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February 17, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-17

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1. S. Dive-Bombers



Rail Yards

RAF Sears Remains of
Berlin in Night Attack
Over 2,840 Tons of Bombs Used in Heaviest
Aerial Attack Ever Made on Single Target
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Feb. 16.-The RAF seared the remains of Berlin last night
with well over 2,800 tons of explosive and fire bombs-the heaviest aerial
bombardment of a single target ever delivered.
This unprecedented bomb load was dumped on the capital by probably
close to 1,000 bombers in 30 minutes from 9:15 and 9:45 p.m., sending
through it a hurricane of flame and shattering explosions from which smoke
quickly rose four miles high.
In the raid on Berlin, a feint attack on Frankfurt-on-Oder, 50 miles
to the east, Mosquito raids on western Germany and Holland and mine-
'laying operations, the RAF used moreO
than 1,200 bombers, including 1,000
"heavies," and lost 43 Senate Passes
The RAF armada sent out last
night probably was the largest ever ig
to operate over the Reich in a single 1iln
night. IO ln
Stockholm advices said that great Food Subsidies
fires were ringing Berlin today in the
wake of the RAF's 15th heavy attack
in the "elimination" series which be- Measure Now Goes
gan last Nov. 18. To House; Presidential
Communications Disrupted Veto Almost Certain
It was apparent vast new damage a
was done in the already hard hit
capital, mostly in the industrial outer WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.- ()-
belt including the Wittenau, Lich- The Senate quickly gave final ap-
tenberg and Marienfelde districts. proval today to legislation outlawing
Swedish correspondents were un- subsidy payments to hold down the
able to send early reports on the cost of food, one of the Administra-
raid to their papers. All forms of tion's chief weapons in its stabiliza-
communication in the city were dis- tion program.
rupted. Late in the day traffic was The subsidy repealer, hitched to
reported moving in the center of the a measure extending the life of the
city but still was paralyzed in the Commodity Corporation, now goes to
outskirts, the House where prompt acceptance
Chancellery Hit tomorrow is expected.
Travellers reaching Malmoe, Swe- Senate action followed agreement
den, from Berlin, said the attackers of Senate and House conferees on
struck particularly hard at the north- the Senate version of legislation to
ern and northwestern section of the end the subsidy payments next June
city and in the Schoeneberg district 30 and continue the CCC, which pays
not a house was left standing. most of the subsidies, until June 30,
1945. The House had favored imme-
diate termination of the payments.
S nal Plans Set As soon as the House acts, the bill
will go to the White -House where
Democratic leaders say it faces an
For Sa ulr. a - s- . almost-certain, veto., The- final- test''
will come when subsidy opponents
CorenZ(ce ret try to muster the two-thirds vote
necessary in each house to override
Final preparations have been com- the, veto.
pleted for the University's second The CCC legally expires tomorrow,
mid-year graduation exercises which but to forestall any legal tangle that
will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday in might arise from its technical lapse,
Hill Auditorium. conferees wrote into the bill a provi-
Dr. John Hannah, president of sion making its extension retroactive
Michigan State College at East Lan- to Feb. 17. This permits the agency
sing, will deliver the principal grad- to continue normal operations pend-
uation address on the topic, "The ing final disposition of the legisla-
Debt We Owe." tion.
Only token degress will be given
to the 489 graduating seniors Satur-
day inasmuch as commencement is
being held before final examinations.
The graduating class includes more Plan Supported
than 60 Army and Navy graduates
who will participate in a color guard
tceremony to begin the program. Truman Group Urges
All military candidates for degrees
will be presented by Army Comman- Oil Interest Expansion
dant, Co. F, C. Rogers.
The invocation and benediction will WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.-(P)-In
be rendered by the Rev. Ernest C. twin moves to assure future oil sup-
Stellhorn of the Zion Lutheran plies despite dwindling underground
Church of Ann Arbor. petroleum reserves, the House voted
Palmer Christian, University or- a $30,000,000 program today to de-
ganist, will play the processional and velop synthetic fuels 'and the Sen-
recessional while Hardin Van Deur- ate's Truman Committee suggested
sen will conduct a Navy-Marine choir that U.S. oil interests expand abroad.
singing "Mater Michigan." By a standing vote of 140 to 13, the
In order that both students and House sent to the Senate legislation
faculty members may attend the ex- by Rep. Randolph (Dem., W.Va.)
erices, all University classes with the authorizing the Bureau of Mines to
exception of those in ASTP and in build experimental plants for pro-
the School of Education will be dis- ducing motor and aviation gasoline
missed at 9:45 a.m. Saturday. from coal, oil shale, agricultural and
* i. * forestry products.
L Interior Secretary Ickes has warn-
it$ School Seniors Must ed Congress that domestic. petroleum
Pay Dues, Secure Gowns reserves will last about 14 years at
the present rate of consumption. The
Seniors in the Literary College who Bureau of Mines said there are

have not made arrangements to se- enough coal reserves to furnish syn-
cure a cap and gown for the gradua- thetic fuel for 3,000 years.
tion exercises Saturday may rent The oil reserve situation was the
them either tomorrow afternoon or subject of a special report by the
Saturday morning at Moe's Sport Truman Committee.
Shop, according to Burnette Craw-
ford, president of the class.
Servicemen will not wear caps and T*'
gowns, he said.
Class dues of $1 must be paid eith-
er today or tomorrow. A booth will To M eet Today
be open in University Hall to collect .~
the dues, and committee members Presidents of eight state universi-
will also personally contact seniors. ties, who are members of the Execu-
tive Committee of the National Asso-
Tecih ic To Appear ciation of State Universities will meet
here today as guests of the Univer-
On Stands ioda sity.
The meeting here will consider
The Michigan Technic will be on education problems and association
the stands today, just in time for you business. The eight presidents are:
to browse through before coming to President Alexander G. Ruthven,
grips with exams, announced Editor TTniversity nf Michigan: President

Jap Mandated
Carolines Hit
In Air Attack
Bombers Carry Out
Daring Raid on Ponape
With No Loss of Planes
By The Associated Press
16.-American heavy bombers stab-
bed westward to Ponape Monday to
blast that important Japanese base
in the mandated Caroline Islands.
with 55 tons of bombs in its first air
attack of the war.
The daring raid, farthest western
penetration by land-based Army
bombers, was made in "considerable
force" and without the loss of a
single plane, Admiral Chester W.
Nimitz announced today.
The Liberators of the American
Seventh Army Air Force dropped
most of theirbbomb loads on enemy
installations but also sank a small
cargo ship in the harbor. There was
no air interception, and anti-aircraft
fire was not mentioned, indicating
the mid-day strike caught Japanese
by surprise.
Ponape and the big naval base of
Truk are the administration centers
for the eastern group of islands in
the Carolines. Ponape is west of
Kwajalein, the western Marshalls
atoll captured by American troops
earlier this month, and about 2,581
miles southwest of Pearl Harbor.
At Ponape, the American raiders
were within 410 miles of Truk. Only
twice before have United States,
planes carried the war so far west
into Japan 's inner defense ring.
Those were the carrier-borne raids
on Tokyo itself and on Marcus Is-
land, within 1,200 miles of Japan.
Allies Tighten
Hold on Islands
Thursday. -(P)- Allied troops who
invaded the Green Islands Monday
and Tuesday have consolidated their
positions without incident, General
Douglas MacArthur announced to-
The Allies meanwhile gave Kavi-
eng, the Japanese base on New Ire-
land Island, one of the heaviest aer-
ial bombings, sinking a 3,000-ton ship
in the harbor and leaving the town1
a mass of flames.
The Allies lost eight planes in the
raid, heaviest loss yet suffered in at-1
tacks on the base.
MacArthur announced that the)
Marines had cleared the enemy from,
the Gorgen Bay and Cape Mensing
area east of Cape Gloucester, on the
northwestern coast of New Britain.
National ]News
In Brief,.
GOP Farm Plank.. ..
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.-The
Republican Party's farm experts
began preliminary talks today'
looking to an agreement on a de-
tailed agriculture plank for sub-
mission to the national convention.
Among other things, the plank
would call for increased farm pro-
duction, decentralization of federal
control and considering agriculture
as a "non-partisan" economic ques-
* * *

UNRRA Supported.- .
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.-Senator
Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) declared
today that a proposed $1,350,000,000
authorization for United States par-
ticipation in the United Nations Re-
lief and Rehabilitation Administra-
tion envisions neither the "dreamy
launching of some philanthropic
spree" nor the starting of "a vice-
presidential milk route."
Post-War Plans .'.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16,-A rec-
ommendation that the Commerce
Department be made the "hub" for
federal post-war planning came
from the House appropriations
Committee today in its report on a
$231,304,700 bill to finance State,
Justice and Commerce Department-

Pope's Summer Residence Evacuated

Italians rged Toa
Stop Nazi Traffic
Gen. Alexander Prcdicts Allied Forces
Will Win at Anzio, Smash On to Rome
Associated Press Corrvspondent
ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Naples, Feb. 16.A w American A-36 Invaders
dive-bombed the Rome railway yards for the second straight day today and
the Bari radio appealed to Italian patriots behiiind the German lines to
further the destruction by sabotaging Nazi tratlic.
Gen. Sir Harold Alexander, commander-in-chief of Allied forces in
Italy, said American and British troops were winning the second round of
the battle on Angion beachhead and ultimately would smash on to Rome
without assistance from the Cassino front.
Even while the Invaders struck again at the freight cars of German
war material and switching facilities in Rome, P-40 Warhawks bombed
the ruins of the Benedictine monas-- - -
tery on Mt. Cassino. Artillery was
reported still pouring shells into what ed&S Continue
was left of the monastery by yester-
day's attack.
In its appeal, the Bari radio called
for sabotage on the roads from Rome Lake Peiitis
to the Anzio beachhead and the Ga-
rigliano front on the west coast and
urged the Italian patriots to blow up PskOV, Vita I Iighway,
bridges, change danger signals, cause Rail Center, is Within
landslides, sprinkle the road with
glass, nails and sharp stones and try 45 Miles of Soviets
to fire gasoline and ammunition
dumps. LONDON, Feb. 16. ---(M ---Soviet
"German traffic must be stopped forces driving down the eastern shore
on these roads and the railways which of Lake Peipus reached a point with-
run along the Tyrrhenian and Adri- in 45 miles of Pskov today while to
atic coasts at any cost," it declared, the east other forces, cleaning up
No "Dunkernque,"along the railway and highway from
No DGeruans, renewing their at- Leningrad, were within 58 miles of
tacks on the Anzio beachhead, havet a nwe mm uiaon
laid down a 24-hour artillery barragem Moscow ne tni
and Wednesday night sent out large Southward ini the Ukraine four
formations of tanks to probe Allied more communities alonew a seven-mile
positions, the British radio said in front west of Korsun were pried from
a radio monitored in New York by the weary Germans fighting at the
NBC.) end of the 13th day in a steadily con-
In the most cheering forecast to tracting Soviet ring of steel.
come from the bloody beachhead since The Moscow communique, recorded
it was established Jan. 22, Alex- by the Soviet Monitor from a broad-
ander told his troops there two days cast, said "the enemy made repeated
ago that "there is absolutely no Dun- efforts to break through the ring of
kerque here-there's no basis for pes- encirclement but were beaten off,
sinlistic rubbish," suffering enormous losses in man-
German re;orts indicated that the
'Peace Germans outside the ring, who have
been fighting steadily to reach their
encircled comrades, had made some
inroads on the Soviet ring, Moscow,
* however, said these counter-attacks
i Dies Report were again beaten off.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.- (P)-
Acts "clearly seditious and which 4 - op red in
tend toward the encouragement of
treason" were attributed to the Bon Drive
"peace now movement" today by the
Dies Committee.
The group was organized last year (9t)la ver ubscribed
toadvocate a negotiated peace. wit 1 88311Ttl

A Swiss guard stands sentry duty at the great gate to Castel Gon-
dolfo, the Papal summer residence near Rome, which was being evacu-
ated. The Allies have charged that German troops were installed in
the grounds.
AFL Head Says Draft Would'
Ruin War Workers' Morale

WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. - (1) -
AFL President William Green told the
Senate Military Committee today a
civilian labor draft would ruin the
morale of war workers and might
"break up millions of American fam-
The law, urged by President Roose-
velt as the leystone of the Admin-
istration's new legislative program,
would force labor to work for the
profit of private industry, Green de-
clared in a fist-pounding denunci-
R. J. Gray, president of the Build-
ing and Construction Trades Depart-
ment of the AFL, following his chief
to the stand, accused government
agencies of "bungling, fumbling, de-
lays, breaches of faith" in their rela-
tions with organized labor.
He charged that union workers
have been unable to deliver the "true
story" of home-front conditions to
their fellow members in the armed
forces and declared bad publicity for
Michigan Okays
Soldier, Vote Bill

unions had been "deliberate and cre-
ated by interests antagonistic to la-
Gray 'charged some government
agencies have taken advantage of
labor's no-strike pledge to bring in
non-union workers and lower wage
rates. He appealed for one govern-
ment agency-the Department of La-
bor-to be given jurisdiction over all
labor relations.
Earlier Green engaged in a sharp
exchange with Senator Austin (Rep.,
Vt.), telling him "your bill compels
a man to work; it is conscription of
"It's time that bubble is pricked,"
Austin retorted. "There is no com-
pulsion in this law."
Two Waves of
Russiain Planes
Bomb Helsinki
STOCKHOLM, Feb. 16.-(/P-)-Two
waves of Russian planes bombed
Helsinki tonight and caused fires
and damage to the Finnish, capital
from which rumors of maneuvers for
a separate peace have been emanat-
ing since it was last attacked on
Feb. 6.
Reports to the Swedish press said
that 50 Russian planes in the first
formation kept the city under alert
from 5 to 10 p.m.
The second attack, which appeared
heavier, began at 11 p.m. and ended
shortly before midpight. Dispatches
said that heavy anti-aircraft fire
forced some of the bombers to drop
their loads outside the city.
Widespread damage and a number
of casualties were caused in the Rus-
sian bombing of Feb. 6, which was
carried out by bright moonlight. The
Moscow radio warned that this blast-
ing was only the prelude to heavier


Senate Will Not
for Federal Action

LANSING, Feb. 16.-(IP)-The Sen-
ate today passed a "Michigan Sol-
diers Ballot" law.
The bill was described by Senator
Ivan A. Johnson, Mt. Clemens Re-
publican, as one which would permit
Michigan to cooperate in an "ade-
quate" federal law if Congress passes
such a law, but which would allow
the state to handle its own soldier
vote if the federal action is not con-
sidered sufficient.
The bill as sent to the House for
concurrence authorizes the Secretary
of State to approve an absentee bal-
lot form which would conform to
federal regulations if Congress makes
that possible.
Johnson declared "there is no sense
in being tied too closely to the ex-
isting federal war ballot law. We
have a bill of our own and we are
not dependent on what Congress does.
If Congress says soldiers may vote
only for President and Vice-Presi-
dent we don't have to agree and can
see that our boys are provided with
a full ballot."
Late _Perniiss il
,ranted for -Bal
All Army and Navy men stationed
on campus will be given 3 a.m. per-
mission for Victory Ball which will

Un-American Activities condemned
it in a formal report to the House as
"an un-American group whose activ-
ities are calculated to interfere with
the successful prosecution of the
Particular attention was given in
the report to letters which the com-
mittee said were sent last year to
leading churchmen and others invit-
ingthem to "publicly request all the
followers of Christ under your ban-
ner at once to lay down their arms
and cease supporting this war."
Fifty-seven copies of the letter,
the committee said, were sent last
October to "some of the most promi-
nent religious leaders in the United
States," including cardinals, bishops
and clergymen of various denomina-
City To Pick up Tin
Cars for Salvage
Tin cans will be collected today
frm1 . ...to±p..4i1n-nAnn Ar,,

The University's total sales in the
Fourth War Loan drive, released by
the committee yesterday, are $185,-
836 cash, considerably more than the
$160,000 goal.
This oversubscription was made
possible by a large number of last
minute orders from several campus
organizations, R. Gordon Griffith,
chairman of the University war bond
committee, said.
Griffith praised the work of the
"bond belles," members of the JGP,
and said that they deserve "particu-
lar credit."
On the whole, he said, "the war
bond committee is very pleased with
the response from the University
stalf and in particular from the
Farmers -Tol
To' tte t
iQ RiseYield
"Any farmer -who is not turning
out the goods should not be de-
ferred," state Capt. Edward Long-
necker inthe food mobilization meet-
ing yesterday, when he pointed out
that all farmers must produce as
much food as they cn, regardless of
hours Iper.,(lay .
The meeting was held for Wash-
tenaw County farmers in order to
explain the new agricultural ques-
tionnaire and to inform the public
of food production problems. Capt.
T ongnecker, who is on the State
Selective Service Board, explained
that the questiUonire was necessary
in order to review C and 3C classi-
ficiiions and to cull out those who
have not justified defermtnt.
_ .0M harmon Heads


Ensign Eunice Leikin
Kasten, Sp. (R) 3/c will b
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to
lobby of the Michigah
interview women intereste
ing more about the U.S.

from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. within Ann Ar-
crui t bor city limits by city trucks, in the
first tin salvage drive of 1944, under
and Alene the direction of the Washtenaw Sal-
e stationed vage Committee.
day in the "The cans should be cleaned and
League to flattened, and should be out on the
d in learn- curbs by 10 a.m. if possible," Mr.
Naval Re- George H. Gabler, chairman of the
committee, said yesterday.

Youth A:rmits Theft Charges
Less than one hour after receiving church and on Feb. 13 he adm
a report of a $1,460 robbery here he stole $27 from the church
yesterday, city police arrested a 16- mass was in progress.
year-old Ypsilanti youth who con- Detective Albert Heusel, whi


o ar-

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