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February 13, 1944 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-13

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'Father' Hines,
Concert Band
To Col la borate
Musical Sensation To Be Held
T'oday in Hill Auditorium;
Tickets Available at Boxoff ice
Michigan's lastest sensation, "Sym-
phony and Swing," featuring the
music of the Michigan Concert Band
andd Earl "Father" Hines and his
orchestra, will be held at 3:15 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Advance sale of tickets indicated
anear capacity house, but the central
cmittee indicated yesterday that
$here would be tickets available for
general sale prior to the show at
t boxolice in Hill Auditorium.
Under the baton of William D.
Revelli, the concert band will play
selected classical and light classical
gmnbers including "Prelude and
Si~gue4n G mminor," a Salute to the
Allies, composed of three numbers,
aid the Finale from the New World
Ba4d Includes Servicemen
The concert band this year is
composed of more than 80 members,
and including both Army and Navy
artists as well as civilian students.
Long known for his trumpet style
of piano playing, "Father". Hines is
bringing his entire company of art-
*sts,. including a 28-piece orchestra,
three featured vocalists and an en-
semble.^ .
The Hines organization will do a
symposium in swing, featuring both
old and new classics.
Songs To Be Featured
His program will include "My
Heart Tells Me," "You Go to My
Head" and "Sunday, Monday or Al-
The entire production has been
prepared .by combined committee
Including i representatives from The
Daily, the band organization, the
Union Council and the Bomber
Scholarship Committee, all in co-op-
eration with the University Musical
All the proceeds from the after-
noon production. will be given to
the Bomber Scholarship Committee.
Sim on House
Is Tops in
Oressigs Unit
Simon League House has spent the
most hours per person at the cam-
pus surgical dressings unit this sem-
ester with a total of 12.4 hours per
woman, Harriet Fishel, '45, head of
the unit, announced yesterday in re-
vealing the teii houses which have
contributed the most time to this
type of war work.
Following Simon House which led
the field by a wide margin were Uni-
versity Huse-7.5 hours per person,
Chi Omega-5.2, Alpha Delta Pi-5,
Alpha Epsilon Phi-4.9, Alpha Chi
Omega-4.2, Delta Delta Delta-4,
lvarts House-3.5, Sigma Delta Tau
-'-3, and Day House-2.6.
Stockwell Hall had the largest to-
Wa number of actual working hours
tor the semester with 291 hours, fol-
owe4 by 'Alpha Epsilon Phi with 227,
Chi Omega 182 Martha Cook-180,
Und Jordan H~all-150.
Although the unit was forced to
close for the semester because of a
lack of material, it will be reopened
at the beginning of next semester,

And more volunteers will be needed
to help meet the March quota of
dressings, Miss Fishel emphasized.
The temporary closing of the unit
did not mean that this vital war work
would no longer be in operation.
Daily skiing will be in order in
the Arboretum, so long as the snow
lasts, according to Louise Forbush,
'45, club manager, and all mem-
bers are invited to rent skiis and
poles at the WAB and practice
what has been taught in the in-
struction groups.
Every nite - 8-12
Dinners-Sundays 2-8
Weekdays 5-8
IUniversity Grill
William Street Upstairs
Third Door from State
College Students and Graduates
Secretarial Course for

Mitchell and the Michibomber

When you go to the Michibomber
carnival Saturday, March 11, you
won't be able to -see its originator,
because he's so small he's always fly-
ing into a gremlin's mouth and
spending hours getting out because
gremlins have such small cracks be-
tween their teeth.
You might not see the gremlins
either, because when ..the Michi-
bomber is all ready to. take off the
gremlins will be so ashamed that
they weren't able to plugthe con-,
trols that they'll leave, }and never
again come to Michigan.~
Mick, the Airplane
And here we have the creature
responsible for the affair, Mitchell
Bomber himself. Mitchell, or Mick,
which we always call him-for short,
is a little airplane. He used to live in
his hangar in Ed Zalenski's hair, but
since Zalenski has left. Michigan
Mick has been hovering around the
sports desk, living in the unused
style-books. Once in awhile he flies
up to the Women's Desk, and on one
of his latest' trips he told .us the
story of his adventures in setting up
the Michibomber.
From the day Mick got tired play-
ing roller-coaster on Dorothy Dar-
nall's eyelashes and announced to
the campus there would be a Michi-
bomber, difficulties followed him
around like a tailwind.
Enter the tVillain!
The difficulties were usually in the
form of gremlins, who first of all
sent regiments to every house and,
company on campus to 'dissuade the
organizations from cooperating with
Mick. In some places the gremlins
were successful . . . in. others they
slowed up the planning.
But in general, Mick won out, and
started to work on the Miehibomber
tWA Noti-es
BASKETBALL: 5:15 p.m. to-
morrow: Sigma Delta Tau vs.
Delta Gamma; Jordan VI vs..
Kappa Kappa Gamma. 8 p.m. to-
morrow: Alpha Delta Pi vs. Co-
operatives; Zeta Tau' ,Alpha vs.
5:15 p.m. Tuesday: Winner of
Zeta Tau Alpha-Jordan I vs. Mar-
tha Cook; Winner of Sigma Delta
Tau-Delta Gaima vs. 'inner of
Jordan VI-Kappa Kappa-Garmma
(finals of "A" tournament).
5:15 p.m. Wednesday: Winner of
Alpha Delta Pi-Cooperatives vs.
Winner of Martha Cook vs. Zeta
Tau Alpha-Jordan I (finals of "B"
BOWLING: The WAA bowling,
alleys will be closed for the re-
mainder of the semester, accord..
ing to Virginia Dodd, '45, manager,
but they will reopen the first week
of the next semester, and Univer-
sity students will again be able to
bowl at reduced rates.

itself. The gremlins, believing that
their strength was in numbers, set
up an organization called the Asso-
ciation of Gremlins to Keep Mick
from Building the Michibomber, or
the AGKMBM, which is as impossible
to pronounce as Mick was to dis-
So for the next three weeks it was
Mitchell Bomber vs. the AGKMBM,
(To be continued.)
Lyrics Dances
Will Highlight'
Bond Program
Michigan's modernized minstrels,
the Junior Girls Project skits and
songs committee, will pass out enter-
tainment along with bonds and
stamps with their new program,
"Bond Ballads," to be presented in
the near future at town and campus
organizations, according to Barbara
Heym, '45, committee chairman.
Highlighting the show are lyrics by
Louise Comins, '45, entitled: "Buy a
War Bond," "C'est la Guerre," and
"We'll Do Our Share." The singing
is directed by Ruth Williams, '45SM,
who accompanies the entire act. Be-
thine Clark, '45, wrote the script.
The program, directed by Miss
Heym and Peggy Laubengayer, '45,
features a solo number by Beverly
Wittan, '46, and chorus dance rou-
tines for which Rae Larsen, '44, was
Lineup of the dancing chorus is as
follows: Eleanor Brown, '45, Mary
Palmer, '46, .,Jeanette Drouillard,
'45P, Jeanne Winfield, '46, Ann Lyon,
'45, and Marilyn Moore, '45.
Dee Lesser, '45, is vocal soloist.
Other singers are Faye ; Bronstein,
'45;. Mary Jane Janiga, '45; Shirlee
Keddie, '45; ; Dorothy Kittredge, '45;
Betty Korash, '46; Louise. Comins,
'45; Ruth Mc Neil, Grad; Betsy
Whitehouse, '45; Dorothy Turner,
'45; Peg Morgan, '44; Hazel Ruettin-
gerl '45SM; and Betty Rosa, 45.
Michigan Dames
To Meet Thursday
The Discussion Group of the Mich-
igan Dames will meet at 8:15 p.m.
Thursday,- February 17 at the home
of Mrs. Kenneth A. Easlick, 1508
Shadford Road. The topic of the dis-
cussion will be "Women of the Post-
War World."
The chairman will be Mrs. F. J.
Bell of Haven Street, and the speak-
ers for the evening will include Mrs.
Laurence Thomy of Geddes Road and
Mrs. R. B. Brunson of Monroe Ave-

Naval Officers
To Interview
Coeds at League
WAVES' Recruiting Drive in
Region To Include Candidates
For Many Types of Positions
In order to interview prospective
WAVES, Lt. (.g.) Helen M. Stewart
and Alene Kasten, Sp. (R) 3/c of the
Women's Reserve of the United
States Navy will be stationed Wed-
nesday and Thursday at the Michi-
gan League.
The Navy is very much interested
in recruiting a large number of'
women from this territory, to release
men for active sea duty. Both enlist-
ed women and officer candidates are
needed at the present time.
Requirements for officer candi-
dates are more inclusive than those
for enlisted women. An officer can-
didate must have a degree from an
accredited college and make a satis-
factory score in the Officer's Qualifi-
cation Test. After six months' ser-
vice enlisted women may apply for a
commission with a recommendation
from their commanding officer.
Candidates Train at Smith
WAVES officer candidates take
their training at Smith College,
Northampton, Mass., while more ad-
vanced and intensive, officer indoc-
trination is very similar to that
given enlisted women.
Officer candidates join WAVES
as apprentice seamen, and continue
in this status for the first month of
their indoctrination. They then
qualify as Reserve Midshipmen and
continue at Smith for a second
month. Upon the successful comple-
tion of the course, they receive their
commissions and are ordered either
to a duty station in supervisory,
technical or administrative; posts or
to advanced training.
Advanced training'courses varying
in length from two months to a year
open the door to some of the most
interesting and important positions
in the Navy.
May Study Transportatien
Women who attend the Supply
School study disbursing and trans-
portation as well as. suply before
assuming responsible positions in the
business activities of the Navy. Aer-
ologists who have completed the nine
months' graduate course' in aero-
logical engineering are assigned to
air stations in weather centrals.
Officers who are trained in the
Japanese language will, upon com-
pletion of their course, be able to
read and write simple Japanese,
speak the language clearly in con-
versation or over the microphone,
and to understand it when heard
over the radio. Women selected for
training as air navigation instructors
take the same course as the male
instructors at the school, including
a certain number of hours in the


Senior Society
Pins Aegean'


Senior Society, independent wo-
men's honorary, may have initiated
some unusual personalities in its
seven-year history, but certainly its
treasurer neyer before tried to place
the pin of the Society onto the volu-
minous folds of the toga of a gray-
bearded Shakespearean character.
Blanche Holpar, '44, became a
member of the Society in between
acts of Play Production's "Comedy
of Errors" Thursday night. Miss
Holpar played Aegean in the pre-
In toga, tights, sandals, wig, beard
and greasepaint, Miss Holpar may
have felt a bit conspicuous, but
thanks to the ancient Aegean's taste
in clothes, her costume actually con-
formed to the regulations of the
Society, which specify that the new
initiates should wear "white or pas-
tel." The toga was light blue.
Also initiated into Senior Society
Thursday night were "ordinary mor-
tals" Rosalie Bruno, Phyllis Buck,
Joan Clark, Dorothy Darnall, Adele
Kraus, Mary Anne Olson and Peg

Women May
Now Register
For Blood Bank
Registration for the March blood
bank which will be held at the WAB
March 9 and 10 is taking place now
in Miss McCormick's office at the
League, according to J sephine Fitz-
patrick, '44, chairman of the bank,
and women are urged to register be-
fore finals for the first bank--of the
next semester.
Women desiring to donate blood
for previous banks have been disap-
pointed in not r giste'rig early
enough to be included in 'the month's
quota, so 'the 'opporCtunity -is being
given them to register'now.
Parents'- permission must be se-
cured before registratotr by those wo-
men who are between'18 and 21, and
all women must _Weigh.at least 110
pounds. No woman wil be 'accepted
as a donor if she hasany.tsgn of a
cold or other ill e s at the time of
the donation.
The Squander Bu'g dines on the
dollars you fritter awy. But he can't
digest 4th War Loan Bonds. The
more you buy, the worse ie- feels.


Personal gifts selected
with rare taste to excite -
. enthrall the only one.

Valentine's Day is fast ap-
proaching and if you want a
gift that you are certain she
wil like, 'we saw pins and
bracelets in EIBLER's which
every girl would enjoy owning.
Silver, Indian bracelets to wear
with her weaters or yellow and
green gold bracelets and pins
for dress.
We dropped into the Van
Akkeren Knit Shop and much
to our surprise found some
Angora Yarn-Yes, the real
stuff! And, as if that weren't
enough, they also have a new
supply of those beautiful fine-
textured Botany yarns in pink,
blue, coral and aqua.
We found a truly out-of-the-
ordinary bubble bath at Caul-
kin - Fletcher's, girls. Forest
Mist is the name, Balsam is the
fragrance. It's in liquid form,
and both the foam and frag-
rance are extra long lasting.
For further daintiness try Eti-
quette deodorant, 39c for an

Charming Blouses
Feminine, flattering4and
completely heart-capturing
white, stripes, prints.

r "' :.; .
"'*, "
. .


Make the good news better:
More War Bonds.


To a woman, perfuine-
never loses its charm. That
she may be entranced with
your selection may we sug
gest: TA U
e rbidew rerna..
Smouldering TABU-
heady, sultry fragrance,

_ V



Valentne Red
Cardigan Suit
s w
Heart-cheering suit to look at . . . to wear!
Crisp cardigan jacket with beautifully set
shoulders, a simr, straight skirt with gen-
erous pleats fore and aft. Typically HAND-
MACHER tailored in fine pure wool worsted
gabardine. Sizes 9 to 1 5.

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The Parfum $35.00
The Cologne $ 6.00
also other sizes of both
Or you may select from such other well known per.
fumes as Faberge. .. Schiaparelli ... Chanel .. Coty
. . . Lentheric ... Levin ... Ciro ... Lucien LeLong
Yardley .
SHALEEN Sheer perfection,
stockings designed with extreme
care to bring charm and beauty
... and the very best qual-
.l - ity to you. Skillful work-.
manship'gives you stock-
ings with ine m
..... a heavenly gft.
$1.15 $1.65 $.95
Lovely Compacts
She'll adore showing off
a beautiful, expensive-
looking compact.
from $1.00

r, .
rr w
* '



Have you always wanted nat-
ural curly hair? Well, we can't
exactly be Mother Nature but
we can tell you about the cold
wave they arefeaturing at the
Vogue Beauty Shop. It gives
yoiu hair a truly natural ap-
DMeAAAC ~A i mteC

VLHAkul -. I


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