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November 02, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-02

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NOV. 2,- 14


lans Made


Crush Axis into Unconditional Surrende

Future Plans
Agreed Upon
At Moscow



Moscow Covenant Strikes at German Morale

America, Russia, China,
Britain To Work for
International Peace
(Continued from Page 1)
cable general agreement with re-
spect to the regulation of armaments
in the postwar period."
4. There shall be swift and sure
justice for those Germans guilty of
atrocities in occupied lands. Ameri-
ca, Britain and Russia joined in this;
Japanese of this type have already
been promised punishment by Presi-
dent Roosevelt. The German slaugh-
terers of helpless people will be tried
in their victims' homelands and if
necesary will be pursued "to the ut-
termost ends of the earth" for de-
livery to their accusers.
Senate Disagrees
The Moscow agreements generally
were hailed in Congress as taking a,
long step toward collective action. for
world peace, but there was difference
of opinion in the Senate as to how
they affect the pending postwar poli-
cy declaration.
Senator Pepper iD-Fla), who
wants commitments by the United
States to a specific plan for crushing
future aggression, suggested that the
Connally resolution be redrafted on
terms of. the Moscow statement.
Senator Connally (D-Tex) object-
ed, saying that his resolution for
"establishment and maintenance of
international authority" against ag-
gression and to preserve peace was
right in line with what the meeting
Future Meetings Planned
With the diplomatic bigwigs in
Moscow were military men from the
conferring nations and it was stated
that the Oct. 19-Oct. 30 conference
was marked by "frank and exhaust-
ive discussions of the measures to be
taken to shorten the war against
Germany and her satellites in Eur-
The conferees pledged to have fur-
ther meetings, to provide ways of
conferring through diplomatic chan-
nels, to set up an advisory commis-
sion in London on European affairs
and another adviscry council to deal
with Italy.
It was assumed that President
Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill,
and Premier Stalin will meet soon

Associated Press Correspondent
Heavy blows at German morale
rained upon Nazidom yesterday with
publication of the four-power Mos-
cow covenant of war and peace and
the accomp'nying declarations.
The sweeping scope of the main
document, pledging China as well as
Britain, Soviet Russia and the
United States to fight on against
"those axis powers with which they
respectively are at war until such
powers have laid down their arms
on the basis of unconditional sur-
render" is breath-taking.
It could leave, even Japan, not
specifically mentioned, in no doubt
as to where Russia ultimately will
stand in the global battle to end

everywhere the "menace of ag-
It goes without saying that the
Moscow declarations as to Germany
will be followed soon by similar
American - British -'Chinese pro-
nouncements of a similar nature,
dooming Japanese military and po-;
litical personnel responsible for war
atrocities as the Churchill-Roose-
velt-Stalin pledge dooms other axis
war criminals, steps to that end had
been taken in Wasliington, London
and Chungking before the Moscow
deliberations began.
But it is upon the Nazi front,
military as well as at home in the
reich, that the blow conceived and
executed in Moscow to match the
ever widening cycle of Nazi mili-

... America's Secretary of State
returns from Moscow conference.
now that the foundation for intimate
interchanges of opinion has been
Concessions to Reds
Charged by Nazis


tary disasters, must fall most
And it is a fair assumption that in
addition to the tons of bombs that
Allied planes carry to blast at Nazi
war industry and behind the fight-
ing fronts, they are already loading
with copies of the Moscow commit-
ments to sow them broadcast over
the Reich and its armies in the field.
By radio or air borne leaflet, that
stern warning that "most. assuredly
the three Allied powers will pursue
them (those guilty of atrocities) to
the uttermost ends of the earth and
will deliver them to their accusers in
{order that justice may be done" will
be brought home to every German
who can be reached.
The Moscow agreements consti-
tute a political coup as far-reach-
ing in effect and as stunning to
German and satellite morale as
the military victories being carved
out by Allied arms in Russia and
in Italy.
They end definitely Nazi hopes of
an Allied break over war or post-war
appeal not only to Austrians, restless
under the Hitlerite yoke, but to war-
weary Germans at home or in the
fighting ranks to have done with the
evil Nazi influences that have
brought them to this pass.
The four-power pact itself and the
seven specific declarations it con-
tains, while in general terms, appear
to cover the whole field of relations
for both war and post-war purposes
so fully that there remains little for
a face - to - face meeting between
Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin to

Perekop Taken
By Red Army
(Continued from Page 1)
tack across the Perekop Isthmus,
whose Russian-built defenses were
termed by Berlin "one of the war's
toughest assignments" when Ger-
man troops cracked them in the fall
of 1941 after a savage fight in which
they used every weapon in their
On the other side of the peninsula
the Red Army was 15 miles away
after advancing from Novo-Aleksy-
evka to take Salkovo, another point
on the Melitopol-Dzhankoi railway
at the edge of the Sivash Sea cause-
way leading into the Crimea.
Reds Block Escapee
The dermans' only hope of escape
now is by sea and air, and Moscow
dispatches said the Soviet Black Sea
fleet and Red Air Force were ready
to smash any such attempts.
The Germans acknowledged a
break - through on the Nogaisk
steppes in their Berlin broadcasts,
but only indirectly disclosed the im-
mensity of it by saying that "the
gateways to the Crimea are still in
German hands."
Above the Crimea the Russians
reached the edge of the lower Dnie-
per River between Kakhovka and
Nikopol at a point 70 miles west of
Melitopol with the capture of Zapad-
nye-Kairy, the communique said.
Soviet airmen were raking the
lower crossings, front dispatches
reaching Moscow said, as Gen. Tol-
bukhin's tank, cavalry, and motor-
cycle groups reached points within
11 miles of Kakhovka, and within
20 miles of Nikopol.

Moscow Hints
Austria Revolt
WASHINGTON,. Nov. 1.-P)- A
hint that Austria may be nearing the
stage of open rebellion against the
Germans who have- ruled her for
over five years is seen in the Moscow
The United States, Britain and
Russia told the first nation occupied
by Hitler that they consider her ah-
schluss with Germany null and void.
While there is no Austrian govern-
ment, either on the continent or in
exile, it is believed that the foreign
ministers in Moscow may have had
some information leading them to
think the Austrian people are about
to donsolidate their opposition to the
At the same time, the Moscow dec-
laration contained a reminder that
the three powers are watching close-
ly the steps Austria takes to speed
her liberation-and this reminder is
believed to apply also to Bulgaria,
Hungary and Rumania. Frequent
1reports of growing dissatisfaction
have come from these satellites, par-
ticularly Bulgaria, which is not at
war with Russia.
Fighting Men All Arrive
Safely in British Isles
An East Coast Canadian Port, Nov.
1.-(/P)- Several thousand United
States troops and fighting men of
the United Nations in addition to
thousands of reinforcements for the
Canadian Navy, Army and Air Porce,
who sailed from here recently, have
arrived in Britain, it was announced

LONDON, Nov. 1.-()P)-The first
German reaction to the published re-
cults of the tni-power conference in
Moscow was a declaration broadcast
over the Berlin radio tonight that
the United States and Britain had
made basic concessions to the "Dic-
tator of the Kremlin" to act accord-
ing to Premier Joseph Stalin's wishes
wherever Russia is concerned.
Dr. Siegfried Horn, diplomatic cor-
respondent of the Nazi news agency
DNB, said:
"According to the opinion in Ber-
lin, nothing more or less than a
basic concession was made to the
Dictator of the Kremlin to act ac-
cording to his wishes wherever in
his opinion Russia's interests demand
a helping hand."
"Military questions were in the
forefront of the negotiations but
nothing precise has been published
about the intentiois of the Allies in
this field."
(Dr. Paul Schmidt, German For-
eign Office spokesman, told a press
:onference that the tripartite meet-
ing meant "a formal signing and con-
firming of -Europe's surrender to
Moscow by the Anglo-Saxon powers,"
the OWI reported.)


Mademoiselle features fashions as seen in


For that big after-the-game
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(Continued from Page 4)
Rackham Building. Report at 8:50
a.m., and 1:20 p.m.
These tests are required for first-
term civilian and V-12 engineering
freshmen. No others may take the
A. D. Moore
Extension Division: Spanish la-
Beginners' Course-Emphasis given
to the spoken language. Tuesday,
7-9 p.m.. Room 106 Romance Lang-
uage Building. 2 hours credit. del
Extension Division: Spanish 2a-
For those who have completed the
Beginners' Course. Emphasis given
to the spoken language. Thursday,
7-9 p.m., Room .106 Romance Lang-
uage Building. 2 hours credit. del
To all male students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for'Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
tive, (3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counsellors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Assis-
tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the third
week of the Fall Term.
The Administrative Board of the
College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts
Anthropology 157, Evolution of
Culture, will ieet in Room 215 Eco-
nomics Building, MWF at 10.
Leslie A. White
Graduate Students in Speech: Ex-
ploratory examinations will be given
at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday in room 4203
Angell Hall for all applicants for
higher degrees in Speech who have
not previously taken the examina-
Business Administration 123, Tab-
ulating Machine Practice I, will meet
at 8:00 p.m. in Room 108 Rackham
Building on Wednesday, Nov. 3.
L. S. and A. Junirs now eligible
for concentration should get Admis-
sion to Concentration blanks at
Room 4, U.H. immediately. These
blanks must be signed by the adviser
and the original slip returned to
Room 4, U.H., at once.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Choral Union Concerts: Ten con-
certs will be given by the University
Musical Society in the Sixty-fifth
annual Series in Hill Auditorium, as
Cleveland Orchestra, Erich Leins-
dorf, Conductor; Sunday, Nov. 7 at 9
p.m. (This concert will be broadcast
over the Mutual System). Marian
Anderson, Contralto, Monday, Nov.
15. Yehudi Menuhin, Violinist, Tues-
day, Nov. 23. Claudio Arrau, Pianist,
Friday, Dec. 3. Boston Symphony,
Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor,
Wednesday, Dec. 8. Don Cossack
Chorus, Serge Jaroff, Conductor,
Tuesday, Dec. 14. Artur Rubinstein,
Pianist, Tuesday, Jan. 18. Marjorie
Lawrence, Soprano, Sunday after-
noon, at 3:00 o'clock, Jan. 30. Mischa
Eman, Violinist, Thursday, Feb. 10.
Ezio Pinza, Bass, Monday, March 6.
A limited number of tickets, either
for the season or for individual con-

certs, will continue on sale, so long
as they last. at the offices of the

Tutorial Committee meeting
Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. in
League Undergraduate Office
anyone interested in working on


4 I




Christian Science
meeting tonight at 8:15
gan League Chapel.

today and Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. in
the Kalamazoo Room of the Michi-
gan League.

- - --------------------


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