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November 10, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-10

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'~' ,'- - U

dif Fif-ogt Yea
Fifty-Fourth Year

I'd Rather Be Rght


By Lichty

c LetterJ

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the' Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every'morning except Mon-
day rd Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this nwspaper All rights of repub-
lication of all other mattes herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offici at An Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during tie regular school year by car-
tier $4.50, by mail $5.25.
Meber, 4ssociated Collegiate Press, 1942-43.
Editorial Staff
Marion Ford . . . . Managing Editor
Jane Farrant . . . . Editorial Director
Claire Sherman City Editor
Marjorie Borradaile . . Associate Editor
Betty Harvey . . . , . Vomen's Editor
Business Staff
Molly Ann Winokur . . . Business Manager
Elizabeth Carpenter . . . Asst. Bus. Managers
Martha Opsion . . . . Ass't. Bus. Managers
Telephone 23-24-1
E'ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
ckes Den ,unces Foes
Of International Uniy
A POWFUL attack was hurled out against
the enemies of unity amnong the United Na-
tions when Secretary of the Interior Harold
Ickes, denounced the Heart Press and the Pater-
son-McCormack Axis for "deliberately fostering
ill will among the Allies."
This policy of ill will is exactly the one which
Dr. Joseph Goebbels is using iu the hope that
disunity between the ,nited States, Russia
and Great Britain will enable Germany to
make a successful negotiated peace.'
The method which the Hearst papers through-
out the country, as well as the New York Daily
News and Chicago Tribune, organs of te pat-
terson-McCormack Axis, have used to achieve
disunity are simply to play on all the old preju-
dices which years of misunderstanding helped to
build up.
N THE EDITORIAL columns of these papers
one still hears how we are being used. as the
tools of British imperialism and Russian com-
munism while in actuality' it is these nations
who have made the greatest amounts of that
sacrifice which hurts a nation most, the sacrifice
of men.
The Moscow Pact proved conclusively that
international cooperation, both duing and after
this war, is a practical proposition. The history
of the last twenty years should bring home to
us the fact that such cooperation is a distinct
necessity. The petty works of petty meri, who,
to quote Secretary Ickes, '"hate Premier Stalin
and President Roosevelt so bitterly that they
would rather see Hitler win the war," must not
be allowed to sway us rom our path.
-Monroe Fink
Confidence in Ability Is
Mark of akri? Corps
Corps which had already started its brllant
career eyen before this country became an in-
dependent nation.
The spirit of the Corps is portrayed by
Lieut. - Gen. T. Holcomb, U.S.M.C., Coi-
mandant, U. S. Marine Corps, who said in, a
recent speech, "The Marines have conidence
in themselves. And contfi ence is grealy dif-
ferent from braggdocio. 'Confidence doesn't
come from the outside. It comes from, char-

accer and discipline, from training and; skill."
At the Navy-Citizens Committee banquet
which will be held today in Detroit, a moment's
silence will honor the memory of University
graduate, First Lieutenant George M. Cannon
of Ann Arbor,. the first Michigan Mrine to be
awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.
HE GALLANT ACTION of Lt. Cannon ex-
emplifies the spirit of courage found through-
out the Corps. The Marines try always to live up
to their inotto "Semper Fidelis."
The Marines long ago established for them-
selves a reputation for courage and daring. In
our present confliet, members of the Corps
added a new page to the glory covered history
of the Marines.
The courageous stand at Wake Island, the
lk ffl -m Mii av nnt. hf. istmaimar ffn..

NEW YORK, Nov. 10-1 have been collecting
all the explanations I can find for the Republi-
cans' striking election gains.
The Democrats, nationally, say that the peo-
ple voted as they did for a variety of local and
special reasons. But local Democrats, town by
town, explaining why they didn't get out the
vote, are excusing themselves on the ground
that there is a national Republican swing.
Tke your choice. Both explanations are
vague, a'd really cancel each other out.
Mr. Willkie says the people are tired, very
tired, of the national administration. That an-
alysis runs into head-on collision with a Fortune
poll of last June, which disclosed that 64.8 per-
cent of the electorate favored the re-election of
Mr. Roosevelt for a fourth term, if the war were
still on. If the people have become tired of F.
D. R. since last June, they have become tired
awfully fast. The analysis just doesn't add up.
Mr. Harrison Spangler, national chairman of
the G. 0. P., says the people want to go back
to the American way of life, meaning his way.
But the Republican New York Herald Tribune
thinks the people want to go forwaard, and that
they now regard the Republicans .as the pro-
gressive party. Again, check and cancel out.
In New York State, Governor Dewey says the
victory was local, while Mr. Willkie says it was
national. Check and cancel, once more. Of
course Mr. Dewey, as Governor, is a local figure,
while Mr. Willkie, as titular head of the party, is
very national, and each man ma be speaking the
piece best suited to his own position. But, more
and more, we find ourselves forced to the strange
conclusion that while the Republicans certainly
won handsomely, they do not really know why
they won.
What about the non-Republican Roosevelt op-
position? The New York'Daily News, which is
isolationist, and non-Republican, thinks the peo-
ple showed annoyance at the polls because the
administration chose to invade North Africa in-
stead of Japan.
The News seems so anxious to run MacArthur
for president that it can hardly wait for the next
election; it therefore injects him into the last

But the News' explanation simply can't be
so. A Fortune poll last June showed that 70.4
percent of the people endorsed the President's
conduct of the war, while an American Insti-
tute of Public Opinion poll in July showed that
73 percent endorsed his handling of foreign
policy. The News is in the minority, and it is
trying to saddle the majority with its own
minority reasons. Its side won, but it, too,
doesn't really know why.
Why, then, did the Republicans win? Is the
reason statistical, so to speak; based on the fact
that nearly 20 percent of the electorate (believe
it or not) is in uniform, and did not vote, and
that this forced abstention of younger men, and
workers, lately turned soldiers, hurt the Demo-
crats somewhat more than it hurt the Republi-
cans? Or is the reason for the Republican vic-
tory the fact that almost 10 percent of the elec-
torate has lately changed its address, hunting for
war jobs? I donit know. It would take careful
statistical studies to find out. I do not think
such studies could fully account for a nationwide
trend now five years old.
Five years! That phrase rings a bell. What
has been the chief domestic change- of the last
five years, apart from the war? (And the polls
show that war helps Roosevelt politically. rather
than hurts him.) Why, the chief domestic change
of the last five years has been a rising income
level, 'in all groups.
In the case of farmers, we can almost plot
on a chart their decline of interest in the
Democratic Party, as their financial status
improved. Is better economic weather Repub-
lican weather?. Is something like that at the
bottom of the election, a growing conservatism,
now that the income level is high? Were the
people saying at the polls that nothing hurts
them much, economically?
It so, there is something inexpressibly sad at
the bottom of the election, a kind of pi'ayer for
stability. I would be troubled and thoughtful
about that, if I were a political party. Neither
party is responsible for the income level, and
the income level seems to tell a somewhat clearer
story than do the dazzled pundits of both.
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Post-War Planning,. .
HOW MANY of you students are
interested in post-war planning?
Do you care if we have another Ver-
sailles Treaty? Do you want the
world to have a World War III?
I could ask other questions along
similar lines, but I know your an-
swers, or I hope I do. But may I
ask you what you are doing to pre-
vent another war and all its recur-
ring suffering and hatred. Remem-
ber we live in a democracy, and it is
the duty of each of. its citizens to
take an active part in its policies.
Perhaps you have not realized
fully how you can help. May I
suggest a possible method of find-
ing out some of these things would
be to come to the first meeting of
the Post-War Council. At this
meeting, which starts at 7:30
Wednesday in the League, Profes-
sors Paton, Watkins, and Willcox
will lead in a panel discussion on
the foreign policy of the United
States. What is it, how has the
Moscow Pact affected it, and what
would we like it' to be?
After this panel discussion there
will be a short business meeting at
which the proposed program of the
'Council will be discussed. We have
plenty of opportunities for any and
all people who are interested in the
Council to take an active place. So
we cordially invite all students to
attend this meeting and help us in
the discussion to determine just a
little better what United States'
place is in the post-war world. Re-I
member that's the world we're going
to have to live in.
Lyle F. Albright,
Post-War Council

A l ,t-
'Notice how the kiddies are reading more non-fiction? Current
events probably scare them more than the old thrillers!'
tack upon the P-Bell that The '1We feel that our opinion is expres-

Daily's views are becoming increas-
ingly feminine. We feel that Miss
Schmitt was rather unfair to the
Bell, an institution that plays an im-
portant part in what Miss Schmitt
calls the "old Michigan spirit." We
admit the necessity of a social center
aside from the P-Bell. for there is
certainly a great variety of tastes on
such a large campus. However, there
are a great many of us who sincerely
enjoy the P-Bell, a unique and defin-
itely collegiate institution. To us the
P-Bell will never lose its glamour
and attractiveness, no matter howI
many "wolf lounges" and the like are
set up on this campus.

sive of the feelings of a great many
Michigan students, both past and
present, students who we feel really
have "that old Michigan spirit."
-D. O'Connor
-Malcolm Raphael
S *. * *
(Editor's Note: Feminine or not,
there are Daily staff members who
"enjoy" the Bell as much as Mr.
O'Connor and Mr. Raphael do. How-
ever, if one member of The Daily staff
feels the need for a social center other
than the Bell, far be it from us:.t9
argue with her. Her opinions are her
own, not The Daily's.)

Enjoyment *..











WASIINNGTON, Nov. 10. - Diplomats are
watching the Atlantic City food and rehabilita-
tion conference opening today (November 10)
more carefully than any other international
event in this country. They figure that the pat-
tern it adopts will set the stage for whatever type
of worlpeace organization the U. S. A. may
join afte the war.
Also they are worried. For the preliminary
moves look to small nation diplomats as if the
worst features of the League of Nations were
being sown all over again.
Yesterday, one day before the 44 United
Nations and Associated Nations meet at A.t-
lantic City, the Big Four-U. S., U. S. S. R.,
Britain, China-met in Washington and signed
an agreement regarding the organization to be
created at Atlantic City. In other words,
before the 44 nations met, the Big Four decided
for them the general structure they would
have to OK.
This structure provides for a sort of assembly
of 44 nations, similar to the League's assembly.
Also it providles for a Central Committee of
four nations, similar to the League Council.
This Central Committee will run things. The

smaller nations will meet once or twice a year to
Fewer Tires for Allies .,.
One thing not discussed at the Moscow con-
ference was rubber tires. If the question had
been raised, Russia would have been told that
tires on Lend-Lease will have to be reduced
Reason is that T. S. trucks and buses are
wearing their tires down to the fabric, and
Jesse Jones's long ballyhooed synthetic tires are
falling behind schedule. There is plenty of new
rubber, but a dire lag in tire production.
If bus and truck transportation is crippled,
the weight would be thrown back on the al-
ready struggling railroads. Also, many places
would be without transportation, since 54,000
communities have no rail service.
The Army. OPA, ODT and the Rubber Direct-
or's Office are putting their heads together to
find a way out. One solution will be a reduction
of tires shipped on Lend-Lease. Russia alone
was promised 500,000 this year, in addition to
2,000,000 already delivered,
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate)

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 1943
Vol. LIV No. 8I
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Conservation of Public Utilities:
It is urgedthat every member of the
University community, aculty, stu-
dents, clerks, and other employees,
constitute himself or herself a com-
mittee of one to contribute in every
reasonable way to the end that there
shall be no waste of electricity, wa-
ter, gas, oil, coal, or of communica-
tions or transportation service. This
notice is in behalf not only of the
University administration but of var-
ious United States Government au-
Because of production delays, Fac-
ulty Directories will not be available
for distribution 'on Thursday, Nov.
11, as promised. There should, how-
ever, be a supply on hand by noon on
Nov. 12 at the Information Desk in
the Business Office.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Lectuf res
University Lecture: Professor Rus-
sell C. Hussey, of the Department of
Geology, will lecture on the subject,
"The Parade of the Dinosaurs,"
(illus.) in the Rackham Amphithe-
ater tonight at 1:45 under the auspi-
ces of the Phi Sigma Society. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Eugene R.j
Kellersberger, former medical mis-
sionary in the Belgian Congo, will
lecture on the subject, "Trypanoso-
miasis (African sleeping sickness) ",
illustrated, in the Amphitheater, sec-
ond floor of the University Hospital,
on' Friday, November 12, at 1:30 p. m.
under the auspices of the Hygenic
Laboratory. The public is cordially
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: -The season ticket sale for
lecture course tickets'is now taking
place. The Hill Auditorium box of-
fice is open daily 10-1 and 2-5. The
complete course is as follows:
Nov. 18-'Will Rogers, Jr., "The
United States in Foreign Affairs;"
Dec. 1-Fulton Lewis, Jr., "What's
Happening in Washington;" Dec. 13,1
Burton Holmes, "Our Russian Allies"
with motion picture's; Jan. 13-Louis
P Lochner, "What About Ger-
many?;" Jan. 25- Leland Stowe,!
"What I Saw on the Russian Front;"I
We 22-Burton Holmes, "North Af-

all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
tive; (3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-'
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counsellors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Assis-
tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the third
week of the Fall Term.
The Administrative Board of the
College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts
Chemistry Colloquium today at
4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry
Building. Dr. R. K. McAlpine will
discuss the C02 Problem in Neutrali-
zation Titrations.
Make-up examinations in History
for the Spring and Summer terms,
1943, will be given on Friday,. Nov.
26, 4:00-6:00 p.m. in room D, HH.
Students desiring to take the exami-
nation must have the written ap-
proval of their instructor and should
secure this permission well in ad-
vance of the date of the examina-
tion. A. E. R. Boak
Mathematics Seminars: The fol-
lowing seminars in mathematics will
be conducted during the fall term by
the staff members named: Statistics,
- C I-n AXT-A ~ maid t A-

corganiization meeting of men and
women debaters will be held today
at 4:00 p.m. in room 4208 Angell
Hall. All members of the student
body, including first term freshmen,
are eligible to participate in debate.
Messiah Concert: The University
Musical Society announces that the
traditional annual performance of
Handel's "Messiah" will take place
Sunday afternoon, ,Dec. 19, at. 3
o'clock. The following will partici-
pate: Agnes Davis; soprano (New
York) ; Lillian Knowles, contralto
(New York); William Miller, tenor
(Chicago); Wellington Ezekiel, bass
(New York); Palmer Christian, or-
ganist; The University Choral Un-
ion; a special "Messiah" Orchestra,
and Hardin Van Deursen, Conduc-
Tickets are now on sale at the offi-
ces of the University Musical Society
in Burton Memorial 'Tower as fol-
lows: main floor 60c, first balcony
50c, and the top balcony 30c (includ-
ing' tax).
Events Today
Forestry Club: An organization
meeting will be held for the Michi-
gan Forestry Club in Room 2039
Natural Science Buildingrtonight at
8:00. Foresters and pre-foresters,
whether uniformed or civilian,
should plan to attend this meeting
for the election of officers.
The Association Music Hour will
present an:all-Brahms program to-
night at 7:30 in Lane Hall.
The Merit Committee will meet;
today in the League at 4:30 p.m. The
room number will be posted on the
bulletin board at the main desk.

Inited Nations Delegates Plan Rehabilitation
Program To Aid People of Occupied Europe

LIFE SHOULD LOOK considerably brighter
today for the improverished peoples. of oc-
cupied Europe as a result of two statements
made- yesterday by Allied leaders. Speaking at
a ceremony honoring the Lord-Mayor of London,
Prime Minister Churchill reiterated his declara-
tion that England would not rest until all of the
occupied nations have been freed. And 'even
more specific cheer came from President Roose-'
velt in his address to the delegates of the forty-
four nations which are to participate in the
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Ad-
In days to come, a lot is going to be heard
about the activities of the UNRRA, as the or-
ganization is known, so it is well to examine
the President's words closely. It is good to
discover that the closer they are examined, the
more encouraging they become. 'They hold
out the promise of an effectively and demo-
crtited rhabiliation program
craticaily admistered reha .liaton r.ra

liberated. The UNRRA will operate in such
territories until the people are able to assume
the burden of their own support.
TH, OCCUPIED countries cannot be expected
to take their places as responsible members of
the world until their citizens are brought. back
to a civilized standard of living. According to
the President, the United Nations are aware of
that fact and are proceeding to do something
about it. In the words of Roosevelt, "it's not
only humane and charitable, it's a matter of
self-interest and military necessity."
One of the best features of UNRRA is that it
involves the close cooperaton of all the United
Nations, providing that each nation will share
in the work in accordance with its resources.
This will be the first project of this kind
undertaken as a joint action by these United
Nations. In French North Africa, the British
and Americans carried out such a program
with excellent results; now the responsibility

Prof. Craig, W ednesctays at 4:;00
p.m. in 3010 Angell; Topological
Groups, Prof. Ambrose, Wednesdays C i
at 4:00 p.m., in 3201 Angell; Applied
Mathematics, Prof. Churchill, Mon- The A.I.E
days at 4:00 p.m.. in 319 West Engi- Nov. 11, at 7
neering; Geometry, Profs. Thrall and League. Dea
Rainich, Thursdays at 3:00 p.m., in national org
3001 Angell; Topology, Prof. Steen- ties of the
rod. Fridays at 4:30 p.m., in 3201 Electrical E
Angell; Normed Rings, Prof. Hilde- motion pictu
brandt, Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m., 3014 Submarine
Angell; Orientation, Prof.1Rainich, Okonite Co.
Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m., 3001 Angell.
German 159, Goethe's Faust, will ences: A sm
meet Thursday, 4:00-6:0{, p.m., in day evening
room 406 Library. Room 302o

ling Events
.E. will meet Thursday,
:30 p.m., in the Michigan
an Lovell will discuss the
anization and the activi-
American Institute of
ngineers. There will be
ores on "Laying Another
Power Cable," by the
of the Aeronautical Sci-
oker will be held Thtirs-
g, Nov. 11, at 7:30, in
of the Michigan Union.

German 1, Section 5 'MTThF
10:00. Copley). Beginning Thursday,
Nov. 11. this class will meet in 2013
Angell Hall.
Anthropology 157, Evolution of
Culture will meet in Room 225, An-
gell Hall. Leslie A. Whitei

Plans for a field trip to the Stinson
Aircraft Plant will be discussed. The
eligibility requirements for member-
ship in the Institute now allow fresh-
men, and sophomores to become
members. All engineering students
are cordially *invited to attend the
A.S.M.E. meeting on Thursday.

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