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Ti f ty-Fourth Year
I i
Pd Rather Be ] Rightn
Education s Ne wErai
tYN.frd (Y M ,f5L" i A." l N~ia~t.1A , - -
Edited and mianaged by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every mnorning except Mon-
day and Tuesday duiring ,the suimmer sessionl.
Member of Tfie Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the us
for r epublication of all news dispatches credited to it or
othe rwise credited in this newspaper. AUl rights of repub-
icatin of all other mnatters herein also res~rved.
Enxtered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 118
second-class mnail matter.
Subscriptions during~ the regul~r splool year by car-.
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. r
Member, Associated Colilegiate Press, X194344
Editorial Staff
NEW YORK, Feb. 9.-It is a kind of crude,
Tammanyish approach to say that the Soviet
state has split itself into 16 republics, independ-
ent asto foreign olc and m~ilitary mage
mnent, for the sak~e of securing 16 +votes at thie
peace table. That is a ward-heeler's analysis,
and it displays the ward-heeler's special qual-
ities of intense shrewdness and intense blindness.
Somet~ing f~ar more cox-pplex than a vote-
grab is intenided. First of all, the nely Soviet
move br'eak~s the pre-war internationaIl
formation, in which one communist state stood,
in ideological isolation, against many capital-
ist states. It is now a case of many and many.
So long as it was a case of the one and the
many, an ineradicable taint of temporariness
hung over the soviet experiment. The one ex-
ception in an otherwise orthodox world m~ust
always seein like a freak, a sport, an entity
which has not quite proved its right to life.
But now that it is 'a case of tile many 'and
the ma~ny, this old one-sided mathematical rela-
tionship is broken down; it beomnes a case of
ninnfy- Soviet states engaged in intricate and
comnplex relationships with mnany capitalist
states; the Soviet system no longer rests on one
b~ase, but can sixteen; and thus its political right
to live in the world is aifirnec and strengthened.
We ba a sonjtinies th~ought that the Soviets
miht try o eize another European country,
sjjch s Grniwpiy, and turn it co init. in
order to cure tI iselves of politicalloineliness;
tlin, at least, there wQid be1t L o. The lss- surrised us by turniing inward in-
stead of outward to ieve this effect. - Th~ey
ill politial tprns, is not miuch different, though
it is a-- at eal r1r. r~palaable to the world,
thi i the p1)fet hadJbeen abtalned by out-
ward expan~sion.
The economic heterodoxy of the one becomes
the economlic orthodoxy of sixteen. If this seems
lily a bizarre way to have expanded the Soviet
system, let us remember that reproduction by
division is a commonplace in the biological
world, and that it proves, under the microscope,
to be a very efficient method of reproduction in-
deed. You actually do get a lot o~f offspring
that way,
Let us remember, too, that it is a prime article
of the Soviet faith that to stand still, politically,
is to die. We might, say that both we and the
Soviets believe in evolution, but that we like to
wait and have it happen to us, while the Soviets,
proud of what they call" the science of history,"
rather preen themselves on out-guessing evolu-
tion, speeding it, and making it happen.
Red Star, the Soviet Army organ, and Red
Fleet, the Soviet Navy paper, and all other lead-
ing Soviet journals agreed last week, that to have
sixteen ambassadors in each foreign country,
one from each of the Soviet republics, and to
have eachl foreign country distribute sixteen
ambassadors, in turn, among the sixteen Soviet
states, is exactly what tlije Soviet government
wants. It wants complexity. It deliberately
seeks it.
For, in the Soviet view, political progress is
precisely this, the rise from more simple to more
complex forms. Mr. Molotov said it, in his ex-
Rlanatory statement: "The Soviet state has
reached a newv level in its development, urning
into a more complex and virile organlism." It is
ridding itself of the perils of oneness. Charac-
teristically, it is doing so without giving up the
advantages of unity, for one party will still con-
trol' al.
The new move is a profound maneuver to-
ward naturalizing the Soviet system among the
permanencies of the world; a move toward the
end of singleness, freakishness and isolation.
Those wvho see in it only a grab for 16 votes at
the peace table have seen only the shadow of
what is here to be seen.
(copyright. 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
FRONT PAGE headlines are not
alwvays infallible indications of
the most imnportant news happening
in the world.
Last week, for instance, the De-
partment of State established a Sci-
ence, Education and Art Division
which will have as its aim th~e streng-
teigof internationial cooperation
in cultural fields.
This new division on Science,
Education and Art will be coordi-
nated with the already established
departments of motion pictures
and radio. And for the first time
in the history of education, the
departments will be coordinated by
Assistant Secretary of State G.
Howlandi Shaw upder a 4efiIxilg
Government officials in education
are now consulting with outstanding
school leaders on meeting immediate
and post-war educational problems.
But even more significant for the
establish~ing of international copera-
tion on education is the fact that 30
of the most influent~ial groups in th~e
country 'adopted a program asking
for im~mediate action in setting u.p aI
temp~orary United Nationls educa-
tional agency and recommended that
a permanent international organiza-
tion of educational and cultural d~e-
velopmnent should be set up as soon
as possible.
.Such an organization would at-
tempt to restore educational services
in nations now ocqupied by the Axis
as well as in countries where educa-
tion has been severely curtailed 'by
tine war.
Included in these policies adoptedl
by the State Department and Liaison
Committee for International Educa-
tion are the points te~at the 'scope
and purpose of any national program
of education is to be decided' by the
govenment concerned.,rand that thec
provision of books, teachiing supplies,
and school facilities is an essential
element of a total program of relief
and rehabilitation.
According to Benjamin Fine, writ-
ing in th~e New York Times for Sun-
day, Fcb. G. the newly-created Sci-
ence, Education aind Arts Division
will have responsib~ility in mnatters
pertaining to international coopera-
tion in science, eduication and art
along six lines:
"(1 Exchiange of materials, in-
cluding books,.periodicals and
other prinited materials in the var-
ious fields of learning and art.
(2) Development of American li-
braries and schiools in foreign coun-
(3) Administration of cultural in-
(4) Admiinistration of programs
for aiditng special research and
teaching projects in Amecrican col-
leges and universities abroad.
(5) Cooperation with American
]participating in inter'nationlal curl-
tural act ivi ties.
(6i) Liaison with the Office of
Eduication, tMe Coordinator of In-
'ter-American Aff~airs and sucJh
other departmnents and ag-encies as
may be concerned."
Here are the facts oilwhaot lhas
already been done in g lobal educa-
By chgy
Marion Ford
Jane Farrant.
Claire Sherman ,
Marjorie lorr aciali
Eric Zalenaki.
Bud Lowte
aIry Anne 01? on
Marjorie ROsmrrain
IIIIrIlil wl~uttl~ciw
Doris Kueutz ,
M« lly Ann Winokur
Elizabeilth Carpenter
Martha Opsion ,
Managing Editor
Editorial Director.
* . *City Editor
Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
4Ass.'ctatqSports Editor
Apo~Lct Sports Editor
Women's Editor
.Ass't Womecn's Editor
singess Saff"
.IDu, nc3 Manager
Ass't lBW. Manager
Ass'2t TiManag9@
hone 23-24.1
1Jioriah Published in The Afickigan Daily
arc writ/-,1cia by mem bers of The .Daily staff
caund rresc e evicws "off be writers only.
F Iiv eDays Left for Ciy.
Jo Fill ; Bond Quota
A I, TITOJGHall signs indicate .that Waphtenaw
.County will more than meet its quota in the
Four'th War' Loan Drive, Chairman Wa rren Cook
has pointed out that sales of Series 19 bonds are
lagging. With six days to go Ann Arbor has
filled only a little more than half of tae -Equota.
The Series E bonds have been called the
"lm, oj's bonds" because they afire s edpr-
juririly for purchase by small investors., Their
funcfioni is to drain off cess purehasng pow-
er cr at by swollenm income~s as-4 deficient
Aslogan used in the campaign has been "Buyr
extra bonds." During the last six days of the
drive we should change this slogan to "u
extra E bonds." -Jennje F Uit
- I
Of Kut Klu,,x KJianCa
ThIfAT JUDGE~ CAR 'S gland jury has gionQ a
tme job in its investigation of rft and im-
proprt>,iety in legislative and adminisatiuve
branc hces of the state gover"nment is gencraly
IRut ewi-tt is not generally known or admitted
is that at, wrionas charge has lMen mad4e of Jug~e
Car-'s investigation. Judge -Carr hras beae -
c it td oif (employing as an investigator ipharles
i;: t y.,0.11V Zcd graod pjg." Qthe Ku Klux
K ln. l f t ring of (I~p chargc, $ en. tanley
tN'il kof, Dtroit asked for a delay to perpiA
:an i.1quiry into te cVhKges. Wjuxn that W4~
c?.l'crdcd in rihe 'Senate, he asked tat Judge
a ;rr investigate anld inf'orm the Senate. bis
l rt'qvwslas de,;4lfealtecld'ya 0-9 vote.
Depiz;?te thll'unwillinlgness of the + cna4c v o
miltho rirt iit, Ban inquiry into this charge inust be
made. ;. ThiiataFKu Klux Klan leadcer should be
peri V- oo ivestigatg thei legisl~,ure of this
state is a trav esty on the principles under which
a fi netgto should be carried on. The
chazr eiL' a ser-ious one. How. much faith can
thle i wople of Michigan have in an investigator
who i.; a iieniber of a notorious fascist group-
an, ;mti-aliena, anti-Neg _ro, 'anti-7sernectic, anti-
Catil ic and an:zlti-labor organizationa?
charles Sp are's e laym) n i itla thec'grand -
JUJa s-,017' m." he ilmcstjg4(t-An 4y conntec-
tions he i~c sjy lave with ibe KK m~ut te
madeZv public. The conditio in which th~e in-
testigating body itself contains those whio AIu~t
be inve-stig ated can not be permitted to p9p-
tinuea. -K-athie Sluarf maan
WiINQTQN, Feb. 9.-It didn't leak out at
the time, but the Carlton Hotel was the sene
of a lush dinner not long ago which lznag~st
rivalled the famous splurge which $exnie Barzuch
gax~e for M~rs. Harry Hopkins-except for the
This Ainner was given by Secretary of the
Navy #nox for the five "flying Senators" who
toured the various battlefrgxits last suminer.
One of the five, Russell ofGeorgia, was isig
but the others-fewocrats--"HIappy" Chan d-
ler of Kentucky and Jim Meade of New'Fyork,
and Republicans Brewster of Maine ;an !odge
of Masachusetts-weare present, together with
about 20 adinfrats.
The 4innier probably cost around ten dollars
a plate an-d was reported by tho)se present to
have been just about as ornate as that given for
the Harry Hopkinses,
Somec of the world-tou~ring Senators had been
alijt critical of the Navy, anmd apparently Stee-
" re~tary K(pipx wauted to put them in a friend-
1he fr Jrinc qo' ind. Also, he wanted the as -
se ledl Adur# to gvt ib~e benefit voftheir
views and4 to hear first hand what 1the Senators
thought about the Navy's various opcrtions.
To that end, he called on each Senator for a
speech, somewhat i the manner th at the kus-
sians call on their distnguished guests at i-an-
All wenxt well until "Happy" Ch?,ndler slpoce.
His l'e-narks slid not make the Secretary of the
Navy very happy, for he waxed :vehement againist
the British, niaintaining :that they werQ e rum.'i t%
the war for their own benefit, regardless of the
interests of their allies.
After Chand4er andthe other Sentors hadl
fimishcd, Secretary KnoQx ruose and diplorna4tc-
lie pouited out thoit we and l ~he I>ritish were
fighting the war together, that it 4idu:'t pay
to criticize the British, and that-'doubtless the
British could find some faults with us at times.
Senator Cljwd Icr sat on Knox's righit and,
during his speech, k~ept taltng in stage whispers
about the British. Finally, when Knox was
finzished, Chandler rose an~d made a ;few final
renariks, event morccritical.
Knox, a good newspaper publisher but not
the best public speaker in the world, continued
to be diplomatic, but needed help. So he called
on Vice-Admiral Fred H~orne.
"Admiral Horne," he said, "will now pronounce
the benediction."
Admiral H~one .was brief -but not too -helpful.
4ce did not criticize any allies, but said :
"I'm fo~r anlAmerican policy, first~last and
Fourth Termt Hint . .
Representative Adolph Sabath of Illinois,
white-haired "Dean" of the House, got a signifi-
cant earful on the fourth-term riddle in a heart-
,to-heart talk with the President the other day.
Roosevelt brought up the subject himself and,
while he made no direct admission that he
would accept another nomination, he indicated
1that he was thinking it over.
His remarks were prompted by a confidential
revelation that Sabath, chairman of the import-
ant Rules Committee, was considering retiring
from Congress after this term.
"I am getting to be a pretty old man, Mr.
President," Sabath said. "I will be 78 years old
in April and have served in Congress 38 years.
That is a long time, and my wife thinks I am
entited to a few years rest before I pass
Roosevelt perked uip his ears. Sab~ath is one
of his oldest and closest friends. Also, he has
exerted a powerful influence for tihe Adminis-
tration in the "unruly" Rules Committee, which
is packed with anti-Nlew Deal conservatives.
"What are you talking about, Adlph?" ex-
claimed the ]Vresident. "You are a lot more
active and fit, than namy of your younger Col-
leagsaes. Besides, cvd1C(you ill Conlgress. I
_ opn't think of letting you retire, You just
send your wirfe to me and let e tOlk to 1her if
she beeps inlsisting on it."
Then the President added, with a grin, ;"You
know, somne people arpe puttinig some pressure 011
me to remain in office also."
H-e looked intently at Sabath for his, reaction,
an the Illinoisan, a strong fourth-termer, was
quick to take advanltage of the opening.
"Well, youi are a younger man than I," he
remark~ed. "You shouldn't hbe lecturing me
about remaining in omice unljess you practice
wh,1at-you preach."
Roosevelt laughed and then leaned back con-
templatively in his chair. He said something
to the effect that he wasn't as young as he used
to b~c. "All right," continued Sabath. "I am
{going to tell you what you have just told me-
only you have far mnore reason to remain in
office for another term than I have. You simply
can't retire now. The most important workt of
your life lies ahead in the next year or two-that
of winning the peace after we have won the wvar.
Aside from polities or any duty some people
may feel that you owe to your party, you have
Ia much greater responsibility to your country
and to the world."
Roosevelt smiled cryptically but didn't argue
the point.
(Copyriahit. 1944. United Features Syndicate)
"Why, no, Mother! Otis didn't suggest that I look at rings! When
he comes home on a five-day furlough you can't expect hiwn to think
of everything!"
W;EJNAESpAX, FE$. 9, 1944l
VOL. LIV No. '75
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of tihe
President in typewritten form by , :34
pam. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted ;by 11:39 a~tm
No tices
T1o the Members of the University
Council: Thle meeting of the TUn ver-
sity Council announced for Monday,
Feb. 14 has been cancelled.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
today from 4 to 6 o'clock.j
Fourth War Loan Drvc: To buy
war' Bonds,, call 2-3251, Ext;. 7. A
"Bond Belle" .will'pick tup you order
and' deliver the bond the next day,
Use this service and help the t)ni-
vertsity meet its quota.
'University' War 'Bond Co mnittee
"The Comedy of Errors," by S hake-
speare, will be given tonight through
Saturday night in Lydia M\endels-
Sohn Theatre by Flay Production of
the D~epartment of Speech. The'four
evening performances will begin at
8 :30 and the 'special' matinee onSat-
urday will start at 2:30. 'Tickets are
on sale daily at the theatre box
lPetrojt Armenian Club .§Cholar-j
ship: U~ndergraduate students 'of
Armenian parentage residing in the
rDetroit area 'who have earned 30
hours of college credit are eligible to
apply for the $100 scholarship' offered
for 1944-45 by the Detroit Armenian
Women's Club. Applications must be
made by May 15. For further details,
inquire of Dr. F. E. Robbins, 1021
Angell Hall.
Members of La Sociedad i4ispan-'
ica: The group picture for the Michi-
ganensian will be taken Sunday, Feb.
13, at 4:{10 in Rm. 316 of the
Union. All -members are
to be present at that time.
Germian Departmental Librar3
Books are due VFeb. 10 regardless of
the due date stamped in fthe book.
CJhoral Union MIembers whose ree-
ords of attendance are clear, wire]
please call for their courtesas
tickets ,to the Mischa Zlman concert
between the hours o f 10 and 12, andc
1 and '4, on the clay of the concert.
Thursday, Feb. 10, at the offices ol
the University Musical Society ix
Burton Memorial Tower. After f our
o'clock nd tickets will be issued.
'1'he Departm~ent of GcologY Will
sponsor a lecture by 'Mlr. Carl 'C.
Addison of The Pure Oil Company,
Saginaw, on Academic Background
anid Personal Characteristics as Fac-
tors in the Advancement of the Ge-
ologist," today at 4 o'clock, Rm, 205,4,
Natural Science Building.
Alpha, ,mega Alpha Lecture. Dr.
Wafter C. Alvarez of the Mayo ,Clinic
will deliver' the annual initiation ,ad-
dre'ss of the Alpha Omega Al~pha
Medical Honor Society at 7:09,pm.,
Thursday, Feb. 17, in Kellogg Audi-
torium. The subject will 'be 'The
Art of Medicine."' The public is
!American Ch~emical Society: Dr. ,C.
F. Hi. Allen,~ of the Egstjan ,Kodak
Co., will speak on "Carbonyl Bridge
Compounds," under th e auspices ',qf
,the Chemical Society, on Monda.y,
Feb. 14, at 4:00 p~zm. in Rm. 151,
Chemistry Building. The public is
cordially invited.
Acadelmic Not ices
xTo All Forestry Students: There
will be an assembly of the School 'of
Forestry and Conservation at 11 a.m.,
Thursday' Feb. 10, in Rm~i. 2039, Nat-
ural Science' Building. All students
in the School are expected to attend.
Botanical Seminar, at 4 o'clock
today, 1139 N.S. Prof. William Steere
ing the six months that ended
Jan. 1, sent 13 United States profes-
sons to Latin America, and *brought
six Latin 'American professors here.
'Typical of such an appointment' is
the one granted to Prof. Albert
Marckwardt, professor of Elish at.
the University, who traveled to Mexi-
co City as a resident director of the
English Language Institute. The
English Language Institute on cam-
pus is also a part of global education.
This sumnmer four professors
wvere sent under the programn to
te~ach at a summer. school in Hlaiti.
Their lectures were so well received
that the Government of H'aiti paid
for their publication in' a book.
exchange of students between this
country antd the Latin American na-
tions. During the pre'sent school ,year,
for instance, 'the government has
paid for the travel and maintenance
of 200 Latin American students who
arc now 'studying in our countries
sanid colleges.
Forty' educators from South
America were granted travel privi-
leges to visit our universities and
to observe our methods of teaching
and research. It is in this maniner,
particularly, that many of the
modern educational principles used
here are spread" to other parts 'of
the world.
Another action taken by the State
Department is the subsidization of
translating English books into Span-
ish and Spanish or Portuguese books
into English. already 117 of these
ha e 'been translated.
Tese activities are not limited
alone to the Western Hemisphere.
In the Near East the State Dlepart-
ment has worked out programs
through the American founded
colleges at Anlara, Bleiru~t and
Gairo. Althotugh there has been no
exchange of professors or students,
thie government hopes to follow th.
)Latin Amierican practice as soon a
conditimons permnit.
Ifiternational education is more
than a dream or a figment of.anl
over-active imagination. If such
policies as' the Statec Department has
aldy e stablished CanIbe eXtended4
to other pa ts ol, th cWorld,teni glo-
bal.e~tuc,,tioht should soon be a real-
Chausson, Spalding, Achron and
11 Cercolo Italiano will meet to-
night at 8 o'clock in the Michigan
League. Paul Vinelli will speak about
his home town, Naples. Everybody
interested in Italy and its language;
is welcome.
I"An Itertnational Police I'orce?"
will be discussed by a panel comn-
Sposed of studentIs and( facult y nlm-
''s at the Michigan Un1ion) to-
ngtat 7.30, The memibers of
the faculty will be Professor itn
of the History Department, and Mr.
Dresden, of the Physics Department;
the students will be Joyce Siegan,
George Simmons and Hlarvey Weis-
berg. The Post-War Council extends
a friendly invitation to all students
to its fast program of the semester.
Lra Sociedad IHispanica will meet
at 8 o'clock tonight in Rackham
Assembly Hall. Special and diverting
entertainment will be provided by
the soldiers studying Spanish. Every-
b~ody 'interested is invited to comec.
ComniOng Eventis
)'X illO BOYS of 17 yeai-s of L eal'e now being
citte for enlistment in the ,Coast Guard.
jNnt nn iv has Line Cast Guaxd lbeen lax in
By Crockelt Johnson~
tWrd m'hiiv, we v ,cou~re'd
O'M ey, do you thi'nk he *'
I 'After aIl McSnovd has n
~i m~rolerI I I I
, i