Opern To Have Premier Here Wednesday ,Mar
Detroit Orchestra Will Appear
At League Dance tomorrow
Tomorrow night's dance in the
ballroom of the Michigan League
will feature a new band hitherto
unknown to Ann Arbor, Jimmy
Strauss and his orchestra from De-
According to Bill Sawyer, Strauss's
smooth styled tempos offer a style of
rhythm that is both different and
pleasing. Strauss has appeared re-
cently before sororities, fraternities,
most of Detroit's dance clubs and at
the University of Indiana.
Strauss promises to play the kind
of music which will inspire students
to study for final examinations. Saw-
yer's orchestra will be at the League
tonight and next Friday and Satur-
Plans are being made for an infor-
mal dance to be held the Saturday
following V-Ball. This will be a
dance to round out the biggest week-
end of the year.
Riding Clubs
Popular at 'U,
2 Organizations Provide Coeds
With Equestrian Opportunities
"Boot, saddle, to horse, and away,"
cried Robert Browning 'way back in
1850, and the modern coed has taken
his word to heart when she rides
with one of the two WAA sponsored
riding clubs.
Crop and Saddle, now headed by
Pat Coulter, '45, was the first riding
club founded at the University. It is
noted throughout Michigan as one
of the best riding clubs composed of
undergraduates. Having participated
- in many horse shows, the club pos-
sesses a large collection of ribbons
and cups won by the members. How-
ever, in the last two years, the
demand for membership in the Crop
and Saddle has so far exceeded the
capacity for new members, that an
auxiliary riding club has been
TheUniversity Women's Riding
Club, as the 'little sister' of the Crop
and Saddle was titled, is designed for
the less experienced riders, and has
grown up into an active and flour-
ishing organization. It is now headed
by Kit Hammond, '44.
Each club is limited to 20 members
and meets once a week for rides. On
these rides, lessons are given. The
primary aim of these organizations
is to improve the horsemanship of
coeds. Once a year, in the spring, the
two clubs sponsor a Horse Show, in
which members and other riders i j
Ann Arbor participate.
Try-outs for Crop and Saddle and
IJWRC will be held at the beginning
of the coming semester, and all coeds
who have had some riding experience
and who believe that they couldl
qualify for one of these clubs are
urged to come out.;
Symposium To
Be Held Sunday
In USOG Club
"Minority Peoples in America" will
be the subject of a symposium to be
held at 3 p.m. Sunday in the USO
Club with speakers representing the
three religious faiths presenting their
Prof. Saul Cohen, of the sociology
department, will represent the Jew-
ish religion; Rev. Joseph Q. Mayne,,
secretary of the Detroit Round Table,
will speak for the Protestants, and
Father John Coogan of the Univer-
sity of Detroit will give the Catholic
'All servicemen, townspeople and
Junior Hostesses are cordially in-
vited to attend. A coffee hour and a
community sing will be given at the
close of the symposium.
A 44
Regiment Y of the USO Junior,
Hostess Corps under 'Colonel' Mil-
dred Gagliss will present an informal;
dance from 8 p.m. to midnight,
Saturday, in the ballroom of the
USO Club.
All Junior Hostesses in Regiment
Y, must attend this function, al-,
though other Junior Hostesses may
attend also.
At 2 p.m. Sunday the USO will
hold its weekly bridge tournament.
All servicemen, Junior Hostesses and
townspeople are cordially invited to
attend. Lessons will be given in addi-
tion to the tournament. A small
charge will be made to cover the cost
of equipment.
IWAA Notices
'Women's Glee147 Corps To Sponsor Camipus
Club To Give 3 '1, V-o Garden' Ni)nT
Soloists from Co. A Choir
To Take Part in Presentation
Of Operetta by Bill Sawyer
(Continlued froi Page 1)
part of Aunt Polly, who says she
"dearly loves the boy but must dis-
cipline him for his own good." Others
in thedcast include Ellen Hooper as,
the advice-giving colored mammy;
Dorothy Grey as Sidney, the spoiled
brat; and Virginia Weadoek as steam
boat-loving Ben.
Company A's Corp. Arthur Flynn
will be the alcoholically addicted
Muff Potter, and Corp. Frank Haley
is the law-abiding sheriff. Also from
Company A, Cpl. Harold Fallomd will
play the part of Judge Thatcher.
John Secrist will be the treacherous
Injun Joe, and Ed Davis will be the
Members of the Women's Glee
Club will carry on the background
singing, will reel off dances which are
being directed by Josephine Yantis
of the Department of Physical Edu-
cation for Women, and will play nu-
merous minor roles throughout the
l L L.r W \...+ I f V.,,j t/Y ! %s v 4 / Y 1W,.1 (_..+' Y l Rr l l L.. / (1v 1 .i +
Vegetables To Be
Planted May 1
Victory gardens, to cut down the
expense of shipping food from out of
town for the League and women's
dormitories, will be the main spring
project of the '47 Corps, itwas an-~
nounced yesterday by Estelle Klein,I
chairman of Frosh Project.
The gardens will be planted some
time around May 1 by the University
Buildings and Grounds Depart nent.
and will be cared for by the fresh-
man women during spring and sum-
mer terms according to a plani which
has been worked out by Mr. Edward
C. Pardon, Buildings and Grounds
superintendent, and the Frosh Pro-
ject central committee.
"Now that the freshman women
have their own org anization and the'
responsibility for putting over their
own project, I feel sure that the Vic-
tory Garden plan will be a success,"
Miss Klein said yesterday.'
"Campus Beautiful" is the slogan
adopted by the '47 Corps in its cam-
paign to make students conscious of
the appearance of the campus. Be-
cause each spring the University
spends ' leat 1. ,OO(l
1'round s whres ath
is asked in the wxorRf
the lawns.
to r-seed
have ben
ll! suents
DormitoryC\u1omn are exlprt ed to
care for their own grounds, ck New
cannisters anl raes haveeenw( p7'
vided for their use.
Members of tIhec Cenral ('mmittee
working with chairn Et ele Klein
are: Jean Hale, assit chairman.
Elaine Greenbaun, publicilt: Kath -
erine Long, bookkeeper: Es(ther
Thors, ecquipment man:ge;r: Captains
Lucy Stone, Ellen Hill. Doris Krue-
ger. Margaret Ilolk, J(sephinc Smith
and Ellen Vinacke.
Volunteers To
Stay on the Job
"Volunteer workers at University
HospitaI are asked to make up their
time on any convenient afternoon or
evening for the rest of the term if
they are unable to work on their
regular day," Carol Evans, '46, chair-
man of Soph Project said yesterday.
"St. Joseph's Hospital needs addi-
tional help at mealtime to pass
trays," Miss Evans added. University
Hospital needs workers for help in
clinics and on wards and private
floors. Captains will be on duty in
the volunteer office' to assign work-
ers to posts.
University volunteers must wear
navy blue, black or white skirts,
white blouses and hose.
... director of the dance orches-
tra which will play tomorrow at
the League, is popular with dance
fans in Detroit and at the Univer-
sity of Indiana, where he has
a p p e a r e d re c e n tly., n
Mitc n the
Mi chibomber
Editor's note: This is another ad-
venture of Mitchell Bomber, micro-
scopic airplane who is building the
Michibomber carnival, which will take
off Saturday, March 11, in Waterman
Mick was flying about campus one
day in somewhat murky weather, and
when it began to snow Mick found.
navigation so difficult he didn't know
where he was going. After a while
he Aeard a door slam behind him,
and the weather was clear, and he
suddenly realized he was in the Pi
Beta Phi house, where the coeds were
setting up their penny-pitching booth
for the carnival.
Mick looked around for the large
American flag on which the pennies
were to be pitched, and even before
he recognized it he found himself
dodging what he at first thought
were bombs, and then realized were
One penny knocked off a tip of the
wing, another nearly knocked his
propellor out of commission, and
Mick decided thas was no place for
his, even though it would be a great
spot at the carnival for someone
with good aim.
So Mick zoomed upward, out of
range of the Pi Phi's fire, and out
into the comparative safety of a
blizzard to go and see someone whose
carnival practice was on the milder
F) f44~vN~~ (~J /)/y~ J17~
Although the WAB bowling alleys
have been closed for the rest of this
semester, women may sign up now
on the bulletin boards at the WAB
and Barbour Gym for the individual
bowling tournament which will be
held during the first weeks of the
spring semester, Ginny Dodd, bowl-
ing manager, announced yesterday.
The alleys will reopen March 6,
and managers and pin-girls are ex-
pected to continfe working on their
scheduled days. If classes interfere
with the days on which women have
registered to work at the alleys, the
women thus affected are asked to
notify Miss Dodd immediately so that
new, arrangements may be made.
The Badninton Club will hold an
open singles and doubles tournament
early next semester for women only,
and those interested are asked to
sign up on the bulletin boards at the
WA or Barbour Gym now so that
the matches may be arranged imme-
diately, According to Madeline Vib-
bert, badminton manager.
Play will begin March 7.
Livelihood for Peace and Quiet
Someone must have killed two birds with one stone, because two little
chickens have vanished somewhere between a certain women's dormitory
and a certain sorority house.
The chicks were orignally the property of two certain little coeds who
revolted against the dormitory's failure to serve eggs for breakfast and,
besides, .ust loved chicken-in-the-rough. But after some 24 hours of
chicken-farming the hens almost had coeds-in-tyre-routgli. Moral: 'Chick-
ens cannot be raised in a dormitory room.
Chicks "Breed" Trouble
The little 16-cent chicks were cute to look at in the department store
incubator, but once in the possession of the coeds they turned out to bV
birds of another feather.
The trouble started when another coed, whom we will call Coed III.
came unknowingly upon the chicken farm one midnight. She nosed about.
V - __________,..
the room for a while and then laid
the cards on the table. "I could swear
I heard a chicken peeping," she said.
"It was just me," said Coed I.
"Peep, peep!"
"And me," said Coed if, the other
chicken-farmer. "We're singing a
duet. Peep, peep!"
"Well, shut up," retorted III, and
she stormed out of the room.
But not for long. Only five min-
utes passed, and back stormed III.
"Who's playing a flute?" she asked.
this time a rustling sound came out
of the closet, so III turned detective
and plowed in.
Dorm Detective
If papers belonged on top of waste-
baskets instead in inside them, III
might have never discovered the
source of the disturbance, but as it
was, she picked up the paper.
Out jumped a Rhode Island Red
. . . and it wasn't a Communist.
Soon te rest of the corridor had
gathered to witness the new hobby,
and the chickens put on quite a per-
But, at 1 a.m., before an 8 o'clock,
everyone, even a Michigan coed, likes
to sleep, and chickens presumably
have different ideas. And those ideas
kept at least two coeds in a rather
sad state all through the night.
Birds Get Brushoff
So in the morning the coeds pack-
ed up the birds and shipped them to
a certain sorority house, which has
as yet failed to receive them. A
Daily reporter recently called the
house and asked if anything had
hatched out of the mail situation.
and the reply was, nothing.
Which all goes to show that, al-
though a bird in the hand may be
worth two in the bush to most peo-
ple, University coeds should leave
them in the bush.
\- -g
Registration for the Marc h
blood bank which will he held at
the Women's Athletic Building
March 9 and 10 will continue this
week in Miss Ethel McCormick's
office at the Michigan League.
One hundred women are needed
to fill the quota; and so far, 54
women have volunteered. .
"Many women have come into
the office to register, but when
they learned that the blood bank
will be held the first week of clas-
ses in the new semester and real-
ized that they did not know what
their schedules would be," Miss !
McCormick said.
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Qualify for Vital War Office Work
n thue officesof the country there
are now many half-trained stenog-
raphers, lured by easy jobs and high
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At the first opportunity, employers
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To serve be t ter during the war,
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