-~-- .--~
' '
Street Closing
For Building
Asked by U'
City ("illci Petition
Requests Vacancy for
Post-War. Construction
A petition has been presented to
the city council by the University
requesting that a part of Jefferson
Street be vacated for the post-war
construction of a new University gen-
eral service building.
The proposed new building, which
is planned to house the general ad-
ministrative offices and public serv-
ice units of the University, would be
erected on State Street across from
Angell Hall. The plan would neces-
sitate tearing down Morris Hall, the
Colonade, the Knit Shop and the
Staebler-Kempf filling station on the
corner of State and Jefferson.
According to John C. Christensen,
a member of the University planning
board, no appropriations have as yet
been made by the state legislature.
The proposed general service build-
ing is part of a building program re-
quest which will be carried out im-
mnediately after the war, subject to
legislative approval.
The plan provides that Jefferson
Street be closed between Maynard
and State and that Maynard be ex-
tended south, ending at the rear
of the Union.
This building would to a large ex-
tent replace University Hall which
is described in the University report'
as a fire hazard. It would also serve
to bring together administrative and
business. offices which are now scat-
tered over the campus.
General architecture of the build-
ing would be a brick and stone ex-
terior with concrete frame.
Church Holds
Prayer Day
Responsive readings, music and a
short talk wilt be included in the
program for the annual World Day of
Prayer to be held at 8 p.m. Sunday
in the First Congregational Church.
The service, which is sponsored by
Inter-Guild, will bring together stu-
dents, servicemen and townspeople
who believe that there is a benefit
to be derived from united prayer.
Services, similar to this one, will be
held all over the world under the
sponsorship of the World Student
Christian Federation.
"Prayer and the Real World" will be
the talk given by E. William Muehl,
acting director of the Student Relig-
ious Association. Harriet Porter will
sing "The Lord's Prayer" and Robert
Dierks and Robert Waltz will pre-
sent "Forever with the Lord."
Z Aa Ju vx 1 4 X XIS U4 1-0 A& I JL T , 11, 1944
After Four Years of Nazi Oppression
Violinist Says
I Artists IHIaVe
Fair Hearing
"The present attitude of American
artists and composers in maintain-
ing that they are not getting a fair
hearing in the concert halls of the
nation is not only unfounded but
may lead to a chauvinistic attitude
in music, Mischa Elman, interna-
tionally famed violinist, said in an
interview before his concert yester-
"I think we have among us some
very fine composers," he continued,
"and I believe very much in encour-
aging them; however, their constant
complaining has become almost a
habit and they failed to realize how
much their works are actually being
performed by leading conductors.
We are too big and broadminded a
nation to permit a petty nationalis-
tic attitude to enter the arts," Elman
The names of Aaron Copland, Roy
Harris and William Schumann were
among those native composers, men-
tioned by the great violinist, whose
music was being heard again and
again by concert audiences. "While
far from all of it is good," Elman
remarked, "it is obvious that the
American composer is getting a fair
The music of Arnold Schoenberg,
whose Piaho Concerto was per-
formed for the first time Sunday,
was viewed by Elman as typical of
the revolutionary trend in modern
music. "It is highly unfair," he
declared, "to consider these compo-
sitions by the standards of the past,
but instead we must judge them on
their own merits."
Student Nurse Strike Ends
COLUMBUS, Ga., Feb. 10.-(P-
Family protests on top of a grim.
warning that they might be certified
to federal authorities as "deserters"
broke a sit-down strike of 98 stu-
dent nurses at the Columbus City
Hospital late today.
Parents and other relatives had
been telephoning the students
throughout the day as word of the
strike spread
Yanks Howl as French Stars
Fling Slang in African Show
By The Assiiat ed Press
ALGIERS-A French theatrical
group of some 40-odd souls has been
stranded here ever since the 1942 in-
vasion, laughing their heads off.
It is headed by a pale-eyed man
named Yvon Cazes who describes
himself as the Director General of
the Grand Spectacle of North Africa
at the Casino Music Hall.t
It is a theater with large mirrors
on each side of the stage, placedf
there presumably during the leanf
days before the war for customersl
who enjoyed looking at themselves
in the mirror when they became bor-
ed with the show.
Nothing of the sort happens to-
day. There are 25 young women in
the show, and the GI's who com-
pose the armies in this part of the
world behieve that nothing so
brightens a war as having a few
chic poules around.
Consequently, every show is a sell-
out. The military police station
themselves at the box office night
after night to keep the more impuls-
ive entertainment seekers from in-
juring themselves.
Since most of the soldiers can't
understand a word of French, it
really doesn't matter what the bill
contains just as long as the 25
juene filles spend a reasonable
Recreatioi . . .
(continued from Page 1)
permanent support be developed?
Should paid memberships be re-
quired? What should the community
expect of a center?
The evening meetings will begin
with a general assembly at 7:15 p.m.
in the amphitheatre when R. C. Mc-
Laughlin, Assistant Chief, Division
of Education, Department of Con-
servation, will discuss "The Recrea-
tion Program for Southeastern Mich-
igan of the Department -of Conser-
vation." Charles E. Hendry, of the
Boy Scouts of America, follows with
"The Recreation Consumer."
amount of time before the foot-
lights singing risque songs and
flinging slangyTAmerican taunts
at the crowd. The girls are very1
good at the use of Yankee epithets,
and when one is used with1
French accent the house never
fails to roar.
The star of the show, in the eyes of
the GI's in any case, is Sylvia Claire,
a petite brunette whd sneaks away
from the Casino once or twice each
month and is heard in recitals at the
local opera house.
-Oficial Norwegian Photo
Child's Plight Keeps Norwegians
Fighting as Nazi Control Tigtens
9 pqe-4)
The programs of both the Michigan Concert Band and Earl lines and
his orchestra who will be featured in Symphony and Swing ii 3:15pm.
Sunday in Hill Auditorium were released yesterday.
Tickets for the afternoon musical program may still be obtained in
the booth in "U" Hall, at the Union, the League and in State Street book-
The boxoffice at Hill Auditorium will be open prior to tie program
Sunday which begins an hour earlier than most other afternoon concert
performances, at 3:15 p.m.
Prelude and Fugue in G Minor.............Bach-Moehlman
Overture to Opera Il Matrimonio Segreto.....Domenico Cimarosa
Salute to the Allies--Dunedin, Alford
The United Nations, Shostakovich
Songs of America, Goldman
Selections from the American Opera, Porgy and Bess-
Finale: The Symphony No. 5 in E Minor (New World-
Dvorak -Teidzeii
EARL HINES will present:
Old Mill Stream.....................Orchestra - Glee Chlu
So Long as I Live ........................Helen Way (vocal
>I Get Everything Tall Man Gets ... Shorty McConnell (novelty)
You Go to My Head ....... ....:...........Hines piano solo)
Drum Specialty... ............................Chick Booth
My Heart Tells Me-
No Love.............................Sara Baughn (vocals)
Holiday for Strings-
Ebony Rhapsody .................................. Orcesth'a
Intermezzo .. Angel Creasy, violinist; Lavilla Tullos, harpist (duet)
Boogie Piano.... ....................... . .....Slif ton Small
I Love You Just the same-
Don't Sweetheart Me ................... ...Four Blue Notes
Sunday, Monday and Always .................. Entire Ensemble
"If there is anyone who still won-
ders why this war is being fought,
let him look to Norway.
"If there is anyone who has any
delusions that this war could have
been averted, let him look to Nor-
"And if there is anyone who
doubts of the democratic will to
win, again I'say, let him look to
"He will find in Norway, at once
conquered and unconquerable, the
answer to his questioning."
So spoke President Roosevelt of a
country which in April will have
been occupied for four years. For it
was on April 9, 1940 that Germany
attacked Norway. The people fought
for 62 days, then became another
country occupied by the Germans.
Norway Fights On
But Norway has continued to fight
since that occupation. The Norwe-
gian Relief, Inc. writes "During 1940-
41, the year of Englandl's great peril,
it was Norwegian ships that brought
to that embattled island nearly half
of her much-needed oil and gasoline
supply, one-third of her foodstuffs."
The report continues, stating that
a new Norwegian Navy has been
built up which is four times the size
of the force the Qermans destroyed
in 1940, that the Norwegian Air
Force has been incorporated into the
RAF, that the Norwegian Army has
been entirely re-equipped and re-
trained since the Germans overran
Norwegians Suffer from Hunger
Examples of what the Norwegians
are suffering are given in this report.
For instance:
"All farm produce is under strict
Nazi control; no eggs, meat, etc., for
Norwegians; farmers are not even
allowed adequate feed for livestock
and poultry ... Norway is normally
Europe's greatest fish - producing
country . . . Ninety per cent of the
annual catch now goes to Germany.
Even in 1941 Reichskommissar
Joseph Terboven said, "It is a
matter of indifference to Germany
if some thousands or perhaps tens
of thousands of Norwegian men,
women and children starve and
freeze to death during this war."
Dr. C. J. Hambro, former presi-
dent of the Norwegian Parliament
and of the League of Nations, said
in a speech on Nov. 11, 1943 in De-
troit, "In Norway, today, you must
take your choice between a preferred
position, with plenty. of food, under
the Nazi regime, or the concentra-
tion camp, the firing squad and the
torture chamber.
"Despite this, the vast majority
of the people choose the cause of
freedom with all the suffering this
choice entails."
- - - __- -
HOURS: 9 AM to 6 PM. Daily
Today through Saturday
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of A0c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (in-
,crease of 25c for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
LOST-Black onyx ring with dia-
mond chip, in Library rest-room.
Sentimental reasons. Reward. Call
Lois, 22868.
LOST-Grey Parker 51 pen. Re-
ward. G Seel. Call 23236.
LOST-Man's Bulova wristwatch, be-
tween Law Club and Michigan
Theatre. Call Gal Keene, Lawyer's
Club, 4145. Reward.
LOST-Pearl necklace with large am-
ethyst pendant. Valued as keep-
sake. Reward. Contact Daily.
LOST-Pearl necklace believed lost
at Navy Ball, or between M Build-
ing and 400 block Division. Finder
please notify John White, 434 Will-
iams, West Quad. Reward.
FOUND- Lovely man to escort Box
15 to V-Ball. Please furnish refer-
ences. Michigan Daily, Box 12.
FOUND-Gentleman's ring. Owner
may have same by calling at 4012
U.H.S. and paying for this ad.
UNIVERSITY professor, wife and one
child desire furnished or partly
furnished apartment or house.
Phone John Lowell, 4494, evenings.
WANTED-Male student to work for
room beginning Feb. 26 or 27. Mrs.
Frank E. Jones, 721 Tappan Ave.,
phone 6105.
CLERK: office or store work. Knowl-
edge of typewriting desirable. Male
or female. Full time person pre-
ferred. Part time with afternoon
or morning free acceptable. Steady
employment. Apply in person. O.
D. Morrill, 314 S. State St.
FOR SALE-Boy's 28-in. balloon tire
bicycle, $12. Call 24648.
AVON Representative- Complete
line of cosmetics and household
goods. 510 Forest. Call 26347.
FOR SALE-Leitz microscope, low
and high pressure, oil emersion, 6
and 10-power eye-piece, course and
fine adjustment. 845 E. University.
FOR SALE - Evening wrap: black
velveteen with bunny fur collar
and cuffs. Floor length; size 14.
Phone 25123 after 3:30 p.m. Joan
$ tee7 cyg
Star of "Goodye, Mr.Chips" and "39 Steps" in a new Trdmpl!
-- Now - For Fun -
MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
Don't let dandruff
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Try it!
*After and between Fitch
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inc. tax
and NEWS
FOR RENT-Apartment, unfurnish-
ed, 4 rooms and bath in private
home. Heat, light and water furn-
ished. Also refrigerator and stove.
$50.00. Phone 6187.
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