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February 02, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-02

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EDNESPAYk, FEB. 2, 1944


1ity.Frtgan ea
Fifty.Fourth Year

- 4
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.X
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44
Editorial Staff

Marion Ford .
Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradalle
Erie Zalenski .
Bud Low .
Harvey Frank .
Mary Aune Olson .
Marjori Iosiarln
Hlda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz .

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
* . Associate Sports Editor
* . AssFociate Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. . . Ass't Women's Editor
. . . . . Columnist
. . . . . Columnist

Business Staff

Molly Ann Winokur .
Elizabeth Carpenter
Martha Opsion

. Business Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
State Ballot Would Deny
Vote to Some Soldiers
rf1\H FLAGRANT statement made by Senator
John I. Overton (Dem., La.) during the de-
bate on the Green-Lucas bill for a federal serv-
ieRmin's ballot exposes the real reason behind
the southern representative's opposition to the
"Let us be frank here," he said, "down in
the Solid South we've got to retain our voting
qua'ieations to preserve white supremacy.," -
The Senator has unwittingly pointed out the
most serious defect in an overseas ballot op-
erated by state machinery. If the overseas vot-
ing were handled by the states, it would mean
that some men would be permitted to vote, while
others even in the same company would be
denied that privilege, because of such "qualifi-
cations" as the poll tax.
The greater cosequenee of the Senator's
statement, however, is in his allusion to racial
problems. It is indeed discouraging that the
maintenance of "white supremacy" in the
South is the primary aim of some of our rep-
resentatives, while our nation is at war to pre-
serve democratic institutions and ideals. Fur'
thermore, the attitude expressed by Senator
Overton is an example of dangerous political
short -sightedness.
One great advantage of a federal ballot is that
it provides a natural opportunity to raise the
political status of the southern Negro and other
minority groups. This would result in another
step in the gradual process of emancipation.
With the country at war, these minority
groups are making the same sacrifices required
of other citens who enjoy all the freedoms
wtiten in the Bill of Rights. The internal
chaos that the southern Senator probably
fears would not come from the removal of
"yoting qualifications"; rather would it conic
by making an issue of "white supremacy" and
refusing to grant to the Negro and others the
rights to which they have always been entitled.
-Marcia Wellman
Spain Seeks To Switch
!AFTER READING countless contradictory ar
ticles in regard to Spain in the last few weeks,
it is little wonder that the American public is
a little confused at this point.
The Soviet and British embassies are pro-
testing the aid Franco is giving Germany and
warning the people of the United Nations.
Meanwhile, Harold Denny, in an issue of the
New York ''imes. lands the triumphs recently
attained by the Allies in Madrid, nanmely, that
Franco has hinted (hat he will aid Tito; that
there has been a sudden immigration of Nazi
agents to Madrid; and that the progress of
Allied propaganda in Madrid is greater than
that of Nazi propaganda.
All this amounts- to just a jumble of nothing.

WASHINGTON. Feb2. U.S. Military Intel-
ligence, the step-child of the Army, is getting a
new chief. He is Maj. Gen. Clayton L. Bissell,
who has been shunted a'ound to various posts
and now is to head one of the most important
but least efficient branches of the service, Intel-
Bissell chiefly distinguished himself recently
by tangling with General Chennauli,. spectacular
former head of the Flying Tigers in China, now
head of American air forces in China. Bissell
was in command of the 10th Air Force in the
India-Burma-China area last year but, after
a none-too-brilliant tour of duty, was trans-
Now he is replacing Maj. Gen. George Strong,
who retires for age. This means that, in the
two years since Pearl Harbor, Military Intel-
ligence will have had four different chiefs-
none of them in long enough to get acquainted
and some of them totally unsuited for the job.
(General Strong had got into the groove and
was batting hard when he retired.)
In the Army, G2 or Military Intelligence has
never lived down three major bonehead plays,
Boner No. 1-The prediction, in 1940, that
France would hold. She folded in a few weeks,
Boner No. 2-The prediction, in the summer
of 1940, that England would be taken. She
hasn't been taken yet.
Boner No. 3-The prediction, in June, 1941,
that Moscow would fall in a few weeks. The
Nazis are now retreating from Moscow.
Another boner credited to G2 is that of not
knowing that three German divisions were lying
in wait for Allied forces when we landed at
Reason for G2's bush-league batting record
is attributed by many to the closed-shop policy
of Military Intelligence before Pearl Harbor,
the commissioning of blueblood stock-brokers
and bankers since Pearl Harbor, and the fact
that the best Intelligence men have left Wash-
ington desk duty for active service elsewhere.
Note-Colonel Philip Faymonville, the an
who knew Russia best and didn't go wrong on
the question of taking Moscow, was transferred
out of Russia chiefly because of jealousy from
the blueblood G2 clique.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)
IN NMANY WAYS this University is just like
others: it has a football team, bluebooks, lec-
ture sessions. But in some ways it's dilerent:
It has a large group of foreign students, some
departments and professors who are particularly
But it also has a unique feature of which no
one seems to be very conscious. In the whole
nation there are but two collections of books,
newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets on labor his-
tory, cases, laws. One is the John R. Commons,
Collection at the University of Wisconsin, fam-
ous for writing the many-volumed labor history.
And the other is the Labadie Collection on the
eighth floor of the U. of M. Library, which al-
most no one has heard of, and which no profes-
sor of this University has ever used for research
Whether or iet you are syilpathetic to the
struggles of workingmen, if you are any kind of
scholar the idea of not using untouched and val-
uable material is sacrilegious. The Collection is
unexplored, and even a small amount of search-
ing uncovers names, dates, organizations, theo-
ries, facts which few people know about-
It isn't just a question, though, of whether
individual people are interested; what is the
official attitude of the Administration? here

is a very rare and valuable collection which is
more important than other vairs of the library
which are oieplaccebhe. Here. too, is material
which can not onti help citizells and union
men shape the future by learning from the
past, but here is a source of fame for the
University . . . an opportunity to draw scholars
from all over America.
So far, the interest in the Labadie Collection
is so slight that allost no professors have ex-
plored it, and even fewer students. No scholars
searching for new subjec " for doctoral theses
in economics, American history, sociology,
politic1 science, business administr'ation . . .
hav1 been directed o it . The University at first
paid oo financial a tten ion at all to he Collec-
tion, either to supplemet it. or to have it cata-
loged. Now a smal amount is being spent
but so small a sm in comparison to research
on purely academic subjects!
VJtAT'S UP THERlE Coiies of labor pubi-
cations from the 1820s on . . of many re-
ports of state and national investiations on the
causes of strikes. w es and hours research, etc.
Material on al h shades of labor teory back
of olfyres h Wesrn Federaion
of Miners, he Knig Js ol 1abor, the McNamra
bthercs . on hI oijdreds or (.; which didn't
make too big a st ii in the I)l!ilds of men as did

I'd Rather
e Right
NEW YORK, Feb. 2.-I hope I will be pardon-
ed for writing in what may perhaps seem a spirit
of coldness about the frightful atrocities against
the prisoners of Bataan. For there are import-
ant lessons to be learned from this story if we
can brace ourselves to look at it objectively.
I have already heard the feeble peep uttered
that this horrifying account will be "good for
our morale." I find the remark insufferably
smug; I quiver like a leaf whenever I hear it,
and I have been hearing it often.
It is no proof of our morale for us to become
genuinely angry when we hear that our friends
and brothers have been wantonly beaten, starved,
decapitated and buried alive. That is merely
proof that we are alive, and have normal human
reactions. If I take little pleasure in the na-
tional demonstration that has been touched off
by these dreadful revelations, it is precisely be-
cause the revelations are so dreadful. Does it
take as much as this to make us draw closer
together and speak, for the moment, as one?
Are we to be proud because we are moved by
what would move a stone?
The point I am creeping toward is that we will
be on the road to morale when we break into
demonstrations that are greater than this, for
causes that are far less. There is a kind of
implied criticism of us in the present incident,
taken as a whole, for it says that we were not
deeply stirred until some of our own people were
subjected to torture and mutilation. But it is
not morale merely to resent a kick in the belly
or a smack in the face; any living thing will do
This is a kind of second Pearl Harbor. But the
national feeling that truly goes under the noble
name of "morale" does not need successive Pearl
Harbors to touch it off, or national shock and
sadness to keep it going.
Yet for some reason our officials have always
clung to the glum approach to morale. They
have considered that we need to be frightened
into morale, as when they recently warned us
of 400,000 coming casualties. They have also
considered that we need to be shocked, into
morale, and some of the rather eerie smugness
displayed over the appalling prisoners-of-
Bataan story seems to rest on the hope that
this horrid account will do the morale job
By a coincidence, at this very moment, when
we are engaged in a great national demonstra-
tion of feeling because several thousands of our
men have been brutally mishandled, our ally,
Russia, has also just put on a great national
demonstration of feeling.
But the Russians based their demonstration
on the liberation of the Leningrad area. They
have rung bells and fired guns; Russian na-
tional sentiment has been inflamed to as high
a level as ours, but in an organically different
We have never yet done anything like that
in the entire course of this war, though great
and good victories have been ours.
We seem to have a fear of coming over to the
alkaline side on morale, or of climnbing to the
level of morale which is expressed, in affirma-
tions and jubilations.
Why? Why do we remain in the emotional
basement? The theory seems to be that it is
only our fears which hold us together; that if
we were to crack a smile, we would instantly
fall apart into peacetime attitudes and wrang-
ling; production would drop; we must be
scared good to be good. If so, this is a kind
of judgment upon us for our own disunity, and
the best of arguments for making another
try at internal reconciliation, and the rebirth
of cQmmunity.
We should not need the whipped and broken
bodies of our best beloved to hold us together.

It is our love and courage which should go out
to sustain them, in the field. It is wrong to have
to ask them not only to die to keep us safe, but
to starve and be beaten to keep us united.
(Copyright, 1944. New York Post Syndicate)


"But I did go to see our fuel ration board! The only eneourage-
ment they could give me was that they saw the first robin!"'


Z, A ji


VOL. LIV No. 69
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are. to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Fourth War Loan Drive: To buy
War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A
"Bond Belle" will pick up your order
and deliver the bond the next day.
Use this service and help the Uni-
versity meet its quota.
University War Bond Committee
Fall Term Graduation Exercises
will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Satur-
day, Feb. 19, in Hill Auditorium. The
address to the members of the grad-
uating classes will be given by Presi-
dent John A. Hannah of Michigan
State College. Admission will be by
ticket only, which students and mem-
bers of the general public may secure
at the office of the Vice -President
and Secretary, 1 University Hall.
Detroit Armenian Club Scholar-
ship: Undergraduate students of
Armenian parentage residing in the
Detroit area who have earned 30
hours of college credit are eligible to
apply for the $100 scholarship offered
for 1944-45 by the Detroit Armenian
Women's Club. Applications must be
made by May 15. For further details,
inquire of Dr. F. E. Robbins, 1021
Angell Hall.
,Application Forms for Fellowships
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1944-1945 may now be obtained from
the Office of the Graduate School.
All blanks must be returned to that
Office by Feb. 15 in order to receive
conlsiderationl. C. S. Yoakunm
French Lecture: Mr. Maurice Bar-
ret will give the fourth of the French
lectures sponsored by the Cercle
Francais on Thursday, Feb. 3, at 8:00
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The title of the lecture is: "Art et
Culture en Afrique du Nord" (illus-
All servicemen are admitted free of
charge to all lectures.
Lt. Tom Harmon will speak on
"The War Front Reports to the
Home" tonight at 7:30 in Hill Audi-
torium under the auspices of the
Post-War Council. There will be no
admission charge, but everyone at-
tending is urged to buy a war bond
or stamp at the door.
A cademic Notices
Directed Teaching Qualifying Ex-
amination: Students expecting to
elect D100 (Directed Teaching) next
term are required to pass a qualify-;
ing examination in the subject which
they expect to teach. This examina-
tion will be held on Saturday, Feb. 5,
at 1:00 p.m. This is a change from'
y Crockett Johnson

the date as originally announced.
Students will meet in the auditorium
of the University High School. The
examination will consume about
four hours' time. Promptness is
therefore essential.
Qualifying examinations in short-
hand and typewriting will be given
at ten o'clock Saturday morning,
Feb. 5, in 2022 UHS. Students who
think they are qualified to register
for the second semester courses in
shorthand and typewriting, as taught
under the Division for Emergency
Training, without taking the first
semester courses here, are urged to
take these examinations.
All students who expect to become
candidates for a Teacher's Certificate
in June or November, 1944, or Febru-
ary, 1945, should call at the office of
the School of Education for an appli-
cation blank for admission to candi-
dacy for the teacher's certificate,
which is to be returned by Monday,
Feb. 7.
Review Course in Calculus: Anyone
interested in taxing a review course
in calculus during the spring term,
please leave his name in the Mathe-
matics office, 3012 Angell Hall. Such
a course would be for students who
have had one year of calculus.
Directed Teaching for Spring
Term: All students expecting to elect
Education D100 (Directed Teaching)
next term must arrange for a prac-
tice teaching assignment before mak-
ing other elections. This can be done,
beginning Feb. 2 and continuing for
the remainder of the week, with Miss
Bell, Rm. 1437 University Elementary
School, daily from 8 to 12 and 1:30
to 4:30.
Registration Materials for Spring
Term: Colleges of L.S.&A. and Arch-
itecture; Schools of Education and
Music: Registration materials for
the spring term should be called for
now. Architect counselors will post
a notice when they are ready to
Robert L. Wiliams, Asst. Registrar
University of Michigan, College of
Engineering, Schedule of Examina-
tions: Feb. 21 to Feb. 26, 1944.
Note: For courses having both lec-
tures and quizzes, the time of exer-
cise is the time of the first lecture
period of the week; for courses hav-
ing quizzes only, the time of exercise
is the time of the first quiz period.
Drawing and laboratory work may
be continued through the examina-
tion period in amount equal to that
normally devoted to such work dur-
ing one week.
Certain courses will be examined
at special periods as noted below the
regular schedule. All cases of con-
flicts between assigned examination
periods must be reported for adjust-
ment. See bulletin board outside of
Rm. 3209 East Engineering Building
between Feb. 9 and Feb. 14, for in-t
struction. To avoid misunderstand-
nigs and errors, each student shouldc
receive notification from his instruc-t
tor of the time and place of his ap-
pearance in each course during the
period Feb. 21 to Feb. 26.;
NcP date of examination may be
changed without the consent of the
Classification Committee.


By Lichty


Letters to the Editor mnust be type-
written, double-spaced, on one sde of
the paper only and signed with the
name and address of the writer. Re-
Quests for anonymous publications will
be met.
Elections Clarified .. .
THE MEN'S Judiciary Council re-
grets that The Daily overplayed
the statement released by this body
in connection with the disqualifica-
tion of two candidates for the Vic-
tory Ball election. The offense was
of a technical nature and certainly
does not attach a stigma to the name
of either.
Our statement was released as
quoted. No other remarks were made,
nor were any other quotations au-
thorized. It was necessary to take
this measure inasmuch as two of our
members, Allan Mactier and Bunny -
Crawford, were quoted in Sunday's
Daily. Neither of them has made a
One of the candidates, Allan H.
Anderson, has made a statement
to be found in this paper. We have
read it and believe it to be true.
Mr. Anderson does not attempt to
deny his technical infraction of
the rule.
The council is particularly disap-
pointed in the attitude of the student
body regarding our action. The typi-
cal statement is, "Why try to keep
elections honest? They have been
illegal for years. I don't see any rea-
son for all this trouble."
Student government, to be effec-
tive, must be honest. If a student
body desires to conduct its affairs
without University regulation, it
must prove and prove again, every
day, that it is capable of so doing.
The Men's Judiciary Council be-
lieves that its action will tend to
promote honest student govern-
ment in the future.
We hope this statement will serve
to clarify a bad situation.
--Men's Judiciary Council
It's Fuller's Mp . ..
T UT, TUT, on the last page of Fri-
day's Daily, you published a pic-
ture of some Prof. Fisher from Yale
holding "his" new-type map. He may
have it. He may own it. He may
even have made it. But I believe that
Mr. Buckminster Fuller first thought
it up. Life published an article on it
a few months ago.
I naturally will stick up for Mr.
Fuller because he and I have one
thing in common: we are both engi-
neers. Then again, Yale is just an-
other "Lit school." There is a fine
way to find out all about Yale: read
what Harvard says about Yale, then
read what M.I.T. (Mass. Institute of
Technology to you westerners) says
about Harvard. You'll enjoy that.
-Frank D. Amon
M.P.2 3, 4; French
... . *Tuesday, Feb. 22 10:30-12:30.
Economics 53, 54
..*Wednesday, Feb. 23 2:00- 4:00
ME.3; Drawing 2
. ...Thursday, Feb. 24 8:00-10:00
E.E.2a; Draw.3, Spanish, Ger.
....Friday, Feb. 25 2:00- 4:00
. Tuesday, Feb. 22 8:00-10:00
* This may be used as an ireglar
period, provided there is no conflict
with the regular printed schedule
Schedule of Final Examinations,
College of Literature, Science aid
the Arts and School of Music: Feb.
21 to Feb. 2, 1944.
Time of Time of
Exercise Examination

Monday at
8 .......Fri., Feb. 25, 10:30-12:30
9.....Mon., Feb. 21, 10:30-12:30
10 .......Fri., Feb. 25, 8:00-10:00
11...... Tues., Feb. 22, 2:00- 4:00
1 ...... Thur., Feb. 24, 2:00- 4:00
2.......Tues., Feb. 22, 8:00-10:00
3........ Sat., Feb. 26, 8:00-10:00
Tuesday at
8.......Sat., Feb. 26, 10:30-12:30
9 .....Thur., Feb, 24, 10:30-12:30
10.....Wed., Feb. 23, 8:00-10:00
11...... Wed., Feb. 23, 10:30-12:30
1.......Mon., Feb. 21, 2:00- 4:00
2 ....... Sat., Feb. 26, 2:00- 4:00
3.......Wed., Feb. 23, 2:00- 4:00
Special Periods
School of Music: Individual In-
struction in Applied Music. Individ-
ual examinations by appointment
will be given for all applied music
courses (individual instruction) elec-
ted for credit in any unit of the Uni-
versity. For time and place of exam-
inations, see Bulletin Board at the
School of Music. *
College of Literature, Science, and
tim Arts:
Political Science 1, 2, 51, 161
Mon., Feb. 21, 8:00-10:00
Speech 31, 32; French 1, 2, 11, 31,
32, 53, 61, 91, 92, 153
......... Tue., Feb. 22, 10:30-12:30
English 1, 2; Economics 51, 52, 53,
Sa1A W l ~7.ar?~l 'Pth '2 ) - nn - Ad-nn

the Mooney case, and Sacco and Vanzetti) but al
of them are cases in which the civil liberties an
economic rights of little men were violated, an
no one did enough to help them. A history o
labor's part in the movement for woman suf
frage, for child labor laws, abolition of slavery
the eight-hour day. Material from other -coun
tries, an Upton Sinclair expose published in Jap
anese not too many years ago, literature from
the Spanish Civil War (workers were interna-
tionalists before the much-mouthed "interna-
tional cooperation" we hear of today). And no
just material from the past, but current things
as well.
The Collection doesn't need to be opened to
sight-seers who "want to look the stuff over."
But the University should provide sufficient
money and staff to really put the Collection in
order, and. then should publicize the fact that
the Labadie Collection exists: for the use of
professors, seminar students, labor research
1 there a fable a-bout diamonds in the back


Time of
Monday at
8 ..... .Friday, Feb.

LThadve f Sp wi , l9WI be 1

Tiime dft
25 10:30-12:30
21 10:30-12:30
25 8:00-10:00


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9 . . . . Monday, Fe
10 . .. .Friday, Fe
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