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February 18, 1944 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-18

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Fifty-Fourth Year
S- -
Pm- 'P t' xSD« s i :- tyA.~nt. - -_
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
reglar University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
-or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise eredited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorial Stafff

Marion Ford.
Jane Warrant
Claire Sberman'
Marjorie Brradaile
4rA I Zenski .
Bud Low . .
Harvey Frank-..
-May -Mr Anne Olson
TarJorie' Rosmarin
Hilda Slautterbackr
Doris Kuentz .

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
* * . .City Editor
. Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
« . Women's Editor
. Ass't Women's Editor
. . . Columnist
S. . . . . Columnist

Biihiness Staff
Molly Ann Winokur . . . . p
izabeth Carpenter . . . As
Martha Opsion Ass
Telephone 23-24-1

usiness Manager
s't Bus. Manager
s't Bus. Manager

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by imembers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
State l Is Adequate,
But What About Other 47?
4T IS HEARTENING to note that at least one
legislative body does not believe in the old
haying, "Put off today what you can do tomor-
Finally deciding that the United States Con-
gress was tossing the soldier-vote football long
enw!gh, the Michigan Senate yesterday passed
a bill guaranteeing absent servicemen an op-
portunity to vote.
Particularly significant is Sen. Ivan Johnson's
'tatement: "If Congress says soldiers may vote
,only for the President and Vice-President, we
.don't have to agree, and can see tiha our boys
are provided with 'a full ballot."
The bill, which observers believe will be pas-
sed by the House before the end of the week,
will provide for ballots with the names of all
the parties and candidates ineluded. Farther,
sligid the nation's Congressmen get around to
passig a national law, the Michigan soldiers'
hill would be adapted to conform to federal
regulations if possible. Consequently, Michli-
gan servicemen are certain to vote, whether
they do so under state or national jurisdiction.
Our legislators are to be coninended for their
action. With Gov. Kelly's signature on the bill,
state officials will have 70 days to get the printed
ballots to fighting men in the most distant out-
posts before the November voting.
Perhaps Michigan's step will inspire some of
the laggard Congressmen in Washington to
put through a national soldier vote bill. For
even though servicemen of this state are pro-
fvided with an opportinity to elect their leaders,
there will be millions denied that same right.
-Virginia Rock

I9d at h ei#
Be Right_
NEW YORK, Feb. 18.-Let us start with the
question of whether we are at war with the Ger-
man people, or only with their leaders. The ques-
tion answers itself. We are at war with whom-
ever is at war with us. Thus if a little German
jungfrau is stuffing machinegun belts for Hitler,
we are at war with her, even if she is only 17,
even if she is as cute as apple pie, and even if
she has never had a political idea in her life.
I go further: There may be a German worker,
polishing artillery shells, who secretly hates fas-
cism; who in his heart of hearts, loves democracy
and prays every night for Hitler's downfall. Are
we at war with him?. The answer is obviously,
yes. This is not a Chekhov war. We are not
interested in a people's secret thoughts, but in
the work of their hands. If their hands help
Hitler, they are our enemies, though their hearts
be breaking.
Now, it has been suggested that a "soft" at-
titude toward the Germans may encourage them
to make a revolution; that is, if we promise to
feed them after the war, to let them run their
own affairs, if we guarantee their independence,
they may be stirred to an uprising. This is the
"bait" theory, which holds that revolutions are
obtained the way mice are trapped, with a bit
of cheese. Actually, the "soft" attitude only re-
lieves the pressure on the German people.
If we are going to, e amiable, anyway, after
our victory, then the Germans may safely
continue to brood about life and polish artil-
lery shells.
Oddly enough, the mechanical adoption of a
"hard" attitude has much the same effect. If
conditions are going to be intolerable after the
war, if we are going to kill, sterize, partition,
etc.; then, again, there is no reason for the
Germans to act. If the matter is out of their
hands, then it is out of their hands, and that is
All our specific plans, therefore, from parti-
tioning Germany to teaching in the German
schools, are a little silly, because they relieve
the German people of the necessity of making a
choice., If it doesn't matter what they do, then
it doesn't matter what they do, and there is no
need for them to do anything.
Our planning, hard, soft, and medium rare,
merely cushions the Germans against reality,
and encourages them in their inertness. We are
forever "filling in the future" for the Germans.
We break our heads over such questions as "Are
there any good Germans? Are the Germans a
sick people? Are they incurable? Can they be
re-educated? Who shall teach in their schools?"
But it is the Germans who must be made to
break their heads over these questions. It is
precisely by straining against these problems. by
struggling with them, that the Germans will re-
educate themselves, if at all. We cannot reform
the Germans by answering these questions for
them, any more than we can teach a child alge-
bra by doing its problems for it.
So, our first step in solving the German
problem is to make the Gernan peopleface it,
to give themn a sense of the blankness of their
own futures, to convince themu that their fu-
tures are not "filled in," but empty, beyond the
merest police surveillance; that if they want
something more than that, they had better, in
their loneliness, and faced by our indifference,
go to work on the problem.
What should our "attitude" be toward the mass
of the German people? It should be that we
have no attitude. If they want us to distinguish
good Germans from bad Germans, they had
better find some way of establishing the dis-
tinction themselves.

(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

Peace DISC" ss ous Ar
Step ii fit Direect i i
U EPRESENTATIVES of major organizations,
of labor, industry and the farmers are meet.
ing today and tomorrow in Atn tiCiy for an
unusual joint conference.
Sponsored by the National Assoiation o
Manufacturers the group is meetig for an
"off the record" discussion of the possibility
of a common post-war program. United States
Chamber of Commerce, AFL, National Grange,
American Legion, CIO, American Bankers As-
sociation and Rotary International are some of
the 16 oddly-assorted organizations which the
NAM has listed as participating.
Predicting the probable results of this confer-
ence would be mere speculation. But one thing
at least can be said with certainty. The fact
that the major conflicting groups of the nation
are meeting to attempt to form some sort of
unified plan for the future represents a good sign.
In times like this, national unity is essen--
The entire nation must stand solidly behind
the winning of the war, and the securing of a
just, permanent peace to follow. If the CIO,
AFL, NAM, etc., are able to come to some sort
of agreement in terms of these ends, the
chances of securing them will increase a him-
dred fold. Only with the people presenting a
united front against the enemy, can these
ends be accomplished. Today's meeting of the
major divergent groups in the nation repre-
sents a step in the right direction.
-Kathie Sharfnan
Roard Acts To lReiive
Racial Discrimiunation
THREE CHEERS for the WLB for its recent
enlightened stand on wage discrimination
against Mexican, Indian and Negro workers in
Arizona copper mines.
A decision delivered by the War Labor
Board's Nonferrous Metals Commission pointed
out the presence of discriminatory wage scales
and ordered that steps be taken toward the
elimination of these practices.
The immediate case affects the Miami Copper
Company, the International Smelting and Re-
fining Company and the Inspiration Consolidat-
ed Copper Company. But the influence is ex-
pected to be felt in other companies whose dis-
criminatory practices are even more stringent.
It is action like this that will make the Am-
erican people and the people of the world feel
that perhaps there is something in the verbal-
isms which we so vehemently adhere to in word.
It is a step forward hi the abolishing of blind
race biases and discriminations which can do
nothing but weaken us as a nation-and as a
fighting people. --Evelyn Phillips
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.-A little over a year
ago, Randolph Paul, Treasury Department coun-
sel and tax expert, was asked to meet with five
business leaders described to him as "controlling
the tax policy of the United States." He was
told that these five men wanted to confer with
him regarding impending tax legislation.
Curious as to who could control a policy over
which the nation once fought a revolutionary
war and which is supposed to be the prerogative
of Congress with the advice of the Treasury,
Paul consented to meet with the five men. They
1. Ellsworth Alvord, tax lobbyist of the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, former tax lawyer for
Andrew W. Mellon, and most successful tax

lawyer in Washington.
2. J. Cheever Cowdin, head of the tax com-
mittee of the National Association of Manu-
facturers, chairman of University Pictures
Corporation, and director of various other big
corporations, many of them aviation com-
3. John W. Haynes, former Under-Secretary
of the Treasury, investment banker, heavy
stockholder of Martin bombers, -tobacco in-
terests and the largest orchid farm in the
4. Lewis Brown of the Johns-Manville Com-
5. Roswell Magill, former Under-Secretary
of the Treasury, now Wall Street tax attorney
for various big firms.
This group told Paul that the RumI plan was
in the cards, also the sales tax, and that he would
have to go along for the 1943 session of Congress.
They laid down various other tax plans as a
virtual ultimatum which the Treasury could take
or leave, but which they said were assured of
Congressional approval.
Sen. George's IPro grim . . .
The tax lobby did not reveal who were their
key Congressional pals whom they so confidently
expected to do their bidding. But the tax battlej

FRIDAY, FEB. 18, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 83
A notne" for the hily OfIeidl Bi-
Itti are to be sent to the Office o the
Pt-'identit iypewriten form by 3:30~
.U. fat lie day preeeigits pbie~t-
ion, except on Saturday when the no-
tires holdhe submitted by 11:30 .ut.
Mid - Year Graduation Exercises:
Feb. 19, 1944, 9:30 a.m., Assembly in
Hill Auditorium (Academic Dress).
All Graduates will be seated in Sec.
III, the center setion, Main Floor.
Seating will be uinder the direct ion of
Color Guard will assemble in Lob-
by, first floor.
Honor Guard will assemble in
Lobby, first floor.
D)eans and Directors who take a-
tive part in the exercises will assem-
ble in east dressing rooms, first floor.
Regents, Secretary, Minister, Speak-
er, President, and others of Grop
I, Honor Section will assemble in
west dressing rooms, first floor.
Other Faculty Members will assem-
ble in second floor dressing rooms.
The seating of the public will be
under the direction of ushers.
10:00 a.m., Opening exercises.
Tickets for the Midyear Gradua-
tion Exercises are now available
at the Information Desk, In 1
University Hall, After 9:30 a.m. !
Saturday, Feb. 19, they may also be
obtained at the box office in IHil
Midyear Graduation Exercises:
Classes on Saturday morning, Feb.
19, with the exception of A.S.T.P
classes and the Saturday classes of
the School of Education, will be dis-
missed at 9:45 a.m. to permit faculty
members and students to attend the
Midyear Graduation Exercises.
The Automobile Regulation will be
lifted from 12:00 noon on Saturday,
Feb. 26 until 8:00 a.m. on Monday,
March 6.
Identification Cards: All students
who attended the University during
the Summer or Fall Terms are re-
quested to bring their identification
cars with them when registering for
the Spring Term.
Office of the Dean of Students
Notice to All Fraternities: The In-
terfraternity Executive Committee at
its meeting on Feb. 15, 1944, fined
three fraternities for pledging men
not registered with the Interfrater-
nity Council as required by the
"Rushing Rules for the Duration."
It also levied a fine of fifteen dollars
($15.00) per man on all houses who
pledged an independent man or men
living in the house at the time of
pledging. This is strictly against the
Interfraternity Council's rules.
All men interested in the Inter-
fraternity Council, and desiring to
petition for the job of Secretary-
Treasurer for the coming term should
have their petitions in the IFC office,
306 Michigan Union, by March 10,
1944. Men must be Juniors.
Choral Union Members are re-
minded to call for their courtesy
passes to the concert of Ezio Pinza,
between the hours of 9 and 12 and
1 and 4, on the day of the concert,
Monday, March 6 (first day of the
which followed in the last session of
Congres and in this session, regard-
ing two different tax bills, showed
that the five men were not talking

out of turn. They had some very po-
tent Congressional figures helping
them and, as a result, the latest tax
bill is a hodge-podge of compromise,
with many of the powerful lobby's
proposals sticking out like a sore
One key figure in writing the tax
bill was Chairman George of the Sen-
ate Finance Committee, great friend
of convivial host Ellsworth Alvord of
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The
Georgia Senator has vigorously de-
nied that tax lobbyist Alvord influ-
ences his vote. However, it is most
enlightening to compare the tax pro-
posals of Mr. Alvord befqye congres-
sional committees and those advo-
cated by Senator George. In some
cases, the wording is almost identical.
Senator George also was prevailed
upon to address the annual meeting
of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
last April, at which his 11-point tax
program was almost a dead ringer for
the previous tax proposals of his tax-
lobbying friend with the U. S. Cham-
ber. Their proposals are so similar
that some people have suspected
George has a ghost writer from the
Alvord law firm helping him.
(Copyright, 1944. United Features Synd)

l /
10144, Chicagq Tiei, Inc. lrI-. ' ^' .I'


sy Lichi'y



"They can plan all the gadgets they.want for the post-war kitchen!
i'll settle for the old-fashioned kitchen with just a husband in it!"

second term) at the offices of the
University Musical Society inM Burton
Memorial Tower.
Academic Notices
Examination Schedule: Wednes-
day, Feb. 23, 2-4 p.m.
English 1:
Bertram.................205 MII
Bredvold................3017 AHl
Calver...................003 AHU
Davis...................2235 All
Eisinger.................082 NS
Engel...................) Haven
Everett.229 AUH
Fletcher................E Haven
Fogle... ................1035 AU
Greenhut...............4003 AlI
Hawkins...............2231 AH
Helm ......2203 Aft
Morris............ ....... 18 AU
Pearl ...................2016 AH
Rayment................205 MII
Rowe ....................3011 AH
Schenk ..................3017 All
Tho pe . ..... ............. 2203 Al
Warner.................2225 AH
Weaver ................2215 AHU
Weimer ...................4203 AHU
Wells. ................2235 Al-I
Williams ................. 102 Ec

English 2
Calver ........
Fogle .........
Millar ..........
Nelson ........
Ohlsen ........




. 209


German Department Room Assign-
ments for final examinations, 2:00
to 4:00 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25:
German 1-Gaiss (2 sections) &
Winkelmiian: 205 MAason H.all; Van-
Duren and Copley: 2225 Angell Hall;
Diamond, Reichart & Philippson:
35 Angell Hall; Eaton and Courant:
1035 Angell Hall.
German 2-Winkelman (2 sec-
tions): 2003 Angell Hall; Gaiss, Phil-
ippson & Willey: 2054 Natural Sci-
German 31-all sections: D Haven
Germ an :;2-.-both sections: 3017
Angell Hall.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held today at 4 p.m., in Rm. 319
West Medical Building. "The Bio-
logical Occurrence and Metabolism
of the Pyrimidines" will be discussed.
All interested are invited.
Recommendations for Departmen-
tal .Honors: Teaching departments
wishing to recommend tentative
March graduates from the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts and
the School of Education for Depart-
mental Honors should send such
names to the Registrar's Office, Rm.
4 University Hall not later than
March 6.
The Hopwood Bulletin, page 9,
paragraph 18, reads: In particular
or irregular cases the committee may,
upon petition, waive particular parts
of these rules, but no petition will be
received by - the committee after
March 1, 1944.
Applications in Support of Re-
search Projects: To give Research
Committees and the Executive Board
adequate time to study all proposals,
it is requested that faculty members
having projects needing support dur-
ing 1944-1945, file their proposals in
the Office of the Graduate School
by Friday, Feb. 18, 1944. Those wish-
ing to renew previous requests
whether now receiving support or
not should so indicate, Application
forms will be mailed or can be ob-
tained at Secretary's Office, Rm.
100G Rackham Building, Tel. 372.
Choral Union Concert: Ezio Pinza,
Bass, with Gibner King, accompan-
ist, will give the tenth program in
the Choral Union Series Monday,
March 6, at 8:30 p.m. (first day of
the second term) in Hill Auditorium.
Coming Events
Carl Weinrich, guest organist, will
present a recital at 4:15 p.m. Sun-
day, in Hill Auditorium. His program
will consist of compositions for organ
by Handel, Buxtehude, Bach, Mozart,
Jepson and Hindemith and will be
open to the general public.

Final Examination for History 116'
will be held in Rm. G, Haven Hall,
instead of in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall,
on Friday, Feb. 25, 8:00-10:00.
Room Assignments, Final Exams
in Math., College of L.S.andA.: In
general classes will use their regular
rooms for final examinations. In
the following cases, however, classes
will use the rooms specified:


Anning .. . .....Math. 7
Anning . .Math.13
Bradshaw ......Math. 11
Craig ... ..... Math. 53
Dwyer ... . . Math. 8
Dwyer .,....Math. 13
Eilenberg ......Math .7
Losh.........Math. 7
Raiford ... .. .Math. 14

2029 A.H.
2013 A.H.
2003 A.H.
2203 A.H.
3011 A.H.
3011 A.H.
3010 A.H.
2235 A.H.
2013 A.Hi.

Group, .ported by Dies Committee, Is Fascist
Coalition Opposed to Democratic Principles

Sociology 51: .Final examination
for all sections Saturday, Feb. 26,
8-10 a.m. The room arrangement is
as follows: 1025 Angell Hall-Carr,
Hawley and Myers; Natural Science
Auditorium-Holmes, Ostafin and
Sociology 54: Final examination
for all sections Thursday, Feb. 24.,
8-10 a.m., Rnm. C, 1-aven hall.

ESTERDAY the Dies Committee reported that
the "Peace Now Movement" has committed
seditious acts and has a tendency toward treason.
It didn't report, however, that Peace Nov has
a definite tendency toward fascism and has with-
i it a fascist coalition.
"Peace Now" professes to be a pacifist or-
ganization'dedicated to peace and non-discrim-
ination among all men and nations. But if
"Peace Now" is so interested in stopping wars
4ainst our fellow man, why can people with
anti-semitic, anti-Negro, anti.-labor beliefs join,
as has been reported in the Detroit News, PM
and other newspapers? When a group with
such a memibership) sends organizers to "race-
riot" cities, as they are doing, can the result
be anything but more disunity and greater
group hatreds?
Furthermore, why has "Peace Now" backed
John Rankin, who was cheered for his anti-
einitic speech in Congress? Why has Hoffman,
,tro wants a march on Washington by force, be-
tome their representative by reading their propa-
ganda into the Congressional Record? Why
have they contacted Wheeler, Nye (mentioned
i "Under Cover" as considered by the fascists

prefer that we be at war with our allies rather
than fascism.
By this time most of us know that there can
be no peace while fascism exists in the world.
Fascisn, to exist must expand and use its man-
power to prepare for war-its only method of
solving unemployment.
Peace Now rants its formulas: "Japan was
begged to attack us. There is no difference be-
tween Britain, the United States and fascism,
We can trust a fascist nation to respect a peace
treaty." Peace Now says it, the Nazi short wave
radio and every known fascist says it. Peace
Now sounds like the greatest coalition of fascism
that we have had to combat in this country. Al-
though neatly-cloaked in pacifism (it was super-
Americanism before the war), their true color
comes out in their propaganda and membership.-
Peace Now must be exposed now as a fascist
coalition so that no more of our citizens will be
dlped into serving fascism, -Eleanor hunn




Time of

Time of Time of
Examinations Exercise

Time of

Monday at
8 ...... Friday, Feb. 251
9 . . . .Monday, Feb. 21]
10 .... .Friday, Feb. 25
11 ... Tuesday, Feb. 22
1 ... Thursday, Feb. 24
2 ... ..Tuesday, Feb. 22
3 ...Saturday, Feb. 26
Tuesday at
8 .... Saturday, Feb. 26
9 ... Thursday, Feb. 24
10 Wednesday, Feb. 23
11 Wednesday, Feb. 23
1 . ..Monday, Feb. 21
2 ... Saturdauy, Febl. 26
3 .Wednesday, Feb. 23
E M.1, E.M.2; C.E.2
...*Monday, Feb. 21
M.P.2, 3, 4; French
. ...*Tuesday, Feb. 22

2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00

Monday at
8 ........ Fri., Feb.
9.......Mo., Feb.
10 .......Fri., Feb.
11.. ...Tues., Feb.
1 ......Thur., Feb.
2....... ies., Feb.
3........Sat., Feb.

Tuesday at
9 ......Thur.,
11...... Wed.,


2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00

By Crockett Johnson



No, son, they're not broadcasting
a fight this evening-bei ween a ,
ghost and a leprechaun. . And

imay have to go to Washington
next week about the dam project.
SI've got to locate our elusive

11 iI

Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather,
won't BE in Washington next week.
After the light tonight he must


- Q- Just rushed over to say
goodbye, m'boy. !'m off
for Washington at once!

Political Science 1, 2, 51, 161
........Mon., Feb. 21, 8:00-16:00
Speech 31, 32; French 1, 2, 11, 31,
.,Ct r xi I r fl nfl .jte





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