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February 11, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-11

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Saute ~andi Colder



sweeping U' Plan for

Veterans Released

Jungle Battles
End in Victory
For Veterans
Australians Join Yanks
Near Saidor; Forces
Ready To Hit Madang
Associated Press Correspondent
day-Victorious conclusion of a rug-
ged New Guinea jungle campaign
which trapped 14,000 Japanese and
wiped out a "great bulk" of them was
announced today by Gen. Douglas
Australian veterans of African bat-
tles withthe Nazis climaxed a five-
months drive over the Huon penin-
sula's treacherous terrain by effect-
ing a juncture Thursday morning
with American invasion forces near
Saidor-putting both in position to
thrust toward bomb-paralyzed Ma-
Yanks, Aussies Join
'The Aussies and Yanks joined
forces at old Yagomi, 14 miles south-
east of Saidor. The Australian in-
fantry force and Citizens Military
Force (militia) met the Americans,
including Buna veterans of the 32nd
division, on a hot, flat coastal -plain.
The Aussies had pushed 150 miles
northwest from Fnschafen since
that peninsula b'ase was captured last
Oct. 2. They fought bitterly over
towering mountains of the Finisterre
range and along the unhealthy coast-
al plain. They had to ford approxi-
mately 60 streams running down from
Saruwaged and Finisterre.
Americans Land at Saidor'
The Americans landed from the
sea at Saidor Jan. 2 thereby squeez-
ing Japanese between them and the
Australians, then about 50 miles
away. Many of- these Japanese were
drowned when PT boats sank the
barges on which they tried to escape.
Others fled into the mountains and
starved to death along the jungle
Nazis Lose 84
Planes as Allies
Hit Dutch Cities
Manufacturing City,
Brunswick Bombed
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Feb. 10.-U.S. Flying
Fortresses, Liberators and long-
range fighters smashed 84 German
aircraft from the skies today during
coordinated raids on the Nazi manu-
facturing city of Brunswick and the
Gilze-Rijen air base in Holland, from
which 29 of the heavy bombers and
eight of the fighters failed to return.
New Record Set
Mustangs, Thunderbolts and
Lightnings of the fighter escort were
credited by a U.S. Army communique
with destroying 55 of the German
interceptors which rose to challenge
the raiders-a new record for a single
day-and bomber gunners accounted
for at least 29 more.
Fortresses escorted by fighters of
all three types struck the new blow
at Brunswick, an important German
aircraft parts manufacturing city.1
The value the Germans put upon its

defense was reflected in the com-
munique announcement that the]
fighter opposition was heavy.
French Coast also Hit
Thunderbolts screened the Liber-
ators for the Gilze-Rijen raid, de-
signed to lay out the extensive run-
ways, hangars and repair shops of
that major German base and keep
its swarms of pursuit craft grounded.
Washtenaw Bond
Drive at Standstill
Latest reports show that Wash-
tenaw County has almost $1,000,000
worth of bonds to buy during the
last four days of the Fourth War
Loan drive to meet its quota.

Nazis Hammer
At Allied Forces
In Rome Area
Germans Probe for
Weak Point in Line;
Mass Armor, Men
giers, Feb. 10.-(P)-Superior German
forces slashed with rising power at
the entire 30-mile perimeter of the
Allied beachhead near Rome in the
past 24 hours, probing for a weak
point against which they might throw
Feb. 10-Fifth Army troops on this
beachhead assaulted a town well
within the Germans' lines last
night and wiped out the entire
German garrison, killing 60 Nazis,
wounding scores of others and
taking nine prisoners.
men and armor in an all-out assault
on American and British troops who,
have been fighting almost continuous-
ly for" 16 days.
The violence of Nazi artillery fire
was increasing, and dispatches said
advanced Allied forces were being
supplied,- only.- at great .risk. Even
though the Allied air force struck
with overwhelming power at the en-
emy's immediate commjunications,
with fighters operating from an im-
provised landing strip on the beach-
head itself, the Germans still ap-
peared to be massing - reinforcements
of men and tanks.
"In order to try to give the itzed
and war wear German people their
first big victoy eincrMarshal om-
mel's last desert drive," Hitler is
throwing the book at the beachhead,"
wrote Kenneth Dixon of the Associ-
ated Press.
Allied pilots say the German ar-
men over the beachhead are the
toughest yet seen in the MVediter-
ranean theatre, Dixon wrote, and
they are in greater numbers than
previously met over Italy.
World News
in Brief.. .
By The Associated Press
Allies Hit Pope's City . .
LONDON, Feb. 10.-The Vatican
radio said tonight that Castel Gan-
dolfo, site of the Pope's summer resi-
dence near the Allies' Anzio bridge-
head in Italy, had been bombed for
the third time, causing "many cas-
Subsidy Plan Protested.. .
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.-With
Congress apparently set to approve
a ban on consumer food subsidies,
Senator Pepper (Dem., Fla.), serv-
ed notice today he will attempt to
attach amendments relaxing wage
controls and boosting benefits for
dependants of servicemen.
** *
Wake Island Raided ...
10.-The twelfth raid of the war on
Wake Island, 2,000 miles west of

here, and continuing attacks by Am-
erican warships and planes on un-
identified Japanese-held atolls in the
Marshall Islands were announced to-
day by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz.




Men Going Ashore

at Enubuj Island

Assault boats and alligato1's bring men and equipment of the 7th Division ashore at low tide on
Enubuj Island in the Kawajalein atoll during the Y ank invasion of the Japanese Marshall Islands
stronghold. -AP Wirephoto from the Signal Corps)

Reds Smash Through Gernman
Lines near Korsun in Ukraine

- By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 10.-Russian troops
hastened the doom of a trapped Ger-
man force originally estimated at
100,000 men by smashing six more
miles today through crumbling Axis
lines near Korsun in the Ukraine and
capturing ten localities, two of which
are only seven miles. from that main
Axis pivot, Moscow announced.w
Far to the southeast, Gen. Rodion
Y. Malinovsky's third Ukraine front
armies captured several more villages
beyond Apostolovo in a westward
sweep which is outflanking the big
iron city of Krivoi Rog, one of the
most important positions in Russia
still held by the Germans.
A broadcast- conununique re-
corded by the Soviet Monitor said
the Russians closing on Korsun, on
the Ross River 25 miles south of
the middle Dnieper River, had tak-
en Zavadovka, seven miles south-
east of Korsun, and Nekhvorosch,
seven miles on the northwest. Oth-
er Soviet units on the north and
Petitions Ask
Revocation of
White Paper
Avukah, campus Zionist orgnaiza-
tion, will continue to circulate peti-
tions in front of the library today,
protesting the stoppage of Jewish im-
migration into Palestine stipulated in
the White Paper, passed by the Bri-
tish House of Commons in 1939.
More than 500 students signed the
petitions yesterday, which will be
sent to the British Ambassador in
The White Paper is a program
passed by the House of Commons in
March, 1939, allowing for the immi-
gration of 75,000 Jews for a transi-
tional period of five years. That per-
iod ends on April 1.
At that time the country will be
turned over to the Arabs, who will be
able to practice any form of dis-
crimination against further Jewish
immigration into Palestine as they

east also are within artillery range
of Korsun.
The capture of Korsun would lop
off a big segment of the 400 square
miles of the pocket in which the Ger-
mans are fighting a losing struggle.
On the northern front the Rus-
sians said their Leningrad troops un-
der Gen. Leonid A. Govorov had tak-
en a number. of localities, including
Zheltsy,..only seven, miles southeast
of Luga, anrail junction on the Len-
ingrad-Pskov line 70 miles east of
Lake Peipus which forms part of the
Estonian border.
Course on Milk
Sanitation To Be
Given March6
A five day training course for the
purpose of acquainting public health
officials with the problems of milk
sanitation in their state districts will
begin March 6 in the University
School of Public Health.
IAttendance for this course will be
limited to 60 persons and will be al-
lotted among Michigan, Indiana, Il-
linois and Ohio. The representatives
of the various states will be selected
by their state public health depart-
Designed to prepare leaders and
instructors in milk sanitation, the
training course will be divided into
three class periods daily with each
instructor repeating his course three
times that day for the purpose of
those persons who cannot attend the
first time.
"The purpose of this course is to
serve as a key of coordination among
the milk control officials in the var-
ious states which might later be call-
ed upon to become a part of the in-
struction staff for similar short
courses conducted in their cities or
districts," Mr. Harry Miller, Resident
Lecturer in Public Health Sanitation
in the School of Public Health, said
Among the instructors in this
course will be Drs. Marguerite Hall
and George Ramsey of the School of
Public Health.
This is the fifth in a series of con-
tinued education courses sponsored
by the School of Public Health.

Army, Navy To
Give Qualifying
Tests int March
Exams for ASTP
V-12 Candidates Will
Be Held at Racklam
The third qualifying test for can-
didates who wish to be considered
for the Army Specialized Training
Program and the Navy College Pro-
gram V-12 will be held at 9 a.m.
Wednesday, March 15, in the -audi-
torium of the Rackham Building.
Qualifications Listed
The qualifications required for eli-
gibility are the. same for this test as
they were for the two preceding ones.
They are:
1. The applicant must be 17
years old or under 22.
2. He miust be in college, a high
school graduate, or a high school
senior who will be graduated by
July 1, 1944.
3. He must be in a good physical
This test may be taken by unas-
signed Army reservists who are on
inactive status. Men now enlisted in
any branch of the armed services,
including assigned reservists, are in-
Tests May Be Retaken
Students who took the test of
April 2 or November 9, 1943, and who
are still eligible to apply for the col-
lege programs, must take the March
15 test if they wish to be considered
The information bulletins and ad-
mission and identification forms for
the test may be obtained at the
Office of the Dean of Students, Rm.
2, University Hall.
Heavy Snow
Blankets State,
Slows Trns
Heaviest snow of the winter blank-
eted the campus and state last night,
causing busses and trains to be any-
where from 30 minutes to two hours
late and virtually eliminating high-
way traffic.
The Twilight Limited from Chi-
cago, which is scheduled to arrive in
Ann Arbor at 9:57 p.m., failed to
arrive until midnight.
The Daily has received no infor-
mation about whether classes will
be held today despite the storm.
Reaching an estimated depth of
about five and a half inches at press
time last night, the snow will be
followed by temperatures ranging
from zero to 15 degrees above and
fresh to strong winds, according to
weather bureau reports.
The sheriff's office reported one
accident because of the snow when
Richard Colby was hit by a car while
crossing Packard Ave. yesterday. The
driver, Francis Kreenbring, said that
he was blinded by the snow and
skidded when he attempted to avoid

Centralized State
Agency Proposed
Michigan First Ma jor School To Offer
Program for Reunin g Servicemen
A SWEEPING PROGRAM to readjust and create facilities
within the University and the state to aid returning veterans
of war service to re-orient themselves to college life was made
public yesterday.
The main feature of the new plan, prepared by the Advis-
ory Board on University Policies, calls for the establishment of a
Central College Information Center to marshall the efforts of
all state institutions of higher learning working to aid discharged
According to the proposed plan which has been submitted
to Governor Kelly for possible state action, all colleges and uni-
versities would pool their resources and attack the problem of
finding a place in civilian life for every discharged soldier who
desires aid under one central organization.
"Thousands of young men and women will return from war service
desirous of beginning or continuing education at the college level .
(and) . . . In order to be of maximnum service to these individuals, ..
(it is proposed) that the institutions of higher learning within the state
create a central college information center," the report says.
The procedure at the proposed Information Center would involve in-
terviewing discharged veterans of war service regarding "preparation for
college work, their eligibility for governmental financial assistance, their
mental preparedness for return to school, their vocational interests, and
their choice of a college."
The report pointed these advantages that would accrue from the oper-
ation of such a center:
1) Necessary, information can be given competently to veterans of
of war service.
2) Equitable distribution and wise expenditure of governmental
funds for education of veterans will be assured.
3) Great duplication of effort will be avoided since each institution
will not be forced to supply the complete service.
4) Individual institutions will avoid the inevitable strain on their
facilities -which will result if they- try to interview directly all who
approach them, and the embarrassment of having to turn away con-
siderable numbers who are inadequately prepared for college work.
President Ruthven estimated that the program can go into effect Within
three or four weeks without duplication of machinery or supplementary
At present the University does have enrolled some students who have
been discharged fror war servie and some of the plan has been the result
of their experiences.
In commenting on the report President Ruthven said yesterday that
"It is not the intention of the University to set up a sieve to screen each
veteran, but rather it is our aim to provide the service and facility for every
soldier who wished to continue or begin a college education."
30,000 Discharged Men Expected Soon
President Ruthven pointed out ttiat educational leaders in the state
estimate that as many as 30,000 discharged veterans may soon.be seeking
higher education and pointed out that: "no time should be lost in handling
these mien as individualm-s."
While the report iale cleur wha schools and colleges of higher learn-
ing within the state might do to aid the war veteran, Dr. Ruthven empha-
sized that much of the success of the plan depends upon the establish-
ment of a state-level agency to accelerate the processig of returning sol-
President Assures Soldiers Warm Welcome
In his preface to the report, Dr. Ruthven states, "From now on the
discharged soldier who knocks at the door of the University may be sure
not only of a warm welcome, but also of a prompt and intelligent considera-
tion of his needs and problems."
This comprehensive report is the result of weeks of intensive study
examining the srtucture of the University.
It grew out of discussions of the Governor's Educational Advisory Com-
mittee of which Dr. Ruthven is a member. As far as can be ascertained, he
stated, this report is the first detailed study completed by any institution
of higher learning in the country.
Veteran's Problems Recognized
Within the structure of theU oiversity the advisory board recognized
a multitude of problems that will appear in admission and counselling, and
as a second main point in the veteran adjustment program has recommended
the creation of a University-wide Admissions and Counselling Service.
This board will attempt to handle problems ranging from evaluating
academic work done while in the armed forces to making special allowances
for admission of high school graduates deficient in certain requirements.
Realizing that it is beyond the scope of any single service now existing

to handle these varied problems, the University is in the process of estab-
lishing this new board.
"The Admissions-Counselling Service will be operated under the guid-
ance of a committee representig ail of the schools and colleges, the report
points out.
Dr. Ruthven pointed out that -his service will carry one step further
the aim of the information center. r will provide more peronalized aid, he
Curriculum Adjustment Planned
The plan provides for adjustments in curriculum, method and standards
for attainment of degrees to aid veterans in obtaining the greatest possible
advantage in the shortest possible time.
The report emphasized throughout tlha t the University does not intend
to wholly transfer its activities to returning war veterans, but will maintain
its regular civilian program of education in all colleges and schools.
It was further pointed out that many of the changes in educational
method that have occurred as a result of large-scale armed service special-
ized training programs will be continued after the war.
,he. Adisnrv boaarwicdre rw on the W1 n ta we adled by ProfCharles

Recreational Workshop To" Convene!

Skilled leaders will demonstrate
recreational arts, sports and crafts
during the Southeastern Michigan
Recreational Workshop sessions
which will convene at 9 a.m. tomor-
row in the Rackham Building.
It is expected that more than 300
volunteer and professional recreation

the physical education department
of Michigan State Normal College.
Dr. Eugene B. Elliott is chairman
of the OCD State Recreation and
Physical Fitness Committee which
has been instrumental in sponsoring
this workshop which is the first in
a series of four to be given through-

economic and social maladjustments
of modern society and how can rec-
reation be the way to help remove
these maladjustments
Following this general assembly
section meetings will be carried on
simultaneously. The problem of
recruiting and training volunteer


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