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R-ai, Colr
Vol. LIV No. 6
roYrm Tvm rrvcvwms o
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Turkey Denies Plans o Give Allies B
l l.
Japs Attempt
To Rush Aid
To Solomons
Eleven More Ships Hit
In Allied Smash on
Jap Reiforcements
Associated Press Correspondent
HEADQUARTERS, Sunday, Nov. 7.
-Two Japanese cruisers have been
sunk, seven cruisers, two destroyers
and two large cargo vessels damaged
In the first stages of the Allied air
smash at reinforcements rushed
from Truk for the Solomons show-
Headquarters announced today the
bxowing up of & heavy cruiser during
an 82-ton blasting by nearly 200
heavy bombers, dive-bombers, tor-
pedo bombers and fighters Friday
which left Rabaul's big harbor a
mass of flame and smoke.
An enemy light cruiser was sent to
the bottom of the Bismark Sea
Thursday night 22 miles southwest
of Kavieng New Ireland, by three
bomb hits scored by Liberators.
Five heavy cruisers, two light crui-
sers and two destroyers were badly
battered at Rabaul where the air
forces of both MacArthur and Ad-
miral Halsey teamed up to hit rein-
forcements for the eight warships
sunj and .ql;cdamaged there since
t1y and avy fighters
rtl t riers shot 26 Japa-
nese planes out f the smoking skies
and proba y baogged an additional
titerai MacArthur's communique
listed only five- heavy cruisers at-
taced at Isbaul but at adyanced
*uth .aclfkc headquarters of Ad--
tlalset the fports listed five
tich war'shids d~aiaged in addition
to the one blown up.
Halsey's headquarters also dis-
dlosed that a carrier force, for the
i rt time, sent part of the planes
against 1 abaul.
(A Tokyo broadcast claimed, With-
out Allied confirmation, that Japa-
nese planes within the past week had
sunk two aircraft carriers in the
South Pacific.)
Avenger torpedo bombers and
Dauntless dive - bombers, making
their debut at Rabaul, where Libera-
tors and Mitchells previously had
dominated that fortress, opened the
assault before noon.
Torpedoes, always deadly weapons
for warships, smashed into five hea-
vy cruisers and a light cruiser. An-
other light cruiser was hit by bombs.
Seventy enemy fighters rose to
combat these bombers and the cover-
ing; fighters Were inferior in num-
bers. But the Navy pilots sht down
24 Zeros for certain and possibly 22
It was such a staggering blow that
when Liberators appeared after noon
With P-38's to blow up warehouses
and supplies piled high ongthe
wharves only 20 enemy fighters
could be mounted against them. Two
were shot down for certain and two
other probably
The attacking forces lost nine
Officers State
Union Policies
Full War Program at
Union Pledged for Fall
In their first statement of policy
this semester Burnet Crawford, 44,
and Charles M. Dotterer, Jr., '44E,
a who were both re-elected to the of-
fices of President and Secretary of
the Union, respectively, for the Fall
semester, pledged to adapt the Uni-
on't facilities to a full war-time pro-
"Our fundamental policy will be,"
they said, "to adapt the Union's fa-
cilities to full war time use and to
endeavor to make each man's stay
In Ann Arbor as pleasant as possible."
An announcement was also made
of the new Union Executive Council.
rte mahars ihi r v on u cInher
He Fills Big Shoes
Michigan Downs
Indiana, 23-6
Loss of Daley and Pregilman Felt
In Wolverines' Spotty Performance
Michigan's Wolverines informed 20,000 fans that they missed Big Bill
Daley and Merv Pregulman by their ragged performance in downing a
dogged Indiana eleven, 23-6, yesterday afternoon in the Stadium here.
The Maize and Blue gridders proved that you can't remove two vital
parts of a machine and continue to perform smoothly, for both the work of
the backs and the linemen was spotty.
Hunchy Is Frustrated
There were thousands of eyes on the Hodsiers' highly publicized passing
phenomenon, Bob (Hunchy) Hoernschemeyer. Although this talented
freshman heaved a touchdown aerial<
. line-bucking Wolverine full-
back who has been given the job
of filling the shoes of Big Bill
Daley. And he did a creditable
job against Indiana, gaining 100
yards in 18 attempts.
'Think To Win'
Is Theme of
Armny Contest
6th Service Command
Offers Its Personnel
Prizes and Promotions
All War Department personnel of
the Sixth Service Command are eli-
gible to participate in the "Think To
Win" pogram to save men, money,
material'and time, according to an
order recently issued by Maj-Gen
Henry S. Aurand, Commanding Gen-
eral of the Sixth Service Command.
All officers, enlisted men and ci-
vilians in the Sixth Service Command
personnel may enter the contest,
which began Thursday and contin-
ues through Sunday, Nov. 21. All
contributions must be mailed by mid-
night of that date.
Promotions will be made to offi-
cers and enlisted men whose sugges-
tions are judged best, while civilians
who win will be awarded war bonds.
The purpose of the "Think To
Win" program is to give the per-
sonnel of the Service Command an
opportunity to convert any ideas to
save four vital commodities in the
war, men, money, material and time,
into definite suggestions according
to the announcement.
'"It is the undeniable responsibility
of those of us in the Sixth Service
Command to conserve these all-im-
portant items so that American sol-
diers who are fighting all over the
world will have what they need,
where they need it, when they need
it. Any suggestion which is withheld
is a breach of faith with the men
in combat," the announcement said.
Suggestions need not conform to
existing Army Regulations, Circulars
or Directives. The Army Service
Forces and War Department are will-
ing to change existing regulations to
meet practical suggestions of the
The announcement stated that only
one yardstick will be used, "Will it
Enlisted personnel whose sugges-
tions are judged best will receive in-
creases in grade, or, if no longer in
the Service Command, letters of com-
mendation to the Commanding Offi-
cers. The Legion of Merit will be
awarded those suggestions which
warrant it.
For the best suggestions from offi-
cers in the rank of 2nd lieutenant
through lieutenant colonel, promo-
See CONTEST, Page 7
Tryout Meeting
WilllBe Field
to End Pete Pihos for Indiana's lone
score, he completed only four of 16
passes and had four intercepted, one
for a touchdown. And to make mat-
ters worse, Hunchy was trapped in
the end zone on an attempted pass
and stepped out for a Michigan
For the Wolverines it was their
fourth straight Conference victory
and their sixth win in seven starts.
The triumph together with Purdue's
last-minute victory over Minnesota
kept both teams in a tie for the Con-
ference lead.
Hirsch Is Injured
Elroy Hirsch, the Wisconsin boy
with the slicing, hop-skip motion in
his ,stride, sparked the Wolverine
offensive in the first half. The Bad-
ger-turned-Wolverine bucked across
from the two after a 67-yard advance
in the first period.
And it was Hirsch, whose tally was
his eleventh -of the season, again
when Michigan .made it 14-0 in the
second period :t'he Wolverines were
on Indiana's 43 when Hirsch faded
back to midfield and flipped a high,,
arching, wobbly pass to Wally Drey-
er. The p3ony back took it over his..
shoulder on a; dead run on the 12
and raced ovei' 'for the TD. It was
the man-in-motion play, Dreyer's
speed allowing him to get beyond
Hoernscherneyer. Hirsch injured his
shoulder and did not play the second
The Hoosiers who could advance
no further than Michigan's 33 in the
first half, scored midway in the third
period. And it was Indiana's other
wingman, Frank Hoppe, who set up
the touchdown play.
Lateral Goes Astray
Three Girls
Head Business,
Staff of Daily
Senior appointments for the Daily
business staff for the fall term have
been approved by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications for Molly
Winokur, '44BAd, as business mana-
ger, and for Elizabeth Carpenter, '45,
and Martha Opsion, '44, as assistant
business managers.
Miss Winokur, whose home is in
Detroit, is vice-president of her sor-
ority, Sigma Delta. She worked on
Michigan attempted a lateral be-
hind the line with Bob Nussbaumer,
reserve halfback and Wolverine
trackman, on the flipping end.
Hoppe, one of eight starting Hoosier
freshmen, waltzed in to grab the ball
in midair on the Michigan 47. Nuss-
baumer, with a terrific burst of
speed, overhauled him on the seven.
On the third play Hunchy flipped to
Pihos who burrowed under a pile of
Wolverines to score. Captain John
Tavener's conversion try failed.
Michigan's lone score in the third
period was after Hoernschemeyer's
safety. Here's how that happened.
Indiana had been penalized 15 yards
to her three. On the second play
Hoernschemeyer faded back almost
into the stands before-tossing the
ball and itwans ruled a safety. Tackle
Bob Derleth almost nailed him a few
seconds prior to the toss.
Smeja Scores on Interception
The Wolverines came to life early,
in the fourth period. On the first
playa End Rudy Smeja snagged a
Hoernschemeyer special out of the
air on the 35 and ran unmolested
through a maze of Hoosier gridders
for Michigan's third touchdown. A
terrific block by "Half-Pint" Dreyer
cut down one potential Hoosier tack-
Rex Wells, a Marine transfer from
Idaho State College, booted the try
for extra point after all three touch-
downs. His kickoff boots lacked the
distance of Pregulman's, however.
Michigan, whose sole defeat this
fall was that 35-12 fiasco with Notre
Dame, outrushed the Hoosiers 269
yards to 124. And Bob Wiese, the
Dakota boy, picked up where Daley
left off at fullback to gain most of
the Wolverine yardage.
Hampered by seven penalties to-
(Continued on Page 6)
Parron To Talk
At Conference
Surgeon General Will
Open Inter-American
Public Health Meetings
.Dr. Thomas Parron, Surgeon Gen-
eral of the United States will open
4-1,n r~riiver cccnnof tha fil~t Tn-
Capture of Kiev
Climaxes ,:Four
Months' Drive.
Stalin Predicts 'Real
Second Front' Soon;
Soviets Invade Crimea
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Nov. 6.-The Red Army
climaxed its four months' offensive
today by liberating Kiev, mother of
Russian cities, on the eve of the 26th
anniversary of the Soviet Revolution
and Premier Marshal Joseph Stalin
told a gaily celebrating Moscow that
Germany now "stands at the edge of
catastrophe" and that "a real second
front" is near.'
The Russians also announced they
had invaded the Crimea from the
east and had firmly established
bridgeheads on the Kerch Peninsula
both north and south of the town of
Kerch, the one to the north being
six miles wide and four. miles deep,
Half a dozen towns and strongly-
fortified German strongpoints were
captured in the landing operations
which smashed back constant Ger-
man counterattacks.
The Russians smashed on 19 miles
south of ruined Kiev to Vasilkov,
heading toward a junction with the
bridgehead already extended across
the river from Pereyaslav, the Mos-
cow daily communique, recorded by
the Soviet Monitor, said.
The fall of Kiev was announced by
Stalin in a special order of the day
in which he indicated this master
stroke opened the way for freeing
all the rich, western Ukraine.
More than 60 towns west and
south of Kiev were taken as the Red
Army, continuing its drive, forged
west and south less than 130 miles
from the old Polish border. Great
German losses in men and material
littered the city and the roads, but
See RUSSIANS, Page 7
Mine Explosion
Kills Nine Men,
Injures Two
NELLIS, W. VA., Nov. 6.-()-
Nine men lost their lives and two oth-
ers were hurt tonight after a local
gas explosion wrecked a section of
the No. 3 mine of American Rolling
Mill company, which had resumed
work only two days ago after the
general mine shutdown.
Only 11 men were in the mine at
the time of the blast, the. first in 17
years, said Superintendent A. E. Oak-
Two were brought out alive and
sent to hospitals at Charleston, 25
miles away.
The other nine were known to be
dead and seven of the bodies had
been located at midnight, four and a
half hours after the disaster, Oakley
The explosion occurred in a me-
chanical loading section where 11
men were at work.
Rescue crews had a considerable
distance to travel to the scene and
company officials asserted that they
had no information on injury or loss
of life.
The mine employs 284 men.
Rumor Squelched
By Istanbul Paper
Concert Today
Opens Choral,
Union Series
A varied program, including music
by Bach, Shubert, Wagner and
Gershwin, will be offered by the
Cleveland Orchestra for the open-
ing concert of the 1943-44 Choral
Union Series at 9 p.m. today in Hill
Since this concert will be carried
by standard and short wave broad-
cast to the entire world, the audience
is requested to arrive a few minutes
before time so that they may all be
in their seats when the program
The concert will be a double pre-
miere -for Ann Arbor audiences in-
cluding as it does the first perform-
ance here of the Symphonic Picture,
"Porgy and Bess," as arranged by
Robert Russell Bennett on the
themes of George Gershwin's folk
opera as well as the first appearance
here of Eric Leinsdorf, newly ap-
ISTANBUL, Nov. 6.-(P)-Specu-
lation that Turkey was about to en-
ter the war was firmly denied today
by the newspaper Aksham which said
the Cairo talks are only for Turkey's
information and do not concern the
giving of Turkish bases to the Allies.
Referring to the conference be-
tween Turkish Foreign Minister Nu-
man Menemencioglu and British For-
eign Secretary Anthony Eden who
is returning from the tri-partite dis-
cussions in Moscow, the newspaper
said: "The Cairo talks are not an
extension of the Moscow Conference.
The single aim of the meeting is for
Eden to give Britain's ally Turkey
full information upon questions and
discussions there."
(The Bari Radio of the Marshal
Pietro Badoglio government in Italy,
meanwhile, said "It is already agreed
that Turkey will cede a number of
important bases to the Allies."
(The broadcast, recorded by the
Federal Communications Commis-
sion, said the cession is on the same
basis as Portugal's Azores Islands.
(Berlin broadcasts reported the Al-
lies would ask Turkey for bases and
demand that she enter the war pn
the Allied side. It said Menemenci-
oglu would return to Ankara tomor-
row and that the results of the tatks
will be announced next Tuesdywe
the parliamentary group of the T.
ish People's Party meets.)
Nazis Totter
In Italy Under
Allied Advanc4s
ALGIERS, Nov. 6.-().-Th: 'Oer-
mans' defense 'system on -the eastern
end of their line across southern
Italy tottered today under the shock
of a five-mile advance by the British
Eighth Army and westward the
American Fifth Army threatened the
whole German right flank by its cap-
ture of strategically valuable Vena-
The Eighth Army stabbed five
miles up the Adriatic yesterday to
take Vasto, key of the German de-
fenses facing the Trignot River, Al-
lied Headquarters announced.
At the same time the Fifth ad-
vanced Into the mountains behind
Venafro, where the Germans were
seeking 'to "protect their right flank
by pinning a new line on the tower-
ing Aurunci Mountains, In yester-
day's advances the Allies took some
15 towns and villages.
Six and a half miles southwest of
Venafro the Americans yesterday
were within one mile of Mignano on
the Via.Casilina-main inland road
to Rome.
War Council
To Hold Panel
Foreign Policy Will Be
Discussed by Students
The Post-War Council will hold
the first panel discussion of the fall
term at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the
League on "United States Foreigh
Prof. William Paton and Prof.
Leonard Watkins, both of the eco-
nomics department, and Prof.Wil-
liam Willcox of the history depart-
ment will lead the discussion and
answer questions from thefloor. Bill
Muehl, '44L, will act as panel moder-
The program for the panel will
include an historical survey of the
outcome of our foreign policy in
1919, the evolution of our foreign
policy between the two world wars,
and a discussion of the best policy
to follow in the future. The recent
Moscow Declarations and the newly-
approved Connally Resolution wil
nl.n ha rahofAA
.. . To Lead Orchestra
pointed conductor of the Cleveland
Although he is only 31 years of
age, Leinsdorf has already won wide
recognition for his performances of
the German repertoire of the Metro-
politan Opera Association and has
conducted operatic and symphonic
performances in Germany, Italy,
Canada and the United States.
The conductor regards his engage-
ment as coach for the Salzburg Fest-
ival of 1934 as a milestone in his
career. He returned to Salzburg in
the three succeeding summers, work-
ing in Italian cities in the winter
season. It was in 1937 that he came
to America as assistant to Artur
Bodanzky. Upon Bodanzky's sudden
death in 1939, the whole responsi-
bility of the Wagnerian operas fell
upon his shoulders.
Of Leinsdorf's conducting the late
Lawrence Gilman, distinguished critic
of the New York Herald Tribune
wrote, "Mr. Leinsdorf's musical taste
appears to be unlapsing. He never
exaggerates, never distorts.
the morning session o ine lrs ,in
ter-American and the second world
conference of the Schools of Public
Health tomorrow in the auditorium
of the new School of Public Health.
His topic will be "The Service of
the Public Health Schools to the Na-
r" tion's Wealth."
Other speakers in the morning ses-
sion will be Dr. Hugh S. Cumming,
Director of the Pan-American Sani-
tary Bureau and Dr. G. H. de Paula
Souza, Director of the Institute of
Hygiene in Sao Paula, Brazil.
Yale Professor Will Speak
In the afternoon session, Profes-
sor C.-E. A. Winslow of Yale Univer-
sity will discuss "The Training of
Public Health Personnel for the Am-
ericas." Other discussions will be
presented by Dr. Lowell J. Reed,
Dean of the School of Public Health
in John Hopkins University, and Dr.
George B. Darling, President of the
W. K. Kellogg Foundation.
Often referred to as the "nation's
MOLLY WINOKUR family doctor," Surgeon General
to head staff Parron has had a phenomenal car-
eer in nihlic servie.
Christian Mission Sponsors
Post-WrConference Today
An all-day conference on the bases
f achieving a just and durable peace Peace" will be discussed by Dr. Hen-
will be held here today sponsored by ry Van Deusen of the Union Theo-
he Christian Mission on World Or- logical Seminary during the morning
er-a united church front for peace. services at the First Methodist
Students, servicemen and towns- Church. A potluck dinner will follow
)eople have all been invited to the the worship services, to be followed
ectures and discussion groups on by an informal discussion led by the
?ost-war planning which will fea- speakers. Those who wish to attend
ure well-known educators and au- are asked to reserve places at the
hors. Highlight of the day will be table.
mass meeting on "Peace After Vic- Dr. Paul Hutchinson, managing
nrv" tor he he1rd at n m in the enn- editor of "The ChristianC entnr"