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November 07, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-07

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SAYh~, N~Oe ', 143

I'd Rather Be Right


By Lichty

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.50, by mail $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Collee Publishers Representative
420 MAoisoN AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff
Marion Ford . . . . . . Managing Editor
Jane Farrant . . . . . . Editorial Director
Claire Sherman . . . . . . City Editor
Marjorie Borradaile .. . . . Associate Editor
Betty Harvey . . . . . . Women's Editor
Business Stafff

NEW YORK, Nov. 7.-The President simply
cannot seem to get anybody to discuss subsidies.
He brings up the most wonderful arguments,
and a dead silence follows. He makes killing
points, and nobody notices.
The 10,000-word message of last Monday on
the subject caught the whole country looking
out of the window.
to be sure, it was the day of the Moscow
Declarations. Everybody was too busy talking
about the brave new world to bother with the
high price of eggs. But even if we get a world
police force, we are still going to have to ett.
The silence is stupefying. Only a handful of
Congressmen even troubled to lstei to the read-
ing of the message. The President made the
most sensational points, and each one dropped
to the floor and expired unnoticed.
What can subsidies do? Remember the cop-
per shortage? When we were caught without
enough copper, we found that while most pro-
ducers could turn out the metal at 12 cents a
pound, a number of marginal and high-cost pro-
ducers needed 16 cents. We had the choice,
then, of raising the cost of thy metal generally
to 16 cents, or of paying 12 cents to most of odr
producers and giving a special subsidy to the
others. We chose subsidies. The President
showed that we saved $28 on our expenditures
for copper for every $1 we spent on subsidies..
You know, that's a good point. I haye seen
some of our dailies write four editorials, eaAh
as long as an isolati onist's arm, on the
strength of a lesser point than that.
What we did with copper prices we can also
do with food prices. It stands to reason. Doesn't
it? But there is no answer. The anti-subsidy
forces have clammed up. They are going to bill
subsidies by not talking about them, and by not
listening to arguments for them.

Even a very moderate use of subsidies, to roll
back the prices of meat and butter 10 per cent,
and to reduce retail charges for a few other
foods, cut the cost of living 1.4 points during
this last summer. We actually cut the cost of
living during war!
That startling statement ought to bring some
sort of response. But one doesn't even hear an
echo. Why is everybody so quiet? Speak ! Please,
won't somebody say something?
He says that by spending $800,000,000 on sub-
sidies we could save billions to the consumer,
and avoid wage increases, and still pay more
money to farmers who obviously need more
money. He makes the statement, but echo an-
swers with a snore. The clerk clears his throat,
and turns a page, and continues reading.
As a matter of fact, the President is receiving
the silent treatment on several points in addi-
tion to the subsidy issue. I was greatly moved
last summer when the isolationist press began
to be worried about the amount of beef we were
shipping abroad to our allies. It seemed to me
thoughtful and patriotic of these dailies to be
so greatly concerned about the American diet.
. On Monday the President made the astoun-
ding observation that we have shipped only
99,000,000 pounds of beef and veal through
lend-lease, and have actually received 90,000,-
000 pounds of these meats in return from
Australia and New Zealand.
So, all week, I've been flipping through the
New York Daily News, etc., looking for the edi-
tor to say how relieved and happy he is that this
is so.
Silence, again. Has the cat got everybody's
tongue? Won't someone say something, any-
thing to shatter the deadly stillness?
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Strictly entertainment. Four girls.
handsome khaki, and some good
lines, but it was fun while it lasted.
Joseph Fields made a humorous play
out of commonplace situations. It
is the humor of the War Years col-
lected into three acts. The result is
a young, frivolous and strictly "1943"
play. The relief of laughing in the
theater for a change is anough to in-
sure a filled house.
Kaufman's master touch is the
most impressive thing about
"Doughgirls." If ever a play was
saved by competent staging it is
this one.
The best acting is done by Taylor
Holmes and Lenore Ulrich. They
know how to read lines and how to
hold their audience. Theirs is the
ease that comes from experience and
years of trooping. When Taylor
Holmes was on the stage the foot-
lights were on him alone. He did a
big job with a small part. Lenore Ul-
rich showed herself to be a competent
actress doing her best with an insig-
nificant part.
Neither she nor Taylor Holmes
were on the stage long enough at one
time. They were either leaving or
entering, but when ever a prop was
needed one of them was always there.
Without their acting support and
Kaufman's staging the play would
hardly have been worth while.
The three women handled their
mediocre parts adequately. Their
feminine attributes bridged them
over some trite and otherwise dull
scenes. Leila Ernst at times over-

I : > V


743 Chfcgo Trmes.Ic I 64:t
Don't blame me if I couldn't get your regular jury, Slug!
You gotta remember there's a manpower shortage;'

did her role of the blond scatter-
brain, but she was consistent. As
for the male cast, they were mere-
ly the objects of the action and

The impression left by the play is
one of "here today and forgotten to-
morrow," but technically it was well,
-Jean Hedler


Molly Ann Winokur
Elizabeth Carpenter
Martha Opsion

Business Manager
Ass't. Bus. Managers
Ass't. Bus. Managers


Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Michigan To Observe
American-Soviet Week
GOVERNOR KELLY has proclaimed this week,
Nov. 7-14, as American-Soviet friendghip
week in Michigan, asking the public to pay trib-
ute to "the devotion, determination and gelf-
sacrifice of the people of the Soviet Union and
their continuing brilliant feats of arms in our
common cause."
This . is another step in cementing relations
between America and the Soviet Union which
were immensely strengthened at the recent Mos-
cow conference. This conference showed the
need for a better understanding of the Soviet
It is especially important that University
students who will play a leading role in deter-
mining ,future relations between the United
States and the Soviet Union should attempt to
become better informed on the Soyiet Union.
Au important opportunity for students to
learn more about Russia will be offered Satur-
day night when Capt. Sergei N. Kournakoff, a
noted Russian military leader who fought in
the Russian Imperial Army as a cavalry subal-
tern in the First World War, will speak under
the auspices of the National Council for Amer-
ican-Soviet Friendship.
In view of the fact that at the Moscow 'con-
ference it was decided that we should cooperate
with Russia both now and in the post-war world,
the need for a better understanding is evident.
We have started on the roal to bringing this
about, but we cannot afford to loitersby the way-
side. - Doris Peterson
Senate Investigation of
Lend-Lease Is Needed
RUMORS about lend-lease are poisoning the
minds of the American people. An investiga-
tion by a Senate committee would help to clear
up the doubt in people's minds, and better in-
form the public as to the agreements made with
our Allies, and what returns they are bringing
to the United States.
If the investigation was carried out by a
group really anxious to get to the bottom of
the facts, we would know if any shipments
have been made that do not pertain to the
war effort, if the. administration of this pro-
gram has functioned without waste or corrup-
tion, and if materials have been held back
from the public for the benefit of private bus-
iness enterprises.
If Senator Gerald P. Nye, as it appears now,
should head an investigation of this sort, it will
not be carried out with a judicial, responsible
and generous spirit. How can it be conducted in
this spirit, if a man, who has opposed lend-lease
from the beginning, and whose personal grudge
is with Britain and Russia, will play a leading
role in the investigation?
Instead of bookkeeping terms, material
terms should be the main interest of the in-
vestigation. The amount of money that the


Presidential Plan Would Educate All 'Deserving
Veterans of Six Months at Government Expense

Dangerous though it may seem to some peo-
ple, the recent proposal of a presidential com-
mittee to educate more than a million veterans
at government expense is an example of the
pioneering spirit in operation.-
University students do not have to be told that
there are hundreds, indeed thoisands of young
men' and women who have sacrificed their stud-
ies to fight. For them this plan would mean
they could complete their education. For those
who have never had the chance to go to college,
the plan proves there is still reason, to believe in
America's ideals.' Every veteran will have the
opportunity to learn for the plan daws no line
as to race, color or creed.- or those men and
women who prefer a speiallied education' in
some vocation or trade, the plan would provid
a stepping stone to employient.
The ,plan for. educating veterans in post-
war America is nieither conplicated nor ex-
I6emely detailed. Briefly it provides that any
man or woman who has served in the armed
forces for six months and who has an honor-
able discharge will be eligible for one year of
additional education. It states that the gov-
ernment would pay all tuition and fees, plus
$50 a month for maintenance if single, or $75
a month if married, with an additional $10 a
month allowance for each child.
Entranceto the program would be made on
the basis of special tests. All those who proved
themselves particularly apt and successful dur-
ing their first year could continue at govern-
ment expense for the remaining three years of
their course.
;ALREADY one can hear the protest of those
frightened souls who fear there may be too
much ,federal control of education. The presi-
dential committee, recognizing - this fact, pro-
posed that the chief duties of Washington in
this plan would be to provide the money and to
see that it was spent thriftily. Tuition and fees
would go directly to schools while maintenance
grants would be sent to individuals.
Already one 'may recogize that there will
Connally Resolution
Now Has Significance
THE SENATE passage of the Connally resolu-
tion Friday is good news even to most of the
former critics of the proposal, who condemned
its vagueness. For it now has meaning.- Moscow
gave it that meaning.
After publication of the Moscow document,
the resolution was amended to provide for
Senate recognition of "the necessity of there
ben established at the earliest practicable
date a general international organization .:.
for the maintenance of international peace
and security." The resolution. now also pro-
vides for Senate ratification of treaties made
to effect, the plan.
It is indicative that this plan was passed after
the results of the Moscow conference were
known. The Connally bill can now be inter-
preted in the light of the decisions made at
Moscow, since the Senate ratified the Moscow
The Senate is now on record for (1) com-
plete victory, (2) a just peace, (3) interns-

be a good deal of powerful opposition to the
plan, from people and organizations who main-
tain that education is a personal problem.
Nor is it beyond the realm of possibility to
imagine that a few citizens will be horrified at
the amount of money the plan will take. Brig.-
Gen. Frederick H. Osborn and experts on the
committee believe that it would cost the govern-
ment less to send all veterans who areinterested
to school for a year than to keep them in the
armed services for slow demobilization..
ACCORDING to their figures, an individual
going to school at the end of the war would
require $900 a year, while, at.the presep1t time it
costs $1,500 a year to "keep servicemen in.the
Army or Navy, The grand totalds just $1,000,-
66,00, or four-tenths of oe perkcent rof the
amount spent for the Army'= and ' Navy during
Certainly it is more sensible to give those
men and women something to do, smetlin
to learn, than to turn them loose ona civilian,
population which has no idea of where to put
them. Certainly it is a better investment to
spend a billion dollars on eduation than ten,
fifteen or twenty billion on dem6bilization and
welfare grants.
It was the pioneering spirit that drove the
forty-niners and the western adventurers across
a continent. It will be the same spirit that will
secure the adoption of this plan for educating
veterans. - Virginia Rock
Dominic S ays
AMERICAN religious bodies, Jew, Catholic and
Protestant, have issued a seven-point declar-
ation on post-war status. Why put energy into
peace before the military can deliver sweeping
victories? There are good answers.
First, religious leaders must deal with Di-
vine Intention and incarnate it in human pur-
pose. Every constructive attempt at a redefi-
nition of aims at this time should increase our
national drive, strengthen the will of our
United Nations and bring to suffering peoples
fresh assurance. Even our fighting forces as
well as every officer should be served by such
Second, religion deals in futures. In spite of
the fact that religion originally meant to "bind
back," yet every great faith pictures a good to
come. Religious leaders might be forgiven for
being deaf to any present but never for failing
to have perspective. Futures are germane.
THIRD, religion roots in the ideal. Sociology
describes behavior. Science is factual. Gov-
ernment creates social forms. Industry trans-
forms raw material into usable goods. Education
trains the growing mind. It is the business of
religion to fix man's eye upon the values within
facts and beyond them. Unless religion can
visualize a behavior which will satisfy human
longing and cause lawmakers to desire Utopian
patterns of government, humanity fails. To in-
duce men to contemplate goodness prayerfully
and struggle valiantly for the ideal at a time
when stakes are huge and dangers are great, is
to set to work the recuperative energy of God
and man.
Fourth, religion insists that man is capable of
Godliness. Men see each other as devils. Here
is basic fact but not all of the fact. In spite of
1 _ .1 .... .. . ." .. .n nve . ,ef ee

SUNDAY, NOV. 7, 1943 1
Vol. LIV No. 61
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-1
letin are to be sent to the Office of the1
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-1
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.i
To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
Nov. 8, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. Members of the Uni-
versity Senate are invited to attend.
Agenda: Election of Officers; Es-
tablishment of Committee on Inter-
cultural Relations; Communication
on Physical Education for Women;
Reports of Standing Committees.
Louis A. Hopkins,
Sunday Library Service: On all
' Sundays during the Fall and Spring
Terms, except during holiday periods,
the Main Reading Room and the Pe-
riodical Room of the General Library
are kept open from 2:00 p. m. to 9
p. m.
Books from other parts of the
building which are needed for Sun-
day use will be made available in the
Main Reading Room if request is
made on Saturday of an assistant in
the reading room where the books are
usually shelved.
Warner G. Rice, Director
Library Committee: All requests
and proposals which are to be sub-
mitted to the Library Committee of
the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts, at its meeting early
this month, should be in the hands
of the Director of the General Li-
brary not later than Monday, Nov. 8.
Warner G. Rice, Director
Eligibility Rules for Fall Term:
Because of changed conditions on
the campus the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs has decided to modify
the rules of eligibility for public
activities for the current Fall Term.
The continuance of the plan will
depend upon the success with which
it is managed by the individual stu-
dent during the coming months.
Students will not be required to se-
cure certificates of eligibility, but
will be personally responsible for
checking their own eligibility.
First term freshmen will be al-
lowed to participate but will have
their grades checked by their aca-
demic counsellors or mentors at the
end of the five-week period and at
mid-semester. Continued participa-
tion after these checks will depend
upon permission of the academic
counsellors or mentors. All other
students who are not on Probation
or the Warned List are eligible. Any-
one on Probation or the Warned List
is definitely ineligible to take part in
any public activity and a student
who participates under, these cir-
cumstances will be subject to disci-
pline by the authorities of the school
or college in which he or she is en-
Participation in a public activity
is defined as service of any kind on
a committee or a publication, in a
public performance or a rehearsal,
holding office or being a candidate
for office in a class or other student
nrganiation or any similar func-

trial concerns throughout the coun-
try and the more complete they are,i
the more valuable they become to]
the University and the student.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music, and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by Dec. 1. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond. this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4 U.H., where it will be trans-
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
University Lecture: Professor Rus-
sell C. Hussey, of the Department of
Geology; will lecture on the subject,
"The Parade of the Dinosaurs,/'
(illus.) in the .Rackham Amphithe-
ater on Wednesday, Nov. 10, at 7:45
p. m. under the auspicesbof the Phi
Sigma Society. The public is cor-
dially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Eugene R.
Kellersberger, former medical mis-
sionary in the Belgian Congo, will
lecture on the subject, "Trypanoso-
miasis (African sleeping sickness) ",
illustrated, in the Amphitheater, sec-
.ond floor of the University Hospital,
on Friday, November 12, at 1:30 p. m.
under the auspices of the Hygenic
Laboratory. The public is cordially
Academic Notices
Qualifying Test for Army-Navy
College Programs: Students whose
eligibility for the test has been certi-
fied are requested to report to the
main Lecture Hall in the Rackham
Building at 8:45 on the morning of
Tuesday, Nov. 9. At that time each
man must present his admission and
identification blank completely filled
out, signed, and certified. Two lead
pencils will also be required for the
Information bulletins and admis-
sion cards for the test are still avail-
able at the Office of the Dean of
Students, Room 2 University Hall,
and certification of eligibility can be
secured during University office
hours until 4:30 p.m., Monday, Nov.
To all male students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
tive, (3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Anmin rni n m.<, (11R Tme

Mathematics Seminars: A meeting
of all who are interested in taking
part in any seminar in mathematics,
applied mathematics, or statistics, or
in the Journal Club, will be held on
Monday, Nov. 8, at 4 o'clock, in Room
30'11 Angell Hall, to decide what sem.-
inars should be run and at what
Chemistry Colloquium on Wednes-
day, Nov. 10, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
303 Chemistry Building. Dr. .R:K.
McAlpine will discuss the CO2 Prob-
lem in Neutralization Titrations.
Mathematics Club will meetTues-
day, Nov. 9, at 8:00 p.m. ii theWeat
Conference Room, Rackham Ildg,
Professor Myers will speak on "Th
Diamete'r of a Closed RiemanniAn,"
Manifold!" l
String Orchestra: Under the direc-
tion of Gilbert Ross. Music of they ,.~
17th and 18th centuries. Rehearsals
Tuesdays and Fridays, 3 to. 5, Lane
Hall. Open to all University Stu.
dents., Violinists,. Violists,.ellistv
and string bass players are invited. 1
See Professor Ross, 606 Burton Mem-
orial Tower.
.Cleveland Orchestra Concert: The
Cleveland Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf,
Conductor, will play the following
program in the first Choral 'Union
Concert tonight at 9:00 p.m.:.=i
Bach Chorale, "0 Haupt voll Blut
und Wunden"; Schubert Symphony
in C, No. 7; Siegfried's Rhine Journey
from "Gotterdammerung" by Wag-
ner; and "Porgy and Bess", A Sym-
phonic Picture, by Gershwin.
This concert will be broadcast over
the Mutual System. The audience
should arrive promptly as there will
be no opportunity to be admitted

after the concert starts.
Tickets are on sale at the offices of
the University Musical Society, Bur-
ton Memorial Tower, daily except
Sunday. Today the box office in Hill
Auditorium will be open from 2 to 5
and after 7:00 p.m.
Charles A. Sink, President
Events Today
U. of M. Men's Glee Club invites
freshmen, upperclassmen, graduate
students and all Servicemen on cam-
pus to a Smoker in the Club Rooms,
third floor, Michigan Union, today at
4:30 p.m. Tryouts for membership
will be held. One regular rehearsal
each week. Your choice of Thurs-
days at 7:30 p.m. or Sundays at 4:30
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet in the club quarters in the
Rackham Building today at 2:30
p.m. to discuss plans of club activi-
ties for the present term. All grad-
uate and professional students are
cordially invited.


The Westminster Guild will have
a cost-supper today at 5:45 p.m. in
the Social Hall of the Presbyterian
Church. Following the social hour
at 7:0 p.m. Dr. Henry P. Van Dusen
of New York City will speak.
The Lutheran Student Association
will have an Open House for stu-

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