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TH S 1 .' 1t -_ 10- 1941
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Fifty-Fourth -Year
Edited and managed by students of the Uriiversity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the"
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the uB.
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of replib-
tication of all other matters herein alsd reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigs ma
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions' during tir regular school year by*ca
riet $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44'
Marion Ford
Ja Fe airant
Claire Sliermin
Marjorie l3orradajIo
ErIa Zalenskl . .
Bud Low .
Harvey Frank.
Mary Anne Olsov
Marjori1e Rosa, nin
Hilda Slautterback
Dos Kuentz
Molly Ann Winokur
El17abeth Carpenter
Maitha OpsIon
orial Staff
. . Managing Editor
* . . . Editorial Director
. . . d City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
A .Women's Editor
* . .AEs'V Women', Editor'
. . . . Columnist
. . . . . Columnist
Willkie, Murray Ask
FDR' To Yeto Tax Bill
'RADITIONALLY, a presidential candidate
never asks for higher taxes. Traditionally, a
union president never asks for higher taxes. Yet
that is what Wendell Willkie and Philip .Murray
have done during the last week when Willkie
urged the adoption of a realistic tax progranm
and Murray demanded that the President veto
the Congressionally approved $2,315,200,000 tax
bill now resting serenely on his desk.
There niust -bera reaon why two such prom-
inent men are willing to make statements of
this kind that would ordinarily be considered,
"political sulide." The reason Willkie and
Muriay give for thei. stand is that the proposed
progiant is not "realistic."
Congress has submitted a bill which is less
than one quarter of the ten billions asked by the
Treasury. Willkie asks for taxes whlch would
"more than double" the Treasury's proposal.
Murray says that the two billion Congresional
bll betrays "every principle of sound 'wartime
Both of these men' -have risen 'above expedi-
ency an sounded" an'intelligent call for a
sensible taxation 'program. They know 'that
higher taxes will not only help pay for the war"
more adequately, but will' also drain some of
the excess. inflation-creating 'money which is
jingling' in thbenation s pockets.
Contrary to what many Senators and Repre-
sentatives seem to think, the American people
are able to stand up under the strain of an in-
creased tax burden. Great Britain's levies are
almost twice ours when figured on a per capita
basis, according to a recent survey. And 'John
Bull is far from succumbing under the burden of
taxes that are too high.
STEAb of -increasing taxes, Congress seems
to feel that the same effect can be achieved
through cutting out some of; the waste in gov-
ernment bureaus. This is very commendable
and should be carried out wherever possible pro-
viting the war effort is not impeded. But the
money saved would not necessarily do away with
the dangers of inflation and would not take the
place of higher taxes.
Wilkie, blamed both tie' Adiinistratioiand
Congress for the present "state of confusion"
of tax legislation. However, we have passed
the point where it makes much difference who
is to blame for the sad excuse for an adequate
tax bill that the' President is asked to' sign.
What is needed now is for Roosevelt' toL veto
this "travesty on wartime tax programs," as-
Murray calls it and demand that a realistic,
higher revenue bill be passed.
Willkie and Murray both realize the necessity
of such a move and have had the courage to
state their views in public. Let us hope that
both Congress and the Administration wake' up
to their responsibilities and pass economically
sound tax legislation. -Ray Dixon
PLAY PRODUCTION was. working with an
adroit dramatist last night for a change. One
William Shakespeare to be exact, And the result
was definitely successful.
Shakespeare, as almost any scholarly critic
will point out, is not an infallible dramatist. His
lengthy denouements, for example, and his
abundance of bloodshed are apt to grate a mod-
ern audience. The Comedy of Errors itself, which
was Play Production's offering, offers the ex-
tremely dangerous dramatic trap of the mistaken
identities theme.
Yet last night, by the directors, by the east,
and' by almost everyone concerned, the trap
was carefully avoided; The action, after a dull
beginning (Shakespeare insisted on using the
faulty device of an introductory narrative),
was extremely lively. The settings and cos-
tumes, with the use of three revolving stages
and of the original costumes from the New
York production of The Boys from Syracuse,
were harmonious in color and design. Best of
all, we thought, was the accompaniment of the
harp ensemble. Hardly a Shakespearean toueh,
it was nevertheless a great help in creating
lightness of mood, particularly at the conclu-
sion of the play when the-two Dromios leave
the stage arm in arm.
rHERE happens to be a story around campus
to the effect that Play Production instructors
tell their students not to pay any attention to
that horrible creature known as The Daily Re-
view. We regret this rumored attitude. Our
criticisms are not the results of taking advantage
of the opportunity to flaunt our own frustrated
wits. They are meant as sincere attempts at
helpful criticism, and we hope that they are read
as such.
With this in mind, we'd like to add a few words
about the acting in The Comedy of Errors.
Marcus Nelson as the Antipholus of-Syracuse
and Barbara Hulbert as the Antipholus- of
Ephesus were adequate, but seemed at times as
if they were merely giving a Saturday recita-
tion for Dr. Price of the English department.
The Dromios of Zeta Barbour and Frances
Sacks were a pair of gay scamps if we have
ever 'seen one, but somehow Miss Barbour's
brusquely jovial interpretation pointed out a
tendency of her twin to overact. May Chosed,
was slightly more handsome as Aduana than
shrewish and handsome at the sakne time, but
Miriam Ruge's Luciana was surprisingly warm
and human. This warmth z s duplicated by
Blanche Holpar and Pat-Meikle as Aegean and
The Comedy of Errors, one of Shakespeare's
earliest comedies, consists mainly of well con-
trolled theatrical action, not of involved char-
acterization. Consequently this' added warmth
which the last actresses injected into their parts
was a pleasing contrast to the farcical situation.
-William Kehoe
%usiness Staff
By Lichty
- . . Business Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager
. . Ass't Bus. Manager
hone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The MichigaiL Daily
ate writ hn I)y mubers of The Daily staf'
and represent the views of the writers only.
Charge Against Spare
ItH THE charge that Charles Spare, alleged
Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, is work-
ing as an investigator on the Carr Grand Jury,
the 'old issue of the KKK is once again brought
before the Michigan public.
The KKK was formed after the Civil War
bv a group of southern whites to. intimidate,
flog and murder Negroes, poor whites and
other' groups who tried to exercise' their con-
stitutional rights as fi'ee men. Reappearing
after the first World 'War the Klan spread
to the North. A prograim of violence and des-
tiruition was directed toward'the labor unions,
JuWs, Catholics, Negroes, aliens and poor
whites. During the depression the Mlack
Iegion in Michigan, alleged to be the' KIK
under another name, carried out a program
identical to the KKK's and in the murder on
May 12, 1936, of a WPA worker, Charles A.
Poole, caused an investigation which impli-
cated many important Michigan political fig-
ures. Twelve members of the Legion are serv-
ing long prison terms for this murder.
What is the record of the KKK and the Black
Legion in recent times:
In Georgia on March 7, 1940, Isaac Gaston,
white, was lynched by the KKK. He was flogged
to dcath with whips and his body was found
in the woods. Grand Jury investigation of his
death disclosed 18 cases of KKK floggings.
On Oct. 14. 1939, in Columbia, S. C., the KKK'
in full regalia traveled throughout the city
after posting placards on trees around a Negro
NYA camp reading "White supremacy must be
maintained. The cotton patch is the place for
fitNew .ersey in' 940 KKK activities in-
chided parads" h in four cities. Fiery crosses,
IKki symbol of violence, were burned in Feb-
ruary and again in April. The climax occurred
on Aug. 18 with the widely-publicized joint
rally of the KKK and the Gerdman-Ainerican
In Detroit on March 14, 1940, stickers appear-
ed in Packard Auto Plants reading, "Jews keep
ol these stairs. Jews control money." These
were signed. "Black Legion."
'To provide ai thrill for aN Black Legion party,
Silas Colean , Negrao worker, was shot on July
25 193, Five imnmbers are serving life prison
terms for this murder. harvey 'avis, "Colonel
of the Black Legion ordered the murder
'TlHE COMPLICITY of the Black Legion in sev-
en muirders has been clearly established, By
April, 1937 46 Legion mimbers had been con-
victed in Detroit courts of killing, conspiring to
kill and other crimes connected with the Legion
reign of terror. There were also cases of flogging,
violent threats which cane near to execution,
arsen, bombing and plots to murder citizens.
Tfhesee arc the facts. They are carefully itemized
in publications of International Labor Defense
and the lLabor Research Association There are
nany more which remain unmentioned and un-
doubtedly many more still about which full in-
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10-Louisi-
ana, which likes its politics red and
raw, is in the middle of another elec-
tion campaign rivaling anything, ever
staged ;during the free-for-all fight-
ing days of Huey Long. Infact the
battle rages partly over Huey Long.
For though his bullet-torn body has
lain buried for eight years, his mem
ory, his cohorts and his brother are
still strong.
During the first years of Governor
Sam Jones' anti-Long administration,
the spotlight which shone down on
Huey Long's grave in front of the
Capitol in Baton Rouge was never
extinguished-in deference to the
thousands who still thought of the
Kingfish as king
And--'no matter what happens in
the current cut-throat primaries
to be- held Feb. 29, Louisiana will
still be blessed, or cursed, with a
considerable amount of Longism,
for his brother Earl is sure to come
out as lieutenant-governor.
And if singing, sunshining Jimmy
Davis, the radio crooner who took
his cue from radio actor Senator
Pappy O'Daniel in Texas, is finally
elected governor, he (Jimmy) will
probably go to Hollywood to make
dance records, leaving Earl Long in
virtual control. Davis won the state's
first Democratic primary held on
Jan. 18.
The other gubernatorial candidate,
ex-Congressman William Morgan,
was Huey's counsel at the Kingfish
impeachment proceedings. So either
way, though Huey Long's body may
be moldering in the grave, his work,
for better or worse, goes marching
on. Earl Long is candidate for lieu-
tenant-governor on Morgan's ticket.
Louisiana, however, does not be-
lieve in pallid substitutions. It
wants its Kingfish, rip-roaring in
the flesh or else not at. all.. This.
was explanation of the pricked-
balloon fizzle in the January pri-
mary of Congressman James Mor-
rison, whom the Saturday Evening
Post described as "the minnow who
could be kingfish."
The article was a masterpiece of
scathing criticism. But illustrative of
"Minnow" Morrison and the attitude'
of the Louisiana electorate is the fact'
that he advertised the article over'
the radio and had tear-sheets pasted
all over the doors and windows of'
his campaign headquarters.
"Anyone who is written up in the
Saturday Evening Post," he bellowed,
"is important. That's what they
think of Jimmy Morrison up north."
Mysterious Money .. .
Biggest mystery about the Louisi-
ana campaign is whereJimmy Mo'r-a
rison got the thousands he dumped1
into radio hook-ups, roadside bill-
boards and parish-workers through-
out the state. It is commonly report-
ed that he spent $200,000, which is
nothing to sneeze at, even in Louisi-
How Jimmy raised $200,000 or
even half of that in view of the
fact that he had trouble even in
paying his own hotel bill in Wash-
ington, and the fact that Standard
Oil is suing him for non-payment
of $3,000 worth of gasoline from aI
previous campaign, has everybodyt
in the state guessing.-
One answer to the mystery is re-
ported to be a certain gentlemanc
who sits in the lobby of the Heidel-t
berg Hotel in Baton Rouge and who<
was one of Vbrrison's mysteriousI
outside backers. He is William Bald-
win Shearer, self-styled "Big Bass
Drum" because of his tendency to-I
ward self advertisement. He is theI
man who was paid by the big steel
companies to break up the Geneva[
Naval Conference in 1927.
After bobbing up from time to time
in Washington, e appeared in Lou-
isiana as the friend, adviser, and
some people believe, the financial go-
between for certain monied interestst
in the North willing to gamble' on
setting up a new and budding youngc
dictator in Louisiana.
Who it is that is willing to risk aI
sizeable fortune on bayking Morri-
son to be Kingfish is anybody's
guess, and under Louisiana law the
candid-ate doesn't have to reveal
the source of his income or thet
amount spent.t
Whoever it was, Louisiana has1
decided that it will stick to the well
worn and only partially banished
remnants of Huey Longism instead°
of trying a new and untried political
soothsayer. Almost anything can
happen in Louisiana politics, but
apparently the miracle of "Minnow",
Morrison becoming Kingfish isn't in
the cards yet.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.)
"Well, it won't be ALL rosy here after the war Chum . . . there'll
be autos, radios and refrigerators . . . but there'll be bill collectors,
__ __a ______
. o° x2a4 Cl- Aro Timca, xxie,
_. -r
I'dRather Be ; Right
: ' t t _i r
NEW YORK, Feb. 10.-Some Notes on the
Candidates. Mr. Thomas' E. Dewey obtains a,
very solid advantage for' himself' by not an-
nouncing his candidacy for President. He does
not'have to commit himself on key issues, or even
discussthem. Whenever the rest of us are busy
juggling a particular hot potato, Mr. Dewey is
ostentatiously being the Governor of New York,
So, in a sense, Mr. Dewey fails to participate
in the national life, during the most critical
winter of our war and our diplomacy. When
and if nominated in June, Mr. Dewey would
undoubtedly declare himself on a number of
subjects, from' the Teheran accord down to the
tax bill. But there is a difference- between com-
ing in at the finish, after a situation has crystal-
lized, and exercising leadership earlier in the
game, when the picture is still muddy, and we
need the affirmations of brave men to help us
in our thinking.
it is not enough that a potential President
should endorse a number of policies, and also
reject a number, during a brief summer of ar-
gumentation; like a man selecting neckties in
a store; I like this one and I don't like that.
We have a right to ask that lie live through
the making of policy with us; we wish to note
his behavior in the days of flux; we have a
desire to find out if issues become clear to' him
before they become clear to the majority.
We wish to see a potential President whip out
whatever moral yardstick he uses, and apply it to
problems while they are still problems; while they
are still raw, angry, fresh and new, and before
a consnstus of opinion has been registered on
them. A potential President should help to
make every such consensus of opinion for us;
his handwriting and the marks of his person-
ality should be visible in the community opin-
ion that is finally reached. We do not know
where Mr. Dewey stands on Teheran, or on na-
tional service, on the tax neasure or even on
soldiers' votes; for on the last measure he has
discussed only details, and not the basic principle.
We are living through all these trials withoutI
But we can learn about our potential Presi-
dents only by living with them. We' have a
right to observe how they. behave during the
heat and dust of the march. on the days when
the water is short or the weather is bad. A
potential President must help to make history,
not merely write footnotes to it.
So while Mr. Dewey's immersion in the prob-
lems of the governorship makes up a pleasant
little myth; the cobbler sticking to his last, etc.-
we should not be unaware of enormous politi-
cal usefulness to Mr. Dewey of this means of
avoiding the accumulation of a performance
record. We have a right to ask Mr. Dewey to
comc out and tell us a little about himself;.
lie has lived too long in. a small hotel, by a
wishing well, so to speak,
Mr. Willkie, of course, is different; he takes
positions, while Mr. Dewey avoids errors. One
could pick faults in Mr. Willkie's most recent
performance, even in boldly asking for a doubling
of the administration's tax bill. For while Mr.
Willkie went into great and wonderful detail on
how taxes are to be reduced after the war, he
gave no details on how the current tax bill is
to, be doubled during the war; and he gave
the administration no helpful hints whatever on
how to get 16 billions more instead of a mere
8 billions more out of a Congress which boggles
at 3 billions more.
But even so, Mr. Willkie has taken a position
and make a contribution. He is living with us
through the tax fight. If Mr. Dewey burns with
different ideas, then lie should challenge Mr.
Willkie on his tax and other notions. It would
be a great show, and a useful enterprise, if they
were to tour the key cities together, and have
it out from the same platforms. Both would
learn a great deal, and we would learn a great
But it has become the custom to make for the
White House by walking sidewards, like a crab,
and by pretending, in crucial moments, to be
waiting only for the night boat to Albany,
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 76,
Al notices for the naily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Offjce of the
President in typewritte ,for by. 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30
,o Notices
To the Members of the University
Council: The meeting of the Univer-
sity Council announced for Monday
Feb. 14, has been cancelled.
Special Payroll Deduction for War
Bonds: Arrangements can be mad'
with the Payroll Departmenrt to make
a special single deduction for pur-
chase of War Bonds from salary
checks due on Feb. 29' only. This
would: be over and above the reglar
deductions under the payroll savings
plan. Those wishing to use, this
Ilethod should send written instruc-
tions to the Payroll Department re-
garding the amount of the bond and
the names and addresses in which it
should be registered. Deductions can
be made only in the amount of $18.75
or multiples thereof. Instructions
must reach the Payroll Department
not later than Feb. 15. War Bond
purchases made by this method will
be counted in the Drive.
University War Bond Committee
Fourth: War Loan Drive: To buy
War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A
"Bond 'Belle" will pick up your order
and deliver the bond the next day.
Use this service and help the Uni-
versity meet its quota.
University War Bond Committee
To the Students in the College of
Engineering: Every male student in
the College of Engineering expecting
to graduate between July 1, 1944' and
March 1, 1946, must call at the
office of his Department Chairman
today (Thursday, Feb. 10) to fill out
questionnaire relating to draft defer-
ment on the new quota basis.
Freshman Girls: All freshman girls
not residing in dormitories or in
league houses must leave their name,
address and phone number Friday
or Saturday on the sheet in the
undergraduate office in the League
in order that they may participate in
freshman activities.
Mail is being held at the Business
Office of the University for the fol-.
lowing people: Agnes Deveraux, Dai-
sy Graves, Karen Beth Jones, Mary
Lundell, Donald Nilles, Rev. L. C.
Choral Union Members whose rec-
ords of attendance are clear, will
please call for their courtpsy pass
tickets to the Mischa Elman concert
between the hours of 10 and 12, and
1 and 4 today today at the offices of
the University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower. After four
o'clock no tickets will be issued.
Post-War Council: Business meet-
ing and election of officers Friday,
4:30 p.m., Union. All members asked
to come.
German Departmental Librar
Books are due Feb. 10 regardless of
the due date stamped in the book.
School of the University for the year
1944-1945 may still be obtained from
the Office of the Graduate School.
All blanks must be returned to that
Office by Tuesday, Feb. 15 in order
to receive consideration.
To All Forestry Students: There
will be an assembly of the School of
Forestry and Conservation at 11 a.m.
today in Rm. 2039, Natural Science
Building. All students in the School
are expected to attend.
Recommendations for Departmen-
tal Honors: Teaching departments
wishing to, recommend tentative
March graduates from the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts and
the School of Education for Depart-
mental Honors should send such
names to the Registrar's Office, Rm.
4 University Hall not later than
Marc 6.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held on Friday, Feb. 11, at 4:00, in
Rm. 319 West Medical Building.
"Hemoglobin and Related Pigments"
will be discussed. All interested are
Doctoral Examination for Mildred
Kirtland Magers, English Language
and Literature (Linguistics); thesis:
"The Development of the Grammati-
cal Use of Word-Order for Relation-
ships Expressed by the Accusative
with Special Reference to the Devel-
opment in Subordinate Claus s,"
Saturday, Feb. 12. East Council
Room, Rackham Building, 9:30 a.m.
Chairman, C. C. Fries.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doe-
toral candidates to attend this ex-
amination, ands he may grant per-
mission to those who for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
Choral Union Concert; Mischa
Elman, violinist, with Leopold Mitt-
man at the piano, will give the ninth
program in the Choral Union Con-
cert Series tonight at 8:30 o'clock, in
Hill Auditorium.
The- program will consist of num-
bers by Handel, Brahms, Glazounoff,
Chausson, Spalding, Achron and
Events Today
"The Comedy of Errors," by Shake-
speare, will be given tonight through
Saturday night in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre by Play Production of
the Department o' Speechd The four
evening performances will begin at
8:30 and the special matinee on Sat-
urday will start at 2:30. Tickets are
on sale daily at the theatre box
The Regular Thursday Eveing
Record Iour, beginning at 7:45 p.m.
in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham
Building, will feature Beethoven's
Leonore Overture, the Mozart double
piano Sonata, two songs from
Brahms and the Seventh Symphony
of Sibelius. Servicemen are cordially
invited to join the graduate students
at this concert.
Au Informal Dance Program con-
sisting of numbers by the various
dance classes and clubs will be given
By Crockett Johnson
I - '-'. I