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February 10, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-10

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MESA Seeks

Probe of Representation




Fifth Army
Batters On
TO Gassino
Yanks Push To Relieve
Allied Forces Trapped
In Anzio Bridgehead
By The Associated Press
giers, Feb. 9.-Ferocious crag-to-crag1
fighting raged on heights overlookingj
Cassino on the main Italian front
today as American troops opened a
full-strength assault to destroy that
Nazi hornet's nest which was hold-
ing up their push to relieve beleag-
uered Allied forces in the Anzio
bridgehead 50 miles away.1
(Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark's main
Fifth Army is slugging violently att
the Cassino defenses, declared the
German-controlled Vichy radio, "with
30,000 men, 400 tanks and powerful
(The Americans have made "short
local advances west of Cassino," the1
British radio said in a broadcast re-
corded in New York by NBC. At the
same time the British Eighth ArmyI
on the Adriatic side of the Italian
boot was declared to haveinflicted
"large casualties" on a German unit
probing British positions.)
American riflemen, charging up the
steep cliffs of Monte Cassino west of
the town through a hell of German
artillery, mortar and machine gun
fire, at one time reached a point only
75 yards from the ancient Benedic-
tine monastery which crowns the
crest of that key height, dispatches
from the front disclosed.
Inside Cassino itself the sweat-
stained doughboys fought into sev-
eral more fortified buildings, but aft-
er a week of fierce house-to-house
combat the Nazis still held about
three-fourths of the stronghold and
their lne of supply-was unbroken..
The long-delayed breakthrough at
Cassino can come none too soon to
serve Allied strategy.
Two Killed in.
Ypsilanti Collision Fatal
To Belleville Couple
A collision on Beck Rd. and Michi-
gan Ave., south of Ypsilanti, involv-
ing an eastbound Michigan Central
freight train and an automobile cost
the lives of the two occupant of the
auto, Ypsilanti State Police officers
The accident occurred at 2 p.m.,
The victims are: Percy W. Isbell,
aged 36, and his wife, Flora, aged 41.
Their residence was at 46537 Ecorse
Rd., Belleville.
Explaining the circumstances sur-
rounding the accident, police officials
stated that when the gates ae
lowered they do not extend across the
entire width of the road. Thus it is
possible to circle the gates even when
they are down.
The wreckage was strewn for about
35 feet after the car collided with the
eastbound freight train.
Protest End of
White Paper
Protesting the stoppage of Jewish
immigration into Palestine through
the revocation of the White Paper,

Avukah, Zionist organization on
campus, will circulate petitions in
front of the Main Library today.
The White Paper was a program
passed by the British House of Com-
mons in 1939 allowing for 75,000
Jews per year to enter Palestine. This
program was to last five years, after
which time Palestine was to be turn-
ed over to the Arabs who would then
regulate Jewish entry. The, White
Paper expires March 31, and no pro-
visions have been made to extend it.
These petitions will be sent to the
British Ambassador in Washington.
Mistreatment of
Thomas Denied
DETROIT, Feb. 9.--(P)-Warder

Senate Defeats Food Subsidy;
AFL Men Attack 'Little Steel'

Siipplies Pour Ashore as Yanks Take Kw'iajalein Isla

r 'ld epel( lent
7, Membership

Union Members
On WLB Want to
'junk' Formula
By he Assoiated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9-A new at-
tack on the Administration's wage
stabilization policies was launched
today by the four AFL members of
the War Labor Board who declared
the time has come to junk the "Little
Steel" formula for a new, "realistic
figure based upon the actual cost of
The demand coincided with the
start of Senate debates on proposals
to outlaw use of subsidies to hold
down consumer food prices. It was
based on the contention that price
control has fallen so far short of
goals that "the only recourse left to
workers is to obtain wage rate in-
Labor's acceptance heretofore of
the "Little Steel" formula has "ap-
parently been misinterpreted in the
halls of Congress," the American
Federation of Labor men said.
The "Little Steel" formula, so-
named from its first application in a
steel wage case, limits general wage
increases to 15 percent above the lev-
el of January, 1941.
El'man To Give.
Choral Union
Concert Today
Mischa Elman, internationally
famous Russian-born violinist, will
present the ninth Choral Union con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Audi-
"Poeme," by the French composer
Chausson, and the Concerto in A
-majtrof Glazounow will be the major
works to be performed. The A major
sonata of Handel and the D major
sonata of Brahms will also be heard.
As the concluding work Elman will
give a rendition of the Paganini Ca-
price No. 24 as arranged by his fam-
ous teacher, Professor Leopold Auer,
for violin.
Born in 1892 in Tolna, Russia, El-
man was only three years old when
his father discovered his son's tal-
ent for music. The child could re-
peat with perfect pitch any tune he
heard. A teacher was arranged for,
and shortly after he entered the
Odessa Imperial Academy of Music.
House Sends Soldier
Vote to Conference
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.-(AP)-Dis-
agreeing with Senate action on ser-
vicemen's votes, the House moved to-
day to send it to conference for ad-
justment of differences over federal
or state ballots.
Five conferees were named by
Speaker Rayburn to represent the
House, but the Senate did not im-
mediately act to name conferees.

Proposal To Spend
Money on Farmers
Severely Debated.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.-Foes of
consumer food subsidies won a major
preliminary victory over the Admin-
istration today when the Senate turn-
ed down, 49 to 26, a proposal to per-
mit the spending of $1,500,000,000 on
such subsidies in 1944.
The proposal was made by Senator
Maloney (Dem., Conn.) in the form
of an amendment to the pending bill
by Senator Bankhead (Dem., Ala.)
which would kill the subsidies. The
subsidy payments, without specific
Congressional authority, now are
costing about $1,000,000,000 a year.
Administration leaders -backed the
Maloney proposal, designed to put a
$1,500,000,000 ceiling on the expend-
The vote came at the end of the
first day of debate on the revived is-
sue, which produced a charge from
Senator George (Dem., Ga.) that the
subsidy program constituted "politics
of the rawest kind" and a prediction
from Maloney that without the pay-
ments there will be "a hue and cry
for wage increases the like of which
we have never seen."
George elaborated on an "infla-
tion" protest already raised by Bank-
head, and told the Senate that the
whole plan was basically one of labor
appeasement at the expense of the
To continue the subsidy system, he
declared, would "amount to appease-
ment because we are repeatedly warn-
ed that if we break the line labor is
going to demand constant increases
in wages.
Finland May'
Take Action on
U.S. Ultimatum
STOCKHOLM, Feb. 10, Thursday,
--(AP)-The Finnish cabinet held a
regular session last night and there
is a "possibility that preliminary
decisions were taken" in connection
with the American declaration to
Finland to quit the war or take the
consequences, a Swedish dispatch
said today.
The Helsinki correspondent of the
Dagens Nyheter said the cabinet
meeting was preceded by a closed
morning session of the Finnish Par-
liament's Foreign Policy Committee
at which Sir Henrik Ramsey, for-
eign minister, reviewed the situation
for an hour.
(U.S. Secretary of State Cordell
Hull said at a press conference in
Washington yesterday that Finland
had been told again that the respon-
sibility for the consequences of her
collaboration with Germany and
continued state of ar with a num-
ber of Allies of the United States.)

Supplies, including land trucks, tanks, oil drums, ammunition and other material, pour ashore on
Kwajalein Island as American forces invaded the Japs' Marshall Island bases and took them from the
Japanese. Kwajalein was struck by air and naval forces so terrifically, it was reported, that it virtually
fell because of its own weight into the lap of ground troops. Because of intense operations, communi-
cations between Japan's isolated garrisons in the Marshalls are probably disrupted, the Navy announced.


*H * *

U.S. Forces Blast Remaining
Jap Holds in Marshall Is lands

9-(A')-New and secret blows against
Japan's remaining holds in the Mar-
shall Islands.are being struc* by the
United States air and nava forces
which hit the defenses of Kwajalein
atoll so hard that it virtually fell of
its own weight into the lap of ground
Because Japan's communications
with its isolated garrisons in the
Marshalls probably have been dis-
rupted, the .Navy adopted a policy of
not identifying the targets of bombs
and shells.
Jaluit Attacked
In the newest air and ship attacks,
announced last night, only one atoll
was named, Jaluit, at the southern
end of the Archipelago. Several ene-
my boats were sunk in the raid there
World News
Iin Brief ...

Shakespearian Comedy Cast Members

By The Associated Press
jap Convoy Destroyed....
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.-The de-
stroyer Burns wiped out an entire
convoy of four Japanese ships in the
Marshall Islands area on January 31
the Navy announced tonight.
Embassies Created ...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.--The
United States and Iran have decid-
ed to raise their diplomatic mis-
sions from legations to embassies,
the State Department announced
Japs Advance in Burma.. .
NEW DELHI, Feb. 9.-Despite de-
termined resistance, the Japanese
have made advances in the last four
days toward the British supply line
in the Arakan district of Burma, an
Allied communique revealed today.
AAF Hits France.. .
LONDON, Feb. 9.-The steady
bomb barrage along the French
"Invasion Coast" lifted suddenly
today and arched 100 miles inland
with more than 200) U.S. medium
Marauders striking heavily at rail-
road yards and repair shops at
Jap Sub Bombed ...
A Japanese submarine, perhaps
impressed as a cargo carrier to maul-
ed Rabaul, was hit by American

last Sunday. Jaluit already had been
attacked 16 times this year.
Other atolls under attack may
have included those that have been
bombed most frequently -- Wotje,
Mili and Maleolap.
Fighter Field Hit
One of the objectives of the Sev-
enth Army Air Force bombers in the
latest raids was the "Pet Fighter
Field" of the Japanese, reported Paul
Beam, Associated Press Correspond-
(Beam may have referred to the
enemy airfields on Taroa islet of the
Maleolap atoll. In the pre-invasion
raids on the Marshalls, that atoll was
the center of greatest enemy resist-
ance. Virtually every raid there
brought up a flock of enemy inter-
ceptors, the number often being re-
ported as 30 and once reaching 45.)
Singing Contest
Entries Are Due
Barber Shop Quartets
To Compete at V-Ball
Entries for V-Ball's barber-shop
quartet contest must be filed by 5
p.m. tomorrow in either the Union
Student Offices or at The Daily.
Finals of the contest, designed to
discover the best barber-shop quar-
tet from among the many different
American colleges represented here
by the men in service, will be run off
during V-Ball March 3 in the Sports
All entering quartets are asked to
prepare one old barber-shop number,
"Sweet Adeline. .. Down by the Old
Mill Stream . . . She was only a
Bird," and one traditional song from
their original alma mater.
An elimination selection will be
made from all the entries and passes
to the dance will be given the final
campeting quartets.
Individual awards will be given the
winning quartet and further details
may be obtained at the time the en-
tries are filed.

Russians Push
Near Ukrainian
Iron Ore Center
LONDON, Feb. 10, Thursday.-(P)
-Russian forces stabbing toward the
iron ore center of Krivoi Rog in the
Southern Ukraine, have reached to
within eight miles of that heavily -
fortified mining city in a 14-mile
advance, Moscow announced today,
while other Soviet units to the north
have killed 1,000 more Germans in
the tightened vise squeezing ten
trapped Nazi divisions.
In the Shpola-Zvenigorodka area
where the Germans are surrounded,
the Russians captured the district
center of Gorodische, 18 miles north
of Shpola in a battle which' cost the
Germans hundreds of men. Twenty-
six big guns and other war material
were captured in this area.
German attempts to break into
the encircling ring with attacks from
outside again were defeated, said the
Moscow midnight communique, re-
corded by the Soviet monitor from
a broadcast.
A total of 3,800 Germans fell dur-
ing the fighting along the entire
front in the last 24 hours Moscow
In the most northerly action, where
the Russians were driving for the
bitter fighting as Soviet forces over-
came the heavily defended district
center of Oredezh, 18 miles north-
east of Luga.
Panel Discusses
World Police
"Law has the basic function of
protecting certain groups. Therefore,
if you're going to have an interna-
tional police force based upon law,
you must first know what the laws
are going to do," Max Dresden said
yesterday at a Post-War Council
panel discussion.
The general topic, "An Interna-
tional Police Force?", was discussed
by a student-faculty panel composed
of Dresden, Prof. Arthur Aiton of the
history department and George Sim-
mons, Joyce Siegan and Harvey
Weisberg. William Muehl, '44L, was

Is Requested
Union Asks FDR To
Investigate Claim of
CIO, AFL Monopoly
By The Associated Press
CLEVELAND, Feb. 9. - The Me-
chanics Educational Society of Am-
erica called tonight upon President
Roosevelt to "order an investigation"
of CIO and AFL membership on the
War Labor Board.
The union's national administrative
committee telegraphed the appeal to
the President following MESA's de-
cision to continue indefinitely a truce
in its recent four-day strike-that
effected more than 40 Ohio and Mich-
igan war plants - for independent
union representation on the WLB.
The telegram, addressed to the Presi-
dent, referred to a MESA hearing be-
fore the WLB yesterday and said:
Indepedents at Disadvantage
"Our society . . . attended a hear-
ing of the War Labor Board in Wash-
ington on Tuesday, Feb. 8, 1944. We
learned from the press that Mr. Will-
iam H. Davis has referred the case to
you for possible action. We feel that
it is vital for you to understand our
union's case and the disadvantage-
ous position of all independent unions
in their dealing with government
agencies having to do with labor
"Under present condtions inde-
pendent unions can only exist for a
short time as non-representation
makes it impossible for them to de-
liver the usual service upon which
depends the survival of any labor
union. Our cases when taken be-
fore the tri-partite War Labor
Board have to depend for support
on labor members belonging to
either the AFL or CIO who dis-
seminate propaganda among our
<lmbirs t , bf effect that the only
way to get favorable rulings from
the War Labor Board is to belong
to either the AFL or CIO, who
monopolize the labor representa-
tion on the board.
MESA Loses Strength
"Past decisions by the government
labor agencies on our cases makes
it clear that there is some founda-
tion for this claim. This makes it
easy for the major federations to
start organizing drives in plants now
under contract to the MESA. Often
the granting of elections by the Na-
tional Labor Relations Board is never
in doubt before a hearing is held.
"We therefore ask you, Mr. Presi-
dent, to (1) Order an investigation
of this very undesirable situation that
ha's already provoked widespread
stoppage of work and will inevitably
lead to further difficulties if not cor-
rected and (2) Receive a small dele-
gation from our union in order that
further elaboration of our inequities
can be given to you."
Barges Needed
For Invasion
LONDON, Feb. 9.-RP)-If the in-
vasion of Europe from the West is
going to open with the margin of
safety that is the fetish of Gen. Sir
Bernard L. Montgomery, American
and British engineering genius and
willing labor must quickly solve ano-
ther war shortage-landing craft--
because the Allies' amphibious war-
riors and landing craft, like men, are
highly expendable.
Everything else-guns, men, tanks
and planes-the Allies have in plen-
ty, and even ships to carry them
across the seas. One by one, Ameri-
can mass production and skill have
licked Allied material weaknesses.
But the ungainly ships with the
queer shapes, the landing craft, now
are of number one priority to un-
lock Hitler's fortress.


Recreational Problems Will Be Discussed

-Daily Photo by Katie Tripp
'Comedy of Errors' Continues

Volunteer and professional work-
ers will meet here to discuss recrea-
tional problems when the South-
eastern Michigan Recreational Work-
shop convenes at 9 a.m. Saturday in
the Rackham Building.
Both general and specific prob-
lpmcof p.a.ti.on will be cnnsd-

cational, industrial and also in the
The purpose and plan of the
Workshop will be presented at a
general assembly to be held at 9:15
a.m. in the Rackham amphitheatre
by Ross L. Allen, of the physical
eaion dearntment.

shop will then adjourn for luncheon
which will be held in the Michigan
League Cafeteria.
In the afternoon session section
meetings will discuss recreation as
an aid to community organization,
social recreation, woodcraft and
campcraft and church recreatinn.


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