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November 10, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-10

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Vol. LIV No. 8











Nazis Erect 'Winter Line

on Italian Front

Enemy Is Fought Off
By American Tanks

British Drive
Takes Sangro
River Mouth
Germans Rush More
Troops to Area; Allies
Pound New Defense
Sy The Associated Press
ALGIERS, Nov. 9.-The German
command, using Italian slave labor,
has erected a new "winter line"
across Italy directly in front of the
present positions of the Allies, it was
disclosed today, and is pouring in
reinforcements in its greatest effort
to date to stem the drive of the Al-
lied armies northward.,
British Smashing Forward
Even as existence of the line was
disclosed by German soldiers cap-
tured at various points along the
front, Allied armies already were
pounding against it, the British
Eighth smashing forward in a five-
mile thrust which caught the Ger-
mans off guard and carried to the
area of the miouth of the Sangro
River at the new line's eastern an-
Nearly 50 towns and villages passed
into Allied hands as a result of Al-
lied gains along the Adriatic coast
and in the central sector near Iser-
'nia. To the west heavy rains and
strong formations of enemy troops
and guns in the Mignano area along
the main road to Rome kept the
Fifth Army near a standstill.
Nazis Determined To Hold
The western buttresses of the new
Nazi line is the Aurunci Mountains
on the Tyrrhenian coast some 50
miles northwest of Naples. Its Adri-
atic bastion is on heights north of
the River Sangro. Between these
two ends it makes use of some of the
most rugged mountains in Italy, with
peaks rising to almost 7,000 feet.
The Nazi command is determined
to try to hold this line through the
winter, according to the- captured
Germans, and to- this end they have
brought in heavy reinforcements and
have tens of thousands of forced
Italian laborers bolstering the strong
natural barriers with defensive con-
structions-walls, ditches, pillboxes,
forts, minefields and trenches.
Nazis Attempt
To Bottle Up
Yugoslav Army
LONDON, Nov. 9.-(P)- Strong
German forces are seeking to bottle
up the Yugoslav Army of Gen. Draja
Mihailovic in western Serbia, his
headquarters reported tonight as the
Russian advance toward the Ruman-
ian border heightened tension in the
With the Germans anxiously
watching for any possible Turkish
aid to the Allies a report from Istan-
bul said 4,000 Bulgarian guerrillas
were battling regular army troops
in the mountains of Bulgaria near
Stara Zagora. The Turkish report
said the guerrillas had notified Sofia
they would fight until a new govern-
ment which would break away from
Germany was formed.
A dispatch from Cairo said Greek
soldiers were fighting on former
Greek soil for the first time since the
Nazis overran the country. The dis-
patch said Greek detachments were
operating with the British on the
Aegean Island of Samos which was
captured by the Allies in September.
In Yugoslavia heavy fighting was

reported between Mihailovic's forces
and combined German - Croatian-
Ustachi-Bulgarian units. A report to
the Yugoslav government-in-exile at
Cairo said the enemy force was ad-
vancing- from the upper Drina val-
ley in anr attempt to outflank the
Colman Is Retired
As 'Unfit for Duty'
9.-(P)-Captain William T. Colman,
former commandant of this Army
'n r n. crhm a s vias Af n.-

General Giraud Ousted
As French Co-President

Officers Advise in Planning Maneuvers

By The Associated Press

ALGIERS, Nov. 9.-In a series of
sweeping moves which coincided
with the re-opening of the consulta-
tive assembly, the De Gaullist-con-
trolled French Committee of Nation-
al Liberation ousted Gen. Henri Gi-
raud as its co-president today.
Giraud, the old soldier who always
said he was not a politician, re-
mained, however, as commander-in-
chief of France's fighting forces.
The Committee also ousted three
other commissioners, Gen. Alphonse
Georges, who was chief of staff of
the defeated French Army in 1940,
and commissioner without portfolio
in the Committee; Dr. Jules Abadie,
commissioner of education, and fin-
ance commissioner Maurice Couve
De Murville.
Communists Refuse Place
Seven new faces were added to the
new line-up, in which the commu-
nist party refused to take a place
because of what Andre Mercier, com-
Reds Advance
In Kiev Area
Near Korosten
Soviets Capture Key
Station of Borodyanka
In Encircling Drive
By The Agsociated Press
LONDON, Nov. 9. - Gen. Nikolai
Vatutin's conquerors of Kiev fanned
out in a 50-mile deep arc around the
liberated Ukrainian capital. today,
capturing more than 80 populated
places and driving to within 58 miles
of the big rail hub of Korosten, Mos-
cow announced tonight.
Rolling 27 miles northwestward
from Kiev along the main rail line to
Korosten, the Russian troops captur-
ed the district center and railway
station of Borodyanka in their deep-
est lunge toward this strategic junc-
tion, which controls the last railway
short of Paldnd connecting German
armies in the north with German-
heldhterritory south and, west of Kiev.
The ultimate objective of the big
breakthrough both northwest and
south from Kiev appeared to be-
as the Nazis themselves said appre-
hensively today-complete isolation
of the many battered German divi-
sions within the great bend of the
Dnieper river.
Among the 60 populated places
falling to the Russians in the western
Ukraine were 14 large ones, said
Moscow's daily bulletin, recorded by
the Soviet monitor.
In the Crimea where the Germans
said the Russians had made new
landing attempts on the Kerch Pen-
insula, Moscow said only that the
Red Army fought to extend its
To the north, in the area west and
northwest of Nevel, the Russians ov-
erran several populated places in ad-
vances of local importance, Moscow
Moscow was silent again, as it has
been for several days now, on the ac-
tion both within the Dnieper bend
and that along the Dnieper estuary,
where Soviet forces are regrouping
for an assault on Kherson and Niko-

munist member of the consultative
assembly, called undercover methods
used in its formation.
"We favor discussion in broad day-
light before taking a responsible
post," Mercier said.
The committee's spokesman said
the communists had been invited to
take a post, but "had declined."
Meetings Unannounced
Ordinarily, the Committee's offi-
cial meetings are announced pub-
licly in advance, although the ses-
sions are private. Today's meeting
was unannounced and a spokesman
described it as an "unofficial" meet-
ing at which changes in personnel
could be adopted.
The move was regarded here as
designed to increase the hold of Gen.
Charles De Gaulle over the Commit-
A decree signed by all members
ordained the separation of French
civil and military authority.
Le Gentilhomme Replaced
In addition to removing Giraud,
Abadie, Georges and Couve De Mur-
ville, the Committee replaced na-
tional defense commissioner Gen.
Paul Le Gentilhomme, but his post
was split in two with former socialist
deputy Andre Letrocquer, a lawyer,
becoming commissioner for war and
air and Louis Jacquinot, local head
of the "group combat" and son of a
former communist deputy, being
seated as navy commissioner.
The Committee named Gen. Geor-
ges Catroux, former coordinator of
Moslem affairs; Andre Philip, former
interior commissioner, and Henri
Queuille, minister of food supply izm
the cabinet of Premier Paul Rey-
naud in June, 1940, as "ministers of
state." This was regarded as a move
preliminary to relieving Catroux of
his post as governor general of Al-
geria, a position lucrative with po-
tential patronage.
FDR To Send
Message on
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.- (')-
President Roosevelt announced to-
day that he will send a message deal-
ing with lend-lease, particularly raw
materials, to Congress Thursday.
Concern has been expressed at the
Capitol that aid to the Allies is
draining this country of natural re-
Mr. Roosevelt also told his press-
radio conference that the British
government will issue a white paper
the same day and he indicated it
would deal withnthe same subject.
He said a reading would show, how-
ever, that the two documents were
prepared independently.
Labor's demands for relaxation of
wage controls were brought up by a
reporter who asked whether the
President favors a change in the
"Little Steel" formula limiting wage
increases to 15 per cent above the
level of Jan. 1, 1941. Mr. Roosevelt
replied that he is trying to find out
what the cost of living really is;
that was why he appointed a War
Labor Board committee to investi-
gate it. Ideas as to the cost of living
vary widely, he observed, depending
upon wives, stomachs and places of

-Photo by Capt. Robert Lewin, Co. A, 3651st S.U.
Two officers, acting as advisors in recent practice maneuvers, are
shown above examining plans of the maneuver area in order to deter-
mine the best possible way to defend the position to which they were
assigned. Company A won the mock battle, capturing its position. The
attacking forces were led by Philip A. Beaufoy, acting commander of
Company A. Pictured above are, from left to right, Robert J. C. Butow,
acting 1st Sgt. of Co. B, Lieut. Philip D. Macbride, and Lieut. Thomas

By The Associated Press
HEADQUARTERS, Wednesday, Nov.
10.-Under cover of darkness, the
Japanese landed several hundred
troops with supplies from barges last
Saturday night and early Sunday
north of the U.S. Marine beachhead
Churchill Says
1944 Will See
Climax of War
Warns Against Grave
Mistake in Strategy;,
Early Peace Hopes
LONDON, Nov. 9.- ())- Prime
Minister Churchill soberly cautioned
the Allied peoples today against re-
laxing in hopes of an early peace,
and, predicting that 1944 would "see
the climax of the European war," he
said that both the United States and
Britain must be prepared for great
sacrifice of life.
In his first speech since the Rus-
sian armies smashed Hitler's line
along the Dnieper River and his first
since accord was reached by the
Allies at Moscow, Churchill, fore-
seeing Germany's "impending ruin,"
declared that he regarded "this hour
as at once more hopeful and more
stirring than any through which we
have passed."
Foresees Great Battles
"It is a reasonable assumption,"
he continued, "that unless we make
some grave mistake in strategy, the
year 1944 will see the climax of the
European war.'
"Uless some happier event occurs
on which we have no right to count
and the hand of providence is direc-
ted by some crowning mercy, then
1944 will see the greatest sacrifice of
life by the British and American
armies and battles far larger and
more costly than Waterloo or Get-
tysburg will be fought.
War To Prove Costly
"Sorrow will come to. many homes
in the United Kingdom and through-
out the great republic of the United
States. British and American man-
hood-true brothers-in-arms- will
rise to the attack and grapple with
their deadly foes."
Of hopes for peace he said :
"A great many people speak as if
the end of the war in Europe were
near. I hope indeed that they may
prove right ... We should, however,
be foolish and blameworthy if we
allowed our plans and actions to be
based upon the prospect of an early
collapse in Germany."

at Empress Augusta Bay, headquar-
ters announced today.
The American forces now are in
contact with those forces.
Adm. William F. Halsey's .head-
quarters, in amplification of General
MacArthur's report, said the Marines
had thrown tanks against the cour-
ter-invasion troops and the Japs were
using 90 millimeter mortars.
The landing point was located. as
four to seven miles northwest of Cape
.aps Use 21 Barges
The Japs went ashore from 2V
barges which possibly made the
southward run from Buka, on Bou-
gainville's northern tip, under pro-
tection of a heavy cruiser and two
destroyers. Yesterday's communique
had reported low level torpedo at-
tacks by Australian-manned Beau-
forts on these warships during which
the destroyers were believed hit,
The landing was made at Atsinima,
Bay, several miles above the northern
edge of the Marine perimeter and
near the mouth of the Laruma river.
The river forms the northern edge
of the beachhead where the Marines
landed Nov. 1 on the last big enemy
Solomons Island barring the way to
No Interference Offered
No interference with the landing
operation during the dark hours .as
reported. On Sunday afternoon, Navy
dive bombers and fighters and Mit-
chell medium bombers pounded the
barges and the landing area.
Today's communique said "numer-
ous barges" were destroyed or dam-
Japs Penetrate
Chinese Lines
CHUNGKING, Nov. 9.- ()-7e
Chinese high command admitted to-
night that one of three Japanese col-
umns fighting on the central Yangtze
front had penetrated Chinese lines
but said the other columns had been
checked with "heavy sacrifice" to the
On the Burma front warplanes
from Maj.-Gen. Claire L. Chennault's
14th U.S. Air Force in support ,of
Chinese ground troops blasted. at
Japanese shipping andair and .com-
munication bases, while India-based
Allied planes raided Japanese targets
in northern Burma.
The scale of the Japanese opera-
tions in central China caused specui-
lation as to whether the invaders
might be aiming a thrust toward
Chungking. The advance of the Jap-
anese was in the same direction they
took last May when it was believed
they might be launching a drive at
Chiang Kai-Shek's headquarters.


44 Nations Sign Agreement
To Aid Suffering War Victims

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. -Repre-
sentatives of 44 united and associated
nations sat below the brilliant flags
of as many countries in the White
House today and signed an agreement
to feed, clothe, and shelter the suf-
fering civilian victims of Axis ag-
gression as their homelands are lib-
erated-an agreement which Presi-
dent Roosevelt hailed as historic.
'We Mean Business'
"Coming after the declarations of
Moscow," the President told his dis-
tinguished audience in the red and
gold East Room, "this agreement
shows that we mean business in this
war in a political and humanitarian
sense, just as surely as we mean busi-
ness in a military sense."
He declared that it represented one
more "strong link" joining the Allies
and their sympathizers at a time
"when our military power is becom-
ing predominant, when our enemies,
are being pushed back-all over the
Interprets Rehabilitation
Later at his news conference,- the
President reemphasized what he call-'
ed the great importance of the relief
agreement, pointing out that it rep-
resented the first permanent organi-


zation of its kind growing out of the
war association.
The Chief Executive told newsmen
that the emphasis would be on re-
lief in the broad sense and rehabili-
tation in a limited sense. For the
purposes of the program, he inter-
preted rehabilitation to cover, among
other things, seed, farm implements,
and the nucleus of dairy herds. .
Sanish Deny
Recognition of
Jap Philippines
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-(')-The
Spanish government denied today
that it had recognized the Japanese
government of. the Philippine Is-
lands in a congratulatory message
sent puppet Filipino President Jose
P. Laurel last month.
A note, delivered by Spanish Am,
bassador . Juan Francisco De Car-
denas to acting Secretary Edward
R. Stettinius this afternoon, was
made public by the state department
without comment.
It declared that the message sent
by the Spanish minister of foreign
affairs on Oct. 18 in reply to a cable-
gram from- Laurel was "an act of
The Spanish government made a
long diplomatic explanation of its
historical sympathy toward the Phil-
Nazi Weather
Station Ruined
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-(A')-Sec-
retary Knox reported today the de-
struction of a German weather and
radio station off -Greenland-an ac-
tion which may have had an impor-
tant bearing on summer and autumn
success in' the battle of the Atlantic
sea lanes.
Danish hunters operating as a
United States sledge patrol located
the German base on an island off
the uninhabited coast of Greenland,
Knox told a press conference.

Uruguayan States Health Plight;
American Methods Are Followed

-4,000,000 AFFECTED:

Railroad Men
Set To Strike
Workers Want Eight
Cents per Hour Raise
union spokesman told Senators today
1,100,000 railroad workers are pre-
pared to strike for eight cents an
hour wage increase, but agreed with
Senator Johnson (Dem.-Colo.) that
the net result of a strike call prob-
ably would be government wartime
operation of the carriers.
George M. Harrison, president of
the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks,
also pledged no strike would be
called before Congress had "reason-
able time" to act on a pending reso-
lution to validate the 8-cent increase.
The wage raise was recommended
by a special emergency board and
was agreed to by railroad manage-
ment but was disanroved by Sta-

South Americans Present
Morning Series of Talks
"American methods in Public
Health are being followed more and
more and I use them extensively in
my teaching," asserted Alberto
-Zwanck, Professor of Hygiene, Bue-
nos Aires, in the first of yesterday
morning's series of talks before the
Inter-American conference of Public
(His entire address, given in Span-
ish, was summarized in English.)
Alberto Zwanck described the evo-
lution of Public Health recalling that
the first professor of Hygiene in his
country was the son of an American
G. H. Paula Souza, Brazil, com-
mented during the showing of sev-
eral reels of film picturing the mod-
ern equipped health centers and
classrooms of Sao Paulo that, "The
Rockefeller Foundation has contri-
buted directly to healt h work.
Through their financial aid we have
been able to extend our laboratories."
"Some of our research work," Sou-

Dr. Salveraglio Stresses
Importance of Teaching
"To better understand the problem
of the teaching of Hygiene in4Uru-
guay," Dr. Frederico J. Salveraglio,
Professor of Hygiene in Montevideo,
stated, "one must have a clear-Cbn-
cept of the country itself and the
magnitude and characteristics of the
uppermost sanitary problems in the
field of Public Health."
He added that a National Housing
Committee has already developed
several projects for workmei's
homes. A vast program of maternal
and child hygiene has also been ini-
"There is no doubt," he continued,
"that the organization of Preventive
Medicine teaching is receiving a
great impulse in Latin America and
its results represent the most impor-
tant social advance of the later years.
To fulfill the task undertaken, a
number of capable technical me are
needed. We must intensify "the
teaching of public health in the med-
ical school because of our belief that
all private physicians should cooper-
ate in this program. We must ° i-
prove our newborn School of Hy-
giene so that its teachings become
efficient and the preparation of

Congressional Move To Save
Europe's Jews Is Introduced


WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-(P)- A
Congressional move to save Europe's
four million Jews from extermina-
tion by Nazi Germany was initiated
today with the introduction of a
joint resolution authorizing the Pres-

in their plan for punishment of war
Sponsors of the plan also sug-
gested establishment of reservation
camps for Jews, under the control of
the commission, in neutral states.
All Jews able to escane these coun-

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