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February 09, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-09

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Snow Flurries

VOA. Liv Na. R I 3A fBO, iwfCmGAt, WE N ESDAY, FEB. 9, 1944


Allied Lines

Below Rome
Nazi Armored Troops
Assault Beachhead;
Artillery Fire Heavy
Associated Press Correspondent
GIERS, Feb. 8.-- Tank-supported
German infantry attacks developed
today against British and American
lines guarding the Afth Army beach-
head below Rome, but no significant
changes in position were noted in
dispatches from the field.
Nazi troops and armor advanced
last night to probe Allied infantry
positions at a half dozen points.
Heavy artillery batteries duelled
through the day,
Any hopes that Allied commanders
may have had of an early conquest of
Rome now are gone. However, the
Gen. Mark Clark Barely
Escapes Bomb Explosion
BELOW ROME, Feb. 7-(Delayed)-
IP)--Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark was
within 100 yards of a German bomb
explosion on the main beachhead
road today and he rescued a British
driver fron the wreckage of a burn-
ing truck.
Here on a brief inspection trip, the
Fifth Army commander cooly extri-
cated the wouded British soldier and
helped put him into an ambulance.
On a previous trip to this zone'
Clark narrowly escaped death when
shells killed several officers in his
American P-T boat.
Allied air force once again yesterday
demonstrated its mastery over the bahedb hoig on1 u
beachhead by shootin don 1ou
of a force of 70 attacking Nazi planes.
Sharp fighting erupted at numer-
ous points on the fan-shaped Anzio
Nazi pressure against the landing
area south of Rome rose to its high-
est pitch since the Allies passed over
to the defensive last :Thursday.
One German force infiltrated Brit-
ish lines to the northwest of the
Anzio beaches, but was believed ex-
pelled by. a counterattack before

Murray Urges FDR
To Shelve Tax Bill
WASHIGTON, Feb. 8.-(I)-
Philip Murray, President of the
CIG, urged President Roosevelt to-
day to veto the new $2,315,200,000
tax bill, terming it "a betrayal of
every principle of sound wartime
The bill which Mr. Roosevelt
once termed "unrealistic" reached
the White House today. The Presi-
dent told his news conference he
would study it over the week-end,
but he gave no indication what he
will do with it.
He criticized the measure while
it was still pending in Congress be-
cause it would produce less than a
quarter of the $10,500,000,000 in
new wartime revenue sought by the
Murray wrote the President to-
day that Congress left him "no al-
ternative but to veto this travesty
on wartime tax programs." He said
the measure "flouts your oft-re-
peated call for a fair and realistic
tax program."
Revised Soldier
Vote 1Me'asure
House Rejection Is
Likely; States' Rights
Measure Tacked On 7
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8.-(AP)-The
Senate finally passed a watered-
down version of the Green-Lucas
federal ballot bill today and tossed it
over to the House 'which already is on
record in favor of leaving to the
states the machinery for voting by
members of the armed services.
House rejection is in prospect, to
be followed by appointment of a joint
Senate-House, conference committeex
to try to work out some sort oft
measure acceptable to both.
The Senate first attached the
Green-Lucas bill to the House-ap-
proved states' rights measure as anz
amendment on a roll call vote of. 46X
to 40 and passed the amended bill byz
a voic~e vote.
Then, in what was regarded as a"
"back-stopping" maneuver, it passed.
,thp ,modified Green Lucas bill sep-_
arately by a vote of 47 to 38.
The separate Green-Lucas bill ist
expected to be sent to a House com-
mittee to repose until final disposi-C
tion of the other measure.t

Set Up Chinese Land Bases--Nimitz;
FUR Summoned in MESA Dispuite

v _ ..__.

Smith's Threat
Brings Action
After Hearing
Houses Claim Union
Defied Government
In Temporary Action
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8.-The War
Labor Board announced tonight it is
calling President Roosevelt's atten-
tion to the war plant strikes of the
Mechanics Educational Society of
America (MESA) so that criminal
penalties may be invoked promptly in
the event of another interruption.
The Board said its action also
would permit immediate considera-
tion of civil sanctions of the War La-
bor Disputes Act.
Smith Threatens Board
The Board acted within a few mi-
nutes after a public hearing at which
Matthew Smith, British-born leader
of the MESA, virtually threatened a
resumption of the strike which the
union leadership called off "tempor-
arily" yesterday.
The Board listened quietly for
about two hours and gave no hint in
the hearing that it proposed stern
action in dealing with the MESA.
Subsequently it adopted a statement
by unanimous vote saying that the'
MESA "has defied the government of
the United States."
Strike Violated LAW'
"It struck," the statement added,
"in violation of the law, and it struck
not because of any dispute with em-
ployers, but to compel the govern-
ment to -do its bidding. When it
called off the str e, it declared that
the, action was. ony temporary, and
dependent upon favorable govern-
nteit action.
"The War Labor Board is reporting
these facts to the President, so that
if ,any further interruption of work
occurs, action may be immediately
taken tobrng to bear the criminal
sanctions of the War Labor Disputes
Act, and so that consideration may
be' given to invoking now the civil
sanctions of the War Labor Disputes
Act by the government."
Gift of Books
Brings Thanks
WSSF Books Will Go
To Prisoners of War
"Amidst the rumblings of war,
your parcel of books has been re-
ceived with eternal gratitude," writes
a British prisoner of war in Italy, a
recipient of the World Student Ser-
vice fud collection of books.
Designed to create a stockpile of
textbooks for prisoners of war all
over the world, the local campaign
for books will continue through to
the beginning of the spring term to
permit students to donate this semes-
ter's books.
Receptacles for the books have
been placed in the League, Union,
and International Center.
Students wishing to donate books
should conform to the following spe-
cifications: College textbooks can be
in any subject, and must be still in
current use, unless they are classics
in their field. Language study books
for any language, and books for pro-
fessional subjects such as law, medi-
cine and theology are requested.

Yanks Hitch a Ride to Picnic on Italian Horse and Buggy


WAC's and GI's go on a novel picnic jaunt along the Volturno River in Italy as they hail a ride
from a civilian and his horse. Left to right are: PWe. Melvin Diamond, New York; Pfc. Dorothy Millard,
Manchester, N. H.; CpI. Georgiana Anderson, Ashland, Wis.; Pvt. Elgin Schrank, Elgin, Tex.; Pfc.
Eleanor Spinola, Hilo, T. H.; Pvt. Gerard Stillwell, Philadelphia.

Political Pendilum Swings

WASHINGTON, Feb. 8.- (AP)-
President Roosevelt turned away at
his press-radio conference today a
directrquestion whetherche would
accept a fourth term, but in an ensu-
ing political discussion:
1. Described asrhoary with agea
proposal that he run with a Repub-
lican vice-presidential nominee on a
coalition ticket.
2. Scoffed at reports that the elec-
tions might be put off a year. People
who talk. that way, he commented,
have not read the Constitution.
To the question whether he would
accept a fourth term nomination, he
replied that that was one of them
things and he would have to go back
to the usual old story which he said
is the killer of stories. Then he added
there was no news on that today.

TWIN FALLS, Idaho; Feb. 8.--(IP)
--Wendell L. Wil kie contended to-
night that the United States' wel-
fare "is involved in the 'Republican
party winning the presidency in!
1944" and that "a change of admin-
istration would be less disturbing in
war time than during the period of
Relations of, this nation with other
countries "would be'strengthened
and clarified through new leader-
ship," the Republican nominee of
four years ago asserted in an address
prepared for a public meeting.
He 'said this. should be "leadership
not grown too tired'and cynical to
lead; leadership less enamored of the
panoply and show of power; leader-
ship fresh from the people,"

Auto Collision
Yesterday Kills
Two on U.S. 23
Coupe Is Smashed by
Freight Truck; Youth
Is Critically Injured
A head-on collision involving a
Ford coupe and GMC tractor and
trailer loaded with ten tons of auto-
mobile crankshafts caused the death
of two of the coupe's occupants yes-
terady at 6:30 a.m. The accident oc-
cured on US-23 (Whitmore Lake
Rd.) four miles north of Ann Arbor.
The dead are:
Miss Florence St. Charles, aged
16, of Whitmore Lake.
William J. Hilge, aged 15, of 340
Grove St., Horseshoe Lake.
The brother of the deceased boy,
Paul Hilge, aged 16, who was driving
the car, sustained critical injuries
and was taken to St. Joseph's Hos-
pital for treatment. Latesthreports
showed that Paul's condition was still
Louis Krutsch, driver of the truck,
aged 30, of 16 Pearl St., Jackson,
has been absolved of all blame for the
accident, Assistant Prosecuting At-
torney John Rae stated yesterday.
Car Thrown 20 Feet
The mishap occurred when the
south-bound coupe driven by Paul
Hilge swerved out in the middle of
the road in an attempt to avoid
smashing into a parked car. Hilge
applied the brakes too late to avoid
a collision with the truck, which
was heading north. When police
investigated the accident, they re-
ported that the windshield on the
coupe was partially covered with ice
probably handicapping the youth's
visibility. The Hilge car, demolished,
was thrown approximately 20 feet;
witnesses said.
Escaped Plane Crash
Krutsch, who was driving for the
Hubert Motor Freight Co. of Pontiac,
is a World War II veteran, and has
been given a medical discharge by
the Army Air Corps. He was a tail
gunner on a Liberator and had serv-
ed on many bombing missions over-
seas. Krutsch was shipped back to
Louisiana, where, on a routine flight,
his plane crashed killing the entire
crew with the exception of Krutsch.
He was seriously injured, however,
and has since undergone plastic sur-
gery operations.
Dr. Sink Speaks at
Museum Dedication
Dr. Charles Sink, president of the
University Musical Society and im-
mediate past president of the State

Washtenaw County
Nears Bond Goal
Washtenaw County, on the last
lap of the Fourth War Loan drive,
has approximately one and one-
half million dollars to go toward
its goal of $7,477,000.
Sales of 'Series E bonds were
still lagging, according to yester-
day's report, although the county.
as a whole was filled $4,530,650 of
a $4,687,000 quota of other type
bonds. Communities which have
passed their E bond quotas are
Chelsea, Milan and Whitmore
Lake. Ypsilanti has also filled its
original quota, but a higher figure
has now been set.
Ann Arbor has sold $854,792.25
worth of, E bonds toVard a total
of $1,500,000.
Mischa Elman
To Give Concert
Here Tomorrow
The Concerto in A major by Glaz-
ounow will be the featured work to
be performed by Mischa Elman, not-
ed concert violinist, at the Ninth
Choral Union concert at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Hill Auditorium.
Two sonatas, ;the A major of Han-
del and the D minor of Brahms, will
also be played by Elman on the first
half of the program, while composi-
tions by Chausson, Spalding, Achron
and Paganini will be heard on the
second half.
First of the child prodigies to be
taught by Professor Leopold Aure,
among whom are Jascha Heifetz;nd
Nathan Milstein, Elman was only 12
when he made his concert debut in
Berlin with a rendition of the Tschai-
kowsky violin concerto. His first
American appearance followed only
three years later, when he was heard
at the old Manhattan Opera House
in New York City.

Drama To Be
Staged Today
All-Girl 'Comedy of
Errors' Cast Is Led
By Jean Westerman
Play production of the Speech De-
partment will present the first per-
formance of Shakespeare's "The
Comedy of Errors" at 8:30 p.m. today
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Jean Westerman is cast as the
Duke, Blanche Halpar as Aegeon,
June Willard as the Gaoler, Eileen
Blum as the Merchant, Marcia Nelson.
as Antipholus of Syracuse, Barbara
Hulbert, Antipholus of Ephesus; Zeta
Barbour, Dromio of Syracuse; Fran-
ces Sacks, Dromio of Ephesus; Char-
lotte McMullen, Singer; May Chosed,
Adriana; Miriam Ruge, Luciana; Lee
Horn, Angelo; Barbara Greenberg,
Luce; Dorothy Stefany, Second Mer-
chant; Marilyn Mayer, courtesan;
Carol Garby, Pinch Patricia Meikle;
Amelia; Shirley Rosen, page and at-
tendants, Thelma Davis, Mary Jane
Janiga, Peggy Morgan and Patricia
The entire technical staff is also
composed entirely of women. Jean
Christian is the stage manager and
Margaret Hamilton is in charge of
properties. The crew of electricians
includes Marjorie Aronsson, Doris
Lesser, Martha Elliott, Jacqueline
Kramer, Dorothy Langel, Barbara
Lurie, Ruth Schleh.
Working with June Willard, chair-
man of the costumes, are Jean Loree,
Gloria McClure,.Virginia Rock, Doro-
thy Stefany, Eunice Woldhausen.
The make-up committee consists of
Eileen Blum, Lee Horn, Carol Gary
and the bookholders are Barbara
Greenberg and Shirley Rosen. Mary
Decker is the assistant to Valentine
Windt, the director, with Barbara
Stuber the head usher.

Jap Resistance
Is Stymied on
Iowa j alein Atoll
Jap Fleet Is Nailed
To Home Waters by
Paramushiro Assault'
Associated Press Correspondent
8.-Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, radiat-
ing confidence and satisfaction after
returning from an inspection of
Kwajalein atoll on which all organ-
ized resistance has ceased, said to-
day his aim is to get the forces un-
der his command moving across the
Pacific and setting up bases in Chi-
In an unusual statment at his
press conference, the Commander in
Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet said
his object is "to get our ground and
air forces into China as early as pos-
"In the last analysis," he co tln-
ued, "I do not believe we can defet
Japan from the sea alone."
The startled correspondents asked
him if that remark was "on the r-
"Certainly," he answered, "that's
the simple strategy of the Pacfi
war. I believe the Japs can only '
defeated from bases in China b
cause they draw food, iron and othe
supplies from Manchuria and Chn,
and as long as they have access t
these they will be difficult to beat'
. * * *
Raid Alters Whole
OIlOok in Pacific
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8.-- ()-The
American warship assault on Par-
mushiro Island has nailed Japan's
fleet inescapably to the narrow con-
fines of Japanese home waters,
Naval experts say this was one of
the most important strategical re-
sults of the bold foray which caried
United States surface units aros
waters of the north Pacific to bom-
bard a key enemy base only 1,300
mile northeast of Tokyo.
The raid profoundly changed-the
strategic picture of the war for the
Japanese, as much so as does ,thle
conquest of the Marshall Islands,
which first bi'oke the real outer riig
of Japan's 25-year old central Pacific
Post-War Plans
Panel Tonight
International Police
Will Be Considered
"An International Police Force?"
will be the topic of a student-faculty
panel to be held at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Union by the Post-War Coi-
Questions which will be discussed
include: D-What is the signifi-
cance of the concept of "police
force?" 2)-What of a structural na-
ture does a World Police Force I-
ply? Must it be preceded by a Inore
extensive plan of World Govern'
ment? 3)-What should we expect of
a "police force?" and 4)-In wht
various ways might a police force
operate to achieve these ends?
Speaking for the faculty will be
Prof. Arthur Aiton of the history de-
partment and Max Dresden of t16
physics department. Student mem-
bers of the panel will be Joyce Se-
gan, George Simmons and Harvey
Weisberg. William Muehl, '44L, wil

act as moderator.
Band To Play
'Light' Pieces
A program of light classical, pa-
triotic, and light operatic selections
will be presented by the 80 piece
Michigan Concert Band in the "symn-
phony portion of Sunday's "Sym-
phony and Swing" program at Hill


Senior Society,
New Members
Wearing traditional caps and
gowns, Senior Society, honorary so-
ciety for independent senior women,
tapped the following women yester-
Rosalie Bruno, '44, Betsy Barbour;
Phyllis Buck, '44A, Martha Cook;
Joan Clark, '44, Helen Newberry;
Dorothy Darnall, '44, Martha Cook;
Adele Kraus, '44, Betsy Barbour;
Mary Anne Oleson, '44, Betsy Bar-
bour; and Peg Weiss, '44, Martha
Sphinx, Junior men's honorary so-
ciety, last night initiated 12 new
members to the organization, elected
George Kraeger, president, and Rob-
ert Nussbaumer, secretary-treasurer.
Devoid of the usual trimmings, the
tapping ceremony was performed in
the wee hours Sunday and the fol-
lowing men were initiatedr:
Elroy L. Hirsch, Robert J. Nuss-
baumer, James J. Aliber, Donald N.
Larsen; George W. Kraeger, George
F. Darrow, Ramon B. Dixon, Gene G.
Moody, Henry L. Mantho, Michael
orgie KFrane r.edarnn, and Thomas

Women Needed
For Child Care


Several more volunteers are
needed for Willow Run child care
from 1 to 5 p.m. today because of
the illness of regular workers, Lucy
Chase Wright, chairman of the
project, said last night.
Those interested may call Miss
Wright at 4464. They will leave
from the Union side door at 1 p.m.

V-Ball Tickiets Will Be on Sale
Monday at CampusCenters

Chief of City Council Promises
Speedy Decision on Re-Zoning

Ticket sales proportioned among
the Army, Navy and Civilian stu-
dents on campus for V-Ball will be
held Monday at designated places
and times for the three groups, ticket
chairman Fred Beltz announced yes-
The hours for V-Ball, approved by
the Student Affairs Committee yes-
terday, will be 9 p.m. to 2. a.m.
A quota system has been set up for
each segment of the student body
according to the ratio of their num-
har to the entire student bodv.

and only one ticket will be sold to a
person. Identification cards must be
presented at the time of purchase.
Contest To Be Held
Following the theme of the dance
-Michigan plays host to the nation's
colleges-the committee has invited
all servicemen to form "barber-shop"
quartets to represent their original
alma maters.
Participating quartets are asked to
prepare one old barber-shop favorite
-"Down by the .. ." or "Only a Bird.

Glenn Alt, president of the city
council said yesterday that the
"council has all the facts" and prom-
ised a speedy decision on the pro-
posed re-zoning of the lot on the
northwest corner of Washtenaw and;
South University Avenues when the,
council meets Feb. 21.
Requests Ordinance Change'
The question was not considered'
Monday night because the city clerk
did not have time to prepare and'
submit a resume of the public hear-'

Kappa Alpha Theta and Collegiate
At the public hearing preceding
the council meeting, petitions of for-
mal protest against the proposed re-
zoning were presented. The petitions
were signed by more than 250 resi-
dents of the immediate neighbor-
hood, including 100 per cent of the
owners of frontage in the rear or
opposite to the lot in question. Those
who spoke against the re-zoning in-
cluded James A. Kennedy, president
of the alumni association of Phi
Tllf 'he s W . R, s n__ _ _ ra


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