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January 29, 1944 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-29

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King Scores 27 Points ,as Cagers Lose to

Bucks' Height Proves Too Much j
Wolverines;- Teams Clash Tonight
Blth BILLTmU D poreBig' Ten scoring, sank a two-pointer Architect quintet. Bud Rank
Although Tonm King poured 27 to sew up the game. Risen added a Renner, and Bob Stevens star
points through the meshes in one of free throw after the gun had sounded the winners.
ten finest scoringexhibtions er to complete the Buckeye total. The two teams will clash ag
seen on a Michigan court, the hard- Stra ck, Leddy Lost on Fouls8pm.torwnihath
fighting Wolverines dropped their The game was hotly contested all p.m. tomorrow night at th
sixh Cnfeenc gae i seen tars Te gme as otl cotesed llHouse. The Wolverines will b(
sixth Conference game in seven starts the way as both teams guarded close- an even break in the series an
to a much taller Ohio State five last ly. Michigan lost Dave Strack and elusive second Conference vict
night in a contest almost unsur- John Leddy via the foul route in the
passed for thrills, closing minutes of play, which seri-
The game was a see-saw battle from ously hampered their efforts in the Another Tough Or
the outset, the lead changing nine stretch drive.
times in the first five minutes. At Although King led the scoring, all OHIO STATE (53) G F
this point Michigan jumped into a of the Wolverines played bang-up Grate, f............3 0
five-point lead and succeeded in hold- games, especially in combatting the DuGe, f. 4
ing its margin until a few minutes four inch height deficit. Leddy did Risen, c.7........... 8
before the half ended. With the a creditable job in holding the great Huston, g. ... . . . 0 0
Wolverines out in front 23-19 and Grate down to three field goals, and Bowen, g.4 3
only a minute to play, Buckeye for- Elroy Hirsch worked valiantly on the Gunton g........2 1
ward, Jack Dugger, sank two quick backboards. Strack, who, until last McQuade, g'.........0 .)
buckets to knot the count at 23-all night's game, was tied with King for
as the teams departed for the dress- high scoring honors on the Michigan Totals.20 13
ing rooms. squad, was pretty well bottled up by
Buckeyes Take Lead Buckeye Bob Bowen and garnered MICHIGAN (49) G F
The second half opened auspicious- only six points. King, f....11 5
ly for the Maize and Blue as King Risen Leads Ohio State Strack, f.....,....3 0
sank three charity tosses, but the Big gun in the Ohlo State attack Thompson, f..0 0
Ohio Staters turned on the heat, was Risen who gathered 22 points on Hirsch, c..2 3
mainly through the efforts of Arnie seven baskets and eight free throws, Wells, c........1 0
Risen, 6 ft. 8% in. center whose play besides giving his team an edge on Lund, g.,...... 0 2
on the backboards was probably the the backboards. Teammate Bob Bow- Leddy, g..2 1
deciding factor in the game. The tall en placed second for the Bucks with Shrider, g.......,..0 0
pivotman plunked in seven points in 11 points.
two minutes as the Bucks drew out By his performance King pulled Totals .......,., .19 11
into what appeared to be a safe into the Conference scoring lead once;
seven-point margin, again, now having a total of 97 points Half Time Score-Michiga
Michigan caine back gamely with against Grate's 91. Stan Patrick of Ohio State 23.
King hitting from all over the floor, Illinois, other scoring leader, did not State: ugger , Risen 3, -
as he garnered 13 of the next 17 Wol- add to his total since the Illini Bowen 3, Grate.
verine markers, and with about a were idle.Boe3,Gae
minute to go tied it up at 49-49. At In a preliminary contest the Mich- Michigan-King 2, Lund,
this point Dugger caged a free throw igan reserves coasted to an easy 60-21 2, Hirsch3.
and Don Grate, current co-leader in victory over a badly outclassed Naval

or Matmen Meet
T ough Purdue
Squad Today

in, Art
red for
gain at
e Field
be after
id their
3 6
2 9
2 22
4 0
0 11
3 5
0 0
14 53



an 23,

Both Teams Unbeaten
In Previous Matches;-
Close Score Expected
Michigan's wrestling team will
meet the powerful Boilermakers at
3 p.m. today in the Field House, in a
match that will go far in determin-
ing the outcome of the 1944 Confer-
ence champion.
Both teams will present untar-
nished slates when they enter this
contest, and both squads have been
rated as pre-season favorites to fin-
ish strongly in the final Big Ten
tabulations. Purdue has swept aside
such formidable opposition as North-
western, Illinois and Wheaton Col-
lege, while Michigan has only seen
action once, and that was a tripmph
against Ohio State.
Teams Have Looked Impressive
The Boilermakers have had mor;
actual combat than the Maize and
Blue matmen this year ara they
have looked impressive in their three
starts so far, but tb,; Wolverines
looked equally impressive in their
one match, as their steam-roller
score against the Buckeyes tends to
indicate. Al,:), Coach Ray Courtright
has not cen letting any moss grow
under the feet of his wrestlers, and
the iack of actual matches has been
%iade up by frequent intra-squad
These intra-squad matches have
kept the Michigan wrestling team in
good shape and have tended to cor-
rect any of the major mistakes which
the team makes in the heat of bat-
tle. The Wolverines have had inten-
sive workouts ever since their last
mnat'ch, with the Buckeyes, and they
will be as ready as ever to meet Pur-
due today.
Squads Are Composed of Veterans
Coaches Reeck and Courtright
have two teams which would make
any coach in the Big Ten proud to
have. Both teams are star-studded,
and there are few of the men who
will participate in today's matches
who haven't had considerable wrest-
ling experience at some school or
Corky felt that he was working his
squad too hard. so there was no
intensive practice this week, as he
didn't want his boys to get stale
before this important meet with the
team from Lafayette.
Neither of the squads have met the
same opponent this season, so there
is no basis for comparative scores.
Therefore, the meet could go either

Sextet Seeks
Third Victory
Over McMaster
Although tonight's hockey '?ame
with. McMaster University was ar-
ranged only this week, chances are
that fans will have an opportunity
to see an excellent tussle when the
two teams take to the ice at 8:00 p.m.
McMaster was contacted only
Tuesday when the AAU refused to
sanction the game scheduled with
the Blue Frontier team from Buffalo,
N.Y. However, the McMaster coach
has been angling for a game with the
varsity for some time, and Coach
Eddie Lowrey was glad to be able to
work in a game with the University
McMaster, which is in Hamilton,
Ont., has played other games this
season and was victorious when meet-
ing sextets from Siulte Sainte Marie
and from Clevcland. Being a Cana-
dian club, tie chances are that it will
provide stiff opposition.for the reju-
venat,4d varsity pucksters.
Lowrey is planning to start the
same lineup which proved so success-
ful in last Saturday's game with the
RCAF lads from Fingal, Ont. The
aggressive forward wall of Vince
Abbey and Johnny Jenswold at the
wings and Ted Greer in the center
lane, which accounted for six of last
week's eight goals, will again be called
on to pour them in, and they will be
backed up by the well-coordinated
second line composed of Captain Bob
Derleth, at center, and Jack Athens
and Gordie Anderson at wings.
Defensively, Lowrey is counting on
Tom Messinger and Bob Henderson,
scrappy naval trainees who played'
sixty-minute hockey last week, and
sixty minutes of smart hockey. Dick
Mixer will again be in the nets.
way and is rated as a toss-up. The}
only thing certain when these two
powerhouses of the Midwest collide,
is that they will provide many thrills
in a slam-bang affair.
Starting Lineups
Reichert 121 Liang
Gittins 128 Johnson
Oberly 136 Nettesheim
Warrick 145 Aerne
Curtis 155 Copple
Wilson 165 Shepard
Galles 175 Herseh
Greene Hvy. McMillen

Buckeyes, 53-49
Daily Sports Editor
WHEN LOWELL OBERLY, Wisconsin-now-Michigan 135-pounder, steps
out on the mat this afternoon at the Field House for his match
with Purdue's Dannie Nettesheim, he may be more nervous and tense than
usual. And, if he is, the reason will be his Boilermaker opponent.
Don't get the impression that Lowell is afraid of Dannie, or that
he lacks confidence in what he can do, It's nothing like that. There's
a deeper reason behind it. You see, Lowell and Dannie are boyhood
pals and have chummed around together since they first met in the
seventh grade at Washington High School in Malwaukee, Wis. "He's
just like a brother to me," Lowell said.
We've fooled around a lot together on the mat," he added, "but this
is the first time in our lives that we'll be wrestling each other under
different colors. We're as close as any pair of brothers could be. I can
remember the last time we fought for keeps back in 1941, but that was
when we were on the same team. For some reason or other, this is different."
OBERLY'S reference to the 1941 meeting was the Wisconsin AAU
tournament in Milwaukee. Both he and Nettesheim were entered
in the 135-tound division. It was their last year at Washington High
and they were all set to toss everything at each other, including the
referee. The match, as you might have guessed, was a terrific struggle
all the way. And, as expected, it ended in a 3-3 tie. however, the
judges liked Lowell's aggressiveness, and awarded him the match on
that basis. '1his victory gave him a fourth in the 135-pound division
of the tournament.
Of course, they first started battling each other back in grade school.
"We sat in the same classes next to each other for six straight years,"
Lowell said, "and were just as close as brothers could be." They both tried
out for the high school team in their freshman year, and Oberly beat his
chum out in the 125-pound class. The following year Lowell put on weight
and moved up to 135 pounds which he won easily, while Dannie stuck to
125 and also won. By the senior year they were both wrestling at 135
pounds and Dannie was shading Lowell consistently.
"We wrestled a great deal this summer," Lowell said, "and it was
just like old times. One day I'd just manage to beat him and then he'd
come back the next day and ni me. I often thought about wrestling
against Dannie when I went to Wisconsin in the fall of 1941 and lae went
to Purdue. We thought about going to college together, but Dannie
wanted to be an engineer and I had my eye on physical education.
And so we wound up in different schools."
0BERLY completed two years at Wisconsin before enlisting in the
Marine Reserves. That's how he happened to end up at Michigan
as Coach Ray Courtright's star 135-pounder. And Nettesheim is a jiunior
at Purdue. Both competed in the Conference finals at Evanston last year.
Nettesheeim was second in the 135-pound division, while Oberly lost out in
the second round, 13-12 in overtime, to Hal Brunner who went on to win
the title at 128 pounds.
Courtright liked Oberly's possibilities. "He's fast, aggressive and
ambitious.. He learns quickly and should do well in the Conference
next month," Courtright said.

Woiverite Swimmers To
Face Purdue Here Today

The Maize and Blue swimmers
should have little trouble in gaining
their second Conference win at 2:30
this afternoon when they play host
to Purdue at the Sports Building
Today's meet, which is Michigan's
first home Big Ten meet of the year,
will be just another warmup for the
Wolverines as the Boilermakers have
a rather unimpressive squad. Their
main hope seems to rest on the
shoulders of Phil Hansel, newly elect-
ed captain, who is entered in the 220
and 440-yard swims.
Wolverines Favored for Team Honors
As Purdue looked rather unim-
pressive against the Northwestern
tank squad, Michigan, who easily ov-
erpowered the Wildcats Jan. 15, are
odds on favorites to win the team
honors. The Wolverine mermen will
have a hard time, however, taking
all of the individual honors. Besides
their captain, the Boilermakers boast
fine swimmers in Bill Porter and Ted
Salmon, both V-12 transfers, who

will compete in the free style events.
Matt Mann's freshman breaststroke
star, Heini Kessler, will have Jimmie
McMullen and Bob Barnard, who fin-
ished second and third, respectively,
in the Northwestern meet, for his
competition. Completing the Purdue
entrants are Bob Brogan, Indianap-
olis freshman, in the distances; Hugh
Woolverton and Bob Huntington in
the backstroke, and Claude Bower in
the diving events.
Mermen Bid for Win
The Wolverine swimmers will be
endeavoring to redeem themselves to-
morrow after their defeat at the
hands of the Great Lakes Bluejackets.
Matt Mann will pit his crack relay
team of Church, Fries, Cory, and
Pulakus, against the Boilermakers,
along with Kessler, and John Mc-
Carthy, backstroker.
Michigan should conquer the Boil-
ermakers, in view of their past tri-
umph of Northwestern, but Purdue
will provide a stiff competition for
the Wolverines during the meet.

Third F1M tCage
Bout Is Today
The All - Campus Intramural
League tournament continues play
with its third cage bout starting at
1:30 p.m. today in the Sports Bldg.
The Phi Delta Theta Blues, favored
team of League I will meet Theta
Delta Chi at 1:'30 p.m., while Sigma
Chi will battle Theta Chi, and The
Michigan Daily will be paired against
Phi Alpha Kappa. At 2:30 p.m. Sigma
Alpha Epsilon will oppose Nu Sigma
Nu in League II's feature game.
Alpha Tau Omega is scheduled to
play Phi Delta Theta Whites, with
Acacia meeting Phi Chi.
League III begins playing at 3:30
p.m. matching Delta Tau Delta
against Phi Gamma Delta while Sig-
ma Alpha Mu will tangle with the
Naval Officers. Sigma Phi Epsilon is
scheduled to practice at this time.

I , "I Islom 1 11 - , - - - .- I .., - - -







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