SATURDAY. FEB. 12. 1944
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Fifty-Fo1rms Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the.
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the us
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repuh-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by cu-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collgake Press, 1943-44
Marion Ford .
Jane Farrant .
Cletre Sherman
Marjorie orradalle
Erio Zalenski . .
Bud Low . . .
Ifarvey Frank .
Mary Anne Olson.
Marjorie Rosmnarlu
Hilda Slautterbac k
Doris isuentz
. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
* . . . City Editor
. A oclate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Edijor
. ; . ss't Women's Editor
. . Columnist
*. . Columnist
Molly Ann Winokur
Elizabeth Carpenter
Martha Opslon . .
Business Manager
. Ass't Bus. Manager
. Ass't Bus. Manager
Telphoc 2324.1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by mejbers of The Daily staff
an;d refiresent the views of the writers only.
Washtau4o un ty
Lags in Bond Drive
rTIREE PAYS remain ilf the current bond drive
and the people of Washtenaw County sleep on
with almost $1,O,000 worth of bonds that must;
be bought.
A quota in a bond drive is more than some
figure set arbitrarily by a central committee
somewhere. It is a moral Obligatiou of a people
to themselves and to theirn en who are fight-
ing n4d dying on the battlefipJds pf the world.
Although th' county has filled the qotg ffor
other types of bonds other than Series E, there
is no reason for the people to case their buying
and rest on their laurels.
The people in Washtenaw County havejust
as much responsibility in the prosecution of
this war as anyone else and it is their business
to fill this quota in the next three days. You
have quite a bit to do, Washtenaw County!
-Evelyn Phillips
Sonate Vftes Price
Increase for Mil
THE SENATE is throwing around that subsidy
football again.
ysterday, that body voted to increase the
prices of retail fluid milk, one to one and one-
half cents a quart. The increae gllows the
proposed removal of the preit one-half to
one cent a quart milk subsidy. The Senate has
now shelved the subsidies previously considered
and the issue now goes before the House.
This action, the latest victory of the Farm Bloc,
will affect virtually every consumer in the nation.
The Senate also rejected a compromise plan
offered by Senator Taft. His plan would con-
tinue subsidies except for meat, milk, and but-
ter payments. From these facts one might
conclude that the Farm Bloc and other organi-
zations which advocate blocking fOod subsildies
are steadfast in their desire to see all subsidies
discaded. But t11pre are a few subsidies
through which the farmer can profit
The sugar cane and sugar beet subsidies will
continue to be paid for the simple reason ihat we
cannot undersell Cuban cane sugar unless the
American sugar producers are subsidized. Thus
our sugar companies want to retain the subsidy
now because when the war is over, and shipping
increases, our products will be unable to compete
with the cheaper Cuban product.
We sometimes wonder when the Farm Bloc
will stop thinking purely in terms of farm
profits, and take the American people into con-
sideration. -Robert Goldman
Ford Labor Sies
rm * 1 r
Students Are Asked
To Donate Books
UNDERthe ausfices. of theWi _w~~t ev
ice Fund, the campus is sponsoring 8. cam-
paign for textbooks to be sent to prisoners of
war in the various theatres of action all -over
the world.
The local drive will continue through to the
beginning of the spring term to permit students
to donate this semester's books, with recep-
tacles for the books placed in the League, Un-
ion and International Cener.
The WSSF appeal for books has found a quick
response from American students in terms of its
significance for the work of post-war construc-
tion. Students have immediately grasped how
essential it is that higher education, its very
existence threatered in some parts of the world,
should be preserved and strengthened.
The students who are recipients of this boo
collection are crowded in prisons or internment
camps, or living a strange life in a strange coun-
try as refugees.
Remember, books given to this Pause will
continue the plane of higher educeaion In the.
countries drastically upraooted by the rumblings
of war, and in addition, be a significant factor
for the work of post-war reconstruction.
-Neva Ategreski
FEBRUaARY-12-$irthday of the man who
said: "Nobody has eer expected me to be
President. In my poor, lean ank facenobody
has ever seen that any cabbages were sprouting."
"As I would not be a slave, so I-would not be a
nmaster. This expresses my idea of democracy.
Whatever differs from this, to the eten>t 9f this
difference, is no democracy." 185.
"In giving, freedom to the save we asure
free to the free-honorable al k in what we
give and what we preserve." 1862.
Criticism of those who think ".., that govern-
ment doesn't sufficiently help some men eat their
bread in the sweat of other men's faces .,,
Emancipation Proclamation, signed Sept. 22,
1862: "An act of justice, warranted by the Qon-
stitution, upon military necessity."
From 1882 to 1935: 4,681 nown lynchings In
the United States.
194O DPrat 4ct, Section 4 (a): "In tbe see-
tiond a training of me under this Act, and in
the interpretation andl execution of the provi-
sins of. tis Act, there shall be teo discrimina-
tion igainst any person on account of re ar
ialf a million Negroes now beai* arms in
the service of this country. 9.8 per cent of the
population is colored; 16.1 per; jeit ¢f al olugn-
teers for the Army in 19Q41 were Negm .
Fayetteville, N.C,-4ugst 6, 1944,: ,gt. E. L.
Hargraves, white military policeman, and Vvt.
Ned Turman, Negroe egineer, killed and four
other soldiers wounded in a gun battle between
white and Negro soldiers on a crowded bus.
Investigation showed cause: brutality by white
Jim crow policies which American officers have
tried to enforce among U.S. troops in England
were answered by the pubkeeper who taggd this
sign at the entrance to the bar: FQt JiE SE
NOTICE appearing on all ,bulletin boards of
North Camp Hood, Texas, Tuesday, Aug. 3,
1943: ". . . In the near future colored troops
will be quartered in the RTC area. All Yen are
cautioned to treat them with respect but not to
cultivate friendship with them. For the best
interests of everyone stay completely away from
them. 'Ya'll remembah, girs, dis is de Souf!'
signed Robert E. Stephenson, Captain FA, Po4-
* Tickets distrib ed for football game, at
Montgomery, Ala.: "C"amton Bowl, Saturday,
Dc. 25, 1943. Good only for ser vicmen In
form (white guly) or lady escorted by serice-
* *
Informal report of statement y cp to his
men at a Training School in MAylaad: "You
felows know that I'm an easy going fellow and I
like to make it as pleasant as possible for you
here. Today a group of colored boys moved into
the company. It has already reached me that
come few of you are talking of doing something
about it.
"Some of you don't seen to rai e bat e
are fighting a war for freedom ana 4emocacy,
and race hatred is not a feature of democracy.
I was born and raised in the South, so don't
think I have anything against Southerners.
But these new boys are soldiers as good as $he
rest of us; they're g d enough to die beside us
some day. They're good enouh to live with u s
"As long as I'm the CO i this company no
one will take anything 'into hi# 9 . hands.'
Lincoln's Faith in
People Not Merited
ABRAl3AmLincoln, whose birthday we cele-
brate today, worked unceasingly so that the
America of the future would be a place "dedi-
cated to the proposition that all men are created
It was.8 years ago that he told the people
of the United States who were assembled at
Gettysburg, "It is for us the living to be dedi-
cated to the unfinished task remaining before
us, that the nation under God shall have a
new birth of freedom and that the government
of the people, by the people, and for the people
shall not perish from the earth."
Mr. Lincoln's faith in the wisdom of the people
would have been greatly shaken if he could have
foreseen the America of 1944, where the unfin-
ished task which he set before the people has
been so lightly regarded.
He would be sorely disappointed that such
mechanisms as the poll-tax in the South pre-
vent a great majority of our Negro population
from having their share in our government,
and would be further disillusioned to discover
that the old issue of "states' rights" may still
pevent the soldiers of today, engaged in a
strgggle to preserve our American way of life,
from having the right to vote.
Let us take seriously the responsibility of fin-
ishing the task which Mr. Lincoln began so that
America will be a nation where each and every
individual, regardless of race, color, creed or the
state he comes from, may have the right to
participate in the government of our nation.
-Louise Comins
I'd Rather
Be Right_
NEW YORK, Feb. 12.-I regret to report that
the amount of double-talk on the market is
ipcreasng. Like for.instance, I see in one paper
that we ought to make a firmer alliance with
England, against Russia; and also that we ought
to follow an independent policy and not let Eng-
land boss us so much. Same paper. Same day.
In fact, same editorial.
This makes an appeal both to those who are
for England and to those who take a dim view
of her. That is characteristic of what I used
to call "obscurantism" in politics, before the
customers objected that the word was too hard
to understand.
I am sorry I had to give that word up, because
I don't know what other word to use when I see
a big campaign opening up to the effect that we
oujht to exchange some of the Japanese civilians
in our midst for American soldiers now in Jap-
anese hands. This is no doubt a seductive idea.
But if anybody has ever heard of any belligerent
giving up captured fighting men in exchange for
miscelaneous civilians, I should like to see
documented proof of same. There have been
no evchanges in this war, except of diplomats
for diplomats, civilians for civilians, and wound-
ed men for wounded men.
Nonetheless, one great chain of papers is
denouncing what it calls the administration's
"cold-blodded abandonment" of our captured
nen for not making the above unprecedented
deal. This is perfect obscurantism, because it
enables an editor to be against the adminis-
tration and against the Japanese at the same
tine, and when an obscurantist thinker can
prk out a line like that he is entitled to shout
bingo, or, maybe, mother pin a rose on me.
The implication in the above argument is that
the American War Department and the Ameri-
can State Department hate Americans. I was
taught at school that when a proposition leads
to an absurdity, you have to throw it out.
Yau see, the way I get it, there is another
food famine coming (I think this will be the
eighth "famine" since the start of the war, but
perhaps I have lost count) and also I read that
it is darn silly of us to be importing 1,800,000
pounds of Argentinian butter, when our ware-
houses are bursting with uncounted tons of
saie. We face two serious .problems, fellows;
iye are about to starve, and also we have a
grave shortage of storage space for food, al-
w ost every ayailable cubic foot being crammed.
I do wish the eustomers would let me go on
using the word "obscurantism," because I know
no other word which so well describes the argu-
mentive strategy of throwing a beam of darkness
across of field of light. You know what I mean.
Like when a. man gets on a chair and says we
ought to send more of our planes to MacArthur,
and less to Europe, and also that we ought not
to invade Europe, just bomb hell out of it with
all those planes we're making.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
I !_'
._.m. _. ..® .w v. M_ ...
By Lichty
"There ain't no sense wishing you was back home, Mac! . . . You
know how the laundry situation is there!"
SATURDAY, FEB. 12, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 78
All notices for the Daly Official Bu-
1etin re 0ibe sent to the offiee of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30"
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion,.except on Saturday when the no-
tiveCs houd be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Fourth War Loan Drive: To buy
War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A
"Bond Belle" will pick up your order
and deliver the bond the next day.
Use this service and help the Uni-
versity meet its quota.
University War Bond Committee
Faculty of College of Literature,
Science and the Arts; College of
Architecture and Design; School of
Education; School of Forestry and
Conservation; School of Music, and
School of Public Health: Class lists
for use in reporting FALL TERM
grades of undergraduate students
enrolled in these units, and also
graduate students in the Schools of
Forestry and Conservation, Music
and Public Health, were mailed Fri-
day, Feb. 11. Anyone failing to
receive theirs should notify the Reg-
istrar's Office, Miss Day, 'phone 582,
and duplicates will be prepared for
Required Hygiene Lectures for
Women-1944: All first and second
semester freshman women are re-
quired to take the hygiene lectures
which are to be given the second
semester. Upperclass students who
were in the University as freshmen
and who did not fulfill the require-
ments are required to take and satis-
factorily complete this course. Enroll
for these lectures at the time of
regular classification at Waterman
Gymnasium. These lectures are a
graduation requirement.
Section No. I: First Lecture, Mon-
day, March 13, 4:15-5:15, Rackham
Auditorium; Subsequent Lectures,
Successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Rack-
ham Auditorium; Examination (fin-
al), Monday, April 24, 4:15-5:15,
Rackham Auditorium. -
Section No. II: First Lecture, Tues-
day, March 14, 4:15-5:15, Rackham
Auditorium; Subsequent Lectures,
Successive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15,
Rackham Auditorium; Examination
(final), Tuesday, April 25, 4:15-5:15,
Rackham Auditorium.
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Blood Donors: All women who are
interested in donating blood for the
March Bank on March 9 and 10
please make an appointment in Miss
McCormick's office in the League
Freshman Girls: All freshman girls
not residing in dormitories or in
league houses must leave their name,
address and phone number today on
the sheet in the undergraduate office
in the League in order that they may
participate in freshman activities.
Women of the University Faculty:
The meeting tentatively planned for
February will be postponed to Fri-
day, March 10. You will receive fur-!
ther notification, but reserve this
date now.
Academic Notices
Application Forms for 'ellowship
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1944-1945 may still be obtained from
tllq, Office of the Graduate School.
All blanks must be returned to that
Office by Tuesday, Feb. 15 in order
to receive consideration.
Anthropology 32 will meet in Kel-
log Auditorium on Monday, Feb. 14,
at 3:30 p.m. instead of 9:00 am.
Members of La Sociedad Hispan-
ica: The group picture of La Socie-
dad Hispanica for the Michiganen-
sian will be taken Sunday, Feb. 13,
at 4:0 p.m. in Rm. 316 of the Michi-
gan Union. You are requested to be
present at that time.
Events Today
Wesley Foundation: Leap Year
Valentine Party tonight at 8:30
o'olock for all Methodist students,
servicemen and their friends.
Westminster Student Guild will
have a semi-formal dance beginning
at 9:00 p.m. in the Social Hall of the
Presbyterian Church. Presbyterian
students and servicemen are cordial-
ly invited.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, is having a Pre-Final Party
tonight at 8:30 at the Lutheran Stu-
dent Center, 1511 Washtenaw. Luth-
eran students and servicemen are
cordially invited.
The Public Health Students Club
will hold a party tonight at the Wo-
men's Athletic Building at 8 o'clock.
The faculty, staff and all civilian and
military students of the school of
public health and their friends are
Avukah, Student Zionist Organiza-
tion, will sponsor Palestine Nlight at
the Hillel Fondation this evening at
8:30. There will be movies, singing,
dancing and refreshments. Anyone
interested may attend.
Wpstminster Student Quild will
have a supper and fellowship hour at
5:00 p.m. Sunday followed at 6:00
p.m. with a continuation of the study
of "Building a Christian Home." The
topic will be "The Choice of a Life-
time." Mr. James Van Pernis, the
assistant student director, will be in
charge. All students are welcome.
Duplicate Bridge: A duplicate
bride tournament will be held at
2:00 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 13 in the
U80 Club. All servicemen are in-
vited as well as townspeople. Come
with or without a partner. Each
week is a complete tournament. A
small fee of 25c will be charged per
Contract Bridge Lessons: Contract
bridge lessons will be given every
Sunday afternoon at 2 :00 at the
USO Club. -
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples): 11:00 am., Morning worship.
The Rev. E. W. Blakeman will be
guest speaker. 5:00 p~m., guild Sun-
day Evening Hour. D"sciple studnts
and their friends will join with Con-
wrewational studient at the Cnare
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12.-The de-
tails are being carefilly withheld
until the program is fully worked
out, but the Northwest Congressional
delegation, led by Senator Homer
Bone and Representative John Coffee
of Washington, got definite assur-
ances that there will be a post-war
redistribution of industry, when they
called on the President recently.
The President has no intention
of leaving Western and Northwest-
ern states marooned after the war
without adequate basic-material
industries such as steel and alumi-
mnpm, he informed Bone, Coffee,
Representative Cecil R. King of
California and George E. Murphy,
a representative of the Steel Iron
Corporation of Washington State.
One thing the President has in
mind is using the Smaller War
Plants Corporation to speed the
industrial development of Western
areas which are rich in iron ore,
alumina and other raw materials
but must depend upon the East for
processing them. Before the war,
this meant that steel was hauled
thousands of miles across the
country from Eastern mills to be
used in Far West shipyards and
other industries.
"As far as I am able, I intend to
see the country economically and in-
dustrially self-sufficient after the
war. This isn't a promise, it's a
pledge," the President told his call-
ers. He went on to say that he had
come out for decentralization of
American industry ten years ago,
when he first entered the White
House. He added that he hadn't
changed his views "one iota."
His visitors brought out that the
redistribution program probably
would meet with opposition from
the railroads, which wouldn't re-
linquish, without a fight, their
profitable transcontinental busi-
ness in hauling raw materials.
Roosevelt agreed and added that
the railroads also were opposing his
efforts to . abolish North - South
freight rate differentials, which were
imposing hardships on the South.
As an illustration, the President said
that, some years ago, he had sent a
box of trinkets to his son Elliott at
Fort Worth. Texa."The express bill
was 'bout $3.50, as I recall," said the
President, "But Elliott didn't want
the stuff and reshipped it back from
Fort Worth to Hyde Park. This cost
about $6,50, almost twice what I had
paid for express charges to Fort
Worth, though the box travelled the
same distance each way."
Slapping Senators . .
Roosevelt had not seen Senator
Bone since the two-fisted Washing-
tonian came out of a hospital several
months ago following a hip opera-
tion. Bone is as fit as ever but, when
the President inquired about his con-
dition, he replied that his hip was
still giving him a little trouble.
"Why don't you go down to Warm
Springs for a short rest?" the Presi-
dent suggested. "The treatments
might help you."
Bone declined the invitation, ex-
plaining, "We have an expert iub-
ber by the name of Scott in the
Senate gymnasium who has been
doing me a world of good, Mr.
President. In fact, I don't think I
could get better treatment any-
where. This man has been slap-
ping Senators around for twenty-
five years and making them like
"Slapping Senators around!"
howled Roosevelt. "Say, that sounds
like a pretty good job."
"Yes," replied Bone. "guess there
have been times, Mr. President, when
you would have liked to be in his
(Copyright, 94, Uuited Features Synd.)
of Peace." Morning worship service
at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Charles W.
Brashares will preach on the theme
"Good 'Neighbor." Wesleyan Guild
meeting at 5 p.m. The subject for
discussion will be "What I believe
About Eternal Life." Supper and
fellowship hour following the meet-
First Congregational Church: Mii-
ister, Rev. Leonard A, Parr; Director
of Student Work, Rev. 1-. L. Picker-
ill; Director of Music, Wilson Sawyer.
10:45, Mornilg worship, Sermon by
Dr. Parr oil "Anchors in the Storm"
5:00, Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Mrs. Charlotte Timm will speak on
"The Baha'ist Faith and the Post-
War World." Supper at 6:00 p.m.
8:00, Student World Day of Prayer
service in the sanctuary.
First Church of Scientist; Wednes-
day evening testimoniial meeting at
8:00. Sunday morning service at
10:30, subject "Soul." Sunday school
at 11:40. A free reading room is
maintaned by this church at 106 F.
Washling'1tonit.,. 1,11(,the Bile and
ChritA n" Scic l"Iterature, includ -
ing all of the writings of Mary Baker
Eddy. may be read, borrowed, or pur-
~ - --
There'll be no discrimination because of race or
color in this outfit. And I'll back that up with
all I've got."
What will the report be Feb. 12, 1945?
ii -.
By Crockett Johnson
A~uf_. a!_a tl~a Lla . :.-.
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