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February 13, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-13

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I'd Rather Be Right


_ 1

.. ,

Edited and managed by students di the University of
Michigan under the authdrity of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credits in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all o her matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mnail matter.
Subscriptions ,duringthe regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44
Editorial Staff

Marion Ford
Jane Farrant .
Claire Sherann
Marjorie Borradalle
Eric Zalenski .
Bud Low
Harvey Frank .
Mary Anne Olson .
Marjorie Rosmarin
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz

* , . . . Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . .Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . , Women's Editor
. . Ass't Women's Editor
. . . . . Columnist
ft . . . Columuist

Business Staff
Molly Ann Winokur . . . Business Manager
Elizabeth Carpenter . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Martha Opsion . . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Telephone 23-241
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Finns Consider Breaking
Relations with Germany
N A RECENT SESSION, the Finnish Cabinet
stated the "possibility that preliminary deci-
sions were taken" in regard to Secretary of State
Cordell Hull's declaration that Finland must face
the consequences of her continued state of col-
laboration with Germany or quit the war.
With the consistent and accelerated bombing
of her premises by the Russians, it is quite likely
that Finland will very soon issue a positive decis-
ive statement officially breaking'l'er sundry rela,
tions with the Nazis. Since her entrance in the
war, she has lost more than 250,000 men, which
is a great depletion on her meager population of
The Finns have never given themselves
wholeheartedly to the support of the Nazi
cause. They were forced into the war by their
ancient hatred of Russia and their desire to.
protect their domains against aggression. For
this reason, they have leen wary of declaring
an armistice and thus opening a path for pos-
sible Russian occupation.
However, the possibilities of Russian occupa-
tion would be mild compared to the inevitable
consequences Finland will have to face if she
continues her state of collaboration with the
Germans. Finland is well aware of that fact!
- Neva Negrevski
State Department Must
Break Spanish Relations
LAST WEEK when the State Department an-
nounced that oil shipments to Spain would be
shut off, a move was finally made to prevent
Franco from continuing to play his little game of
helping the Axis while hiding behind the mask
of neutrality.
For almost eight years previously the State
Department has followed a strict "ostrich-like"
policy of non-intervention as far as Spain was
concerned, refusing to recognize the fact that
Franco has been helping the Nazis by supplying
them with vital war materials.
It is high time that our State Department do
more than threaten "to reconsider trade and
general relations between Spain and the United
States." Only by breaking off diplomatic rela-
tions, by applying an economic blockade and by
aiding the popular underground movement in
Spain can we stop Franco from being Hitler's
efficient silent partner. -Louise Comins
Italians Need To Solve
Own Political Problems
REPORTS from Italy maintain that our expe-
diency policy in that country may soon be
The Allies are about to disregard King
Emanuel entirely, and are also ready to ditch
Marshal Badoglio as a deadhead.
This decision should have been made when the

NEW YORK, Feb. 13.-When Mr. Willkie at-
tacks the President for not demanding more
taxes, he is really attacking the President for
making concessions to the Republican Party. Mr.
Willikie wants 16 billions in new taxes, Mr.
Roosevelt has asked Congress for 10 billions, and
the bi-partisan bloc, which is in thorough control
of Congress, and to which the President must
yield, will not go much above 2 billions. The
bi-partisan bloc includes a number of Democrats,
obviously, but it includes almost all the Republi-
cans in both Houses.
So we might say that Mr. Willkie is running
for President on the ground that he wants 16
billions in new taxes, as the potential candidate
of a party which wants about,2 billions.
It is a curious situation, for the more firmly
the Congresional Republicans hold out for only
2 billions, the more concessions must the Presi-
dent make to get any tax bill at all, and the
bolder, therefore, does Mr. Willkie's stand appear.
His party cuts the President's tax program down,
and thereby places Mr. Wilkie in a position to
point out how small it is.
Or, to put it another way, the more concilia-
tory the President is toward the Republican
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-For some time Lord
Halifax, gracious British Ambassador to the
U.S.A., has been worried over increasing anti-
British sentiments in ths country andhas sent
several forthright reports to London to that ef-
fect. He feels that the sympathy for Britain
which existed when London was suffering a
baptism of fire, and England was fighting for
her life, has been largely replaced by a feeling
of criticsm and'suspicion toward the British Em-
If things were left to Lord Halifax, the situ-
ation would be improved, for, beneath his
rather shy exterior, the Ambassador is one 'of
the most sincere and devoted friends this
country ,has. However, his reports have been
partly offset by those of wandering, unofficial
British observers. Britain is blessed with just
as many would-be ambassadors here as this
country is in England and, until recently, these
observers were inclined to pooh-pooh Halifax's
worries about anti-British sentiment.
Anothr British handicap is a tendency to miss
the boat on publicity when they do pull some-
thing' rally big and favorable.
For instance, Lord Beaverbrook's speech in
the House of Lords on January 19, pledging
British bases after the war to American and
United Nations aviation, was an unprecedent-
ed gesture of good will which ordinarily should
have made first-page headlines throughout the
world. Here was the British Empire offering
its vital bases to its allies-a delicate subject
which for years had caused debate inside the
U.S. Army and Navy and on the floor of Con-
Yet, when Lord Beaverbrook made this mag-
nanimous gesture of offering British bases to
future Allied aviation for the sake of interna-
tional trade and peace, the sleepy newspaper-
men in England missed it and no steps were
taken by British officials to call a press con-
ference or get the story across to the world. A
cable was sent by the British Foreign Office to
the British Embassy in Washington, but no one
in the Embassy did anything about it until a
week later.
FDR as Publicity Council ...
That is one reason why President Roosevelt,
at a recent press conference, took the unusual
step of going to bat for the British himself on
the subject of India. FDR, an old hand at get-
ting the publicity breaks, has felt that his Bri-
tish friends don't always know how to put their
best' foot forward with the American public.
A case in point was Argentina and U.S.

negotiations with the British regarding econo-
mic sanctions against the Argentine Fascists.
While the British were not ready to go along
with us in stopping meat purchases from the
Argentine and were worried about freezing
Argentine credits, J$ritish Ambassador Kelly
in Buenos Aires nevertheless stood up and bat-
tled against the Argentine Government most
effectively-but without headlines.
On one occasion, he told President Ramirez
flatly that, though Britain was not ready to co-
operate with the U.S.A. immediately in cutting
off Argentine imports, she fully intended such
cooperation within three months.
Impressed, President Ramirez asked the Am-
bassador to put his protest in the form of a note.
Armed with the note, Ramirez went to the
Campo de Mayo headquarters of the Army,
showed the Army -officers what they were up
against. Two days later, Argentina broke with
the Axis.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features syndicate)

Party, the more ammunition he gives Mr.
Willkie, the prospective candidate of that same
The President is whipsowed between Mr. Will-
kie's demand for higher taxes, and the refusal
of Mr. Wilkie's party to grant same. There is,
therefore, a certain illogicality in Mr. Willkie's
position. He can cure this by taking either of
two steps. He can join with the President in de-
manding more taxes. Or he can start a whale of
a fight within his own party, to get it to caucus
for more revenue. But he stays comfortably
within his own party, defends it, and fights the
President. It is a little bit like campaigning for
free whisky on a Prohibition Party ticket.
Another of Mr. Willkie's favorite arguments
against the President is that Mr. Roosevelt is not
going fast enough in setting up an international
organization of nations, or some form of inter-
national adjudicatiof of disputes. One reason
the President does not do this is the solid, earthy
fact of the existence of the Republican Party,
with its declared insistence on preserving Ameri-
can sovereignty, etc.
The President gives in to the Republican, lin
effect, on this score, he avoids a formal inter-
national organttion, and Mr. Willkie uses this
conciliatory gesture toward his own party as
an argument for victory for his party at the
polls. He seems to be arguing that his party
ought to be elected to do what the President,
or fear of that party, will not do.
And that top leadership knows it, which is why
it fights Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Willkie w'ith al-
most equal enthusiasm. It is not impressed by
Mr. Willkie's quarrels with the President. It has
accepted the logic of its position. It knows what
it is fighting. It is fighting certain ideas in for-
eign and domestic affairs. It does not care whose
name these ideas go under.
It fights Mr. Willkie, even though he is a Re-
publican; but it gladly works with a number of
its friends in Congress, though they happen to be
Democrats. The fight for strong international
accords, and the domestic steps necessary to
achieve them, is bigger than parties or candi-
dates. Those who want these things must fight
all elements in both parties who oppose them,
regardless of name; they must, just like the bi-
partisan bloc,'rise above party, and fight togeth-
er, in both parties and as a bloc of both parties.
Mr. Willkie often undestands this. It is when
he forgets it, at moments, that he seems to mini-
ature himself.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
liominie Says
OUR FEAR lest the sixteen oviet Republics
appear at the peace table and have a say
about the war is revealing. Father Zossima in
Dostoevesky's novel asks, "And when will the
Kingdom of Heaven come to pass?" "It will come
to pass," says the visitor, "but first we have to go
throughthe period of isolation." Then follows a
discussion of the age in which we live wherein
we practice fear when faith is most needed,
indulge in isolation just where social solidarity is
the demand and wait in loneliness in spite of the
other man's desire to create fellowship. The visi-
tor finally says, "This terrible individualism must
inevitably have an end, and all will suddenly
understand how unnaturally they are separated
from one another."
The novelist has his character say, finally,
"It will be the spirit of the time, and people
will marvel that they have sf so long In dark-
ness without seeing the light." Our "Sensate
epoch" will have passed, the crisis will be
behind us, and, as Sorokin fears, most of our
free economic opportunities will have been
wasted, our culture halted and the millions will
be dead, sacrificed to the goddess of egoism.
Within a university, we should be able to
fathom our own case and get down to the
simple realities among ourselves, such as fac-
ulty-student understanding, inter-class good-
will, frank honesty in elections, an informal
comradeship and those human expressions
which feed the soul. Tom Harmon tried in
vain to say this, but he felt lost returning dur-

ing war. What he does not fathom about the
epoch is the striking similarity of the patterns
of (1) Campus life, (2) Our state grand-jury
revelations, (3) National political parties, and
(4) Allied Nations attitudes. However much
one has to dissent from the philosophy of revo-
lution and crisis as a solution for anything, he
will admit that it identifies given facts and
helps one orient himself in such a period as
Christianity offers a very different possible
remedy. "This is the victory that overcometh
the world, even our faith." (I Jno., 5:4) Faith in
God and in each other is mandatory if we, as a
people, are to deliver the necessary national co-
herence during the crucial months of 1944. Like-
wise, within the campus family such a faith is
essential if we are to relax tensions, restore
security and quicken the learning process in spite
of the unusual.current internationalstruggle and
risk. -Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education

SUNDAY, FEB. 13, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 79
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30.
p.m. of the day preceding. its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tires should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Fourth War Loan Drive:. To buy,
War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A
"Bond Belle" will pick, up your order
and deliver the bond the next, day.
Use this service and help the Uni-
versity meet its quota.
University War Bond Committee
Eligibility Rules for. Fall Term:"
Because of changed conditions :-on'
the campus the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs has decided to modify
the rules of eligibility for publicn
activities for the current Fall Terim.
The continuance of the plan, will
depend upon the success with which
it is managed by the individual stu-
dent during the coming months.
Students will not be required' to se-
cure certificates of eligibility, but
will be personally responsible for
checking their own eligibility.
First term freshmen will be' al-
lowed to participate but will have
their grades checked by their aca-
demic counselldrs or mentors at the
end of the five-week period and at
mid-semester. Continued participa-
tion after these checks will depend.
upon permission of the academic
counsellors or mentors. All other
students who are not on Probation
or the Warned List are eligible. Any-
one on Probation or the Warned List
is definitely ineligible to take part in'

Required Hygiene Lectures for
Women-1944: All first and second1
semester freshmnan 'women 'are re-
quired to take the hygiene lectures
which are to be given the second
semester. tpperclass students who
.were in the University as freshment
and who did not fulfill the 'require-
'ments are required to take and satis-
factorily complete this course. Enroll
for these' lectures at the, time of
regular classification at Wateriman3
Gymna~ium. 'These Lectures are a
graduation requirement..
Section No.'I: First Lecture, Mon-
day, March 13, 4:15-5:15, Rakhm
Auditorium; -Subsequent Letaes,
Successive Mondays,4':1515:15, Rack-
ham Auditorium; Examination (fin-
al), MIonday, April 24, ,45-5:15,
Rackham Auditorium.
Section No: II: 'First Lecture, Tues-'
day, March 14, 4:15-5:15,- Rackham
Auditorium; Subsequent -rLectures,
Successive Tuesdays, 4:15 - 5:15,
Rackham Auditorium;-Examination
(final), Tuesday, 'April 25, 4:15-5:15,
Rackham Auditorium. B
Margaret Bell, M.
SpecialPayroll Deduction for War
Bonds: Arrangements can be made
with the Payroll.-Department to make
a. special single, deduction for pur-
chase of War Bonds from salary
checks due on Feb. 29 only. This
would be over and above the regular
deductions under the payroll savings
plan. Those wishing to use this
method should send written instruc-
tions to the Payroll Department re-
garding the amount of the bond and
the names and addresses in which it
should be registered. Deductions can
be made only in the amount of $18.75
or multiples thereof. Instructions



By Lichty

School of the University l the y '
1944-1945 may sti Ibe 6 ineiI
he Office of the Gradate -chqA
Ali blanks must be returnied to ,t
)ffice by Tuesday, FMeb 'ie dIn or
to receive conslderatio.
Seniors (Men and Woen) Ihi
Deartmnit of"'Eof g'rieIi ,.iMi'
Chemistry, Mathematics na "
Representatives of the iaroi al-
visory Commn'ittee 6fr A ti s,
he Bureau of' Aeronaut ics -of ;e
avy Department and tt tk . C' 1V
Serirlce Commnissioni N1U'be 'lVAzi
Arbor all day ftiday, feb .S, 'b
interview seniors in tlid i*e-
eas. (Please read fides -
ed on- the bulletin difdh1
+epartments) Interest iyiiabnl
please sign -the intetvilW s d
posted on the Aeronti
ing Bulletin Board; ne" i t B'
East Engineering Buildiig.
Students who are filling"o '
Summer Plans Inquiry a n
to turn the questlofnnialr in to
soon as possible' ; .*"
Bacteriology Sem inar w s
Tuesday, Feb. 15, at & .1., In ir
1564 East edical Bjldng lieet
lRelapsing Fever. lllntrestedtke
invited. J}Ti
Itecommendttlos for eatin
tal Honors: Teachiig P . ,
wishing to recomk nri4tenat
March graduates frma the dIese of
Literature, 8eience an! e AZ't '
the School of Educti or e -
mental Honors sheuld set4i u+
names to the Registrar s ff1cRn.
4 University Hall n ot ltet
March 6. p'
Members of La Soeid t
ica.: The grdlp' ictre. sb .
ded Hispantia for ; f
sian will be'taken tady t'A
in mn. '316 of the rciean Utlf.
Ydu are requested tolbe p } at
that time.
-Anthropology 3 i e
log Auditorium on Aio 4 Feb ,
at 30 p.. lnsteadr Qt 'a ''r
Faculty Recital: -ilb Rqs,v
lmist, will present a-prd 4za
Positions by Tatxil-" , -
lath, .1Vrzart; .Fi
manowski and de lla,"-t 8° $b ,
Thursday, Feb 1
delssohn Theatre.=Protes7
be accompanied atth 0
Helen Titus, another rnerberodr
faculty of the schol o- ii#S. IL
program will be open tothegel
public without charge.} 4
Evets To
Edson Peck, instructor of p '
at Northwestern iUiiverst
to the Michigan ChristiaFell
this afternoon at 43# irn the" ee
Room at Lane Hall. He'ill s '
dynamic Christianity.' Aflser lc'" b
and students areinvit
Westminster Student Gtul4 k;
have a supper and fellowshIp hour
5:00 p.m. today followed at
p.m. with a continuatoi of htiIye
of "Building a Christian Hor." T-p
topic will be "The Choic of a -
time." Mr. James Van Peisthe
assistant student direeor, will be in
charge. All students are welcome
Coming Events
Research Club: The FebralY
meeting of the Research Cub wil
be held in the Amphitheatre of' t e
Rackham Building. Wenesday e -
ning, Feb. 16, at 8:00 o'clock. Tlie

following papers will be read,. "4n
Electron Microscope Study of Port-
land Cement Crystals" ,by Professor
Donald L. Katz and "Th1e Teriii ±1
ology of Arabic Goniometrical 486-
uscripts" by Professor Wilniam- i.
Original One-Act Plays: Three,or-
iginal one-act plays will. be' gin
Monday evening, Feb. I4, at 8 o'cloel
by students of acting iii the.:Siekh
Department and piaywritl g stul-
dents of the English Depat'tneilt.
These.student-written; student-actjed
plays will be presented-at the tfil-
versity High School auditorium.,Ad-
mission is free. All are- welcome.
The student branch of the A.IE.E
will hold a joint meetink with the
Michigan section Tuesday, Feb. 15,
at 8 p.m., in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building. Proessor L. N.
Holland and Mr.J.. Cline will speak
on "From 60 Cycles to 600 Mega-
cycles." This will be a -discuhsskn of
the problems of generation and trariz
mission at 6,000 megacycles as coin-
pared to i0 cycles. Consideration
will be given to transmission lines,
cavity resonators and wave guidest
ultra-high frequencies. IItern slides
and demonstrations 'ill illustrate

1 -' - .- . q
"It's sort of softening up process, Truffle! ... I have to speak to her
about the punctuation and spelling in these letters!"

any public activity and a student
who participates under these cir-
cumstances will be subject todisci-
pline by the authorities of the school,
or college in which he or she is en-
Participation in a public activity
is defined as service of any'kind on
a committee or a publication, in a
public performance or a rehearsal,
holding office or being a candidate
for office in a class or other student
organization, or any similar func-
In order to keep the Personnel.
Records up to date in the Office of
the Dean of Students, the president.
or chairman of any club or activity
shduld submit a list' of those partici-
pating each term on forms obtain-
able in Room 2, University .Hall.
These records are referred to con-.
stantly by University authorities,
governmental agencies and indus-
trial concerns throughout the con-
try and the more complete they:- are,,
the more valuable they become to'
the University and the student.
Czech Sentiment... -
THE POLITICAL situation 'in Cze-
choslovakia, from the German
point of view, deteriorated so much
that Dr. Joseph Goebbels, visited
Prague in January to mend Nazi
fences. The pro-American senti-
ment of the Czechs must be strong
indeed, to bring Herr Goebbels to
Prague to combat it.
-Czechoslovak News Flash

must 'reach the Payroll Department
not later than Feb. 15. Vfar Bond
purchases made by this nmethod will
be counted in the Drive.
University War Bond Committee
Faculty members who have civilian
war activities to report to the Uni-
versity. War Historian will please fill
out the mimeographed form mailed
to them a few weeks ago and return
to 156 Rackham Building..
. Committee on University Archives
Honor Societies: The attention of
honor societies is called to the fact
that the date of Honors Convocation
has been set for April 21.It is re-
quested ,that all societies hold their
elections as early' as possible after
the beginning of the Spring Term so-
that the names of new members may
be included in the Honors Convoca-
tion program.'
. Blood Donors: All women who are
interested in donating blood for'-the
March Bank on March 9 and 10
please make an appointment in Miss
McCormick's office in the League
immediately. .
Identification Cards: All students
who attended the University during
the. Summer or 'Fall Terms are re-
quested to bring their identification
cards with them when registering for
the Spring Term.
Office of the Dean of Students.
Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Math-
ematics: These lectures will be given
'by Professor Claude Chevalley of
Princeton University, and will be
held on Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays, for- two weeks, beginning

By Crockett Johnson

r - ~ ' IT

Gus... After-er-observing yourl
adversary in action, I'm afraid
we must-er-revise our tactics-

In addition to a somewhat
unorthodox stance, he-er-

- ~~~RC C

He's going to be INVISIBLE N
through the whole fight!

SOV I've an impregnable defense.
He won't lay a glove on me-




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