorrow in the International. Cent-
The program for this week's meet-
ing will be presented by the four,
students who have recently arrived
from China to study engineering
here. They will present a panel dis-
cussion on the war in China, what
they saw of it and the story of their
four months' trip from western China
to the United States.

Wrecked buildings line Krasnoarmeiskaya street in Orel after the Red Army's recapture of the city
last Aug. 5. Orel had been a key stronghold in the German line in Russia. (A.P. Wirephoto)
.Poll Reveals Teachers Support
International Education Office

A panel discussion on the methods
of improving health instruction in
the high schools highlighted the
State conference on the Community
Health Service Project which was
held yesterday in the School of Pub-
lic Health.
Representatives from 19 secondary
schools and health departments par-
ticipated in the conference. which is
the second of a series of conferences
to be held throughout; the state.
Other topics included a discussion
of how the analysis of local health
resources and utilization of commun-
ity agencies could be used for the im-
provement of practical health educa-
tion experiences offered to high
school students.
Sponsored by the Michigan De-
partment of Public Instruction and
the Michigan Department of Health,
the Community Health Service Proj-
ect has functioned for several months
under the guidance of a directing
Conceived as one way of contrib-
uting to the war effort, the project
was offered as an elective course to
999 senior high school students in -26
high schools last semester. Its suc-
cess is vouched for by the fact that
nearly 200 schools in 64 counties have
Group Petitions
Are Due Today
Engineers To Vote for
Class Representatives
All petitions of candidates for rep-
resentatives on the Engineering
Council must be filed in the Office of,
the Dean, West Engineeing Building
by noon, Tuesday.
Engineers will vote Wednesday to
fill the vacancies ini each class and
the elected representatives will serve
until their graduation.
Other officers for the fall term
are: John DeBoer, vice-president;
Dick Drutowsky, treasurer; and Rus-
sell Youngsdahl, secretary.
The signatures of fifteen members
of the candidate's class, qualifica-
tions and past activities should be on
the petitions. Several members of
the Council will be chosen to serve
on the Honor Council.
Anniversary Marked
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. - UP) -
December 7, 1943, the second anni-
versary of the Japanese attack on
Pearl Harbor, is designated "Armed
Services Honor Day" in a joint reso-
lution upon which the Senate com-
pleted legislative action today.

asked for it during the current school
year. The course is also given, a$ a
supplementary pre-induction traihing
study for high school boys.
Included in the course are studies
of local health agencies, community
and school health problems, family
health, and the health professions of
nursing, nutrition, laboratory work.
medicine and dentistry.
Miss Mabel Rugen, member of 'the
committee health service staff' was
the chairman of the panel discussion.
Other participants were Dr. Otto
Engelke, Director of the Washtenaw
County Health Department; Miss
Patricia Walsh, supervising nurse in
the Washtenaw County Health .De-
partment; Dr. Kenneth Caslick,
teacher in the University Dental
School, and Mrs. Flora Brown, former
Secretary of the Washtenav, Tuber-
culosis Association.
Lutherans To
Coyduct Atn 1
Meeting Here
Sister Margaret Fry, deaconess 9f
the Willow Run area, will open "the
annual North Area Conference of
the Lutheran Students AssociatiQn
when she speaks at 7 p. in. toda'y on
"Re-ostruction,".in Zion Parish
Hall, 309 E. Washington.
Representatives from foiur, colleges
and universities will come to Ann'Ar-
bor to attend the seminars and busi-
ness sessions. Bowling Green, ni-
versity, Toledo University, Michigan
State College, and Michigan State
Normal will be included.
After the seminar, the local L. S,. A.
will take over for an evening of rec-
reation to be followed by a los'ing
worship' service.
Sunday's activities will ncintde
Bible worship at 9 a. m. in Lane gball,
to be led by Dr. Carolus P. Harry,
secretary to the Board of Education
of the United Lutheran Church. 'All
representatives will then attend
church services to be followed by din-
ner and a business session.
A seminar on "Churchinanrl ip"
to be led by Dr. Harry will be feld
at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow witha Wor-
ship service based on Psalm 46 con-
cluding the conference.
Kirkbride To Speat '
The Executive Committee of Class
Officer's Council of the University
of Michigan Alumni Association will
meet here at 10 a.m. today.
Walter Kirkbride of Toledo 'will
preside at the meeting.



..' notices for 'the liy Ohical nu '
h ' 16th1are to be sent to the 6fifce of the
President in typeW~rten lofnn by '430
P.m., of the day pretedng its p ipic-
Ion, except n Saturday wihn ,the i-
es should be submitted by 1 :30 aA.
°F Faculty, College of L r reci
and the Arts: Attendea re-
, port.cards are being distributed
hr g the departmental offiees.
Instructors are requested ,to, report
absences of freshmen on green cards,
directly to the Office of the Aca-
demic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall.
Buff cards should be used in report-
iig sophomores, juniors, and seniors
to 1220 Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absen-
s, and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating to absen-
ces are printed on the attendance
ads. They may also be found on.
gage 47 of the' 1943-44 announce-
Inent of our College.
E. A. Walter
(Continued on Page 4)


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.4 Hk '5 r lrk rA'



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