4 attp
SnoQw Flurries
Nazi Armies
Split in Half
By Russians
First Ukrainian Army
Advances from Kiev to
Zhitomir Rail Center
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Nov. 12.- Gen Nik-
olai Vatutin's First Ukrainian Army,
nmoving quickly to cut in two the Nazi
armies of north and south Russia,
drove westward along the main rail-
Way from Kiev to within 15 miles of
Zhitomir today in a direct assault on,
that strategic rail center.
The Red Army, sweeping in a vast
semi-circle from Kiev, captured more
Two Veterans
Out of Badger
Game Today
Kraeger, Hirsch To Be
On Bench in Contest
Against Wisconsin
Only 15.000 fans are expected to
be on hand for today's tilt with Wis-
consin when the Wolverines will at-
tempt to come up on even terms with
idle Purdue in the Western Confer-
ence race by handing the Badgers
their eighth loss in nine starts this
The game, which will be the fifth
home contest of the year, will be the
19th time the two teams have met
since the series began in 192. Michi-
gan has won 13, Wisconsin has won
4, while.one game ended in a tie.
Despite the fact that the Maize and
Blue squad is expected to down the
Badgers :by a large margin, Coach
Harry Stuhldreher of Wisconsin will
enjoy a personal triumph no matter
who wins, for last week seven men
from his great team of last year
started for the Wolverines against
Indiana. Today five, and quite prob-
ably six, former Badgers will start for
the Varsity, and the seventh, Elroy
Hirsch, will probably not see any
action because of an arm injury suf-
fered last week, in the Hoosier game.
It is a tough break for Hirsch not
being able to play today. Not only
was "Crazylegs" pointing for this tilt
to show his former coach just how
(Continued on Page 3)
Servicemen's Feature Staff
Force of 200 Planes
Raid Rabaul Thursday
Carrier and Land-Based Aircraft Down
88 Enemy Interceptors; Allies Lose 17
Associated Press Correspondent
-Navy planes from aircraft carriers and land-based bombers-a raiding
force of more than 200-sank three Japanese warships and damaged 12
others at Rabaul Thursday while the enemy expended 64 planes in four
frantic but unsuccessful attempts to sink the carriers.
An enemy cruiser and two destroyers were sent to the bottom of Ra-
baul's harbor, a cruiser and 11 destroyers were damaged and 24 Japanese
interceptors were shot out of the sky during a massive assault which opened
Wednesday night and extended into Thursday's daylight hours.
Then, as the Naval task force was withdrawing, the Japanese made
their supreme efforts to deliver mortal blows at the carriers. Their medium
bombers and torpedo planes were so consistently cut down by anti-aircraft
of the ships and covering Allied planes that none of the planes in the first
three waves scored a single direct
To hit on the vessels, Headquarters said,
Choral Union Toand the fourth wave never even
reached their target.
General MacArthur's spokesman
Present arsaid light damage was sustained by
some warships but the sea worthi-
Anderson Here ness of none was impaired. There
were minor casualties among the
m i Cnrlopersonnel.
Will Sing Monday t
In Second of Series
Standing, left to right-Pvt. Robert J. Holmes, Co. F; Pfc. Stanley Krenitz, Co. D, Managing Editor;
Pvt. Delore Williams, Co. E; Pfc. Culver Jones, Company G; Pfc. David Lindsey, Co. C; Pvt. Richard
Wolf, Co. B; Lazar Emanuel, Co. D, Editor in Chief; William Matthews, A-12; Cpl. Scott, headquarters
Sitting, left to right--Pvt. Melvin J. Berman, Co. F; Pvt Joseph O'Connor, Co. E; Lt. Catharine
James, WAC; Pfc. Barney Schwartz, Co. D.
* * * * * 4
Soviet forces were reported less
than 40 miles from Zhitomir, vital
rail junction, after capturing Vasi-
)ev (A) in the forked drive on the
region west of Kiev. In the south,
tie Fourth Ukrainian Arn v was
massing for a drive (B) into the
Crimea. (A.P. Wirephoto)
than 100 towns and villages, said the
Moscow Communique, recorded by
the Soviet Monitor. Among, them
were Korostyshev, 15 miles east of
Zhitomir, which is on the north-
south rail line running from Lenin-
grad to Odessa.
The Russians in this most west.
ward thrust of their big offensive
were only 75 miles from the pre-war
Polish border.
Soviet forces were in position for a
direct assault on Zhitomir. They
crossed the Teterev River yesterday
and captured Radomysl, eight miles
up the river from Korostyshev.
German .Forces
Land won Leros
CAIRO, Nov. 12.-(P)-German
forces made a landing on the British-
held Aegean Island of Leros this'
morning and heavy fighting was in
progress with the British and Pro-
Allied Italian garrison fighting side-
by-side to dislodge the attackers.
A number of German landing craft
were destroyed or damaged by the
defenders as several landing parties
were thrown back -into the sea, said
an Allied communique. Others, how-
ever, secured beachholds, and these
"detachments are being dealt with,"
t)c communique added.
Later reports said the fighting had
fa:re c into a grim battle with the
Vritish seeking to oust the Germans
from their main landings at Pasta Di
Sotto and Appetici, both on the
northeast corner of the island.
I)aily Gets ACP
The Daily received notice yester-
6ay that it has been awarded the
Associated Collegiate Press All-
American Pacemaker award for the
tenth time.
Nazi Forces
Near Mignano
Germans Are Figlhting
Tenaciously To Regain
Winter Line' Heights
GIERS, Nov. 12.-(P)-Aided by a,
cold rain in the lower areas and by.
snow in the Apennine Mountains,
German troops are counterattacking
fiercely and continuously in an effort
to regain strategic heights won by
Lt.-Gen. Mark W. Clark's Fifth Army
fighters near Mignano on the en-
emy's strongly-fortified "winter line"
across Italy.
Every Nazi thrust has been thrown
back with losses in killed and cap-
tured, Allied Headquarters reported
today, and Clark's Americans have
pushed on amid the frightful weather
conditions to seize one more com-
manding feature on the slopes of Mt.
Camino near Mignano.
This, however, was the, only Allied
gain reported from yesterday's fight-
ing, which consisted mainly of clash-
es between rival patrols the length
of the 90-mile front.
* *
Allied Bombers Strike
At Italy's Supply Lines
LONDON, Nov. 12.-(A)-With a
brilliant 48-hour burst of coordinated
air power Allied heavy bombers rang-
ing thousands of :miles from both
British and Mediterranean bases
closed a strangling grip today around
the three most important supply
funnels feeding the German armies
embattled in Italy.
In a 1,400-mile round-trip mission,
RAF heavy- bombers last night cross-
ed the whole of Prance to smash the
coastal Riviera railway in the vicinity
of the resort city of Cannes, and in
the preceding daylight Liberators of
the new American Fifteenth Army
Air Force operating from the south
attacked the Antheor Viaduct on the
same rail artery and also near Can-
The special Army page, made up
exclusively of news of the various,
units on camps and written by ser'v-
icemen, will make its first appear-
ance in The Daily tomorrow.
The weekly page will include edi-
torials, gossip columns on each of the
companies,.news stories about mili-
tary events,. announcements and
feature stores. All the details of
make-up and newsplay will be
handled by the servicemen them-
Fifteen Army reporters, represent-
ative of each of the seven companies
on campus, were designated last
Angry Mobs
Riot in Lebanon
Against French
LONDON, Nov. 12.-(MP--The
French Committee of National Lib-
eration, headed by Gen. Charles De-
Gaulle, announced tonight, a few
hours after the British government
urged it to smooth the strife in Le-
banon, that it was sending Gen.
Georges Catroux, Commissioner of
State, to Beirut with full power to
settle the situation.
Disturbances already were flaring
in the streets of Beirut, capital of
Lebanon, a Beirut dispatch report-
ed, saying that French tanks and ar-
mored cars appeared this morning
when angry mobs demonstrated
against the arrest of the Lebanese
president, premier and several cabi-
net members-the immediate spark
of the crisis.
The dispatch said French armed
forces opened fire on the mobs with
machine-guns, killing several civ-
ilians, and that a grenade was hurl-
ed at a tank; which burnt out.
The Committee's announcement:
of Catroux' departure, issued in Al-
giers, was the first official recogni-
tion there of the troubled situation.
week. They are: Raymond Gage,
;T/5, and Jason Horne, T/5, from
Company A; iPvt. Richard: Wolf of
Company B and William Matthews,
ASTP reserve; Pfc. David Lindsey
and Pfc. Thomas Pattison, Company.
C; Pfc. Stanley Krenitz, Pfc. Lazar
Emanuel and Pfc. Barney Schwartz
from Company D; Pvt. Delore Will-
iams and Pvt. Joseph O'Conner from
Company E; Pvt. Melvin J. Berman
and Pvt. Robert J. Holmes from
Company F; Pfc. Culver Jones and
Pfc. Max Raabe from Company G.
Pfc. Emanuel will serve as editor-
in-chief of the page and Pfc. Kren-
itz as managing editor.
Most of the Army reporters have
had previous journalistic experience,
some of them as professional news-
paper men. Pfc. Emanuel is a fort
mer student of New York University
and was editor-in-chief of the NYU
Heights Daily News. He was also an
editor of his high school newspaper.
Pfc. Krenitz attended Ohio State
University and majored in journal-
ism. He held the positions of colum-
nist and news editor on the Ohio
State Lantern and is a member of
Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour-
nalistic fraternity.
Pfc. Emanuel urges all servicemen
who are interested in making con-
tributions to hand in their copy to
their regular orderly rooms or to
their representatives.
Marigny Defies
Murder Jury
Acquitted Count Says
lie Will Stay in Nassau
(A")-Alfred DeMarigny quietly de-
fied today the murder trial jury
which recommended that he be de-
ported from this British colony-and
Campus Servicemen Edit New
Sunday Daily Feature Page
To Discuss
Soviet Army
Capt. Sergei N. Kournakoff will
discuss the strategy of the Red Army
which he has been studying for
almost twenty years, in a lecture at
8 p. m. today in the Rackham Audi-
He fought the Red Army for almost
three years, from the Donetz Basin
to the arid sands of Central Asia,
near the Afghan border. He also
fought as a cavalry subaltern in the
First World War.
He is author of "Savage Squadron"
and "Russia's Fighting Forces," and
has written both technical and pop-
ular articles on the Red Army. His
analysis have proved astoundingly
Capt. Kournakoff has paid with
defeat and exile for a knowledge of
the fighting qualities of the Red
Army. At the time of the Civil War
he knew only that his side was losing.
After the war he made it his business
to understand why this happened.
His family has been identified with
the fighting forces of Russia for sev-
eral centuries. His great-great-
grandfather won the Cross of St.
George at the Battle of Borodino.
Another great-grandfather as a
young naval officer defended the
famous Fifth Bastion during the
Siege of Sebastopol.
He is speaking here under the aus-
pices of the National Council for Am-
erican-Soviet Friendship. Prof. John
F. Shepard is Chairman of the Ann
Arbor branch.
Drivers Enter
Milk DiscuIssion1
DETROIT, Nov. 12.- ()- Milk
drivers made a formal entrance today
in discussions of Detroit's milk short-
age, serving city officials with a "no-
tice of dispute" with creameries and
chargingthe latter with discriminat-
Songs by Hadyn, Brahms, Ralph
Vaughan Williams, as well as Negro
spirituals, will be featured at Marian
Anderson's Choral Union Series re-
cital at 8:30 p. m. Monday in Hill
Among the Brahms Lieder to be
performed by Miss Anderson are,
"Der Selmied" and "Sind es Schmer-
zen, sind es Freuden," while her one
selection from the operatic reportoire
will be the Aria, "Plourez mes yeux,"
from "Le Cid" of Jules Massenet.
The famous spiritual, "Sometimes
X Feel Like a Motherless Child," as
well as "Ride on, King Jesus," "Lord,
I Can't Stay Away," and "Honor,
Honor" will also, be sung by this noted
contralto. -
Educated in both Europe and-Am-
erica, Miss Anderson achieved inter-
national fame when at the Motzar-
teum in. Salzburg in 1935., Arturo
Toscanini upon hearing her sing re-
marked, "A voice like yours is heard
only once in a hundred years."
OCS To Give
Half Recommended
As First Lieutenants
Approximately 60 officer candi-
date members of the 2nd OC Class
received their commissions as sec-
ond lieutenants yesterday in a
graduation parade, and half are be-
ing recommended to Washington as
first lieutenants.
Formal graduation exercises for
both the 2nd Officer Candidate and
12th Officer Classes will take place
at 9:30 this morning in Hutchins
Hall. Maj. Gen. Myron C. Cramer,
the Judge Advocate General, will
make the address and present diplo-
mas to the 95 members of the gradu-
ating classes.
Other guests include Col. Edward
H. Young; Lt. Col. A. W. Rigsby, as-
sistant chief of personnel, Washing-
ton; Col. John F. Davis, General
Service Corps and Dean E. Blythe
Stason of the law school.
In accordance with custom a fare-
well banquet was held last night at
the Allenel Hotel.
Nov. 26 h Date of
Union Blood Bank
The Blood Bank, conducted by the
Union in cooperation with the Am-
erican Red Cross, will be held from
12:30 to 4:15 p. m. Friday, Nov. 26,
in the WAB.
Appointments to donate a pint of
blood may be made by calling 2-5546.
the number of the Ann Arbor chapter
of the Red Cross, from 9 a. mn. to 5
p. M. on week days, and from 9 a. m.
to 12 noon on Saturdays.
Roy Boucher, '45, co-chairman of
the Union War Activities and in
charge of the Blood Bank, urged all
Halsey's Air Force At Work
The heavy smash at the key
stronghold on which Japan's tot-
tering South Pacific hinges was the
work of the airforce of Adm. Will-
iam F. Halsey.
Dauntless divebombers, Avenger
torpedo bombers and land-based
Liberators loosed the new devasta-
tion on Rabaul, protected by Hell-
cat fighters from the carriers.
Land-based fighters covered the
aircraft carriers and their escorting
ships. In all the actions, 17 Allied
planes were lost against the Japan-
ese plane toll of 88. Somne of the Al-
lied pilots were saved.
Photos Show Damages
Aerial photos taken prior to the
new raid-the latest in a series
which have dealt crushing blows,
particularly among the cruisers, .at
Rabaul-showed 23 Japanese war-
ships in Rabaul's harbor just, out-
side Blanche Bay.
-Reconnaissance also brought out
that Japanese aircraft strength,
which was approaching 300 before
this latest assault, had been consid-
erably reduced the following day.
Bougainville Unchanged
In a special statement, General
MacArthur's spokesman said the
"greater part of the Japanese air
effort now apparently is being used
to support the situation on his We-
wak-Rabaul front."
There was no change in the situa-
tion on Bougainville where Marines,
and Army troops have secured a firm
beachhead at Empress Augusta Bay,
260 miles southeast of Rabaul. Japa-
nese positions near the beachhead
took an aerial pounding and Allied
planes continued to render Bougain-
ville's airfields inoperative. °.
(Tokyo Radio has made extensive
claims of sinking several capital
ships, including carriers, in the South
Pacific recently but Navy Secretary
Frank Knox said the Japanese had
not so much as succeeded in putting
a dent in a carrier during the recent
Correspondents' Tent
Struck by Jup Bomb
(Delayed)-()-A Japanese bomber
demolished a war correspondents'
tent at 2:30 a.m., Nov. 7, on Bougain-
ville Island, killing the Australian
writer, Keith Palmer, 37, and wound-
ing four others, among them Rembert
James of the Associated Press.
Palmer, of the Melbourne, Austra-
lia, Herald and Newsweek magazine,
an American publication, was killed
Campus Drive
Navy Sets New Curfew
A 7:15 p.m. curfew for all Naval
V-12 men on campus will go into ef-
fect Monday.
The order, issued by Navy com-
manders here, requires all men to
report back to the West Quadrangle
9:30 p.m. may do so if they first ob-
tain permission from the Battalion
Officer before 4 p.m. or from the,
Duty Officer before 7:30 p.m.
Those trainees doing excellent}
academic work, maintaining an ave- I
at the same time uieari him of the
charge that he murdered hispretty ing against drivers,
wife's father. Sir Harry Oakes. As the situationt
"I'm staying in Nassau," he told plex, Local 83 of t
vcporters who had written about his Workers (CIO) de
22-day trial in the Bahamas Sup- meeting of farmers.
I'('me Court. Iconsumfers to talko
With him as he talked at his Vic- and declared "unec
toria Avenue Cottage was his wife, of milk had permitt
Nancy, radiant with happiness on Russel L. Ballard
the first day of freedom her husband dent, said in a tel
has known since he was arrested Edward J. Jeffries t
July 9. has been "placed atR
DeMarigny showed no sign of wor- tage by the dealersa
r'y about the ousting suggestion from M'lk Producers Asso
the jury. Someone mentioned a re- has to answer to ti
grew more com-
he United Dairy
manded a joint
, distributors and
over the problem
qual distribution"
ted unfairness.
, Local 83 Presi-
egram to Mayor
hat the milkman
I Students and servicemen on cam-
pus have gone over the top of their
original goal of $20,344 in Ann Ar-
bor's Community War Chest Drive.
Walter A. Geske, executive secre-
over Top
- -
an unfair advan- University students to give blood. tary of the Community Fund, re-
and the Michigan He emphasized that "donating blood ported last night that the contribu-
ociation when he is an easy, yet effective way to really tions from the University totaled
he general public help the war effort. Blood plasma is $21,550.