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November 02, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-02

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TUE~SDAt . t, 1943


IMTClT3Ul ?Pathli
Fif ty-Third yYear

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IlJI( M f NMM? '~LC~r4 m oepb'~
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Puiblished every morning except Monday during the
riguar University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
[or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subsbriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Colle'ePublishers Representative
Member, Associated CollegiatePress, 1942-43
Editorial Staff

Marion Ford
Jane Farrant
Clare Sherman
Marjn Hrradaile
Betty Harvey.

. . . . . Managing Editor
. . . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. Assistant Editor
S . . . . Women's Editor
Business Staff

Molly Ann Winokur .
Elizabeth Carpenter
Tartha Opsponn

. Business Manager
SAss't. Bus. Managers
Asst. Bus. Managers

fditorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Daily Editors Pledge
Liberal News Policy
THIS EDITORIAL is written to present our
position as editors of the student newspaper.
It is imperative in time of war that all
newspapers follow a clear-cut policy. Readers
demand truth and accuracy now more than
ever before. As an organ of one of the coun-
try's largest universities, The Daily must serve
as an unbiased reflection of student opinion.
Therefore, 'it is our aim throughout the com-
ing year to give University students the liberal
paper they now demand. We must not take
sides in political controversies over issues which
maY hinder the war effort. We must support the
administration the American people have chosen
to see us through the war. This does not mean
that we follow their lead blindly, that we accept
thelr decisions without question. But it does
mean that while we may be critical of their
actions, we inust evaluate fairly opposing views
and recognize the fat that reasons for many
decisions must necessarily be hidden from the
We will try to support and strengthen the war
effort, not merely follow along with it.
The ideals of democracy for which the men
of the United Nations are fighting deter-
minedly ii world-wide fronts have become.
more than vague phrases. These ideals must
be clung to In wartime more than ever before
since personal liberties are temporarily sacri-
ficed' to insire achievement of our ultimate
It is the duty of all newspapers to uphold and
advahce these ideals. As editors of The Michigan
Daily, we hereby pledge ourselves to the fulfill-
ment of this aim.
Marlan Ford Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman Marjorie Rorradaile
Subsidies Would Peril
Freedom of the Press
A DANGEROUS STEP toward a controlled
press was taken when Senator Bankhead
introduced his startling proposal advocating
that the government buy $30,000,000 worth of
space each year to promote war bond sales,
"Frankly, my chief motive is to bring about a
better advertising situation in small-town news-
papers," he stated. Proposed to the senator by a
number of country newspaper publishers in
Alabama and Georgia, the bill contemplates a
distribution of appropriations primarily among
small-town newspapers. Papers of this type
would get approximately $1,500 annually 'as an
advertising order, about one-fifth of the yearly
average gross advertising revenue of this cate-
Since the prosperity, and even existence, of
many smalf-own and country newspapers too
often have deended on the whims of an
. ,ic., n'ilii4f 31n16h'4le',it i esy Tto

Race Issues, Squabbling
Are Out of Place Today
IT IS NOT our purpose to delve into the relative
merits of the two opposing candidates for
mayor in Detroit, but the definite issues of race
against race and color against color that have
pervaded their campaigns should be a matter of
universal interest.
The fact that we are at war should of itself
eclipse any political squabbles over the color
of public housing projects, but both Mayor
Jeff ries and candidate Frank Fitzgerald seem
to have ignored this fact.
Our war 'effort demands a united effort in
every burg, city and hamlet in the country.
When business on the one hand and labor on
the other choose to take up sides in a political
battle, how can goodwill between them result?
When one class of people take sides and
band together because of their color against
their neighbors who are supposedly fighting
the samei battle, what unified effort can re-
DETROIT is the hub of the United Nations'
production. In Detroit, if nowhere else,
there should be complete solidarity of purpose
and action. This doesn't discount the validity of
bona fide policies of city government, the right
of candidates for mayor to discuss publicly
purely political issues, but it does outlaw cam-
paign speeches and utterances that pit class
against class and arouse color hatred.
It cannot be the purpose of either Jeffries
or Fitzgerald to fan the flame of smouldering
hatred that broke out in the Detroit riots of
last June. Yet each is doing just that, unwit-
tingly perhaps, but the results are the same.
By democratic principle, the man who garners
the most public support will be duly elected to
the office of mayor, but with the dropping of
the last ballot today, Detroit ought to stop fight-
ing itself and fight for the democracy at home
that men are dying for all over the world.
- Stan Wallace
Connally Resolution Is
Step Toward Future War
ICHIGAN'S famed senator, Arthur Vanden-
burg has made the interesting and signifi-
cant statement that the Connally resolution,
now being debated in the Senate, is worthwhile
because it can be subjected to varying interpre-
tations, that its vagueness is a source of strength
rather than weakness.
This is just one of the many startling asser-
tions that has come out of the prolonged debates
on the Foreign Relations Committee's newest
brain child. Termed a declaration that means
"all things to all men," the Connally Resolution
has significantly been approved by the rank
isolationist, and interestingly enough, thorough-
ly criticized by the internationally minded Con-
Senator Claude Pepper, true to his name,
has been the leading figure in the attack.
Stating in one of the numerous debates that
the "unamended resolution represents ap-
pesement of the isolationist in the Senate
and is a political umbrella to those who want
to get out of the rain of public indignation,"
the fiery Congressman minced no words in
voicing his indignation.
The Resolution, as originally framed, states
"that the United States acting through its con-
stitutional processes, join with free and sover-
eign nations in the establishment and mainte-
nance of international authority with power to
prevent aggression and to preserve the peace of
the world."
WHILE the statement might sound like a per-
fectly clear forthright declaration of current
opinion prevailing in that august body of repre-
sentatives, it is in reality little more than a
clever attempt to avoid any definite commit-
ment in the post-war world. How much more

meaningful is Senator Pepper's suggested
"That the United States, acting through its
constitutional processes, join with the other
United Nations and such free and sovereign
nations as may be duly admitted in the estab-
lishment and maintenance of an international
organization to nromote cooperation among
nations, with authority to settle international
disputes peacefully and with power including
military force to suppress military aggression
and to preserve the peace of the world."
Here we not only have the expressed hope that
"maybe" the United States will join with other
nations in attempting to preserve the peace of
the world; we have the definite promise that
America will if necessary resort to military
power to put down any aggressor.
Here we have the reassurance to our allies
that we will be ready to accept our place in a
world of nations. Here we will prove that we,
the traditional isolationists, the people who were
protected by two great bodies of water, .the aloof
citizens who firmly believed they were above
fighting a war, have come to accept our rightful
For if we are to be a part of the world of
nations, we must accept our duties with our
privileges. If we are to have the right to trade
with the small nations, we should be willing
to protect them when threatened by an ag-
If we are sincerely confident that a world-
wide concert of governments,banded together
for- a common good, will be able to prevent a
vertisement based on a commercial' basis such

Students Spearheading
Reform in Argentina
UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, as a rule, are us-
ually regarded with suspicion by staid, con-
servative members of all groups. It seems that
they have a tendency towards radicalism and
pronounced liberal leanings.
This alertness and expression of energy is to
be appreciated, however, rather than deplored.
Many reforms, in education, religion, poli-
tics and social legislation, have been insti-
gated and carried on by active student groups
in coufitries all over the world.
A shining example of this is being written by
the actions of Argentine university students who
are offering the first active opposition to the
authoritarian Argentine Government of Presi-
dent Pedro Ramirez. Beginning with the Inter-
American Students Conference in Santiago,
Chile, several weeks ago the Argentine students
made a definite stand against the pro-Nazi
Ramirez rule and asked for a break with Ger-
SINCE THAT TIME 'the students have been
sticking to their guns verbally and otherwise.
Last week a strike was called as a result of the
Government's dismissal of university 'professors
who had signed a Pan-American solidarity
manifesto. The action has spread until all but
one of Argentina's universities, including ap-
proximately 60 per cent of the nation's students,
are involved in the opposite action.
With the students leading the way, top-flight
men in education are also taking a stand. The
provincial Minister of the Interior in Cordoba
resigned after receiving an order from the Min-
istry of Education to start disciplinary measures
against the student strikers. Argentina's stu-
dents have started the movement and others,
who until this time have been merely passively
resisting the Ramirez regime, are stepping out
for active resistance and will probably continue
to do so. - Evelyn Phillips
Students Should Support
War Chest Camp pign
O MACHINERY has been set up for War
Chest solicitation of University students. It
has not been provided on the grounds that most
students' parents give to the War Chest, anyway.

WASHINGTON-Even if only part
of the whispered predictions of oil
geologists are borne out, the East
coast of the United States will soon
have enough oil to relieve the trans-
portation drain on the, tailroads and
supply part of its own oil.
Standard's discovery of oil in Flor-
ida on top of a discovery on the East-
ern shore of Maryland has raised
Eastern oil hopes sky high. Geolo-
gists even found such strong signs of
oil at Morristown, N.J., that one of
the biggest companies in the East
was all set to drill when residents of
that fashionable suburbi stopped
The Florida well in the Ever-
glades swamp is over two miles
deep and is the first producing
well on the East Coast. It was de-
veloped by Humble, a subsidiary of
Standard of N.J. however, a shal-
lw well only 600 feet, dtilled by
an independeit, has recently come
in in southeast Georgia, though it
has been kept secret.
Geologists are now certain that
wells can be drilled in the waters
of the Gulf of Mexico, probably also
in Cuba, the Bahamas, the West
Indies, and Central America.
Yandenberg's IEtror . .
Well-meaning, hale-and-hearty
Senator Arthur Vandenberg made a
remark duringtthe last closed session
of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee that he would like to for-
A request had come in from Mon-
signor John A. Ryan, Director of the
Catholic Social Action Department,
Rabbi Israel Goldstein, president of
the Synagogue Council of America,
and Dr. Walter W. VanKirk, of the
Federal Council of Churches, to pre-
sent their views on permanent peace
before the Senate Committee.
"We can't have theim in for a
hearing,"- vetoed Senator Vanden-
berg. "Why, I've beext getting lond
distance calls from Gerald L. K.

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"But, Mother, why isn't it all right to look back over your shoulder, drop

yowr handkerchief, or make
woman's place

Smith asking to be heard. If we
let these people in, we'll have to
give a hearing to Smith."
Unfortunately Vandenberg's re-
mark got back to some of the
churchmen, including one hard-hit-
ting priest who had been working to
coordinate Catholics, Protestants
and Jews for American cooperation
for world peace.
"So, the Senator from Michigan
compares the three foremost agen-
cies of organized religion to a rabble-
rouser like Gerald L. K. Smith," re-
marked the priest. "I'll remember
No Tax Bill .. .
Privately, the Treasury Depart-
ment has given up hope of passing

A . r


other advances-=after all, it's
to be pursued!"
its proposed tax bill with heavy
boosts on middle and upper bracket
However, it has not given ail its
fight to defeat the sales tax. If
the Treasury should ever ese up
its opposition to the spies tax,
Congress would pass it -in a ,in-
ute. In fact it still tmay. The
House, especially sales tax con-
scious, has the bit in its teeth re-
gardless of the Treasury.
In the Senate the fight would be
tougher, and there is no chance
whatsoever of passing a sales tax
over a White HJouse veto-which
probably would be forthcoming.
So the chances are there will be
little change in the tax bill.
(Copyright, 1943, United Feature Synd.)

By 1 caty


However, it is hard to believe that
sity students are not interested in the
the War Chest. Nor are we too
stricken to give.

work of


The War Chest does need our help. The Ann
Arbor goal is $127,539. Of this, $37,000 will go to
the national U.S.O. and 16 other war related
philanthropies. These organizations provide
rest centers for survivors of enemy naval action,
morale and health building activities for Ameri-
can prisoners held by the enemy and, in various
ways, send aid to China,.Russia, Greece, Britain,
Holland, Poland, Yugoslavia, Belgium, Norway,
France and North Africa. They send relief and
medical supplies to the South Pacific and the
French troops now fighting with the Allies. Hos-
pitals in Britain, teachers and students in China
and refugees are helped by these groups.
A sum of $16,202 will be used to refit Harris
Hall for a local U.S.O. Club house and admin-
ister it for the coming year. This will provide
a much needed recreation and service center
for the growing body of soldiers, sailors and
marines on campus.
The Women's Field Army for the Control of
Cancer will receive $1,500.
Community agencies on the home front will be
helped with $67,289 of the Ann Arbor goal.
These include such organizations as the Boy
Scouts, Girl Scouts, Dunbar Center for the Negro
population of Ann Arbor, Michigan Children's
Aid, the Salvation Army-organizations which
we all know about.
THE UNIVERSITY GOAL this year is $20,000,
$2,000 over last year's goal. This creates a
special problem as the faculty numbers have'
decreased since last year. Thus, faculty contri-
butions must be increased to meet the goal.
But students can help, too. Student contri-
butions can be sent or turned in to Prof.
Merwin Ii. Waterman at 108 Tappan Hall,
Prof. Harold M Dorr at 2034 Angell Hall,
Prof. Ivan 11. Walton at 4B East Hall or
to local War Chest headquarters, 310 Wol-
verine Building. Should the residents of one
house wish to contribute as a group, this group
gift may be taken to any of these places. Stu-
dent donations will be counted toward the
University goal.
Surely, this is our responsibility too. We must
not ignore it. - Barbara Herrinton
third world war, how can we consistently with-
hold the declaration that will reassure others of
our good intentions?
SENATOR CONNALLY'S attempt to muzzle
7 critics of his resolution by demanding that
they be limited to 15 minutes of debate is just
one more indication of his fear that maybe the
American people will wake up to what's going
on. For if suchwtraditional isolationists as
Wheeler and Vandenburg are not to decide our
foreign policy then it is up to every ordinary
citizen to become concerned with the Senate's
activities-especially during this week when the
resolution is slated to come up-for a final vote.

TUESDAY, NOV. 2, 1943 ;
Vol. LIV No. l
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Satuirday when the no-
tices should be submittedvby11:30 a.m.
To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
Nov. 8, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. Members of the Uni-
versity Senate are invited to attend.
Agenda: Election of Officers; Es-
tablishment of Committee on Inter-
cultural Relations; Communication
on Physical Education for Women;
Reports of Standing Committees.
Louis A. Hopkins,
To All Heads of Departments:
Please notify Mrs. Burns in'the Bus-
iness Office the number of Faculty
Directories needed in your depart-
To save postage and labor the
practice of mailing directories is dis-
continued. Any staff member may
have a copy by applying at the Bus-
iness Office, 1 University EFall.
The Directories will be ready for
distribution Nov. 11.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Michigan Daily: There will be no
house delivery of The Daily for the
fall term. All faculty members and
others entitled to receive The Daily
may sign subscription blanks at the
Business Office, 1 University Hall,
for delivery of the paper to their
departmental offices.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
To Deans, Directors, Department
Heads and Others Responsible for
Payrolls: Payrolls for theFall Term
are ready for approval. This must
be done by NoV. 10 in order to ar-
range for annuity and insurance
Edna Geiger Miller
Payroll Clerk
Seniors in Aeronautical and. Me-
chanical Engineering: Dk. H.W. Case,
Assistant Personnel Manager of the
Douglas Aircraft Company's El Se-
gundo (California) Plant, will inter-
view seniors in 'Aeronautical and
Mechanical Engineering on Wednes-
day, Nov. 3. Interviews .will be held
in Room 3205 East Enginieering Bull-

shows the details of building a Doug-
las airplane; the other shows the
actual functions of a Douglas Engi-
neering Department. These movie:
will be shown in Room 1042 East En-
gineering Building. All interestec C
students and faculty are invited tc
see these motion pictures.
Acting Chairmar
A. M. Kuethe,
Eligibility Rules for Fall Term:
Because of changed conditions or
the campus the Committee on Stu-1
dent Affairs has decided to modifyl
the rules of eligibility for public
activities for the current Fall Term.
The continuance of the plan will
depend upon the success with which
it is managed by the individual stu-
dent during the coming months.
Students will not be required to se-
eure certificates of eligibility, but
will be personally responsible for
checking their own eligibility.
First term freshmen will be al-
lowed to participate but will have
their grades checked by their aca-
demic counsellors ormentors at th
end of the five-week period and a'
mid-semester. Continued participa-'
tion after these checks will depend
upon permission of the academic
counsellors or mentors. All other
students who are not on Probation
or the Warned List are eligible. Any-
one on Probation or the Warned List
is definitely ineligible to take part in
any public activity and a student
who participates under these cir-
cumstances will be subject to disci-
pline by the authorities of the school
or college in which he or she is en-
Participation in a public activity
is defined as service of any kind on
a committee or a publication, 'in a
public performance or a rehearsal,
holding office or being a candidate
for offic'e in a class or other student
organization, or any similar func-
In order to keep the Personnel
Records up to date in the Office of
the Dean of Students, the president
or chairman of any club or activity
should submit a list of those partici-
pating each term on forms obtain-
able in Room . 2, University Hall.
These records are referred to con-:
stantly by University authorities,
governmental agencies and 'indus-
trial concerns throughout the coun-
try and the more complete they are,
the more valuable they become to
the University and the student.
The University Automobile Regu-
lation became effective at 8:00 am.,
vt 1.,.Tjzv r1. All stuidents are

Organizations, Room 2, University
Choral Ujnion Ushers: Boys or girls
-sign up at Hill Auditorium Box
Office today, 4:30-5:30Wp.m.
E. Warren,
Janitor Foxrema
Oratorical Association Le ture
Course: The season ticket sale- for
lecture course tickets is now taking
place. The Hill Auditorium box of-
fice is open daily from 10 to l and
from 2 to 5. The complete course is
as follows:
Nov. 18-Will Rogers, Jr., "The
United States in Foreign Affairs;"
Dec. 1--Fulton Lewis, Jr., "What's
Happening in Washington;" Dec. 13
-Burton Holmes, "Our Russian Al-
lies" with motion pictures; Jan 13-
Louis P. Lochner, "What About Ger-
many?;" Jan. 25-Leland Stowe,
"What I Saw on the Russian, Fipnt;"P
Feb. 22-Burton Holmes, "North Af-
rica" with motion pictures; March 8
-Madam Wellington Koo, "What
China Is Fighting For;" March 23-
Burton Holmes, "The Italy We
Knew" with motion pictures.
Good seats are still available.
A cademic Notices
The Medical Aptitude Test of the
Association of American Colleges, a
normal requirement for admission to
practically all medical schools, will
be given on Friday, Nov. 5, through-
out the United States. The test,
which will require about two hours,
will be given in Ann Arbor in the'
Rackham Lecture Hall from 3 to 5
Any student planning to enter a
medical school and who has not pre-
viously taken the Aptitude Test
should do so at this time. You are
requested to be in your seats prompt-
ly and to bring with you two well-
sharpened pencils.
The fee of $1.00 is payable at the
Cashier's Office through Nov. 4.
C. S. Yoakum
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Eduatioq, For-
estry, Music, and Public Heald}: Stu-
dents who received marks o f I or
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the coarse or
courses unless this work is made up
by Dec. 1. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this da~te in
order to, make up this work should
file a petition addressed to' the ap-

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